Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 14, 1896, Image 7

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1800 IAIK.
To bo hold nt Onmhiv August 27 Sop
tombur 5, 181)0.
Will certainly bo tho GREATEST
STATE FAIR over held.
and tlioso who have retained confidenco.
are now rewarded by a bountiful liar-1
vest, and nil tho people, by prudent
care, nro nble to attend this fair.
The grounds at tho
have lost nil disngrcenblo features in
cident to their ncwne&s last year and
are in good shape.
In addition to the best
exhibits, special attractions in speed
program and rare musical programs
have been arranged. The
will glvo free entcrtaiumenton tho fair
ground, Friday, September 4th 1,000
voices 5 bands of music all of rara
merit. Tho
will eclobrato the FEAST OF OLYM
PIA. Grand parades each night Sep
tember 1st to nth inclusive, in tho city,
and special attractions ut tho theatres.
NY have made special provision to take
care of the people along their line by
additional train service, and by extra
facilities at terminals.
The low rate of ONE FAIR FOR
THE ROUND TRIP, plus .10 cents ad
,mission, will be made. Handbills ad
vertising time of special trains and ad
ditional attractions will bo issued
Harper's I$a?ar of August 1st con
tains a thoughtful article on Itryn
Mawr College, written by Mrs. Agnes
llailey Ormsbce. There is also a
sprightly account by .Tohn Corbin of
an on-looker's share in one of tho
races at the recent Henley regatta,
with an illustration of the scene of tho
race, In fiction there is a humorous
'short story entitled "A Violin Case,"
by Margaret Sutton Briscoe.
Hull'-. Cuturrli Curfi
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c
A Vacuum.
Kohlspring "Did you read that des
cription Wiggins gave of the formation
of a tornado? Something about a.
vacumn into which currents of air were
rushing '"
Clint Onstrete "Oh, Wiggins mado
that up out of his own head." BufFalo
I bollevo my prompt use of Piso's Curo
prevented quick consumption. Jlrs. Lucy
Wal.aie, Alurquctte, Kans., Doc. 1-', 1SU3.
To Remove Crr.tio Spot.
A kerosene oil stain evaporates after
a time, leaving scarcely a trace behind.
If you wish to hasten the process cover
the spot with wheat llour, leavo if for
twenty-four hours, brush off the flour,
and repeat if necessary. To remove a
grease spot from tho leaf of a book
cover the blemish with finely-powdered
French chalk, brush it off, and repeat
the process until tho spot disappears.
It the llnuy Is Cutting Teotn.
Be sure and uno that old and well-tried remedy, Mcs.
lYiksLOW's Sooinixo Sinur for Children Teething
Mrs. Cntherwood begins a new story
in tho August Atlantic "The Spirit of
an Illinois Town," in tho first install
ment of which there is a stirring pic
ture of the vigorous beginning of a
prairie city. Those who prefer our
home-made romances to talcs of other
lands and times will find in this ardent
lovo story a justification of their pre
ference. How to Ornnr 40c Wlirat.
Salzer's Fall Seed Catalogue tells
you. It's worth thousands to the
wideawake farmer. Send 4-cent stamp
for catalogue and free samples of
grains and grasses for fall sowing.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., LaCrosse,
A dollar is worth more every day; don't
throw money away so readily.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
tranbient nature of tho many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentlo efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness nro not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of tho system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly reino .s. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed bo highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects arc due to the fact, that itis the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ilcial effects, to uote when you pur
chuse, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputablo druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and tho system 'is regular, laxntiveu or
other remedies are then not needed. If
alnicted with any actunl disease, one
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should havo the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figshtands highest and is most largely
Used and gives most general satisfaction.
loir Successful Farmer Operntn This
Department of tlm Fnrm A I'ow
Hint as to the Cure of Live Btoclc
anil roultrj.
Into clrculnr from
tho department of
agriculture gives
tho following on
filled cheese:
"It may be well
to stato in passing
that filled chccBO
differs from tho
genuine, old fash
ioned article in
but one essential
particular, so far ns its composition
iB concorned. Instead of tho natural
'at of milk, or cream, which is extrac
ted for butter making, thoro as neutral
!nrd, mado from tho leaf fat of the hog.
This article, claimed to bo cxcoptlon
illy pure and good of its kind, is
jsed at tho rate of two or three pounds
to every 100 pounJ3 of eklm milk. Tho
cheese resulting carries about 30 per
ent of (lard) fat, which is rather less
;hnn tho average of (butter) fat In good
whole milk cheese. Tho casein and
alher components of tho two aro prac
tically tho same in kind and propor
tions. From this Btatement of com
position ono can Judge for hlmcolf.
whether this filled or lard cheese is a
legitimate arllclo of food, whethor It
Is wholesome, and whether ho desires
to use it in tho diet of himself and
family. It is made of comparatively
cheap materials, costing from one-half
to two-thirds as much as good, full
cream, factory cheese, and its market
price, wholesale or retail, should cor
respond. At Its best, this is cheap, in
ferior cheese; it is almost devoid of
flavor, oily or greasy when warm, and
never attains the dry, crumbly consis
tency of a well cured cheese. It is sold
when only a month or two from tlio
press In imitation of mild, immature
cheese. It is claimed that it does not
keep well, especially if subjected to
temperature above 60 degrees. No ono
acquainted with first class full cream
cheeee would ever accept the filled pro
luct aB a substitute, but it may bo suc
cessfully passed as a genuine article
of second grade. There Is plenty of
sood cheese still mado in the United
.States, and it can be secured if buyers
will but make a little effort to Hud it.
Tho states of Now York and Wisconsin
together produce two-thirds of all the
checso mado in tho country, and the
reputation of tho factories of these
stales for high quality, full cream
cheese has been long established. Tho
product of these factories of the stand
ard or Cheddar form of largo cheese
3tands second to none in the markets
of Great Dritnln as well as in America.
The two Btates named, ns well ns oth
?rs, absolutely prohibit tho manufac
ture and sale of filled cheese within
their borders and the marking of skim
cheese to imitate full cream goods.
These laws aro well enforced."
Continuous Incomo from Poultry,
F. A. Homann, of Effingham county,
ill., read tho following paper before a
farmers' Institute in that county:
Eggs are all the year round crop,
differing greatly in this respect from
hay, corn and vegetables, which are all
harvest time crops; and if not marketed
at once, expensive buildings havo to bo
prepared to storo them in.and not a few
crops such as potatoes, cabbage nnd
fruit, shrink in value by decaying
while stored. Not so with our poultry
product, which has an all tho year
ready market, and with eggs as the
basis of a poultry business a steady all
the year round income can be com
manded. It is tho winter eggs that pay
the greater profit and bring up tho
average price for tho year. If the
greater part of the eggs are received for
spring and summer, when prices are
brought down by a largo supply, the
average will bo lower, but if fowls lay
In December, January and February
when eggs are 20 to 30 cents a dozen
the average prlco for tho whole year
will bo satisfactory. Tho whole story of
getting eggs in winter can bo resolved
Into three simple rules. First, hatch
the chicken early; second, keep them
growing so the pullet will come to lay
ing maturity in October or by Novem
ber; third, keep them laying by good
food nnd care. When I say hutch the
chickens early I do not mean too early,
because If hatched too early and go to
laying in August and September they
will usually moult in December just as
tho weather is becoming very cold, and
good-by eggs from then till spring.
For the heavier varieties, such as
Drahma and Cochins, the middlo of
March is none too early. Plymouth
rock and Wyandottes wo would hatch
the first half of April if possible. If not,
April will do. Tho Spanish, Mlnorcas,
Leghorns and Hamburgs should be
hatched in May for best results. Set
three or more hens at,a time and once
i week duBt them well with insect pow
1er, and when the chicks hatch give
them to two or more mothers. I gave
is our first rule for getting a good profit
from poultry to hatch your chickens
sarly. Equally Important Is tho sec
ond, keep them growing so they will
como to laying maturity by November
first. The food and care has much to
lo with the chicken growing.
Now for the first 24 hours do not feed
he chicks, for they need no food dur
ing this time, nature has provided for
hat by nbsorbtlon of egg-yolk into
their little abdomens, and It is neces
sary this absorbed egg-yolk bo digested.
Much damago is done and many chicks'
lives aro lost by disregarding this rule;
tome people in their haste to get the
chicks growing hurry food into their
crops before the system has toned up to
take care of it, and tho consequence is
the bowels are congested and tho chick
goe3 over to tho majority. Feed often
but Httlo at a time, every 2 hours say
five times a day, until tho chicks nro
five weeks old, and see that no food is
left standing In tho sun to sour after
they havo eaten. Remove it all, noth
ing causes more bowel looseness, nnd
dysontery, than sour food. Tho best
food for tho first five weeks is composed
of one-third oat men), one third corn
meal nnd one-third wheat bran; add a
pinch of Bnlt, moisten with sweet milk
or wnter, warm It In cold weather nnd
twice a week add somo bono menl.
Keep conrso sand by tho coop at nil
times, don't think tho chick enn find
this themselves, that is ono of tho
commonest mistakes in rearing chick
ens; after they nro flvo weeks old you
can leave out tho oat meal nnd feed
three or four times a dny. Whon ten
weeks old, nt noon scatter wheat nnd
cracked corn In litter bucIi ns leaves
and cut straw, so they will havo to
work for It, but not too much corn ns it
mnkes them too fat. Oreen food must
bo supplied. If the chicks nre cooped
up on fresh grass this problem Is solved
nnd they will help themselves to whnt
they need. If, however, they nro con
fined in n small yard, finely cut grass,
lettuce, or onion tops will make n good
substitute. FreBh cool water must bo
kept accessible bo n drink can bo taken
when wanted. Sell tho cockcrolls
whon they weigh two or two and a half
pounds each, nnd don't forget to dust
tho pullets well with Insect powder, for
you do not wnnt to ralso chicken lice,
but if you are not careful you will.
Now with this food nnd proper care
they will begin to iy njpmj in Septem
ber and October, llien eell off yfiOr old
fowls, clean The houses and whitewash
them nnd the pullets moved In, and
then on feed for eggs as follows: For
four days in tho week feed early in tho
morning n wnrm mash composed of ono
part shorts, one part bran, one part
corn meal, and ndd cooked potatoes or
turnips nnd npplo parings. Feed on
boards or in troughs, only enough to
supply part of their hunger; glvo water
all round, then scatter wheat or oats
in the litter and let tho aim bo to keep
tho hens busy every moment from
morning until night scratching for
wheat and oats, which should be burled
In tho litter. Let tho noon ration be
green rye or a cabbage hung in tho
pens just high enough to compel tho
hens to Jump to peck it. About 3 p. m.
feed the whole grain, full feed, onts or
wheat, and In tho very coldest weather
a little corn. Keep grit or granulated
bones so they can get at it all the win
ter, nnd charcoal, don't forget to glvo
them some. Clean pen, fresh wnter,
pure air and a system of feeding such
as Is hero outlined will bring money
to the farmer every month In the year,
try It.
Southdown Wool.
Tho wool of tho English breeds Is
thus referred to by tho Journal of the
Royal Agricultural Society of England.
"Lastly, there is tho pure Down, a
wool which is still unequnled for
hosiery purposes, nnd which will al
ways iind a market of its own, some
times quite Independent of the general
course of prices. Of this wool I should
like to say keep to tho old-fashioned
style; keep it as short and as fine as
possible; let no suspicion of u long
wool strain get into it; and if I am not
mistaken, puro Down wool will take a
respectable place In tho future as re
gards comparative prices. With such
ends hi view, breeders of Southdowns
may well abstain from trying to imi
tate in length of atnplo nnd
superfluous covering of tho faco with
coarse wool any other breeds of Bheep,
nnd bo content to lot the Southdown re
main what Its best friends have always
tried to make it i. e., n producer of
quality before quantity.
Sheep Less Numerous. The east
ern farmers seem to be going out of
the sheep business. They are, as n
rule, very small holders, nnd when
their small herds s&em to be a losing
proposition they do not hesitate long
before letting them go. It is the sum
of these small holdings that mako up
the great aggregate, nnd when the
farmers begin selling their small flocks
the number of sheep In tho country
speedily decreases. There is no branch
of the live stock business that can bo
so rendlly ndapted to changed condi
tions as the sheep business. Since
1893 tho number of sheep in the United
StateB has been constantly decreasing
until now the total number is lets thnn
at any time during the past twenty
years. Meanwhile the range of prices
has been very low. It will not be long
before there will be a change and sheep
will be in demand again nt good prices.
Butter. Butter is a condensed pro
duct. Nothing can be mnde or grown
on the farm which brings as much per
pound. Farms remoto from the market
and communities far from railroads,
can send butter from the farm or
creamery with the least poBsiblo ex
pense. Tho dairyman can condense
tons of fodder and crops grown on tho
farm into dairy products and send
them to market in compact and port
able form. Ex.
Incomo from Dairying. Dairying
brings in a constant income. The man
who sells crops of any kind has to
wait until he can market his product
once a year. There Is llttlo satisfaction
in this. It Is unbuslness-llko to go
without cash fifty-one weeks and then
have a lot of money como in nt one
time. Tho dairyman has an Income
nearly or quite fifty-two weeks fn the
year. Ex.
Marks mado by hot dishes set on ta
bles may be removed by tho use of
kerosene oil well rubbed In, and then
polished with a fresh cloth.
It Is hard to believe that a sin will
bite if it has gold in its teeth.
Una Clrant Chnrnber from Which
TIuto Comn Arrtlo lunula.
Ono of tho most romarknhlo natural
phonomonn thnt has been discovered in
recent years has Just been reported In
tho southwest corner of Drown county,
Indiana, Bays tho Cincinnati Enquirer.
It Is near tho diminutive villngo of
Elklnsvlllo. Tho envo Is locnted on tho
farm of Dllly Mooro nnd Is one of thoso
romarknhlo freaks of nature thnt puz
zles tho most profound of scientists. At
its entrance, which Is completely over
lapped by tho trees, tho cold nir is
plainly perceptible. Tho opening ap
pears not unlike n initio shaft long dis
used, hut tho steep, rocky descent
shows nothing of nn nrtlflclal construc
tion. Tho winding wny leads to n BUb
terranenn envern which is fully llfty
feet below tho surfnee, This hugo
nporturo is very Uko n broad, vnultcd
corridor nnd is known to tho natives
as tho Dovll's chnrnber. Tho air In this
npartmont Is near tho freezing point.
It la trimmed with glistening rock for
mations, which reflect the light nnd
Bparklo with tho brllllnncy of countless
diamonds. From thiB point sovernl hnlls
lead off In n confusing manner, but tho
ono to the ice-vault Is evident from tho
cold blast which comes from R. Tho
descent In this natural corridor Is sim
ilar to tho rocky declluo nt tho en
trance of tho cavo, but not over n dozon
yards within the fro3t from tho ice
vault is plainly visible n"d further on
It is thick on all sides, llko tho crust
that is formed on tho pipes of nn lce
plnnt. A llttlo further on tho descent.
entirely censes and hero tho wnlls nro
frozen hard llko the ground in the mid
dle of the winter. Then tho nnrrow
way lends Into n mammoth chamber
and this large natural opening is known
as tho Ice-vault. In this grent subter
ranean npcrture, which extends fully
100 feet in width, tho lco towers in n
mlninturp mountain, nppeurlng liko n
dozen Icebergs heaped together. Tho
frost-lined walls nnd Icc-Bcalcd dome
present a frlgidncss which would
bring tho shivers to a seasoned Esqui
mau. Here the Ice stands in n solid
mass, extending downward to n depth
which would bo folly to conjecture.
Some have ndvnnced tho theory thnt
tho nir is forced through tho under pas
sages of the earth with such pressure
ns to make this strango formation.
Some have attributed tho cnuso to an
underlying bed of alknll whoso chemi
cal chnngo to n gaseous form hns pro
duced the phenomenon. Others havo
thought that the interior heat of tho
earth acting upon tho iron pyrites, or
fool's gold, which largely abounds in
this country, Ib the true source of this
unparalleled discovery. Still others
think the sudden oxpanBlon of tho cur
bonlc ncld gas given off by tho heated
limestone, which Is also common In this
country, could hnvo easily produced the
ice. But thus fnr the theories nro noth
ing more thnn speculntion nnd further
than the fact that the ice-cavo exists
and is, Indeed, a remarkable natural
phenomenon none has been nblo to fur
ther determine.
Her Suggestion.
A man Ib, for somo occult reason, lia
ble to look a llttlo shamefaced when ho
gets home after staying out all night at
a political meeting. As he enmo up the
path to the farm house his wife camo
to the door to meet him.
"Did ye have a purty excitin' time?"
sho naked.
"Tremendous," ho answered.
"I 8'poso you've got everything set
tled." "No. Ter tell the truth, everything's
Jes about ez much in doubt ez ever."
"Well, I s'pose it's yer own lookout.
But I must say I kinder hate ter see yo
wastin so much good energy."
"How d'ye mean?"
"Pigs is gotter bo fed an' wood's got
to be chopped, politics er no politics. I
don't want ye to neglect yer country
when they's anything that re'ly calls
fur yer. But I hope ye will bear in mind
that every time ye wavo yer hat in the
air Just 'cause ye git a llttlo excited,
yo'ro usln' up muscle thet might have
done good service choppln' wood, an'
that every time ye yell 'Hooray' 'bout
nothln in partie'lar ye'ro usln up good
lung power thet'd come in mighty
handy ter drive tho pigs weth."
He YVns Oblli-lnc;.
An effective reproof was that given
by an elderly man to a fashionably
dressed young woman who, as it seoms,
must havo been surprised out of her
Tho young woman was walking rap
idly along a street shaded by many
treos, when the elderly man, coming up
behind her, saw a large, fuzzy caterpil
lar on the collar of her coat.
"I beg your pardon," he said, laying
a detaining hand on her arm as he
epoke and removing the obnoxious
crawler, "I wished to take off thi3 cat
erplllar which was almost at your
The young woman stared haughtily
and with an nir of resentment at the
caterpillar and was about to pass on
with no word of thanks.
"If I made a mistake, nnd you would
prefer to have the caterpillar replaced,
I can easily put it back," said tho gen
tleman, courteously, suiting tho action
to the word. Youth's Companion.
"Don't you get awfully tired doing
nothing all the time?" asked tho young
man who thought himself Interested in
"Mister," answered Perry Patettlc, "I
git so tired doln' nothln' that I can't
do nothln' else." Cincinnati Enquirer.
Noil- nt All,
"When er man declahs he donn re
gret nuflln' ho ebber done," said Uncle
Ebon, "he's either got er mighty good
conscience er none at all." Washing
ton Star.
"So you had a chanco to pay your
respects to tho o.ar whon you wero in
Russia. You must havo caught cold
up there, for you nro fearfully hoarse."
"Yes 1 spoko with his majesty.
That's why I in so hoarse."
"How's that? Did ho glvo you that
Icy stareV"
"No. You see, I thought I must ad
dress him by his wholo title. Awful
job. Votco gavo out repeatedly. Iind
to begin thrco days beforo tho tlmo for
tho intcrvlow. Seemed funny, but
thoro wero lots of others going it the
same time 1 wns," Truth.
lljr Ktenuier, ll'rnln or limit?
Which of tlieso lmvo you selected as a
muiitiH of trnvulr o matter. Whichever
It is, ruccillnot thnt fnr scii-slekuess. tllsoi
ilors of tlmslomnoh, liver nnd Unwols, en
Kiuitlcrcil by rough locomotion and Ijml t oil
or water, and fur malarial troutilos, llostot
Ut'n Stnmiu'h ill torn Is tho most useful
s))cclllc ynti cun tnkuwlthjou ItlsltiMil
iinbln nNo for rheumatism, ktdnoy com
nluliiW nnd nervous trouble,
"Here," said tho person who was fa
miliar with tendencies, "I would mako
u suggestion. You havo your character
fall inton brown study. Brown Is such
a common color und so trying for tho
ordinary complexion, don't you know."
Detroit Tribune.
FITS ftonpeii f-eo nid porrmnTtlv cured. No
nuuii-r dii.t ilu.v'i.ii-1'uf Itr. Klliic'M(lreutcrTO
Kestivrer. tn-lu."l ut.tiiouiid liruiitn.
Send lo l)n. Kmnk, KU An.li 8U, l'lilludclpbla, l'a.
What linn I e(oiuo of the o'd fashioned
rcoplo who roforred to tlio devil ah tlio o.d
HnrrvT I
i r
It's a Good Thing. Push it Along.1
LflHr Btf PP!9WPvJc3r r
Whv buv a newsoaoer unless vou fil
can profit by the expense? For 5
cents you can get almost as much
"BATTLE AX" as you can of
other high grade brands for 10 cents
Here's news that will repay you for
the cost of your newspaper to-day.
Trustworthy Bicycles
Those who have $100 to pay for a bicycle buy
Columbias, of course. They are standard. Those
who have not $ J 00 may be tempted by so-called
bicycle bargains unless they know of the reliable
$65, $50, $45.
Hartfcrd Bicycles arc made in a specially equipped fac
tory, under the direct control and supervision of the
Pope Mfg. Co. The $65 Hartford is the sort of bicycle
usually listed at $J00. The $50 bicycle is the sort
usually listed at $80 or more. The $45 fccys' and girls!
machines are unequalled value
Beautiful Ait Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles Is free If you coll upon any
Columbia Agent ; by mall Croi.i u for two a-cent itamp.
POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford. Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies In almoit every city and town. If Columbia are not
properly represented in
litna .
doubla in Drice.
as tber are ot
Chlctiot Sb Fran
uct of Ilia mine
ctio.Ctl i ft Worth.
I'ine. FIttinct.
Sin ADtOBIO.T.X . up
nroduct of the
r com a.v ifctauj
Utj.SU Bl U.UU,
.sains dollars
Mo. i S.suiCitr.
fOft, X NNMI,
L 1. iMirtnctm.
or in
Nina , louao.o
3!ijw.l..t VIM.
crices on Ilr
rri..lil Detroit
. ana our oiner
. ..
,Buh B.fl.loKIi
let en wun our
w I cny,
future needs,
IU.IM, Mt. (
immense stock
ipo assurer a
'This hero paper says wo got rtf
strlckly do nothing congress," said
Perry Patottio to his oft tried friond. '
"Well," nnswercd Wayworn Wat-i
son, "it is about tlmo tho profession!
wns represented, I guess." Cincinnati!
Ilcgiimnn'a Camphor Ice with fllycnintu ,
The original nnd nnly senulne. Cures Chaprwil llnndsi
and Kiu.1-, Cold Born, kc. V. U. Clark Co.,N.ilat ea.Ot.
Among modern weapons tho Layonot has!
ill aliped least bIuo Its Invention. j
HEIl The
mmMk) Bane
Ucautv'a bane
the fading or falling of
the hair. Luxuriant
IrfidSAa ne fnf ttinrn tr 4tn
matron than to the maid whose caslcct
of charms 19 yet unriflcd by timc
beautiful women will be glad to be
reminded that falling pr fading hair
is unknown to those who use
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
n o
your vicinity, let us Know.
WIHS Uboramnfbor products
then metals mutt alio double in crice.
labor If labor doubles In com and lue prod
doubles incoit. Aermotors. Fumoa. Spiral
C linden. Tanks and Substructures, belnc tho
ml no and labor, must alto double in cost and
jr-T7rmiy l
mtamr ij
erica: tuereiore. tour si now vrin duv as mucn asaot tuo
. ... . . .. '
it tiller wins, or ir dcodis tnina it win in.
ic ri -rfs a tniaioroi ouying now. ilia i
lO C IU I advance may ccme In a mcnlh
a week. Aermotor Duces will not auvance unless
dt an advance in lauor ana material, uut
Jts Cvlinderu are loi below anything ever Quoted.
". : .. ' .- -j -
eooos are as low as tnev can oe prooucca.
plenum laciiuir. a general nisn to cover ,
mio II nuys so mucn, may quickly esuautt our
ana compel tno advance, ureal saving can
nil ir Weill DIIV vnui
i avoided nr iuu bui nun