DAIRY AND POULTRY. INTERESflNd CHAPTEP3 FOR OUR RURAL READERS. Uir . !. How' Kueenssfal Fnrm.rs Operala This Department of the Farm A Few lit(nt n lo Hie Cra of !.! BtocU anit "TfluUrj. y- California ttntt.r Law. A. Snn Francisco correspondent of thtt Chicago Ttccord 'writes to that Jour' nnj'ttB follows: "Wo wero traveling In filfiklyou county, that northern part of tho. Btnto which Geographically la a part of California, but commercially is a part ,of Oregon. It la a wild and pafsclf soUled region, with only hero and' thero a half-cultlvatod ranch and an -occasional mining camp. "Jft 'whs one of the, latter we reached about nightfall. We woro directed to thoj principal hotel In the place, n roughly boarded, two-story building, of whjch Jtho moat prominent fenturo of its Internal arrangement was tho bar ropm, which was also tho office, and contained In one corner a wooden sink provided with a paper bucket filled with water, two or three tin wash basins and a couple of community towels hung on rollers. ''Supper wan ready when wo arrived -and wo woro directed nt once to a long room with a low colling the dining room In which about twenty roughly dressed, men, most of them Jn their hlrt alcoves and apparently miners, lumbermen and tcamtttcrs, were seated t three or four long tables. Tho tables wqfco c'ovored with oil cloth. The table ware waa very thick and heavy Iron stqho china, much cracked and chipped. The knives and forkB woro Bteol, with 'bandies discolored and crackod from rough usage and hot dishwater. Near eafch end of tho tablo was a set of cas tors, originally, doubtless, quite showy -with silver plating, but at this period much tho 'worse for tho wear of tho .plating. VTho dining-room girl who camo to wait on us rattled off the bill of faro Inffoxnctly" tho samo way that dlnlng ropraglrla do In ten thousand other hotels all over this brond land. As sip rccolvcd our orders sho slid tho big butter dish from Its plnco near tho tnlddlo of the tablo over toward ua, saying: 'Hero's your substitute but ter, at tho same tlmo taking from one of tho casters, whero thoy wero kept, like ihe bills of fare In cheap restau rants pieces of cardboard about tho nlzo and shnpo of tho ordinary restau rant bill of fare. She laid one of these down on tho table beside each of us aful started for the kitchen. Wonder ing Bllghtly at this, wo each picked up tlo. card board laid before us, and this Is what wo read: : The butter served hero is but- : : 'torlno. 'Percentage of Ingredients I : is as follows: ,- : i Creamery butter 25 : ? Neutral ..... . 20 : i Butter oil 10 : sil... H or. -. U1CU Ult OU ri : Oroam, milk and salt 10 : 1 VTotal 1.... 100 T "'By tho tlmo wo had flrilahed rcad-' nngftil8 Urn1 girl returned with our sup- pcn vviien cue nau prrauKeu mo va rious dlsheajn frpnt of Us wo asked her what aho had given us this chemical anfuyals of our butler product for. Without 'a word, but with a gesture of Impatience, Bho turned the cardboards over, and wo read: ",ThIa notice is given In conformity wltn 'sections 3 and 7 of an act of the. legislature of California, approved' Marh 9 1895, entitled an "Act tb pro-1 ven deception In tho manufacture anil alof butter and of cheese, to securo ItB Enforcement and to appropriate nonejr therefor." ' 'fccc. R?Eaeh person who, by' him'-" Belfjor another, lawfully manufactures any substance designed W be used as a substitute for butter or cheese, shall prefiare a statomont, printed in plain Roman type of a size not emaller than (leap stating In tho English language ila nnino and the namo and address of the 'manufacturer, tho name of tho $lace whero manufactured or put up) Bd7also the names and actual percent ges'6f tho various ingredients used ltl the'manufacturoof such imitation buti er or Imitation cheese. : " Sec 7. No keeper or proprietor of aayi'bskory, hotel, boardingrhouao, res? taurant, saloon, lunch counter or othee place 'of public ntertalnment, or any 5?erBOn having charge thereof or em jloyed thereat, or any person furnlshr Ing hjmrd for other percon3 than mjjpi bersjpf bla own family,, or for anyloiD.j Vloy.ex whero such board s fur'nisbsjj ujlhe compensation or as a port of the compensation of any such empjoyij, -eha.11, placo before such patron, or etaj fployo, for use as food, any substance designed to be used as a substitute for juttgr or cheese, unless the same be accompanied by a copy of the stated Vktn descrloou in section 3 of tula ac and by a verbal notification to saVc patron that euch substance 13 a substr- xtutelfor butter or cheese " "Tko proprietor, having now com plied with all the requirements of the Uw.'haa only this wish to express: " 'May good digestion wait on appetite ASdj health on both.'" -v ' ' ' ... Agricultural Exports. The hlgh walerj mark of the exportation of. agrL eujjaijal products from the United J&tB ,wa roached in 1S92, when they reached the enormous value of $799, 2&',232. In 1895 they had fallen to 55,fcl5,3l7. This Is enough.to make a substantial difference with our farm ers ' for J24O.O0O.O0O don't grow on Yer'y buah, and most of the bushes fcave been picked. Ex. JL bad temper In the owner will beget abad one in tho cow, and when they Aoth ge"t. Ua1 " nrofit la bad. Tnbuern ITnit A an Ineetlrl1r. Mr. T. Orclncr, one of America's tend ing authorities, Bays: "For some yeara I havo been using and recommending tobacco dliBt as an all-round Insect de stroyer. I use It in tho greenhouso for llco (nphls), in tho open ground for tho cucumber bdtlo, plant llco, and for worms of all kinds, nnd sometimes in tho hen-house for llco, etc. It Is surely one of tho swiftest of all insecticides wo -can apply, almost or fully equal to buhach.. If sifted or scattered over cur rant bushea Ufa currant wormB will curl up nnd die, and tho bushes will bo free from tho pest within an hour or less, and fall from them for Bomo tlmo. It blown into tho heart of cabbage plants it means tho end of the green worm, Applied In the samo way to tho nests of tho caterpillars (and the trees all around us at this tlmo are full of them) especially In the morning or evening, whjn tho worms aro alt at hocio, it will clear them qut for good in Ipsa than an hour. In short, I hardly know what worm or other sott-bodled insect tho contact with tobacco dust would not speedily kill. I believe it will even put an end to tho potato bug. It is dis tasteful to many hard shell beetles also, an may bo Boon by tho fact that with heavy applications wo can drive away tho cucumber beetle (and perhaps tho squash bug). The flea beotle, unfortu nately, is not so easily conquored, even if it does not like tobacco amoll. Surely, tobacco dtftt must bo considered a most excellent Insecticldo, and na It is not ex pensive (In some casos, perhaps, tho sweepings of cigar factories, etc., will do and can bo had for tho hauling). I think every soil tiller Bhould keep it on hand. I have usually applied tobac co dust with the baro hands, scattering it rather freely over tho bushea and plants, and around cucumbers, melon and squash vines, oven an Inch deep on tho ground. The stuff is worth nenrly tho full prlco aBked for It (3 per barrel, or do) as a fertilizer, and I havo not felt the necessity of using It In a particular ly economical manner. For cabbage and caterpillar nests, however, hand bcllowii of some kind are almost nccos sary, na wo want to blow tho dust well amongst the leaves and tho web3. Tho ordinary cheap hand bellows, ns of fered for sale by seedsmen and hard ware storcB, will do very well for cab' bate. What Forrit Tree to Plnnt. Tho question arises, what shall wo plant? There aro so many general kinds of tree? and varieties of each that tho matter Ib very much simpli fied when we know that tho number of species acNpted to any soli and lo cality Is comparatively few. Prof. Drewof of Yalo college, in Walker's Statistical Allan, says that In tho United States we havo only 300 In digenous species that In full growth reach thirty feet in height, and In tho region including our own state wo havo but sixty to slxty-flvo species that reach fifty feet in height. Different species aro found on different geolog ical strata, so that in connection with the question "what to plant?" wo may prplltably consult our geology and orig inal forest growth. Other species may do well, but wo must prove them bc foro trying them extensively. Our original forests havo furnished excel lent timber of white, burr, red and yol- lov oak, two or three species of ash, black walnut, chestnut, etc., etc., each of which, If planted Well and cared for would. In a comparatively short time, furnlBh timber for many purposes. Then, we havo several species of conl-fc-rao, as pines, sprUcca, and larches, each of which has been tried in other countries, and somewhat in this, and havo done well. Those could bo tried on soils not too fertile, and will suc ceed. Larches especially will grow al most anywhere. One man In Nnntuckot planted 10,000 In 1S77. The locust has been tried and does.wcll; but best of all, perhaps, is tho Catalpa speclosa. or hardy catalpa as It l& known and dis tinguished from blgnouloldes. which la much lesB. hardy, and of which It is a variety, in lower grounds elms, and wen 'willows, might bo planted with profit. Prof. C, L. Ingersoll. a.' : -, ' .- Quality In llnrnei. t Tho European countries prefer to improve tho quality more vigorously than to Increase tho number of tholr horses. England haB only 1,529,000, while wo havo in the United States 10,000,000 horses, a very Bmajl per cent of which aro suitable for city market and , export. Russia has 3Q,000,000 horses of a still moro Inferior quality, Upflt for any market and) too small for farm work. Tho Itusslcn trotter has had the encouragement of tho govern ment, Now tho pensants aro urging tho government to furnish them with draft hordes sultablo for their farm Viork, to haul the heavy farm machines. Smalj horses lu largo numbers will JmpqverlBh any country and it ia well for America that tho ranch horsa and tho little trotter no longer pay for their feed, while thero Is such great demand for high-class draft and coach horses at high prices because they are so scarce. Live Stock .Journal. Irrigating Fruit Trees. In a recent paper Professor E. W. Hllgard, of Cali fornia, said that much water makes fruit too aciduouB and of poor quality, says an exchange. If there Is too little water the fruit will bo dry and small. Tho thing to bo avoided la to not irri gate too much. If the ground is soaked all tho season, the roots run near to the surface, and a drought would probably kill the tree. Irrigation baa much to do with the flavor of fruit. Fruit men should study the nature of the soil, and Irrigate accordingly. As soon aa fruit is fully formed, irriga tion should be decreased, as the treo neodt rest aa well aa everything else. People will not pay 25 centa far 19 cent butter. IN WOMAN'S CORNER.! INTERESTING READINO FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. 111: t'attlcoatf a Dclnlon a nit a Snare KpC ah Flannel Arn Heine Itelntro d'need A Rnl n Men of Hettimlng Il'iltlci Ulcit Teai. ILK petticoats aro a delusion and a snaro to any wom an who cannot af ford a new ono every month. Few articles of apparel appear moro entic ing when they aro displayed in tho shops, and tholr lightness and deli cate coloring make ono feel that ono's wardrobo is Incomplete without n specimen of theso ruffled and fur belowcd garments. But alas for tho women of moderato circumstances who buys a fillk petticoat, especially it it be of taffeta, with tho idea that aho will wear it and "get the good of it," aB the saying goes. Tho friction of walklag cuta every fold of tho ruffles, tho slightest dampness shrinks tho cord In the border of tho flounces, so that tho latter aro all puckered at the edge, whllo Iho foot of tho petticoat comes to rags very shortly. For occaelonal wear under a thin evening dress tho silk petticoat will do very Well, but aa human naturo's dally food It is not satisfactory. Mohair, sateen and mo reen aro far better investments. They aro cheaper In tho first place, much moro durable and keep their fresh ness longer. Whlto petticoats of mus lin, cambric or lawn aro exceedingly pretty and vory fashionable at pres ent. Trimmed with lace and ruffles, they aro as dainty aa heart could deslro and possess tho merit of looking as well as now overy tlmo they are laun dered. Tho petticoat requires to be vory wide nnd to havo a number of full flounces in order to keep its bouf fancy, but muslin and lawn are so light that tlria abundant trimming ia no bur den, save to tho person who does tho ironing. Tho Illustration bIiowb ono of tho fashionable whlto costumes. The eklrt of whlto piquo W entirely plain. The short bolero is of cream laco over cream taffeta and ha3 square fronts opening over a full'chemlsotto of whlto moussollno do sole. Tho draped cor selet la of lizard green liberty satin. The sleevo I? of cream laco over cream taffeta and hits a laco frill at the wrist. The collar 18 of whlto mousselino de sole. Menu of ItnturnliiR ISuRtleg. Tho latest silk petticoat may be a forerunner of-tho much despised bus tle. If Is a billowy creation made with a decprufllo, through tho bottom of which a fine reed la run. At tho back the lower half of tho skirt hangs in folds. There aro olx folds, and through each ono a reed la run which m'akea tho skirt stand out with a certain aggres Bivo stiU'ness at tho bottom, though at .the waist line It Is very flat. All tho now silk skirts have either tho fine reeds to aid them in standing out, or they are lined from tho bottom to a fey inches abovo tho kneo with hair cloth. Women of fashion In buying a ellk petticoat these days order a shorter silk skirt to match, as well as a"cOraet. Brocado is the silk most In favor,- and both tho akirta and corset aro exquisitely embroidered with tho owner's monogram. Lace flounces trim both skirts, and a tiny frill of the same pattern of lace finishes the corset at the top. Alpnca fiown, A plcturo is given of a costume of bluo alpaca. Tho plain skirt Is adorn ed around the foot by two narrow bands of bluo galloon, tho tabller being- outlined in the eamo manner. The blouse bodlco has n short, rippled basque and opens in front over a plas tron .of blue alpaca. The. very large sailor dollar Is of whlto faille and. is .trimmed with two bands of narrow gal loon.' The belt is likowlse of white faille, the cravat being of whlto tulle with lace ends. Lace frills finish the wrists. Colli Ttlhf Mtilo Tftiiipllncr. Plain everyday disheB at tho homoJ table may bo made moro appetizing if tho young housekeeper will instruct her maid of all work to pay a llttlo more attention to them or it sho will devote a few moments before each meal to seeing that tho dish la prettily gar nished. Cold roast lamb Is good: but who wantB to have It placed before him In a wholo leg or shoulder, without a sprig of green on a hot day? A simple and effective way to serve cold lamb Is: Select a largo loin and havo your butcher cut each chop up to the Joint; crack the Joints, but do not separate them, and remove the meat an lnqh from tho end of each chop bone. Now daw the two ends of tho loin together 1 and tie, spreading tho small enda go I thnv farm n Hrpln nml rnnaf no n I would nny piece of meat, only remem ber thnt. tho chops being separate, tho meat will cook more quickly. This lamb may bo served hot or cold, but if it la cold ornament tho end of each chop bono with a fringed and curled paper cap, stick a bouquet of mint or parsley In tho top, and upon tho plat ter besldo each pair of chops put a spoonful of cold boiled string beans or peas, and on the green bed a small red ball cut from boiled beets. Servo a French dressing In a separate dlBh for tho vegetables. This is but one of many ways, If tho housekeeper Bhowa lntcreat In having tho homo dishes prettily garnished tho maid aoon will bo and will find aho, too, has a brain and can aurpriae you with some in genioua dovice. Spanlih Flonncei. Trimmed skirts havo reintroduced the Spanish flounce, that most graceful of all trimmings. It is now on a rather scant skirt and easily solves tho dif ficulty of how to secure width at the bottom with little fullness at the top. Tho Spanish flounce should begin at the back" about four inches from tho belt and from thence gradually narrow until it doeB not extend above tho knee in front 'It may be finished with a plain band of embroidery, but th newest thing1 is a ruche, very fully plaited. ' A slight variation from tha Spanish flounce leaves the front width entirely plain. Tho flounco is started at tho side seims, gradually Increas ing in width toward tho back, but not to any great extent. Rosettes of rib bon at regular Intervals finish tho top. Worn with this skirt is a light-fitting bodice of lace, finished about the decolletage neck with similar rosettes The Latest in Dally Newa. Doom of the Toothpick Shot The pointed toe shoe is going out of style. Such is tho decree of fashion, and when fashion dictates few men or women dispute the decree. Henco the passing of the "toothpick" point la a fact that ia Just forcing itself on manu facturer and dealers. Somo of the leading shoe dealers confirmed the statement that in its placo is appear-, lng the moro comfortable round toed i stylo of footwear. The exodus of tho "toothpick" markB an opoch in the history of footgear. Tho ultra fashionable youth will havo no trouble In standing squarely upon their own feet, Instead of boaring down up on their nelghbora' pedal extromitlei with tho uselesB projection of the old atylo shoe. There havo been many styles of shoes worn by different styles of men, but the pointed too maintained ita supremacy longer than any of them. But, like all else, It has had to give way. to the dictates of Dame Fash-1 Ion, and fall styles show a wider range of lound and square toed shoes than has been in stock for many a long day, ' whllo Ihpre is lesa variety of pointed toed shoes seen than over before. A representative shoe company Bald: "In tho future pointed toes may be worn more or less for evening wear, but they will eventually become out of date for the reason that they aro more apt to break around tho tips, and tbe dealers aro accused of selling an in ferior article. The shoe that Is com ing in the place of the pointed shoo is ono that is known as the 'bulldog,' which- has a raised) round, blunt toe. The reason for calling the ahoo 'bull dog' Is because of tho shape of tho toe, which Is something llko a dog's head In form. This will bo the fashionable shop this fall." Tho manager of another store said: "Pointed shoes aro going qut of ,etylQ for tho reason that different designs ini.footwear aro merely a fad or fancy. The 'bulldog' shape Is a more com- fortablo. shoe and la a more sensible ! looking, article than tho old atylo of pointed shoe." Taxes tho Skill of Uunsts. A dolley tea is the newest in wom en's entertainments. At ono recent ly given on tho wide piazza of a beau tiful country home tho hostess handed each guest a small square of linen and silks and needles, with the request that each one design and embroider some object In forty-five minutes. The names of tho workers were written on this and each ono was examined and voted upon for Its ilofccts and excellencies. Prizes were given for the most cor rect drawing, 'the most original, tho best execution, tho worst and for other points, so that overy guest was pos-, sesscd of one. The notion was amus ing because unexpected and novel. The prizes wero nefodle cases, emeries, thimbles and other trifles In silver. i Pride deprives the world of half Its ploasuros. Many a- trip would be made on the merry-g6-iound but for what ono's friends would say. pP T Tlia October Atlantic. Tha Atlantic Monthly for October ia one of the roost important issues of tha year. Thero is tho usual fine literary flavor to the contents, nnd this la sup plemented by timely papers on politi cal, scientific and Industrial subjects. The leading arttclo of tho month, by President Eliot, of Harvard, is on "Five American Contributions to Civiliza tion," viz., the practice of arbitration instead of war, tho incrcaso of wido re ligious toleration, tho safe develop ment of manhood suffrage, the proof that pcoplo of a great variety of na tions aro lit for political frcdoui, and, fifth, the dilusion of well-being among tho population in general. Pro. John Trowbridge sounds a note of warning in tho vigoroua article en titled "The Imperiled Dignity of Scl enco and law." Exhaustive book reviews and The Contributors' Club complete the issue. Trips Undertaken for ITealtli'i Sake Will bo tendered more beneficial, and tho fatigues or travel counteracted, If the voy ftgor will talco alont with him Hostctter'n Stomach Hitters, and u&e that protective and enabling tonic, nervo Invlporant and nppotlzorroRularlv Impurities In air and wntor are neutralized oy it, and It Is a matchless tranquilizer and regulator of tho stomach, liver and bowels. It counteracts malaria, rhoumatUm, and u tendency to kidney and bladder troubles. A Dress Reform Crusade. Mile. Payer, a Swiss lady, who has recently taken the degree of doctor of medicine, has instituted a crusado ngainst the faults in woman's dress, es pecially inveighing against tight gloves and boots, corsets and long skirts, Ilor lectures aro said to be so effective that moro than 100 ladies at tho end of ono of her discourses pledged themselves to renounce corsets, to only wear gloves on special occasions and to have dresses at least ten inches from tho ground. Rev. D. II. Rohrabaugh of Osceola, Iowa, Writes ! Sent 1. 1S90: "Your letter recolved. l nayo taken an oi ttio sarapio box oi ur. - ' m . -, ' Kny's Renovator, and havo found it an ex cellent laxativo and renovator, and I be lieve it has strong norvino powers." M tin-Haters. A woman who died recently boasted that she had not spoken to a man for over thirty years, and another was equally juoilnnt over tho fact that sho had lived twenty-fivo years in ono houso without a man crossing thresh old. Hut probably the bitterest man hater of modern times was an Austrian woman, who at tho time of her death was engaged in developing a plan for the ultimate extinction of tho wholo male population. Cascarets stimulate livcr.kldneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. The refining of supar was invented Antwerp, in the sixteenth century. in Warner's Safe Cure IN LARGE OR SMALL DOTTLES. AwtEjrirw Owing to the many requests from its patrons, SAFE Warner's Safe ( Cure Co. have put on the market a ' smaller sizo bottle of Safe Cure which can now be obtained at all druggists at half the price of the large bottle. Bsuam" Dueasi r-HAi CortFLAiim bCTOUL DtMUTT. MAt-MUA., ----r;jL-- CtT?3KC7.3 ;s:fssa-tg3jl SC&Sfe&i cgf& is not only a scientific vegetable preparation and does all that is claimed for it, but it is the only Kidney and Liver medicine used by the best people of four conti nents. A medicine that bears the stamp of the world's ap proval, and maintains its posi tion for a fifth of a century, must necessarily possess pe culiar merit. K .tWw BfriiTiBiiari-riiWif KymhmI -2 Crxe WLr s$e$$eeo$9 Tho pleasantest, &afest and most fl kind 01 cough, lafrrlrpe, inllucnza. SW i utAlran sw Htsn riaa, irt t t li a rt nn 1 . aivnvu w i4iduk-u sl mo DlUUJUliH. ly by the mot noted physicians In m JNew lone wiin the very bebt oi success. O Dr. Kay's : Ltmm I, n n n k l &. 1. ... 4 411 T ,4.1. f. . LasrririDe und couuhed aln osl contlnunllv vailous cough meillclrn b but could cet no relief. One rackitKO of Dr Kav's Luntr mL Balm cured ms eutlr-It." Sold by Umeetstri or went by moll for 2ic Send il ress 6H o 16th -ireet Omaha 'Neb, Proper Tires We have made a study of tires pounded them year in and year out by thousands on our wheel-testing machine, tested them for elasticity, for speed, for durability had reports from riders and agents everywhere. Result is the wonderfully elastic and durable Hartford Slngb Tube Tires used on I" STANDARD OF THE WORLD Hartford Tires are easiest to repair in case of puncture, strongest, safest, best. Columbia Art Catalogue, telllnj; fully of all Columhlat, anil o( Hartford Dlcydes, trustworthy machines of lower pi ice, U free from any Columbia agent by mail for two U-cent stamps. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Branch Stores and Accncles In almost every city and town. If Columbian ore not properly represented lu your vlcli.lty, let us know. Fall Medicine li fullr n Important and bcaeOottl a Sorlrn- Medicine, and tbs best Fall Medlrioe it Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best In fact tho One True Blood Partner H,1x-, n:u cure Liver Ills easy te flood S PUIS take, easy to operate. 23c. Pullman Never Built lletter Tourist Sleepers Than those used for tho Burling ton Route's personally conducted onco-a-week excursions to California. That ia ono rea son why you should patronize them when you go west Other reasons are: The tlmo is fast cars are not crowded excursion con ductors and uniformed porters accom pany each party the scenery enrouta is far and away the finest on the globe. Tho excursions leave Omaha every Thursday morning and go thro' to San Francesco and Los Angeles withou' change. lor full information about rates. etc.. write to J. Pbancis, Gen. Agt Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. SOUTH MISSOURI WEST The best fruit section in tho West. Ni drouths. A failure of crops never known. Mild climate. Productive soli. Abundance oi good pure water. For Maps and Circulars giving full descrip tion or tbo Itkh Mineral, Fruit and Agricultu ral Lands In -South West Missouri, write tt JOHN M. riWUV. Monacorof thoWlssoa Land and Ltvo Stock Company, Neosho, New ton Co., Missouri. BUCKET SHOPS! TRADE WITH A RESPONSIBLE FIRM. E. S. MURRAY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 122, 123 and 124 RUito Building, Chiugo, 111. Members ol the Chicago Botrd ol Trade in good standing, wbo will furnish you with tholr Latest Book on statistics and rcllabhs information re Kurdine tbo markets Write tor It and their Pally Market Letter, boih FREE, inferences: Au. Ex. National, Hank, Chicago. 1,200 BU. CRIB. $9.50. 9. H. BLOOMER, Council Bluffs, lowi. This button irHh a ten cat bex if ASCARETS, W CANDY CATHARTIC, the Ideal laxative and guaranteed consti pation cure, sent FREE on receipt of five 2-cent stamps. Address sTfhmo rtraur connrr, Cblutot HMtrril.Cu.lBt Tm. STEADY WE PAY CASH WEEKLY md wnt men bti rywhere to SELL STARK TREES 5?"p0?.Ei. 'bolutclj-to-t."SurH,rhoutnti, nctrtTtttm. bTAHK IirtOTllKRS, Locisuna, Mo., HocKroBT, lu. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS' Elimination r.nd.AdTlco on ti rntciitbllltj- of In Tentloo. Send for "Inventor' f!nide,cr How to Get Patent." OTAUUELL & ROM, W&ihlngton, D. C. OHAHASTOVE REPAIR WORKS Stm Rplri far Vlad t iUt rnnir. DOCOI.AS ST., OMAHA. XEB. HOT PATENTS. Mveai-vrxperlencp. K-nd sVetch for ad l. , (1.. lie.ilt..! ! ni iti. exrimiti.i.TT n PaLOUIlo) Dcancx. Weaver, MlQIII Uldg., Wan.D.U OPIUM ,(J WHISKY '" "H. IlMk ,..t F2UC llr. K. 31. UnOLLKY, ATUST1, CI. WSSl'i? JThorapson's Eys Water.' CUR'S WHMiE AIL HSf FAILS. Best Cough Byron. Taj.tc Good. Use I in time. nna oy aruesuta. 3swKff EOT: iirrei iT'lll tow V. N. U., OMAHA 10 1898 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. efficient remedy htiuwu for every t'' etc. bnfo for all ntres. Does t T7 . m VkA&K ... J a4. . i I . . iiao UtCU uacu VCI V L'AtCUnlVD the hospitals of London, Paris and Lung Balm nwr slnca I rlrrt Hitvrrnl iln mr and 4ss ftka"i? ?4 tfZs o mm tuTfoniccisn. H t "Ml ( '., irTTlrfiistMi rifsmiwiirtitini fcytSjfHMtW - - -i tw 1 1 SW t ' J-. -r,OTnVJOi T8msxwuaaazi- wtxrc"