Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 28, 1896, Image 2

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THOS. J. OMCBKFFE, Pulillnher,
It is niUior u suirtlln;: siuiomont,
yot It Is niii.10 by careful mon, that
olpht-lonths of tho so-caHocl colorod
pnoplo of tho Unltod States lmVo whlU
blooJ In iholr veins.
Socialism cunnotnlTord to bo funnj.
It attract attention only us it is so
rious and lugubrious. Whon ltstoops
to jolto it rovoals a characteristic
which no hollow-eyed world-movof
can afford to possess.
Biiains cannot always forco n wa.
town. J tho nchlovcmont of our wishos,
however much thoy mny help us.
Nolthorcan merit. But tho purchas
ing power ot monoy mnkea it a lovor
by which the world may bo raised.
, TiiK King of Italy is not a little ir
ritated by tho porpotual demands mndo
upon htm in a diplomatic way by his
follow monarchs; but thoro is no dan
ger that ho will show his tooth, how
over nugry ho may got. A don tint
took them all out long sinco.
We ofton road of a brace of young
nlnnlos who got married "just for
fun" and nftorwards find out that thoy
aro really married In good earnest.
"Somohow or othor tho foolkillor Is al
'ways absent on Buch occasions. Mar
rying for fun is not so much funnlor
than marrying for monoy
No groat discoverer in modiclno
has over becomo rich on his discovery;
thoro is no monopoly in this work;- no
patents aro granted to provent othors
making freo uso of tho discoveries.
Tho man that discovered and worked
out tho principles of vaccination mada
nothing on it.
It is said of a prominont cltlzon of
Minneapolis, formorly of Mulno, that
ho recently wont to his natlvo Btiito to
erect a monument to his reputation as
b philanthropist, and that after look
ing around for awhllo ho endowed a
flourishing school of codfish and proud
ly roturned to his homo In tho west
The members of tho Salvation Army
who havo gono to India wear tho
costumes of tho natlvos, llvo in tho
eamo kind of houses and oat tho same
-sorts of food. Tho English mission
aries in Central China now wonr tho
natlvo dross and find that It is of great
aid to them in gaining friends and
making convorts.
Accokoinq to tho philosophy of tho
Pessimists thoro Is nlwavs something
to droad. Somo ono says: "Man has
anything but a soft snap on tho earth.
Whon ho is well ho Is in constant foar
of bolug 111, and whon ho Is 111 it Is
always ttmo for him to tnko his medi
cine." So trouble Is always in
for tho jaundtccd-oyod.
Eveuy ouo knows that mr.utclno is
not exact sclonco; and whether It can
ever bo such Is a matter of much doubt.
Thoy that aro inclined to grumblo be
causo modiclno is not oxact should re
member that tho chief f. ctor. man, is
a variablo quantity, and should tako
their complaint to the creator of muu
and of all othor things.
The ambition of tho average farmer
is to make his farm moro productive
to increase the area of cultivation, and
to build bettor houses, barns and
fences. All this goes to enhance tho
safety of loans mndo upon his prom
ises. Ho does not borrow money with
tho expectation of forfeiting tho prop
erty which ho mortgngos.
The governor of Delaware has writ
ton a pamphlot on tho decline ot peach
culture in his stuto. Tho poach crop
of Dolawure has boon n failure every
year in tho last quarter contury, ac
cording to early reports annually sent
out; yot when harvest comes round tho
little commonwealth always succeeds
in glutting tho eastern market.
One of tho plans proposod to adver
tise Minnesota at tho World's fair is to
construct a complete representation of
tho falls of .Mlnnohnha with a cataract
of wheat pouring over tho precipice
Critics .are inclined to chatT at the
scheme, but tho projector does not
seem to euro a straw for that as long
as ho Jcnows Iio has got a bran' now
SoMEof .the groat nowspapcrs pay
well for ihelr attractions. Tho Now
York World not long ago offered a
thousand dollar prize lor a -single new
idea. A lueky New Yorker won it.
Puck pay fifty cento -each for para
graphic jokes, and it gets lots of them.
Tho New York Graphic pays a dollar
each for brief witty anecdotes, and is
to give a thousand dollar prize for the
best one it receives in the next sbij
The Supreme Court of Georgia has
decided that the proprietor of a patent
modiclno is liable in damages for In.
jury done to any person who takes tho
xnedlciao according to tho directions.
Observe tho proviso, however: yon
must take it according to directions if
you wish to sustain a caso for damages.
It directed to tnko a spoonful three
times a day you musn't tnko three
spoonfuls once a day, nor swallow u
whole bottle nt a sittiuir
ITha Turka Have Hover Beon Abla
Conquer It
tt Em ft Population of Leu than Three
Hundred Thousand, All OentUtaen and
Ictdlm Tho Moit Dcipotlo and tho Moit
Fopilcr in Europe.
A smallprlnolpallty, bounded on tho
southeast by Turkoy, and on tho north
east by Austria, is known to tho world
as Montenegro. Tho population is
about 280,000. Tho soil may bo well
oallod consecrated, for what highor
form of consocratlon can any fathor
land rocelvo than the blood ot its sons,
shod in its dofonsoP As you enter
ihoir country you can sco nothing but
Btonos and mountains. Some of thoso
mountains aro over 3,000 feet, As
you go about through tho country tbo
eye becomos weary looking at tho
mountains and Btonos. Hero and thoro
you And small farms, and you wonder
how It could bo possible that anything
could grow.
Tho country Is poor and thero aro
no industries in which tho pooplo can
bo omployod, so many havo loft tem
porarily their homos In order to pro
vido for tho wants of their families,
but should war be declared, no matter
whoro ho 1b nor how far from his
country, a Cernaeoraz hastens homo
to fight for his futherltind.
Tho form of government in that
country is at or.co tho most dospotlo
and tho most popular In Europe Dos
potlo because tho will ot the princo Is
tho law o' tho land, and popular bo
causo tho porsonat rulo of tho princo Is
kind, and loving, and fatherly, and
moots all tho wants and wishes of tho
people I should llkon tho govern
ment to a loving fathor or mother of a
largo family whoso children not only
obey tholr parents becauso It is tholr
duty, but oboy thorn becauso thoy lovo
to oboy.
What do you think of a capital that
is a llttlo vlllago of less than 2.000 in
bnbltantsP Yot Tsuch is Cottlnjo, the
capital ofCornugora, situated In a val
ley surrounded by mountains. As you
corao from Njcguso you soo on your
loft, rising nbovo tho cottagos, tho pal
ace of Princo Nlklzu; above tho palace
is tho Mann8llr (tho cloister), and
nbovo tho Manastlr tho bolfry, whoro
tho bonds of tho decapitated Turks
used-to bo Impaled in d.iys gono by.
To your right Is tho hospital. Then
there Is a fine building for a girls1 high
school, and tho rocontly built Zotskl
Dom, a beautiful building, containing
a very largo hall, in which reunions,
meetings, and performances aro hold
and glvon. Tho drama "Dulkanslci
Czarlca," written by tho princo, was
glvon for tho opening night of tho
lpm- Thoro nro to this llttlo vlllago
accredited ministers from tho loading
courts of Europo, and I vouturo to say
that tho diplomatic communications
between Vlonna or St. Petersburg and
Ccntlnjo aro moro frequent than b
twoon thoso capitals and Washington.
Thoro is nothing that strikes tho
forotgnor moro than tho rospoctful
boarlng of tho pooplo to Btrungors.
Courteous and polite as tho Vlonnoso,
it is not uncommon to find Monte
negrins intelligent, not bocauso ot
study, but in thoir crude state, and
sumo possess remarkublo natural
talent nnd wit I romombor an inci
dent when I was a llttlo boy, probably
not moro than 11 yonrs old. I was In
my father's storo whon a tall young
Cornngorao came to purchase somo
goods. A friend ot my fathor, who
was very fond of joking, remarked to
this young hero: "I heard somo im
portant news." "What is it?" asked
the young man. '! hoard that your
vladika (bishop) is engaged to bo
married." Tho young Montenegrin's
faco became palo from anger and my
fathor thought that ho would resent
tho Insult by physical forco, but to our
surprise ho composed himself and
without any hesitation he answered
him: "Yes, it is true; would you like to
know to whom?" "Yes," replied tho
friend. "Well, to tho daughter
of your popo of Koine" Tho Montene
grins nil belong to tho Greek church,
and tho bishop can not marry. My
father's frlead was a ltoin in Catholic.
Tho CornnKorei uro Serbs, and
form the (lower and aristocracy of tho
Slav race Physically thoy aro both
big and handsome, and If -some should
walk hero on Broadway thoy would
tower over tho New Yorkers. In ap
pearance nnd bearing they comparo
favorably to any European people
For n::amplo, take a Bulgarian and a
Montenegrin in your parlor for tbo
first .time, and you will uotluo that tho
Bulgarian will appear as he Is, a
peusani; tho Cernogoraz a gentleman.
Cornngora has no peasantry; nil aro
gontlemau, nil are . soldiers. But
place this same Montenegrin aud Bul
garian ia a Held and tho Bulgarian
will convert It Into a garden. The
tr.ido ot a Cernagorao is fighting In
war: hence it comes hard for him to
adapt himself to any other vocation
bora a warrior, die a warrior.
Actual and Ccmmoa Hone-Power.
When men begin first to becomo
fiiitillLar with tho methods of measur
ing mechanical power, they often spec
ulate on whoro tho breed of horses Is
to be found which can keep at work
raising 33,000 pounds ono foot por
mlnuto, or the equivalent, which is
familiar to men accustomed to pile
driving by horse-power, of raising 830
pouuds 100 feet per minute. Since
33,000 pounds .nlsod one foot por min
ulo Is called ouo horse-power, it Is
natural for pcoplo to think that tho
engineers who established that unit of
moasurnmont based it on tho nctual
work porformed by horaos. But that
was not tho caso. Tho horae-powor
unit was ostnblishod by James Watt
about u contury ago, and tho llguros
woro 8ottled In a curious way. Watt,
in his unusually careful mannor pro
ceeded to find out tho avor.ufo work
which tho horses ot his district could
porform, and ho found tnnt tho raising
of 22,000 pounds one foot por mlnuto
was about an nctuuV horso-powor. At
this timo ho was employed In tho
manufacture of ongtnos, and had al
most a monopoly in tho engine building
trade- Customors were so hard to find
that nil kinds of artificial oncourngo
monts wero considered necessary to
induce power users to buy steam en
glnos. As n method of encouraging
bustnoss, Watt offered to boll cnglnos
reckoning 83,000 foot pounds to a
horso-powcr, or one-third moro than
tho actual. And thus, says the Manu
facturer's Gazctto, what was in tended
ns a temporary oxpediont to promote
business has been tho moans of giving
a faho unit of a very Important meas
urement to tho world.
Old Tecump Kluod Her.
A woman rccontly approached Gon
oral Sherman In a railroad car, und
pulling at his coat asked:
"Is this General Sherman?"
"Yes, madam."
"Gonornl Sherman, I folt that I must
eoo you. I wanted to look at you and
talk with you. I had three brothers
In your army, in the Fifteenth Corps.
Two of them will never come back
Tho genornl straightened up in a
mlnuto and his eyes got a llttlo moist.
Ho would havo dono anything for hor
after that. Throe brothers in his
command and two killed! Ho sat thoro
and talked with hor with such courtly
dignity that, oncournged, a crowd of
women and glrlB, tho companions ot
tho sister of three soldiers, crowded
into tho car. No ono would havo sus
pected that his nap had been spoiled.
Tho woman who had awakened him
was young and by no means unattract
ive In appearance His color dooponed
as the train prepared to pull out.
"General, is it Is it true," sho
askod hesitatingly, "what thoy say
about your kissing tho women whor
ovor you go?"
"I'm afraid it Is."
"Well, why do you do It does it
please them?"
"I don't know whether it does or
not. Somo of them say it does."
"Gcnoral, can can 1" thon sho
stopped. "Can I do it?" sho finally
blurted out
Tho general waB on his feet in an
instant and roaching up sho cave
him a good smack.
Electrified Steam.
Mr. Shelford Bidwoll. F. It. S., has.
found tnnt tho opacity of steam issuing
from a nozzle is greatly increased by
bringing electrified points near It and
that Its color Is changed to orange
brown. Spectroscopic Indications load
to tho coucluslon tlint electrification
causes an incroaso In the slzo of tho
water particles In tho steam, from
something small In comparison with
tho wavo length of light, to about ono
50,030th of an inch in diameter. These
observations are ot consldorablo me
teorological interest for tho steam jot
phenomena go far toward explaining
tho call so of the intenso darkness of
tho lurid light with which that dark
ness Is frequently tempered.
Nevar Forgot His Ma-men.
I heard a funny llttlo story th o othei
day, the exporienco of a pollto small
boy and a gentle Sunday school
teacher. Way out In the wilds whoro
tho soldiers aro stitionod, ono of tho
young ladles on good works boat
thought sho would get up a clnss and
teach tho children of the privates,
whom sho regretted wero llttlo heath
ens, all the thin trs they ought to know.
Patiently she told one llttlo boy who
mudo him, who was tho wisest man,
who was tho strongest man, and tho
story of tho Hood. As ho was going
away, sho reminded him that he must
remember all this, as she would ask
him tho samo questions next Sunday.
Next Sunday ho was on timo, and his
precoptress, i.ftor admiring his punct
uality, said: "Now, I hopo that you
haven't forgotten nil that 1 told you
last Sunday. So, llko a good boy, toll
mo who mudo you?" Tho little head
drooped, tho lips quivered, but, poll to
to tho lost, no matter what his sins
might bo, ho answered "l'loaso, miss,
I have forgotten tho gentleman's
A Lucky Prisoner.
"Old Lawyer: "I can not take your
case. Circumstantial ovldo.ice Is so
strong against you that it will bo im
possible to provo your innocence."
Prisoner; "Hut I urn not innocent I
am guilty." '0b! Then maybe,
can clear you."
Etlll Hit Opinion.
"I only wish to say," feebly spoke a
manglod passenger as he drugged him
self out from under the wreck mudo by
u terrific railway collision, "that In
my opinion," nobody is to blame for
this accident" And ho then peace
fully breathed his lust lie was a
Manufacturers nre ever lmny devising
means for making the bicycle more nud
more useful. A simple npplinucc has
Just been Invented, by mcatis of which
tho wheel enn be attached to a lawn
mower, thus combining work nnd play.
The device is cheap nnd simple and
aud can be readily attached. The
lawn mower Is suitably connected with
tho hub of the rear wheel and trails
IHcj-clc licit.
behind, thus lessening the amount of
muscular energy required to propel the
Undoubtedly this invention will do
much toward making individuals of an
Indolent disposition devote some of
their time to mowing the lawn Instead
of making thlmo along the rond.
There Is a now bicycle lock on the
market, which, In many features, Is an
Improvement over any lock recently In
vented. It Is the only lock on the
market which grnfrpa the handle post.
It Is fastened to a projecting stand or
arm, under which the front wheel Is
placed. The handle post is shoved Into
the lock against a trigger, when It is
clutched from the back by a linger.
This linger can be released by turning
tho lock over. A key, however, Is pro
vided to release It more readily.
Next Is a new bicycle brake on tho
market, which can be readily operated
by a slight pressure of the feet. It
comprises brake levers, nlvotilly con
nected at points intermediate In their
length to the clamps adjustably secured
on each side of tho wheel. Foot rests
extend from the clamps, while brake
sliocs are curried by the levers under
neath the wheel rim. The point of
merit is rapidity of operation, which
Sndillc nnd Tool lintr.
Is accomplished by a slight pressure of
the feet on the foot rests.
For LtKlitlncr the Lnmii,
The difficulty and annoyance experi
enced by endeavoring to light a bicycle
lamp In a strong wind need no longer
disturb tho rider. A simple device Is
now for sale which does away with all
trouble . It Is a bicycle lamp lighter or
match gun. It works on the same
principle ns an Indelible pencil. It is
loaded with matches, and all that Is
necessary when you want to light your
lamp Is to poke the lighter Into the hole
of the lamp, push the end of the lighter,
nnd it Is all done. As the match Is lg-
nlted only when It l caches the or the
lamp, ample protection Is afforded, and,
however high the wiuti, it cannot Plow
out the lamp,
The number of cranky Inventors who
nre giving their nttentlon to bicycles Is
aptly Illustrated by the remarks of a
manufacturer the othor day.
"The latest invention In the way of
bicycle appliances that has been of
fered to us," he said, "is a patented de
vice for warming handlebars. The in
ventor did not say Just how he accom
plished his object, except that It was
done by electricity. Now. that's a
Mntch Gun fur Lnnipa,
theso bitter cold July days a man Is
liable to have his Augers frostbitten
unless he keeps a swift current of elec- j
trlclty running through them or wears ,
thick woolen mittens. I wonder why i
Bomebodv dldu't think of that handle
warming scheme before? Itenlly, now,
these Inventors will have to 'smoke up' ,
and keep alive or the bicycle business
will go to pieces for want of something
new. , j
"Tho other day another person came I
In here nnd tried to induce us to put
wings on our bicycles. We aren't In (
the angel business Just yet, so we i
didn't buy his patents. lie had a thing .
that combined u body brace with large j
sails to catch the wind nnu muse
wheeling easy. When the wind blows
the wrong way the sails or wings com
down, of course. It may be a good
tiling, but, as I said before, wo nre not
In the nngel business."
iilcrclc steps.
Bicycle steps for assisting the rider
In stnrtlng the wheel before his foot
has reached the pedal in mounting are
one of the most recent patents. The
Mops nre so arranged in connection
with a spring, a pawl nnd a rnchct
wheel secured to the axle of the renr
wheel, that when the weight of the
latter Is thrown on the step the wheel
receives a forward Impulse.
An Ingenious arrangement combining
a saddle nnd a tool box has just made
Its appearance. It consists of a spring
frame provided with means for secur
ing It to a seat support, a seat pad
hinged nt one end to tho end of tho
Bprlng frame under the pad. The de
vice Is so constructed that when the
seat pad is raised on Its hinges access
may be had to the tool bag, and when
the pad Js lowered It closes the tool
Illcjcle Ilrnkc.
bag nnd Is suitably held in position by
a lever and spring.
The device looks practicable, and
when In position It conceals the tool
bag from view without adding to tho
weight of the wheel.
ins omniNAii ii)i:..
SiiKKN(n n l'rncdcnl IlenrrntiRe
m en t qt the Cnlcndnr.
"I don't see why they didn't regulate
things differently," said the positive
man who complains about the heat.
"These people who fixed up the calen
dar made a mighty poor job of it, it
seems to me."
"You couldn't make any difference
In the weather."
"I couldn't. That shows Just how
thoughtless the world Is. There Is
about one man In 200 who really has
Ideas, and the other 100 generally put
In most of their time making fun of
him. They let the short months like
February and November nnd April
come In cool weather, when we could
stand the temperature. Why didn't
they put 'em all In a bunch In summer
time, so that we could get through
with It? Here we are, compelled to
drag along with the longest months
nnd the longest days and the hottest
weather at the same'tlme. No wonder
so many people get disgusted with the
wav things are run!" Washington
IltiiTnlo'a Power for NlnKfirn.
It is promised that electric power
from Niagara falls will be furnished
to Buffalo manufacturers before Nov.
1 next, and at a price less by one-halt
than power now costs In that city.
Contracts for the work will le let this
week, the transmission line to be large
enough for 20,000 horse-power. So
much for the business side of the enter
prise. The scientific side Is of equal
Interests, ns developments In that di
rection make possible the economic
transmission of power over long dis
tances. The scientific triumph Is Mr.
Tesla's. The power will be transmit
ted to the Buffalo city line by overhead
conductors. From the dynamo It will
pass through a transformer, which will
give It a much higher voltage, aud in
that condition It can be safely and
economically transmitted, to be trans
formed again at the Buffalo station to
a direct current ready for use. The
higher the voltage Uie less Is the loss.
( Som Meti ot tne jug of tne ncw ByB
tem can hc mi by comparison. The
tW(MnnBe transmits power so that
, tiiere js a oss 400 times greater in the
transmission of 500 volts than In the
transmission of 10,000 volts. New
York Tost.
A Silent Fnmlly.
"There Is In Tennesssee a family of
three sisters which presents some of
the most startling peculiarities Im
aginable," said a gentleman from the
( state In question, who Is staying nt oue
of the New Orleans hotels. "The three
' . all of whom are old maids, live
togeilier ou a iiuiii, uiuir hoiu un-uns ui
subsistence, nud work early and late to
earn a livelihood. Two of them work
In the field; the third does the cooking
and other housework. There Is but
one period of tho year when any mem
ber of the trio has anything to say to
any other member. All during the win
ter, spring and summer they go about
their business with the seal of silence
on their lips. "When fall comes and the
crop Is harvested they break silence,
and then only to quarrel over the di
vision of the proceeds. When each has
succeeded in getting all that she thinks
possible, silence reigns again until the
next hnrvest time. The bisters have
made a name for themselves. They are
known far and uear as the 'deaf and
dumb triplets,' although the title is
scarcely appropriate." New Orleans
The lletort Courtcona.
Mr. Ferguson (who has been ready to
start to the theater an hour or morel
Laura, If you had to take a train for
heaven you would get left.
Mrs. Ferguson (buttoning her gloves)
I don't know whether I would or not.
but if I did catch it I know I would
have to travel without any escort Chi
cago Tribune.
Vnuta n Chnnee.
Mrs. Cassldy Will yez go to th'
mountains or the say shoore this sum
mer, Mr Flaherty?
Mrs. Flaherty To tho ochlnj mo
mon's'tolred of the mountain scenery.
Mrs. Cassldy rhwat makes him
Mrs. Flaherty lie's foreman of the
doomp. St, Taul Globe.
To Cleans tha Sjrstoni
Effectually yet gently, when costly or
bilious, or when the blood Is impure or
sluggish, to permanently overcome ha
bitual constipation, to awaken the kld
ney and liver to a healthy activity,
without lrrltattng or weakening them,
to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, us.
Syrup of Figs.
The Mystery of the Fear.
The usual sorce of pearls found with
in tho oyster appears to bo tho Intru
nion of somo BUiall foreign body which
Bets up an Irritation of cuticle. The
only means of defense open to the
mollusk la to dcpbslt a layer of nacre
around tho irritating partiolo, ands
thus cut it off from tho soft, tender
skin. A grain ot Band or a small srust
nccan may slip in between the lips,
and setting up irritation, provoko the
cuticle to deposit around it a series of
thin films of nacre These arc added
to from timo to time, tho llttlo nucleus
is completely encysted, and a pearl ia'
tho result
alow to Grow 40 Wheat
Salzcr's Fall Seed Cataloguo tolls
you. It's worth thousands to the
wideawake farmer. Send 4-cent stamp
for cataloguo and freo samples of
grains and grasses for fall sowing.
John A Salzer Seed Co., LaCrosse.i
Wis. I
Telling a llorse'a Age.
"The popular idea that tho ago of a
horse can always bo told by looking at,
his teeth," Bald a veterinary surgeon,'
"is not entiroly correct After the
eighth year tho horso has no moro new
teeth bo that tho tooth method is use
less for telling tho ago of a horso
which is moro than eight years old. As,
soon as tho 6ot of teeth is complete, ,
however, a wrlnklo begins to appear
on the upper edge of the lower eyelid.
and a now wrinkle is added each year,
so that to get at the ago of a horsft
moro than eight years old you muss
figure the teeth plus the wrinkles."
Co' Congti BaWicm
Ii the oldest and best. It will break up a Cold quisle.
er than anything else. ItUrlway a reliable. TryBW
A Fatal Shock When the Tire Hunt.
A llttlo girl named Helen Latham, 9
years old, died from fright in Mystic,
Conn. Sho wob playing with her
niates about tho streets when she
stopped to watch some boys at work
on a bicycle All at once a loud report,
was heard. The pneumatic tire had
exploded from pressure of air. This
frightened tho girl so she fainted. As
she did not revive, Drs. Purdy and
Barber wero called and endeavored to
revive her. In this they had partially
succeeded when the girl again becama-
comatose and died. New York Sun.
Last and always advertised as & true blood pur
fler, the most wonderful cures on record ara
made and tbo greatest sales are won by
&ES Sarsaparilla
Wood's Pills cure allllTcr Ills. bUlouancaa,
Positively Cured with Vegetable Remedies
Ue cared tbonnnds ot ees. Cure raw pro
nounced bopeleia bjr beat phjilcUn. From tint doe
rmptonn dlupptari In ten dajri at leut two-thlrda
aU ijmDtom remored. Bend for free book Ultimo
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by malL If you order trial tend 100 In lUnpi to par
poitace. Pa. II. It. Omx & Sox, Atlanta. Qa. ft
yon order trial return thl vl-crtlMmeot to nt.
Omala Basmess
Colleze. Fall Term Sent. 1.
Doard tor three bour't work.
Catalogue and peclmnm tree.
Jfotre Dame, Indian,
fan Ctarw, In OlutlM, UUtn, Sc'e, taw, CMI, Mm
kulcal and HnMiiI KailaMrtar. Tkra(k rrcainUif
and Ca,rtlJ Ctiim. Ihu fr to all student "U
w eomplitea tb atudtea required for admttalon lnte
tbt Junior er Sinlor Year, or any ot the CollerlaM
Course. A limited nnmb.r ot Candidate! tor tha
Xrcleitaatlral atate will be rcelTed at ipeclal rates.
SL Cavara't Mall, for boya ui dir IS years U unique la
ompletnes of tt equipments The 1011a T,m wlU
pn iuk,r Ilk, Kit. OUUisrt tent on appU
ration to Tint BUT. a. SOnalSJiT, C a, C, rn,Uat,
I0TBK Dial, ISO.
Th eourse of Instruction In this academy, conducted
y the Rellt-lou ef the Sacred Heart, embraces th
whole ranse of subject necessary to constitute a solle)
and refined education. Propriety of deportment, p
acnal neatness and the principles ot morality are ob
ject of anoeaslnf- attention. EztenslT grounds af
ford the pupils erery facility for useful bodily exer
elsei their health la an object ot constant solicitude,
and In sickness they are attended with maternal care.
Tall term opens Tuesday, Sept. 1. Terms for session,
oft .months, payable in advance, 1111, this Include
tuition, board, washing-, courses in French, Oerman
or Latin, use of library and physician's fee. For fur
to particulars address. THE NUl'KItKilt.
Academy Sacred Heart St. Joseph. Me.
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ral Lands In South West Missouri, write to.
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want men errry where to SELL.
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"absolutely bet."Buperb outfits,
new system. STARK UKOTIIERS,
Louisiana, Mo., nocaroar, Itx.
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rentlon. Send for"InTentors' Oulde, or liow to Get a
Patent." O'FARRELL A SON, Washington, D. a
OuAia Bohool Burrir Co.
Writ for catalogue.
Bar freight charge.
P11TKTC SOyean'ezperlenee.Sendtkctcbferad
rnlLniiJ, vice. (L.Ieane,late prin. examiner O.B,
rakOfflce) Dcane Weaver, Uc-QUl itldg-4 WasDJXOL
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'.mlThoMpssn'sEya Water.
W. N. P. OMAHA3A--1800
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