A r , - h $ VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUG, 14, 1896. NO- 26 wmmiJiKaoBiriTOWLjttju fP& H iff Hw l Vi.iImI.i " S have a full line ,of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, No tiQns, etc., New and4Fresh Larg est stock in the cc unty. Produce taken at its highest market value and 50 cent silver ' dol lars received at their face. C. A, BURLEW. People You Know. Thos. Jieck, the portly tind alTiible hardware merchant, of Alliance, transacted business at the court house Tuesday. Geo. A. Underwood and Miss Lillle Hunt were married by the county judge on 'Wednesday. Mrs. Fenner la recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. O. A. Miller and children de parted for Oruvillc, S. IX, Sunday morning where Mr. Miher lias located permanently. Attorney S. M. Stuyser accompan ied by his wife and daughters drove up from Alliance Sunday and spent the day visiting friends. Prof. Wordcn contemplates open ing an art studio at Terry, S. 1). He is now at Hill City. 11. W. Montgomery, republican can didate for county attorney, was in ,tho city yesterday. W. F. Walker's little daughter is suffering with tonsllltls. Don't forget to come out and hear Judge Green speak next " Thursday, Aug. 20tb. It will be a rare treat. "Dad Shirk is laid up with a Bore foot. The young pr-ople of the Congrega tional church will give a social next Frhjay evening, Aug. 21st, at the home "f Mrs. Sherwood. A unique program will be rendered. Refresh ments, Ice cream, etc. All are invit ed. Hon. 11. C. Soleman will spenk on silver at the court house tomorrow. Mr. Noloman has the roputution of being a sound thinker aud good speaker and you should not fail to hear him. Sheriff Sweeney was "under the weather" a couplo of days this week. Mrs. M. E. Talnter arrived from Colorado and will visit her brother, Hamilton Hall. Editor Paradis and wife, Mcsdames Mounts, Cunningham and Smith and Misses Deal and Mann came up from Alliance to attend the social Friday cven-ng. Judge Spacht resigned from tho school board and ClarK Olds was ap pointed to -fill vacancy. Arthur Moore, of the Vintte river, brought in H75 bushels of wheat Wed nesday, which he sold to the mill. Attorney lodence made a business trip U Cliatlrou and Rusnvllle this week. Mis Nettie Uhrig is ut Alliance, receiving instruction in music from Mia. Snow. While In Scotts jJluff county last week Rev. Wunderllcirs matched span of blacks strayed away and he is unable to liud thutn. prandpa Cook died on Sunday af ternoon, of cholera nimbus, at the home of Mike Elmore, Alliance, aud whs burled In the Catholic cemetery on Ttiosdtiy. Mr. Conk had passed ills "Qth year and was an ostiniablc gentJemHii, liked by all who knew him. Three daughters refilling in this county survive him: Mesdames Mike aud John Elmore and John Lemon, to whom a host of friends ex tends ey in path ies. W. K. Herncall made a trip to tho Sand hillo tlju week. 16 TO i.Z Join tho Bryan club. C. J. Wildy returned from his Black Hills trip Friday morning. Trainmaster Birdsall was in tho city Wednesday, Bryan meeting at court house tomorrow, (Saturday.) Tho Bryan ladies served ice cream in tho Gerber building Monday aftornoon. Examination for Tcachors' cer tificates will bo held in court house Aug. 15th and 22nd. A. M. Davis returned- from Iowa Wednesday morning whore ho has been for nearly a year. Bushncll & Sherwood havo leased tho Knapp building and moved their meat market therein. B. F. Gilman returned from tho hills Tuesday. Mrs. Gilman will remain at Hot Springs this week. Mrs. J. S. Paradis and Miss Lulu Maun, of Alliance, have been visiting Hemingford friends tho past week. Prof. Fenner returned from from Scotts Bluff county Tues day whore ho has been conduct ing the Teachers Institute. Ho returned sooner than ho expected owing to Mrs. Fonner's illness. Miss Mary Collins departed for her homo in Montollo, Wis., Monday morning. Miss Collins has been failing in health for some time and her many friends here hope tho change will bene fit her. The Gering papers and tho Co. Superintendent speak very high ly of Prof. L. B. Fenner's work in the Institute at that place. .Concerning his lecture, tho Homestead says: "Among tho interesting feat ures of the Institute this week was the lecture Wednesday night by Prof. Fenner on tho subject, "We the People." Tho lecture was listened to by a largo aud ience and was highly appreciat ed. Ho presented somo unusual ly good thoughts in an able man ner, which showed himself to bo in touch with the best of our thinkers in tho educational world." A very pleasant gathoring was tho old fashioned .quilting party at tho home of Mrs. Jas. Hollin rako last Saturday. After par taking of an excellent dinner which Mr. Hollinrako had pro pared for her guests, tho time was spent in quilting and dis cussing tho political situation of tho day. Mr. Volney Curtis fav ored tho company with some choico selections of music. Those present were, Mesdames Kendall, Hammond, Bean, Hatch, Nichols, Reynolds, Bushncll, Goodcnough, Spacht, Curtis, Neoland, Cross, I. Reed, F. Reed, Blanchard, W. Hollinrako, Pierco, lodence, Paradis, Sherwood, Gibson, Grandma Hollinrakq, Misses, Hamilton, Hollinrako, Mann, O'Koofo. Goodcnough, Rood, Neeland, Tho political social at the court house Friday evening was a de cided success in every particular, Tho hall was prettily decorated with beautiful mottoes and poiv traits of McKinley and Bryan were conspicuous. Tho KOVOral ! . i i , ii parties were ably represented the democratic by Mrs. Switzor chairman, Mrs. Millett and Mrs.) Roan; populist, Mrs. Nichols, chairman, Mrs. lodence and Miss Hamilton; republican, Mrs. j Sweeney chairman, Mrs. Rustin ! and Mrs. Hammond; prohibition- ist, Mrs. A. M. Miller. Tho rep resentative of each party spoko liko an old-timo politician and all were heartily applauded. Tho glee club rendered several choico selections and Mosdamps Switzor and O. A. Millor sang a duel, I entitled "Silver Threads Among tho Gold," which was well re ceived. Mrs. Blauchard made fow appropriate remarks and re minded us that while wo may havo dilTorpnt views on 'Jjo polit ical question, there is one thing wo all lovo alike tho Stars and Stripes. After tho program was finished all joined in singing "Tho Star Spangled Banner," when tho room was cleared, tho tables arringcd and loaded down with "gold" and "silver" cakes which wore served with delicious ico cream and Mrs. Miller's pro hibition pop. In fact tho only thing lacking about tho enter tainment was "gold bug'.' argu ment and ico cream which disap peared before many wero aware of it. Tho receipts amounting to about 812 wore donated to the church. All the ladies, and sev eral of the gentlemen, worked hard in getting up the entertain ment and aro deserving of much credit. A distinguished party from Box Butte county. Neb., has been visiting our successful dry goods and clothing merchant, Herman B. Wildy, tho . past week, and havo enjoyed immensely tho romances connected with moun tain life. Tho party consists of C. J. Wildy, a brother of our popular townsman, and a promi nent merchant of Hemingford; B. F. Gilman, county attorney for Box Butte county, his wifo and children; "and Miss Anna Neeland. county superintendent for tho same county. They aro out for a good time and the beautiful weather of the past week has afforded ample oppor tunity to inhale the pure oxygen of the bracing mountain air. Of course Herman has sjiared no pains in looking after their en tertainment, and no attraction in tho way of mining wondqr and rugged mountain scenery has boon overlooked. Terry News. A Suspicious Case, The suspicions of tho Times l'egarding tho intentions of the Hemingford Herald proved to bo true, as the paper came out last week squarely for free sil ver. The publishing of tho de linquent tax list for this year was awarded tho Herald very quiot ly at a meeting of the pop board of county commissioners last week, which makes it appear ou the surface as if somo kind of a trado might havo been mado. Well, the popocrats have beon wanting an organ in this county for some time, and now they havo it. Tommy will bo strictly in clover next November after Bryan is elected to stay at home. Alliance Times. Well, well, Bro. Ellis seems to Inyo another attack of cholera morbus. So the "printing of tho tax list was awarded the Herald very quiotly at a mooting of the pop board last week," was it? Democrats never toll tho truth so wo quote the following from tho Commissioners Record: "JA.NUAHV Id, 180t5.-Hidu for furnlsliln stationery aud printing official notices hid wero 1 opened and counlderod. Coutiaot was awarded 1 to tho Jlomltiyford IIehald aud that paper was ! dwdsnatod an tho otlioiul paper of liox Hut to county for lMHi aud eold paper to publish tho "I'Mal lax Ht. Hond of tho Hwnlniffonl HtB- ah iur wiu intuitu iwrj urtunuce 01 mo con- tmct , oXaminwi aud apP,mi. Att.t: k.m.i'ueu-s. county curie," Harvoy, don't you romembor tlmt yu woro present on that day, when tho contract was lot. But anything to got a rap at tho two "PP" members of tho board, Havo you forgotten about the complimon v notices you used to givo IhM on mo "pop" board two years i go Avhou you wore publishing a pop paper and got ting all tho patronage? How things do change, Harvoy! You, and the other editor who drove twenty miles through tho rain during tho last mooting of tho board, to get tho printing, havo worked nobly and wo extend to both of you our sincero sym pathy. Wo trust that you fol lows will not forgot yourselves again and come out. next summer trying to elect McKinloy. Judgo WL. Green, of Kearney, will address tho people of Box Butte county on tho political ibsuo of tho day; at tho court house in Hemingford, Aug. 20, nt 2 p. m. at tho opera houso in Allianco 8 o'clock p. m. Everybody should hoar this notod orator. Good music in attondiinco. Clank. Olds, Chairman. NOTICE All those who havo expressed thoir intention to join tho Bryan club and all others who wish to become members of tho clnb aro requested to come to tho court houso on Saturday Aug. 16 1SUU, 1:30 p. m. for organization, and other business. Good spcakors will he on hand. Don't mako tho mistako of thinking you can't afford to attend the '90 Stato Fair. Tho truth is' you can't afford to stay away. It makes no difforenco what your business is, your knowledge of it, your intorcst in it, will bo increased by what you seo in Omaha, Aug. 27 - Sept. 5. And tlie low rates and special train servico offered by tho BURLINGTON ROUTE makes tho mattor of reaching Omaha a very cheap and easy affair. Orclitin.n.00 No. 33, An ordinance levying tuxes for the your 1890 and making annual appiop riations for said year, entitled "The Annual Appropriation Hill." Ho it ordained hy the chairman ind board of trustees of the village of Hemingford, Nebraska: Section 1. That thero ho and hereby is levied upon nil tho taxable propci ty of the village of Heming ford, Nebraska, for the year 1800. a tax of ton mills on each dollar valu ation thereof, as aliown by the assess ment roll-s of said village for the year 18'JO, to defray the general and IiicIh dental expenses of said village for said year. Section 2. That there be and here by is levied against each male Inhab itant of said village, between tho ages of '21 and 50 years, except nanpers. lunatics, Idiots and U.S. pensioners, for the year 1890, a poll tax of three dollars each. Section 3. That for the year 1S90, there be and hereby is appropriated out of the lovenucH derived from the tuxes hereby levied, to defray tho geiif-ral and incidental oxponses of said village for the present llscnlyoai the several vnioiints for tho speciile objects named herein as follows: For salary of Tillage attorney ROW " " " ecrk 5000 " " ovarhWof MrMJta.. S(0 " " " tronsupir 10WI " prinllnK 2000 htatlonrry lllOU " luuldtmtal exiwnwtw WJW Total , Jjslsw Section -i. That tills ordinance take effect and bo in force from and after its pissage and publication ac cording to law. Passed and approved July 21, 1890. Samuel Sivjtzkii, Chairman Hoard of Trustees of the Village of Hemingford. Nebraska. Attest: "W. M. Iodkncu, (Soul.) Village Clerk. Notice ol Dissolution. , M UtLAND. Nob., Aujf. 10, tft). TJh co-partnership hcUfor pxlhtlut; uiuler U tlrm name of C II. Jriun A Ilro.. in tli UtiyuliuioUed by mutual ioumhiU ('. II. Irion remaluioK in the butfins and rolltMtiiu; all a rontite duo the firm uud tUln all awuimUi contracted by the flrui. ('. II. Ihion. Kowaku Inio.v. Takun up by tho undersigned at my placo 1 mUosouthwustof Ilom ingford on July 31, 1S9G, one buy nuiro, weight about 1,000 lbs, no brunds; 0110 sorrel mare, weight about 800 l!s., braudod T on right hip. Both had halters on. J. Adam Pheis. Calvin NEW STORE ! :-: NEW .GOODS ! New Prices! New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! ANTON Hardware and Tub Oldest jSstaiimmiisient in tiim Count v Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.-. Special Agent for BAKER -PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth, Frefl frog CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY . Oflico 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob. Tho Nebraska Stato Fair. Tho best Stato Fair in tho West. Best reached by tho best railroad in tho West tho BURLINGTON ROUTE. Tickets and information about low rates and special trainsto Omaha on applica tion to any B. & M. R. R. R. Agent. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Kilt tod by Ex-Consreasmnn W. J- BRYAN Is th greatest ttexospaper west of the Missouri Jiioer. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixteen to one. Its news service is the best to be obtained. Daily, ?-0 00 per yoar; SOconts per month. Weekly, ?1 00 per year. Subscriptions for cr WORLD-HERALD received at this offlca J. Wi ldv UHRIG, TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Lai, HFMINGFORD, NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residenco in Draver block, up stairs. Special attontion given to dis eases oE children . New Short Lino to Holena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. O-, X. & "W. O. Tira.3 Cord. BAST BOUND. 'o, 2. nive onKer nrri oa at " 48 frolfiiit nrrlvus tit WKHT BOUND, No. 41 imsNetiKurtirrivcHat " frl!lit " " if fruJclit arrlvoB u l:'Ga.m, 0:0o 1 1. in. .0:10 u. m, 4:13 a. in. 11:5." p, in. All trains ourri' nasHOilcors a: v- m Y. M. CorxuAND, Agent MAIL DIUlSCTOltY. HKMlMfironu iostol!lc. On wok days door uif n nt 7 a. in-, yeiiwnl delivery uiwum at N a. m. and olostta at b j. in. Opeu Sundays 0 to 10 n. m. HfJUNnroiiD and liox ItUTTr tagelally Accept Buuu&y, IlrMisoionD and Duniap vtage, Moudtjr WeduMila) and Friday. Saddlery. Brewing Company