Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 02, 1896, Image 8

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( JKp
V v . i . '
VobHhfd tery Friday and rnlercd At tlio
i(t-olhee in Ileinlncford. Nebraska, at BWnnd
i)m mail matter. Tins lir.nt.P UdnvotM to
. ilii interest ot Iom(ngfurd and llox liuttfl
fcovnty, 1
..i .. i . , ... i .. n.i
"' . THOsi.J.KECFB.Publliher.
44 J.
srW&iirf to hates'i
ONttYKAlt ; Slffl
MIX MONDIH.rt,, 4 73
count? ovncmxa. $
P.M. Prnm..'.,, '. Clerk.
' A.M.Mhxkr ;..., Trcannrer.
I JAs. II. II. Hewstt Jmbm
K. 1. Hwkcnxt ,HherliT.
ill. K. Oii.smj ...Attorney.
' Miss A. K. NKEtiANO Boieflntendent.
I'HAS.IInsjiM Biirveyor,
Pn.W.K. MlM.Ell ',,, (,'oronor.
J)n. L. W.,1Iiwmah .,, ... ....rhynlelMi.
" James IUiirV., ComnilwsionerUt OUt.
Jn. llotuwnAKK.. ..Comnilffltinor 2nd Dint,
. (I. V. JDojjoan Commissioner Hrd DIM.
!"'' i in i ' m
Democratic Ticket,
For Trcsldnnt,
WM. J. UUYAN, of Nebraska.
For, Vice President,
. ARTUCiU SEW ALL, of Malric.
. FHED METZ, Sit., of Doligluu."
O. Vf. PALM, of Lancaster.
.1 J. HALE, or Madison.
X. PIASCEKI, of' Howard.
. N. O. ALBERTS; or Clay.
,S, L. KOSTKYZE, of Sallno.
. M. P. HARRINGTON, of Holt.
.T. N. CAMPBELL, of Naucc.
For Governor,
'f SILaS A. IIOLCOMl), pf punter.
For Lieutenant Governor. '' ' '
'JOHN E.JIAKIUS, of Nornalia.
For Secrecnry of State,
,WM. F. POUTElt, of Merrick.
F,oV Auditor,
. ,. F. CORNELL, of Richardson.
For Treasurer.
; . 31. MESEUVE, of Red Willow.
Far Siin't Public Instruction,.
, if VM. ttjJAOKSONj of IIoK
For Coiri'r Pul Lands and Buildings,
J. V. WOLFE, of Lancaster.
or Attorney General,
u. .1. smytii. or Douglas.
For Supreme Judge, (-1 years),
.' WM. NEVILLE, of Lincoln.
For Supie'mo Judgp, (2 ycan),
- J. lUKKl'ATK10K,or Lancaster.
For Uagont State University,
A. A.'MUNftOE, of Douglas.
kFor Congressman. Sixth District,
, WM . L. CJHEENE, of Buffalo.
For County Attorney, '
? W, M'IODENCE, of Dorsey.
For Commissioner Second District.
f T a i tfti irriTt ivti una
One of tho groat howls of the re
publicans is, that "frcp silver" will
. rflonblo tho price of famors products
;nij(thoroby bo detrimental to tho
laboring man, that is tho man who
, works for 'Wages bocauso not be
jing a pvoduoor ho must purclmso
lill he conaumes, and timo after
Ultimo, tho question is shouted it us
what ure you gpipg to do for Iho
pboring man?" Now let us in
vestigate. To got at both sides of
4ho question wo will ask what lire
ou going to do?. Mr. Cady ans
itvers put a hiph tariff on every
thing put a $10 tariff on imported
cattle c4cM etc: protect tho mnuu
faotuev s? ho will bo prosperous
Jlhen hiB prosperity will drip down
ipon tho farmer. What effect
vonld a $10 tariff have on the prico
pf cattle?; I5ad5' Ba's the farmer
vill get $10 more for his beef.
tThen suroly tho consumor or tho
.-wage earner will huvo to pay tho
,uxtra $10 for his beef.
Box Butto Items.
, Miss iIaggio Ross is attending
tho High school at Alliance. -i
Misses Nannie and Jijlia-Blair
yisited with their parents over
.Sunday. -
i Charley Haines of Alliance was
visi'tigg frionds at this placo last
Sunday. '
i A fmv qf tho McKinloyitcs at
tonded tho speaking "at Heming
Xord Monday. y
jQolbert Libby has rturnd
irom Bazpman, Mon., to look af
p.r his "olaim."
i Mr. William Hall and family
huvo moved to Iowa where they
expect to remain for tho winter.
m mtVjnxaK i .ni i mini
Oj5co days of Co. Supt. aro
Mondays and Saturdays of each
weoli. Toucher's examination thu
third Saturday of uuoh month.
Any teacher who has not a State
Courscfof Study (mould send to
Co. Supt. at on co for n copy and
adopt it in his school this year,
Tho first mooting of County
Teachers Association for coming
yoar v,as hold in Ilomingford
school jiouso last Saturday,
TliQ president in hor plqusnut
and buainossliko way called tho
meeting to order at propor timo
and proceeded to tho work of the
session. Tho paper on "Methods
of touching U. S. ' History" was
omitted as tho writer was unable
to bo present on account of tho
Mr. Baumgardncr's paper on
"Bunollls of reading circles" was
interesting and to tho i)oint. Ho
pointed out in a clear and decis
ive manner that $he aim of our
reading circle wyrk is mental
culture ami professional knowl
edge and how touchers as well as
the followers of other professions
need to read and study tho meth
ods other of our profession have
used and by which they have suc
ceeded. Tho Reading circle books
being tho best of reading mat
tor and our reading such has its
intluoncos in leading our pupils to
road tho best.
Tho organization of rqading
circlos was then taken up. Tho
constitution adoprca provided for
tho organization of circles ut Al
liance Ilomingford and those
near Marslund should moot thoro
and work with teachers, of Dawes
Co., jn that vicinity. 'Principal
of schools, D. K. Spacht, was
made president qf Ilomingford
Reading circle which will moot
ast Saturday of each month in
school building. Tho next meet
ing of association will bo held in
Alliance Doc. 12th. Marsland
was represented by seven young
ladies. They certainly show en
thuiasm aijd courage by their at
tendance. " '
On Sept. 28, 18(.)(5, fronsec. 29-25-8,
one black steer calf; ono
one black heifer calfj both spring
calves; both mulies. Liberal re
ward will be paid for information
leading to their recovery.
Albert Nelsox,
Ilomingford, Nob.
For salo or trade, a good house
and 3 lots in David City ono of
lie host towns in eastern Ne
braska; population 3,000, electric
light, waterworks, etc. This
is dcsirablo insido property, well
located, on corner, cist front,
nice lawn and troes. "Will soil
cheap or trado for Box Butte
Apply at THE' IIkp.ald
Comlo.t to California.
Every Thursday mqrning, u
tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake
City. San Francisco and Los An-
goleso leaves Omaha and Lincoln
via tho Burlington Route.
It is carpeted; upholstered in
rattan; has spring seats and backs
and is provided with curtains,
beddings, towels, soap and etc.
An experienced excursion con
ductor and a uniformed Pullman
pqrtor aceqmpany it through to
tho Pacific coast.
While nqithor as expensively
furnished nor ns fine to look at
as a palaco sleepor, it is just as
good to rid.o in. Second class
tickets aro.honored and the price
of a berth, wide ouough and big
enough for two, is qnly $5.
For a folder giving full par
ticulars, call at tho nearest B. &
M. R. R. ticket office. Or, writo
to J, Francis, Gon'l.Pass'r Ajront
BurlinglQii Route. Omaha, Nob.
Land Olflee at Alliauce. heb.. Auc. 12, 1BW5.
Notieo is hereby uUeiithat tho followinx
named settler has tiled notice of his intentinn
to make final proof in tupiiort of his claim and
that hald proof will lm made Uiforn tho Ueeister
or Ueoeiver at Alliance, Neb., on Sept. 21,
liBO, viz.
ofDnnlnp, Neb., who made II. U. No. 2770 for
for the s l4 nee 2S. tp 2U u, r 47 w.
He named tho following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, vu: John Potuiesil, John V. Pot
mesil, Vayvm I ladrk, Vaclav PotUKwil, all of
Dunlap. Neb. J. , eun, jb Hnfister.
Ijhd Offloe at Allianoo, Neb . Sit. SO, 16(H.
Notieo is hereby jfiven that tho folluvbilu;
namol settler has CKhI notlco of his intention
let mako final proof in support pf his claim and
tint said proof will b made Ixiforo Hvgister
and Iteceherat Alliance. Neb., on Not. V, IBdd.
of HemiuRford, Neb , who mado H U No. 30W
for tnu a w sec v, tp n, r i9 w
He names th. follow:-; witnteMM to provo
bis continuous rntddMito upon aud cultivation
of said land, tIk Mi.hael 11. Murphy, Leo
l'rcnanfel. Jamaa F. UVsn WtlH.n. V;r.,l 1
of ht'iu'Uitortl nh!.
j ivti.jB , ueet. r.
Notice to Non-resident Defendant.
In tlio dmtrlrt oonrt of Hox llutlo coBntjr.
WnilMU It. Abtroy. plaintiff
AnnioUPnunlnir. W. II. Fanning nml ff, 3.
Ilowdfm. defendant. " .
Tlie Imit6 namwl dofend"nt W. J. Ilowlen.
will tnkn notli-o that on tho fith day of AhkojI
1M, William II. Al)l7 plalntiRliproiii flleil Ida
petition lu thn district co'irt of Hox llntto
county BKainut tlio atmvo named defendants, the
object and prayer ol which aro to fcirvchnaa
certain mnrtjjasio eecut"d by tho defendant
Annie L. Fanninu to tho American IiiTestmnt
comiiany tiDon tho unnllicnM otmrtor of nectlon
SIintownKhlpa7north, ran" Wwegt (if the
nlxlli prinrlpal merlilian in JfoX Jiutio connty
Nebraska, to seeuro inn payment 01 tun- twmm
promissory nc to for tlio sum of SJOU.OO. ated
March Hth 17, and duo and )aldo I)v 1st
IkUl will. inli.nat thereon tinvnhle semlnmniallv
and on which timo of payment was afterwards
extended fivo years from maturity thereat.
Bald noto and mor taKO contains tho condition
that it any interest on said noto Is not paid
within twenty nays auer me sani'j iwuia uue,
then the nrlnnliial shall Immediately twmn
duo and payable at tho option ot tlio holder
thereof. Baid note and mnrtaire was lforo
tho samo iMcamn duo for a aiuaiio consmera
tion duly iissicned to tho plalnttrt who is now
tho holder and owner thorcof .
Allot tho interest which became duo on said
principal noto on tho first day ot Dee. 1895. and
sincothat timo still remains unpaid and tho
plaintiff elects to d)laro the principal and in
terest thoro on duo and payable at once. And
theroisnowdno thoplafntllf on said noto and
mortcaco tho own of fclOU.W, with intorest thro
on from tho IstUay ot June lkfi5. at ten per cent
per annum. LMfelntlfT prays for a decreo that
thodofendents borcjuircd to pay tln samo or
that sabl premises may bo sold to satisfy tho
amount found due. t
Von aro required to answer said petition on
or beforo the Mtb day of Huptvmber 181W.
Uatod August (1, 1H,W.
WlM.IAM II. AimEY, Plaintiff.
Ily D. K. 8l?4CHT, bis attorney. f p 8-7-lw.
In tho District Court ot Box Butto County.
Anna 0. ICekd, Plaintiff.
Clementine A. MoKinnev, Defendant.
Clementtno A. McKInney defendant, will tnko
notice that on tho 10th day of Aucust. 1HW1, An
na O I teed plalntitT herein filed her po.ltitfii in
tho district court of Hox Hutte county, Nebras
ka, nRainsl you tho said dofendant, tho object
and prayer of which is to forocloso a certain
mortKaRO executed by tho defendant to tho
American Loan and TriiBt Company upon tho
northwest quarter of section 1), in township "jr
north, ranco 411 west of tho fitti p. m., in llox
IlutUi connty, Nebraska, to seenro tlio ayment
of ono nromissorv noto dated May 'in. 1M). for
tho sum of $:W(), and duo and payable on tho 1st
day ot May lbKl, bcarinK interest at tho rate of
7 per cent per annum from date, b'aid notuand
mortgage. wa for a valuablo oonslderation, io
foro tho same became duo, dnly sold, assigned
and delivered to tho plaintiff, who is now tlio
owner thereof and of tho money duo thereon
and there is now duo tho plaintiff from tho il
fendant upon said noto and morttmsjo, tho sum
ot $300, with interest thereon, from tho 1st day
ot May 1MKI, at tho rato of ton per cent per an
num, and tho further sum ot 511.01 foe taxes
paid on "srfid premises to protect ber security
with interest thereon at ten per cent per .nnnui
from tho 12th day of July IB'JI, for which, sums
with tlio interest thereon, plaintiff prays for a
decreo, that tho defendant Ik rcquiml'tn pay
itio same, or trial bow morutaao may oo mr
closedand said premises may be sold according
to law to satisfy tho amount found duo.
Yon aro required to aimwer Mild petition on
or lKforo tho 2nd day of NQvember lb'Jfl.
Dntct Kmit. ul. 1M. '
ANNA O. ItRED, Plaintiff,
Ily W. M. Iodenco, her attorney,
f P Sept. 'J5.
Notice to Non-rcsldent Defendant.
In tho District Court' ot llox Uutto county,
William N. Peauson )
MaiivA I'EnsoN. )
Mary A. Tearson, defendant, will lake notlco
that on the llth day of HaptpmU-r, 1B', tho
plaintiff heroin filed his petition in tho district
court oT llox llntto county, Nebraska, auntnit
said defendant, tho object and prayer of which
is to procure a divorco from tho bond oT matri
mony oxistin beUu-en tho parties hereto, and
iny further rollof which tho court may deem
oqiiitablo. .
You aro required to answer said potition on
or lieforo the luth ilay of Cctobor, lbU).
Dated Sept. 10. 1MM.
WIUilAM N. PKAItSON, Plaintiff.
By h. A. Ukiiiiv. his attorney.
llo.v. J. W. Wkiin, Jn., lUsUter.
IIoN. i M. lluooMK. lteceUur.
Parties having notices, in this col'imn aro re
quested to read tho samo carefully antl report to
this oflicHi for correction any errors that may
exist. This will prevent possibly delay iu
making proof.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Kept. 14. 1WW.
IloticoiM hereby given that tho followinK
named settler has tiled notlco of his intention to
make final proof iu support of IiIb claim and
that said proof will be mado before UouUtor or
llecoHor ut Alliance, Neb., on October -1, ltS'JJ,
of Ilomingford, Neb., who madoT. O. entry No.
"02 for iho u w U sec 13, tp 24, rg 50.
JIo names tho followitur wuiu-H-es to proio
hit claim to cam land, viz: bntniiei u jiarrisou,
Fri,d Abley, James Curry, V. K. ltotuiiberi;er,
all of Ucmingtord, Nob.
J. W. WEUNR.. Heellitir.
Ijind Otiico at Alliance, Neb., Kept. 28, 1KB.
Notieo is hereby Rieu that the followliiK
nemed settlor has filed notice of his intention
timako final proof in support of bis claim, mid
tir.tKaid proof will bo mado Ixiforo lteister
aud Utvolvcr at Alliance, Neb., on Nov. U, W&
ot Marsland, Nob., who mado II II No. 1022 for
tho b V4 io h, nw U so l & no ' sw U sco -7, tp
M n, r 50 w.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuoiiH residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz.: KidelU L. lloiiryninn, Hiiiim
Piirilnv Atltftrt. PfLllmtr'tir Mnrulnml N.,1, . ki.
mon 1. Wright, of Hclntont. Neb. Also,
ot Marsland, Neb., who mado II SZ no. 3G07 for
tho n w )i sec X!, tp 2l n, r M w.
Uho namuH tho followint; witnesses to provo
her coiitinuoua rosidcqco up aud cultiyntion of
said land, iz: t'ulclla I. !oneman, James C
Wood. AllK'rt P.ilnier oi Marsland, Nob., bimon
II Writfht, ot Holmont. Neb. Also
FIDKM L. HOHEYMAN.neoKendrlck,
ot Marsland, Neb., who made tlmlier uulturo
entry No. li'i! for tho o !i nw U i lots 1 &, '.', seu
W, tp !ft n, r 50 w.
Hhe names tho following to provo her contin
uous rosldeiico upon and ciutiatlon of said
laud, viz: Emma Purdey, Jamos C. WihmI, ,M
lxrt Palmor of Marslaud, Neb , bimou B.
WriKht, of Uelmont, Noli.
J. W. Wehn, Jr., ltesistcr.
U. 8. Land Oilire. Alliance, Nob
Notlco is hcrei.y uiveu that
Sept. Si, 1KM.
ot Clarfcson, Neb., has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before lt.:it.ter or lUivlver
attlieir ollico in Alliauce, Neb., Novomls-r Ulh,
lbCrt, on timber uulturo applicatiou No. 6113, for
tho sw l se,i 12, tp '.JS n, rg 17 w
Ho names as witnesses: Jacob Lamorick,
Jamoo Jlct'alK. Aloxauiter C. Kom), Damvl Mey
ers, all of.'lloi liutte, Nob.
J. W Weun, Jn., llesister.
U. 8. Ijind OHlce, Alliance, Neb , Sept. 25, IfaOJ.
Notieo is hereby sivou that
nan filel notictiof intentton to nuke final proof
bt ore County of llox llutto couut , NeO., at
bis otlice iu Hi-luiU'ford, Neb., ou Noveralwr 7.
IB), on umlier eulturo Hppllcnttou, No. 1SS, for
U V4 li. no '4 aw li V lot ti, hoc a tp SSn. r Kw
Ho iiamus as witnesses: Augustus H. Mc
LauKbliu, Kdnard Critfler. of Marsland. Neb.,
Anton Zajic, Jhn italic, of Ilomingford, Nob.
J. W. Wttll... Jr., I(e;iuter.
U. 8. Iind Oiboe. Alliiinco. Nb.. Sept ta. 1K
Notieo is hereby that FOSTKH MOUTH, or
Kewan.v, IU , has filed notlcu of intention to
maku final proof before Clerk Circuit t ourt,
btarkCo., lll.,aud witnsH willKivtt-tlr.Hiiy
botoro UeniKter and Hcier at Alliauce, :eb .
ou ovember t'. 1H1, on tunlier culture applies
tion No. 211, for tho nwHwo 20, tp 35 u, rMt.
He nrmwm witnesses: Kdar Sweey, Henry
RwKwcy, Hand A. Paul, of Hotninrffoid, nvk.,
lloborl H bbipley, ot Alliauco, Nub.
J. W. Vims. J a., Krister .
U.S. Land Ofriea, AHUmw. Neb., AnK.a7,Jfc96
Notice ih baroby ghtrn Uiat
ot Vaneleve. Iowa. hlljd notieo of inUntion
to mako nua. proof oofore IWihterand Iteowvor
at Alllanoi..Nel),on tb Rth day ut OcUdxr,
lhfld. on tjmlw culture application No. 7(IT for
lloiimuiwiaa wttnM: AUfost'PfcliW. Ihir
ney Hslbnr. John Arwwos, John Halirak. all
I I.CAlUliill Nil.
J. .'-. WtJS. Jc . i:-cltor.
iSSfeiS5feIPiSK,!fei s&lb. aQS). Oj SOk. j&Pi AD IBi dXDi rfllh .kt&i
I have.macie up my mind to go
out of business, so I will ell all my
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth
ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at
greatly reduced prices for spot cash.
Produce will be taken at top
prices. Your faithful servant,
. . . W. K. HERNCALL.
H. H
Proprietor of .
We have first-class stock and
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder
arc unexcelled in tho city. Givo us a call.
EST Stable Corner Box Butte Avcnuo and Sheridan Street.
STYLE 201 Is sold by agents as high as :jsiyi
You can buy It at tho factory price from us for $88
Height 75 Inches, French Plato Mirror, Patent Fall Board, Mouso Proof, SOLID WALNUT
or OAK Guaranteed for 5 years by manufacturer and by us. We pay freight to
any point In Nebraska. Wo furnish stool, book and chart. Wrlto for torms.
ORGANS from $20 aud up.
P. S. Our S2d year.
(Mention- tbU
Is the greaztst nexespaper vest
of the Missouri Jiiver.
It advocates FREE SILVER
at tho present ratio of sixteen
to ono.
Its nows service ia the best to
be obtained.
Daily, $0. 00 per year; 50 cents
per' month. Weekly, $1. 00 per
Subscriptions for the
received at this office
'H,n' 'hkyw.Ww'k
iarrv tAtn&Uft5 i
r .T T 3
VCtyr ts,uJTi .i M ''V'-obtained. .-li'i nil l"at. J
5ar.ijui.'h., eon iuliJ . r KoocnT Prt5.
Ot'R Ornccir Cfr"rrz U S. Hati-.tC rxrr
Jjisliv mn rv-ork oaiu lk3binj ttmu tui.-J
icaviA 'ruci i n-njyio , ,,
t J iroitel. dicwi"?- ur photo., with devrlp-
SIM. t c jvte, if ulnuiuu or not, tre of 5
$iurre. Out fse oot duo till latent igiocved. t
J A ptMPHtrr. "lluw t'C'..t. in Psten .' v. lb t
Jfcott ot aio in tUe U.S. aud forontwiu'-ic. J
i.sei4 liw. At-Jraas,
ip. t-CiiT OfMce, ,.''winTrt, D. C.
5 rrcui
VA --. OL.l J. . ft Ti -
! &y . i ft ? 0,44 vm'fn 1. 18 ! wt'tsk
e 4VcfcAiy7i i wtwt.Troamwt.i j ;i-irc.ui3u
t. j T -1 j ilTTliriii ilnilm hillllf lll
doublo and single rigs, which wc
$195 tiST
. . . FOR $88-One-Third
PIANOS front $40 and up.
Omaha, Neb.
of tho Northwest,
Will be 8ont postpaid to any
address six days a wook for
ono yoar for .
The Chronicle la the moot
oonsplouous nowapapor silc
oissof tho day, the dally cir
culation exceeding 7Q,O0O
ooplos and tho Sunday circu
lation excoodlng 100,000 oop
los. ; It Is a first-class news
paper of 12 and IBpagos (Sun
day 40 to 48 pages) and
Is a stanch supporter of
sound democratic prlnciplos.
Bally (except Sunday) 1 year 94.00
Dally and Sunday. 1 year .00
Daily, 6 months (campaign edUlon). . . . 2.00
0 illy and Sunday, G monthi 3.00
Dily, 2 months , 1.00
Daily and Sunday, 2 months 1.40
Dally, 1 month, B0
Daily and Sunday, 1 raer.th 75
Sunday, 1 oar 2.00
Saturday, 1 yar, ,,,.,....,.. 1.00
Sample copies freo on appli
cation. Address
' IQ4-I68 Washington St.,
- ) iChlopao. III.
yj:i Minimi,! imcz;jiMmwtaoJ3Jkj
X' f-
f , .
Life In the Oentr of tho Vntnous UolU-
flnlu RrRlon.
Johannceburg, the London of South.
Africa, nine years ago a barren ,n'dl
and eight yohrs ago a minors' . p,
Is now tho comer of some 100,00a In
habitants and Inci casing about as fast
as brick and monnr can be obtained,
Enys a writer In Chambers' Journal. It
Is sltuatfeij directly on top of the gold,
and on looking down from the high
ground above It looks to an English
eyo like a huge drawn-out mass of tin
sheds vjth their painted mine chim
neys running in a straight lino all
along tho quartz gold reef as fnr as yq'u
can sec In either direction. The larg
est, or main reef, runs for thirty miles
unlnttrruptedly, gold-bearing and hon-
oycombed wl:h mines throughout.
This, even were it alone, could speak
for the stability and continuous pros
perity of tho Trancvaal gold trade. On
a small ateamor. arriving only a few
days ago from the capo was said to bo
between 300,000 and 400,000 worth of
gold, and tho newspapers show that
usually about 100,000 worth Is con
signed by each mall boat.
As wo enter ths town wo find lino
and vcll-planucd streets, crossed at
places with dsep gutters gullies,
rather to cary off Hie water, which 13
often, in tho heavy summer rains, deep
er tha your kncc3. Crossing thceu at
a fast trot, the dplvor never drawing
rein, t,ho novice Is shot about in bl'i
whlte-covcrod, two-wheeled cab, with
Us largo springs, llko a pea In a blad
der. Indeed, ono marvels at the dain
tily dreesed habitue of the placo being1
swung through slro " "'y, qui;? uncon
cerned and wUhoi .umpllng a frill.
We pass flno nual c buildings, very
high houses and shops, somewhat Jor-ry-bullt,
It la true, and goodnc3s holp
thorn In case of a large street flro
but now being added to or replaced
by larger and more 3olid buildings. In
deed, bricks cannot bo made"' fast
enough to supply the demand, both
hero and In some of tho outlying
Transyal towns where tho gold uoam
in on. There are lofty and hnndsomo
shops with most coztly contents wh'.cli
can vlo with London or Paris.
InterMn; Oporatloi fur rr.cturo IVr
formoil on thn I.tc "f a Cminrr. '
To Mrs. Charles E. M. Keldin of this
city must be given the credit for a del
icate piece of surgery that th'-tild awak
en tho admiration of' professionals,
say3 the New York Journal. A cag-
containing a favorite canary foil to
tho floor, ard in the cra3h poo JttlJ
Dick suffered a broken leg.
llr. Keldln summonml his vIfci and
installed her as ch!ef sttrgpon. RgacIi
ing Into the cage he quickly qeized tho
litUo sufferer and cccured hini firmly
In the palm of his left hand, with both
tiny logs turned upward.
A tiny splint was then cut from a
match and a lint of cotton one-half an
inch wide and about thrco inches Ions
was well saturated with ll3terlne. Mra.
Kcldin then, with a deljcato toucbj
straightened the leg. applied tho splint
rind wound tho limb, which was held ill
piece by thread.
The bird mopod for a day or two,
but gradual1- s-ew cHrcii 1, id' Ut In
tervals would caut ously pu't'adwn hii
lTtie log. On the fifty day he kojlt th-)
'? down and suns as cheerfully a J
rn Iho tefth dry th baudgos wen
ren oved, es he was discovered pckins
at them. Barrlwc a Fd'gat Qniargemeni;
j t the point of tlie frnctur Iho llttla
songster ia as good a bird as ever.
I.rurn to l.lstmi IntrlHcentl.v.
"Learn, after you bave learned to
EpeaU, to listen and to listen Intelli
gently," writes Ruth Ashmoro in La
dies' Home Journal. "Expreasyour in
terest through your eyes, anil when it
is needed say the encouragUls worl
that, Hk'e hot water ou tho ta, brlngu
out the strength. U a speaker men
tions a wrouu date do not cbrrcct her.
Tho world cares tor the mterestlns
talk, not for whether tho affair lf
Ecribcd happened on Thursday or Fri
day, nor whether the bonmot was burn
at 9 or 1 o'clock. The effect on tho
speaker 13 belittling, nail you havo no
right to underrate any pnc. Chatter
about anything you will 'but personal
ities. But do not feci that you rnuct
ralso tho tone of society by ringing In,
when everybody is laughing at nomo
funny little Btory about a child or all
are smiling at an amusing descrip
tion of how the orange blossoms grow
down south, your opinion of pomo 1 eavy
history that lias lately been published.
Society is not a school; it Is a pleasuro
"Hnvc you written your graduation,
essay?" asked Maud.
"Yes," replied Mamie. ,
"Wasn't it a lot of work?"
"Just dreadful. First I had to hunt
up words that were big enough and
then I had to keep looking In tho dic
tionary to' fceo what they mean, and,
houcstly, I began to think I never
would got it finished." Exchange
J'rrtty iticli.
Once upon a time a goat, who was
about to partake of a poster, bethought
him to observe tho trend .of tho jest
which It wo c"o:gned to depict,
"Ha, ha." he laughed, "ha. ha. That's
pretty rich. I guoas I'd bettw not eat
it, with this toucn ot indigestion I'm
having." Detroit Trlbuuo.
roinnriM lint W.itermvlon.
ToMums are destroying watermelons
at White City, Fia., aad giving more
trouble lluin tho razor back ryg;, sin
thy caanBi be rancaa out. "Ni'mlnd
says Sawbw. "Pc-rsum he bo fit hlas
ojmeby. ,
. .
-f '