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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1896)
bj.i miLiijmPwomiwww mi..'. WWWaB",8aW''TU"TIW"UI nrwiwwMwwiwii" i,wiwi,m.. mm.nn., .-..ii-ifc;w. iWMUMW1 ii1..lJ..4.JW'TCiMBI-J.le. . aufeteti.vtrTOnstjoo woustrS llor ComitlrM aukii . t.iuul. ixti'it Mini fnrm Tho announcement tlint Cft4"m Vic toria, la lo leave, by will, Osboruo house Jo one daughter, tho leftso of Abergol Olo homo to another, find Balmoral, tho royal residence In the lllnhlnmls, 10 tho duke of Connaught, recalls tho fact thnt the man wha would devour this par tlculnr wldov,'r, hoiiBca nulst mnko an uncommonly full meal, says an ex change. It was discovered n few yenrs elnco that the queen owned GOO houses in various parts of England, not royal residences, but rcnt-yleldlng property, and that about .C.U00 houses had been built by crown lessees on building leaseholds held by the queen. Sho then had also rents from markota and tolls from ferries, .besides tho proceeds of mlnpB and other works upon her prop erty or tho crown property. Sho had largo estates In Yorkshire, Oxfordshire and Berks, valuable lands In tho Iole of Man and In Alderney, Scotland, Ire land and Wales, Of tho New Forest thcro are 2,000 acres of absolute and nlxty-tlirco acres of contingent crown property. Her mnjesty enjoys Incomo from tho forect of Dean, from several other forests and from rich properties In and about London. Osborne, on tho Isle of Wight, and Balmoral la tho highlands are the prlvato property of tho queen and are maintained ont of her own Income. But eho has the upo of a few royal palaces besides and these aro maintained by tho nation at an annual expenditure ranging from $2,500 to $50,000. Tho qucon Ib lu the occupancy of Bucking ham pajaco, Windsor castle, the whlto lodgo at Richmond park and part of fit. James' palace. The jfonialndor of tho lastnamed palace Is occupied by other members of tho royal family. Other royal palaces maintained as such nlthough not in tho occupancy of tho queen, are Kensington palaco, Hamp ton court, which, according to a recent r cstlmato based on the statistics of eight or ten years, costs the nation on tho r averago over $70,000 a year; Kew r palace, Pombroko lodge, the thatched cottage and Sheen cottage, Richmond park, Busby houso in Bushy park and Holyrood palaco. Tho queen when sho visits the continent has ono great houso or another, with whatever repairs and refurnishing aro necessary to fit it for a temporary royal occupant, although for all this she pays out of her own in come Bagshot house, Gloucester houso and Clarence houso are palatial dwel- . lings occupied by various members of ' tho royal family. Tho queen has four rather old-fashioned yachts, on which she makos her pea Journeys, although tho oldest of thorn probably is used seldom or never. v The four cost originally about $1,375, 000. Tho newest Is of 1,890 tons' dis placement and cost a trlflo over $500,- r 000. It cost annually about $G5,000. Frank Jm ai an Rxprtm Ounrd. Frank James as a guard on express tralnB carrying large amounts of money or valuables Is ono of tho novelties tho express pooplo are now arranging. Ne gotiations have beon In progress now for soveral weeks, but tho possibilities ore that they will bo closed up wlthtn a few days. Tho effect of James' name, in view of his fonnor prowess In rob bing trains himself, Is what tho express companies aro aiming after. They do pot know, they say, that he could atop a determined rpbber any more than ono of their own messengers, but they think the ordinary train robber would hesitate to tackle him. James Is will ing to accept tho position, and guaran tee that no train In his charge will be robbed exeept ovor his dead body,- with but ono single provision, and that 1b that 'tho express people put up a bond of $20,000, this amount to go to his widow in case of hla death. Tho ex press people aro Inclined to yield to this, though there Ib somo opposition. Joints haB been firm In standing out for It, und will not go on tho road unless . the bond Ib fixed up to his satisfaction. Clnco he became a respectable, law abiding citizen he 'has taken very good core of his family, and he doea not pro pose to commence dqlng anything olae . now. When the negotiations were first begun bo was asked if he could ahoot with both hands. "Woll," ho replied, "It used to bo that I could, and I guoas I have not forgot ten how yet." James has been working steadily for soma time, but has never been able to mako an exorbitant salary, and for that reason would be willing to take the risk of this venture. As one of his friends Bays. "It is rot as much risk as he has taken on hundreds of occasions beforo when out on his raids. The only differ ence would be that In this he would havo the law on his side." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Ilsr S.x Unr.atonlne, "There Is no use talking," began Mro. Gobang. "I know It." interrupted Gobang, ''and the fact that you persist in talking utter making that declaration elmply proves what I have often assort ed regarding the lack of logic in tho ifcmale sex. Now, proceed with your 'lecture." Truth. ' A Diinceroot t'xportmsat. Miss Antique (school-teacher) "What docs w-h-i-te spell?" Claw (no answer). ' Miss Antitfue "What is the color of my skin" CIobs (In chorus) "yellow." Nw jVork Weekly. Life. Mow strangoly tlo life's prizes go. Awarded by the crowd; grao triumph by the .things they know Aad uorne by tu'hlng loud. The herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. I'iiMIhIioI ntory Krltlar and enUrol nt tlio imat-ulUre In llrmlnpfonl. NdirAftka, im ftocniiil rlao mll tnnttrr. Xiik llElUI.niiiilevutrd to the Intnroiiti of 1 1 cm I rut ford and Uox ltaltn county. TIIOS. J. O'KUEFH, PublUher. RUBBOniFTION IUTKS1 ONETKAtl 910 BIX MONTHS 7ft COUNTY OFPXOK118. P.M. PiiELrs , ....Clerk. A. M.Mil.Lim , TrraMirpr. Jar. II. II. Hkwktt .JikIkh. E. 1'. Hwkknet , ahfirlir. II. F. Oilman .Attorney. Mips A. K. Nkei.axi) Haporintumlfnt. CruK.lIruNN Hurrr-yor, Dn.V.K. Mim.kii . , ..Coronor. 1)K. Ij. W. lloWMAN.. l'liyairlnn. jAMKHlUnnv CoranilaRloncrlBti)li.t. Jar. Hor.MNitAKE CommlMlonor ml Dint. O. V. Duncan CommIfmloncr8nlDit. ' ' i i i i I Democratic Ticket, For President, WM. J. HIIYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice President, ARTHUR SE WALL, of Maicc. FOU I'ltBSIDENTIAL ELECTORS: FRED METZ, 811., f Douglas. O. W. PALM, of Lancaster. F. J. HALE, of MntllMHi. X. PIASOEKI, of Howard. N. O. ALBERTS, of Clay. S. L. KOST11YZE, of Saline. M. F. HARRINGTON, of Holt. J. N. CAMPBELL, of Nance. For Governor, SILaS A. 1IOLCOMB, of Custer. For Lieutenant Governor, JOHN E. HARRIS, of Ncmnlia. For Secretary of State, WM. F. PORTER, of Merrick. For Auditor, J. F. CORNELL, of Richardson. For Treasurer. J. II. MESERVE, or Red Willow. For Sup't Public Instruction, WM. 11. JACKSON, of Holt.' For Com'r Pub Lands and IiiilMIngs, J. V. WOLFE, of Lancaster. For Attorney General, C.J. SMYTH, of Douglas. For Supreme .Turtle, (4 years), WM. NEVILLE, of Lincoln. For Supreme Judge, (2 yeans), J. KIRKPATRlUK,of Lancaster. For Regent State University, A. A. M UN ROE, of Douglas. For Congressman. Sixth District, WM. L. GREENE, of Buffalo. For County Attotnov, W. M. IODENCE, of Dorsey. For Commissioner Second District. JAM US HOLL1NRAKE. I havo beon called an anarchist because I havo opposed tho trusts and syndicates which would manago this countiy. I am glad to have tho opposition of thorn mon. I am glad that if I am elected thcro is not a trust or a syndicate that can como to mo and say, "Wo put you there now pay us back. William Jennings Bryan. Notice to Non-reldent Defendant. In tho District Court ot Uox Uutto county, Nebraska. Wilijam N. PxxnsoN ) vs. MabtA 1'KinsoK. ) Mary A. Ptrson, defendant, will take notice that on tho Mh day ot beptemlier, ltift, tho plaintiff herein tiled his petition in thodUtrict cvuit of Uox Rutto comity, Nebraska, against said defendant, the objact andprajerof which is to procure a divorce from tho bond of matri mony existing between tho parties hereto, and any further relief which the court may doom equitable. iou are required to answer said petition on or before tho luth day of October, lKW. Dated ri)U 10. WM. WILLIAM N. PEARSON, Plaintiff. By L. A. IlEnuv. his attorney. L. W. BOWHAN Physician anil Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms ami residenco in Draver hlock, up stairs. Special attentiou given to dis eases of children . All parties desiring to mako final proof can hayo their papers made ont at The Hekau office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to tho laud office. TO RENT. The undersigned will rent his farm in Sec. 12-30-48, at AYanatah postofiice, Dawes county, for the year 1897. "Will furnish seed, teams and machinery if required. Thf.o. Giijbins, "Wanatah, Neb. Final -Proof N6tic6r Ho. J. W. Wkfih, Jn., IlrwUtOT. Jlo.V. P. M. Hitoo.ME, ItccBlvnr. l'artlcn having notlceit In tliUcolnmu aro rr nnctHl to read the wimo curf fully and re pott to tlila olllm for correction any trrorn tiiat may nxlnt. Tli in will provont ioeslllo delay, iu rnnkirot proof. Iml OIHco nt Alliance, Nob.. Opt, 14. 1MW. Notice! hcruuy Klven thut tho following named nattier hwi filed notico of hla intnullotl to mako final proof In nupport ot his claim ant) that raid proof will bo mado before Ituftittnr or JlocelTcr itt Alllanoo, Nob., on October it, IBM, HORACE P. V1LLMOIIK, of Hcmtnnfurd, Neb., who made T. C. entry No. 7ttJ for the a w H eo 13, tp !OI, r ). Ho namea tho followin wltneitroa to proTn hla claim to wild land, viz; Kamnel II Harrison, Prod Abley, Jamea Curry, (J. E. ltoienbergcr, all ot Hemingford, Neb. J. V. WciiN.Jn.. HcRiHtr. Land Olllco at Allianco, Neb., 8erL 23, 1890. NoUw la hereby Riven that tho followiiiK named settler has filed notico ot his intention to mako final proof in anpport of his claim, and toat wild proof will bo made IwforH ItpglnW and llocolviT at Alliance, Neb., on Nov. 1U, 1VM JAMES C. WOOD, otMaraland, Neb., who mado RE No. 8022 for the a Y no H, nw i so H & no H sw U see '27, tp SO n, r BO vr. Ho uamea tho following wltncaacs to prove hla contlnuuua realdcnco upon and cultivation ot raid land, viz: Fidelia In Hnneyman. Krnma l'nrdey, Albert Palmer of Maraland, Neb., Bl mon 11. WriKht. ot Belmont, Nob. Also, EMMA PUHDKY, of Harsland, Nob., who mado II Eno. 8607 for the nwJireS.',li!!lln,r M) w. tiho namea the followlni: witnesses to provo her continnoua residence up and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Fidelia L. Honeyraan, James O. WoimI. Allwrt Palmer of Marsland, Nob., Himoa II. Wright, of Uelmont. Noli. Also FIDELIA L. HONKVMAU. nno Kondrlck, at Marsland, Neb., who mado timber culture entry No. tlT for the e ',4 nw H & lots 1 & 3, sea SO, tp)n.r60w. Blio names the following to provo her contin uous residence npoii and cultivation ot said land, viz: Emma Pnrdey, James O. Wood, Al bert Palmer of Marsland, Nob., Blmon B. Wright, ot liolmont. Neb. J. W. Wkiin, Jr., ItcBlster. U. 8. Land Ofliro, Alllanoo, Nob., Hept. 25, 1890. Notico is hereby given that ANTON ZABKA. JR, ot Clarkson, Nob., has filed notico ot intention to make final proof beforo Register or Receiver nt their oilieoln Alliance, Neb., Novemltor Dili, 1W0, on timber culture application No. C05, for tho sw i se) 12, tp 'is n, rg 17 w Ho namea as witnessoa: Jacob Lamcrick, James McCalic, Alexander O. Rosa, Danlol Mey ers, all of Uox Uutto, Nob. J. W. Weiin, JR., Register. TJ. 0. Land OfTice, Alliance, Neb., Bept. 25, 1800 Notice is horoby given that JACOB MORAVA, has filed notice ot intention to mako final proof beforo Comity Jtidgoot Uox Uutto Co., Neb., at his olllco In llumlnnford, Neb., on November 7, lKufl, on tlmlier eulturo nppllcation. No. 4Xi, for n 'A so H, ne U sw U it lot 0, sec 0 tp Wn, rg !2vr Ho names as witnesses: AngUBlna H. Mo ItnghllH, Edward Crigler. ot Marsland. Nob., Anton Zajlc, John Zalln, of Hemingford, Nob. J. V. Weiin, Jit., Register U. B. Land Oflio e, Alliunce. Neb., Kept. 20, UW, Notico Ih horoby that KOaiER NORTH, Of Kcwanee, 111 , has filed notico of Intention to makelinal proof beforo Clerk Circuit Court, BtarkCo.. 111., and witnesses will give testimony beforo Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on November!), lS'JO, on timber cnlturo applica tion mo. 'Jit, for tho s w Vi hi-o 20. tp 20 n, r Mw, Honrmesaswitnevses: Edgar Swoozoy, Heniy Bweezoy, David A. Paul, of Hemingford, Neb., Robert B. bhipley, of Alliance, Neb. J. W. Weiin, Jr., Register. Land OIHce at Alliance, Neb , BepU 30, ISM. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notico of hit- Intention to mako flual proof in support of his claim and thst eaid proof will bo made beforo Register and Receiver at Allianco, Neb., on Nov. U, lt9l). viz: JOHN V. HOLL1NRAUE, of Hemingford, Neb., who mado H E No. SC20 for tho h w sec , tp M n, r 49 vr. Ho names thn following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon and cultiation of said land, iz: Michael R. Murphy, Leo Frouapfel, James P. Wholan, William Frlol, all ot Heiniugford, Neb. J.W.W".JR.,RecIster. U. B. 1-anil Oilire, Alliance, Neb., Oct. 12. K'X. Notice is hereby given that AHRAM A. W1LLET, of Anselmo, eb., has filed notico ot intention to makn final proof before Register or Receiver at Allianco, Neb., on tho 2.'itli day of NiemtK'r, lWHO.on timber eulturo appMcatlon No. IV, for tho nw U seo 20. tp 27 n. rg R2 w. He names as witnesses: John Bedlacek, James Rriuia, i harlcs l'osvar, Martin Posar, all ot Lawn. Nob. Alro Notico Is hsroby given that THOMAS E. III! YAN of Hough, Neb , has hied notico of in tention to mako final proof at Kmu timoaud placo on timncr culture application no. 01W for tho ne'i seo 20, tp 30 n, rg I!) w. tlo names as witnesses: Charles F. Dorgan, William Smith, William W.Tjreo, James W. Tyiio, all of Hough, Nob. J. W. Wkhn, Jn., Reglstor. In tho District Court of Uox Uutto County. Anna O., Plaintiff. vs: Clementine A. MoKinnet, Defendant. Clcmentlno A. MoKinney dofondaut, will tako notice that on the 10th day of August. l"tt), An na 1 Heed plaintiff herein filed her petition in the district court ot Uox Uutto county. Nebras ka, against you the said defendant, the object nnu prayer oi wiucn is 10 iorociOio a certain mortgago oxecuteu ny tlio ilefendant to tho American Loan and Trust Company upon tho normwesi qnarier oi section u, in lownslilp 25 north, ranuo 40 west ot tho tith n. in.. In lint Uutto county, Nebraska, to secure tho payment of one promissory note dated May -, 1WK), for tno sum ot ?Juo, and uun and payable on tho 1st day ot May 1MB, bearing interest at the rato ot 7 per cent per annum from dato. Said notoand mortgage was fora valuable consideration, be fore tho same tieramo due, duly sold, assigned and delivered to tho plaintiff, who is now tho owner thereof and of tho money duo thereon and there is now due the plaintiff from the de fendant upon raid note and mortgage, tho sum of Saw, with Interest thereon, from tho 1st day of May lMtl, at the rate of trn per cent per an num, and the further sum of (11.01 for taxes paid on said premises to protect her security with Intorest thereon nt ten per cent per annum from tho lath day of July lblll, for which sums with the Interest thereon, plaintiff prajs fora decree, Uiat tho defendant bo required to pay tho same, or thnt said mortgago may bo fore closed and said premises may ho sold according to law to satisfy the amou.U found duo. Von are required to answer aid ixtitlon on or beforo tho Sud day of November 18'JQ. Dated Bept. 31, 1MM. . .. Anna O. Rrsd, Plaintiff, Hy W. M. Iodence, her attorney. f Ii Sept. 25. Notice to Non-reAldent Defendant. In tho district conrt ot Tloi Uutto couutr. Willium It. Abbey, plaintiff T8. Annie I. Fnnnim:, W. H. Fanning and W. J. llovrdra, defendants. Tho abovo named ilefendent W. J. Bow-den, will tako notion that on tho Mil day ot Aiixuat itofl. William It, Abbey plaintiff horeln filed his petition in the district court of linx Uutto connt y against tho abovo named defendant, tho object and prayer of which aro to foreclomia certain niurtK&go oiecuUxl hy tho defendant Anniu L. Fanning to the. American Imestiudnt company upon the southeast uuarUrot nection 21 in towntiliip 27 north, ranKo 43 west of the nixtli principal meridian in Mox Uutto county Nebraska, to securo thepayinout of one certain promiitHory ncto for tho eum of t400.00. datod March Mh lKh", and duo and payable Deo. lut 1MU with intercut thereon payable semiannually and on which time of jaynieiit was afterward), extended the jears from maturity thereof. Baid note aud mortgago containH tho condition that if any interest on eaid note is not iaid within twenty days otter tho paam Iwcomee due, then the principal shall immediately txx-omo duo and payable at the option of tho holder thereof, bald noto and mortmain) wa before the rame became due fur a valuable coiifidara tionduly uKsiitned totheplaiutitl who ia now the holder and owner thereof Allot the intereht which Ucamodno on mild priucipal note outho tirxt ilayof Dix-. Is'JJ.anU since that time still remain unpaid aud tho plamtitf elect- to declare tho principal and in terest tloJro on due ami pajahlo at once. And there is nowdue the jilaintuf onMxhl noto and mortgage tho sum ot tM00.uo, with interest thre on from tho 1st day of J line lttn, at Un per cont ler annum. 1' aintilf pray for a deoreo that llioilf'.Hiulpnta LnriMuiriil to liar tho ume or ' X&VwAr ...-. -- '-,--" .-- .," ., . it no hoiu to sntisiy mo Yiiiiarurtiuired toanawer said petition on or twforn the 11th day of September Ib'M. Dated AUSUtttl,IHi4S. WILMAM IX. AnilKY, rialnliff, By 0. K. Si'iQirr. his attorney. fp 8-7 4w. VWaaM W. VHAM4WhMU k Closing Out Sale!... . 1 have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. H. H, PIERCE, Proprietor of LiYery AND We lmvo first-class stock and doublo and Bincde rigB, which we furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder aro unexcollcd in tho city. Give ub a call. JJSF" Stable Corner Box Butte Avenuo and Sheridan Street. T II E STYLE 201 Tou can buy it at tho factory price from us for $88 Heigh 75 Inches, French Plate Mirror, Patent Fall Board. Mouse Proof, BOLID WALNUT or OAK Guaranteed for 5 years by manufacturer and by us. We pay freight to any point In Nebraska. We furnish stool, book and chart. Write for terms. ORGANS from $20 and up. : PIANOS from $40 and up. A. HOSPE, Jr. iiuntioB tbisoaosr.) Omaha, Neb. Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los An gelese leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats andbacks and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels,, soap and etc. An experienced excursion con ductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany ,it through to tho Pacific coast. While neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look at as a palaco sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets aro honored and tho price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only Si. For a folder giving full par ticulars, call at the nearest 13. & M. R. R. ticket office. Or, writo to J. Francis, Gen'l.Pass'r Agent Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb. Now Short Line to Ilelena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacoiun Cr. I. & "W. O. Time Oclx'cI. KABT IlOUXtt. Xo. i2, nnssBtiKiir nrrhes ut " Rfrllit " " 48 freight nrrlvtiH at WK8T BOUND. .no, ii paenKur urrlves at " ofrululit . 1:23 a.m. 6:lu p. ni. 10:'J5 u. m. 4;23 a. in. ll:W p. m. i " T frrtjKht arrives nt All rii.'uuir triiiia carry nnflpenwrB 3:1(1 ii. in W. M. UorKLASD, JU'O" Your faithful servant, ... W. K. HERNCALL. && ww Feed Stables. $195 LIST ...FOR $88-One-Third Cash, AND BALANCE $5.00 per Month. Kimball ORGAN Is Bold by agents as high as $195 THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will be sent postpaid to any addross alx days a weak for one year for FOUR DOLLARS. The Chronlole Ib the most conapiououB newspaper suo oss of the day, the dally cir culation exoeedlng 75.000 copies and tho Sunday circu lation oxooodlng 100,000 oop los. It Is a first-oloas news paper of 12 and (Opagoa (Sun day 40 to 48 pases) and Is a atanoh supporter of sound domocratlo prlnolplos. TEttEfilS. tally (oxcepl Sunday) 1 year 94.00 Dally and Sunday, 1 year 6.00 Dally, 6 months (campaign edition).... 2.00 D lly and Sunday, 6 months 3.00 Dt y, 2 months i.oO Daily and 8unday, 2 months 1.40 Dally, 1 month 50 Dallv and Sunday, 1 month 75 Sunday,! year 2.00 Saturday, 1 year.... 1,00 Samplo ooploa free on appli cation. Addroas THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 104-160 Washington St Chlopao. III. i NAMED AP7EH FAURE. A Ctinlttl lIuil Henrlnc tlie Kama at th. frenrli I' I Felix Fauro, tho president of Franco, has sought popular favor more per sistently and to better purpoeo than any other chief executive of that re public, and the l.test Blgn that suc cess baa crowned his efforts comes from a far-off corner of tho world, sayo an exchange. Ho has. graciously con sented to the request of tho cltfzcna of a town In the New Hebrides that bo become a godfather and lend hla name to their tiny municipality. Slnco the beginning of tho now year, there fore, tho town of Faure-Vlllo has beon In existence. The New Hebrides are among tho few really cannibal islands which yet resist the cffortB of missionaries. A peculiar feature about the colony on the Island of Vato is that they aro a law unto themselves and answerable to no nation in particular for their conduct. They are under tho protec tion of a naval commission composed of French and English officers. Aa n result of this lack of govern ment thoro are no legitimate birth or marriages there. In Franco and ner colonics it is essential that every birth be registered in due form by an officer of the government. Neither i any marriage legal unlesa it Ib sol emnized by the stato bb well as the church. Since there is no government in official existence In the3o islands, therefore, tho French settlers havo to content themselves with simply tho re ligious ceremonies of marriage, which. In the eyes of the law, should they re turn to France, would bo no marriago at all. The children born In this strange colony would also have no legal exist ence in France and could with great difficulty bo allowed to marry or in herit property there, for they can show no "acta do naissance," which is all important in that country. A HOT PLACE TO LIVE IN. On the Coast or FanU Dliooanti ttt Famoas Itetl Sa. The hottest region on the earth'a our face Ib on tho southwestern coast ot Persia, on the bordor ot the PerBlan gulf, says the Detroit Free Press. For forty consecutive days In tho months of July and August tho mer cury has been known to stand above; 100 degrees In the shade night and dar and to run up as high oe 130 degree In the middle of tho afternoon. At ! Bahrein, In the center of the most tor rid part of this most torrid belt, as. though It wero nature's Intention to make the place as unbearable as possi ble, water from wcll3 Is some hlng un known. Great shafts have been sunk, to a depth of 100, 200, 300 and oven GO!) feet, but nlwaya with the same re sult no water. This serlouo draw back, notwithstanding, a comparative ly numerous populajon contrlvo to live there, thanks to copious springs which burst forth from the bottom of the gulf moro than a mile from the shore. The water from these springs Is ob tained in a most curious and novel manner. "Muchadircs" (divers), whoa3 sole occupation '.e that of furnishing the people of Bahrein with the life giving fluid, repair to that portion of the gulf whore tho springs aro situated and bring away with them hundreds or bags of water each day. Tho water or the gulf where the springs burst forth is nearly 200 feet deep, but these mach adoros manago' to fill their goat-skin sacks, by diving to the bottom and j holding the mouths of the bogs over , fountain Jets this, too, without allow ing the ealt water of tho gulf to ml with It Tho source of these submarine fountains is thought to be in the hills ot Osmond, 400 or 500 miles away. Be ing situated at tho bottom of the gulf. It Is a mystery how they were over discovered, but the fact remains that they have been known since tho dawn of blstory. III I'artint In Duller. Attorney Garrett McEncry recently appeared as counsel In a case before n Justice of tho peace at Sulsun. Mc Enery found It necessary to mako fre quent objections to the evidence that the opposing counsel was attempting to to Introduce. The Justice, whose first rule of evidence Is "everything ?ors," looked first nnnoyed and then lndis nant. Finally, ho could contain him self no longer and, us a ruling on ono of Mr. McEnery's objections, roared: "Mr. McEnery, what kind of a law yer aro you, anyway?" "I'm a patent lawyer," replied tho attorney, facetiously. "Well all I've got to say Is tha,t when the patent expires you will have a hard time getting It renewed. Go on with the case." San Francisco Post. A Valuable Latter. Mr. Trlvett (reading) "The other day a letter ot Edgar A. Poe's, asking a friond for ?5, was sold at auction fdr ?C5." Mr3. Trlvett "Wrs the plea success ful In getting tho money?" "I don't know. Why do you ask that?" "If it was. the letter fetched $70 al together." New York World. Strntecr In the Fnmlljr ClrotK. Mr. Sllmpurse What? Want to get a now maid for Fashion Beach? Why don't you take the ono you havo? Mrs. Sllmpurse She knowe how we live when we're at home. New York Weekly. SatUfitrtlon. She sat In church that Sabbath day With a very satisfied olr, For well shn knnw'j down In her heart, Her wheel was the ewellest there. r