Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 16, 1896, Image 6

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marmmmmm m i i
,? "iiriiasSffWBI
stoma Current Nntn nf (hit Moris- An
T-ti.i)nlt Woolen Clown What
Winter U:tU Will llo Mk-r.4nrheuii
DalntWa fancies mitt t-'nila:
HI w''w
Bcline do dolo aro
now inntlo. with
much norq stttt-
'sHsiJ noM tlinn when tho
iCi:, -J mntr.t-l.it tuna fli-of
brought over, nnd
It Is qulto yossihlo
to have ontlro
gowns tnnllo of
these, even for son
eldo wear, provid
ed tho linings used are of Rood onough
)tin(lljr. By good enough In meant
heavy enough. The most brilliant col
rlnga nrp itded In this material, but,
mm has Jbj fore been Hald, arc toned down
r tho "linings and trimmings. One
notlccabjy pretty gown made of tho
kriBhiwitariJjle green la art 'cqUlaltely
tfclfcato 'shado when mndo'up over
while aiU nhd trimmed w(th' black,
whllo a 'jollow, so brilliant -thnt It Is
tarxlingt(o the oye.'i, uisumcs an odd,
art, warm shado lined nlth hcllotropo
ud frlnltticd with white laco rtnd tho
htcvltabto tduchea of black, which aro
r.ala Befm on every Bmart gown, Tho
cransfj;rt:on Jpvcr white wan a jnotlcc
ahlo fcoVn at a dance, it was mado
wilh'fc fetching of tho materia sepa
rated raml.nlqo headed by bands of very
narrow black velvet ribbon, tho wnlet
ftnlahcd around tho shoulders also with
a ruefco jaudl the narrow black velvet,
aya & writer In Harper's Bazar. A
btackVteXvot' belt and bow of ribbon
clvcjStwo Inches wide, and veiy odd
itccvi f) ! bjg puffs, separated 'by tho
A v
In Its dlmonsionn, ns tenvily berlb
boned and buckled and feathered, will
make the highest bid tor favor. It acta
as a background for tho thin faco, It
Is n bnlance for tho fat one. There are
certain ruffled, fluffy costumes Justeug
gestlVo or tho plcturcaquo that aro not
completo without It.
Tho winter leghorn, bo called from
Its unstlffoned, unwired soft brim that
Is allowed to flop at will, Is perhaps
tho chlof novelty of this year's plcturo
hat. One of the most taBtcful of theso
has a brim of black moire silk, with
a crown of black velvet and halt a
dozen black feathers grouped with ar
tistic carelessness at ono side. "Tho
chlo of It," said tho young woman who
was balancing It on her head at a pri
vate vlow, "Is In tho wearing of it."
Now York Journal.
A Wmlen Unirn.
Tho illustration shot- s a costumo of
navy bluo woolen goods with a small
whlto design scattered over It. The
skirt Is plain. Tho bodice is fitted at
tho back and laid In plalte In front, tho
middle plait being of while Batln. Whlto
laco forms the trimming of tho corsage,
f. ' '
If fc
black velvet, complotcd this extremely
edd deslfen Tho bright yellow gown,
which was made up over heliotrope,
Had eacleam of the nklrUojUHned
with a band of, laco inssrtlonyaml rut
Hon of laco wore put on' In scallops
round the skirt. Ex,
Hi winter luti.
Aa to winter hats, ou may wear,
at you desire to b,o In stylo, anything
ye please. Plcturo hats will be as
fashionable as toquea; small bonnets
will be aa.ruch In demand as cither.
Ton may Jrlm them anyway your taste
suggests, hiKh or low, broad or narrow.
A Tlsit topie millinery shops Impresses
ae first apd foremost with a sense of
Jfctltude rare, in the domaiq of fashion.
k meld 8o;wdo la presented that many
woman Kpilght fancy sho could pass
C last yepTa hat, Just touched up with
fce lea8t,T)U in the world, for this
yur'B lutet' importation.
ki epltejpt1 man's Vituperations, pos
ibly the picture hat, as huge as over
llonr Snooaiifol Fartnan Operat Thli
Department of tha Farm A Few
HlnU ai to tba Onra of I.I re Stock
and Poultrjr,
and small epaulets of lace aro placed
at tho top of tho sleeves. Tho collar
ette is of white gauze, the belt of white
saUn. 5
Tito Luncheon DalntU.
Sago soufile with currants Pick
from tho stem three-quarters of a
pound cf nice largo currants, weigh the
oame quantity of Bugar nnd three
ounces of cleaned sago. Put these
three IngrcdleutB In a pot In alternal
layora and cook it, without stirring,
for twenty minutes. Shake the pot new
and then to prevent burning, Beat the
whites of six eggs very stiff and when
tho mixture Is cooled mix the whites.
Servo in a glass compotiere with a
fresh currant eauco around It.
Swiss cream served In glasses Take
a pint of thick, sweet cream; mix into
it half a pound of sugar, tho rind of
one lemon and the Jtnce of two, 'hree
wine glasses of white "Wine (California
hock); stir all together and pu nn 'ce
for a few hours. Also put lb. 1. 1 virt
ual glasses in which the erea.i Is to
be served on Ire, that thoy, too, may b5
cold. When ntarly ready to serve,
beat th mlxturo with an egg beater
unltl foam arises. Talce off tho foam
and fill a glass. Continue to do so un
til tho mixture is exhausted. Servo at
once with spongo cake or lady fingers.
Any kind of berries can be placed on
this cream, or a small macaroon. Thlr
Is a most refreshing tidbit
Fancle and Fada.
The more teapots you can get tha
better, only teapots you must have, if
you pose as a connoisseur of bric-a-brac.
You may have them of any sort i
of material copper, silver, glaze, In
any color, and In any sort of pottery, i
only1 make their number plentiful and
place them conspicuously In your cab
lnet, .
N our dosk llo two
letters which treat
on the samo subject
but which are very
much ant variance.
The ono defends
tho Incubator and
tho othor the hen,
Bays the editor of
Western Farm
Journal. Tho incu
bator champion
says ho has grown tired of fussy Bitting
hens, of eggs broken in the nest, and
chicks trampled to death. Just when
you want a broody hen, none can be
found, und when you do not want any,
all of them have tho fever. Tho other
fellow Bays he tried artificial incuba
tion ono season nnd ho has enough. No
more weak or roasted chicks for him;
ho has grown tired of getting up at
night to look after an incubator,
and ho cannot stand 60 per cent
hatches nnd under. Wo are friends of
both. While wo do not bollovo that
tho Incubator can give us ns good gen
eral hntches as tho hen can, while wo
know thero Is moro or less trouble to
run a machine, we also know that at
tending to fifty to ono hundred hens
will occupy moro time than running
inree largo Incubators, and that the
results will bo about equal. Wo also
know that market poultry culturo never
received the proper boom until tho in
vention of good incubators, and we be
llovo that the lack of good incubators
in England Is the sole cause of the fall
uro of poultry farms there. Incubators
havo an Important mission. They give
us chicks wholesale, and they do their
work at nil times of tho year. It may
not bo necessary for farmers to engage
In nrtlflclal hatching, but if they want
to add a winter pursuit to farm opora
tlonB, they will find it necessary, un
less egg farming Is to bo tho mainstay.
We aro often asked which is tho most
profitable for tho farmer to undertako,
egg farming or broiler raising. Wo
think that tho chances for success aro
about equal. We know of farmers who
mako broiler raising tho adjunct. They
buy their eggs of neighboring fanners,
and hatch only during the winter, so
that by the tlmo tho regular farm work
begins they havo disposed of all tho
stock, and tho houses aro cleaned and
made ready for another season. Of
courso, on these farms, Incubators and
brooders aro used. We, too, know of
farmers who each spring hatch out pal
lets which they grow to maturity, or
rather get to laying by November, and
these furnish a lot of eggs during the
winter, at tho very time they are bring
ing tho most money. Each year they
hatch out new pullets, nnd each yenr
they market, us roasters, those used
last year. Both plans are good ones
where poultry Is to be merely a branch
or a crop of tho farm. For general
poultry farming thero must be some
thing different. Poultry farms, to be
sure of success, must havo a regular
Income; there must always bo some
thing for Bale. For that reason thor
oughbreds are advised, and the
branches of eggs, broilers nnd roasters
are U3cd.
Improved Fowl.
Texas Rarm and Ranch says: Tho
greatest Improvement that can be made
In chickens Is by careful selection and
breeding from those specimens which
possess tho qualities desired. Wo hold,
In the interest of utility that tho best
fowls of all aro those which possess thu
best table and laying qualities. Next
lo these come general uniformity in ex
ternal appearance, which causes them
to sell to better advantage, but add
nothing to tho value of the fowls in the
hands of tho consumer. This Improve
ment requires only common sense and
caro. No technical or scientific knowl
edge is required. Let tho heu3 be care
fully watched and their laying habits
Carefully 'noted; from the best layers
savo breeders, male and female, reject
ing thoso that are badly lacking in
color or form, even If excellent layers.
This Is merely a concession to buyers
who prefer uniform lots. If any mani
fest superior table qualities note
whence they come, and watch with a
view of duplicating these qualities.
Commence alwayswlth an established
breed, but give eggs and flesh prefer
ence over standard points, uuless you
wish to compete for prizes in a show.
In that case everything must give way
to a consideration of standard require
ments. Eggs and flesh don't count in
a poultry show. In this way every
farmer can improve his fowls and make
them more and moro profitable as the
process continues. Every year or two
years a fresh cock of the breed used
should be introduced to prevent weak
ening by Inbreeding. This adv4ce will
give some of tho poultry writers an
attack of cacoethes scribendl nnd they,
notwithstanding they know that this
theory of improvement Is sound, and
that they apply It to tho development
of standard points, will denounce It,
misrepresent it, and become as mad as
a sitting hen, because it does not suit
their views, nor promote what they
consider their Interests.
Butter for Britain. Last year the
United Kingdom imported butter to
the value of over 5,O00,000 per month.
For the first eight months of the year
her exact expenditures for butter were
$4C,043,572.12. Of this amount the
United States received the magnificent
total of less than 1 per cent, exactly
f365,970.53. When It Is remembered
that wo are within eoven days of the
English market and have low rates and
refrigerator facilities in the steamers,
tMi U a poor showing.
't - Dnttar-Maklne without Ice.
"Ono great ndvantago tho creamery
has over tho private dairy is in a Bup
ply of ico to use in hot weather," Bays
a writer in Epltomlst. "Ico in a cream
ery comco bo near a necessity that few
would undertake to run ono without
Ice. But an abundant supply of water
will answer tho purpose. It takea lon
ger to cool with water than It does "t6
throw a lot of ico Into tho cream, but
Ihcre aro objections to cooling by put
ting ice into tho cream. The reports
from all markets now contain tho infor
mation that most of the creamery but
ter has defects, due to hot weather.
And yet the creameries all have ice.
In tho private dairy it 1b much easier
to get along without Ice. In tho first
placo no cream has to bo carted alone
tho road in hot weather and become
heated. In the second placo there is
less cream to cool and, therefore, less
water will be needed. In the third
placo tho cows need water, and tho
water used to cool tho dairy houso can
bo run through it nnd go to tho cows,
bo there is no extra water needed to
cool the cream. In the fourth placo a
largo tank of" water should stand in tho
dairy houso and tho cream can be fcet
in this and it will kcop cool and need
no extra coollngi4" Whenjtho butter
comes, cold water is necessary, not ice.
If tho wind blows, thl3 problem 1b al
ready solved on Iowa farms, for they
havo windmills YcTpump for stock and
tho stock water can run through tho
dairy house. But if the wind will not
blow at that tlmo, then hand pump
ing must bo resorted to for tho supply,
or other provisions made. No hand
pumping Is done for our dairy. A tread
power stands In n power house near by
and a shaft rups through the dairy
house. If cold water Is desired when
zephyrs are asleep, a horse is led Into
tho tread and ho does tho work. No
ice Is desired for butter-making with
such conveniences. Pure, fresh, colif
water suits better than . stale ater
made cold with Ice. A refrigerator Is
In tho dairy house also. No ice is used
in it, but simply cold water. Instead
of putting cold water Into this refrig
erator, the refrigerator 1b put Into the
cold water. It Is a galvanized iron
tank inside of the water tank, and tho
water passing through this water tank
for all stock purposes keeps butter
hard and nice In tho refrigerator. In
hot, still weather, thero Is no trouble,
for, If tho wind is missing, the supply
of water Is kept up by a horse-power
for stock, and bo tho water In the dairy
house tank Is always cold."
Rule for Kilted Cheesr.
Tho commissioner of Internal rev
enue, vlth the approval of tho secret
tary of the treasury, has issued a series
of regulations for the enforcement of
tho act Imposing a tax upon filled
chceso and regulating Its manufacture,
sale, Importation and exportation. Tho
regulations prescrlbo that on the day
when the act goes Into effect Sept.
4, 1S9G all filled cheese In the hands
of dealers must be In wooden packages
of not les3 than ten poundB each and
every dealer must make, under oath,
a written inventory of all packages on
hand on that date containing ten
pounds or more of filled cheese. The
regulations further prescribe that the
dealer must procuro from tho collector
of Internal rovemie and affix to each
package the proper tax-paid stamp.
Tho dealer will then 'cancel tho stamp.
In tho cancellation the 'words and fig
ures must not bo defaced. On the 4th
of September, or as soon thereafter as
practicable, tho internal revenue of
ficers will travel over their respective
districts, report tho stock in the hands
of dealers and seize all that is not
found duly marked, branded and
stamped. The collector will keep a
record or an tuiea cheese produced In
bis district and of the quantity re
moved from manufactories for con
sumption or sale. He will also render
to the commissioner of internal rev
enue a monthly return of production,
withdrawals and stock on hand. It is
expected that the coupon stamps repre
senting the pound tax on filled cheese
will bo In the hands of collectors of
Internal revenue for sale as early as
Aug. 15, 189C, and thnt blank forms for
manufacturers and dealers will also
be ready for distribution by that date.
Dalfcloiif nrnng Dcnert.
Shred half a dozen juicy oranges,
leaving all tho pulp. Pilo theso pieces
up la a china bowl. Mako a rich syrup
by boiling a rround of cut sugar in wa
ter and u little lemon juice. Tour this
Byrup over tho oranges and sot away In
n cool place. Beforo serving spread
over tho fop a small quantity of whip
ped cream. This makes a delicious
dessert for cither luncheon or dinner.
Ladles' Homo Journal.
The Hoc Demanded,
Hog production dots not excite as
much enthusiasm as In some times not
very distant, as tho market Is down,
but this is a fluctuation Incident to
most food products, snys Northwestern
Farmer. It Is not wise to lose faith
in the Improving hog, Tho experiment
station in Iowa is beginning experi
ments with tho hog, with a view to
producing a hog that is comparatively
lean and adapted to the present exi
gencies. The uso of substitutes for
lard and the demand for a better class
of pork are tho incentives to produce
n different animal. Prof. Wilson, of
the Ames station, is lining up material
for the hog ho thlnko tho farmers
should grow. He has Imported from
England specimens of several breeds
of tho bacon hog. tho Yorkshire, the
English Tamworth, Jersey, Duroc, and,
crosses between the Poland China and
theso breeds and the Chester Whites
and theso breeds. It is a good work.
Fence on Earth,
This U once Kore onjoyod by tho rhou
mattc wlie onough tocountcrnct tholr pro
Krelvo malady with Hostottor's Stomach
Si.V.Jk'L.n t.es,'mn)r ' strongor thnn that
wi Ich Indicates It as n source of rollof In
tills complaint. It Is also eminently olTcrt
,vo ' a treatment for kidney troublo, dys-
KS.Tr Vt ",.'ilyI.Vvor complaint and consti
pation. Uo it with persistence for tho above.
Keflectlons of a Ilnchelor.
From Now York Press.
After a girl goto married she isn't
near so careful about eating onions.
Even if marrlago is likely to bo a
failure, a wedding is always a success.
Women would scream when they saw
u uiuuou uveu u moy wore trousers.
Tho woman who says, "Oh, nover
mind mo; I'm married," wouldn't bo
fazed anyhow.
Soino man rofrnln frnm fnlttnrr irnm.
en thoy are married for fear of hurting
their feelings.
Some women can never bo happy be
cause their husbands aro forever track
ing dirt over their floor.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, repnln lost manhood, Go made
well, Btrong, magnetic, lull of new life and
vigor, take ho-To-Bac, tho wonder worker
that makes weak men strong. Many gain
ton round In tnn rlnva 0.rn Atv rin .....t
Buy No-To-Ba froinyourdruggist. who will
guarantee a euro. Booklet and sample mailed
lreo. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi
cago or Now York.
If some peoplo kopt their businoss entire
ly to themsolvos they would forget how to
A Itonsehold Neeomttr.
C (carets Candy Catbartic,tbemo3t-tron
derful medical discoverr of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to tho taste, acts gently
and positively on Hiduetft.liver and boweli,
cveansing the entiro system, dispels cold,
euros hendnche, fevor, habitual constipa
tion and billiousness. I'lesso buy nnd try a
box of C. C C. today; 10, 23, CO ccnta. Bold
and guaranteed to euro by all drngginU.
The October number of Ilarper'sMag
nzjne contains tho first instalmoht of
Mr. du Maurier'a long-expected novel,
"The Martian." The opening econea
are laid in a boy's school in Paris in the
enrly fifties, and tho hero is introduced
at tho very beginning of his career.
From this fact and from the hint con
veyed in tho Introduction it seems not
unlikely that Mr. du Maurler, follow
ind tho oxamnlnnf Klcldlnrr tm,1 'Pl,ni,.
Arartr' -tvlll nttmnt. In iTI..M xr..,!...-,.
to portray tho character of a man in
the samo catholic Bpirit in which "Tom
uoncsanu "renaennis" were created.
Sire. Window's Soothing Syrnp
ForchiMren totthlng-, softens thegums,relueilafUm
mmtlon, allays pln, cures wind coUc SS cent a bottle.
A Nice XVaj to Cook lieota.
New beets, especially whito ones, are
quite delicious, if parboiled about an
hour, peeled, and then simmered into a
cupful of stock until tender. Thicken
the Stock nlicrhtlv hv nrlillnrr n tf n ton.
spoonful of butter, rubbed with a tea
Bpoonful of flour. If tho beets aro
large, bIIco them in rather thin slices
Season with salt and pepper to suit tho
taste. Now York Evening Post
If yoa want any attention paid to your
advico, put on your best clothes when you
give it.
When you havo another man's money in
your pocltet, it is hard to remember that it
is not your own.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding' of tho
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
'rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness aro not duo to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of tho system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, nnd is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effecto are duo to tho fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the cnjoj'mcnt of good health,
and tho system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies aro then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual dibease, one
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of, a laxative,
one should havo tho best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
Used and gives most general satisfaction.
Is the tlmo when yon should look out for the
condition of your health. Avoid sickness by
purifying and enriching your blood with
The Best In fact the Ono Trno Blood rnrlflcr.
U.rl'.n mil do not cnuso pain oi
HOOd S PUIS grlpo. All druggists. ia
122, 123 ud 124 Rlule Building. Chioro, I1L
Members ol the Chicago Board ol Trade In good
standing, who will turnish you with their Latest
Hook on statistics ami reliable information ro
t'urdlnt tho markets Wrlto lor It nnd tholr Dalit
Market Letter, both FREE. References: Am Ex
National Hank, Chicago.
This bulion wRh a fen ctntiot of
the Ideal lairnMua
and guaranteed consti
pation cure, sent FREE
on receipt or five 2-conS
stamps. Address
Ctlrini HMtml.Cu.t2Uw lork.
RflMT PIIRVK nic bren in the produce
nUUI rUnVIO bulrnsJC years, urn well c-
Commlrtlon Mcr- qualntrd with the want of the
chant. Omaha. trades cotucnucntlyianotiuln
WASTED t the niRhe t price. Am prompt
Iluttcr. Kkb, I'oul- In makliii; returns, andreapon-
try, Gam. Veal, alblr. Krfi'rcncca: Iny bank
Itldct Etc. In the state.
want men errrjwhero to SLLL
"ab'olutcly liext ' Superboiitflt.
newajratcm. STAUKUllOTllhnS,
Loiisu.va, llo , IlocKi-onr, lu.
Etav Rep tin for oj Und t tot made
'J O H N W. M O R R I si, WASHINGTON. 0. a
Lata Principal Examiner U. B. ftnilsn Burtan.
3 jtu hut war, U adjudicating claim), ally. tluc.
flD!IIRfl"nl.'It,C,,rca Et.JnllTl. Thousands
U I I U III c"rcd- Cheapest and beat cure, Fnss Turn.
"""State case. Un.!lASsn, Qnlncy, Mich.
W. N. U., OMAHA 41 1000
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention this puper.
Food and Color of Milk. The color
of milk is imparted by a chemical com
pound coutuiulng nitrogen. A yellow
color may accompany either a high
or a low per cent of fat. It does not
necessarily follow that a yellow-tinged
milk is richer In fat than a lighter
colored one, because tho color la not
necessarily duo to tho amount of fat
in tho milk. The coloring matter in
milk is influenced by tho nature of tho
food consumed, and also by the special
peculiaritltJVof the cow. The milk
dealers In the eastern cities sometimes
take advantage of the popular idea
that a yellow tinge indicates a rich
milk, and so they use just a little an
netto to impart the desired colon
Harry Snyder. I
U Best Cough Syrup, 'tastes Good.' Cso K3
Even if Columbia bicycles were not so
good to look at they would give the same
unequalled satisfaction, delight and con
tent Only Columbia riders know the
full enjoyment of bicycling
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Houses and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbia! are not
properly represented In ycur vicinity, let us know.
1 OtfTJ"'V'