,A ti it' J.J "'Vt" 'JUB.M,.,, Ji.'. HEMIiWOItD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. EIIIDAY, AUG. 28. i). NO- 27 4 .3 if EVERYTHING,.. PThat & Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock c f jjoods. Ill and see iho immense variety "of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, lr.ar.il tfnw nnd flHEAP. HBP C. A- BURLEW. Sept. 1st and 2nd the BURLINGTON wjll sell round trij tickets Hemingford to Omaha For S5i60 This includes one admis- sion to the Fair. Return limit Sept. nth, NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned on envy premises seven miles south- hvest of Hemingford, on May 15th, 1896. One black horse, 9 .years old. weight about "000 lbs : no brands. . John Lemon. Token up on Jan. 15, 1896. by the undersigned on my promises 7 miles southwest of Hemincford: JltOnfl dark iron-grey horse colt tyo lyears old; one black colt, white face, 2 years old; one buckskin yearling jcojt, No brands. John Lemon. Bids will bo received by Dist. No. 81, until Sept. 1,0, 1890, for building a sod school house 21x16 iside.- walls to be Oft liitrli: all material to bo furnished by the district. For further particulars ' .apply to officers of the board. Matt Rasmussen, Director, Examination for pupils certifi cates wij.1 bo held at the court house i& Hemingford, Sat.Urday Aug. 29th and in the Alliunco Highs school building Saturday, Sept. 5th. All pupils who wish to attend the high schools be to at tend these examinations. ' i Go. Supt. Don't taake the mistake of thinkingyouean'tailord to attend the '96 State Fair. ' The truth is' you can't afford to stay ayay. Jt makes no difference what your business is, your- knowledge of- it, your interest in it, will bo increased by what you see in PmahaJ- Ahg. 27 - Sept. 5. And the low rates and special Jf ain service offered by the : BURLINGTON ROUTE makes lje matter of reaching Omaha a very cheap and, easy affair. - . . .... fyotlc to Non-resident Defendant. In tho district court of Hox Uulto county. William It. Abboy, plaintiff vs. Analo r fyunlnif, W. H. Fanning anil W. J. Bowdcn, dofondsnts. Tli ntinvn named dpfprident W. J. Dowden. will tako notice tliat on tho Ctli day of Anaui-t 1SKI. William U, Abbey plalntilf lierei-i filed his petition in ttio district court of Hoi Uutto couflty fiyainBt the above named defendant, tlio object and prayer of which are to foreclose certain mortKKQ executed by the defendant Annie Lu Fanning to the American Invof tmoiit company anon the noutlieast quarter of inaction '.TJ in township 27 north, rtiUKO IS west of the tilth principal meridian in itux Uutto county Nelirnska, to secure the &yment of one certain lirpiriiBsory ncte for tho wim of $l0O.u0. dated March bth HW7, and due and payable, Deo. lot lbSl-with inPreMt thireon payaolo n-'iniannually andun which time of payment was afterwards extended five years frum maturity thereof, tialdiiote and mortgage contains tho condition thai if any interest uneaid note is not iwvut within twenty days after tho name becomes due, tlica the principal vhall iiomxJlatolr bocome duo and payable at the option of the holder thereof. Said noto and mortoacn w .bt'foro Uio eaine became due for a valuable connidera tlonduly unsigned to the ulaintilf who iJ now the holder and owner thereof . All ol tho interest which lccamo duo on Kaid principal note on tho llrt day of JV( . 1B95, and since tliat timestlll remain unpaut mid the plaintiff eloet to doo la re tho principal aud in terest thsre on due and payable at onco. And (there Is now due the plafnlitf on id note and mortgage the Hum of tflOO.WJ, witn IntereHt there lis from the 1st duy of June IMtt.at ten per wnt icr annum. Plaintiff prays for a deori that thedofendenta leraiuirwl to itay tlu miiw or that Willi premises may be auld to natUf; tlio amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on "or before tho lull day of September 18'Ju. , Dated AuhiihI IS, 1HJ0. ' William u. abbey, riaintiff. By D. K. Spacht, Ids attorney. ..' - Jp b7 fir, Postmastor Lutsch, of Lawn, was in the city Monday. B. F. Oilman aud M. E. Gooch drovo to Alliance Tuesday. Work on the Congregational church is progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Tash wore tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abley Sunday. W. G. Simonson, of Alliance, was transacting business at tho county capital yostorday. Mr and Mrs. Paul Zerbst, of Harrison, were visiting Mr. Fred Oldag and family Saturday A number of our citizens will Jlako advantage of tho reduced rates and attend tho state fair. Miss Anna Wohlors. tho effi cient clerk at Wildy's emporium, is taking a two weeks vacation. There will be services at tho Catholic church on Friday, Sept 4th, and also on Sunday Sept, 13th. Miss Georgia Miller was absent from her post in tho Treasurer's office Monday and Tuesday ow ing to sickness. Herman Kneiroin and Miss Agatha Tyrce, both of Dawes county, wore married by Judge Hewett on Tuesday. W. 0. Cavin, who is now col lector for the McCormick Co., with headquarters at Crawford, spent Tuesday in tho city. Father Muenich came up from Alliance Thursday morning aud held services at Lawn. Ho is kept very busy during Father Haley's absence. j Mrs. Copeland and mother, Mrs. McFadden, started for Bat tle Creole, Mich., Saturday, where JMrs. Copeland - will undergo medical treatment. If or "many friends hope she will be benofitr tod. ' Phil Michael, A. Folder, Wm. Matzatand Nelson Fletcher, of Alliance, are new subscribers and Paul Zerbst, Wm, O'Mara, C. S. Martin and W. A. Randall renewed for the Herald this week. A bright baby boy made his ap pearance at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. J. Adam Preis on Wedriesday, Aug, 20th. Mother ano' child are doing nicely and Adam -well, we believo he'll vote for Bryan. A number of ladies wont to tho river Wednesday and participat ed in a picnio exclusively for the fair sex. We were unable to learn particulars other than the party was wqJ equipped with bathing suits. Engifjo 205 on stock extra, Sunday, made the run from Bel mont to Alliance, 40 miles, in one hour. The last 20 miles, Htsm ingford to Alliance, was made in twenty minutes. Not so slow for a "cow train." Rev. Kendall and family de parted Tuesday for a three yeqks visit, at Rushvillo and Chadron. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall will visit Hot Sprjngs and also attend tho conforonco at Ainsworth beforo returning to Hemingford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gerber, Guy Gerber, and Mrs. Switzer started Saturday for a montlj's outing it Hot Springs and other points m tho Hills. They have a good camping outfit and no doubt tho trip will be an enjoyable one. Tho mombers of the Box Butto county Agricutural society, and all others interested, aro earnest ly requested to meet at tho court house Saturday Sept. 12, 1806, at one o'clock p. m., for the pur Xioso of considering the xn-opriety of holding a county fair. A. Sherwood, president, Ex-Co. Supt. Fill more has re turned from Iowa. Mrs. Fill more is visiting her parents at Sioux Rapids, and will not return until Oct. 1st. Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Randall came down from Lead, S. D., Wednesday and aro visiting Mrs. Randall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bass of Liberty precinct. Things havo been coming 4Doc's" way for tho past four yeai-s and ho is now very comfortably sit uated which his Box Butte friends aro glad to hear. Tho oighteen-months-old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Mara died Sunday morning Aug. 2lrd, pi cholera infantum, aftor thrco days illness. She was an unus bright child and was the joy of tho household. Mr. O'Mara who was in North Dakota was telo graphed for and and arrived a short time before the baby's death. Tho bereaved parents havo tho sympathy of their many Mo nds. Mesdames F. M. Pholys, W. W. Norton and H. J. Ellis drovo up from - Alliance Wednesday, Mrs. Phelps had planned to sur prise her husband and did not inform him that sho was coming. As work was a littlo slack in the clerk's office Mr. Phelps decided he would go homo and spend the day "chopping wood" etc., and accordingly was a passenger on the 10 o'clock freight for Alli ance, passing the ladios just out side tho city limits of Heming ford. However, soon after ar riving in tho "smoky city" learned of tho surp'rise and turned to the county scat on ho afternoon train and after making the necessary explanations and apologies to tho ladies, proceed ed to show them around tho citjr. Tho ladjos say they 'enjoyed the "surprise" very much and of course Mr. Phelps did. The Heu ald acknowledges a pleasant call from the party. CARD OF THANKS. Wo desire to oxtond our heart felt thanks to tho kind Mendtf who assisted during tho sickness and deafh of our darling babe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Maua. Tho Nebraska State Fair. The best Stato Fair in tho West. Best reached by tho( best railroad in tho West-tha BURLINGTON ROUTE. Tickets and information about low rates and special trainsto Omaha on applica tion to any B. & fy. R. R. R. Agent. U. 8. Land Office, Alliance, Neb., Auk. 27, 181)0, Notlco in hereby given that ISAAC MILliODB, of Vanclevo. Iowa, has filed notice of lntenTftnj" to make fin' proof before IteglHter and Hocolver at Allianco, Neb , on the Eth day of Ortolor, 1390, on timbor culturo application No. 7S7 for the lots 1 A 'I A h V n n ?4 boo 2, Jp 2 n, r 4U w. Ho names an witneesas: August Fetder, Har ney llalhnr, John Armstrong, John Dahrck, at of Hemingford, Neb. J. W. WriiM. Jn.. Iteglster, Notice of Dltsolutlon. Mahsiand, Neb., Auir. 10, JfM. Tho co-partnership heretofore existing under tho linn name of (.. 11. Irion & ltro.. is this day uitisolved by mutual consent: (!. II, Irion remaining in the business aud collwtinR all ae couuts duo tho firm and settlini; all accounts contracted by tho firm. II. lnioN, Kuwahu lltlO.N. AJ1 parties desiring to make final proof can havo their papers ' ,n,ui0 0ut at The; Heuald ojilco, free of chargo, and promptly transmitted to the land office. If you want to subscribe for anv nowspaper- or magazine Republican, Democratic, Populist lor Prohibitionist call at this I office; wo will savo you mqnoy. Everybody should take a good nowspaper during tho camrjdgn, and they're so, cheap, too. "' -j. Capital Has Organized, and tho Worjclngmcn Must do Likewise. Vhou in tho course of human ninth's ami political stagroation it becomes necessary for the com mon people to sin'Or themsilvea from tho money clmngors and to assume among Uio political factions of tho country sopurato and equal stations tc" which tho laws of nature entitle them; a decent re spect of the opiuions of mankind requires that thoy should declaro for tlio grcatcauo of silver, which impels them to tho.separation. We hold theao truths to bo self evident: that tho farmer mid laborer aro created equnl to the money chang ers. That each is endowed by his creator with certain rights, that among tlnfeo aro life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness, and theso can only bo obtained through tho immediate, unconditional, un icstrictod restoration of free coin age of silver at tho ratio of 10 to 1, independent of Europe. Wo will novor submit labor to wear a crown of thorns, and we ourselves to be crucified upon a cross of gold. Prudonco indeed will dictate that a form of coinage laws .should not bo changed for fight and transient causes, but this waa done iu 1873, but not by consent of tho laborer, jt was through tljeft and treachery. vnu irom uhb uteauny uci naa como a long train of atmsos and usurpations pursuing invariably tho sumo objocts, viz: The placing of this government on an absolute gold standard, placing tho reins of government ill tho hands of tho money changer, and following these will come the robbing of tho laboror aud farmor, reducing them to tho lowest state of poverty im aginable. Such has been tho patient sufferance of the laboring class for twenty yertis, ami such is now tho necessity which constrains us to altertho present obnoxious form of coinage laws, and emphat ically declaro for tho free and un limited coinage oEsilvar iiubpon dent of any other nation at tho old ratio f 10 to 1, TJio history of the present fori)) oE co'mago laws and Unit of money is a history of repeated inquiries aud usurpa tions, all having the direct object and absoluto gold standard, winch in a short time, if not altered, will completely rob ami bankrupt tho farmor and laborer. To prove this let facts bo submitted to a candid world. Tho demonetisa tion of silver has confiscated mil Ions of dollars worth of property. -It has mado tens of thousands of tramps, It has mado thousands of paupers. It has brought tears to strong mens eyes and hungur and pinching want to widows and orphans.r It is destroying tho honest yeomanry of tho land tho bulwork of tho nation. It has destroyed, half our primary money. It has in time of peace increased our public debt to tho -amount of 8202,000,000 in tho form of in terest bearing bonds. It is re ducing wages but does not roduco taxe, mortgages and debt con tracted a few years ago. It has brought this onco great republic totho verge of ruiu,whero it is now in imminent danger of tottoring to its fall. In overy stage of those oppressions wo have petitioned for redress in most humble terms, our repeated petitions have been answered only by repoated injuries to us. Such coinaeo laws, and 'financiers who control them, whose characters aro thus- marked by every act which may dolino tyran ny aro unfit and unsafe for tho farmers and laborers of this groat nation. We have warned them timo and time again of attompts by their legislation to extend an un&afo financial system over tie. Wo have centered ihom by lies of our common kindred to disavow theso usurpations, which inevitab ly will forever interrupt tho rela tions of tho laboring mass and the money class. But they havo been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. Wo must there fore, aquiosce in tho necossity which denounces tho present coin ago laws and the gold standard, and hold them as destructive of peace, liborty and prosperity. Wo, therefore, the farmers aud laborers of tho United States, headed by W, J. Bryan, humbly appoaling to tho Supremo Judge f the world for tho rectitude of our intontious, do, in tho name and by tho authquty Calviii J. Wildly. NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS New Prices! New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows! ANTON PIONEER- Hardware and TllK OMiUST iiSTAHLlSIlilKNT IN TUB COUNTY., ... . Charter Oak Cook Stoves, - - Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. . Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. Fred Krng tOArINET BOTTLED EEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Ollico 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob. of tho farmers and laborers of tho United States, solomly declaro in order to restore prosperity we are by right and justice entitled to free, unlimited comiigo of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 independent of any other nation or nations. And wo do further declaro that we are ab solved from all allegianco to tho gold bugs, Wall street and English bankers and by ought to bo totally dissolved from thorn in regard to making and maintaining coiuago laws; and, as free and unlimited coinngo of silver at tho ratio of 10 to 1 becauso we realize this to bo tho only way to restore prosperity and happiness. And for the sup port of those declarations with a linn reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, wo mutually pledge our lives, our fortune and our sacred honor in tho ono great good causo of free Rilver, which is paramount to all other questions beforo tho American people today; and now wo humbly petition all liberty loving voters to discard all old potty prejudices and vote for tho unlimited coinaco of silver at j 10 to 1 which will immediately re store happiness ana prosperity. From tho Working men of Zol nin, Indiana. The umlcrtiiKiiod will take cattlo to herd for tho season of 1890, at Koskot's ranch. TorniB,- $1, for sea- ! son, from May 1st to Out. Ifith. E. I). PirEit. Dunlnp cIiqijsq is tho bqst on the market Try it.-' - wm. ' II " i pr UHRIG, Saddlery; Brewing company TUTTLE & TASH ' Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWriAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Draver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eases pf children.' Now .Short Lino to Helena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Taconia. O. X. 8s "W. O. Tina Oarcl. EAST HOUND. Jfo. tl. p(iftnnjj"or arrives l " 4fri)lBlit " freight nrrlvos nt WK8T BOUND. No, 41 paafenffor arrives ut " isfrultfht " 47 frnluht arrlvon at 1:22 a.m. &:to p. m. 10:'JS u. m. 4:23 a, m. ll:iJ p. ni. All rcvnilar trains carry naxsrncpra. a:iu p. in W. M. Covx.vAu, Atrnr MAIL DIUEUTOltV, HiMi.NoronD poHtoflicv. On wouk days door open at 7 a. m-, gunural delivery oiwnn at 4 a. in. and olobes at H p. in. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a. in. liEMlNorosn AND Uqx Hctte etacfl daily except Sunday, llBiilNOKOHD and Dcimuf Ug, Monday WsdnMday and Friday. , J -J - ,i ' ..1 :,. t.