nMWafOIISr 'rarawnwWrWio r.. THE ARTIST'S STORY. TKLL you, ladles," tloclnrcd handsomo and cynical Wilton Robolcy, tbo artist, "a forluno teller U showed mo tbo Im ago of my wlfo two yearn beforo I over saw her In tho flesh and thousands of miles from tho place I first met hor." "You tiro tbo last man In tho world whoso mind I would think obscured by tho cloudB of mysticism," replied tbo rich Mm. Austyn, his frlond and patron. "You havo novcr shown any patience with tho charlatans who pro tended to expoBo and expound tho se crets that a wlso Providence has or dained wo should not fathom. And yet you nro taxing our credulity with a ttatement that would bo marvelous, kt true." "I must Insist upon my voracity In this instanco," smiled tho artist 'Now, don't stop to argue, mamma," urged tho elder of tho Austyn girls. "There Is a story In this, and nfter Mr. llobclcy has told it you can reclaim him from tho darkuoss of hla ouporstl lions and air your theories. Now do Ull tin nil about it;" and thrco pretty istcro sighed their curiosity In chorus. "Just so you don t ask mo to ex plain," said the artist with n quizzical lckk. "I shall give you tho romarkablo facta and Icavo you to wrcstlo with them. Eight years ago I was In Paris, pursuing my studies, and lived tho II fo of a Uobemlan from cholco. rather than fcfom necessity. Wo fellows hold the tenponslbllltlcs of life very lightly, and laughed at all human phenomena that would not ylold to tho test of material ism. I was chief nmong tho scoffers, and found barn-faced fraud In every thing from clalrvoyancy to tho plorc Ing of tho future through tho medium of tea grounds. "Then an now I occasionally broko entirely away from my usual surround ings and waa one day sauntering nlono through Ituo do Dougcii. Ab I passed eno of tho most pretentious houses I wns ntartled by a scream for help and dashed through tho open doorway to And a woman battling with flamos that with "great leaps and flashes were con suming tho whlto draperies of what struck mo as a consecrated altar out of place Our combined efforts Boon mastered tho incipient conflagration. An tho woman anointed my handB with eomo soothing lotion I saw that bIio was na dark as a gypsy. Her hair rip pled back from hor forehead In waves of bluu black, her eyes woro brilliant In tho same deep coloring, and her strong, oven teeth suggested polished Ivory. She was an nmazon In slzo, yet tho sweeping curves of beauty were such as to fasclnato tho artist whllo her motions were as supple and grace ful as thoso of a tiger. " 'You are a gentleman, and thcro Is feat one way In which I can offer ro tors for your services.' sbo said as I WOMAN BATTLING WITH THE FLAMES, twrped to loavo. Her voice was soft as tho notes of a lute and her accent gave unsuspected charms to my mother tongue. 'I was born of royal blood In India. Through study of tho. sacred Vcdaa and the pure doctrlno of Karma I attained the power of divination. Your people would classify mo among fortune tellers; but I am poles apart from tho vulgar humbugs that trado ufkin ignorance and superstition. Proralso you will come to-morrow, for 1 .am upset by this accident. Then I will bo both your historian and your prophet. I shall count on you, m'seur.' 'Though i mentally sneered at tho woman's pretensions nnd lay awako tfialt tho night assuring myself that I Would never seek her out, I was at tier aoor ten minutes beforo tho ap pointed time next day. Sto had either assumed her professional nlr or was tinder tho apell of her mpematural attainments, I will not dcscrlbo the 'Inner Temple of Mysteries' to which ' she conducted me, but In tho weird ffect of its hangings, mirrors, grotes quo carvings and mythical symbols It challenged the most hardened skepti cism. Throwing tho white light of a (golden lamp upon my face with a pow- crful reflector, aho generalized upon my past life as any shrewd Judge of hu man nature might do. Thou suddenly knitting her brows and leaning closer eho slowly spelled out 'Marcla Arnold.' That ta tho namo of tho girl you will marry,' she announced In a dreamy voice, 'and there you see her.' "With that the lights faded to tho dimness of deep twllght, and there followed tho darkness of a dungeon. Opposite me as If in life was tho Im age of the sweet and beautiful woman ypijiknow as Mrs. Robeley. Never be forotbad I been dominated by tho ten der passion, but tbere I was fathoms deep In lovo with what might havo been m enchanting illusion or a su perb painting. So deeply was I Im pressed that after leaving In a bewild erment of doubt I sketched tho magni ficent creature so Indelibly impressed upon my memory. "Eighteen months Later I was In southern California enjoying the medi cinal virtues of the climate, and find ing subjects in some of tho delightful pecnery. One morning I had my easel V0$S it yv&ml vi I BJB4 at tho odgo of a wooded prcclplco over looking a charming spread of land scape. Tho velvet carpotlng of grans and moss had failed to warn mo of approaching footsteps, and when I turned It was tho startled movement caused by a half-suppressed scream. Thero wero two ladles, tho elder anxi ously supporting tho younger, whoso faco was blanched and whoso eyes were fastened upon mo as though I were a terrifying apparition. It was tho girl tho Indian sorceress had shown mo In Paris: but what did sho know of mo? As sho sank down under tho wolght of her emotions I hastened to a near by spring fcr water, and when I re turned her eyes wero upon mo In that same fixed and troubled look. "'What can bo tho matter, daugh ter? You havo always been bo strong and so vigorous.' '"Is your namo Honry Morton?' asked tho younger of mo, without heed lng tho mother's question. " 'It is Wilton Roboloy,' I responded quietly. At that Instant It flashed up on mo that In n desire to conceal my Identity I had given tho nnmo of Henry Morton to tho fortune teller. Then with tho inspiration of an anxious lover I added: 'But I have a cousin of that namo who bears a striking re somblanco to mo.' "My Immediate reward wob a rovlval of strength and spirits on tho part of tho young lady. Tho mother Intro duced herself as Mrs. Gllsen, her daughtor as MIes Gllsen, nnd then said: 'Lucy, wo had best got back to tho hotel.' " "Lucy Gllsen?' and yet It was hor presenco that had been conjured up as my brldo to bo. Sho was tho girl of my sketch and my dreams. Tho next day I called at tho hotel to Inqulro after hor. I called often. Wo walked, drovo, painted and boated together. I camo to know throush tho Intuition cf lovo that sho was not Indifferent to mo. Ono evening as wo drifted lazily through tho water lilies sho hunded mo a sketch of myself nnd asked: 'Is that a plcturo of Henry Morton?' " 'It's perfect,' I answered though dumfounded. A Bhadow of anger cross ed hor face, and sho wns about to tear tho plcturo to pieces when I caught her hands and suddenly showed tho reproduction of herself that I had mado In Paris. It was her turn to bo sur prised, and when I told her of my ex perience at tho fortune teller's on Rue do Rouges, giving her tho date, sho quickly oxclalmed: " 'Why, I was thcro with Marcla Ar nold. Mamma and I did Europo that reason, and wo two gins visited that Indian princess Just for a lark. That was where I saw Honry Morton, whom I was told fato had decreed as my fu turo husband.' "Reforo wo rowed homo It was all explained, and tho acquol of our strange experience was a happy mar riage. Tho dusky prophetess who had confused tho namo of tho two girls was a cultivated fraud. It was all a trick of the mirrors, ladies." Heliotrope IVrrnmn. A dellcato odor, heliotrope, Is ob tained In small qunntltlcs from tho hc llotropo hedges of tho Riviera by tho process of maceratlona quantity of very puro lard being placed in a cop per vessel with tho flowers and melted over n slow lire. Tho flowers are then strained away, a process repeated till tho fat Is sufllclently flower scented, when tho liquid fat is poured through n slove, and tho greasy flower paste subjected to hydraulic pressure Since heliotrope blossoms must be used as Boon as they are gathered, and tho molted grease carofullv keDt nt the low est temperature that will maintain It In the liquid stato, tho perfumer ac cepts as a substltulo hellotroplnc, the whlto light crystalline powder obtained from tho ground pepper. Even If these difficulties of manufacture wero avoid ed by tho nyrogene or enfleurage sys tem, pure heliotrope essence could nev er bocomo a popular porfumo. Heat In jures It. Tho direct notion of sunlight destroys It. Artifice replaces It with a mlxturo of tho spirituous oxtracts of vanilla, ambergris, rose and orange flower, to which aro added a few drops of essential oil of almonds. Chambers' Journal. A College Girl. Too. Sho was a college girl of lofty Ideas and superior attainments, such as col lego girls h-ve In their early days. When she left hor family to rest In the mountains for awhile, she said haugh tily: "No; I'll not take an evening gown And plcoso don't put any of that paper covered literature Into my trunk. I havo eonio philosophy to read and I don't Intend to mix with the hotel people. Nature, my work and serge frocks are enough for me." Then she departed. At the end of four days her mother was startled by a telegram. It read: "Send two party frocks, a hammock and some reliable face powder at once." So easily aro love of nature and love of labor overcome. Exchange. A Dltieuter. "The voico of .ho people," said the man who was aching to talk about the coming election, "the voico of the peo ple Is the voice of God." "Rats!" said tho man ho had oor nered. "Beg pardon?" "Rats, I said; r-a-t-s, rats. Just wait until you havo been compelled to de cide a home player out at third a few times and thea you will know how much Ice the voico of the people cuta Yes." Cincinnati Enquirer. Thoughtful I'rorUloo. Hojack -LI Hung Chang always carries his coflln with him -when he travels. Tomdlk What did you say was the name of the umpire? Now York World. HELD CAPTIVE BY ICE. THIIIULINO EXPERIENCE CAPTAIN AND CREW. OF Th Folia XTera Frozen Hot Id After Forty Dji of Itnprliotiinant anil lldiirljr linncer of Heine Uruahed to J'lecei the Vetiel ltenchei 1U Deitl nation. HE bark Fluorine, Captain Janscn, tho second of tho kryo llto flcot from Greenland, arrived at Philadelphia tho other day, bringing to a close tho most momorablo and thrilling voyage over within tho recollection of her old skipper, who Iiob spent almost n lifetime In tho Arctic regions. This vessel was less fortunato than her sister ship, tho Iodine, which reached Phila delphia on Sunday, and was, for a period of thirty days, hold captive in trcmondous Ico Aocb which nro swiftly sweeping southwnrd from tho northern regions. Thoso forty days of impris onment wero times of mo3t Intense anxiety for Captain Jansen and his crow. They know not at what moment their vessel would bo crushed to atoms and nothing would thon havo been left for them to do but llo down on tho Ico and await death. No efforts could havo been mado to reach land. Tho vessel waa miles from tho coast and the ico obstruction that surrounded them was of such formation as would havo rendered their traveling over It Impossible. Tho Fluorine brings no tidings of any of other ships of tho fleet except tho Sallna, and tho impression among many shipping men is that they have becomo Inextricably fast In tho north ern Ice nnd may perhaps havo to spend the coming winter in that perilous po sition. Tho Argenta, Captain Smith, left Cadiz May 25; tho Silicon, Captain Andersen, left Havana April 29, nnd tho Serene, Captain Houghton, mado sail from Stockholm Juno 5, all for Ivlgtut, Greenland, but nono had reached thcro up to Juno 2G. Nor had any tidings from them been had. Tho Argenta and Sereno were hardly duo at that time, but tho whereabouts of tho Silicon Is the cause of much alarm. Tho Fluorine left Exmoth, England, April 5 for Greenland. When twenty days out tho first Ice was met and from then until tho time Ivlgtut was reached, Juno 14, her Btrugglo was a desperato ono and many times tho attempt to reach tho northern port seemed impossible. The cold was in tense and tho Bpray whijbfcjwas being dashed on board tho eJael by the cold, bleak winds frozo fast where it struck until tho craft was incased In a thick coating of Ice. Tho sails wero frozen as stiff as sheet Iron and before they could bo bent It was necessary to hammer them for hours with tho cap stan baro. Many of tho sailors were severoly frost-bitten, but they stuck manfully to tho task. Tho Fluorine worked north among tho Ico along tho coast to latitudo 64 north and when about abreast of Good hope sho got around tho corner of the north point of tho obstruction nnd steered down for her destination. For days she was brought to a comploto standstill In tho Ice. The entire coast of Greenland was found to be walled up with tromendous floes and bergs, and the noiso of these huge monsters coming in contact ono with tho other resounded for miles and miles. Upon nearly overy ono of fifty bergs thcro wore In sight on ono day there wero innumerable senlB playing about and basking In tho warm rays of tho aim. From tho time tho entrance to Ivlgtut was first sighted until tho port was reached It consumed a period of ten days to get over a distance of not more than twenty miles. When the Fluorine left Ivlgtut thcro were no other ves sels In tho harbct excepting tho Dan ish steamship Fox, which could not venture out on account of tho Ice. Coming ns It did from such high lat itudes, the crow of tho Fluorlno woro almost prostrated by tho past week's intonso heat. Small Typewriter, What is thought to bo tho smallest typewriter In practical use Is In Den ver. According to the New York Tri bune It is made of aluminum, and Is two and one-eighth Inches In diameter, threo-nuarters of an Inch deep, and weighs, complete, but three and one half ounces. An ordinary watch Is about tho same slzo and weight. Its mechanism la very simple. Fifty char acters aro on tho watch-face like key board, while tho typo bars radlato from the center. A single key, which Is placed over the particular letter de sired to bo printed and then pressed, forms the means of operation. A piece of felt is used a3 the ribbon. The en tiro machine, is attached to a writing pad by means of a clamp when In use. High speed Is not claimed, yet it can be operated sufllclently fast for ordi nary purposes. Ileclproclty. "And would you die for me?' the fair young thing asked. "Well," tho cruel man replied, as he fondled the golden braid that was hanging down her back. "I suppose It would be only doing tho fair thing, since you seem to have bleached for mo." Whereupon a solemn stillness en folded them. Cleveland Leader. A woman says don't when a man at tempts to kiss her, but she generally means, don't stop. Queen Victoria has novor witnessed a session ot tha House cl Commons. CATCHINQ A THIEF. 8ho rro-tected Her Ice rhett In n Irno tic: TTir Her Hiihnnil CViJeotert. From tho Clevoland Leader: "Did you over hear how Mrs. Turner caught tho fellow who was robbing her Ice chest?" asked tho smooth-faced man. "No," tho man with tho krugera re plied; "how was It?" They wero riding down town In an open car and tho narrator of tho Btory pitched hlB voico In a key that made It possible for ovory person aboard to hear what ho said, "For a long time," the smooth faced man said, "somebody had been helping himself pretty freely to the beer that tho Turners always kept on Ico. Mrs. Turner was uncertain as to whether tho Ico man or tho hired glrl'o benu wna tho guilty person, but finally sho bit upon n plan whereby tho Iden tity of tho wrong-doer could bo estab lished. You know Mrs. Turner 1c a practical woman If sho Is anything." "Yes," said tho man with the krug crs, rubbing his hands and beginning to look as if ho was interested. "Well," his companion resumod, "she went to tho druggist and asked him to fix up a doso that would double tho beer guzzler up like a Jack-knife, but which would be suro to result In no permanent Injury. Then sho 'doctor ed' two bottles, put them In tho Ice chest and waited for results." "Yes," said tho listener, a pleaEed grin beginning to show upon his coun tenance. "But," tho other went on, "nelthei the Ice man nor tho hired girl's beau wob caught." "You don't say," exclaimed tho man with tho krugers. "No," tho omooth-fneed man said, "but they had to call In tho doctor for old man Turnei last night, nnd some of the neighbors wero afraid for an hour or two that after ho had got bo that he could talk again that the af fair mfglit result In a permanent breach." Whllo tho people on tho car were laughing at tho Joke on Turner a big man who had been sitting directly be hind the narrator of tho story signalled tho conductor to stop, and ob ho hur riedly got off tho smooth-faced man whispered: "Great Scott! That was Turner himself!" TRANSPORTATION OF TOWNS. Ilumlnn City to He Taken to a Location Where the Cllmittn I I.csi Severe. San Francisco Chronicle: European engineers aro much interested In the proposed removal of an entire town In northern Russia to a point 43 milea dis tant, tho houses to be transported over the frozen surfaco of tho rivor on Eiedges. Tho city of Kola, on tho pen insula of tho same name, Is now sit uated at the confluence of two rivers, the Luttojokl and the Notosero, form ing tho Kola river, about BO miles from tho Arctic ocean. Whllo tho rivers and tho bay below are navigable for oven largo vessels, Kola is situated so far in land that it Is shut off from the sea by ice much longer than other seaports situated oven further north, like Var doe, in Norwegian Lapland. The gov ernor of the province of Archangellsk, Baron Engelhardt, to whose Jurisdic tion tho district of Kola belongs, has proposed to transfer the city to a better port nearer the mouth of tho Kola river. Imperial and ministerial consent hav ing been given, active preparations are now being made to transport Kola to tho new JHVn- The project 13 not, hawcvcrJPpfw one. The thing has been doneon an extensive scalo right hero in tho United States. When t' Mormons left Nauvoo, 111., they left hind them nearly 700 well-built fra houses, clustered around their un ished temple. German grape-grow. came In and settled up tho plnfce. They wanted the hillsides for thjv vines. Tho houses were sold to sAculators, who moved them all In tly courso of three winters over the frozen, basin of the river to a point twelve miles above on tho Iowa shore, and founded what is now ono of the most prosperous of western towns Fort Madison. The houses were set on rude sledges and drawn by oxen. A I.ivuly Drink. Moxican pulque Is mado intoxicating to a maddening degreo by tho addition of an extract mado from 'What is known an jlmson weed In this country. The number of deaths from fights In pulquo shops is said to be incredible MISCELLANY. A nall-maklng machine producos as many nails In a given tlmo as were formerly made by 1,000 men. Teacher What celebrated event oc curred at Plymouth Rook? Tommlo I know. Teacher Well, let us hear you tell tho class what It was. No body else seems to know. Tommle They started a new breed of chickens there. Cleveland Leader. Gouverneur Morris of New York, In 1772, proposed to tho Continental con gress a decimal currency system. He suggested ten units equal one penny; ten pennies, one bill; ten bills, one dollar; ten dollars, one crown. In 17S4 Jefferson proposed the system as now In use; Congress In July, 1785, resolved that the coinage should conform to tho decimal system. Claudo Joseph Rouget do I'Islo, a French writer, composed tho "Mar seillaise." He is said to havo written the song and composed the music one ovenlng In a burst of patriotic frenzy. He called It tho "Song of tho Army of tho Rhine." It was sung by the volun teers from Marseilles and the south ot Franco as they entered Paris, Aug. 10, 1792, and received its present camo from them. Kffeot of Good nomine Upon the Poor. Lord 8haftsbury, who practically In terested himself for more than sixty years in Improving tho homes of tho masses, said time and apaln that many of tho people who were in a filthy and deplorable; condition had been made so by tholr surroundings, nnd that whero their homes had been improved, they had been rescued from such con ditions. Human naturo is imitative; tho forco of good cxamplo 1b catching. Lack of opportunity to lead a more civilized existence, not the inclination to remain as they are, largely explains the situation of tho poorer elements among city dwellers. Sir Sidney Wat crlow cites tho punctuality with which tho rents aro paid his corporation as evldenco that peoplo having good rooms are anxious to keep them. Ho believes thero Is a growing desiro for comfortablo homes. September Cen tury. That Joyfnl Feeling With the exhilarating senso of renewed health and strength and Internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to th few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. XllfC School of I'orpoUc. The steamer Ulundn, which recontly arrived in Halifax from Liverpool, en countered an enormous school of por f poises pursued by about two dozen argo whales just beforo it came into port. It was estimated that thero was over 1,400 poises in tho school. They were seen about 15 miles cast of II all fax, and jumped tho vessel's sides in their evident terror of their pursuers. Tho sea was black with them and they rushed through tho water liko mad, with tho great puffing whales in close pursuit. Old Baits say they never saw anything1 like it on tho American coast FITS topjwl free and pernmnentlv cured. No flta atiT tint ilajr'n uso of Dr. Kllne'nGrcatWerTO Iieatorer. Free ?J trial bottlo and treatise. Send to Da. Kuii, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ono of tho profitable results of the present agitation of tho silver question is a concise statement in tho September Review of reviews of tho pros and cons of tho question, "would American Free Coinage Douqlo tho Price of Silver in the markets of tho world?" Tho affirm ative view is supported by Charles li. Spahr, Ph. D. , of Now York, and the negative by Prof. J. Laurence Laugh lin, of Chicago. Each of the&o writers is a recognized authority on tho ques tion of tho standards. Has for a Fifth of a Century Cured all forms of . . . KIDNEY und LIVER DISEASES. THE DREAD BRIGHT'S Disease fs but Incipient Kidney Disease. Either are Dangerous. Both can bo Cured If treated in time with Warner's Safe Cure. Large bottlo or now style smaller uuu ui. jour urutfgisi-s. ase ior . u mur uiiu uccupi no suDsiuute. "The added pleasure of riding a Columbia is worth every dollar of the $100 a Columbia costs," The supremacy of Columbias is ad mitted. They are Standard of the World. If you are able to pay H00 for a bicycle, why buy any other? Full information about Columbias and the Qransh town. In your mmiBasa An African' Car for Hit Ornaments. Soon after you get started on a jour ney with black followers all your break able proporty cups, saucers, etc,, will be smashed or lost, but tho gentle African, notwithstanding, will wear around his ankle a thin thread of beads for three years: ho will tear his way through matted grass, and follow a wounded buck through tangled jungle without injury to his ornament It is remarkable, how an ornament sticks to a native. September Century. Too Aro Not "Shaken Ileforo Taken" With malarial disease but with prodigious violence nfiorwards. If you nORleci Immedi ate monsuro of rollef. The surest prevent ive nnd mcdlcnl form of modlcatlon Is llos tottor's Stomach .Hitters, the potency of which as an antidote to miasmatic poison has beon demonstrated for over forty years past The liver when disordered and con gested, tho bowel If costlpated, and the Kidneys If Inactive, are promptly aldod by It, and It Is lnvalhablo for dyspopsla, nerv ous debility and rheumatism. Harper's Round Tablo published September 1st will contlnuo the first Installment of a now serial story enti tled "In tho Old Herrlck houso," by Ellon Douglas Delnnd. To the same number Dudley D. F. Parker will con tribute an interesting paper on the art of sailing small boats. Tho article will bo fully illustrated and will bo found to contain many useful suggestion! and directions for young yachtsmen. II tho Baby Is Catting Teotnw Be tore and me that old and well-tried remedy, Has, WuciLOWs Soomuca Srncr for Children Teethlng In most coses mon who marry beneatb them live to rogret it Tl ake The best when you need medlclno. For blood, appetite, nerves, stomach, liver, nothing cqus.li Sarsapanlla Tho Ono True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. 81. Hood's Pllln euro all JJverllls. 25 cents. MISSOURI. WEST The best fruit section In tbo West. No droutha A failure- of crops never known. Mild climate. Productive, soil. Abundanco of good puro water. For Maps and Circulars glTlng full descrip tion of the Rich Mineral. Fruit and Agricultu ral Lands in South West Missouri, write to JOHN M. rUIWY. Manoror of the Missouri Land and Llvo Stock Company, Neosho, New ton Co., Missouri. U 1,200 BU. CRIB, $9.50. t. H. BLOOMER, Council Bluffs, Iowa. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination and.Adrlce aa to rtntMMt .t t- jentlon. 8-nd for "InTentors1 Onlde, or How to del a Patent." O'FAUKELL A BOS. Wakhlngton, D. a TO PAY OA8n WEEKLY and want men errrywhere to SELL STARK TREES STp0?'. "atolu:elrbest."Auperbontnta. newayftcm. BTATtKUKOTIIEns, L.OD19UMA, llO., ItOCirOBT, ILZ. WORK SHORT HAND y!!,A.ro.H' ".Ban- Only one In Omaha tangli't by practical stenographer PATFHT0. 20yrar.exrr!ence.SenlV ValOQlce) Deanes Weaver, McCJIU Hide.,' ftfeetchfnrftjl. examiner U.S. ,wnso,u.u. WJlllM "" WHISKY l'H ear. BMk .t wa iwin ku. Dr. n. h. Hootl BOOU.KT, ATUUTi, CA. SSOS Thompson's Eye Water. W. N. V., OMAHA-38 1800 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. Hoods mmsm IS Best Cooxh Byfnp. Tastes Good.' Use Wj different Models for men and women and for children, too is contained in the hand somest art book of the year. Free from any of our Branch Houses and Agencies or by mail for two 2-ccnt stamps. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Stores and Aeencles In every city and If Columbias are not properly represented vicinity, let ui know. All Celnmtli Bicycle in fitted with HARTFORD SINQLE-TUBE TIRES HUH MNU TUU. Ml Ul. rO. WE MOW HO TIRES SO GOOD AS HARTF0RDS. y lj 33 j Wi Tstmswik