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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1896)
.WHAT BECAME OF MR, LAKE A Now Englnntl Story of I.ova nnil Mj-d. Iprjr. tIT CIIAS. O. ST1CKKBT. nurTEU I. It wns evening in WlHonvillo. Tho sun nod gono down behind tho distant bluo mountains, ami tho now moon now shed her gcntlo light on tho cottnp,vs utHTfnrm Iioubos and tipiKHl with n faint, silvery huo tho October-tinted woods which skirted tho vit iligo on tho south nnd east. Although early in tho evening, tho coun try store, In which tho post ofllco was kept, yras already well filled with a promiscuous company of tho mnscullno persuasion of WHtonvlllo, comprlslug some of tho ollto of tho place, with all tho vnrlod gradations of IViltonvlllo society, down to Hill Wiggins, who, by common consent, was nwarded tho palm for being tho vilest denizen of this av-orog.'-cthlcal Now England village. Political discussion was usually an Im portant feature of theso nightly assembl ages, but on this particular evening, poll tics, and In fact nil ordinary topics of con vocation, wero wholly Ignored. Neverthe less, thoro was a Babel of voices, all bolng speakers as well as llstenors.forjustthon all WHtonvlllo wns shaken from contro to clr cumfcrcnco by n now nnd startling sensa tion. Hut tho vocal clamor was suddonly hush ed by tho cntnmco of tho strangor. Ho was a tall man. nnd seemingly largo, though this was uncertain, ho bolng buried In a long, ohflgjy, buffalo coat, tho wldo collar of which, turned up And buttoned over his chin, togothor with a low and peculiar fur cap, so covering his face that Httlo was vis Ibjo but a pair of blnck, sonrchlng oyos. Ho woro woollen gloves and rubbor boots, with his pants lnsldo of them, nndbyhlscostumo Indicated a traveler who was bound to bo proof, nnd moro thnn proof,, ngalnst tho chil ly night nlr of nild-antumn. "Pino evening, gentlcmon," said ho, blandly, approaching tho stovo. "Very fine," said Squiro CrafU, Wilton vlllo's trial justlco and loading citizen, ris ing and proffering his low, basket-bottomed chair. "No, keep your silting, thank you; I'm not going to stop," waving tho -wllto Justlco to his sent. To tho postmustor: "Do you keop Btout bedcords!" "Yes, sir; soino vory nlco onos on hand. Rlgh'b this way, sir." "ATrlght. But I guess I'd bettor blanket my horso. I'll bo right back In n moment," And so saying, ho stopped briskly outsldo. Tho crowd thought tho strango gentle man tpok unueeessnry pains to blanket his horao lio was so long doing It Hill Wiggins guessed it wns tho now Methodist minister overtyBurr's Mill;" but this theory wns immediately exploded by tho donoinlna tlcnally woll-p stcd Deacon Brown. "Now for thoss bedcords," said tho stran gor, nsho re-entered tho storo. Ho soon selected ono In tho back room, whoro. house furnishing woro kept. At tho nmo tlmo ho confidentially learned from tho answer to a low-voiced request, a description of a certain man in tho crowd named Jfcnns Wells. On his return to tho main store, ho looked tho company over, and his sharp glaneo readily took in his man, "Wish somo ono would holp too n bit out sldo " said he. "Would you, slrl" address ing Mr. Wells. "With plensuro;" nnd sliding down from Ms favorito perch, Wells accompanied him out of doors. "Your namo If I mlstnko not, is Wells Jouaa Wells 1" as soon ns thoy woro fairly outsldo. "It Is," in a tono of surprise. "But I con fer you havo tho mh-nntngo of mo." "No doubt But It's long time since I Wis hist In tho place. Lot's soo, you're tho soxton of tho village, If I rightly remem berl" "I nm." ''Well, I'd llko to lmvo a Httlo talk with you on business. Which way do you llvo Iran hero!" "To tho north about n mllo." "Just tho direction I'm going; so pleaso got luto tho buggy, uud wo can talk us wo rldo along." Wolls did as requested, und tho two woro dlr.o:ly Joggling along. "So you aro tho village sexton," observed tho sunvo stranger. "How long havo you hold tho oftlcol" "Six years como December." "And In that tkno, of course, havo burled many people 1" "Many. - Ono would hardly think It In u small placo llko this, but It's surprising what they 11 aggregate." "Well, nslcumo Into tho placo I hoard something about a recent death, of n some what mystertous'imturo. You had chargo of tho burial, oh!" 4 1 did. It was n sad occasion. Tho chitvli was crowded to ovorilowlng. I've go' pretty woll used to funoruls, but I must say this ono took right hold of mo. Tho way lils mother and Bister took on was enough to melt n heart of stouo. Ho was n splendid young mnn; ovory body liked him. And then, too, thoro was such a painful mystory connected with his death. It's raised u btg excitement all about here." "Yes; so I understand. Hut. Mr. Wells" lowering his voice, und putting his lips col3o to tho othor's oar. "I'm luollned to think it dld'nt disturb you so very much, aforull!" Mr. Wells gavo u nervous start "Why, sir," ho oxo'.nimed, "what do you menu!" "Oh, nothing," said tho stranger, evasive ly, "only ono gots used to death, when con st ntly brought In coutact with it, you know." "True, qulto truo, sir." "There was no post mortoml" "No; his relatives wouldn't consent to It Thoro wero no marks of violence whatever on his person, and how ho camo to his death is truly a mystory, though it seems to bo tho goneral Impression ho mado way with ldmself by poison." "Why do thoy think so!" "Well, there's qulto n history connected with tho affair. You sec, tho way of It was" hero Mr. Wells was on tho point, evident ly, of Imparting somo interesting facts, but was Interrupted by his coin-walon who said : "Bog your pardon, but I think you'd bet ter defer tho wholo particulars a while, till wo havo more leisure," "Very well, Just as you say. It don't inat or much, as I know or, at least to you and me, how ho camo to his ond. Time, perhaps, will tell tho story. It looks to mo, though, llko foul-play. Somo folks mistrust a strag gler who camo along tho day boforo, but as ho didn't call at tho house, and being as tho young man was known to havo Httlo, if any, money by him, and had no cnomles, I really don't know what to think." "How Jong after his death was tho f uncr all" "Not qulto throo days I think. Lot's soo ; today Is Thursday ho was found dead Tucsdny morning, nnd wns burled this after noon." "Was ho usually hearty and robust!" "Decidedly so. Never know him to bo sick but onco, that wns nDout tho tlmo" "All I want to know, Is about his general health. Was tho body nit Into n gravo, or Into n tomb!" "In a tomb." "And intended to lot tho remains Ho thoro permanently!" "Yes, But, begging your pardon, sir, I can't holp saying that, for a strangor, you show a surprising intorost In tho matter." "Ah I Woll, fact Is, I havo n Httlo Inter est In that quarter, I confess, Furthermore, I haven't much doubt that a handsomo pres ent would Increaso oven your own Inter est" "What moan you, Blr, by such talk!" do mnndod Mr. Wolls. "Nothing further than a moro business consideration," said tho other, quietly, as ho chocked his horso to a walk. "Look hero, Mr. Wolls; It Is qulto evident thntyou doirt rccognho ino, although wo had certain inter esting dealings with each other on a partic ularly interesting occasion, somo eight years ngo. My buying tho bodcord was only a Httlo ruso on my part to find you and got you out of doors. Scol Perhaps, John Wolls, you may not lmvo forgotten" hero ho placed his head cloto to his companion's and said somothlng In a low tone, which had ltnmcdlnto nnd marked effect upon his listen er, who boenmo greatly agitated. "Good heavens I" hooxclalmod, ills It pos. slblo 1 Llttlo did I dream I was riding with Doctor" "Hush, hush. Even tho winds havo cars and tongues. 1 boliovo wo now understand each other, so lot's at onco proceed to busi ness. I now want of you Just such impor tant aid as you avo mo In a Httlo caso eight years ago." Mr. Wells protested, beat about tho bush, ploadod this and that excuse, "didn't want to bo hauntod by anothor such memnrv." etc., nnd yloldod to tho tempter. "There, now, tho thing Is allsottled be tween us," said tho doctor. "I shall rely on you, ns I did boforo, and I know you won't go back on mo. Whore's tho keys!" "To tho tomb!" "Yes." ,Kln my trunk, up In my chnmbor, Thcro's my houso, right ahead; I'll got om In a twinkling." It was over a mllo to tho gravcyo'c.n-hlck wns at tho fcot of a long, gcntlo descent, down which tho doctor arovo rapidly. Ty ing tho horso In n crazy old shed, ouco used as a iwder houso in long-gono mllltla dnys, tho doctor doffed his fur coat, and, taking n big, convoy sack nnd a dark lantern, ho and Wolls hastened Into tho cemetery, Tho sky, so clear whon tho two loft tho store, wns now lntorsporacd with fleecy, White clouds, drifting slowly to tho cast Ward, nnd, as If to favor their undertaking, tho moon had gono down leaving naught but patches of starlight to rcllovo tho deepening gloom. G roping ntnoug the graves and tombstones, they presently reached a low tomb, nt about tho centro of tho enclosure. "Is this tho placo!" asked tho doctor, in a low volco. "YC3." "Hush I I thought I heard something," said tho doctor. Thoy listened a moment, but hoard no sound. "Only my Imagination. You havo matches! Tory well, wo shall need them We'll make a quick Job of It" Wells unlocked tho tomb door, nnd thoy descended sovoral stono stops to tho Inner door. Hero tho doctor produced a match and scratched It on tho masonry, but It wns so damp down thoro, it did not Ignite. A socond attempt with another match on his coat slccvo was successful, and ho light ed tho lantern nnd hold it to tho door, while Wells withdrew tho rusty bolt Just then tho doctor thought ho saw somothlng movo on tho floor. Tlpplug tho lantom so ns to throw its light there, thoy both looked down nt tho samo instant, and saw a small ser pent crawling briskly away. Wells sprang towards tho loathsomo reptUe to crush It with his hool, but it quickly glided Into a hole, through a crack In tho stono work, and disappeared. Itoturnlng, ho put his hund to tho door nnd stood, hosltatlug. "Why, Wells, what alls youl" asked tho doctor. "Does tho sight of a snako, always off oct you thus!" "No, doctor, It ain't that Fact Is, I feel mighty strango. To toll tho honest truth, I do dread to enter that room." "It's ouly tho nerve. Brnc up, and we'll soon bo through with our llttlo Job. I'll lead tho wuy. How high up Is ho!" "Lower shelf. There's only ono other his father on that sldo, and ho's on tho sholf ubavo." "All In our favor. It won't toko moro'n a few minutes. Wo'll quickly unscrew tho lid and put him Into tho sack, and In flvo minutes moro wo'll bo In tho carriage So como on." Tho doctor pushed in tho masslvo door, which swung, crooking on Its niBty hinges and they both pas3od In. Then tho doctor held up tho lantern so as to shed Its full light luto tho forbidding vault, when great heavens! there mot tholr vision u sight so nppalllng, so utterly horrible that Jonas Wolls, standing a inomont spellbound, his ryos almost starting from their sockets, priiug from his companions sldo, and, utter- g a wllil sliriok of terror, fled from tho aread churncl houso, up tho stono steps, out through tho graveyard, where every shrub and tombstouo was a mocking phantom, out upon tho road, und away towards his homo on on on llttlo kuowlng what ho did or whoro ho was, only that ho Increased tho distance between himself and that terrlblo scene. CHAlTElt it, Tomako our narrative Intclllglblo, it Is necessary, at this point, to go back a few months pr!or to tho ovonts Just narrated. A youug man namoi Herbert Lane, bo longing In Wiltouvlllo, elerk In a hard ware storo hi tho city of N , had camo homo to spend his annual vacation. And tho samo Mr. Herbert Lano had not long been at his parental homo oro a sensational ru mor concerning him was afloat on tho WH tonvlllo air. Starting from tho upper end of tho villago, where Miss Patlonco Grcon, a gosslpp'.ng spinster, kopt a vocal tele graph statlou, It flashed through tho main village to tho extreme lower end, to vocal station number two, in tho small, tlmo stalnod cooper shop, whoroln Mr, Bill Wiggins, shavod hoop poles, and, after divers zlgzaglngs and gyrations, Anally brought up nt grand station number throo, tho post office, where all .local gossip was pretty sure, llko Noah's dove, to find a lodgment Yes, it was "a positive fact," so Damo Rumor assorted, that Herb Lano hod fallou desporately in lovo with Miss Nclllo Barrett, tho pretty school mistress from West Chester, Who was teaching WHtonvlllo school; that ho was spending most of his evenings at Colonel Armstrong's, whero boo boardod; that hf had vlsltoa her si hool thrao ttinot; nnd "folly" said tho two woro ongaged. And tho voracious Bill Wiggins added what ho tcrmod "n clincher," to tho ofTcct that last Sun Jay, whon pasting Colonel Armstrong's on his way homo from tho "corner," ho saw a light In tho pirlor nt precisely twonty minutes of twelve. All tho various ovidonee was duly weljrhcd, nnd comparod by tho solf -constituted grand Jury nt tholr customary session In tho pojt oftlc-o; this and ui) put togothor; tho chain Was considered complete; nnd accordingly an lndlctmont wns found ngalnst tho said Herbert Lano. Howovor, in Justlco to tho WHtonvlllo grand Jury, It must ba odmlt'od that Mr. Lano wns decidedly attcntlvo to Miss Bar rett And when, ofn certain afternoon, soon after tho indictment by tho grand Jury, as Mr. Lano ond Miss Barrett wero Been walk- I iiik jumuiuiy lugciiicr umvn mo pnin irom tho ma n roau to liornard Ushor's meadow, tojudgo from thclrmanncr, tho stroll was no wlso dlsagrccablo to either party. And our duty as an Impartial historian compels us to stato that whon tho young couplo reached tho borders of tho meadow, thoy seated themsolvos on a flat, mossy rock, beneath a BUtolyold plno, which together with tho surrounding tross nnd ahrubbory, formed a charming sylvan retreat, such us Tltanla herself might solcct for her favorito haunt. Mr. Lano produced from his coat pee'eet n llttlo volumo of poems, and boan Hstlo3sly turning over Its leaves. It soon dropped from his hand to tho ground. And very soon ho held, instead, a little hand within his own. Mr. Lano hod a Btory to toll; It was an old, old story, but bo evidently had an npproslatlvo Hstnor. And whon, nbout half an hour later tho two wero relrniing tholr stops to tho villago, they uppanrod to havo an excellent unlorstandlng. Tho pretty school mistress, though n trltlo moro soborand ponslvo thun was wont, looked prottlor nnd moro radiant than over; while, as to Mr. Hurbcrt Lino, why ho was In such posltlvo, comparative, supurlatlvo good spirits, that ho donated a sllvor dollar to tho first barefooted urchin ho mot, who evinced his do'Ight by turning throo somer saults, nnd then starting at u dead run for tho nearest candy shop. Tho WHtonvlllo grand jury was only a Httlo prematura In tholr verdict Miss Bar rctt had actual1) consented to chnngo her namo in tho not-distant future to Mrs. Lano. But ono evening, when Lano was back at his post of duty In tho city, ho rccolvol n letter h bad lottcr In moro sonses thnn ono, It bolng not poorly written ioorly spoiled nnd of shocking grammar, but bad in tho messago it contain ed. It camo from Miss Patlcnca Green, ana informed him that his "girl was a galantln round With a good-looking strangor, who hod Jest cum to town, and folly sod thoy was En gaged." Tho result was, Mr. Lnno was dreadfully Jealous. "Miss Green was a disinterested party," ho reasoned, "nnd had no causo to tell him other than tho truth." With an aching head, and a sad, sad heart, ho wont mochanically through tho day's duties, llttlo hooding who camo or went,and not Infrequently handing out n wrong nrtl clo to a customer, In his absontmiudeduess. Sometimes, ho would rcsolvo to think no more nbout hor; then, with tho strango in consistencies of a mind, racked by conflict ing lovo and Jonlousy, would seek oxcuscs for hor conduct, and dwell on her scorning nrtlossnoss, and ovldont nffoctlou for him. Tho upshot of all which was, ho solicited, und obtained a few days' loavo of absence, uud wont forthwith to Wiltonvillo. As ho redo Into tho plnco from tho railway station, whom should ho moot, but Miss Barrett and a strango gentlemen, taking an evening walk. Ho coolly bowed, which Balutatlon sho, with crimson fnco, coolly re turned. Lato that night ho paced back und forth past Colonol Armstrong's. By nnd bye, ho crept lightly to ono of tho still Illuminated parlor windows, and peorod eagerly through a narrow vertical spaco between tho curtains nnd window frumo. What ho saw confirmed his darkest suspicions. There, on tho sofa, sat Miss Barrett, and besldo her tho hand somo gontloman ho had met walking with hor tho two engaged In low, but apparent ly earnest conversation. Mr. Lano and Miss Barrett had a private conforenco noxt day. It was n stormy mooting, and their lost Accusation, stub born prtdo no unbending by cither party. And so thoy parted. At about six o'clock In tho morning on tho day following this unhappy Interview, good, motherly Mrs. Colonel Armstrong, tapped at Miss Barrett's door, nnd was at onco admitted. Miss Barrett was up and dressed, but looking qulto ill. "I havo called thus early," explained tho good woman, on a matter of personal mo ment to you. Bluntly and to tho point nt onco, I wish you would toll mo, conlldeutial ly, If you still lovo Herbert Lano!" "Why, what a funny question." "Yes ; but for your sake, I wish very much to know. Tell mo, my dear, do you care much for him i" "Yes; I bellovo you are too houornblo u) betray my secret, and so I will toll you that I still lovo him aye, better than life lt3elf 1" "I am so sorry. I did hope you hnd ceased to care for him. But I wuntcd to know tho truth ubout It, however." "Why, what am I to understand by this!" nsked Miss Barrett, in sudden alarm. "Oh, my poor girl my poor, dear girl," oxelalmed tho oyo-bedlmmed mutron, put ting hor arm around her waist "I am sorry you lovo Mr. Lano, becauso liecause ho can uovcr bo yours. My poor child 1 Heav en knows I nlt.v vou from tho bottom nt mv heart No, my dear friend, you can novor meot your lovo again on tho shores of time. May God glvo you strength to bear tho blow for Herbert Lano is dead!" It was only too true. A young man, a neighbor and friond of Lano' stalling on him vory early that morning, and. directed by his mother to his bedroom, had made tho dreadful discovery. Thoro was nothing to indlcato that ho had been murdored ; nor, on tho other hand, that ho had committed self destruction. But ho was dead, and there was consequently much talk und great ox cltsment through ull that region. To tho worthy "school mistress from West Chester," tho shock wns for a time over whelming. Imagining that sho herself had somehow been tho indirect causo of his death, remorso and grlof bo preyod upon hor m.nd that sho becamo criticnUy III. And whon, after weoks of suffering, alio rallied, and at length regained hor wonted health and strength, sho herself know that sho was changed thoroughly, radically changed, and that the beautiful world ubout could never to hor bo tho samo bright world again. And now wo pass to certain ovonU which havo an Important bearing on our story. ClUl'TEK in. Flvo years havo rolled by, and wo aro onco moro In WHtonvlllo. It is a Juno morning. Tho sun shiuas dear nnd bright, thelllac8 aro In bloom, the air is fragrant of I nppio blossoms, and tho bees hum mo.lly, ns uiey iiy irom iiower to Howor; while on tho soft summer air comos tho unmelodlous tones of tho cow bolls, and tho pleasantly tinkling sheep boll of tho herds nnd flocks grnlng on yondor green hillsido nnd pas tures. It was a quarter of nine by Squiro Craft's watch. There Is to-be a "horse-swopping" trinl at "Meed City," of Rldlon w. Shaw, a llttlo over a mllo from WHtonvlllo vlUage, nnd tho squiro Is on his way there nfoot and alone, to try tho caso. Just u llttlo beyond tho ivy-covered domi cile of tho Widow Green nnd her daughter Patlonco, ho moots nuothor pedestrian, n youngish man In n gray business suit, with long black whlsiccrs, and curley block hair, and a buff-colored travollug bag at his side. Ho stops, and nccosts tho squiro with tho question: "You rcsldo In this place, do you not, sir!" "I do," said tho squiro. Tho stranger remarked that ho was a visitor in WHtonvlllo somo years before, and then inquired concerning things In general, and certain of citizens, particularly of Jonas Wolls. "Ho's nllvo and woll," said tho voluble trial Justice. "Used to bo aexton, but some thing happened to nlmoncoortwlco, nobody knows what, though folks soy ho got awful ly scared, nnd ho wont out of tho business." "Woll let's see wasn't there a school ma'am about whom they had a great ado a M'ss Burnett, or somo such immni "Yes, Barrett, Miss Nellie Barrett Yes, there was qulto a time about hor and her fellow, who died so suddenly nnd mysteri ously. You seo tho way it was, sho was en gaged to this man, Herbert Lnno, when a half-brother, Just homo from a long voyage, camo to seo hor, ond Lano happened In town, from tho city Just nt that time, and seeing hor pretty budgo with this half-brother Pnrkhurst was his namo and not knowing their rolutlohship, and somo mischief maker having written him that Miss Barrett, was a-gallantln' round with another beau, why ho got dreadfully Jealous, und tho result was, he gavo hor a flrst-class blowtn' up, nnd sho was too gritty to expluln tho whys and wherefores, and thoy parted In a huff. That very night Lano died, nobody knows how, which brought her down sick; and when sho Anally got well, sho wasn't much bettor thnn lovo-cracked. Sho often goes to his tomb, and places fresh flowers upon it; and every fair day sho goos down the path to Ushor's meadow, where tho two used to stroll together. Just turnol In there as I camo along. But excuse mo, sir, I've got to tend to a luw caso over to Meed City, and I must bo going, as 'tis most court time." Tho strangor continued on, ami pretty soon loft tho highway nnd turned down tho Usher meadow road. Ho ovldently had a curiosity to gota sight of tho "lovo-cracked" school-mistress who was tho herolno of tho WHtonvlllo drama of Avo years ago. Whan part way to tho meadow, ho rested himself on a flat rock, In tho shade of a tall pine, and awaited her return. Ho did not havo to watt long, for presently Miss Barrett was scon approaching. As sho camo up, ho could seo that sho was handsome, albolt having a sad, care worn look. Ho roso nnd walked toward her, and when they met he uttered a pleasant "Good morn ing." Evidently a Httlo startled, sho was about to pass him without speaking, making, however, tho slightest inclination of her head. "Pray, don't bo nlnrmcd, Miss Barrett," said ho, "wo have met before." "Possibly, sir," sho answered; "but I fall to recognize you." Tho strangor thcrcuon produced n llttlo gold lockot, which ho opened aud held It up, with trembling hand, to her gaze. No wonder Miss Barrett gavo an exciting start nnd turned deadly pale, for tho lockot con tained a plcuiro of herself, and there had never been but ono Just llko that in exist enconnd that had boon burled with her dead lover flvo years boforo I "Don'tbo alarmod," said ho, returning tho lockot to Its accustomed place, "for I um no ghost, but n returned wanderer." And so saying, ho removed his hat, his fulso whiskers, and us tho fainting girl foil against his strong arm, thoro was disclosed to her amazed sense tho unmlstukablo faco and features of Herbert Lane. Consclousnoss having returned, Miss Bar rett was the oxclted listener to a strango Btory. In brlof, hor lover had been a vic tim of syncopo a porfojt resemblance of death, of which exceedingly rarotliough well-authonticated cases are recorded "Aud uhl how can I describe that terrible nwuking," ho continued, "how, with n sense of suffocntion, I, in my agony, burst tho weak coflln lid, only to fli d myself doomed to a slow, horrible death, in that bluek, sickening scpulchcrl Thon, how I suddenly heard voices at tho door of my prison houso, and almost held my breath, least I should frighten them away prema turely. How thoy entered, two of them, with a lantern, and seeing mo there, In tho habiliments of death, ono, with a scream, took to his heols, while tho other, who proved to bo a decor after my body for dis section, bravely staod his ground, uud, And ing I was u bolng of earth, holpad mo oat, flrst carefully readjusting tho brokau coflln lid, and then locking tho tomb door; wrapiwd mo in a cloak and buffalo cant; und nt my request drove mo to tho noarest city; whero, under a falso name, I remained awhile, till full) ro-ovorod; thon, wishing to bo dead to homo and friends and all ttiat have beeu dear to mo, I wont West by means of money kindly lent mo by tho good old doctor. "Fortune favored mo, nnd I ncqulred a comjKituneo. But tho yearning camo over mo to see again my old home, ray mother and slstor, aud to loom what becamo of yon; so I started East, and hero I am!" "It Is Indeed a strange, strango story!" commeivtod his half-dazed companion. "Yes; my previous one, It is a strango story. But, Nolllo, tho soqucl to my story Is for you to tall. With you lies tho power tomnko It sweet or bittor. Five yoars ago this mouth, on this very same spot, you guve yourself to me. Will you again cousant to bo my wlfo!" There was no coynos now, no looking downward with blushlug faoe, for years of sorrow had changed tho onoo merry-heart-od girl to a subdued woman. Looking up quietly, trustfully Into his face, sho calmly, yet earnestly responded: "I um still yours over yours, through life, through death and eternity." Yaukeo Blade. A "Warning to Authors. "No,11 sho sobbed, In tho sanctity of her boudoir, "no, I can nover mnrry a mnn whoso monogram la priuted in groon und who writes with jmrplo Ink. Oh, if ho had only asked mo to marry him. Instead of writing to mo.' things would havo been bo dllTorcntr'- Har per's Bazar. VOMEN SUFFRAQE. Who Wants Fomalo Pollocomon and Soldiers? Let no mnn or woman bo mistaken as to whnt Uiis movomont for women's BUfTrngo ronlly means. Wo nono of us want to turn tho world upsldo down or convert women into men. Wo want women, on tho contrary, nbovo all things to continue womanly womanly In tho highest and best sonso and to bring tholr truo woman's influence on behalf of whntsoover things uro true, honest, just, pure, and of good report, to bear upon tho couduet of public af fairs. Somo peoplo attempt to meet tho claim of women to representation by tho absurdly irrolovant remark, for 1 cannot call it an argument, that wo men householders ought not to vote for roombors of parliament because thoy cannot bo policemen and cannot bo soldiers, fyho wants them to be either policemen or soldiersP Thoro must nl ways bo a certain division of labor bo tweon tho sexes. Tho physical con stitution of a woman fit3 her to per form certain duties on which the wol fnro of society in a high degree depends. Tho physical condition of a man fits him for eortuin duties, one of which is that of external defense. And thoro aro certain other duties which men and wo men mustundertako jointly and in co operation with ono another, and from which tho total withdrawal of ono sex or tho othor is fraught with danger and mischief. Those who aro in favor of woman's suffrage mantain that tho duty of loving one's country, of understanding her Interests, of endeavoring to inflaonce public affairs by tho choice of xmn. of high character and true patriotism to servo in parliament, is ono which is incumbent on women as well ns on men. There is nothing in the nature of a wo man which fit3 hor to bo a policeman or a soldier; and thero is nothing in tho nature of woman which unfits her to lovo hor country and to serve her by helping to send good man to pro mote sound legislation In parliament. People sometimes talk as if fighting for ono's country woro tho only way of serving hor. Surely that is taking a vory one-sided view of a nation's interests. All work woll done, all sorvice in lifting up the lives of others to a higher level, "All wo havo wished or hoped or dreamed of good," forms tho real treasury of national greatness. I havo no wish to disparage tho use fulness, tho ; jcesslty; of tho army and tho police force; but civilization owes quite us much to that great host of silent busy workers, of whom nt lenst half aro woman, through whoao labors alono thoro is anything worth pre serving, as to tho army and tho police force for preserving it. Woman's World. A New Fire-Quickener. The servant girl who pours kerosene oil on tho firo seems to havo disappear ed pretty completely. Pot-haps who has been to a considerable extent ex terminated. At any rate, we don't of ten read of cases of explosion and con flagration, though tho vigilant house keeper, if sho happens into tho kitchen, may still dotect an odor which tolls hor thnt tho girl must havo poured oil on tho kindling either before or uftor it was ignited. Hut tho listener has a caso which may explain why kerosono accidents nra not so frequent. Tho servant girl has discovered a now liro qulckener. It was in Boston, and not long ngo, thnt the mistress of a house, not much given to going in tho kitchen, entered ono day unexpected just in time to catch her kitchen maid in tho act of emptying a spoonful of granulated white sugar into tho fire. Sugar is ex ceedingly inflammable, and its applica tion made the firo Hash up In oxcollont shaped. Tho head of tho house had notice that ho was called upon to puy for a groat may barrels of sugar, and tho wlfo had wondered at tho family's enormous consumption of that article, but sho did not wonder any moro, es pecially as tho girl under pressure, confessed that sho hud roguurly boon using tho sugar to quicken the firo. "Sure, mum," sho said, "we must havo tho firo, an' tho coal burns that slow that mo heart Is broko waitln1 on It." Boston Transcript. Nothing but Limburger. Occasionally harrowing accounts of tho sufferings of tho survlvora of ship wrecks arj published, and it makes one's blood run cold to hoar of peoplo out for days in an open boat with only two crackers and a buckot of water to a man, und as tho days pass by and no friendly sail comes in sight tho ratious aro reduced to ono cracker and two buckets of water, and last lots aro drawn to decide as to which of tho party s in tho best condition, etc. But says tho Portland Oregonian, all theso stories pale into insignificance com pared to tho sufferings of Captain Stott und tho crow or the steamer Kowenn, who got aground on Lako river lately while after a raft of piling, Thoy woro fast In tho mud for four days with noth ing to oat but Limburger cheoso. What their sufferings woro no pen can do- 6crlbo. Evarts' Comparison. Tho death of the older Muirm recalls Senator Evarts' comparison of tho ad ministrations of tho silent Grant and tho teototalor Hayes. "In tho for mer," ho snld,' "it wus 'Mumm's cabinet," but ours is 'extra dry,'" Philadelphia Tiraos. FOR THE SULTAN'S PLEASURE. An Elootrlo Dos: Cart Whloh Has Seats for Four. At tllo skating rink, Camdon Town, ft private trial was mado of an olectrlo dog cart, which has boon constructed by Messrs. Immlsch & Co., of Kentish Town,to tho order of tho Sultan of Tur key. Tho vehicle presents tho apponr unco of an ordinary four whoclcd dog cart without shafts. It is mado of walnut, and has seats for four porsonn two in front and two in back. Bu neath tho seats aro placed tho accumu lators which supply tho electricity to the motor. Tho accumulators twenty four in number aro of especial typo and contain a chargo sufficient to pro pol tho vehiclo for flvo hours nt an avorngo speed of ten miles per hour over an ordinary track Tholr wolght is about soven hundredweight, and tl of tho carriugo, nil complete, a little over eleven hundredweight. Tho motor is ono of Messrs. Immlsch's ono horso power typo, and in this caso uso3 a current of twonty amperes, with an electric motive power of forty-eight volts. The connection between tho motor and tho enrringo is effected by a chain running around tho off hind wheol, tho revolutions of tho motor to those of tho wheel bolng as olghteen to ono. When the vehicle Is running at a speed of ton miles an hour tho motor m-ikes 1,440 revolutions per mintuo nnd dovolopes a threo-quarter horje powor. Tho steering is effected by means of an ' adaptation in the foro carriage. A shaft surmounted by tho steering hand le passes through tho footboard, and terminates in a pinion which works in a toothed rack fixed abovo tho foro axlotroo. Tho driver thus possesses perfect control over tho direction of tho vehiclo and cau rogulato tho speed by moans of a footbrako acting on both hind whools. Immediately in front of tho driver also is tho switch for com pleting tho current, and in order to obviuto any jar nt starting three resis nnces nro provided. In its course round and about tho skating rink tho enrriugo traveled with remarkablo smoothness, at a very good speed, rounding tho corners with groat ease. Liverpool Post. A Voice from "Vassy A Hugue not Call. Tho London Nonconformist calls at tention to the somowhat singulur cir cumstance, which is seriously illustra tive of tho revolutions and rovonges worked by time in Its steady, onward march. Headers of French history will romembor that it va3 at Vassy, a vil lago 'n Champagne, whero occurred tho disaster which brought tho Catho lics und Protestants into opon colli sion. It was Sunday morning. Tho Protestants of tho pi ico, Huguenots, us thoy were called had mot for worship. Tho Duko of Guise, tho head of tho Catholics, and brother of tho famous Cardinal Loraino unole3 both of Scotland on his way back to Germany, whero ho had property and relatives, happened to puss through Vassy, dur ing the hours of worship. Psalm sing ing was heard as ho and his train passed the mosting houso. It Was n u do, rural barn. "What is this?" said tho Duke. "It is tho Huguenots of Va-syat worship." Ascowlpassod over tho Duko's countenance. Tho hint was taken; tho barn was invaded by armod men; a violent scufllo ensued, and as tho result somo sixty Hu guenots perished. All this hap pened in 15G2. In tho dreary and dostructivo roliglon wars which followed, all traces of tho Huguonota of Vnssy disappeared, Tho massacro of 1502, howovor, novor ceased to bo a living memory; and tho Huguenots who contrived to remain in Franco in splto of St. Bartholomew's Day, aud tho Re vocation of tho Edict of Nutes, and tho liugiionots of tho Disporsion as woll as in England, in Holland, In Germany, in America, havo all a common interest in this historical opisode, and in the spot which it had mado sacred. It now ap pears that tho barn has survived tho ravages and wreck of this long period of two eonturios and a quarter. It stands whoro it stood in 1502. But tho mjst iuterojting part of tho story re mains to bo told. Tho Huguonota or Protestants In Vassy und neighborhood, under wiser laws uud a moro humano govorment, havo largely incroasod in numbers; and it has boqn resolved by them to buy tho barn, and build a raodorn Christian church. Four thous and dollars is needed to put thorn in possession of tho old barn. Tho Prot estants aro not rich; but thoy havo faith. Ono is tempted to rlso tho question whothor this is not an opportunity for tho widely dispersed Huguenots, many of whom nro rich. Why should not tho cry go abroad, "Holp for Vassy?" Why should not tho doscondants of tho Huguonots unite and build a suitiblo memorial at tho old and honored place? 1 heater Properties. Jersoyman "I seo you're goln' to play a pleco called Midsummer Night's Uream."1 Theater Manager "Yes. Would you liko to soo it?" "No. I s'poso it's mostly moonlight and thunderstorms, and slch, I know all about theaters; hut I thought mnybo you might want to buy somo chickens." "Wo havo no farm scono in it." J'Oh! Woll, they're young an1 lively, an1 their wings ain't clipped yet You might use 'em for muHqultoc3."Now York Weekly. 'M