Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 02, 1896, Image 6

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    tn,.n , , n,4nJSJ3Efw.
ICKETT, tick, tick,
rattlon tho Bounder
In tho little box
Itko structure which
Borvcs ns water and
coaling stntlon ns
well aa dlBpatcUcr'a
oITlco, inldwny be
tween tho towna of
Bluoflcldn and Port
nu Diablo, on the
8. P. & L. railroad.
Overhead Uio sun poura down in pltl
9tm glaro, making tho nlr quiver nnd
wtrl In a wavering sort of danco over
tho slrntght ptretch of track on cither
lde of tho elation.
Upstairs, In his glasa-lncloBcd cage,
tho operator stta In his shirt alcoves,
wowplng tho perBplratlon from his faco
nnd Dock and gazing moodily at an
open letter on tho desk In front of him.
it Is a short letter, on tho company's
paper, aad signed by tho division bu
IMsrlntcndont, but Its fow typewritten
llac havo had a wonderful effect on
lie operator. Only a sharp, buulncsa
llko letter, written by a bUBy man who
cannot afford to waste ttmo on trlfloa:
"Dear Blr: Certain details of your
previous history, which you thought fit
to conceal when you cntorod tho em
ploy of this company, having oomo to
tho knowledge of tho writer, your serv
ices "will not be rcqulrod after Thurs
day, July 31, when you will recolvo
your pay In full to that date.
"Your successor will arrlvo on tho
special following No. C. Very truly
yours, J. M. L ,
"Division Superintendent."
Thp 31st! That Is to-day, and ho hSB
wnly received tho letter an hour ago!
So ho was to bo turned out on tho world
t a moment's notice, without a chanco
to proparo himself for tho noxt stop In
tho struggle for existence! To bo
dogged all bin Wo by that ono black
wet t bis youth, which he had hoped
feurled forovor. It was always tho
auune old Htory? Itko Banquo's ghost, It
would sott down, but, spreading Its
rlaly arms, effectually barred his en
trance Into tho paths of honest com
petition for what many claim as a
tight, and which ho only asked to bo
allowed to,,work for n livelihood.
' 1I1b cars arc ringing and his head
turns as though a thousand dovlls wcro
making a cast of Jt In molten steel,
fcvejl tho, clatter of tho tolegrnph In
strument, which during tho long, lono
ly hours spent In his glass cage, had
become llko tho voice of an old friend,
ksji the train orders and message
A&sbed through tho little station, now
rsoen t mock and Jeer at him with its
-jceauoless rattlo and tick.
f Andabovo all that groat dazzling orb
'continues to blaze down upon tho
shrinking earth until tho verdure on
the billsldo above and below the sta
tion w Uliars and curls, and tho glass
cage Is llko an oven.
The operator's head seems to be on
fire and his brain throbs bo violently
that ho cannot think at till clearly.
TTbero is but ono Idea around which his
macntal forces rally and to which his
Wrves redpGud -retaliation! And this
4d.e, growB upon him Irresistibly.
' gfcall ho tamely kiss tho foot which
(kicks him out of a position In which
;feo has over tried to best subsorvo tbo
interests ot his employers, and which
She now loses through the malice (ho
iho tetta himself) of one of tho superior
subordinates of tho company for which
they both work, and who uses as a
saeana of satisfying his splto an error
committed and expatiated twenty years
jsgel What claim had such a cur en
We which should bo respected by tho
xxt el humanity? Would ho not bo
doHg tho human raco a favor by rid-
"Ulng the world of such a travesty on
!mAbt The human raco! Bah! What
did he we tho human race? Had not
tjjo haad of his fellow-man been
W&tu&t him for twonty years? Was
Kg sot a pariah, ono cut off from social
Sapamunlcatlon from his fellows, liv
fhlt traveling, working under an as
ctquaed. same, ever endeavoring to ob
literate and dispel tho old shadow! He
fcad, striven to live a life which should
jbQ blameless from tho world's point of
frt&T and those fow with whom ho had
becd thrown In contact, and who knew
jaaUgtit of his previous history, could
c4 no aspersions against his charuc
r, But to what avail? It was his fate.
Purely It had been that every man's
and shauld be against him. So be it
his own hand should be raised
Against the unforgiving raco of Phari
sees. And the operator knows that his
present position, albeit his tenure of
jtt'ls but short, is such as to render
jrocii a wholesale declaration ot war
JrJoubly effective.
Hotter and hotter blazes the sun
Jfram an almost white sky, and wilder
pnd wilder glaro the eyes ot the opera
tor at Plnetree Siding.
Suddenly they happen to rest on a
wire running close to the glass In front
ioC the Btatlon, and light up with a wild
er gleam than ever, while his working
features distort themselves into a ma
licious grin.
Tho towns of Bhieflelds and Port au
Dtable axe lighted by electric light, tho
jpUat being situated at Blueflelds.
Promptly at G.30 every evening th
dynamos nro started up, running until
0:30 tho next morilng. Tho wires con
necting the two points run directly in
front of and cloao to tho station at
Plnctreo Siding, and it Is oao ot thesq
wires which has caught tho attention
of the operator.
It Is now 3:45 In tho afternoon, and
not a cloud has crossed tho faco of that
hanging ball of flro which threatens
to shrivel nnd scorch to a cinder every
thing on which Its beams rest.
Tho operator goeu over to tho window
nnd attaches to tho electric-light wiro,
from a portion of which ho carefully
removes tho Insulation, tho end of an
other piece which ho holds In his hand.
When this Is socuro ho carries tho other
end over his desk, and kneeling down,
spends sonio minutes In arranging It
In somo manner below; bringing two
frco ends up through a liolo In tho top
of tho table. This done, ho takes from
n closet several round and greasy-looking
sticks about a foot long, and, de
scending tho stalrB, placcB them at reg
ular Intervals along tho railroad track,
connecting them nil tOKCthcr with
wires, which ho afterward brings up
stairs and joins to tho arrangoment
underneath tho tablo. Then ho returns
to his seat, and savo for his trcmbllnn
hands and tho pocullar glaro of his
eyes, performs his routine duties In thf
usual manner.
Tick tick, tlckoty tick. It Is the call
for Plnotrco Siding. Tho operator openg
hiB key and answors promptly. It 1b a
mcsBago from headquarters announcing
that tho special following No. 6, and
carrying tho dlvlson superintendent
and tho now operator for Plnetreo Sid
ing is duo at B:G0, Just thrco minutes
after No. 6's schedulo time. Tho oper
ator's eyes flash; It Is as ho haB anti
cipated. Ho wires tho track clear and
Promptly at 5:47 No. G, tho vestlbuled
limited express for tho cast, dashes past
tho siding with a rattlo and craBh that
causes the operator, whoso nerves are
lenBo to tho breaking point, to eprlng
to hiB feet in nlarm, fearing that the
destruction meant for tho special has
overtaken her predecessor. But the
express whirls safely by and tho oper
ator has tho satisfaction of seeing his
Innocent looking messengers of death
flying untouched but waiting his will tc
fulfill their (IovIHbU mission.
And now tho operator's breath comes
short and sharp and his eyes glisten
nnd glaro as though tho fires ot hell
woro lighted behind; his lips are drawn
back over his teeth and his long fingers
work nervously, as If longing to execute
tho finishing touch which shall culmin
ate the awful catastrophe ho has
planned. Gold help tho poor men on
tho train so Bwlftly rushing to theli
doom, and God help tholr waiting fam
ilies, for tho operator at Plnetreo Sid
ing who holds thoir lives in his handi
is no longer a man but a demon.
Suddenly tho whlBtlo of the approach
ing special Is heard and tho operator
bounds from his chair and rashes to the
window, eager to feast his eyes for n
moment on tho Bight of his nearlng vic
tims. Everything is complete. Ho has
but to press together thoso two tiny
bits of wiro and tho entire telegraph
line will bo transformed into a hissing,
blazing serpent, carrying death and de
struction to the poor operators nlong
Its path and wrecking the instruments,
thus stopping telegraphic communica
tion all over tho llnoj while at Plnetree
Siding only a scattered tanglo of wood,
Iron and human flesh would mark the
annihilation of both the special with
her human freight and the operator as
well. For ho 1b qulto willing to sacri
fice himself to achieve hiB end, and
counts tho cost but little it wtth the
forfeit of his llfo ho may encompass
tho rovengo ho has bo cunningly plot
But there 1b no tlmo to lose; already
tho special Is Blowing up In front of the
station, and, leaping to tho table like a
wolf upon his proy, ho presaeB the twe
wires together. But no boom or roar ol
the expected explosion follows, nothing
but tho escape of steam as tho air
brakes of tho specM bring her to -a
stop, and tho operator, realizing that
his schemo has miscarried, flings him
self upon tho wires, biting them togeth
er with his teeth, cursing, praying,
blaspheming and shrieking aloud In his
mad rago and disappointment. But all
to no purpose; and as the division
superintendent and tho now d!spatche
enter tho room they start back in hor
ror at slcht of tho body of the operator
as with black and twisted features he
lies across tho table, still grasping In
his hand tho wlre3 by which he had
hoped to avengo himself for a life ol
scorn and enmity. A glanco revcaU
tho whole plot, and with cheeks palei
than usual they cut tho wires and re
storo everything to its original state
As tho now operator brings in tho dy
namite which ho has carolully removed
from the track, and looks over at hit
predecessor lying straightened out on
the floor by tho wAndow, ho shudders sc
that tho division superintendent jumpi
forward to catch tho stuff, thinking In
Is about to drop it
Next morning tho Blueflelds Exposi
tor calls the attention ot the citizen
to tho wonderful mercy of providence
which by permitting a fuse at tho elec
tric light plant to blow out, so cutting
off the current just before tho special
following No. 6 was duo at Plnetret
Siding, had saved tho Uvea ot 60veral
picmjaeut railway officials, besides 8
Icy?" Vmount of damage to rallwaj
oroyiny. And when the coroner gavt
to tho public tho verdict that tho oper
ator at Plnetree Siding had como tc
his death from tho effects of the in
tense heat ot tho previous day no men
tlon waa made of the letter found b
the division superintendent on the ta
bio best io him.
Watto In England potatoes art
grown almost entirely as an esculent,
about 4,000,000 tons aro annually used
In France in the manufacture of itarcl
and alcohol
imnnnetiili Trias to He Truthfnl Bat
tha Clock and th Messages to the
Uranddanehtar Ara Confuting Knda
with Blgh.
UNTY crossed tho
floor with her
heavy, plantation
tread and set tho
clock down on tho
mantel, says a
writer In tho Chi
cago Dally Nows.
It had, in its day,
kept company with
old Creole mahog
any and carried It
self in lordly fashion among Its peers,
but now for many years, on account of
some obscure derangement, It had boon
retired to humblo society.
"Tho clock doctor, ho Bay Bho all
right, now, an' jest as magnflcua as she
over wcro; only you'll jest havo tor
wind her up, please, ma'am," said
Tho mistress cheerfully aroso and
essayed tho novel task.
Tho key turned In its placo with in
finite difficulty, as It it dragged after
it tho wholo weight of the unwilling
years and there was a strange groan
ing and creaking within and a convul
flvo shudder ot tho whore machinery
and framowork. But it began to tick
and tho hands began to move.
Aunty surveyed It with) awe and do
Ught "Sho goes trlbulatln along as poart
From an eyrlo altitude of 1,150 feet
Chicago proposes to look down on the
test ot tho world. A tower which sur
passes In height tho Eiffel structure of
Paris is projected by the cltlaenB of the
Windy City, and already land on which
to build has been secured and actual
work begun. This cloud disturbing
structure Is the outcome of a patriotic
desire by Chlcagoans to Hy tho Ameri
can flag higher than any other banner
In the world. Tho structure Is to be
known as the City Tower, and as an at
traction it will outrival anything ever
before undertaken, except the World'B
Fair. Tho base of tho tower Is to be
32G feet square, and it will occupy an
entire city block. At the base, from
the four corner supports, each of which
Is 50 feet square, will rise arches 200
feet across and tho same In height.
as ever ehe did. How nachal It does
"Whore did you get Buch a fine old
relic, Aunty?" asked the mistress, not
ing its points.
"My ole mlstr's give her to mo arter
the surrender. Thoy was all broke up
nnd tho olo plantation was 6old and
they -went to N' Orleans ter live. An'
now, honey, I'so ready fer do letter If
you Is."
"Yes, Aunty. "Who Is the letter for?"
'Hf. Mnil1niii1itit. TTn,. mnMiAi tvn
her wr me an' I let her go to N' Or-
P'mkm "IM'iMllfflM i'i M XI I ' J " WWW liHinii I I iliiiKwirtlM
loans tor otay with her fathor. You
boo, thoy didn't got erlong "
"Who, Aunty? Your granddaughter
and her mother?"
"Bless yor heart, no! I moans her
father an' mother, an thoy separat
ed an' he's got another wife an' she's
got another husban."
"Oh, well. I havo written 'My dear
granddaughter.' Now, what next?"
"'I wns mighty glad tor hear from
you all an' that you was well an doln'
"Sho glvo ono when Bhe ortor glvo
twelve an' sho glvo twolvo when she
ortor glvo one," Bald Aunty, interrupt
ing her droning recitative.
Tho scribe looked up in bewilder
ment Aunty's eyes were fixed dis
tressfully on tho clock.
"Didn't you henr her strike?"
"No. Never mind tho clock now,
"Ho said eho woro all right," mur
murod Aunty, sadly.
"Wo will consult him again If she
is not, but now wo must wrlto tho let
ter If you want It to go in tho next
"I dooa want It tor go powerful bad."
"Well, then, what next?"
" 'I am well and doing well at pres
ont, but I havo had mighty pore health
this winter. Bo a good girl an' don't
ferglt your poro olo gran'mother.' If
her father don't let her come up here
'foro long I'm gwlno down there."
Tho scribe caught her breath and
drew her pen through a line and a
"What you do that fer?" complained
"Nover mind. Go on."
"You worries mo bo, scratchln' out
tho wrltln', I dono fergot. Oh! 'Won't
you please let my gran'daughter come
& j
These arches will support the first land
ing, which will have 90,000 square feet
of flooring, where 22,000 persons can
bo accommodated at one time. There
is a distance ot 225 feet from the
ground to this first landing. After
nssslng the first landing there is no
other landing until one Is another 225
feet up In tho air. There, at a height
of 450 feet, there is to be a platform
150 feet square. This second platform
is about aa high as the top ot tho Great
Pyramid of Egypt, or the Washington
monument Six hundred and seventy
five feet above the ground is the third
landing, tar higher than any building
in Chicago. At an elevation ot 1,000
feet above the earth Is tho fourth land
ing, and from these stairs lead up to
tho very top of the tower. From the
Chicago Dispatch.
up an' see me. It It's only fer a day?'
That's fer her father," said Aunty.
Tho writer paused.
"If I'd listen at her Aunt Lulu I
shouldn't never have let her go with J
him. Tell -her I'm a-comln' down ter
see her. Ho beats her with his crutch
and don't give her nothin. 'Don't
think hard o mo 'cauEe I didn't sond
you anything Christmas. I was away
from btme two monthB water-bound."
The mistress laid down her pen.
"Oh, Aunty, what a story'."
"It's Jest ter satisfy her, honey, ao
Bho won't think hard o' mc. Tell her
I'm comln' tcr see her in a week or
two an to bo sure an look out fer
"Now, Aunty, you know I can'f spare
you in a week or two."
"Co'bo I docs, an' I ain't a-gwlne.
But sho kin bo lookin' out. I wish,"
added tho kind bouI, regretfully, "that
I could send her some fruit But how
can I? I don't know anybody gwlno
"Why, Aunty, thero's always lota of
fruit In tho city market and you can
Rend her a dime or two bits any time
In a letter and sho can buy some."
"Law sakos! So I kin. Huccomea It
you al'aya thinks ot everything? That
head o' yours Is plum fUll all the
time," said Aunty, admiringly.
"Is that all, Aunty?"
"Oh, tell her ter bo suro ter ax her
father ter pray fer me."
"Aunty, I wouldn't. He seems to be
a bad fellow."
"But you see, honey, I don't want
him ter be mad at me, 'cause mobby
then ho won't let her como an see me.
I don't reckon he alma ter let her como,
nohow. Ho took her nway ter keep
her, but ho needn't have gone nt It
that reverent way."
"What name shall I wrlto on the out
side?" "Rov. Jim Brown."
"But, Aunty, It's for your grand
daughter." "Ho gets tho letters on' he'll know
who it's fer. And now there's another
ono an' it's to tho Rev. Jim Brown. An'
thentlf yon ain't anything partlckler
to do, I'd like ter have you wrlto ter
my daughter out on Tlckfaw, please,
Two hours later the amanuensis laid
down her pen with a long sigh ot relief.
Tha OrlElnal ot Mr- Caiaubon.
Many years ago Frederick W. My
ers, in an article on George Eliot, told
us how once, when he called upon that
great woman and George Lewes, ho
found the couple vastly amused over
tho fancied discovery by a friend that
the portrait of tho pedantic, capricious
and Jealous Mr. Caeaubon had been
drawn from Lewes.
"But whom did you draw It from?"
asked Mr. Myers.
Mrs. Lewes pointed solemnly to her
own breast and said: "From myself."
This old story Is brought to mind
by a paragraph in Mrs. Annie Field's
"Days with Mrs. Stowe," in the cur
rent Atlantic Monthly, from which It
appears that Mrs. Stowe was the friend
who identified Lowes with Casaubon.
t thi nnmmer of 18G9 Mrs. Field
called upon George Eliot at her homo In
St. John's Wood, in London. The
novelist expressed tho great love ano
admiration which she felt for her
American contemporary. "Many let
ters had passed between Mrs. Stowe
and herself and she confided to ub her
amusement at a fancy Mrs. Stowo had
taken that Casaubon in 'Middlemarch
Lewes. Mrs. Stowe took it bi entirely
ewes. Mrs. Stows took is so entirely
for granted In her letters that it was
impossible to dispossess her mind of
the Illusion. Evidently it was tho
source of much harmless amusemen
at St. John's Wood."
Had NeTwr Ileard or Illm Ilafore.
"A now slang phraBO is picked uj
nnd worn out in a day in the great
cities of this country," said a com
mercial traveler, "but sometimes years
elapse before they are ever heard in
rural districts. I was sidetracked In
a small mining camp in southern Ore
gon a few days ago and was playing
freczeout with oomq of the natives.
In the course of events I got throe
tens ana .made a small bet. A big,
rcd-shlrted hoosler opposite raised me.
I raised him back, and he came back at
mo with another raise.
" 'Well, I'll have to call you, I said.
My name Is mud.'
"Ho raised up from his chair,
seized my hand in his big paw and
shaking It enthusiastically, said In all
"Glad to know you, Mr. Mud. My
name is Jenkins.' " San Franclsw
The fruit season for Georgia growers
has been ono of bhe most successful
over known.
Sixteen out of the eighteen asBemblj
districts of San Francisco have womat
suffrage clubs.
Tho coBt of a London four-wheeled
cab is from $350 to ?400, that of a han
som about 350.
In Russia the principals "in a duel
partake of breakfast together before
going out to fight.
A flowering plant during Its lifo le
PLld to abstract from tho soil 200 tlmee
Its own weight in water.
It is proposed to celebrate tho 400th
anniversary of the discovery of Natal
by an exhibition next year.
English radicals aro asking for tht
appointment ot public defenders to op
pose the public prosecutors.
A forty-four-year-old chancery case
has just been decided in England, and
there was a little money left for tht
The piles of old London bridge, driv
en 800 years before, wero found to b
In good condition when the new brldg
was erected.
The city attorney of Helena, Mont.,
warns the council that the indebted
ness Is over the limit and future con
tracts will be illegal.
A New Orleans man who rides home
on a street car Is met every evening
by a pet cat, which waits for him at his
usual place of alighting.
In Albania tho men wear petticoats
and the women trousers. The women
do all the work and the husbands at
tend to nothing In particular.
.-Cbf Ha Conldo't Ue.
Of na tolnent person whose great
subtlety of mind was being discussed,
Huxley said that the constant over-refinement
of distinctions in bia case de
stroyed all distinctness. AnytbiDC
could be explained nway, and so one;
thing camo to mean tho same as its op
posite. Someone asked: "Do yon mean
that ho is untruthful?" "No," replied
Huxloy, "ho is not clear-headed enough
to tell a He."
A Singular Form of Monomania.
There Is a class of. people, rational enoughs
in other rcspocta, who aro certainly mono
maniacs In dosing themsolTcs. Thoy aro con-'
stantly trying experiments upon their
stomachs, their bowels, their llvora nnd
their kidneys with trashy nostrums. Wliea
thoio orpans are really out of order, If they
would only use Hostotter's Stomach UltU'xa,
they would, If not hopolcssly Insane, per
ceUe Its superiority.
A Complete Educational System,
No educational system is completo
that does not include instruction in re
ligion and art, tho two chief sources
of appeal to tho emotions. For obvi
ous reasons we Americans havo been
compelled to leavo religion outside th
ordinary school and college cirriculum,
and this practically the case with th
plastic arts. September Atlantic.
The worst cases of Itheumathm can bo
cured by Kldneykura. We guarantee It.
Every man who- has a largo fatuity ought
o keep ft grocery storo.
Sales naturally result from the coat merit which
makes tho- thousands of wonderful cures by
Th One True Blood Purincr. AH druggists. 11.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 26 cents.
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that you buy a
The fcathcrbone flare3 and stiffens tho
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If your dealer WILL NOT
supply you wo will.
Samples shouting labels and materials mailed fret.
" Home Dressmaking Made Eisy," anew 72 page
book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladhs' Horns
Journal, te!!s In plain words how to mika dresses at
homo without previous training ; milled for 25c
S. H. & M. Co.. P. O. Box 699. N. Y. City.
Pullman KeTor Unlit
Iletter Tourist Steppers
Than those used for
the Burliinpton
Route's personally
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excursions to
That is ono rea
son whv vou should
patronize them when you go vrv&u
Other reasons are: The time is fast
cars arc not crowded excursion con
ductors and uniformed i orters accom
pany each party the scenery enroulo
la far and away tho finest on the globe.
Tho excursions lt'Avo Omaha every
Thursday morning: and go thro' to tian
Francesco and Los Angeles without
For full information about rntes.etc,
write to J. Francis,
Gen. Agt Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
me beat fruit seotlon In tho West. No
drouths. A failure of crops never known.
Mild climate. I'roduc tire soil. Abundance of
good pure -water.
For Maps and Circulars etvinir full deeorlp
tlon Of tbo Rich Mineral. Fruit and ARricnllu
ral Llnds In South West Missouri, write to
JOHN St rCKDV. Monaeor of tho Mlasourl
Land and Lire Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
B. 6. MURRAY & CO,,
122, 123 and ttt Eiuto Joillinj. Caicnjo, lit
Members ol the Chicago Board el Trade In good
standing, who wlU furnish you with their Latest
Seek on statistics and rellabro Information re
garding the marlc.tn Writs lor it and tholr Daily
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A specific for Kidney Diseases J
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Council DiufT,
want men eTtrjwhrre to SELL
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LU rrlndnU Enmlaar V. S. fiutii Varus.
jr. la Ut'i wu-, U 4jadicUlni eliicj, uy. fine.
ITabltCaroa Ettinint. Theand
cured. Chejxu t and best cor. Fk Tmau.
Bute cut. Pa. Makau, Quinsy, Mich.
W. N. U., OMAHA-30 1800
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention tbia paper.
H CURLS Wntfit Ai
Beet Cough Syrup,
la time. Bold I
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