Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 04, 1896, Image 6
KtrwunniimiwwiToirniinniii'i niiiiiKinmj4.numLiiiLrnT;jk' in'jf-TwjU'vJujmmw THE LINE OF BATTLE. SIGNIFICANT THINOS FROM THE CHICAQO TIMES-HERALD. Tieentjr-HlBlit Statements from Tlmt rr All of Which Arn ContMtllciorjr -Ullln Trutlii Vdilolt Strike Homo Outer Flint!. Tho Chicago TImcs-Horald, which la rim by nn ox-plo baker, who knows Just ai much about legitimates journal ism as n hog docs nbotit Latin, and whoso knowiotlgo of tlio financial qiios tion Is limited to tlio rctuniB of his bash counter, Is seeking to eavo lion--est labor from tlio fifty cent dollar calamity. Somo of the argumonta rondo in the Tlmes-IIorald aro very amusing, especially to laboring men who never see anything but silver money, or Ha paper representative. Hero nro n few statements mimmod up from articles In recent editions of tho Times-Herald: 1. The present allvcr dollar Is only worth 53 cents. 2. Ono cent Is tljo one hundredth pnrt or a dollar. 3. If silver Is rcmonotlzcd gold will jMirdutPo only one-half of what It does .now. Arc you going to rob tho money owners? 4. The present Bllver dollar Is worth no hundred cents. G. Tho Mexican silver dollar Is worth C4 conta. G. It takes two Mexican dollars to purchaso ns much farm or other prod ucta ns can bo bought for ono Ameri can allvcr dollar. 7. Tho fanners nnd producers of Mexlso got nothing for their products Are you going to Mexlcanlzo Amor! can labor by voting for Bryan and Sownll? 8. American paper money Is now nc copted In Englaud because tho English know that they can pay It back to -Americano for American products Im ported into England, 9. England accepts only ono kind of American money and that Is gold. Wo muct maintain tho system that will be receivable In England in payment for Importations from that country. 10. Tho WUdou bill importations from England are ruining American In dustries. Wo do not wnnt English made goods. 11. Amorlcan laborers aro getting tfl.50 n day. 12. Thero aro sixteen men to every ono job given out all over tho country. 13. Mexico Is enjoying an era of un precedented prosperity (this slipped in a dispatch from the City of Moxlco, In rcforanco to tho recent election.) 14. Wages In the 'United States are ciiBtalncd by trade unions. 15. If silver la rcmonctlzcd the pay of labor will bo tho last to rlso to meet the now condition of high prices. (Editor Kohlsaat knows In hlB heart tlmt Inbor will bo tho first to reap the benefits or Jilgh prices. Organized lab or Is tho foundation of society. Until Jt makes a move nil other things re main In abeyance. It is only unor ganized labor (a small quota) that will "bo effected by a sudden rlso of prices, and then only slightly). 1G. Laborer la densely ignorant. 17. Labor is too intelligent nnd too Sionest to accept two dollars for one dollar's worth of work. Labor is for sound money. '18. Printers aro earning from $3 to "45 a day. Thoy do not want tlio pur cjiaslng power of their wages cut In two, as would bo tho case under freo allvcr coluago. Answer: Yes, printers arc getting from ?3 to $5 a day thanks to the International Typographical Union, tho strongest labor organization in tho world. The union raises and lowers its scale of wages to suit new conditions. Double tho circulation of the currency nnd thero would eooi bo a rlso in the print ers' wago scale. If tho resumption of free silver coinage could in any way liarm tho International Typographical Union or any other union, the Tlmes- !Herald would bo preaching freo silver just ns energetically as It Is now ad vocating gold monometallism. 19. All the somlclvlllzed countries In the world nro on a silver basis. '20. Semlclvlllzcd Turkey should be xvlped off tho map. (Turkey Is a gold tnndard country.) 21. Egypt Is to-day a ruined country, iAJi its wealth Is In tho hands of tho few. It will never revlvo. (Envnt la a old standard country.) 22. Five thousand Christians mur dered at Crete. (By the soldiers sus tained by tho gold standard of the .Barbarous Ottoman Empire). 23. Russia has now bean on a silver "basis for one huudrod years. 24. Russia only emerged from bar barism 100 years ago. 25. It cannot be denied that the pow er of England has been on tho wane lor 100 years. Slowly but surely the star of Empire Is traveling toward the west. 26. England adoptod the, gold stand arrd 100 yoars ago. 27. Under free coinage policy holders in llfo insurance companies would be paid oft In fifty cent dollars." 28. President Greene of tho Life Insurance Co., Is against free coinage, because it would compel him to pay lila policies In fifty cont dollars. This i& a daisy, Does any ono suppose that President Greene would be for a gold astandard if ho thought that free silver would reduce his debts by one-half? REMARK The wage-oaruers and producers can est for themselves. Papers llko tho Times-Herald are doing :reat service for free silver. Not hav ing truth on Us side It garbles matters in such a way that It makes the docop tloQ plain to tho average reader, The -wageearner known full well that or- SALT ganlzcd money capitalists aro not on his. sldo In this struggle. Their inter ests are opposed now as thoy over have been and porhnps will bo for centuries to come, Capital wnntB labor to pro duco as cheaply ns possible. This labor knows. Ae one republican paper puts It, "If wo cannot quote labor as In favor of maintaining tho present gold stand ard wo ought not quoto capital; It does more harm than good." Let us get off this financial Isnuo onto the tariff. Pro tection Is the campaign cry. But thp democratic platform does not oppose protection. Tho populist platform does not oppose protection. Tho silver platform does not oppose protection. At tho Same time tho three, platforms declare for freo silver. Tho republican platform declares against free silver. The party papers must not rcccdo from tho issue. They must fight us along financial lines, It's a hopoless fight of course and to tell the truth it is pitiful to seo tho once great Republi can party going down to defeat with Wall street. EX-REPUBLICAN. CLEVELAND ON PARTY FEALTY Beforo tho Democratic conventionof 1892 tho Atlanta Constitution ac tively supported David B. Hill's candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. But Cleveland was nominated, and thereupon Clark How ell, managing editor of the Constitution, in his capacity as member of the Democratic National Commltteo from Georgia, and nlso acting for tho Con stitution, wrote Mr. Cleveland, giving tho assurance that, yielding to tho ex pressed will of tho majority of tho party, tho Constitution would support him for election as loyally and zealously as it had heretofore opposed his nomina tion. To this letter Mr. Cleveland replied In a letter which, as an essay on tho "principles of party organization," so thoroughly fits the situation to-day that It Is reproduced from tho Constitution, with the hope that It may again be of Eorvlce to the Domocracy In pointing out tho path of party duty. Tho let ter follows: GRAY GABLES, BUZZARD'S BAY, Mass., July 16. 1SD2. Clark Howell, Esq.: My Dear Sir The receipt of your recent letter has gratified mo ex ceedingly. It has a tone of true Democracy about It, and is porvadeil with tho sort of Democratic frankness which is very pleasing. I think THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLE OF PARTY ORGANIZATION is what you so admirably express as an ACCEPTANCE OF THE ARBITRA MENT OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION, On tho other hand it is oa ful ly the duty of ono opposed to shut his mind and heart to any feeling of Irrita tion or resentment that might bo allowed to grow out of opposition based upon fiuenco of the Constitution will bo deeslro for party sucess. I am not surprised, though I am gratified, by the announcement that from this tlmo to tho closo of tho campaign your own service and tho lnvnluablo In fluence of tho Constitution will bo do-voted to tho fight for Democratic suc cess. It honestly seems to mo that Democrats who are not at this time LOYAL TO THE CAUSE ARE RECREANT TO THEIR COUNTRY. Personal advancement of man is nothing; the triumph of tho principles wo advocato la everything. Hoping that wo may congratulate each other on a glorious result in No vember, I am, yours clncoroly, " GROVER, CLEVELAND. Tho Mexican Dollnr. Lewlstown News: Tho Mexican dol lar containing a little more bullion than our sliver dollar is worth but fifty-seven cents in the United States money. Some shallow patcd individ uals deem this positive proof that the freo coinage of silver by tho United States would bo disastrous. Measured by our 200-cont gold dollar our silver dollar Is worth but 53 cents. Tho Mex ican dollar 1b worth more than our sil ver dollar. It Is not a flat dollar; it is not a dishonest dollar. It only passes current with us for what It Is actually worth. It 1b not redeemable In gold, but it is retieemaoio in useir. it is not by the greenback process convertible Into gold. It does not drain our treas ury of the rosorve. It does not make necessary tho Issuing of bonds. It is an Ideal silver dollar. The freo coin age of such dollars would be a blessed thing for this country. Thimbls bralncd demagogues will not scare many peoplo by threatening to "Mcxl cauize our currency." Kz-Gov. l'eck for Silver. Secretary Noel of tho democratic stato central committee, of Milwaukee, announces that cx-Gov. Peck Is now for silver and will do all In his power to secure the election of tho Bryan electors in that stato. Mr. Noel says that the ex-governor, who Is now away on a short trip, told him to tell ovory one who asked where he stood that ho was "all right," and would respect the will of the majority. Tho secrotary Is qulto enthusiastic, and says that Chair man Peck is now for silver, having looked into tho matter and found tho fallacies of tho gold men. He declares that aftor a carerul Inquiry through the state ho Is certain that tho sllvor sentiment Is strong in Wisconsin, and that it Is growing steadily. Associated Press. RIVER WILL CURELY RECEIVE Teller (in n Hollar. Henry M. Toller, In coming out solid ly for Bryan and Sewnll, has proved hiniBolf tho ideal bolter of this era of bolts. Mr. Teller takes with him a choice bunch, of mavericks ready to offer their senatorial and congressional Hanks to the branding Irons of democ racy. Senator Teller and his confreres aro tho only men so far developed in cither of tho three parties or innumerable sub-parties who have demonstrated that they possess courage as well as conviction. So far ns can be observed tho other bolters have talked, threaten ed, cajoled, Implored, demanded and de fied, nnd then have calmly submitted to their party collar with occasional weak oplutterlngs of disgust. Not so with Senator Teller. He neither threatened nor expostulated, after ho found the sentiment of tho St. Louis convention against him. Ho shook hands with the chairman, told the dele gates ho "had been republican for thirty-five years, but could not Bwallow gold," and then left tho platform and tho hall. Once outside of 1i!b party ho has not sought to gain control of It by forming a new branch or by holding another convention. He has simply accepted the logic of tho situation, and, being in earnest, has adopted tho surest method of defeating that which he could not support. Right or wrong on tho in trinsic merits of the case. Senator Teller has demonstrated the way In which bolters from either sido of the question should go. Ho believes free silver is right, nnd is doing all in his powor to defeat gold. Tho St. Louts boltors are not straddling or attempt ing to beg tho question, and their courso cannot but commend itself to fair-minded men for honesty of pur- pose, sincerity ami courage. unicago Dispatch. Lincoln'. Prophetic Word. Springfield Monitor: No man over predicted the present state of things eo clearly, nor prophetically call attention to a great wrong, than Hid Abraham Lincoln at tho close of tho war. Said he: "As a result of the war corpora tions havo been enthroned and an era of corruption will follow. Tho money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by playing on the pre judices of the people until all wealth Is concentrated In a row hands nnd tho ropubllc destroyed. Before God, I fear move for Iho safety of ray country now than when It was In the midst of war." Were ever words pictured by mortal man that pictured tho present condition of the country better than these words from Mr. Lincoln? Will you not heed tho man who could seo In what danger tnis country is in irr.ra the condition of things be warned us against? She mow to the game) What Is tho umpire for? Ho (a rooter) To show that there Is no pleasure without Us alloy. Philadelphia North American, HIM. FROM THE OPPOSITION. How the Mnrk Ilunna 8100,000,000 Trait I Fighting Froo Sliver. WALL STREET'S COAT OF ARMS Hrnry C. Vw H.nirocl. Wall Street Organ: If tho labor shys- ters think they can force Payne off tho ticket Just because ho opposed tho street car anarchists of Milwaukeo in their strike, they arc sadly mistaken. This is a business man's campaign. Tho ohysters' men soon find out whero they aro at. Now York World: This state lsalivo with tho silver "heresy." Labor is al most unanimous for cheaper dollar? (dearer labor). Only Ono Hunker for U. New York Times: W. P. St. John la tho only banker of tho east who has seen fit to Join in the cry for freo sil ver coinage. I.ojrnl to tlio ltrltltll SyntfMii. Detroit Free Press (Boltacratic): Wf cannot support tho democratic ticket (Tho Free Press has an edition printed in England. Its staff and owners are pro British in their Ideas as well nj their convictions.) The iloiirnnt of Civilization. Harper's Weekly (always antl-Amorl-can: Wo can swallow McKlnley and protection rather than accept a finan cial system that would reduce tho pur chasing power of the money duo th? creditor class (meaning England). SoiiB of Sllvor. By James B. Goode. Tell us not In mournful numbers, life Is but an idle dream; for we ceo that wealth controls us and we are not what we seem. Rights, that once our statutes gave us, now no longer can wc claim; for the Shylock buys conventions and the candidates doth name. What aro wo that wo should grumble, o'er the platform that ho writes; 'tis tho task of common peo ple, to believe what he Indites. Cringe, ye slaves, for Wall street Shylocks have the g. o. p. In hand; you must vote for Bill McKlnley and for gold, alono, must stand, Ah, but listen to tho murmur, of tho thunder o'er tho plains; as tho peoplo rlso in anger, to protest against such claims. "Down with tyrant gold," they're shouting, "out upon those blat ant knaves; wo are freemen and, by thunder, none can sell us out as slaves. Wo'ro for silver and for freedom and our clans are brave and true; wo can beat that Bill McKlnley and his Wall street masters, too." Silver! Silver! shouts tho chorus, from tho hill-tops far away, while tho millions In the valleys, Blng Its pralsco every day. Silver will Increase our wages, it will give us work each day; for 'twill thwart the mighty Shylock and will take his power away. Rising prices for our products, business for our Idle mon; all will como to bless the nation, when silver's money once again. Plenty will return to milliona and pros porlty will reign, in tho home of every workmnn. when silvor's money once again. When tho ides of next Novem ber, give to vs the chance to win, you can bet your bottom dollnr, silver will bo money ihen. I Statement from Vlco-1'rnldont Nominee. Shortly after his nomination' Arthur Sovall dictated the following state ment to a reporter: "I am moro surprised than any one olso nt my nomination. A few of my frientla Intended to give me a voto of a few states as a compliment and I was satisfied with that. I hoartlly Indorse the candidate for president. But tho great Usue Is that of freo sllvor. It 13 a relief that the country domandB. The democratic party is tho-one to give It to tho people. I am heartily in accord with the platform. My wholo life ana soul are In tho freo silver movement. 1 am an intense allvcr man and I want to see the legislation of 1S73 repoalod." MUMPS. A Nw Kind That Has Become Epl lemla In l'arls. A strange epidemic of mumps has broken out In certain quarters of Parla. ' Thlu annoying malady, which aa a rulo attacks only children, has in tho pros- j ent Instance- attacked only grown per- 11 ... 1.-1 ii..i i uuna, luuiuuy guuiuwuui, uiysiuymg the Paris physicians, who aro unable to account for tho present curious epl domlc. According to Dr. Charles Lc roux, one of tho most prominent phy sicians of the French capital, patients suffering from mumps should bo treat ed very carefully. "While their HveB may bo in no danger," ho says, "tho discaso may affect certain important organs of tho body, the consequences of which may bo serious. Mumps nro very contagious. A patient will catch the diseaBO after spending only a few hours with somo ono who has tho mumps, aye, oven though the disease bo still in a state of incubation. The period of incubation varies from eight to twenty-flvo days, so that a person who has come into contact with a mumps patient, and finds after twenty-flvo days that he Is in his normal stato of health, may safely conclude that ho has not caught tho disease. Another Interesting fact Is that those who have had mumps In their child hood will not catch tho disease again. I have never heard of an exception to this rulo. It seems also to bo an un disputed fact that mumps como In tho form of regular epidemics. Wo do not yot know definitely how contagion Is brought about in this case, but thero is llttlo doubt that It Is the work of a special microbe. Tho fact that the disease la contagious and epidemic seems to prove this. Physicians are searching for this microbe, and It will certainly bo found In tho near future. Already certain specialist?, notably Drs. Capltan, Charrln, Bouchard and Olllvier, have found in the saliva of persons attacked with mumps germs or small microbes of a fixed shape, tho nrcciso naturo of which has not vot . Aniarm,ni,v Thn mn1n.lv la nf la w . .. aovnniU ,,,, ln ,, .. , , ... ', , thon recovery begins, so that within a few days tho patient Is entirely cured. As a rule, thero Is no danger, provided tho patient receives good care, avoids chills and is in a good stato of health. At tho samo time, tho utmost precau tions are necessary, no matter how mild tho malady may be. First of all, tho patient should bo Isolated, by which I do not mean that he should bo placed alono In a room whero all the other mombers of a family can visit him, for thus tho contagion would spread rapidly. What I do mean Is that not only should he be isolated, but also that thoso who nurso him should keep themselves isolated. If they cannot remain all tho time In the sick man's chamber they should wash their faces and hands and chango their clothing beforo they leave it" Reatnnrnnt Unlit of I'npor. An eating house mado of paper has been erected in tho port of Hamburg. Its walls are composed of a double lay er of paper stretched on frames and Impregnated with a fire an.d water proof solution. A thin, wooden parti tions affords further protection against the Inclemency of the weather. Tho roofs and walls aro fastened togother by means of bolts and hinges, co that tho entlro structuro may bo rapidly taken to pieces and put up again. Tho dining room Itself measures thirty by six meters, and is capablo of accom modating 150 persons. Thero aro twenty-two windows and four sky lights, and tho heating is affected by a couplo of isolated stoves. A eido erec tion contains tho manager's offices, kitchen, larder, and dwelling rooms. Tho total cost of tho construction is said to havo amounted to 1.500 marks. Civilization. The aim of civilization Is to unify tho race, and tho moat potent factor in civilization has been religion. Jew, Christian, and Mohammedan agree that thero is one everlasting and truo God, worthy of worship, whose laws wo disobey at our peril. Rev. J. T. Rose. lleelzebuh. Tho devil is very wicked, false and untrue. Tho extent of his power and knowledge is not known. Ho Is a per sonality. Ho cannot be conceived as an abstract Influence. He goc3 to church and thrusts himself upon tho company of the saints. Rev. I. F. King, Meth odist. LABOR NOTES. The National Brotherhood of Book binders has a membership of D.500. American Flint Glass Workers' union will start factories and build homes. Chicago trades unionists aro agitat ing for three-cent car fare night and morning. Tho American Federation has In dorsed the label of the Amalgamated Woodworkers. Eugene V. Dobs says: "The time for great strikes Is past; there will be uo moro of them." Tho canvassers and agnnts now have twenty-one unions In Ohio, with a total membership of 16,000. A. G. Wines, secretary-treasurer of tho International Typographical union, is undergoing a severe Hlnes3. Tho carpenters of all Now England havo given employers notice that they will Inaugurate the eight-hour day ou May 1 ryixt. Tho engineers of Aberdeen, Scot land, have gained their strike for an advance of ono shilling a day, iCl U will be paid thorn. What to Uo Willi Hnrd-llallrcl EC?. A man sent his daughter to buy four . eggs, fcsho bought them and ho put them in a sauce pan to boll, saying to 1 his wife: "Just look at those cpgs, will you nnd take them out when they are none." Uo went tuvny and caino back In half on hour. Finding the egs still boil ing, ho cooly took them off, put them cold water, dried them and said to hia daughter: "Take thoso ptrgs back and say you wanted ducks' vggs, nnd if they hvo no ducks' eggs, briny tho money back." A tToiirfiTful l'l'oiioinenon. Tho man wlio sliotiM pans through life without t'.xjierlonclne twliico of Indigestion, might bo litly recorded us u wonderful phe nomenon. io doubt If such a privileged mortal hai ever oxlsted. It i-o, wo h&v novor scon lilm. Hut thousands aro known to be dally relieved of dyspopvla by llostet tor's Stomach Hitters, tlio popular remedy for that truly nutlonul complaint, as noil aa for fever and nci.e. debility, constipation, rhoumutlsm and kidney troubles. What n llrokcn Chain Did. A broken bicyclo chain stopped the operation of un entire street railway system in Chicago recently. Tho chain parted and foil from a wheel with one end in tho slot of nn underground trol ley line. Ono end of tho chain touched tho trolloy wire, and tho other re mained outside, forming a short cir cuit. All tho cars suddenly refused to work. Tho troublo was finally dis covered by a track-walker, who saw a bluo flame where tho chain and track wero crossed. When the chain was removed tho operation of tho cars vrti resumed. exchange. Two bottles of Plso's Cure for Consump tion cared me of a bad lunc trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind. March 20, 1895, A Census Expedience. In tho recent census of the county of London, tho occupier of a tenement handed hack a blank paper to tho col lector with a confused statement that it did not apply to her. "And whor do you livo then?" asked the bemud dled enumerator, after a long struggle to diBontanglo witness. "Where do I live? W'y, w'ero should I live but In my own 'omo?" "Woll, where is your homo?" "This is my 'onto, of course it is." "Hut you just now said that you did not sleep hero Inst night." "No moro did L I never slept a minute all night long, and my 'usband '11 tell ' tho samo." Household Words. II nil's Catarrh Cure Ib a constitutional cure. Price, 75c Many of the horse shoes used in Austra lia are made of cowhide. Man Is name of honor for a king. Chap man. Tour nerves upon rich, red blood and yon win not bo nervous. Blood Is mado rich and pure by Ho Sarsapariila The One True Blood rurtller. All druggists. 9U Hood's Pills nro always reliable. 23 cents. Why pay the same price for tho Inferior " just as good " when you can get O VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING by asking and Insisting? If your dealer WILL NOT supply you wo will. Samples shemns labels and iratirials mailed fret. 'Homo Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 Pag look by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladles' Home bookby Miss Emm Journal, tells In pla home without prevli aln words how lo make dresses a previous training; mailed for 25c. S. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699. N. Y. City. E3IDTjrOA.TI03SrjftLrj. Omaha Business Cohere. Fall Term Sent. 1. Board (or three hour's worlc Catalogue sad tpeclmr.uflree THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. 3Totr Subis, Indlnnu. Fall Csartrt in Glutei, Lrtun, 8tet, Lav, ttrtl, St tftultil ami Htttrical LacUtfrlir. Ikorongh IViraUi7 a Ciirtlil Cvirwi, llnai frtr to all atudents who car oompltUJ Uicntudleiequtredforemlslnlnto th Junior or Senior Year, or any of tho ColUclata Count. A. limited Dumber ot 0mlldat (or to tcoliilMtlcal Ut wUl b received at apeclal ntta. tU Mwirt'i tun, lor bora nuder is jeara la unlqua la caaplaunan ttlta cqulpni'ota Th lt(th Tina ulll tpa Siptk,r t, 1U'. C.t.l.inr. ,cnt Vnt on applU cttUtn to Ttrtr iut. 1. noiiKisiicr, c s. c, rmuui, IOTKK Dili, IND. WEST B Tho best fruit section In the West. No droutha A failure ol cropj novcr known. Mild ollmate. Productive soil. Abundance of good pure water. For Maps and Circulars string full descrip tion of the Rich Mineral, Fruit and Acrlcultu rml Lands In houth Went Missouri, write to JOHN M. 1'UlUlY. Manaitorof tho Mlsvourl Land and Live Stock Company, Ncoaho, New ton Co., Missouri. 7K PAY OASII WEEKLY an4 vranttncu crrjrliere to 8 ELI. STARK TRFFS",""rt:i: A ffXy F "aUoluUlyliesfSuperbontflta, ll S H BV nowajatem. srjtltKUUOTllErtS, " -r " LOVUIIXA, 110., ltOCJEl-OBT, Hi. P "ensions.'patents. claims. JOHN W. MORRIS, WASMN3T0N. 0. 0, Lata Principal Hzamlncr U. 8. tcuilon Sanaa. S jra. la lait wax, U adjudicating clauaa, att, alata. TANKS "Wator Tctnlcs Wood or hiffl, nr size, all abapei, at I.OWHST nricta. l'rli-e Hit FKKK. AUIrfis E. KltEiclIMKIt, lira Oalc, la. ODIUM ,,n,,,,Cnrflt K-tlnWI. Taonaanaa U Till III cul.CliefciicataitLoure.niEBTBXai "' '"'"BUtecaia. l)n.Majii.Quliu-y,Ulchr W. N. U OMAHA- 331800 When writinp to mlvrrrisers, kindly mention this piper. SKMJ. HURLS WiifHfMl. EIV I Cost Coanh Sttud. Ta-'.a MB a MX& Pyv9 -? viiWtf' v$vsai AZ9 V23r &?m twr ?L -. Tl. a - m N bias Cm? VJ south Mwmmi Emmum 1 luiSwsttji taw. fcitr ood. DiaC'tl tf$8s?$m?m& in lima, isno or -kravcuta. M?UaJ?i73Ei3 tj r 111 UH4 iX