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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1896)
mtmnrt4Viiiarnmttm III.. 1,1.11 .l. I. ! ,1.1'., ' 'The Herald. .OFFICIAL PAPIER OF -M r- Published evrrjr Friday and entered at Uin piMUolHce in llMnlwrford. Nebraska, as secttlid .classmaU matter. The HrnAi.n Is devoted to Uho interests of llomlngfonl ami llox Unite WW t"f THOS. J, r,, , O'KEEPH, Publisher. A. BUDfcntrTiO.i nATcs! QNEYHAll... u $lffl jfci.N. mors nib , .& COUNTY OFFICERS. F. M, Piir.t.rv An Clerk. A. M. M tU.Kn Tr rnnurcr. J.A. II. II. llEtVKTT Julian JCP.Htt-EENtr.. Bhorlir. CU. J-'. 01I.MAM Attorney. 'lAllAs A. K. Neeund i. .Snperintundcnt. .ritAs.HnAWN..., Surveyor. U. W.K. MILCkij Coroner. 3lu. Jj. W. JkiwMAN Physician. itAMEH llABitr Commissioner 1st IlUt. ',Jab. Hom.iniukis Commissioner 2nd Illst. Ai. W. 1)tTNn&V . . f.init.llaBltifin.tril T)lnf r pemocrtic Ticket, For President, WM, J. BRYAN. For Vice President, 3? ARTHUR SEW ALL. ye;r-m- .THE COMMON PEOPLE 'Kre tired of the old, worn-out chestnut of "protection" and ?'freo trade," having hoard 'it' harped upon all their lives. 'Tho only thing that will restore AMERICAN PROSPERITY IS THE FREE AND UNLIMITED jcoinago of silvor at the ratio 6f 10 to 1 And that's what Ave are going to havo and JVITHOUT WAITING- FOR TTHE CONSENT vOF ANY OTHER NATION ON 'EARTH. , Judgo C. R. Scott, of Omaha, wlio tintil tWun- American con ven ation was n republican whom the tpuriy delighted to hpuor, and who renounced liia allegiance to tho jmrty borne weeks ago insuch strong terms and unanswerable logic, 'made a speech last week at Kear ney, tho occasion boing a raoustor silver' ratification meotiug. Tho 'following burning words are ox iraets from tho Bpoeoh:' ' "Tho people are in no mood to Jisten to or read deceptive phrases, 'br gilded falshopds, or plated false pretenses, or meaningless plati tudes about an honest 'dollar for an honest day's work, when mil lions of our peoplo are houseless, homeless, friendless, breatllcss, out 'pl work, out of credit, out of mon 'by, out of heart and out of hope, because of that un-Amcrieun heresy the gold standard. The American Lnzarus has been pating tho crumbs that li avo fallen jrom the. rich ' man's table ever ;binco 1873, and now tho question -must bo settled whether American frcomen under the eonhtihitinn mul flecluratio of independence may eat the bread earned by the sweat of their faces or continue longer to linger at tho gate of tho Dives of Wall street, Now York, and Lom bard stoot London, (cheers.) "The McKinloy tariff is ,not in discussion. Tho leading' Wall 'street journals, voicing Great Britain's demands, have declared against the re-enactment of that law. ' So has Mark Hanno. The so-called republican convention at 'St Louis did jjot demaud its ro-en-uctment, but said: Wo aro not -plodged to any particul ar schedules jTho question of rates is. a practical -questi6n to bo governed by tho couditipnof tho timo and of tho production.' ' "The so-called republican pdrty has gone back on tho McKinloy protective tariff. Not mo of Jus prominent supporters dares to go upon tho stump and ilejlaro that the party is in favor 4f its renaotment. I ohallouee Sunatoi-Thuwton to publicly de - C.it7iMi,-a-T.rl axfaxu rwwwwoamy anrtwa u w clnro to tho people of this .stale, or ony other state, in favor of its rc oiiactment. It tfould offend Great Britain'tho silent partner in tho un-American combine, and it will not bo done. (Clapping of hands) "Abraham Lincoln, in delivering to Mr. Colfax a mossngo to tho wostorn minors and initio owners, said: I am gofng to encourage (linm in nvurir tvnv nrwaililn I intend to point them to tho gold and silver that vniln them in tho west. Tell tho miimrs for mo that I shall promote their interests to tho utmost of in' ability, because their prosperity is tho prosperity of tho nation and wo shall provo it in a very fo .v years that we arc the treasury of tho world.' Was Abraham' Lincoln nfllictod with tho 'silvor craze'? (Applause) "Daniel Webster, tho great con stitutional lawyor and statesman, said: I am clearly of tho opinion thot neither congress nor any other authority can ' legally demonetize either gold or silvor. Tho command to congress is to coin monoy, not to destroy it, to create legal louder money for the use of tho peoplo, and tho grant of authority to create monoy caunot be construed to mean authority to destroy mouey.' "Was Daniel Wobstor a 'silver crank?' Was ho in favor of a 'dishonest dollar?, (Prolonged nppliiUBO.) Eight years ago tho republican party, in tho Chicago convention, declared in favor of biinotalism and against tho gold smudard in theso words: "Tho republican party are in favor of tho use of both gold and mlvor as money ami condemns tho policy of tho demo cratic administration in its efforts to demonetize Bilver." "That is just what the frco silver republicans are advocating-to day, and if thoy aro 'silver cranks then the republican party in 1888 was a 'silver crank.' Cheers and a Voice "That's so.") "13y tho law of tho party in 1888 and 1892 tho republican party without first consulting' Europe or telegraphing J, Piorpont Morgan for his consont, declared that .tho American people, not crowned head of Europe, or Wall street millionaires, from tradition and interest, favor bimntalism, and bocintso of such tradition and in terest of tho American people, tho republican party demanded the use of both gold and silvor as standard monoy. "In tho face of tho pronounced fact that because tho American peoplo by tradition and intorest, favor bimetalism. tho republican party, in 1892, demanded tho 'use of both gold and silver, as stand ard money, is it not a littlo strango that that samo party, 'in 1SDG, at crt. Jbouis, snouui adopt what it had denounced in 1S8S, and in open defianco of tho tradition and intorest of tho American peoplo m bimetalism, that was so forcefully evidenced in 1892, should adopt tho following travesty upon public justice: '"Wo are unalterably op posed to every moasuro calculated to dobabO our currency, or impair tho credit of our country. Wo aro therefore opposed to free coin ago of silvor except by interna tional agreement with tho leading commercial nations of tho world, which we pledge oursolvcs to prpmoto, and until such an agree ment can bo obtained tho existing gold standard must be preserved.' "And then after tho most glar ing solf-stulifications, after utter ing and publishing a criminal libel upon tho American people, who fiom tradition and intorest favor bimetalism and becauso thereof tho republican party demanded tho use of gold and silver iu stnudnrd monoy: niter tnus urumuui mo i utterances of Lincoln, Blaine and CWfield as false and unrepubli can, the so-called republican party denounces till thoao who from tradition and interest favor bimetalism as 'crazy luuatics and bimetallic idiots.' "If Lincoln. Blaine and Garlield were alivo, they could not bo con sisent members of tho so-called re publican party and could not vote ! hat ijekot itiiout admitting that ! tmeofca 'KTTnWIirtVHhfc mill ! I I tthpy ad boonjalso to their slate Tnents to tho Amorieofi people gu biinotalism. (oico "You know it?' .-- ' - - '. ., ', and cheers.) "I ciiargo tho fact to be that that un-American and treason bcoding plank, was, before its adoption, telegraphed to J. Pior pont Alorgun, with tho request that he dctormino whether it was satisfactory to Wall streot, and upon receiving answer that it was ontirely satisfactory to thq money power, it was spiked to tho St. Louis platform and not before "Why were not tho American peoplo who from 'tradition and in terest favor bunotalisin,' telegraph ed for thoir approval of that Wall street and Rothschild plank? If thoy had been tho answer would havo come back in such thunder tones that it would havo disturbed Balfour's government on" tho Thames, and brought an echo of approval from tho graves of Lin coln, Blaine and Garfield. Wall street had millions for tho campaign corruption fund, tho people had nono. The British lion must be appeased becauso it owned Wall street. Tho lion was placated and the American people hiimblfid. Tho London Times said of that plank: 'If tho news that Mr. Hanna has accepted Senator Lodgo's resolution is true, the bat tle for gold has been won, and a great victory has boon won.' "No wonder the English pluto crats are intensely interested in that plank, for.thoy declare: If tho United States establishes bimetal ism, England will' loso one-half her trado with the other nations of the world.' They can afford to keep their vultures' anchored con veniently near Mark Hanna's field of opirations to meot tho emergen cy. "I read what a celebrated Eng lish author says in combatting tho gold standard heresy: 'Land and capital aro despoiled and enter prise decaying, that its creditors may grow fat on idleness upon tho unearned increment of gold. . Mr. Goschon, the srrcat British statesman, in 1883 said. Tho fall of prices comes fronj the rise of gold. Fortuuato are theso who own commodities. Take care; gold is increasing in valuo. prices aro iaumg, ana a crisis menaces us. "Bearing upon this great ques tion, I read from tho warning of Abraham Lincoln to his people iu his message to congress In lSu'l: There is quo point to which T ask attention. It is the effort to" place capital a upon an equal footing with, if not above, labor in the structure of the government, I bid the laboring peoplo beware of sur rendering a power which they al ready possess, and which, if sur render, will surely be used to close tho door of advancement to such as they, and fix new disabilities and burdeua upon them until all of liberty shall bo lost- "But wo are told that bimctal sm is a horosv, and the wall street banks ire Hooding the country with forebodings oHmiik ruptcy to this government if it is adopted. If bimetallism is horesy and will bring wreck and ruin to this government, why did tho St. Louis convention pledge itself in that plank which tho banks said was good for them to 'promote' bimetalism by obtaining consent of Europe to do so? Did tho con vention mean to say that it would 'promote' by an international agree ment tho destruction of this gov ernment by establishing bimetal lism here, or are the Wall street bankers simply lying, or tiro both playing false pretenses upon tho American peoplo? "Wo need auother Boston tea party, and need it bad. "If bimetallism is a good thing for our peoplo, why ask permission of Europe to havo it? And if it is a bad thing and only demanded by cranks and anarchists, why should tlie ot. Jjouis convention pledge itself to 'promoto it' if Eurobo ogrees to it.' in either i . . -a . i case whv (miHiilf. li'.iiivinn ill-nllv l ...!. I seem thnt 0 fQW oss British 'vultures' auchored 'coiivoniontly near would la a good tiling for Brothor Jonatliau. "And aro tlio Americau peoplo, who aro struggling undor tho weight of debt and taxation with out work and farm products at ruinously low prices, iobocourccd by Mark Hanna and his English confederated on Wall stroo't into slavish submission to tho iron heel of tho money power? "Aro our liberties, won at York town and Bunker Hill, to bo bar tered away by tho rraST)iuu bauk- I urs ot Wall street, whom Lincoln mud. ought to ho shot as traitors to J TV munMn this OOUtltrv? Ts Hip tllivml nfllm elder Pitt to ,he vor lined, 'Unit America whipped England on the battlefield, Imt England would yot own America and Americans, by buying both?" '' A CHALLENGE. There Is posted in the JJurllngton shops In Edgeinont, a bullvtfd to the effect that tho railroad men iuust or ganize sound money clnlw. In'a tn.o uense of tho woid this moanM nothlup more nor luss than McKinloy 'clubs. The bulletin asserts that tho tree colnnpo of silver would necessitate a reduction of tho men's wages because It would cripple the industries ot the country. To this proposition tho un dersigned lakes exception and hereby challenges any member of the Bur lington Huiiroiul Co., to n joint, dis cussion on the entire proposition as set forth in their shop notice, tho dis cussion to take pluco at any time and at ntiy p'aco between Omaha, Nub., and Dead wood, S. D. L. Mmhkditii. Tho above notice appeared in last week's Edgeinont Advocato, of which Mr. Meredith is editor. J. l'ierpont Morgan, In behalf of Wall street, has notified' Hie Presidents of all railroads that they must use every effort to elect McKinloy and the order has been bonded down to their subordi nates. This will benelit Bryan as tho railroad men see the point and will vote for him but must keep their mouth shut. "Free of Extra Charge." Wo havo made arrangements whoroby a largo two-page siip pleuient will be furnished to our readers every other week during tho campaign. It will bo devot ed to the political issues and giv en to our readers free of extra charge. Alliance Times. Yes, the supplements are very nice and so cheap, too, laid down in the Times office, express pre paid, furnished by the philan thropists of Wall street all for sake of educating tho "dear people." Wo suppose tho Times intends to mako a change and discard the same kind of matter which it is now using in plate form tho "reform club" furnish es whichever you choose at the "samo price." We should judgo that tho supplements would not be quite ho handy as the plates, Harvey, however thoy aro more conspicuous and that's tho way the gold bugs aro trying awful hard to appear just now. Since last spring this samo Wall streot reform club has expended oven $2,000 per week sending out this goldbug literature. Why aro thoy doing it? For sweet charity's sako, or to gull the common herd? Docs it not look like they are afraid the common peoplo aro getting their eyes opouod? Every voter should read tho speech made by W. J. Bryan before the great audience at Madison squnre garden Wednesday. It contains over ilftccn columns. If pos-Jijle the Huka'li) will publish it next week. Tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Bon Parale, Omalm, Thursday evening' Sept. 3rd. What a crowd it will attract! What a royal spectacfo it will l-in I Ask tho local agent of tho BURLINGTON ROUTE for information about special Stato Fair trains and low State Fair rates to Omaha. Notice to Non-resident Defendant. In tho district court of Ilox lJutlo county. William K. A blipy. Platutiir ' J VH. Annio L. Fnnnlni.', W. II. Fanning and W, J. Iiowdon, dotendants. Tho abovo named dofendent V. J. How-den. will tqkonotiii) that on the titli day of Ani;nt 1K . Will am It, Alibuy plaintiU heroin fdodhhu jwtition in tho district court of Uox llutto county against tho atove named defendants tl.o olijectnnd piujerof which aro to lorccjuau a certain niortrfao executed hy tho ritifrmliint Annio Ij. l'anunitf to thu American Invostm.'iit company i.pon tho (juarter of section -J in townehip 'Jl north, ran 4S et of tho mxtii principal meridian iu liox llutto county ficbraska, to secure the payment of ono certain proroifctiory ncto lor tho Bum of Mi.i.m ,t..u.i AfNmll kit. IW? 1..1 .Inn n.l . ...!.... TA . . I Al lblil with int'-rwit thereon payanln froraiaunnallv i ami on which time of payment was afterwards Saul note, and mortgage contaipn tho condition thai if any interest -on Mid nolo in not paid i'iiruuiu live 3carn lrom nmuintv t uk.iinr within twenty dyn after tho sams lxcomes due, then tln iirlnciiiul shall immnlliinlv iv,..i.,... dueuudpajable at the opilou of tho holder I U.e same bc-ame due for a taiuaide coupuhra- .... ...... . - mn Iii4 nai ir'lliril . iiouuuiy askiunouinuutpiainlilt wliu is now the holder and ouiur theieof . All of the l.itercst slach Ucnm duo nn r.iI.J principal note on tiio fim day of Dee. 1m-j5, and unce mat time still remains unpaid and the ins unpaid and the e principal aud in- able at onoe. And Hon said note aud I toreht tlure on clue and imi piniuiiu luiow m uuciare we tuare U now due the Plaintul ou mid note mil mortgage the sum of ytlXUiu, with lnUi(t tli-re ou lrom the 1st day of J une 1W.', at ton per ixnt Ier annum, l'.a.utitf prays for a decreo that thedttteudonts lOieiuirird to pay tho same or that aid premises may bo sold to batisfy the uiuoiiut foiftul due. Vn are re.pilrel to answer said ettion on or tteture Uie lU'.x day of Bptember ivM. Dated AUri-tU, UA. , , WILLIAM It. AHDEV, l'laintiff. ly D, K. Spauiit, his attorney. fp -7 4w. Wanted A load of wood on subscription, at this office. Wo will pay you tho dill'croncu iu gold or Tuitle's 50 cent dollars. " !,;& rS 7C)3 ',&i Closing Out I. have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. HERNCALL. j. w Wfl 'ftac .Proprietor of. Livery AND Wo havo first-class stock and doublo and single rigs, which wp furnish nt reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder arc unexcelled iu the city. Givo us a call. fi" Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street. Three Opini The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the 'ord." Marrisburg Pa.) Call. t 'There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "Ncwspaperdom" (New York). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these monai shores." The Evanston (III.) Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 1S1 Madison-st. Final Proof "Not ices llo.v. J. Hon. F. WE:i.v,.In., Uncistcr. UllOOME. ItfWiWT. I'artii-H huvinj,' notices In t)iln column aro ro oucbteu to rcml tho Kamo curofully umi report to this oftirn for rorrw Hon any orrura Umt may exist. Uiis will prevent possible deiuy iu pmtclm? proof. Iaud OiHco nt Alliance. No!., Au. 12, 1600. Notice in hereby Knenthat the following named Hettlor liaR tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in xupport of his cliim and that Hint proof will bo made before tiie Itewihter or Itriircr at Alliance, Neb., on Kept. 21. lb'JO, viz: ' ALOIS CKRMAK, of Dunlap, Neb., who mado II. K. No. 2779 for for the sod sec 2S. tp 29 n, r 47 w. Ho names tho following witnebscs to prova htB continuous residence upon and cultivation Of SUIU lailll. V17! .Intttl V !.. niebil, Yaton Uadek, Vaclav l'l'itmesil, all of Uumap, ob. J. . eu.n, jk., ltcyister. Land Otlice at Alliance, Neb., Autr. 3, 1H36. Notico is hereby given that the foilowin; nam ed settler hat riled notice or hr intention to mako tinal proof in support of her claim, and that fraid proof will Ikj made before L. A. Dor niiKton, U.S. C.C. Coramibsioner, at Crawford, Nop., ou Sept 15, ltM, viz: KU.MA MlirrLKN, of Hell, Neb., who made H. K. 1224 for tho n V, u e Kt sec. U, .V u Vt n w U sec 13, tp 28 n, r 51 w. bho names tho following witnesses to provo her continuous residmice upon aud cultitation of Mild laud viz: IJd Irion, hell. Neb..' Jou liam K lhxou. of 1IW1. Nod. Alarslaud, Neb., Kdward Dixi-on, Wil- J. W. Weiin. Jn i Ilegister. Land Otilce at Alliance. Neb , Aug, 3, 18W Notioe is hereby Kiten Uiat tho following pam-c-d settlor has tiled notice of his intention to that said proof will bj made Ixrforo ihwisteror malto tinal proof iu suiiport of his olaim. and C11AULK8 A. LOC'KWdOD, of Canton, Neb., who made H. K. No. 27KI for the lots 2, J,!,nwl(,tnw U sec IB, tp i'O n, r 52 w. itwriiw Ub niiiaiiiin. ltHU. till rMIII. i.i. K'k. V 7 , 'iwi' " foi owing wltnosses to pn "Is continuous residence upon ami oultitut. "f !"a'a 5?"a V,,V s.: J JYrMnt, U. H. Clujt N "cares, . ( . 1 hiijips, ull of t ami lie names tho following wltnosses to proro utum ton, J. W. nuiN.Ju., Ilefisler. Ind Oilice at AUIanoe, Nelt, July 11.19W. Nidice is hereby Biten that tho following named settlor has riled notice of ids intention to make ilnai proof in upiort of his ulaim aud that said proof will be made iwfora Kuuistor or lteuMtor nt Alhanoe, Noo., on August 3, lsW, Wz: JE.N1EC. UOlilNSON. no Kvans, of Uox Uutte. Neb., who mads H. K No. 3K0, for tno soil sec It, tp 2a n, r ol w. her continuous roeidencouuou and uultltaLiuu one nauuM uie loiioMinu witnesses to nroto ot Hiid laud, viz: furd, Nvb., Jestio ii... .. lluli 15. Jouwi, of tteminif- .Taylor, of Hemiucfor Maryland Nwi.. Blduiuk. of Lawn. Nell. lieorKO 1 d, liko., Henry J, '. WkUN.JB., ltegUUr. tiiimiiw mm 8&' ri& $P 31 Ui R3ch?SHC .., n i te ons: Prof. J. T. Hatfield Index. m U. 8. Iind priice, Alliance, Nob., July 28, lf00. Notico is hereby t'iven that ' DIXON S. CUHRY. has filed notice ot intention to mako final proof; bdforo UeuiHUT and H.-ceiver at Aillanco, Neb., on tho 6th day of Hept. 1M, on timlier cnlturo application no. CM, lor tho o Ji no !4 li a V. a o li sfco 20, t p 2a n, r 51 w. " lie names ns witnesses: William h Ashhrook, Harry A. Aslibrook, of Hell, Neb., John 1. Haz ard, of, Neb., Charles Hull, of Canton, ch. aIho JOSEPH a DICKINSON, of ('acton, Nob., who mado 11. K. HKX) for ths s H s w '4 & w W bo', sec 4. tp 37 n, r IS I w. Ho names tint following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Wilson Ij. Achbrook, Harry A. Ashbrripk, of Hell. Neb., John 1 Harard, of Lawn, eb., Charles Hull, of Canton, Neb. J. W. Weiin, Jr., ItcKister. Iand Olllco at Alliance, Neb., July 22, im. Notieo is hereby Kivrn tlint tho followiutr- uauu-u B"iiT nus meu notice or ins intention to mako final proof in support of Ids claim, and t.iat aid proof will bo mado Itetoro Ilegister and ilecolver at Alliance, Neb., on August suth lKW.vlz: FllANZ FllANK, of Lawn, Hob., who made II K No. 5S9, for tho 8l4w!iiwH so ft sou 11 , tp 2U, r .12. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon ami cultivation o aul land, vU: 1 rank Cnha, Henry Whiten, Al bert Kraupa. of Lawn, Neb., Frank Krajicck, of Alliance, J.cb. Also FHANK Z1LA, of Lawn, Neb., who made UK No. 023 for tho 11 o U beo 15, tp 20, r 52. lio names tho followim; witnesses to prove his continuous residenre upon and oidtiTution i!1"1 vu:. l'cauk Vahtt Henry Wiuten, . ' .f, Kr,tul". f 1-awn, Mb., Frank KrajiRoic, ot A'liauco, Neb. J. W. Wisuk, in., llefibter. US. Ijtnd Oilice, Alliance, Neb.. Juno3, 1600. nF?ilt? 5 ,,.l'.rr,i,3' .Blvon that WILLIAM L. CliAIl, of 1'airf.eld, Iowa, bus tiled notice of intention to mako tinal proof iwtum L. A. Dor rinctpn. U. B. f. C. Com'r at his oUlou in C'had- ron, fteu..ont:io 5th day of Sept. iSuil, on tim Iwr ciiltura uppltcatloi No. 13, for t ho H fi N H U v N 4 8 L t of section No. i, iu township? SUn, raueWw. " he names as witnesses: Loyd Horven Pow ell, ( harles W. Winard, Thomas C llhjan, of Hemlnsfiinl, Nb , Charlo VI. Dortan, of HoukIi, Neb. J. W. Wkun. Ju., JUister. If you want to subscribe for any newspaper or magazine Republican, Democratic, Poulist or Prohibitionst call at thL ofiicq; wo will save you monoy. Everybody should tako a good newspaper during tho campaign, and thoy'ro so cheap, too. bal6 ! . , . 1 Feed Stables. 1 ,L V mu niMrrmm-'r" unfi'i'i i vamm. . . i ii !- vm.mtf - - S -i-