-r-rzrx: VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. EMMY, SEPT, 4. J96. W 28 , tf' y i i tf; J .J r) I' b M DEMOCRATS CONVENE lodence Nominated For Attor ney and Hollinrake For Commissioner. IlEuiKOFonD, Nebr., Sept. 1 180G. Democratic county convention mot pursuant to callSupt. 1, 18(J0, at 2 p. m. Moved and seconded that 0. A. Burlew bo elected chairman of the convention. Motion curried. Moved aud Seconded that Sam Switzor bo elected secretary of tho convention. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that tho chair appoint a committor of three on credentials. Motion carried. Whereupon tho chair appointed W. J. Bean, W. II. Ward and W. T. Johnson a committee on creden tials. Moved and seconded that the chair appoint a committee on res olutions. Motion -carried. The chair then appointed F. M. Devore, D. F. Miller and M. Hay don a committee on resolutions. A recess was then taken to give tho committees time to prepare re ports. Committee on credentials import ed that 0 Mahony. John Mahony, P. H. Dillon and W. T. Johnson were duly elected delegates from Box Butte precinct. Delegates attending authorized to cast full vote of delegation. That V. J. Bean, Sam Switzer, W. K. Herncall and U..A. Burlew were elected as delegates from Dor se' precinct with power to cast full vote of delegation. That Clias. Facomiro, W. J. Haydon and A. H. Grove wore duly elected -'delegates from Lake precinct with power to cast full vote of delegation. That W.' IT. Ward and W. II. Jowett are duly elected delegates from Nonpareil precinct. ' That F. M. Devore is entitled to cast full vote of Wright precinct. ThatD, F. Miller lias full power to cast entire vote of Liberty pre cinct. Tho following resolutions wore read and motion made and second ed that they bo adopted by this con vention and tho committee bo dis charged. Be it resolved, by the democrats of Box Butte county in convention jwsombled that we heartily endorse the Chicago platform as a restor ation of true democratic principles and pledge ourselver to use all hon orable means to secure tho election of tho nominees W. J. Bryan and Arthur Sewall. "Bo it further resolved, that as tho common peoplo of tho country have tho combined corporate and plutocratic influence of America and Great Britain to contend with in the present campaign, it is there fore necessary foi tho boleivers in bimetallism to present an undivi ded front and to that end wo pledge ourselves to support no one for any oflice from road overseer to President who is not fully commit ed to tho free coinage of both gold and silvor at the ratio of 10 to 1 without waiting for other nations to say wo may. Therefore in view of tho situa tion we deem it best to nominato only such candidates for office as will receive tho undivided support of.the Independent party us well as of the Democratic party. Mo tion carried. Moved and seconded that pro ducts not boiug represented by dolegates shall be represented by any ono present from such pre cincts. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that W. J . Bean, Win Mitchell, C A. Burlaw, Nelson Fletcher and W. II. Jowett be elected delegatus to th demo cratic state convent ion at Omaha, Sept. 4th, 1890. Motion carried. Moved that W. T. Johnson D. F. Miller, P. II. Dillon, W. J. Bean and F. M. Dovoro be elected dolegatos to tho congressional con vention to bo hold at Ohadron, Sept. 15th, 1896. Motion carried Moved that Win, lodonco bo nominated candidate for county attorney. Motion carried. Dolegates of Dorsey, Nonpareil and Wright precincts thon placed in nomination James Hollinrako candidate for county commissioner 2d district Box Butte county. Moved and seconded that tho nomination of James Hollinrako for'candidato for county commis sioner for 2nd district be ratified. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that thoso delegates attending tho stato con vention 1)0 auihorized to cast the full vote of tho delegation from Box Butte county and that no proxies be allowed. Carried. Moved that tho secretary notify tho delegates of Alliance by wire of their election as delegates. Mo tion carried. Moved that the delegates attend ing tho congressional convention be authorized to cast the full voto of the delegation from this county and that they be instructed to cast their votes for W. L. Greene, can didate for congress for the sixth congressional district of Nebraska. Motion carried. Moved that tho dolegafos from this county to the stato convention bo instructed to cast their votos for Silas Uolcomb for candidate for governor of Nebraska. Carried. Moved and seconded that C. A. Burlew bo elected chairman of tho democratic county centrnl commit tee of Box Butro count'. Carried. Moved that Sam Switzer bo elected secretary of tho democratic county central committeo of Box Butte county Nebraska. Carried. Tho following precinct commit teemen were then elected: Nonpareil, W. II. Jowett. Snake Creok, F. M. Devore. Lake, Clms. It. Fuccmiro. Box Butte, W. T. Johnson. Liberty, D. F. Miller. Dorsey, W. J. Bean. Boyd, T. J. Thompson. Alliance, 1st W, F. H. Smith. Alliance 2nd 'W, L. A. Barry. Lawn, Humiingwater, Motion to adjourn. Carried. S. SwiTVcuit, Secretary. Editok IIekald: Tho Alli ance Times says "wo are informed that a republican club has been started at Box Butte -with 84 members; that tho farmers are not all going to bo fooled with tho free silver bait." I want to suy that there is a Bryan club organized in Box Butto precinct, in .township 20, range 17, and out of '27 voters there is only ono hard sboll "jon go" and ho is an old timo republi can ofiico bolder. That's tho way tho farmers are "baiting" at that cursed gold standard. In tho midst of plenty we aro in want; helpless children and tho best womanhood and manhood of America appeals to us for release from .that Continental Jowish bondage that is destructive to life and liberty. Npw, Mr. Ed it6r, I contend that it is the farm ers duty to nail those republican lies as fast as they make them. William Matzat. Wo understand that Mr. Mont gomery, ropublican candidate for county .attorney, made a speech in Alliance replying to Hon. W. L. Groan, but wo do not find any report of sumo in tho Allijinco goldb'ig papers. Wondor why? J People You Knowj II. R. Green visited Allianco Tuesday. Mrs. Blanchard is on tho side list this week. Eddie Johnson is now located at Humphrey, Nob. 'j This section was visited with a fine shower last night. Mrs. T. Colvin is numbered with tho sick this wcok. Tho meat market. was moved into its now building Wednesday. J. M. Trout and family loft for a few days outing in tho nills Wednesday. Miss Itosa Parkins began a term of school iu tho Green dis trict Monday. B. F. Gilman loft Sunday nignt for a brief visit at his old homo in Wisconsin. Mrs. C. A. Burlew and children visited Mrs. E. E. Ford near Lawn Sunday. Miss Nellio Goodonough will commence a term Of school near Box Butto Monday. C. A. Burlow went down to Omaha Tuesday night to attend tho democratic stato convention. Tho Congregational Missionary dinner will bo givon at tho home of Mrs. Curtis, Wednesday, Sept. 9th. A. M. Miller attended tho stato millers meeting in Omaha this week and also took in tho state fair. Misses Maggie and Lizzie El more and Miss May McDermott, of Alliauco, are visiting Mrs. Lemous this week. W. H. Branch camo up from Lincoln Tuesday and expects to teach school in Box Butto or Dawes county this fall. Loo Acheson and wife, and Miss Emma Joder, of Allianco, wero tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. L, B. Fenner Wednesday. Mrs. Hammond, Miss Jessie Sweeney and M. E. Gooch start ed yesterday ovorlrnd for a few weeks outing at Hot Springs aud other points in tho Hills. Miss Ella Hood camo in from Box Butto yesterday ovening to meet her sister Alice who arriv ed from Helena, Mont. Mrs. Hood is (imto ill. Hon. Norris Brown, a gentle man sent oijt to preach the gold standard doctrine, will speak at tho court house tomorrow after noon. Everybody should hear him. County Clerk Phelps received notice from Judge Westover, Wednesday, that the September term of court for Box Butte coun ty has been adjourned to Nov. 17th. County Treasurer Miller re turned from Omaha this morning. He says tho fair is good and tho crowd tremondous. The excur sionists will bo homo Sunday morning. Rev. Kendall and daughter Miss Game It arrived from Rush villo yesterday aud aro now pack ing their household goods pre paratory for removal to their new homo. F. J. Betzold of Alliamco, made a wager with I. E. Tash, Wednesday, that Bryan would carry this county by 100, and wo don't doubt for a minute that ho will. Ho is gaining everyday. J. Ramsey, of Plattsmouth, ar rived in town Tuesday and visi ted until yesterday with Mrs. MoCandless, his cousin. Mr. Ramsey is a brother of Judgo Ramsey and a strong supporter of Hon W. J. Bryan. J, II. J oh Aston and family do parted for York county Monday whoro they oxpoct to rosido for t-ho next year. Mr. Johnston has been a residont of Lawn pro duct for cloven years, was one of our best citizons and wo regret to seo him leave. . A. F. Millor returned this .morning from a trip to his form er homo in Crawford county, Iowa. Ho reports times very hard back thoro and says that a rentor has no show at all. Ho saw splendid oats sell at three cents a bushel and barley at 1 cents. Ex-county cleric J. K. Noal ar rived in town Saturday aftor a seven months absence. Mrs. Noal and Carl camo in Tuesday morning and spent, tho day visit ing thoir many friends aud to gether with Mr. Neal departed tho same day for Falls City, "Nobr., whoro thoy will spond tho winter. Mr. Neal informed us that thoy may roturn to Homing ford next spring to reside. Their many friends regret to soo them leave. Messrs. I. E. Tash and S. P.' Tuttlo attended tho republican representative convontion at Al liance Wednesday at which Mr. Tuttlo was nominated for repre sentative of tho 53rd district. Mr. Tuttlo is popular hero at homo and will probably lead his ticket, but this is going to be another off year for tho republi cans and we're afraid Mr . Tuttlo will have to go, down with tho rest of tho ticket. Tho Ilemingfoid public schools ifill'eqmmeucQ noxtMouday with D.' K. Spacht as principal and Mrs Blanchard assistant; only two teachers will bo employed this year. Mr. Spacht has not taught for several years but he is thoroughly up in educational work aud no doubt will give good satisfaction. The school would not bo complete without Mrs. Blanchard in her old room and we may look for the school to hold the excellent reputation it has acquired. At tho conference hold in Hot Springs last week Rev. J. W. Ken dall was transferred from Hem ingford to Custer, S.,D., and it was with feelings of regret that tho word was received in Hem ingford. Mr. Kendall has had this charge for the past two years during which time ho lias worked faithfully for tho upbuilding of tho church and was liked by ull his parishoners and in fact by everyone with whom ho camo in contact. .Ho and his cstimablo family will bo greatly missed by tho peoplo of Hemingford. Forty-live stato fair tickets wore sold at this station Monday. Among thoso who wont wore: MesdamesBoan, Rustin, A. M. Miller, Armstrong, Gibson, John son, of Box Butto. Misses Mil lor, Loor, O'KeefoandPinkerton. Messrs. Harry Pierco, B. E, Johnson, C. J. and E. S. Wildy, II. F. Fillmore, Goo. Goodonough, A. Zajic, Jos. Yechout, Luke Phillips, Matt Beaumont, Claude Brown, A. Broich, wife and daughter; and V. Cladek, wife and son. J. Cousins and wife, Mrs. Dickorson, E. Patterson and family, of Dunlap. Tho mombors of tho Box Butto county Agricutural society, and all othors intorostod, aro earnest ly requested to meet at tho court houso Saturday Sept 12. 189(5, at one o'clock p. m., for the pur ppso of considering tho propriety of holding a county fair. A. Sukuw'ood. President, Calvin J. WH'dy. tEW STORE ! :-: - NEW GOODS ! New Prices! .' New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! A TON Hardware and ,'lllK OM1KST JiSTABMslIMKNT IN THIS CoVNTV. Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. mi MM CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE ' HOME INDUSTRY Oflice 1007 Jaekson Street, Omaha, Nob. Editor Herald: The Box Jiuttc re lief society oriini7.od in the spriiiK of, 181)5 elected mu us lis treasurer. 1 paid out money on ordtr of the execu tive committeo so long as they were Issued. There remaU.B In my hands about SIS of tlu soclety'snioncy, This money L am ready to turn over when ever the contributors Bhull Belect some one to whom it shall bo paid. I sought to turn It over to the execu tive committee nearly a year ago but thoy refused to take it. Now that I am no more a cltixen of tills place, I desire to bo lelclved of the matter. Yours, J. W. KKXDALh. EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found jn my Stock c f Goods. Cull and soo tho immenso variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gent' Furnishing Goods Shoos, Notions, Grocorios, Brand Now and OHJ5AP. C. A. BURLEW, UHRIG, Saddlery. fl.VUV4. TUTTLE & TAStf Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGF0RD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Oflice rooms nnd residence in Drover block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis oasas of children . Now Short Lino to Holena, Butto Spokane, Seattle and Tacoina. G, X. Ee "W. a. Time Oarcl. KA8T SOli.tU, Jfo, 49, pnssonKsr arrivus at 1:23 . m, " R frulKht " 5:lo i. m. " u fruijjht nrrlvos nt , lOASii. iu. vtbst bouxd, " No. 41 pnsucncer arrives at 1:23 a. m. " 4S rruitrlit " liASv. in. " 4T frnluht arrives nt 3:10 i. in AH regular train carry paRgoiigers, VT. M. Col'HUAND, Alfell MAllniUBtTOllY. Hrut.NOKonu jwMitoHiee. On week daya door open at 1 a. m., wmoral dtllverjr oixma at 8 a. ill. kimI clohva at 6 it. in. Oihiu Sunday U to 10 a. in. lliuii.vorouD and nox Hutte ataKeriaily except UcMiMiFonii and Dt'Nir itago Monday Wi'.liM'niia aud I'ridtj Brewing Company , -tA-; t&