Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 16, 1896, Image 3
t ' & & y I ME. WATSON ACCEPTS. HIS L.FTTEH TO CHAIRMAN OUT LET MADE'PUBLIC. Sl Grievance Is Retold He Declare That If It Were. Not for 111m tho Tick et tt tlm SU Louis Contention Would Ham Ucen Morton nndlllrkett Wfants All llryan Voter. rtt 1 Tho Populist Nominee. Atlanta, Ga., Oct, 7. Thomas E. Watson Jias dictated a letter accept ing tho Populist nomination for vice president It Is addressed to Chair man Duller nnd is an incisive docu ment.) lie will reviso tho lottor and make it public, probably to-morrow. In it ho will call attention to tho almost forgotten fact that during tho St. Louts convention n caucus of "niiddle-of-tlic-road" delegates, representing twenty-one states, was held. At this caucus tho delegates agreed to nominate Norton of Illinois for President and Blrkett of Missis sippi for Vico President- That ticket would have made Bryan's defeat ab solutely certain, but when Watson telegraphed a message saying that ho "was willing to accept second plnca on the ticket with Hrynn, the mfddle-of-thq-road men, believing that Demo cratic managers would support tho arrangement in good faith, withdrew their opposition to llryan. Mr. Watson's letter is principally - uevotcu to a demonstration mat me Populist candidate for Vico President Reserves the support of all who favor Bryan's election. VENEZUELAN DISPUTE Jiecietary Olney mid Lord Salisbury Mnklnjr Some I'rogrri. Washington, Oct. T. Secretary 01 aoy has returned to Washington from his summer home at Falmouth, Mass., and has resumed tho duties of his Office. 'i'ho Venezuelan controversy has progressed slowly, but In the" main satisfactorily, during tho past summer and a couole of notes have been ex changed between Secretary OIney and Lord Salisbury siucu thu publication of the labi batch of correspondence. They tiro understood to be purely argumentative in tone, end while they do not by any means of themselves bring tho nego tiations up to the closing point, they mark a fair degree of progress toward tho clearing awny of nnitual misun derstandings ami tend tosmpllfy tho efforts making on both sides, not only to adjust thu Venezuelan issue itself satisfactorily, but to affect an agree ment at least upon a general set of principles that shall govern tho set tlement of future disputes between tho United .States nnd (treat Britain ly means of -W'tion. MAY RECALL Ci.l ITENDEN. A Note to tlm Consul General From thf Unto Department Kansas Citv, Mo.. Oct. 7. Ex-Gov-crnor T. T. Crittenden, consul general to Mexico, who is in Kansas City on a vacation, has received a note from Secretary of State Olney in which tho consul general was criticised fur pub lishing in a newspaper information which should appear first in the con biilar reports. The ncte. m.iy lend to n call for Governor 0'icnden'- res ignation, for Mr. Crit'.ei.'.jn liimsolf lakes no pains to prevent a widening i i-f tho breach between hiuisclf and t'joso higher in authority. The New York Journal of Septem ber 14 published a long, signed letter Jrom Mr. Crittenden in which ho told at length the in formation ho had gathered regarding the industrial and commercial conditions of the Mex icansvThu fuct3 told in tho letter had also beeu used in the consular re port, hut the report had not yet been Dubiished,, which Is In violation of diplomaticusage. TROOPS AT TU3KAHOMA. Cavalry Goo to tho Choctaw Capital on n forced March. Washington, Oct 7. At the request of the interior department, the secre tary of war has sent troops to Tuska oma', in tho Uioe aw coup try. to ,uard against trouble which is appre hended by Agent Wisdom when tlio' aew chief of tlTo tribe Is installed. The troops mado a forced march. They wero placed entirely uudor tho orders of Indian Agent W sdom. May Mlno u SIl'Q Around. Sourif McAlksti:):, I. T., Oct. 7. Judge Springer of tho United States ourl of appeals has rendered his de cljiou in tho casi of Green MeCurtain -nd others tigaiust.lohn M. Grady and others, Tho principal point iu eon troffltsy was a provision of the con ilituliuii liiat tbo d.LCoverer of a co:l vein mt. mine a mile iu any direc tion if & can no so with n- interfer ence with prior right's. '1'- Choctaw Railway compauy claimed that tho clause authorized mm nsr all veins within the specified radius. A mine worth 8ri '0,000 was the subject matter of tho litigation., Tho company won in the lower court and the decision was sustained. Ore Wnrth S3U.OOO stolen Viotou, Col., Oct, . The ore house of the celebrated May .Roll mine, on Straub mountain, was broken into last nightMand sixty-five sacks of ore, worth about S30, '0 I, stolen. There is no clue to tho thieves Every workman about tho property was discharged. llnrrl.uu Iu Old Dominion. RiCHMCXU, Va.. Oct. 7. Ex-President Her.jamiu Harrison spoke here to about G.O'JO peoplo last night. Tho meeting was held In the Auditorium building at tho Exposition grounds, whoro Mr. llryan addressed from 15.000 to 18,003 a few days ago. Not quite naif the seats wore taiten, and the audience was about equally di vided between the two races. On tho utago wero m-iny of the leading Re publicans and Democrats, and also a sprinkling of silver Democrats. Gen eral Harrison's wife wus present. Sho was accompanied by several Rich mond ladies. PARIS WILD W.l-H JOY. frenchmen Hall tho Ct With Great Kn thuslnsnu PAltis, Oct 7. During the last two days 05,000 people arrived by tho Northern rail way, .P-'.OOD by tho West ern railway, CO.OOO by tho Orleans line, 47,000 by tho Lyons railway nud 135,1)00 by tho Eastern line. So great was the rush for food at the various restaurants about the railway sta tions that steaks and chops alone were loft. Tho price of meat has gono up within the last few days, but this only applies to choice cuts, such as people en fete order for frlonda Ilread remains at the samo price as before, but tho consumption lias in creased. Of tho peoplo who arrlvo from tho country by excursion trains, ' a very largo proportion of thoin bring their own provlslona Urcat baskets of eatables are brought to Paris by i provident fathers of families. Thousands of these people remained all night along the route of tho pro- i cession in honor of tho czar and czarina, nnd thousands more were added to them nt daylight this morn ing, while by 10 o'clock, when tho itur perial train arrived at tho Ranelagh station, it was utterly Impossible to even estimate tho number of peoplo on the route from tho railroad depot to . the Russian embassy. A double Una of troops held tho route from tho rail road depot to tho embassy from short ly after 7 o'clock, and tho soldiers wero reinforced bylinesof gendarmes, sergeants do vllle and detectives, the lnttor including a number of agents of the Russian secret polico and picked men from the Nihilist detectlvo corps, but theso were apparently not needea, for tho crowds wero very orderly. Tho decorations eclipsed anything ever soon In tho French capital. Rus sluu and French Hags entwined or flouting side by side predominated, but the trees, balconies, roofs, lamp posts, statues and almost everything else was utilized in tho decorative effects planned to impicss tho czar with the enthusiasm of France. The trees were thickly covered with arti ficial leaves and flowers representing; peach, almond and other blossoms. Restoral columns, forty feet high, painted to imitate stone and sur mounted by Russian double-headed eagles, each six feet high, and sup porting inperial crowns, lined the Champs Elysees. The Place de l'Hotel do Villo was most brilliant with Vene tian masts and eolonades decked with paper flowers and tho Tullerics gar dens were beautified with flags and stutues. Tho arrival of the distinguished travelers was signalled to the expect ant throngs by u fanfare of trumpets, lifter which there was n long roll from the drum corps, the guard of honor presented arms and the troops were called to attention from one end of tho route to the other, causing tho crowds to begin cheering from tho depot to tho embassy. About the sta tion the nir was rent with roars of 'Vive lo Tsar," "Vive PEmpereur," "Vivo la Republlque," and hats, sticks, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, eta, wero waved wildly in tho air. Their Majesties and President Faure and their suites entered the gorgeous state carriages in waiting and tho state entry was begun. Roar after roar arose from the mul titudes. The cortege passed the Aro de Trlorapho and was wildly cheered by the immense crowds filling tho avenues surrounding it, Descending the Champs Elysees there was one con tinuous roar of welcoming cries amid which "Vivo l'Empereur;" "Vive la Republique,""V-c la President" wore tho inoL distinguishable. The crowds .'oi-iuei1 t -ivmultuously waving sea of V-.uxa and arms, ctc. held back by the long lilies of troops whoso bayonets or swords reflected tne sunlight. The president, after reaching the Russian embassy, remained with their Majesties for a quarter of an hour, during which the czar expressed to him how deeply he and the czarina were uffected by tho heartiness of tho welcome. McKlnley Ticket Mhy IIo Shot Out. Dexvkh, Col , Oct. 7. It appears doubtful whether tho McKlnley Re pubMcan electoral or stato ticket will be printed on the official ballot in Colorado. Tho ticket nominated at Colorado Springs on September 30 was not filed by petition and the time for receiving such pctltloas has ex pired. Now the silver Republicans are preparing a protest against giving the .McKlnley ticket a place on the ballot, claiming that it represents not tho regular Republican organiza tion, bdt a bolting faction. Scores I'oI;oned by Jimokud Whlteflih. MilwAukek, Wis. A Oct. 7, At Mer rill Albert Radloff and a man whose name Is not known havo died from eating smoked whitefish. Radloil's father and two Radloff children are in danger. Thero aro twenty-seven cases in town. Twenty late cases are reported from Urothorton, on tho cast shore of Lake Winnebago, whore several members of the family of George Weber may die. Thero is much uneasiness among fish dealers and consumers. Over 100 Mexlcam Rrntrned by Floods. Guadalajara. Mexico, Oct, 7. Overland advices from Mazitlan state that all the rivers in tho stato of Sin nloa burst their banks during recent floods and thai a number of village: and farm houses wero washed away. Ovr 100 bodies have been recovered and muny persous are mUslng, The I'reildent Leave Gray Gables. UuzzAitn's Ra, Mass., Oct 7. President Cleveland left here for Jer sey Hty this morning on E. 0. Rene, diet's steam yacht. Mrs. Cleveland and the children took tho train for Greenwich, Conn., Tin Providence, at 8 o'clock, 'ltae Telegraphers' Strike. Pkoria, III, Oct. 7. J. R. T. Auston, grand secretary and treasurer of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, hai received dispatches from Montreal showing that the tie up on the Cana dian Pacific is complete and nothing is moving except a few passeugei trains. Lljflitnlne Strlko Saata F O.tleoi Tot'KKA, Kan., Oct. 7. Lightning struck the Santa Ke general ollh-e building hero yesterday afternoon, loosening the plastering in several rooms nnd knocking Isaac rElroy, tbo elevator man, senseless. WATSON VERY WARM. THE POLITICAL SITUATION NOT AT ALL PLEASINQ. Death on tho lllock Preferrnl to Yteld InR to Mr. Bewail Tho Intter De norinred In Severe Terms Especially Horn (Iter the Fusion Deal In Kansas anil Treatment Accorded Him by Fop ullst Leaders. A Scntlilnc Interview. Nkw Yoih:, Oct. G. -Tho World prints an lntcrvlow with Watson, Populist candidate for vico president, In which ho says: "I'd lay my hoad on tho block heforo I'd retire from tho race and mako way for a plutocrat, a bondholder, a national banker and protectionist like Mr. Sewall. If Mr. bowall is willing to get off the ticket, I bcllovo that even now thoro is chanco to elect Mr. llryan. Mr. llryan and I cou'd at once mako a tour to gether, and insido of ten days we lulght restore thousands of votes." Mr. Watson declares that Chairman Butler of the Populist national com mittee ask of! to sea tho notes of tho first speech he was to deliver, and, coming to tho attack on Mr. Sowall, begged htm to omit it Thereupon -Watson threatened to abandon tbo stump and llutlcr relented. Of Kansas in particular Mr. Watson said: "Even if Mr. Sewall should per sist in threatening Mr. ISryan'a can didacy by remaining on tho ticket, I would consent to fusion in some of the States If It were offered on a basis titat was not absolutely lusultlng to tho Populist cause. Iu Kansas tho Populists havo no representation whatever on tho Presidential ticket. They havo given all the electors to the Democrats in exchange for tho State ticket. In view of the fact that the Populists of Kansas havo four times as many voles as tho Demo crats, they ought to have seven elect ors out of the ten. I would not bo satisfied with less. In Colorado tho Populists should havo three cut of four. In North Carolina the Demo crats havo as many electors as tho Populists think of it and one elector is giyen to a thing colled free silver. I don't want to say what tho real basis of fusion ought to be in North Carolina, because that is Senator But ler's State, but it- ought to bo some thing moru consistent with the power and dignity of the majority party there. "When I went to Kansas to speak I was mot by tho Populist stato chair man, Mr. Ureidenthal, who told mo that the party had already arranged a fusion and begged mo not to make any more trouble. I told him that I would speak at the mass meeting which had beon called. Then he asked me If I would let him aoe my speech. I did a thing which I had never done before and have never dono since. I read him rav notes. When I camo to the part which de nounced Sowall as an enemy of our cause and of our principles, Mr. Ureidenthal pleaded with me to omit It Of course I refused to do it. 'Am I not tho nominee of tho party'." I asked him; 'Did you not yourself Voto to mako me the candidate for the Vico Presidency?' Still ho insisted that I should not attack tho millionaire can didate. 'Vcrv well,' I said, "I will tako my hat and grin and go back to Geor gia. At that he relented, nnd I made my speech. Tho crowd went wild, and at the close of my remarks thoro was a tremendous rush for the plat form. At the next plnce I spoke in Kansas I hud tho same trouble to face. The committee said that everything had been nicely arranged and that I ought not to disturb the plan. I in sisted on doing my duty to my party and spoke boldly to tte people. Thero was another great popular demonstra tion arfd u rush to tho platform. Again I spoko in Kansas. There was no one to meet me at tho railroad sta tion, although tho time of my arrival Was known. I rodo to the hotel in a public cab with a colored man who appeared to bo going in the sarao direction. That is the way the Popu list managers havo treated the candi date nominated by their national con vention." ACCEPTANCE NO. a Mr. llryan ForYnnlly Accepts the ropo llst Nomination. St. Louis, Mo., Oct, 0. On his ar rival here Mr. Bryan gave out for pub lication the following letter of accept ance of the Populist nomination for President: "lion. William V. Allen, Chairman, and others, members of tho notifica tion committee of tho People's party Gentlemen: The nomination of the People's party for the Presidency of the United States has been tendered me in such a generous spirit and upon such honorable terms that I am able to accept the same without departing from the platform adopted by the Democratic" national convention at Chicago. "I fully appreciate the breadth of the patriotism which has actuated tho members of the People's party, who, in order to consolidate the seati ment in favor of bimetallism, have beon willing to go outside of party lines nud support, as their candidate, one already nominated by the Demo cratic party, and also by the Silver party. "It is a cause for congratulation that we have iu this campaign not only the support of Democrats, Popu lists and Republicans who have all along believed In Independent bimet allism, but also the acilvo co-operation of Jthose Democrats, who, havinghere to fore waited for international bimet allism, now join with us rather than trust the destiny of tho nation to thoso who are holding out the de lusive hope of foreign aid while they labor secretly for the permanent es tablishment of the single gold stand ard. "While difficulties always arlso in the settlement of the details of any plan of co-operation between distinct political organizations, 1 am sure that the advocate of bimetallism are so intensely in earnest that they will bo able to devise some means by which the free silver vote may be concen trated upon ono electoral ticket in each state. To secure this result, charity towards the opinion of others and liberality on the lurt of all is necessary, hut honest and slncore frlouds who are working towards the commoh result always find it possible to agree upon just nnd equitable terms. "The American peoplo havo proved equal to every omergeney which hat arlson in the past, nnd I am con fid on ti that in the present emergency thoro will bo no antagonism between tho vnrlous rcgimcntf of tho one grout nrtny whloh is marching to repel an invasion more dangerous to our wol fare than an army with banners. "Acknowledging with gratltudo your expressions of confidence and good will, I am very truly yours, "W .1 HnrAN." MONEY IN THE BANKS. Comparative Statement Indued by Uotnp troller ICckle. Wabiiinoton, Oct. 6. -Comptroller of tho Currency Eckels has issued a statement giving tho results of au in vestigation made by him of tho amount of alt kinds of money hold by the banking institutions of tho conn try on July 1. Tho number of banking houses nnd trust companies inquired of watt 12,90 ), and of 77 clearing houses, cov erlngullof such Institutions in every stato and territory and tho District of Columbia. Reports wero received from 5,753 banks nnd trust companies, and 00 clearing house associations. Tho information, although incom plete, is, tho comptroller says, of such a oharactor as to enable a fair and correct result from all to be approx imated. Of tho 3,723 reports received, 3,403 wore of national bunks, 1,101 stato """? "' "" - la I. ..!. .... ! . 1 1 nii i ....!- vale uanlts nuu " ol loan aa UUM companies. The total amount of cash in thq 3 Institutions roporttng was $1V 121,840. It is divided us follows: Golt coin, Si 31,077,003; gold certificates, 55,481,333; silver dollars, S,""s,ll 2 fractloual silver, S?,i$00,073; silver cer tiflcates, 830,003,51)0; treasury noto (18'JU), S13,1'JG,01S; United States notes, Sll0.4isi),375; currency certificates, S20,soS,U0; national bank notes, S 3,i 705,834. Of this total cash the 3,i5 national banks reporting held 533.".,. 17 1, 010 and tho 2,2(1.') state banks, etc., 577,930,33. Tho amount of gold coin and gold certificates held by thosn national banks was 81.riS,073,u01 and by these state banks, etc., S34.tS4,737. In this connection ir. may bo statol that tho total number of niitionnj banks, viz., 3,039, held on July It, th date of tho lust official call, $3Ul,tl.'i,t 485 cash, of which amount thero wa' iu gold coin and gold certificates 3101, 855.500. The total cash and tho part thcrcol of gold and gold certilic ites held hi reporting banks in each geographiciil division, is ns follows: New Euglanj states, total cash, 3S,0S9,272; union nl of gold and gold certificates, Sli.403,i l 7dH. Eastern states, total cash, 213, I 2'.',uG0; amount of gold und gold cer tificates, 58,560,113, Southern bHi'ei. total cash, S29,080,C01; amount of gol and gold certificates, SO.Mib.ia;, i Western states, total cash, S109,.ri6l,i I GI5: amount of gold and gold ccrtitl cates, S56,410,427. Pacific states and territories, total cash 5J2."i,034,7t; nmount of gold and gold certificates, 519,005,830. Totals, total cash, SI 13,. 124. H0; total amount of gold and gold certificates, 81bU,ft5S.aH. A comparison of tho money holdlugi of theso geographical districts show that the 320 reporting banks in tlm Now Englaud states held but SH.nU'-'.i 071 moro total cash and 85,815,51 moro of gold and sliver certificate! than the 070 reporting banks in thq Southern states; the 1,275 banks In the Eastern states, Sl03,;44,u-4 mom total cash and $5,813,585 more of goh and gold certifhates than tho 2,43 banks In tho Western states; the 07t banks in tho Southern slates, 83,451, 811 moro total cash and SI0.OI7.UI less gold and gold certificates tlmii tho 50'J banks In the Pacific states and territories; tho 829 banks in the New England states, 810,054,510 moro caalj and 84,202.062 less gold and gold cor tiflcates than the 509 banks in thq Pacific states and territories. From the reports received nnd from, other Information available, tho comp troller finds tho total gold and gold certificate holdings of the banks o( the country, on July 1, was 8302,709, 307, including the freo gold in thq treasury; at which time ho finds tha the available gold and gold certificates, in the bank and the froe gold iu the treasury on or about July 1 was 8404, 441, 47J. To-day, the comptroller adds, it is larger, as the free gold in thq treasury stands at 8123,755,220. The returns from tho sixty-six ol tne sevonty-eignt clearing nuuso asso- .... . . ciations of the country show that on July 1, tho total clearings amounted to 8227.035 404. The balances of those total clearings, settled in cash or cash exchanges, was but 81D,152.8'14, or but little moro than 8 per cent of the wholo. Of tho balances settled, 81,320,010 wero in gold; Sibo.ooo in gold certificates; 83,451,701 in Unlfcd States notes, and tho remainder In other forms of money and commercial exchange. SILVER COINAGE. Carlisle Furnishes Information Conoern Inc Operation of tho Minis. Louisvillk, Ky., Oct. a. In replj to a letter from tho Courier-Journal to Secretary Carllslo asking for in formation concerning the coinage of silver. Secretary Carlls'o replies, in part as follows: 1 "From January 1, lSOfl, to Septem-1 bqr 30, 1806, standard silver dollars ' have beeu coined at the mints of tho United States to the amount of 513, 692,192. Since November 1, 1893, tho the date of the repeal of the purchas ing clause of the bo-called Sherman act, standard silver dollars have been coined in the United States to the j amount of 817,860,491, or more than i twico as much as was coined during the whole period of our history prior to 187b, "The coinage of standard silver dollars Is golug on evegry day at our mints, and duriug tho last month it amounted to 82.700,000, About tho same amount will be coined during the present month. The seigniorage, which has been added to the circu lation on account of tho coinage siuco November 1, 1803, is about 85,700, 000 and the seigninrago or gain in the coinage last month was about 8900,000." KILLED THE CASHIER ANO A TRAVELINO SALESMAN WHO INTERFERED. Tho Knhber Came on lllryclm, nnd After Kllllnc the Cnher and One Other Man Hurriedly Gather Together Ol.OOO, Mount their Wheels and Deramp A Daring Deed In llroad DaytlRht. llntilc Itntihers an Hike. Faiiimokt, Minn., Oct. 0.- Two masked and bloyelu-mottntcd robbers swept Into tho little town of Shur burne, fourteen mllos from here, yos torday, dashed Into tho Hank of Shorburno, murdored tho enshior, a bystander, and securing 81,000 from tho cash tray, mounted their wheels nnd escaped before tho eyes of tho startled villagers. Tho affair wos conducted with nil tho bravado of ,ho border drama, and the killing of tho two men, ono of whom died instantly, was purely wan ton, as uolthor mado any roslstencc. Tho persons killed wero: .1. A. Oor stcrn, traveling agent of tho Walter A. Wood Harvester company, shot through thu heart Cashier Thorburu of tho Hank of Sherburne, shot In the head. Tho crime is paralleled only by the raid of desso James and thu Younger boys, when thoy swooped down upon the little town of Northfiold, a few miles north of tho scene of yester day's crime, shot thu cashier of tho linntr nl Nortliflnld down nnd do- I nnmnnil tvWlt n. lnrirr nmnutit. nt money. In that instance tho robbers departed on horses, whoroasyosterday the criminals, in keeping with tho times, used bicyules in escaping from tho enragud citizens of Sherburne- At about 1:30 o'clock two masked men walked through the front en trance of the bank to the cashier's box and, without a word, whipped out their revolvers and leveled them at Cashier Thorbum. Tho latter did nut move, but tho next minute tho re port of two revolvers rang out and Cashier Thorburu fell at his dosk. At another desk in tho bank Blood Oerstern, a traveling man. He was the only Immediate bar to tho ends to which the rubbers sought to gain, and ns Thorbum fell to tho floor they turned and shot him dead. As quickly as posslblo thoy leaped over tho railing and secured 81,000 in cash. Thoy then ran for tho back door of tho bank, where thoy had taken tho precaution to loavo their bicycles, mounted them and rode away. It all happened insido of two minutes, and the only wltucss to tho deed was a woman who stood across tho street from tho frout entrance of tlie bank, und who was attracted by tho report of tho revolvers. She saw them turn on Oerstern, secure tho money and decamp. She gavo tho alarm and in flvo min utes after tho deed had been commit ted tho llltlo town of Shorburno was in a state of excltoment such ns has never before been Been there. Thornburn, It was found, was not death Oerstern, however, had been shot through tho heart, and hod ap parently beon Instantly killed. Thornburn lived two hours, having ' leecived bullets in sovcral different parts of his body. I Tho town of Shorburno contains 1 scarcely moro than 300 Inhabitants, but inside of ten minutes several posses had beon formed, including nearly every male citizen of the town, and a search was at once instituted. Every town and vitiligo whore there Is the slighest possibility of the rob bers visiting, in their efforts to escnpo has been warned, and thoir capture is expected tit any moment. HIS HOME IN A TOMB. Eccentric Jonathan Heed Has Furnlihad Ills Vim It Sumptuously. New Yokk, Oct, 9. Tho officials of Evergreen cemetery, in Urooklyn, havo asked Jonathan Reed, an eccentric millionaire, to ceaso making the tomb of his wife his dally abiding place. Mr. Reed's wife died thrceyvars ago. lie was devotedly attached to her and a year after her death caused the body to be removed from tho tomb of her father's family and placed In the vault in Evergreen cometcry. Within the vault are two handsome steel cof fins of precisely tiio samo size. In ono reposes the body of his wife; the other is designed for himself. Mr. Reed 1m6 spent a good part of each day since its construction in beautifying tho vault and its environ ment in limiting the interior as much . ." as possible like tlio homo of the dead .( 'i'i,tti.p i, im romnven nil h..r trinkets, her favorite books, tho cage that once corltained her favorite canar and tno CMalr she used to stt n j 0n fine days tho bereaved husband occupies a chair at tho eutrance of tho vault, where ho is visited by hund- rds of ncrion8. who ask him all sorts of questions. It is tho assembling of these curious ones that tlio cemetery authorities obiect to. HE MAu.U.4uU WOMEN. Members of n t hnroh GIto Illin u Se vere Ilcutlng GimiiUK, Ok.. Oct 0. Tho Rev. Lang, an evaugelist, has been holding a revival at Seward, twenty miles south of hero on the Santa Fe. Last night ho delivered a sermon, and in it declared "that all women who dance are Immoral." A storm broke at once, nnd Lang was chased to the Santa Fo station by fifty enraged church members. At the station ho was beaten almost tc a jelly by two farmers and a number of women. Subsequently he was rescued from a coat of tar and feathers by a Santa Fe train crew. Harrison In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Onlo, Oct, 9. Ex-President Harrisun spoke in this city last night. Long beforo 0 o'clock the crowd began to assemble In front of Music hall At 7 o'clock the doors were thrown open and in less than ten minutes the hall, including tho great stage, was filled. Thousands crowded in tho corridors a ad on the outside, nnd ttirnea ho'iioward or went to the overflow mertidg on the outside. When ex-President Harrison urrved tho applause was unbounded. It seemed as if It never would stop. Mrs. Harrison was with him. OEOnOIA IS DEMOCRATIC Tho Btntn Goes that Wy by From 80,000 to 40,000. Atlanta, Ga , Oct, 5). W. Y. At kinson, Democrat, in re-elected gover nor by a majority of not less than 28, 000, which is nn increase of 0,000 over tho party majority of two years ago. Fulton county, iu which this city is situated, has given Atkinson a major ity of 1,000, whore two years ago it cavo the Democrats a majority of 1, 600. Rlbb county this year gives a majority of 000, and two years uga it gavo the Democrats s majority of 3, 090. Iu tho Tenth district, which la tho homo of Thomas Watson, the Dem ocratic majority has dropped from 8, 000 to "2,000, It is generally concoded, however, that Atkinson has carried, tho stato by nt least 2&,o0o, and tho re turns are expected by his friends to show ho lias a majority of 35,000. This, if true, will moan that tho balance Of tho ticket has been elected by a ma jority of 28,000. Tho legislature is overwhelmingly Democratic. Tho Populists may have four membors in tho senate and the Republicans one. Tom Watson, the Populist nominee for tho Vice Presidency, mado n des perate effort to defeat tho Democ racy In order to uso It to force oft Sewall from tho ticket, fie had tho Populists to put up Seaborn Weight, a Prohibitionist, nnd a strong man, for tho governorship. Ho thon mado a trade with the Republicans by which their ontiro voto was thrown to the Populists. The effect of this Republican move, however, was to scaro tho Populists back into tho Democratic ranks. Tho gold standard Democrats also took aotlvo part In helping tho Populists as a meanB of injuring tho regular Dem ocrats. A. S. Clay, chairman of tho Stato Democratic executive committee, says: "Wo havo carried tho Stato by be tween 5,000 and 00,000 majority. The Populists havo not carried twenty counties out of tho 147 in tho State, and thoy havo lost many of tho coun- -ties they carried In lRJl." Ex-Seerotary of tho Interior Hoko Smith ife,'d: "Tho contest in Georgia was over tho question of local govern ment. Rational Issues did not enter into it, Uovcrnpr Atkinson won tho confidence of tho negro voto by his Impartial administration, and the largo majority of them supported him at tho polls." A. E. lluclc, chairman of tho Stato Republican committee, said: "Atkin son's largo majority Is duo to tho pro hibition plank in tho Populist plat form. Tho governor won the negro voto by his efforts to suppress lynch ing. Tho result has no significance nationally ENGLAND'S BAD FAITH. Franchise for n Itallrond to tho Vene- ' cnelan Gold Field Granted. Washington, Oct. 0. Advices from Venezuela wore received at tho State depart mont Into this afternoon which caused a mild sensation. Copies of tho Domorara papers containing ac counts of recont action taken by the Colonial government of Ilrltish (luiana in defiance of tho understand ing existing between the United States nnd Great I'ritain wero in to day's mail. Ono of tho papers con tains a five-column account of tho granting of a franchise for building a railroad along the Kitutna river to tho Haritna gold fields. The road will run into the territory not only beyond the Sehomburgk line, but even beyond the territory to which Groat Ilrltain has heretoforo laid claim on tlio ground that it was settled by her colonists. The account in tho Domcrara paper states that the franchise was rushed through, not even the time required, by thq constitution being occupied in its consideration. Nearly all tho pa pers, soma of them government or gans, criticise tho proceedings ad versely nnd say they fear it will com plicate tho Venezuelan controversy to no little extent. It Is expected that the Venezuelan legation will havo official information auout the matter to-morrow ana will convey it to Secretary Olney, who will doubtless wlthoutdelay call upon Lord Salisbury for un explanation of this violation of the understanding now existing between this country and Great Ilrltain. Tho Harima gold fields, which tho nllroad Is to ba built to reach, aro said to bo the richest in tho world. A MURDERER CONFESSES. It la Thought that IIo May l'osslbly lla Lynched. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 0. The mur dere of Mrs. Bauraly of Arkoe has been apprehended nud is now in jail at Maryville. from where, It is feared, a mob will take him and hang him. From particulars learned here it seems that Ezra Pasco, 1C years of age, wont to the Baumly house on tho fatal day to get a bucket of water. After ho had drawn the wator ho went into the house and quarreled with Mrs. Baumly, who ordered him out. He went and she locked tno door, and, taking her babe, ran up stairs. Pasco, enraged beyond enduranco, came back, knocked in tho door, and tearing ono of the legs from tho stove forced bis way up stairs and ottacked the woman, who fought desperately, but was finally overcome and killed. Pasco then went home, changed his clothes and gave the alarm. Not and Holt Trust completed. Anderson, Ind., Oct, 9. -The Ander son Nut and Bolt Works, by a compli cated deal, was brought into the Na tional Nut and Bolt Trust last night. This is the only big concern that stood out against consolidation. Now that it is in the trust will be able to raise prices as it desires. Cockran at Kansas City. Kansas Citv, Mo., Oct. tf.-r-Bourke Cockran spoke for the gold standard last night .in this city at the Audito rium, which was crowded. His speech was tho samo he has been delivering since the qpening of the campaign. Ho says McICinley will carry Missouri by 10,000 majority. Indlaua Col lose Horned LooANSPOitT, Ind., Oct. 9. Yester day afternoon St. Nicholas college burned to tne ground at this place, Los. 870,00'J; insurance 835,000. Sixty live students had matriculated.