Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 18, 1896, Image 2
IIEMINGFOltD HERALD. TIIOS. JT. O'KKKFFE, rnlilUher. HEMINQFORD, NEDUA8KA. Tho, weather is ono ot the things that ean plcaco but fow p.coplo at a Umo. Herbert Roller, aged 19, of Paris, 111., looked Into tho empty end ot a Bhotgup recently. Ho Is a high Rol ler now. Jorry Simpson says ho Is "going to run for congress again, barefooted, If necessary." This will bo on inter esting fet, truly. A husband and wlfo who wore ar rested whllo stealing a lot of ellks and a feather boa from a Chicago store pleaded that thoy woro In needy cir cumstances. Juat what nld such arti cles could bo In a caso of starvation Is not given, unless tho young woman considered that thero 1b as much nour ishment in the boa as in tho ordinary spring chicken at tho corner markets. A Chicago man attempted sulcldo a day or two ago because of a lovor's quarrel with a Miss Smith of Lawn dalo avenuo, Another man is safd to havo klllod himself a few years ago for lovo of tho eamo young woman. If nil tho fair mombcrs of tho entire Smith family aro going to provo so fa tal tho question of tho overpopulation of tho world promises to bo speodlly settled. It is stated upon eminent authority that tho emperor of Germany is ne gotiating with Denmark for tho latter country's possessions in tho Antilles, especially St Thomas. Tho kaiser wishes moro colonial influenco and an excuse to lncrcaso tho navy. It is an ticipated, howovcr, that In vlow of tho Monroo doctrlno tho United States will protest against tho salo of tho island to Germany. Prof, Mohr, tho location of whoso chair is not named, however, has not enly seen the sca-aorpent, but hog mado a sketch of him. Ho and his son caught tho big water smako apparently asleep in shallow water near Lynn, Mass., nnd as four or five minutes elapsed beforo tho animal woko up nnd betook himself elsewhere, the professor was ablo to mako an excellent plcturo of him. Hurray, at last (Nit?) A New York Bdcntlst aBks tho pro33 to spread broadcast tho Information that "headaches nro duo to impoverish ed blood containing poisonous mattet absorbed from badly digested food." Wo gladly comply with this request, but feel that it Is only fair to add that headaches can bo cautcd by other things than thOBO iho professor has discovered. Any ono who over has done any municipal docorating under etande that fact tho morning after' ward. Mr. and Mrs. Mllkegau of La Grange, Ind wcro hopelessly divided on tho question of politics. Mr. Milkc-gan in a Republican and his wlfo is a Demo crat. Tnero 1b no tolling what might havo happened had it not been for tho appearance on tho scene of an accom modating pair of twins. It was decid ed to name ono of tho llttlo chaps "William McKlnloy nnd -tho other Wil liam JcnnlngB Bryan and this provod a (happy solution of tho difficulty. How many thousands ot married couples havo been kept togothcr by children! Many ot tho Sioux Indtans at CJrow Creek and Lower Brulo agonclos in South Dakota aro in a highly prosper ous condition for Indians. In addi tion to flno furniture, carrlagos, and carpots, many of them havo purchased organs, and It is no uncommon sight when traveling over the reservations to ceo costly Instruments of this char acter eccupylng places In log houses whoso exteriors present anything but a cheerful or prosperous appoarance. Indian fmlllo3 that havo invested their surplus wealth In musical instruments ore the envy of all their neighbors un til the envious ones can themselves purchase organs, and then harmony is restored In tho Indian settlements. Tho commissioners of Indirect taxes havo published an Interesting return giving the number of bicycles In France. At tho tlmo of tho exhibition of 1889 it was estimated that they num bered about 50,000, but it was not until 1J132 that a tax was levied upon them, nnd thoro were then 119,000. Tho total went up to 132,000 in 1893, while at the end of last year tho tax was paid upon nearly 160,000, this being at tho rate of four for every 1,000 inhabitants. But the proportion is not, of courso, uni form throughout France, and whllo in Corsica there aro only seven blcyclcc for every 100,000 Inhabitants, and only ono for every 1,000 Inhabitants in sev eral ot tho mountainous departments, there are nearly 900 to every 100,000 inhabitants in two or three of tho de partments around Paris, in which there arc about 25,000 bicycles. It Is stated, too, that about one In 20 (or 8,000 In all) ot the bicycles belong to women. The notoriety-eceking newspapers huvfl now discovered that "Will" Bry an used to be at school with his "Ma mie" and their romance goes back to ho days when he helped her with her spelling lessons and sho tied his cra vats for him after the recess games ere over. How very touching this is, how interesting, how closely related to the present campaign. Perhaps Scandinavia's polar explor ers would succeed better if they would discard the usual Eskimo dog in fa aroi of the Great Dane. IN WOMAN'S CORNER. INTERESTING READING FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. VHtameg for'the OlrU Little Chance far Originality New IJodlrei and BktrU Itether Novel Hint for the Honiehotd. ELL brought up girls in our grand mothers' time wcro taught that homo spun gowns wero good enough for them and the iream ot tho young maiden's vjtanoy wns tho far-off Hay when she might bo permitted to havo a silk dress and wear her gold ring. But that was the tlmo when the mar kets woro not so full of flno stuffs to be bought at possible prices as they are nowadays. In theso days silk can bo bought cheaper than so-called homespun, and tho tiniest maids are often dressed in it Even babies in arms have white silk slips that aro no more expensive than flno nainsook or mull. And their whlto faille silk cloaks aro qulto the ordinary thing. For summer wear silk is almost as cool as lawn and wash silk is qulto as serviceable, oven for 10-ycar-old girls. For girls who aro old enough to wear eeparato waists and skirts, a very ser viceable dress can be mado with woolen or alpaca eklrt, and waist of figured silk. fJklrth for girls in their teens should BLACK TULLED GOWN WITH RUFFLED SLEEVES. 1 1 ImntmSam m i 'I.UMMHKHM. Um ' ffWrmfJrjful be stiffened and made to stand out with as much style as those Intended for older people. Tho waist need not bo elaborately trimmed. Ribbon will be found suffi cient decoration, It used for collar and belt In the Illustration the ribbon is put on in brctellcs with bows on tho shoulders and at the waist. Little Chance tor Orltrliinllty. There is no costumo for specific oc casions that is so difficult to vary as the boating gown. It Is nearly always made with a blazer jacket and a V neck, with anchors embroidered on all the available places. There is usually a broad sailor collar, perhaps a chic llttlo pocket, and with It Is worn a whlto sailor hat or a jaunty yachting cap. All the possible varieties in color havo been tried. Thero are gowns ot blue, with white trimmings, white with red or yellow, red or blue with gold trimmings, plain white and all tho rest, but after all they look very much alike and there is very little chance for orig inality. If one wears a dress to go fishing in the best material Is English flannel, t because it does not shrink, and tho blouso walBt will be found tho most comfortable style for the purpose. It la very easy to mako a gown of this kind for oneself. The skirt need not be lined, and may be sqwed Into a twe nch belt, which Is fastened over; the blouse. The blouse should have a broad sailor collar and a loose chemi sette, which may be hooked or pinned In tho neck. The bIcovcb are cut bish op stylo and gathered into narrow bands, which admit ot being drawn up on tho arm aa far as desirod. This Is a very ordinary but a very comfort able yachting dress. For swell yachting trips which aro moro for tho opportunity c.l showing one's gown tho dress shown in tho plc turo is very pretty and, what is more, it is decidedly now, having dispensed with tho usunl sailor collar and em broidered anchors. Tho Latest New llodlce and SUIrti. Tho fancy for striking bicyclo cos tumes which has ravaged Paris has penetrated in a milder form to Eng land, and sympathies ot It have al ready appeared here. It is doubtf ul.how ovor, if really well dressed women will over "go in" for anything much moro striking for tho bicycle than for horse back exercise. English women indulge In slashed skirts of gray, dark bluo or other dull, staid shades,, the. slashings exhibiting an underskirt of yellow, red, pink or some other brilliant color, and tho hat being trimmed to match. Tho now waists aro making up In shoulder rufllos what thoy lack In sleeves, although In soma of the most approved models tho sleeves aro no smaller than heretofore. Ribbons nre very beautiful this year, and enter in to tho composition of many charming bodices. Sometimes there aro bands of ribbons alternating with lace inser tion, sometimes embroidery or. mousso llne do solo takes tho place of tho lace. Usually the stripes aro arranged to run lengthwise. Ot courso a silk lining to match is required. Tho flowered rib bons, now so popular, lend themselves particularly well to this stylo. Whlto petticoats havo decidedly re- turned to favor. They are worn with all kinds ot gowns and are appropriate ly elaborate. They aro cut of ample width and aro of muslin or lawn, trimmed with multiplied frills, edged with laco or embroidery and perhaps enriched with Insertion as well. They nro bo full that a light summer gown requires no additional support to make It flaro properly. ITW lUtrfMi An Illustration is given ot a costume of taffeta and crepon. Tho skirt of lavender taffeta has godets at the back and a panel of darker lavender and white crepon at the left aide of the tabller. The plastron, collar and closo sleeves are also of crepon, the open s!eeve puffs, trimmed with guipure ap MjrdEftwssm2xwi v&w imm plications ot taffeta. A scarf drapery of lavender moussellne do solo adorns the bodlco and is fastened at the left Bldo ot tho waist by a gold bucklo, from which It falls over tho oklrt panol in coqullles. Tho collarette is ot laven der velvet and white gauze. Coitume for n llrlde'a Mother. The costumo worn by tho bride's mother nt tho wedding ceremony should bo as elegant as sho can afford and should not bo black. Even if the mother 1b in mourning Bho should lay it aside for this occasion. Tho colors em ployed vary according to tho age and figure- ot tho wearer, but green, violet in all tones from palo to dark, bright chestnut and tobacco brown, wood color and gray are all liked for the purpose. Brocho or striped silks and plain satia duchess nro tho materials usually chosen. Tho trimming consists of flno laco or beaded passementerie. 'The Bkirt ought to havo a train of moderate length. Skirts aro now gathered at tho top of the back instead of being laid in plaits. Fashion still favors light bod Ices different from tho skirt. They aro of moussellne, gauze, surah, batiste or foulard and are ornamented with a yoke of gulpuro or other lace, large squaro collars or arrangements of Va lenciennes lace. Embroidery, passe menterio and beaded trimmings aro also much employed for adorning bod ices. Belts In all forms nro very great ly worn. High, narrow, straight, draped, ornamented, plain, they aro seen everywhere. They may bo fas tened by buckles, buttons, clasps, bows or choux. Skirts remain comparatively simple as a set-off to thei much-trimmed bodices now worn. Tho more beautiful tho material tho plainer tho skirt Not that decoration is not fashionably em ployed upon them, however, for appli cations of embroidery and lace, ruffles and ruches aro all seen and aro very suitable- for thin gowns of wash or other materials. The illustration given shows a bodice of ecru guipuro embroidered with white. It is close fitting and is mado over a lining of pink silk. Tho short basquo is rippled. Tho draped sleeves are of pink and green striped silk, with cuffs of guipure. Tho collar and vest aro of plaited pink silk gauze, tho col lar points and epaulets of guipure. A belt of green satin, with paste dia monds and a buckle, defines tho waist Ttiltltftr Norrl. Jeweled Insects butterflies and drag on flies in particular ornament many fashionable articles of headgear. Some times these artificial flies, particularly the dragon flies, are wonderfully good imitations of nature. Tho French na tion excel in mimicking insect life, in both genuino and Imitation gems and metals, and the most perfect specimens of the art are seldom seen on this side of the Atlantic. Hint for the Iluuaehold. In a sick room where thero is a fever patient the temperaturo may be lowered quickly by hanging up sheets wrung out of ico or very cold water and fas tening them to the doors and walls. Any stain from fruit on table linen should bo looked after before the linen is put to soak In water which thero is any soap. Hold tho stained places over a vessel and pour boiling water through it. This is better than soaking in water, as It prevent the stain from spreading. Clover blossom tea Is said to be on excellent thing to purify the blood and Improve the complexion. Clover Is now in full bloom, and If tho blossoms are not wanted for use now gather them and placo them in paper bags, tio tho bags to keep out tho dust and hang in a dry place. Red clover blossoms are excellent to UBe for Btufllng and making Bweet pil lows or mixing with sweet clover, rose leaves, lemon shrub, or any fragrant shrubs or blossoms that you may gather. Make a muslin pillow cover and fill it very full with the blossoms, putting Just a sprinkling of salt In with them, and also a very few ground spices. Sew up tho cover and keep It in a dry place until tho blossoms are dried. Then with the hands knead the pillow to mako the blossoms fine and cover with some pretty, thin material. Such a pillow will retain its fragrance for a long time. The Itent Laid riant. Etc. "You look all broko up this morning. What Is the matter?" "You know I bought a folding bed because my wife's mother was to visit us?" "Yes?" "She came last night" "And?" "My wife put me In tho room with the folding bed." Truth. New and Uld. The Newly Married Man (on ibis first night off, sadly) "I wonder what my wife will say when I get home?" Tho Other "When you've been mar ried as long as I have, old man, you'll I know beforehand." Trut. FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTBRE8T AGRICULTURISTS. TO ease Up-to-date Uinta About CulttTa tlon ot the SoU and fcleldi Thereof Horticulture, Viticulture and Florl mlture. HE Cornell Experi ment Station thus s u m m a r izes its testa with toma toes: 1. Frequent transplanting o f the young plant, and good tillage, aro necessary to best results in to ssf mato culture. 2. Plants started under glass about ten weeks beforo transplanting into fields gave fruits from a week to ten days earlier than those started two or three weekB later, while there was a much greater difference when th plants were started six weeks .later. Productiveness was .greatly increased by tho early planting. 3. Liberal and even manuring, dur ing the present season, gave great In crease in yield 6ver no fertilizing, al though tho common notion 1b qulto to the contrary. Heavy manuring does not nppear, therefore, to produce vino at tho expense of fruit. 4. Tho tests indicate that poor soil may tend to render fruits moro an gular. 5. Varieties of tomatoes run out, and ton years may perhaps be considered tho average life of a variety. ' 6. Tho particular points at present in demand in tomatoes aro these: Regu larity in shape, solidity, large size, productiveness of plant. 7. Tho ideal tomato would probablv conform closely to tho following scalo of points: Vigor of plant, 6; earlincss, 10; color of fruit, 5; solidity of fruit 20; shape of fruit, 20; size, 10; flavor, 5; cooking qualities, 5; productiveness, 20. 8. Solidity of fruit cannot be accu rately measured either by weight or keeeping qualitias. 9. Cooking qualities appear to b largely individual rather than variety keeping qualities. 10. Tho following varieties appear, from the seanson's work, to bo among tho best market tomatoes: Ignotum. Beauty, Mikado, Perfection, Favorite, Potato Leaf. 1L Tho following recent introduc tions appear to possess meritB for mar ket: Bay State, Atlantic, Brandywlne, Jubilee, Matchless, and, perhaps, Lorli lard, Preludo and Salzer. 12. Tho following recent introduc tions aro particularly valuablo for ama teur cultivation: Dwarf Champion, Lorillard, Peach. Prelude. A Telophone In Di Orchard. An incident of commercial Import ance happened yesterday showing that Texas is making rapid strides to keep up with tho pace. Mr. Lang of the Galveston Fruit company, was called to the telephone yesterday morning. "Hello, Is that Lang?" came a dis tinct voice over the telephone. "Hello, Falkner. I didn't know you were in town. Where aro you now?" "I am in my orchard. I have bad a long distance telephone put In." "Isn't it rather expensive?" "Yes; but I had to havo It to keep up with the progreB3 of the world. Any time you want anything just call roe up." After some business talk they rang off. The orchard man is Mr. C. Falk ner, who owns quite an orchard about three miles out of Waco, 230 miles by wire from Galveston. He is an excep tionally intelligent fruit grower who came to Texas from the east and is working his place on business princi ples. Galveston News. Fruit Failure In Oregon. Mr. S. A. Clarke, of Salem, writing under date of May 31 in the Oregonlan, says tho failure of fruit in the state will bo tho worst over known. Ho had just gone over 50 acres of hill or chard and found no fruit on 2,000 Ital ian, prune trees; not enough to call a crop on GOO French prunes; not a plum on 250 Washlngtons, nor on 150 Brad Bhaws, save a few near a heavy flr grove; on 500 Peach plums a half crop; on 1,000 two-year peach trees .no fruit to speak of; on 500 Bartlett treeB, 15 to 20 years old, not a pear, a few pro tected trees excepted; on 250 cherry trees not a tenth ot a good yield, ex cept on 20 Black Republicans; on 1,000 six-year pears nothing to speak of. At the foot of tho hill, in an orchard of apples, plums and cherries over 40 years old, mostly apples, no fruit; even tho applo blooms had blighted. In an adjoining 16-year-old orchard Bomo Bartletts and Fall Butters aro heavily loaded. On Mr. Clarke's homo "orchard tho entire yield will be about one- eighth. There Is no reason to suppose that other orchards of the valley will do any better. Do Varletle of Teat nun Out? Bullotln 131, Michigan Experiment Station: It is apparent to any one who has had much to do with peas that va rieties run out, or at least lose their original characteristics. In all cases, running out does not mean deteriora tion. Sometimes It is Blmply chang ing of characters. In our work with peas, accurate descriptions, often il lustrated with drawings, are kept of the varieties grown. From theso blot graphical records of the varieties It Is easy to see that varieties change from year to year, even tho old Btandard sorts, tho characters of which are sup posed to be firmly fixed. Studies of the question have been made, too, by growing the same varieties from dif ferent seedsmen, and If seedsmen really sell the samo thing under a glv- N J1P1 N JtvCHtiafV t name, varieties of peaB vary great ly In tho course ot their history. It may be said that in tho cases to be cited .the variations wero due to a. change made in the seed by a care less or unscrupulous perron, but suck. 1b hardly the caso, because some of the characters appear well marked, and distinctive of that variety throughout all tho samples. It is eBpo daily noticcablo that the foliage and habit of tho plant is less variable tha& the peas, they being generally the ob ject of selection. Stratagem was grown from three seedsmen. In all, the characterlstia dark green folingo, stalky, angular veins, and exceedingly short nodes of the Stratagem wcro apparent and va ried but little. But tho pods, though irregular and varying in each sample,, yet taken ns a wholo wero distinctly different In two ot tho samples the pods wcro fairly uniform, but in the third thoy wero so Irregular, probably reversions to ono of the parents, that tho peas were almost worthless. It la. a matter of common observation that seed peas of tho samo variety, espe cially tho wrinkled peas, differ In. color when sold by different seedsmen. In several cases peas grown on the station grounds and described four years ago have changed tho color or the seed. Ideal Pasture. in the park country or in tho forest region there need be no real difficulty in hnvlng an ideal pasture if the work, is done right, sayB Northwestern Far mer. In clearing the land, trees can. bo left hero and there, and tho land, sown even at tho outset with two or threo or more kinds of grasses, such as will grow with us. Ono ot theso should bo orchard gross. Another should bo whlto clover. A third should bo bluo grass, and a fourth should bo timothy. Such a mixture should grow well for several years, until tho stumps at least havo rotted. It could then be reno vated by plowing it up and sowing with grasses again. A nurso crop could, bo used, and under such conditions it had bettor bo cut for fodder as it will, not fill well when growing under the trees. It would only need to bo thus cropped one year, when it could be again devoted to pasturing. Such pas tures aro very fine, more especially when they grow orchard grasB, for or chard grass would grow In them quite freely because of tho shade. They also furnish a landscape that Is beautiful to look upon. Thero aro many regions. In this northwest that could thus bo made to furnish the best of pastures and for successive years. Some of tho trees would dlo occasionally, but could bo provided for by leaving an ample supply ot trees at tho flrst Experiments with Flax. A bulletin has been issued from the Central Experimental farm at Ottawa, by Dr. Saunders, dealing with tho cul tivation of flax. It 1b stated that the. dry weflcrn climate is not favorable for growing flax for fiber, as the latter is reduced both in quantity and quality,, as compared with tho article grown in tho eastern part ot tho continent. In tho east flax Is grown largely for tho fiber. One ot the claims put forth, for flax Is, that it can be grown on breaking tho flrst year, thus giving the farraer a crop the flrst season. Testa were mado at tho Manitoba experiment al farm as to tho quantity of seed to bo sown per aero. From 40 pounds of Bced per acre, 19 bushels and 28 pounds wero obtained; from 70 pounds, per aero 20 bushels per aero were ob tained; and from 90 pounds of seed per aero, 20 bushels 50 pounds of seed were obtained. Dr. Saunders does not think that flax 1b much moro exhaustive to the Boll than a good crop of wheat or oats, and In a rich soil the difference would bo scarcely perceptible. Ameri can Elevator and Grain Trade. AVo'rlc for IVIile Tlrei. Our friends should not forget to speak a word now and then for the wide tire. It 1b difficult to have per manent roadB without It Wo too fre quently seo where tsome man with a narrow tired wagon ha3 driven onto a. lawn and defaced it Unfortunately,, the one that does the damage is seldom tho owner of tho lawn. The narrow tire damages tho dirt road, while tho wide tire improves it by packing down tho dirt instead of cutting into it. Who. has uot been on a country road just after the mud had dried out and found the ruts so deep and tho clods so num erous and hard that it was with tho greatest difficulty that ono could drivo over it at all. If the wldo tire makes a. rut at all it Is so broad and smooth that it makes an easy track for driving, and leaves less hubbies. Preparing for Wheat Good soil iv the prime requisite; and It is not al ways that tho farmer has it, or the fer tilizers to mako it so; in such caso ho Bhould look ahead a little, and set aside a piece of ground, and endeavor to bring it into condition for a crop as soon aa It may be done. This in most respects can be best or cheapest done by sowing the ground to clover or rye. One or two crops of theso put under will InBure a fairly good crop of wheat Plow the clover unaer in tho fall when fully matured, then, early in the spring sow clover again,, or, if preferred, a crop ot peaa may follow; and whatever the crop, the last one should be turned under just before the time for sowing the wheat. If fertilizers can bo supplied they should be lightly harrowed in the Bur face Boil, if not put in with the drill. Ex. A Hit at Olco. The latCBt thing the English dairy journals havo found out about oleomargarine is that it is mado out of tho marrow of the bones ot human skeletons, as well as out ot other bones! This 1b, wo believe, the toughest accusation that has been putt forth against tho mixture. Ex. !L