Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 02, 1896, Image 3

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OP 1S38. 1892 AND I09G.
Some Point Which Are Commended to
the Judgment of Itftpubllcniii Who
Want to Vnto for Wlltlnm J. llrran
MoKlnley'o Chance of Front.
Question Who wrote tho financial
plank of tho republican platform In
Answer William McKInley of Ohio.
Q. Who wrote the financial plank
of the republican platform of 1892?
A. William McKInley of Ohio.
Q. Who wrote tho financial plank
In tho republican platform of 189G?
A. William McKInley of Ohio.
Q. How do you account for his radi
cal change of front In so short a space
of tlrao?
A. It would be a difficult matter to
go Into full details.
Q. In his letter accepting the nom
ination for the presidency does ho say
anything about ids change of front?
A. Not n syllable.
Q. Whnt does he say?
A. Ho says that tho country will
go to tho dogs if we try to establish bi
metallism. . Q. Would it bo safe to elect to the
presidency a man who changes his
views In such a manner.?
A. It would not.
Lalior'a Attrllmte to Stiver.
The American Federation of Labor,
one of the strongest labor organizations
In tho world, has declared in Its na
tional conventions In Chicago (1893),
Denver (1894), and New York (1895), for
tho free and unlimited coinage of sll
vor and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1.
The resolution follows:
"Resolved, That it is tho deliberate
Judgment of tho American Federation
of Labor in delegate convention as
sembled, that congress should re-enact
tho lav of 1837 which provided for the
free and unlimited coinage of both sil
ver and gold at tho ratio of 1G to 1, thus
restoring the American law of coinage
as it was until 1873, whon Bilver was
demonetized without debate and with
out tho knowledgo of the American
people, and that this should be done
at once, without waiting for the co
operation of any other nation In tho
"Resolved, further, That a copy of
tho above and foregoing, under tho
seal of the federation, be sent to the
president of tho United States and to
the vlco president of tho United States,
to tho speaker of tho house of congress
to Secretary Carlisle, to the chairman
of tho financo committee of tho nouse
and to each member of the house and
Where tho Itankera Co mo In.
Locomotive Firemen's Magazine: The
capitalists of tho East havo acted in
the capacity of "commission agents,"
Inviting and investing the billions of
European dollnr-3 in American enter
prises. They, of course, have retained
a fair commission. In some Instances,
such as "wildcat" railroad nnd "salt
ed" mine schemes, our Eastern neigh
bors havo been accused by European
Investors of dishonest dealings. Tho
Eastern banker has acted as a "mid
dleman" between European capital and
American Investments and as such has
largely profited by the debts thus oc
curred. They collect a commission for
placing tho investment, another for
collecting rentals and yet another for
closing out uudeslrable Investments. It
Is thus apparent that the Eastern
bankers aro the friends and agents of
European Investors and tithe collectors
of a comparatively bankrupt nation.
Chanra to Vote for Himself.
Typographical Journal (official organ
ef the International Typographical Un
ion): What tho wago earner wants Is
an improvement of his condition, and
be should add to tho power ot organiza
tion tho exerclso of tho ballot for tho
abrogation of unwholesome restrictions'
upon his rights and the formulation of
such statutory provisions as will bring
felm at least an equitable adjustment of
bis rights. He has it In his power and
toould exercise It to right the wrongs
which nfflict htm. He must dominate
tho insolenco and spoils ot partisan
politics and cast a few votes for him- i
self. If he falls In this, If ho neglects
to speak up for himself in tho golden
opportunity he should sink back to his
accustomed retreat and lot tho respon
sibility rest where It has always be
longed upon himself.
Tnlhs About tho Ilatinltna.
Coast Seaman's Journal: Tho bolt ot
a certain section of tho democrats, ac
companied by tholr newspapers, has
dono moro good than tholr votes or
lnflucnco will be able to counteract. It
has shown that, no matter whnt tholr
minor differences may bo, when It
comes to tho primary question of con-
trolling tho medium of exchange the
money and by that meanB controlling
Industry, tho monoy dealers aro a unlL
They constitute one party tho party
of pelf with common instincts, com
mon ends and common means ot at
taining them. That this class has been
driven to reveal Its Identity and de
clare open war is one good result at
least of the Chicago convention.
ot a Single One.
New York Journal: To the declara
tions by gold standard advocates that
the mass of worklngmen -will not sup
port Bryan and Sowall, labor makes
Its own answer.
Not a single labor leader of national
states Is for Hanna and McKInley.
Not a single labor leader of national
influence who does not speak for the
cause of democracy as tho hope of the
wage workers.
Some labor papera havo thus far re
mained non-committal, as It is the
avowed policy of a few Buch Journals
and of certain labor organizations to
reserve political action to the Individ
ual. But all of tho other labor papers,
except these fow, aro openly for the
democratic candidates and tho demo
cratlc platform.
Hold Dollar Are Scarce.
Coming Nation: Lots of "intelligent"
and "free" American worklngmen who
haven't seen a $5 gold piece In five
years will vote for the gold standard.
Nobody needB to bo told that gold
money Is a stranger to tho pockets of
an overwhelming majority of the peo
ple. Gold is tho money of tho bankers
nnd robbers of tho world. Whon a
piece of It strays away from the bank
er's counter, look out for another con
traction. Tho money of usurers musf
not circulate among honest people.
More Numerom than Crazy.
Columbus (Ohio) Record: (John Mc
Bride, late president of the American
Federation of Labor, editor.) It is time
Eastern capitalists and Eastern news
papers opened their eyes to the fact
that the friends of free sliver aro more
numerous than crazy. Tho Farmers'
Alliance, tho Knights of Labor, the
American Federation ot Labor, tho
populists, tho republicans of several
states heretofore republican stateB, a
large portion of the prohibition party
and organized labor In general havo
declared In favor of the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio of
16 to 1. The army of silver cranks Is
a large ono, and if they can bo mus
tered under ono banner thero will be
such a political revolution this fall that
the gold bugs of tho East will find
their power to oppress the common
people forever gone, nnd to our mini)
it cannot be gotten rid of too soon.
Free Silver Oolr a Tart,
Labor Advocato (organ of the Troy
(N. Y.) Central Federation of Labor):
The Issue of 16 to 1 Is not the only is
suo of the campaign. The other planks
In tho Chicago platform are of greater
Import than even tho money clause.
It Is the entering wedge of a mammoth
reform, which will restore to tho peo
ple control of the natural and artificial
monopolies of tho country, now held by
individuals nnd used as an engine of
depression against the people.
To-day tho "free" worklngmen ol
America are the actual slaves of the
money combination. That is why the
monied "patriots" of both parties howl
down as "anarchists" and "ropudla
tlonlsts" the men and measures that
would undertako to free tho people,
nnd appeal to the people they have be
trayed to "wait until England gives
her consent" to change our coinagp
Hnd to Kxpoae Tliemeelvr.
Workmen's Advocate: Heretofore
the money power by dividing its forces
between the republican and democratic
parties has been able to control both
parties and all financial legislation hai
had Its sanction. Through some means
they loBt control of tho Chicago conven
tion, and tho declaration of that body
in favor of frco coinage sliver has com
pelled the millionaires who havo been
masquerading as democrats to expose
themselves, and they nre rushing over
tho political fenco to Join their co-con-splrators.
They will now make a
united effort to subjugate the people
and bring them under control. Will tho
people bo subjugated?
Confiscation the Iiiu.
Columbus Record: The process of
confiscation has gone on qulto long
enough and our producing classes must
not permit themselves to be turned
aside from their purpose to open the
mints to the free coinage of silver,
check the appreciation of gold and put
an end to the entire confiscation ot the
property ot all debtors that is Insepar
able from the appreciating gold Btan
dard by tho dishonest cry that to do eo
Is repudiation.
Mike "Phwat the dlvll do they be
meanin' by hard money; begorra, I
Pat "Be dad an' I belave that Iff
because It's hard to git."
If Freo HlWer Would Injure th Amerl
can Workman Kverjr Mother! Son of
Them Would Ho fihontlne for 10
to 1.
When Bourko Cochran exalted tho
importance In the social fabric ot tho
men who toll ho used a common trick
ot argument to gain for his side tho
apparent advantage of tho champion
ship of labor.
But Mr. Bryan In his Rhlnebock
speech went as far, although in fowcr
wordB, as Mr. Cochran in pointing out
tho Importance of tho tollers as vital
factors In tho well-being of the wholo
Boclal organism. In doing bo ho merely
accepted a practical axiom of political
economy that tho foundations of nil
prosperity rest upon tho welfare of tho
men who dig and dolvo for tho product
of tho soil and mine, who turn tho raw
material into articles of necessity and
use and who perform tho task of plac
ing them whoro they aro needed.
Agreeing, thereforo, that tho welfare
of tho producers Is tho vital concern of
all, tho question of tho campaign Is:
Which party offers tho better hope of
prosperity to tho producers?
Tho chief enemies of tho tollers aro
mpnopoly In nil Its forms nnd unjust
taxation. Monopoly may bo represent
ed by tho power to control production
or to corner tho products and thus reg-
Wall Street Idea. "Liberty Kiillshtcnlnc the World.''
"A few of your financiers would fa&hlonanow figure a figure representing
Columbia, her hands bound fast with fetters of gold and her face turned to
ward the east, appealing for assistance to those who live beyond tho sea, but
this figure can never express your idea of this nation. You would rather turn
for Inspiration to the heroic statuo which guards the ontranco to your city.
That figure Liberty Enlightening the World is emblematic of tho mission
of our nation among the nations of tho earth." W. J. Bryan at Madison
Square Garden. St. Louis Post-Dl3 patch.
ulato prices. It may operate by con
trolling laws. In Its last analysis the
evil of the gold standard Is the evil of
monopoly, because It enables the finan
cial magnates to fix the standard and
then to corner the money market az
they have done. Monopoly and unjust
taxation are often combined, as In a
protective tariff.
Tho candidacy of McKInley Is sup
ported by monopolists. The tariff
barons who made millions from monop
olies gained through unjust taxation
and the financial magnates who made
millions by cornering gold and selling
it to the government aro combining
the power of their wealth and Infiueuce
to elect him. All the Interests that plun
der tho producing tollers by the reduc
tion of wages, the Increase of prices by
trusts, the manipulation of corporations
and the Juggling of the money market
are combined in his support.
On the other side is Bryan, whose
candidacy is a protest against every
form of monopoly and who must look
for support only from tho tollers.
Can there bo any question as to the
candidate whose success will represent
tho welfare of the people?
The Diirnntented Krmir.
Tho agricultural department has Is
sued a circular that will help to explain
why the farmers aro not as happy now
as they used to be. It compares the
prices of leading farm products year
by year, from 1SG6 to 1895. The prices
are given In currency, but when re
duced to a gold basis the results are
sufficiently striking. Inspect theso fig
ures, for Instanco:
Currency. Gold.
18G6. 18G6. 1895.
Corn $ .682 $ .484 $ .253
Wheat 2.196 1.558 .509
Oats 504 .357 .199
Ryo 1.182 .84 .44
Barley 1.009 .716 .337
Buckwheat 972 .69 .452
Potatoes 68 .482 .266
Tobacco (per lb) .139 .098 .072
Hay (per ton). 14.58 10.347 8.35
It thus appears that tho farmer In
18G6 got more than three times as much
in gold for his wheat as he is getting
now, nnd about twice as much for ev
erything else. But if ho had a mort
gage on his farm It was reckoned In
currency, and one bushel of wheat
would clear off nearly 2.20 of It, Instead
of about 50 cents, as it will now.
A thousand bushels of wheat at that
time would pay off the whole of a mort
gage of 1,000 and leave $1,196 for ex
penses. The same crop would now al-
low the farmer $509 to apply to th
mortgago and nothing to live or run
tho farm on, or $509 for expenses and
nothing tor tho mortgage, or $80 for
interest and $129 for tho farm nnd lam
Uy, leaving tho dobt as largo as evor.
In 1SGG a mnn without money could
buy a farm In tho west on credit nnd
pay for It with tho proceeds of ono crop.
In 1S9G tho same man might receive tho
snme farm, without Incumbrance, oa u
gift, nnd bo bankrupt In a year. But
Mr. Cochran boob nothing In tho discon
tent ot tho western fnrmor except a de
Blre to cheat his laborers.
"AnarehUt" of Seventeen Hcvcntr'nlx.
In a elgncd communication recently
published M. J. Bishop, General Worthy
Foreman of tho KnlghtB ot Labor,
wroto as follows, comparing tho Bryan
"anarchists" and "hayseeds" with the
Revolutionary patriots:
"Tho men of Concord, Lexington.
Bunker Hill nnd Vnlley Forgo would
possibly not bo nblo to pnrtlculnrly
adorn a fin do slcclo drawing room,
high tea, muslcnlo or White Houbo rc
coptlon; tholr lnngungc, manners and
habiliments very probably would caiiBO
tho nvcrnge scrlbo of today to sneer
at their Inferiority, but thoso patriots
woro Imbued with tho samo desire for
indcpcndcnco from British thraldom
which nnlmntcB their descendants and
disciples of this century, and they will
advance to tho goal with tho onmo
spirit of determination nnd Belt sncrl
flco as tho heroes of tho Revolution.
"Thoro woro no anarchists among
theso bravo fellows, but thoro was, as
now, an abundance of agitators with a
definite Idea of what to agitate for, and
but for the shrewd cunning of tho silk
stocking brigade of that day the
phraseology of our prosent constitu
tion would not need surh a wholesalo
revision and reconstruction.
The fearless, honest, upright 'hay
seed' and 'odorolua wngoworker (as
our modern convention critic Is pleased
to style them), were thoBO who lifted
ono form of British yoko from the
shoulders of Columbia and their latter
day prototypes will finish what they
so well began.
"Tory newspnpers, misrepresentation
and abuse, not even the evor potent
gold, will save tho treacherous crew.
Tho people have seized the lever and
havo demanded right of way for tho
poplar reform train, and for the man
or thing putting any obstacle on the
track to retard or wreck its progress
will bo dealt with in as summary a
manner as his Tory progenitors of tho
The llrnnvolent Gold line;.
Knights of Labor Journal: Tho deep
interest which tho gold bug bankers
are manifesting In tho welfare of tho
worklngmen In these presidential elec
tion times is something truly touching.
Theso benevolent flnanciora are posi
tively punic-strlcken over tho Im
pending danger to tho worklngmen
from free coinage and an increased
volume of money.
Let the Plain People KUe.
Knights of Labor Journal: Tho plain
peoplo against plutocracy will bo the
Issue of this fight, no matter what le
gend or party name may appear upon
the standards, and let us hopo that tho
plain peoplo will rise to tho dignity of
tho occasion nnd once moro place
America In a position where It will be
possible at least that she can be freed.
Hard Mnnnr nnd Hard Time.
Indianapolis Sentlnol(freo sliver dem.)
One sentence contains tho key to the
situation: "Good money nover made
times hard." This Is an eternal truth.
But times are hard and have been hard
ever Blnce we have had tho single gold
standard, and there is no possible ex
planation for the fact but bad money.
Ilanna'a Man.
Journal (dem.) Tho bulk of Mr. Mc
Klnley's volumo Is devotee H. t;. two
subjects of money and tariff tho
money question, under Btrlngent orders
from Hanna, bolng treated first, for
which wrench to his feelings Mr. Mc
KInley has our deepest sympathy.
A !
Juat na If the fiilllnc Trice of Pro
duct of I.nhor nu Not Ketnnvlnjr the
Fnnuilntlntt from Our Civilisation
Common Scnic.
From Spokano Spokesman (Republic
an): In his Columbus speech Inst Sat
urday Sonator Sherman said: "That
dollar Is tho bcBt dollar that buys tho
largest quantity of food nnd clothing.
That dollar Ib tho gold dollar, for It
buys moro food and clothing than any
other dollar."
If thnt woro true, it would follow that
tho dearer tho dollar tho better It
would bo. A dollar worth twlco n8
much as tho present dollar would bo
twlco as good, according to Mr. Sher
man's logic, and a dollar buying four
times ns much as tho prcaont dollar
would bo four times no desirable Ono
who believes aB Senator Sherman be
lieves Is carried by his own logic to
advocacy of an Indefinitely appreciat
ing dollar. An ounce of silver will buy
substantially na much ns It would buy
nt tho cIobo of tho war. Silver then
was regarded nB hard, sound monoy.
It now hna tho appearance ot deprecia
tion because ot tho appreciation ot go!4
nnd men llko Shormnn, who once call
ed It sound, now cnll It unsound. If
they had tholr way, fivo years from now
tho gold dollar would bo Btlll furthor
appreciated and n dollar now regard
ed as Bound would then bo regarded as
Mr. Shormnn Bays ho Is for tho gold
dollar becauso It cheaponB American
products. Ho HkoB It becaUBo It will
buy threo buohclB of wheat, bIx bushols
of corn, 12 to 15 poundfl of cotton and
wool, nearly 40 pounds of lead, and all
other commodities In proportion. "Thnt
dollar is tho host dollar that buys tho
largest quantity." Ho therotoro bc-
lloves that tho dollar would bo twice
as good if it bought six bushels ot
wheat, 12 of corn, and 30 pounds of cot
ton or wool.
If Mr. Sherman believes that, aud ho
Bays he does, by what peculiar mental
process Is ho In favor of tho protectlvo
tariff? Tho avowed purposo of tho
protective tariff Is to raise prlco3, and
thus mako tho dollar buy less food and
clothing. How can Sherman consistent
ly bo for ono prlnciplo to mnko tho
dollar buy moro, and at the samo time
support another prlnciplo to mako it
buy leBs? Grovcr Cleveland nt least
has tho virtue of consistency. With
Sherman, ho bellovea that tho best dol
lar la tho dollar that buys tho most,
and he pursues a logical course whon
he tries to mako It buy grcator quanti
ties first, by Its appreciation, and sec
ond, by tho application of free trade.
Tho truth Is tho republican party was
consistent when It supported bimetal
lism and protection. These tend to an
era of good prices. In other words, to
a cheaper dollar. The single-gold
standard and tree trnde bring an era of
low prices. In other words, a dear
dollar. Tho new democratic party Is
not for frco trade. When tho dollar Is
dear, tho debtor and tho producor seo
hard times, while tho creditor and non
producer are ablo to exact an over
flowing measure from Industry nnd
production. When the dollar Is stable,
and not too dear, tho producing masses
are prosperous, debts do not crush. In
dustry Is not paralyzed, commerce is
not stagnant.
Thero Is no hopo in John Sherman'B
dear and appreciating dollar.
Wont Ilnnnn tleallr Wnnti.
Mosslllon (O.) Sound Monoy: Marcus
AurelhiB Hanna Is chofiy known, to the
worklngmen of Cleveland, his home,
for his unrelenting hostility to labor
organizations and for his success In
destroying the seamen's unions of tho
lower lako regions, in wrecking the
mlnoworkcrs' unions of Pennsylvania,
in squelching tho unions of his own
street railway employes and for equal
bucccss in nil other of his objects for
tho protection of tho "dear dogs."
The "Industrial Cannibal,"
General Master Workman Sovereign,
of tho Knights of Labor, in a recent in
terview, spoke of Mark A. Hanna,
head of the syndlcato of millenaries
who paid McKlnley's debts In order to
make him their tool, and who Btlll
holds the notes, as "Hannn, tho Indus
trial cannibal." Ho Justified this char
acterization by Hnnnn's long record as
an opponent and oppressor of union
labor, a record given at length last
week in tho Journal.
I'afa View of It.
Boss Here's your wages. Pat; ton
dollars Just nB good as gold. Vote for
McKInley nnd we'll keep on paying you
In 100 cent dollars. Steer clear of 50
cent dollars.
Pat Sure an' If yez could pay me In
fifty-cent dollars, yez'd bay moro In
favor av freo silver than meself.
Ilanna'a llread lletnrnltic;.
Tho Critic (organ Onconta Trades
Council): Mark A. Hanna la experi
encing retributive Justice, and Is Just
now wondering why ho didn't know
before that there were bo many organ
ized laboring men In tho United Statos.
The bread of tho labor crusher Is re
turning. III Ilnaton.
Visitor What became of that nico
young man I met at your house last
year? Miss Bunker Hill Tho authori
ties became cognizant of considerable
rchypothecation on his part and con
voyed him to a protoplasm. "What la
that?" "If you will glance at Worces
ter you will observe that protoplasm
alanines a coll." Texas Sifter.
Another Object Lesion.
Tho frequent action ot manufactur
ers nnd othcre In offering to pay their
employes In Moxlcan silver dollars, as
an "object lesson," suggests that a
transaction that took placo at a small
town near Pittsburg, Pa., will boar re
peating, us an "object lesson." Thoro
was a contractor ot tho namo ot Lynch.
Bolng a radical advocato of tho single
gold standard and equally as Btrongly
opposed to tho frco colnago of silver,
Mr. Lynch took ndvnntago of ovory
opportunity to locturo to his men on
tho subject. Ho told them that they
woro entitled to tho host monoy; thnt
laboring men of all others should be
paid In dollars worth 100 conts, and
that to compol thorn to tako any othor
would bo an outrage This money, he
declared, wnB gold. Under froo coln
ago of Bllvor, ho argued, thoy would
get dollars worth but 50 cents. It so
happened that among tho mon wore a
fow practical fellows who wore not
prepared to accept all of their employ
er's assertions. But they acted upon
them to tho extent that thoy went
among tho other men nnd got an agree
ment that all of thorn would on tho
next pay day demand their wages In
gold. If laboring men woro ontltled to
tho best monoy, and thnt was gold,
they wanted It. So tho foreman wan
notified of tho deslro of tho mon. This
ho communicated to Mr. Lynch. "Why,
of course," Bald ho, "tho mon should
havo gold, and thoy are entltlod to It.
Next pay day thoy will all seo some
monoy that Is money." Whon tho pay
roll was mndo up (It amounted to
$3,000) tho clerk was Instructed to got
gold at tho bank. Presently tho clerk
returned to his employer and told him
that tho bank could not let him havo
tho gold. Mr. Lynch wont Immediately
to tho bank to mako tho demand In
person. But ho could not got It, oven
under tho threat of transferring his ac
count. Ho thou applied to tho other
banks In tho city, of which thoro were
four, but with equally poor success. In
tho end he woo compelled to return to
his mon and pay them oft In silver.
When It la known that this took place
over two months ago, and boforo the
agitation hod caused gold to bo hoard
ed, It will bo aeon that It Is a pretty
good "object lesson."
Defianco, 0 Aug. 23. A. F, 8,
In a tomplo of finance on Avenuo Four
A Bilver nnd gold dollar mot;
Tho gold ono exclaimed, with a glance
at tho door,
"Why, haven't you gono away yet?
I thought you were sentenced In eoven-ty-thrce
To serve with tho poor and dls.
And hero you appear In tho household
with mo,
Whose blood Is tho purest and best.
I mlnglo with princes at homo and
And serve tho ellto of tho land;
No workman who carries a pick or a
Soils me with bis toll-begrimed hand,
While you are not welcomo whoro fash
ion holds sway,
And don't go to Europo at all.
So with the poor working class you'll
have to stay
Tho rich folks don't want you to
Tho poor silver dollar retorted with
" 'TIs true, I'm tho working man's
I'vo faithfully Bervcd him e'er since 7
was born
And faithfully will to tho end.
I'vo fed and clothed millions and built
happy homes,
I'm welcome in workshop or mill,
And when tho great era of freo colnago
Tho worklngman's pockets I'll fill.
I don't run to Europo at every etnalJ
Dosertlng tho land of my birth,
But circulate freely wherever I pleaso
And stay In the best land on earth.
You bring to your classes silks, lacea
and wines,
And trample tho poor on tho street.
While I servo tho masses op.dlfforent
And bring them their clothes, hreatf
and meat"
Mclllnler'a Had Ilreak,
Candldato McKInley Baya: "I would
rather seo the mills of tho United
States opened to American labor than
to eeo the mlntB of the United States
opened to tho silver of tho world."
Sounds nice, doesn't It? Wonderful
wisdom for n presidential candidate.
To which any American workman may
"That's all right, Mr. McKInley; but
what are thorn foreigners going to get
for the Bllvor they will bring to the
mints of tho United States? Won't they
spend the money by purchasing the
products of American mills? That's
Just the condition of affairs we ore
looking for. Silver Is money, and we
want it in exchange for our goods.
Open tho mints and tho mills will open.
Keep the mints closed and the mill?
will remain closed."
Pity for the "Mapolean."
Knights of Labor Journal: The Aa
vanco Agent of Prosperity nnd the
"friend of tho worklngmen" has en
tered Into a very suspicious intimacy
with Messrs. Hanna of Ohio and Payne
of Wisconsin, both of whom havo been
nnythlng but. "agents of prosperity" to
to tho men with whom they came in
contact. But perhaps it Is only jer
sonal prosperity which is meant. In that
case, of course, tho advisers are fully
competent to point out the methods
by which the Major may nchjevo flnan
clal success. Poor Napoleon has a heavy
drag on his onward progress and the
championship may be bard to explain