Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 16, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 34
Local News.
- H. Broicli made a trip to Mars
land to-day.
Dr. Bowman was in the city,
professionally, Tuesday.
O..T. Davison was quito ill a
couple of days last week.
There will be services at the
Catholic church Sunday, Oct. 25.
Mr. Lewis Morgan has been
under the weather for sovoral
Attorney Tuttle is looking
nftor his political fences in Sioux
county this week.
P. Hedquist, of Dunlap, will
have a public salo on Tuesday,
Oct. 20th, at 10 a. m.
Miss Jessie Sweeney is the
possessor of an elegant piano, a
gift from her father.
Mrs. B. F. Gilman and Miss
Noelancl visited Miss Mann at
East Point, Saturday.
Mosdames Bnrlew, Heracall
and O'Koefo woro on the sick
list tho first of the week.
Frank Bevan cam o down from
the Hills and spent a few days
in town. He returned yesterday.
Mr. and "Mrs. Gerber and Mrs.
L. B. Foimer visited Mr. and
Mrs. B. C. Fenner at Dunlap
There will bo Congregational
services at theM.E. church Sun
day morning and M. E. services
in tho evening.
Miss Barbara Mclntyro is go
ing to Heraingford to learn teleg
raphy under Agent Copeland.
Alliance Guide.
Dr. Blanchard departed for
Omaha Monday morning where
ho will resume his studies at the
Omaha Dental University.
Messrs. Phil Michaels, W. K.
Herncall aud J, C. Parkin have
been in tho sand hills near Lake
side since Tuesday hauling hay
for Mr. Herncall.
E. L. Dodder, state bank ex
aminer, was in Homingford Tues
day. He checked up tho Box
Butte Bank and pronounced it in
first class shape.
Mrs. W. M. Copeland returned
from Battle Creek, Mich., and is
now at St. Francis Hospital,
Grand Island. Mi Copeland
visited hor Tuesday and reports
her .some bettor.
M. E. Gooch received a tele
gram Tuesdaj', announcing tho
death of his father at Owensvillo,
Ind. Mr. Gooch resided in Hom
ingford several years ago and
has friends here who regret to
hear of his death.
Henry Lichte, of Dunlap, in
forms us that out of tho sixty
votes in his precinct Bryan will
get fifty-six and that Dawes
county will give him four hun
dred majority. Tho majority of
he republicans in Dawes county
are for Bryan.
Dr. Ely, republican candidate
for state senator was billed to
speak at the court house yester
day but as tho McKinloyites
could not scai'o up an audience
the meeting was abandoned. In
deed it seems very difficult to
have a gold bug reception with
out tho assistanco of tho special
train gang.
A. E. Sheldon, independent
candidato for i-opresentativo and
Judge Mutz, candidato for sena
tor, addressed the people of this
vicinity at tho court house Tues
day afternoon, at Lawn in the
evening und at Box Butto Wed
nesday evening. They aro both
straightforward gentlemen and
aro making a clean, honorable
campaign. -
Judgo Greene addressed tho
largest atulionco at Crawford
Mohday night that has aver as
sembled in Hint city and at the
closo of tlio meeting sixty-five
now names woro added to tho
Bryan club. Tho gold bugs
should send Mr. Cady back to
Crawford to "counteract" tho,
work of tho "anarchist."
Mr. Cady will speak at Alliance
to-morrow ovening and it is safe
to say that the "sound money
club" will not have a mooting in
order to keep the railway men
from hearing Cady. It is singular
that when a silver man speaks in
that town, tho "McKinley club"
or "R. R. men's sound money
club" must have a meeting and
request all members, especially
tho Bryan men to bo present.
A MoKinloy and Bryan social
was given at Edgomont Wednes
day evening. It was an immense
gathering, but there were only
four gentlemen and two ladies for
McKinlcy. A New York capital
ist who is interested in Edgemont
was present Ho said that "if
McKiuloy was elected they would
invest more in Edgomont and thus
improve tho city," to which Mayor
Sharrock replied "Edgomont will
go right along just tho baiuo if Mc
Kinley was dead; I have always
been a republican but I cannot
stay with tho part' this year."
The Guide says that "Mr.
Smytho stated in his speech that
the Bryan dollar would be worth
100 cents and that freo silver
would bring prosperity, but ho
failed to show how" and that "the
audience was made up of a large
number who take no stock what
ever in tho lGto 1 heresy." Bro.
Paradis if you had "stnid it out"
you would have been "shown
how" and judging from the
amount of laughter and clapping
of hands when you left the hall,
tho audience was composed en
tirely of those who believe in
tho "16 to 1 heresy."
L. B. Fenner received a letter
this week from Rev. J. M. Crocker,
his uuc le, who is Chaplain of the
Anamosa Iowa Penitentiary. Mr.
Fenner never thought of Mr.
Crocker voting any other than tho
republican ticket (and it is unus
ual for a republican state official to
to do so) but tho following extract
from his letter shows whore he
"The discussiou of tho plat
form has established the fact
by the testimony of its cnemica
that tho monetary plank in that
platform is a declaration favorable
to tho fanner. But the ballot box
iB tho arsenal from which ovcry
sentiment must be "armed" to be
affective, and it remains to bo de
cided whether tho farmers will not
help to cruciiiy themselves at tho
polls. My hope and prayer is
that tho Lord of host will preside
over the destiny of this nation in
tho coming election: and that the
Abraham Lincoln of the white
race may bo our next president.
If William J. Bryan is in the
chair of the executive of this na
tion it will be official notice to the
wide world that the republic has not
abdicated in favor of a Plutocracy
On Sept. 28, 1896, from sec. 29
28-48, one black steer calf; ono
ono black heifer calf; both spring
calves; both mulies. Liberal i"0
ward will bo paid for information
leading to their recovei'y.
Awjekt Nelson,
Hemingford, Nob.
Bring in potatoes on subscrip
tion. . y
Hon. A L. Tingle,
One of tho loading freo silver
Republicans of tho state,
will speak in tho court house
Monday, Oct. 26,
Mr. Tingle is ono of tho
many republicans who has
tho courago to express his
convictions, and all should
hear him.
Don't forget
That Dr. W. I. Seymour, of tho
Aloo & Ponfold Company, Omaha,
tho loading scientific opticians of
tho state, will bo at Alliance, Oct.
28 aud 29. Dr. Seymour has
recommendations from tho most
prominent people of his city,
Omaha, and while horo a fow
weeks ago fitted glasses for
sevoral of our citizens and has
given universal satisfaction and
you may safely rely upon Dr.
Seymour to do whatevor he
claims. Anyono who wishes to
consult tho Doctor may leave
word at this office.
The ladies of Heraingford and
vicinity will give a McKinloy
and Bryan social at the court
house Friday evening, Oct. 23.
McKinlcy and Bryan will be pres
ent and address us by proxy. A
very entertaining program will
be rendered by which tho new
woman will bo represented in
different phases of life. Refresh
ments will bo served by tho
ladies. Come everyone and wo
will guarantee that you get more
than your money's worth.
By order of committee.
Office days of Co. Supt. aro
Mondays and Saturdays of each
week. Teacher's examination tho
third Saturday of each month.
Any teacher who 1ms not a State
Courso of Study should send to
Co. Supt. at once for a copy and
adopt it in his school this year.
Tho following is tho program for
the teachers reading circle for tho
meeting to be held at Heraingford
High school building Oct. 24, 189G:
History. I. Introduction
Stato of society before 1000 B. C.
Mrs. M. Blanchard.
II. A Tho World of the Phoe
nicians John 13auragardnor.
B. State of Civilization.
Nellio Goodenough.
III. Tho Greek World,500 BC
H. F. Fillmore.
IV. Tho Worlds of tho Romans
Rosa Parkin.
V. Conclusions .. J. P. Hazard.
Nellio Goodenough,"
Leo Rustin, 1
H. F. Fillmore, Com.
D. K. Spacht, J
I hope every teacher in the
count)' will attend every meeting
of liis local circle and evory meet
ing of the count' association and
1 come fully prepared in tho work
to be done at each mooting come
with tho intention of taking part
in in tho discussions. Come with
the intention of knowing moro
j when you go away than when you
' came, then and then only will you
bo benefitted.
For salo or trade, a good houso
and 3 lots in David City one of
tho best towns in eastern Ne
braska; population 8,000, electric
light, waterworks, etc. This
is desirable inside property, well
located, on corner, east front,
nice lawn and trees. Will soil
cheap or trade for Box Butto
realty. Apply at The IIekald
Tho following-named gentle
mon have been selected ta servo
as jurymon during tho coming
term of tho district court which
convenes on Wednosday, Novem
ber 18th:
A. Mi Drnko, H. M. Anderson,
Geo. Hendricks Chas.McKlnnoy,
Albert Nelson, John Kaufman,
L. F. Leavitt,
W.A. Hood,
G. W. Jones,
S. A. Curtis,
Wm. Matzat,
J. J. Lyon,
G. II. Clayton,
Jas. Connoloy.
Wm. Randolph,
Tobias Brown,
James Robinson, Fred Pahlow,
J. N"; Clark, Ed C. Reck,
Tom Beck,
F. W. Adams,
D. C. Mclntyro,
B. Harrison is
with an attack of rheumatism
Tho Homingford ladies havo
tho distinction of raising tho first
money for tho Bryan campaign
in tho state. Tho ladios of Wy
more rauk noxt.
Tho gold bugs havo given up
Nebraska at last and thoy aro
greatly worried over Ibwa, Illi
nois, Wisconsin, Michigan and
Ohio, all of which Bryan will
Digging potatoes is tho order
of tho day.
H. K. Fulsaas was awarded
tho contract for building tho
school house in district No. 81.
Mr. D. Eborly lost a valuable
raaro a while ago. Mr. Eborly
seems to havo hard luck, as ho
has lose several head this sum
mer. Thoro was a political debate at
tho Facomyor school houso last
Saturday night betweon Messrs.
Hampton and Dorrington on tho
gold side and Mr. Sullivan for
silver. Those who were there
say that Sullivan has tho best of
There will bo a debate at tho
school houso one and half miles
west of Borea Saturday night
Oct. 20th, between B. A. Mc
Carthy and S. Mastrud for gold
and W. H. Jewett and L. S.
Mastrud for silver. This will bo
the final settlement of this all
important question and every
body should como and be con
vinced. EVERYTHING...
That a Woman's
Heart Can Desire
to be. Found in
my Stock cf
Call and soo tho immonso varloty
of Dry Goods, Ladies and
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Shoes, Notions,
Brand Now and CHEAP.
linery Store.
of The Hox Butte Hank, at Hemlwrford, In the
Htate ol Nebraska, al we close or business Bout.
SO, 1W:
Loans ami discounts 5,030.0.1
Over dratts.secured and unsecured.
Furnlturo.and fixtures
Other real estate
Chocks aud other cash items.
Totai. $8,487.37
Capital Mock paid iu 5,000.00
Umlli Ided profit , 72.75
Individual deposits subject to' check. 2.8Utt
Demand certificates of deposit 69.0J
Time certificates of deposit IW.OO
Duo to National banks,..., 3(3.30
Total , 8,7.37
State of Nebraska, County of Hot liutte, ss:
1, C. A. Hurlttw, president of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above
statement is true to the uet of my knowlultro
and belief. O. A. I1UHI.KW. l'residenu-
Uupscribod and sworn to before me this Stlt
day of October, lMtf. V. M. lODCNOl,
Ukai-J Not.ry Public.
Calvin J. Wildy
New Prices! , New Everything!
Always Leads .and Never Follows !
Hardware and Sa
.Tub uldicst iisTAnusniiENx in tub Countt.
Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Gnu in Round Oak Hating Stoys,
Paints, Oils, Glass, afc
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb
Wire the Best on Earth.
A High Grade Lager Beer,
Purest in the Market.
Office 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob.
Three Opinions:
"The CHICAGO RECORD is a model
newspaper in every sense of the word,"
Harrlsburg (Pa.) Call.
"There is no paper published in America
that so nearly approaches the true-journalistic
From "Newspaperdom" New York).
"I have come to the firm conclusion, after
a long test and after a wide comparison
with the journals of many cities and coun
tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes
as near being the ideal daily journal as we
are for some time likely to find on these
mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in
the Evanston III.) Index.
Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions
raceiued by all postmasters. Address THE CHt
CAQQ RECORD, 1S1 Madison-si. '