Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 04, 1896, Image 5

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Sli Presidential Candidate Addresses a
large. Gathering of People at Albany
He Discourses Upon the Flnanetal If
nes Evils of a Gold Standard Pointed
Oat from n Silver Standpoint-
Mr. Bryan In the Knit.
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 27. The boo-
ond day ot William J. Bryan's trip
Westward from tho seclusion of Rod
Book was an eventful one, crowded
with n variety of incidents of travol,
Including a picturesque reception at a
inmmer hotel, a stirring speech to a
crowd oi worklngmen at tho town of
Kingston, and culminating in a great
mooting at Albany, whero the candi
date spoke to a crowd estimated at
from 7,000 to 10,000 people, packed in
the city hall squure, under the shadow
of the state house.
Before this demonstration, Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan sat down to u dinner with
Senator Iilll and prominent Albany
Democrats at the Senator's magnifi
cent home, "Wolfert's Roost," whlthor
they were driven directly from tho
depot, where a strong lunged crowd
camo near to mobbing them on tholr
Thoso who met tho Democratic can
didate and his wife at Air. Hill's much
discussed dinner were: Supromo
Court Judge Q. Cady Ilerrlck and
wife; Louis W. Pratt, tho collector of
customs, and- wife; Norton Chase,
chairman of the city Democratic com
mittee, which, with other local organ
izations, had the meeting in charge.
For nearly three hours Mr. Bryan
was the guest of tho Now York Sena
tor, and although every participant in
the dinner averred that it was a
purely social affair, their descriptions
were taken with a grain of Bait, it
being the general impression that an
andorstandiug was reached which
will insuro to Mr. Bryan tho support
of the party organization in this
The crowd began to gather in the
eity hall squaro two hours before the
meotlng, and when Mr. Bryan faced
them the people were packed in solid
masses over Beveral acres of pavement
and sod, with adventurous men
perched like bouquets in tho branches
of trees and climbing telegraph and
lamp posts. Mr. Bryan said in part:
"In a campaign, thero is always
Some overshadowing issue; there is in
a campaign always one great para
mount question which, more than any
other, will determine tho allegiance
of thoso who support the ticket; and
In this campaign we appeal with con
fidence to those peoplo who are op
posed to t, longer continuation of the
gold standard policy in the United
tates. Our opponents have at last
taken a definite position upon the
money question. The Republican
?latform adopted at St. Louis declares
hat the gold standard must be main
tained in this nation until other na
tions shall consent to its abandon
ment. We believe that declaration
whloh commits us to a gold standard
until other nations come to our relief
is equivalent to a declaration in favor
of a permanent continuation of the
f-old standard, because wo do not be
love that other nations will take pity
upon us before we take pity upon our
own people.
"Can you think of all tho wars of
tho past; can you remember that from
the time that Cain killed Abel until
Sow history has been little more than
a record qf warfare; can you remember
gll those wars and can you add in one
rreat Bum all the misery that those
Wars have caused, and then can you
think of tho pestilences which have
Visited tho earth and tho misery that
they havo brought, and then can you
think of the famines that have afflict
ed mankind from time to time; can
you add into one great sum all the
misery caused by these three dread
destroyers of the human race; and
then think that tho consummation of
the conspiracy of those who stand be
hind the gold standard would bring
more of misery than all of these?
"Money can bo too good. It can bo
so good that you can long for it and
firay for it, but cannot got hold of it.
Laughtor.) Remember that when
ever you mako money dearer, when
you increase its purchasing power,
you have simply driven down the
value of other things, and if those
who own money and who hold con
tracts payable in dollars are willing
to so legislate as to make their prop
erty more valuable, how can they ap
peal to thoso who own property and
owo debts to join them In that sort of
legislation? I have asserted, I assert
again, that without the aid of tho
money-owning classes tho gold stand
ard would not Btand for one day in
any nation under tho sun. I assert
that behind the gold standard in this
country tho only potent force con
sists ofthose who hold fixed invest
ments, and those who, as brokers,
Tirol! t tho creater by creater bond is
sues. Thev tell tho laboring man of
this uatlon that they ought to support
a gold standard. The laboring men
buve never found the financiers of
this nation the men who have exerted
themselves to Improve the condition
ot tho laboring man. As a rule, tho
men who have spent their time in try
ing to break down labor organizations
the only protection tho laboring
man has hod these aro tho men who
now come to the help of tho laboring
men. I ask you if you ought to ex
peot blessings from those from whom
you have onlv received cursings in tho
past?" (Cries of "Nr, no.")
Agree on a Fusion In Oregon
Portland, Ore., Aug. 5:7. Tho
Democratic and Populist state central
committees, in joint session, agreed
upon a plan of fusion. The Demo
crats surrender entirely, and the
ticket in this stato will be Bryan and
NewVurk Socialist Itally.
New Yoiuc, Aug. 27. At Cooper
Union last uiirht 5,000 Socialists heard
Daniel de Leon answer the speeches of
William J. Bryan and Bourke Cock
ran, recently delivered in Madison
Square garden. He bitterly attacked
both speeches and the principles ex
pressed in them.
Cubans In Great Lack.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2 7 According
to two cablegrams received in this
city the steamer Laurada, which sailed
for Cuba on August 0, landed one of
the most formidable filibustering ex
dltions yet shipped to Cuba and then
Want to' Port Antonio, Jamaica-
The Dry Goods Firm of Hilton, Ilnghes a
Co. Fall.
NkwYoiut. Auir. 2 7. Tho old drv
goods firm of Hilton, Hughes A C0.J
nnA A P Ct..nw .ft. Pa ..! mm '
iwuwu ... A. l0"i m. vv, iumuu AM
assignment this morning to 0. M.
Wright, without preferences. Among,
tho banks in Wall street tho failure l
regarded as due to a gradual decllm
In business. The firm's credit for the
last five years has boon badly im
paired, and it is understood that very
llttlo, if any, of tho urm'asinglonarot
paper Is out. Tho linn has been tak
ing stock for sovoral weeks, and re
cently was understood to havo re
colved about $730,000, which was'
used In reducing tho liabilities.
Tho assignment was made by Al
bert O. Hilton, son of Judco Henrv
Hilton, who comprised tho firm. No '
statement has bean made as to tho '
amount of liabilities and assets. I
Manlcy M. Qillain, goncral manager
of the concern, ctatcd that it was nls '
opinion that tho great Broadway dry '
goods house had closed its doors for '
good and all. Ho believed that the '
assets would undoubtedly exceed tha '
liabilities The dlfilculty was to real- J
izo upon thorn quickly.
For moro thnn fifty years tho firm
was one of tho largest in the trade.
waB oreated by A. T. Stewart and
at his death passed to his widow.
When she died Judgo Henry Hilton
became tho owner of tho property.
After various nartnerahlna betwann
Hilton and his sons, E. J. Dennlntr '
and John M, Hughes, the firm was re
. -..
formed with Albert O. Hilton, ono of
ex-Judge Hilton's sons, as senior part- (
ner. bomo time ago Mr. Hughes re
tired and since then Albert Hilton
had carried on the business as Hilton, '
Hughes A Co. I
Alexander Turnoy Stewart, who
amassed the Stewart millions, was
born in Llsburn, near Belfast, Ireland, '
Octobor 12, 1803. Ho emigrated to '
America early and studied for the ,
ministry, but with tho consent of his
guardian abandoned that purpose. 1
Returning to his native country at his
majority ho received a small fortune ,
loft him by his father and invested it
in Irish laces and linens, which ho
brought to this city. In 1825 ho started
a modest store here and with his wlfo
for had just married lived in a baok ,
room or two. His frugality, industry
and enterprise secured him phe- j
nomenal success. Ho moved into
larger and larger quarters and
during the war had two vast
establishments in this city with '
branches all over the world, employed ,
3,000 mon and enjoyed an annual in- I
come of from 1 to i million dollars, j
In 1809 President Grant appointed
"him Secretary of tho Treasury, but
his confirmation was prevented by an
old law which excludes from the office
those interested in the importation of
merchandise. Stewart offered to de
vote his profits to charity during hla
incumbency, but the senators were
obdurate. Stewart built a marble
mansion at Fifth avenue and Thirty-
fourth street, which is ono of the
finest private residences In the West
ern hemlspere. Ho died April 10,
1670. .
, "Judge" Henry Hilton was a strug
gling law clerk when ho made Stow
art's acquaintance. Not much more Is
known of him, for ho has maintained
a consistent retlcenco with reference
to his origin and antecedents, and
moro than once has the headline
"Who is Hilton?" indicated somo spec
ulative articlo in the newspapers, lie
obtained so great an ascendancy over
Stewart in the merchant's declining
years that once an acquaintance of ,
both, in answer to tho query, "Who is
Hilton?" said: "Hilton is Stewart" 1
It is known that Hilton spent a num- '
ber of hours daily in consultation
with Stewart When Stewart died it
was found that he had willed com- '
fortable incomes to several relatives
and dependants, $1,OOC,000 to Hilton
and the residuo and bulk of his estate
to his wife. '
The day Stewart died Hilton and
another went to tho dead million- '
aire's confidential bookkeeper and (
found that the Stewart Interest In tho
great dry good business amounted to
about 812,000,000. "Just what I told
you," saiu union to uis companion,
and they drove away.
Seyyld Kalld Makes a Fight
for the
Sultanate of Zanzibar. I
Zan.MAII, Aug. ST. Scyyid Kalld
occupied the palace, taking possession
of that building immediately after
the death of Sultan Hamed Bin1
Thwayn Bin Said became known. I
Ho proclaimed himself sultan and
barricaded himself in tho palaco '
with 700 armed Askaris. Sailors from '
the British warships Philomel, Thrush
and Sparrow were landed to protect
property ashoro and all women
lodged in the British consulate, which
is guarded by the sailors.
Tho British first class cruiser St.
George, twelve guns, flagship of the
Cape of Good Hope and west coast of
Africa station, with Rear Admiral
Harry W. Itawson on board, arrived
here "to day and landed -50 additional
men to protect property and maintain
McCormlek Not Indorsed.
Lincoln Centeh, Kan,, Aug. 27.
The Sixth district Democratic conven
tion yesterday nominated J. C. Bur
ton Cheyenne county for congress on
the second ballot W. G. noffer of
Lincoln was a closo second. The res
olutions indorse Bryan and the Chi
cago platform. There was a strong
sentiment in favor of indorsing Mo
Cormick, tho Populist nominee.
Stockman ami I'ollilcUn Shot.
Buownvillk. Neb., Aug., Aug. 27.
At Ncmeha last ulght Rab Elliott, a
leading stockman and politician, en
gaged In a fight with Kemp Collier of
the City hotel. Collier was badly
pounded by Elliott and. while under
neath his antagonist, succeeded in
drawing a revolver aad shootln
lust below the eye. The bal
lodged in the back
In the back of the head. It
will prove fatal.
Canadian war udoo American silver
and paper money has ceased. Amount
of discount has been reduced in gen-
1 era! trade and the money is now
taken at par.
Ma Bryan Believes Democrats fT 0.1 lat)
Into Line.
Niaoaiia Falls, N. Y., Augi 19,
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan left Buffalo by
trolley car this morning to beg to
two days' campaign among the smaller
places In this section. During tha
tide Mr. Bryan said, concerning his
flows of the party outlook in this
state: "I am moro than gratified with
tho demonstration of last oven
lng' It far surpassed anything
whloh I had expiated. I am also
pleased to find so unanimous a
entiment in favor of tho indorsement
of tho aotlon of tno Chioago conven
tion. From what I boo now in New
York and tho sentimonta expressed
by members of the state organization,
I am well satisfied that the state con
vention will indorse tho platform as
well as the tickou borne of the dele
gates may oppose parts of the plat-
form, but it is the national platform
and will be acceptod as a wholo."
At Tonawanda 200 or 300 people
wera gathered whon the car stopped
In the center of the town and Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan, standing on the platform,
shook hands with a typloal country
crowd. Mr, Bryan spoke briefly to
them, but his volco, in its husklness
showed the wear and tear of the
weett worl'
Revelation ot a Syndicate ot Counter
feiters Made at a Revival.
Waco, Texas, Aug. 80. E. VT. Den
nis erected a bricK building bore ro-
cently ostensibly for the manufacture
f iollet artloles under tho name of
tho Royal Manufacturing Company
Under the influence of religious ex
citement at a revival ho roso
und confeWaed that he was tho head
of a counterfeiting syndicate
whoso method of disposal of their
Bpurious product was to exchango
the ooins, principally dollars, for
Mexican money, but he said that 10,000
of thom had boen passed in this stato.
revealod the existence of a counter
feiting camp in MoLennau county,
whero John Mitchell and Ll. S. Shan
ner were arrested, and of branches of
the Royal company at El Paso, Bir
mingham, Ala., and other points, all
of which establishments have been
The dollars appear to be good imi
tations, but aro a little off in weight
The British ftombardment Boon Restored
Order No Change of l'ollcy.
Zanzibar, Aug. 29. The crisis hore
which resulted in the bombardment of
tho palaco yesterday by British war
ships, is ended, Tho new sultan,
Hamld Bin Mohammed Bin Said, is
expected to follow tho pcacoful linos
of his predecessor, and it is understood
that Oreat Britain does not intend to
mako any change' in the existing
form of government.
Fowderly Is for McKinley.
ScnANTON, Pa., Aug. 29. Torronce
V, Powderly, former master workman
of the Knights of Labor, in an inter
view announced his intention to sup
port Major McKlnley. ne explained
that McKinley has devoted his whole
life to tho people and that not a
breath of scandal has ever scorched
his career. "I have called Mr. Banna
an 'industrial cannibal,' " ho said,
"hut I am not only not in favor of
Mr. Bryan's eleotion, but I am un
equivocally in favor of tho election of
Mr. McKinley.
Idaho Silver Republicans Fuse.
Boise, Idaho, Auir. 20. In the silver
Republican convention, Senator Du
bois was named as tho party's candi
date to succeed himself as senator. A
new party was formed under tho name
of "Silver Republican party," and tho
following ticket was named: Frank
Steunoburg, Democrat, for govprnor;
James Qunn, Populist for Congress;
Ocorge J. Lewis, Populist, for secre
tary of state.
A Trip Planned From Lincoln to Canton.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 20. A number
of MoKlnley men of this place are ar
ranging an excursion to Canton to
visit the Republican candidate. The
train is to consist of ten Pull mini
sleepers and to carry about 350 per
sons. It is thought that an excursion
of Mr. Bryan's neighbors to tho homo
of Major McKinley would be a great
political advertisement.
Tillman Challenges Harrison
Washington, Aug. 29. Senator
Tillman of South Carolina, sent a tel
egram to-day to ex-President Harri
son at New York, challenging him to
Joint debate, saying: "Your speech
in New York las't night attaet.i mo
' specifically and 1 would be pleasvd to
S60,1 yu In,Jolnt
donate oeiot-e a
preferably at In-
Northern audience,
Earned a H3S0.000 Honus.
Boston, Mass., Aug. 29. The Brook
lyn, on her official trial trip yesterday,
averaged 21.92 knots an hour during a
forced draught run of four hours. On
a portion of the course seven knots
long she was speeded at the rate of
23 9-10 Knots an hour. The cruiser,
by her performance, earns a bonus of
350,000 for her builders.
Outlaw Illlt Doolln Under Ground.
Guthrie, Okla., Aug. 20. Bill Doo
lln, the noted outlaw, was burled this
morning at Summit View cemetery
north of this city, United States Mar
shal Nagle buying a fine coffin anj
renting one ot the best lots for him.
Hosts of Fulltnans for Veterans.
St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 20. In addi
tion to the regular sleeping car serv
ice there havo been already engaged
1,400 Pullmans to bring Grand Arvay
visitors from the East and this does
not include any other kind ot sleeping
A Flo In a Girl's Throat.
Atchison, Kan., Aug. 20. Mist
Daisy Barnes ot Greenleaf accident
ally swallowed a pin a few days ago.
Tho pin lodged in her throat She
will be sent to St Louis at ones and a
Eurglcal operation performed.
palace of Zanzibar totally
IlrltUh Gitns Do F.fTectlve Work In Short
Order Tho Usurping Bnltnn Refaied
to Surrender and Bud Itnvoo Immedi
ately .Followed Given Itofiige at the
Gorman Consulate
Shelled by IlrltUh Guns.
ZANimAn, Aug. 2o Sayld Khalldj
who seized tho palaco and assumed
tha tltlo of sultan on tho death of thd
late sultan, was notified last night td
surrender to tho British marinos at 6
o'clock this morning or suffer the con
sequences. He had with him about
2.60C well armed and well disciplined
men, Including 000 Askaris, who had
boen trained by British officers, plenty
of ammunition and a number of field
guns and other pieces of artillery,
and received further reinforcements
during the night from tho slava deal
ors, who flocked to his support, as the
formal hoisting of tho British flag:
over Zanzibar would mean the libera
tion of about 260,000 slaves and a death
blow to slavery in this part of East
By 8 o'clook this morning the Brit
ish subjects, nmbcring about 100 peo
ple, and a number ot other foreigners
?mbarked on tho warships, tho Ital
ans going to the Italian gunboat Vol
firino beoun just on time.
Shortly boforo 0 o'clock a naval of
ficer was sent to the palaco squara
with another message for Sayld Kha
lld, asking him If he was prepared to
surrender in accordance with tho
terms of tho ultimatum, and again
notifying him that tho palaco in which
he had barricaded himself would bo
shelled at 0 o'clock promptly if ha
failed to haul down his flag boforo
that time.
Sayld replied that he would die
sooner than surrender. His answer
was conveyed to Admiral Rawson and
the British consul general, and tho
crews of the ships, which had been
prepared for action the day before,
were sent to quarters.
At 9 o'clock tho flagship signalled
the Raccoon, Thrush and Sparrow to
begin firing and a moment lator tho
vessels opened Uro with their heaviest
guns. Ton minutes lator they had
torn great gapes In tho palace, scatter
ing death and confusion among Ha de
fenders, dismounting some of tho guns
ashoro and putting to filght the gun
ners handling the pieces Tho fire of
the warships was admirably dlreoted
and smoko wan soon seen to be issuing
from several parts of the palace. Dur
ing this time the St George and tho
Philomen were held In rasorve,
although they occasionally plumped a
ahell into the enemies camp, adding
to the dismay of its defenders.
The Raccoon, Thrush and Sparrow
kept up the bombardment until 9:6o
o'clock, when the palaco was tumbling
In ruins and largo rents had been
made in the barricade of Sayld'a fol
lowers. The latter, however, an
swered the fire ot the warships with
great gallantry and did not stop firing
until, in response to the flagship's sig
nal ot "lease unng, the guns 01 the
warships stopped showering shot and
shell ashore. Tho losses of the enemy
aro not known, but it is certain that
several hundred wore killed off
wounded, especially among the de
fenders of the palace proper.
During the bombardment, the sul-
Jan's armed stoamer Glasgow opened
Ire on tho British warshlpr, but a
few well aimed Bhells from the heavy
guns of the Raccoon and a shot or1
two from the four-inch guns of the
Sparrow crushed through and through
her, silencing her Are In short order'
and ultimately sinking her at her
Soon after the palace caught fire and
the walla and roof were sent flying1 by
the shells of the warships. Bavld
Khalld and Said Sayles, commands of
the usurping sultan's army, escaped
with a number of their leading fol
lowers through the back part of the
palaoetothe German consulate, where
they asked for protection, whloh was
urviordcd to them.
b'bortly after 10 o'clock, in response
toAig. Ms from tho Jagshlp St George,
reinforcements of marines and sailors
were sent ishore from the British
ships, and the Tork of capturing, tho
insurgents, collecting tao dead and
attending to the wounded was com
When the insurgents had been com
pelled to lay down their arms and
were 6eourely corralled by tho ma
rines and blue jackets tho latter
were ordered to try to distinguish the
flames in the palaco and in the old
custom bouse, which had also bean
shelled and set on fire, as tho Insur
gents had fortified and had to be
driven from the building. But at noon,
in splto of the efforts of the sailors to
extinguish the flames, the palaco was
a mass of blazing ruins, the old Cus
tom house was in ashes and a number
of other buildings, demolished or sot
on fire by exploding shells, wero in
No casualties are reported among
tho British ashore and, though all
business naturally is at a standstill,
order was completely restored before
nightfall and the foreign residents
were able to return to their residences
For the present tho island will be
administered by Admiral Rawson,
pending the receipt of further In
structions from tho British govern
Arizona Desperadoes Surrounded
In at
Canyon by Itesutars.
Silver City, N. M., Aug. 28. Nino
of the gang of desperadoes who rob
bed the Sopar stage and the Nogales
bank and killed one and wounded sev
eral members of tho party which pur
sued them, are surrounded in Skele
ton cauyon, Corhlse county, Ariz., by
a possee of United States deputy mar
shals under marshal Hall of New
Mexico and two companies of troops
from Fort Bayard and Fort Grant
An attack will soon be made
Made Bpeeohes in Hymcnse and Roch
ester, N. T, , and In Krlc, Fa.
Enin, Pa Aug. 28 William J.
Bryan made speeches yesterday In
throe oltios of two statos Syrnouso
and Rochcstor, N, Y,, and Erie, Pa.
and inclden"y traveled soveral hun
dred miles to moot tho thousands who
gathored from tho surrounding coun
try to hear him atoaoh place. Tho day's
demonstration culminated In Erie,
whero the meeting of 330 delegates of
tho Democratic sociotlos of 1'onnsvl
vanla made tho presoncc of tho can
didate particularly opportune, nera
Mr. Bryan made throe otirrlng
spooohos to as many different audi
ences in tho evening being drlvon
quickly from ono ha'l to anothor.
The first meeting was at Mnennorohor
hall, which hold 2,600 persons, to
whom Mr. Bryan appealed to study
the issue of the campaign and
vote their convictions, ills socond
appoaranco was on tho stage
of the Auditorium, where no
faced an audlonco of equal
size, and tho second speoch was, like
tho first, brief but stirring, Outside
of the Erlo opora houso thousands
more had waited for a glimpso of the
candidate, and lnsldo wero assembled
the delogatos to tho mooting of tho
Domooratio societies. Whon tho poo
pie woro admitted they filled the
houso in five minutes and tho doorf
wore closed upon hundrodr,
peaks anA Holds Fabllo Keosptlon
at Krle F.
Kiub, Pa., Aug. 88. Last night Mr.
and Mrs. Bryan wero entertained by
Otto derssor, Jr., a itove manufac
turer and a Demoorat At lOiOOo'eloek
this ttoomlng they drove to the Hesa
hotel, whera It bad been anaoaneaA
they would hold a recaption. The an
nounoement had been made also that
Mr. Bryan would spoak for the bonefit
of those who had been unable to get
into either of the threo halls the night
boforo. He was escorted to the bal
cony overlooking tho street, whera
Theodore Hhrlnder and the Rev. Frank
S. Heath had boon making prelimin
ary speeohes, and received an ovation
from the 2,000 peoplo, of whom work
Ingraen seemed to be a majority.
Mr. Bryan's volco was deoldedly
husky for the first time slnoo his
week's rest at Red Hook. Mr. Sibley
followed with abrlof speech and then
the lines wero formed for tho recep
tion. Ex-Congressman Kerr presented
the people-. Tho reception consumed
three-quarters of an hour, beginning
at 11 o'clock, and probably 2,600 peo
plo went through in that time, most
of them lnd!"
Candidate llryan Talks About Same Epi
thets That Are Hurled at Hlra.
Rome, N. Y., Aug. 28. In Hanover
square 5,000 peoplo gathored to hear
Mr. Bryan. Mrs. Brynn, exhausted
by tho exciting journey of tho pre
vious day, remained in her room at
tho Yates, for almost the first time In
tho campaign falling to hoar her hus
band speatc. Mr. Bryan said: "I
thought it might be well for
one who is accused 0 being a
candidate of a body of An
archists to show himself In order that
you may judge w bother ho looits HKo
ono who is bent upon destroying the
government under which ho lives. I
believe, my friends, that there is no
one in all this land who is moro in
love with our institutions than L I
flory in tho liberty of our peoplo and
glory in tho opportunities which
our nation presents to every citison
and to the children of ail who livebe
neath tho flag".
Democrats, Populists and Bllverltes United
Under a Joint Name.
Bat City, Mich., Aug. 28. The con
ferees appointed by the threo con
ventions yesterday reached an agree
ment at 11 o'clock this morning.
They decidod that tho name at the
head of the ticket should be the
"Democratic People's Union Silver
party;" that the Populists Bhould be
accorded three electors and havo tho
nomination sor auditor general, and
that tho three conventions should
meet In joint session to nominatn the
state ticket, the Populists and silver
men together to have n representation
equal to that of tho Democrats.
The Body of the Outlaw Extremely
Guthrie, Oklo., Aug, 28. Ton
thousand peoplo viewed tho re
mains of the dead outlaw, Bill
Doolln, which aro on exhibition
at Gray's halL Tho wife of Doolln.
from Lawson, viewed her husband's
bodv and denounced "tho dogs who
killed her BUL" She also threatened
vongeanco on John Matthews, Doolln's
former pal, who gavo tho tip as tho
outlaw's hiding place. Doolin's body
has been embalmed and will be taken
to Fort Smith, Ark., whero a reward
of 53,000 is offered for him, alive or
The Tin Plate Trust Dead.
PiTTSRuno. Pa., Aug. 28. The Tin
Plate Manufacturers' association has
been disrupted. The association was
made up of all the tin plate manufac
turers in the country except a few
non-union firms in tho remote dis"
tricts. The withdrawal recontly of
tho American Tin Plato company of
Elwood, Ind., and Its fight with the
Amalgamated association which ended
in defeat, marked the beginning of
tho end.
Tramps Whipped Out of Nevada, Ho.
Nevada, Ma, Aug. ?8. Considering
that the tramp nuisance had become
unendurable here, thirty men caught
a number ot tramps in the railroad
yards Tuesday night, marched them
out of town and horsewhipped them.
They were ordered never to return
FopullsU Will Notify.
Washington, Aug. 25. The Star
Bays this afternoon: "The Star can
state positively that Bryan is to be
formally and officially notified of the
Populist nominution made at St.
Louis. Tom Wauon will be notified
at the same time."
Ossaptete Cnlon on Cunffresimea
posed Trouble for the Kleetors.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 37. Fatto
committees representing tho Demo
erats, Populists and Bimottallista mss
yesterday and appointed a commltte
of sixteen to bo known as tha
Joint oongresNonal committee, (
select congressional candidates. T
nominate a candidate will require tha
vote of four Democrats, four Pops-
Jilts and iwo silver mon, and the can
lldate receiving such a rote will ha
the union nomWo of tho throe par
Jits. Other nominees must then with
raw or depend for tholr support oA
personal followers.
Secretary ot Stato Brown says tha
ho will refuse to placo upon tha
tickets tho names of the fusion Dom
ocratio'Popullst presidential electors,
on the ground that the eleotion law
of California requires tho names of
the electors to bo arranged alphabet
ically in groups under their party
designation, lie says that as soon aa
tho fusion Is ts present the names t
him ho will dictate a letter to tho at
torney general asking for hla oplataa
In tho matter.
Oae Thousand Delegates In Convention
General Illnok Heads the Ticket
Chicago, Aug. 20. Tho Democrat!
fold staudard stato convention was
called to order this afternoon by
Chairman C. A. Ewlng ot tho atata
tommittso, with about 1,000 delegates
f resent, representing overy county in
he stato.
The following ticket was unani
mously nominated: Governor, Cen
tral John C. Black; lieutenant gov
krnor, Chester Babcock; attorney gen
iral, William 8. Forman; state treat
irer, Edward Rldgaly; secretary o
Itate, L. J. Kakeskl; auditor, F. E. W.
Brink; univorslty trustees, A. C Bab
lock and Clara Bourland.
Flatform on Which Ilryaa
Bpeaklng- Gave Way.
Utioa, N. Y., Aug. 27. W. J. Bry
in's eventful day ondod with an accl
Jent whloh narrowly missed being s
disaster. Ono-half of tho platform
from which ho was addrossing tha
irowd of several thousand persons la
the squaro in front of tho Boggs hotel
In Dtlca, at midnight, fell to the
(round, and although the presidential
candidate escaped injury, Clintoa
Deokwlth of Herkimer, a member of
the reception committee, had anankla
ipralncd; John T. Teller had a ler
broken and several others wore badly
bruised and cut, but no one was se
riously injured.
Vederal omrelioldijra
to leetf
or Make
Washington, Aug. 27. The 1tB
service commission has issued an order
to federal officholdors warning all
employes against Beeking or making
contributions tor campaign purposes.
The order is sweeping in its character
and affects all branches of the gov
eminent sorvico. Violators of the
law will bo prosecuted.
Death of J. F. U. MqKlbbea.
Toi'eka, Kan., August 27. J. F. H.
UoKibben, auditor of tha Atchisoa,
ropelca and Santa Fe Railway com
pany, who was Injured while on a
bunting trip near New Castle, Col.,
pied at 8:30 o clock yesterday mora
Turkey Must Do Hatter.
Constantinople, Aug. 27. United
States Minister Alexander W. Terrell
has notified the Turkish government
that the latter's answer to the de
mands of tho United States for indem
nity as a rosult of the burning of the
American missions at Kharput ana
Marash is not satisfactory.
Quotation From New York, Chicago,
Loul, Omaha and hlienrhere.
nutter Creamery separator.
luttejv-Falr to good country
'oultrv Ll ve henaJper B
Inrlnir Chickens 8 (m
imoiu-unoice kicbsiuub..... qui u t vj
loner Fancy White...., 13 s 14
'otatoes New t) A K
ranges Per box 60 ft 60
lay Upland, per ton 4 00 & 6 00
tatatocs-New 46 ft 80
Apples -Per bbl 1 60 & t 00
Hogs Light Mixed 2 70 2 76
logs Heavy Weights. ........... 2 60 8 08
leef-Stecrs 20 O 4 20
lulls , , 2 05 GJ2 3J
inkers and springers 2 73 & 3 83
,..,,---- --,.---.------ - - i -
Stags - 2 60
Calves.. ... 3 to
Cows 123
Heifer 1 (O
Ptockers and Feeders 2 75
Cattle Westerns 2 N
Plicep Native Feeders.- 2 63
Bhcep Lambs. 3 00
3 13
8 20
a io
2 70
m. 400
Wheat No. 2 Spring 66 H
Corn For bu... 21
Pats Per bu lMf&
I OTlt eeeeeeeee O OU 5 '
Lard . :i 72 :
Cattle Stockers and Feeders 2 "S ft
Choice Calves 0 00 fi&
flogs Medium mixed 3 (O
Bheep I.umbs 3 00 &
Bbeep Western range. ,. 2 10 u
Whoat No. 2. Kod Wiutcr 61
Corn No. 2,. 27
Oats No. 2. .20 it
Pork 7 75 &
Lard 4 10 &
Wheat No. 2 red, cosh 62 a
Corn l'erbu ,. ;1 (fi
Oats Per bu IS (ft
Hogs Mixed packing.... 3 00 ft
Cattle Native ShJp'ngSteors. 3 50
Wheat No, 2 hard... fl fil
Corn No.2..., , 19
Oats No. 2 19H
utttin Mockers ana leeaors.. z 4u
flogs Mixed ..... 3 00
Sheep Lumb3 3 10
Bheep Muttons.... 2 10
2 40 3 CO
3 23
. 4 73
Oordon Oat of Polities.
Wasiiinotox, Aug. 27. General
John B. Gordon, United Htates Sena
tor from Georgia, declined to-day to
talk on politics or on the financial
issue now before the people, Saying
that he was practically out of polities
and would absolutely retire from
political life at the end of his present
Cowherd Nominated.
Odessa, Ma, Aug. 27. Tho Demo
cratic convention of the Fifth Con
gressional district nominated cm
Mayor W. 8. Cowherd ot Kauhas City
for oongress on tht Srsf ballot.
Is A 18
It & 19