trttS ' frfttifrfcSStONAL BEAUTY. Ir T.ob at Oooil Looks I ritlful Thine. " "How pho lina gono oft!" ta ttao fatal verdict, mora dreaded by a Tashlonabla bollo than nnj; other rntofortunc, for to her It raoano the lose of everything ' that she moat ValUca not only the eclat caul freshness of her beauty, but tho prcstlgo hnd power which It ln- ' eurcs. Nothrng Is moro melancholy than to 8Co' a woman, who haa beeh -what la known aa a professional beauty and who Uvea for society, gradually lose her attraction, whllo nho keopa on striving to retain, by obvious and pltl jtul effortthat which waa once horB by Divine rlgljt. Her admirers, whose namo once waa legion, graduallly dwin dle Into a few sccond-rato men or cal low youths, who still feel flattered by (he friendship of tho onco renowned belle, whllo to retain oven such as those she la obliged to make an effort, to cheapen herself In a way, to strlvo and flatter, to descend from her pedes tal, and front a goddess to becomo "A creature not too bright or good For human nature's dally food," until Anally sho grows Into an object of contemptuous pity to a younger genera tion. "Poor old thing," they say, "she was J very handsomo onco!" "What has hap pened to her? Sho la not so vory old." "'No, but sho haa 'gono off,' and tuero- ' fore out and her day Jb over." Truly nothing seems left for tho poor worldling to whom flattery and admira tion have been the very breath of hor Dostrlln and who feels that sho cannot llvo without them. What a trite, worn out little sermon might bo preached about BUch life! Only a few years ago tho poor thing was one of tho most ' brilliant stars In the social constel lation. ' Men of fashion and position swarmed nround her and were delighted when Bbe condescended to accept their atten tions; now they havo one and all desert- 1 ed hor for a newer and brighter lumi nary. At social gatherings she has to Insist upon her old friends speaking o her: Bhe Is obliged to waylay them and take possession of them, and haa frequently to maneuver to get near eomo particular man who will not como to her. It 1b no uncommon thing 'for Biich a woman when she finds that ' tho stimulus of her existence la gono to seek for something to supply tho abso- luto need she feels for excltoment, and physicians say that opium eating and alcoholic excess are largely on tho In crease among women of society, "Favor is decoltful and beauty is 'vain," salth the preacher; but tho wom an who looketh well to the ways of hor household and those children arise up "and call her blessed, her price is Indeed -above rubles in this worldly age of ours. lltooci f nnrgnnrtlnn. Lake Morat, ono of tho prettiest ot tho many pretty lakes in Switzerland, ta8 recently turned red and this re vives the old legends about tho place. ISvery four or five years for a century or longer the waters havo taken on a fcocullnr reddish tinge. This Is due, Scientists say, to the growth of a minute aquatic plant, which 1b designated by the long namo of oecillatrola rubescens. Jin no other body of water In tho world docs It flourish and It does not appear in largo quantities except occasionally in Lake Morat. On June 21, 147(1, there was a battle on the shores of the lake. A party of Durgundlans, under tc com mand of Charles the Bold, fell victims to the Swiss and nearly very one was killed No quarter was shown and thousands of bodies were thrown In tho lake. Old fishermen 6ay that tho red color of tho lako Is the blood of the Jlurgundlans. Frenchmen, howover, claim that the lake blushes at the mem ory of Iho SwIbs. who showed no mercy "to their antagonists and continued tho "fight! after U had become more slaugh ter. The lake presents a sinister ap pearance, especially when the sottlug Bun heightens tho crimson effect. A numhtiffglur Btory. Tho story of the plot to capture Wil liam Penn ftret arieared In thn United States more than twenty-five y"rs ago. It has been contradicted over and over "again, but It still reappears periodically In the newspapers. It Is nothing less han a miserable forgery, Intended to deceive tho public, either for the pur pose of putting Its credulity to a test or iof creating a prejudice against tho early founders of Now England. Tho name 'of Mr. Judklns is entirely unknown at this library; no. such chost of old papers 8 Is nlleged'to have bcn deposited In the archives of the society has ever teen received, and no such person as he one said to have made tho deposit Is known to the members. At tho date Of the document Cotton Mather was ?nly 19 years' old, which fact alone would be presumptive evidence that he was not connected with any such pi ratical Bcheme. Furthermore, I doubt whether the word "scampo" was' in usa at- that period. Notes and Queries. Novar Ilrard th Ijt of It. "Well." said the whale, "I am not much of a hand1 at fishing never did do much la that line but once down by Nlnevelii; pulled a prophet clear out of tho water. His whiskers were at least two feet " v Tho sea serpent Interrupted him. "I Biippose, of course, you preserved a pho tograph." he sneered sarcastically. "No," stammered the whale, in some confusion. Mto tell tho tiath, he he got away. Tou see" A storm of, jibes drown bis explana tions. Now York Press. i Bo Kuddcu. Ho "Do you think It unlucky to get married on Friday?" Sko (ahyly) "Well, dear, If you like that day best Im not buperatlllouB." Cleveland itader. 1 . ' ', J. . ' . The Herald, OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. l'nhllshrd CTery Friday and enteral at tho post-olllco In Ilemlnffford. Nebraska, as aocond claio mall matter, tub HeriAMi i devoted to the Interests ot llcuiinsford and Box Butto county. THOS. J. O'KEEFO, Publlfher. BunscniraoN hAttb: ONKVKAH 1M blX MONTHS . .75 COUNTY OFK1CEBH. P.M. ruin's .....Clerk. A. M.MtiXRit Treasurer. Jar. II. II. IIkwktt Judge. K. P. BvnssNY Hliorltr. It. K. QiLttiN Attorney. MioaA.K. NEMiAHD Superintendent. Ciua.IlnANN , ..burvcyor, Drt.W.K. Coroner. I)n. L.W. Bowman 1'hyslclan. Jamkb IlAnnv Commlsalonor 1st Dlht, Jas. IIoi.mniiark Commissioner 8nd Hist. (1. W. Duncan,. ...... .Commissioner 3rd Dlst. Democratic Ticket, For President, WM. J. BRYAN. For Vice President, ARTHUR SEWALL. THE COMMON PEOPLE are tired of tho old, worn-out chestnut of "protection" and "free trade," having heard it harped upon all their lives. Tho only thing that will restore AMERICAN PROSPERITY IS THE FREE AND UNLIMITED coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1 And that's what wo are going to have and WITHOUT "WAITING FOR THE CONSENT OF ANY OTHER NATION ON EARTH. President Cleveland has given out that all of his appointees may vote us they chooso which shows a spirit of fairness in tho presi dent. E. C. Nolouian, of Alliance, is one of the old-lino republicans of this' county who is doing good work for Nebraska talking for silver and Bryan. V. J. Bryan, the friend o the common people, will carry Bos Butto county by a rousing majority. Our gold bug friends will cortanily come to the conclu sion that they are Hying with a mob of "anarchists." It was ti Nebraska woman who said "a person must belong to the republican party in order to get up in society." This may bo true but it is not very much consola tion to the laboring class who are struggling to get enough to eat. A Bryan free silver club has been organized in Canton, Ohio, tho home of McKinley, and num bers among its members many of tho prominent democrats, prohi bitionists and populists of the city. Aside from adherents of these parties, u few freo silvor republi cans have become identified with the raovomont. Committees solic iting membership report obtaining several hundred in u few hours. Of Bryan in Holt county tho Atkinson Plaindealer has this to say; "The populists of Holt couu ty are as one man for tho nomina tion of Bryan. "Why should they not bo? He stands for tho plain people of this nation, and is an up-to-date intellectual giant Every old goldite and monopolistic lies sian is opposed to Bryan. The usurers of this country tho men who would sell this country to England are for McKinley. The great reform forces of this country ought to and will indorse tho silver tongued hero of the Platto." NOTICE All thoso who have expressed their intention to join the Bryan club and all others who wish to become members of tho club are requested to como to the court house on Saturday Aug. 15 189C, 1:30 p.m. for 'organization, and other business. Good speakers will be on hand. Now Goods, New Clothing, New Hats, New Ties, at WILLI'S Nuw Every thing J Taken nq by tho undorsigped at ray placo 1 ratio south west of Hom- ingford on July 81, 1890, ono bay mare weight about 800 lbs, brand ed T2 on right hip. Both had halters on. J. Adam Preis. Final Proof Notices Hon. J. W. Wr.nN, Jn., BcaUtcr. IIos. F. M. lluooMK, Receiver, Parties havlnir notices In this column are re quested to road tho samo carefully and report to this oilira for correction any errors that may exist. This will prevent posslblo delay tn making proof. Land Office at Alliance. Neb., Aug. 3, 1890. Notico Is lierebv clvnnth&t tlio following nam ed settler lias filed notice, of her intention to' mako final proof in support or. hor claim, and that raid proof will bo inado boforo 1j. A. Dor rington, 0. 8. C. ft Commissioner, at Crawford, Neb., on Sept. IS, 18U6, viz: EMMA METTLKN, of Doll, Hob., who marfo H. E. 1221 for tho n H n o i sec. 11, A n V4 u w X soo 12, tp 28 n, r 54 w. Hho names tho following witnesses to provo her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz: Ed Irion, Bell, Neb., Joe Moor. Marsland, Neb., Edward Dlxt-on, Wil liam F. Dixon, of Boll. Neb. J. W. Wkiin, Jb., Register. Land OUlco at Alllanoo. Nob., Ang. 11, 1690. Notico Is Jieroby gl von that tho following nam ed settlor has filed notlco of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado boforo Register or IteceWor at Allianco, Nob., on tsept. 15, IB'JO, viz: CHAIILE3 A. LOOKWOOD, of Canton. Neb., who mado H. E. No. 2783 for tho lots 2, ;), sexnwU&noBW&soo IS, tp Sit) n, r 52 w. JIo names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: 8. 1. Wright, G. LI. Clayton, Nelson Bcarss, W. C. Phillips, aU of Canton. Nob. J.W. WwiN.Jn., Register. Land OlHce at Alliance, Neb., July II. 1800. Ilotico is hereby given that tho following named Bottler iias filed notlco of his Intention to mako final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo mado boforo Register or llooolver ut Alliance, Nob., on August 29, 1690, viz: JENNIE O. ROIUNBON, noo Evans, of Ilox Butto. Nub., who mado H. E. No. 3350, for tho s o H. sec 1. tD aa n. rir 01 w. Sho namoe tho following witnesses to prove ner continuous resiuenco upon ana cultivation of said laud, viz: Hugh li. Jonos, of Homing- njl ?W A It TnAbiA If A.ain r.9 af aIah,! rVTnVt Ueor'ge L.Taylor, of ilemiugford, Neb., Henry BiumoK, ot iawn, neu. J. W. WHN, Jit.. Register. Land Office at Alliance, Nob., July 21, 1890. Notleo is hereby given that the following named settlor has filod notico of bis intention to mako final proof in Bupport of his claim, and tuat said proof will bo mado before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on August 29th' 1800, viz: FRANZ FRANK, of Lawn, Hob., who mado II E No. 689, for the s H sw h & w Vi bo H sea 11, tp 20, rg VI. Ho names tho following witnessos to provo his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: Frank Caha, Henry WInten, Al bert Kraupa, of Lawn, Neb., Frank: Krajieolc, ot Alliance, Nub. Also, FRANK ZILA, of Lawn, Neb., who mado II E No. 033 for the u o li boo 16. tn 28. re Hi. Il names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residonoo upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Frank Caha, Henry Winton, Albert Kraupa, ot Juvm, Nob., Frank Krajicek, ot AMlanco, Nob. J. W. Wkh.v, Jn. Register. U. 8. Land OUice. Alllanoo, Neb.. Juno 3, 189G. Notico is hereby givou that WILLIAM L. CLAl'l1, of Fairfield, Iowa, lins filed notice of intention to mako linal proof before It. A. Dor rliiRUm, (. H. ('. O. Com'r at his olllco in Chad ron, Neb., on the Bth day of Sept. lb'Jti, on tim ber culture application No. 619, for tlioHiiNK H fc N y, B K U ot section No. SJ, In township UUn, range lUw. Ho names as witnesses: Loyd Horvon Pow ell, Charles W. Minard, Thomas C Rhyan, of Homlngford, Neb., Charles W. Dorcan, of Hough, Neb. J. W. Weun, Jn., Register. Land Oilico at Alliance, Nob., Juno 30, 1800. Notico is hereby itiven that tho following named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo made before the Register or Revolver at Alliance, Nob., on August 10, 1800, viz: EUGENE A. PATTERSON, who made II. E. X!00 for tho nw U two 7, tp 29, rK47. JIo names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous roaidenco upon and cultivation ot snid land, viz: C, 11. Phlpps, C L. Wahtrou, V. II. Uoddard, Erick Sodorstrom, all ot Dun lap, Neb. J. W. Wkiin, jr., Register. U. S. Land Office, Alliance, Neb., July 28, 1806. Notico is hereby given that DIXON a CORRY, has filed notioo ot intention to mako final proof boforo Register and Receiver at Alliance, Nob., on tho &th day ot Sept. 1MX3, on timber cnltnro application no. 680, for tho o H n o H A e Ji b o !4 sea SB, tp 28 n, r M w. He names as witnesses: William L. Ash brook, Harry a. Aghbrook, of Dell, Neb., John 1. Haz ard, of Lawn, Neb., Charles Hall, of Canton, Neb. Also JOSEPH 8. DICKINSON, of Canton, Nob., who mado II. E. 1300 for the b S a w ! & w Vi a o U sea 4, tp 27 n, r .11 w. llo names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. saiil land, viz: Wilson L. AHlibrook, Harry A. Ash brook, of Hell, Neb., John P. Hazard, of Lawn, Nob., Charles Hall, of Canton, Neb. J. W. Weun, Jr., Register. BALE OF PUBLIC LAND. U. 8. Land Olllco, Alliance, Neb., JuaeS0,180C. notice is hereby given that, in pursuance ot instruction from the Commissioner of tho Gen eral Land Olllce, under authority vested in him by section 2i6., U. a. Hovlsod utntutes. as- amended by tho act of congress approved reb ruary 20, lbi)5, wo will proceed to otter at publio salt) on the Stn day of August, next, at this of fice, the following tract of land, to-wit:- Houtn halt ot the north east quarter of section twelve, (I'D, township twenty-fivo, (25), north of range fifty,(M, west ot the sixth principal meridian, in Nebraska. Any and all jiersons claiming adversely to the Ahnvft-rtBhCrilMMi lands are advited to tile their claims in this offico on or boforo the day above designated for tho commencement ot said saio, ottiorwiBd their rights will be forfeited. J, W. Weun. Jr.. Registir. K. M. Droome, Receiver. Notice to Non-resident Defendant. In Uie district oourtot Itox llutie cojnty. William R. Abbey, plaintiff vs. Annie L. Fanning, W. JJ. Fanning enl W. J. Kowden, defendants. The above named defendent W. J. Bowden. will tultn nntii'B that on tho (Sth dar of Al L-llfit lRlM, William R, Abbey plaintiff kurel:i filed his retition in the district court of Box Iintto county against the abovo named defendants, tho object and piaerof which ara to teredo- certain mortgage executed by the del.-, dant Ann.e li. Fanmnir to tho American Inventra.nt company upon the southcastquarter of section ! 23 in townsh jsntp a : north, range 18 west of tho sixth pilncipal meridian in liox Dutto i-iunty J rtieoranKa, to secure tue pa) mentoi onoceiui n .iromissory ntto for tho sum ot I00.(X da'el Uarch 6th lbtJT. and due and payable Dec. 1st Ifcfll with int-rei,t thereon payable semiannually and on which time ot payment was afterwards : extended hvu jtars from maturity thereof. Bald note and mortase contains thu condition that it any interest on eaid uoto is not paid wlihm twent days after tho same becomes due, then the principal shall immediately become duo and payable at the option ot tno holder thoreof. Said noio and mortgage was K'foro the tame became due for a Muable considera tion duly assigned to tho plalutltf who is row the holder and owner thereof All of tho interest which became due on said principal note on the firldayof Doe. Ittti.and slucoUiat time still remains unpaid aud the plaintiff elect to declare tho principal aud in terest there on duo and payable at once. And there is now due the plaintitf on said noto and mortgage tho sura ot $1UU.U). with intereht there on from tho 1st day of June lb!Q, at ton per cent per annum. Plaintiff prays for a decree that (ImjIafAnil.n,. ttavannlrful tn rmv Mitl nmn rir that said premises may be sold to satisfy thai amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of BopU-mber lS'JO. Dated August 6, lHuO. W1LL1AM tt, ARREY Plaintin. By D. K. SrACHT, Uiu attorney. f v -7 iw. Closing Out Sale!... I have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and .Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. HERNCALL. H. H, PIERCE, .Proprietor of. Livery AND "Wo havo first-class stock and double and single rigs, which wo furnish at rcasonablo rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder are unoxcollcd in the city. Give ub a call. &SF" Stablo Corner Box Butte Avenuo and Sheridan Street. Siree Opisi ''The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word." Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. 'There is na paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD.' From "Newspaperdom" (New York). (I have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." Prof . J. T. Hatfield The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD. 181 Nadison-st. F. E. HOLSTBK, Watchmaker AND Jeweler, ALLIANCE NEB. (B. &M. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at the Herald office will receive prompt attention. Having purchased of J. M. Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON KING" and his French coach stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand them during the season at my farm, six miles west and two north of Hemiugford. Terms, '5 to in- ' .. "lu Thcse stallions nro too woll t Irnnivn in lippri fnrtlinr flpsorintion Known to neeu xuriuor uebcnpiun A Q "RuYPAUP " " "' Nonce to:redeem. To American Investment Company, of Emmetsburg, I'alo Alto County, Iowa, l K Allen, Receiver ot thu Aiceruuu Investment Company, non-resident owners', and to occu pants and persons in whose nanias assessed tor tho )ears 1MU, 1W1, and lb'j.), tand to all to whom it may concern: You and each of yon are hereby notified that on tho Sth ot November, 11U, A. li. Orrashy, purchased at publio tax sale from the treasurer of Box Butte county. Nebraska, for tho delin quent taxes for the year ltfM, tho roal-estato de scribed below, situato iu Box ltutte county. State ot Nebraska, viz: The southwest quarter of section 15, town ship 21, north of rango &i, west ot the sixth principal meridian; . , Taxed in the namo ot John D. Workman, for tho year lbU.1. and in 'the name of Petor IU l Workman, for the year lfcOl: and IM Un the loth, day ol Notnmber IMO, A. li. unnjoy, paid the taxes on said land for the sear Jb'Jl as bubuquent tax. and the hth, day ot Jrily IS'jrt said A. L. Ormsby, paid tho taxes on said land for the year 1885, as subsequent tax. Thu time of redemption of said tract ot land from said tax sole will expire on tne Sth, day of. November, A. U. it'M. (s! First poM:alion July lOtb, le'K. igneaf a. ij. ur'utvj. ai..;,,!,, it ., iuT,",TTinrrTi mif rm-rrmMnu - ' " ' -.-..,. Ill.ll! I '' - Feed Stables. ions: in THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Wilt be sent postpaid to any address six days a wook for one yoar for .....,. FOUR DOLLARS. The Ohronlolo Is the most oonsplouous newapaporsuo ooss of tho day, the dally olr oulatlon oxooadlna 7D.OOO copies and the Sunday olrou latlon exoeedlns 100,000 oop los. It Is a flrst-olass news paper of IS and 16 pages (Sun day 40 to 48 pages) and Is a stanoh supporter of sound demoorotlo principles. TERMS. Bally (except Sunday) 1 year. . (4.00 Dally and Sunday, 1 year COO Dally, 6 month (campaign edition). . . . 2.00 Dilly and Sunday, 0 months..., 3.00 Daly, 2 month 1.03 Dally and Sunday, 2 months. . ,- 1.40 Dally, 1 month , . .CO Dally and Sunday, I month ,. .75 Sunday, t year 2.00 Saturday, 1 year 1.00 Samplo copies froe on appli cation. AddroBB THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, i 104-168 Washington St., "CrilQgJia. Ilk BOX BUTTE. Miss ViolalScott is visiting Mrs. M. D. Atkin. F. M. Darling and mother werp Box Butto visitors Sunday. MisB Mnggio Iloss.entprlained a few of hor young friends Sunday. Mrs. Bowman and children of Alliance aro visiting Box Butto friends this week. . M, A. Brown finished painting Clarks chapel last wook. It looks very nice. After the fine rains last Thurs day corn and potatoes aro doing nicely. ' Mrs. Worloy, of Lincoln, is visiting in this vicinity this week. Sho is going to Crawford to visit her daughter, Mrs. Fanning. Ordinanoo No, SS. An ordinance levying tuxes for the year 1890 ami making annual appjop- riaLions ior saiu year, entitled "The Annual Appropriation Bill." Be it ordained by the chairman and board of trustees of tUe village of Hemingfon, Nebraska: Section 1. That there bo and hereby is levied upon all tho taxablo property of the village of llemiug ford, Nebraska, for the year 1800. a tax of tcu mills on each dollar valu ation thereof, as shown by the assess ment rolls of said village for the year 1800, to defray the general and inci dental expenses of said village for said year. Gection 2. That there bo and here by is levied against each male inhab itant of said village, between the ages of Ul and 50 years, except paupers, lunatics, Idiots aud U. S. pensioners, for the year 1800, a poll tax of three dollars each. Section 3. That for the year 1806, there be and hereby is appropriated out of the revenues derived from the taxes hereby levied, to defray the general and incidental expenses of said village for the present ilscal year tho several v mounts for the specific objects nnnuni herein as follows: For salary of village attorney 8000 " " " clerk 6000 " " " overseer of streets.. 1000- " " " treasurer 25 00 ' printing 2000 " stationery 10 CO " Incidental expenses 50 00 Total , 921500- Scctinn 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after ita passage and publication ac cording to law. Passed and approved July 21, 18fy0. Samuel Switzeu, Chairman Board of Trustees of the Village of Hemlngrofd. Nebraska. Attest: W. M. Iodence, ' (Seal.) Village Clerk. KOTKJE TO KEDEEM. To Herbert N. Carpenter, non-resident owner. ami to oc.oupt.ntB, and to persons in whoso names assessed for tho years 1893. 1894, and 18m, and to all whom it may concern: Von and each of you aro hereby notified that on the Sth day of November, 185)1, A. L. Ormsby putchaced at publio tax sale from tho treasuror of Uox ISutto county, Nebraska, for the delin quent taxeB for tho j ear ls'JJ, tho real estate de scribed below, situato in Ilox liutto county, titnto of Nebraska, viz: The wost half of tho northwest qnartor sec tion 2H, and tho south half of tho northeast quarter section 29, township 21, north of range 4ii. west of the sixth principal meridian. Taxed in thu namo of Hubert N. Carpenter for tho years lftOa, 1SH4, and 189a. On tho ICth day of November 1895. said A. L. Ormsby paid tho taxes on said land for tho year 1891, as sub sequent tax, and on tho 8th day of Jul 1890. said A. L. Ormsby paid the taxes on said land for tho year 1895, as subsequent tax The time of redemption of said tract of land from raid tax oslo will expire on tho Sth day of November. A. D. If90. (SiKnedl A. L. OBM8BY. First publication July IT, 16flG. NOTICE TO ItEDEEU. To Annio li' Elkin, non-resident owner, and to; occupantb ana persons in wiinse names assess ed for tho years 1SX), 1891, and 1893, and to all whom it may concern: You and each of you aro hereby notified that on the .Un day of November UU1. A. L. Ormby purchased at public tax sale from tho treasurer of Hox Hutto county. Nebraska, for tho delin quent taxes for the year 1803, the real estate de scribed below, situato in Dox Butte county, Nebraska, viz: The southwest quarter of section 13, township 28, north of rancoM. west of tho sixth princi- fal meridian. Taxed In the namo of Annie E. Clkin for the years 1893, 1801, and 1. After ward for a valuable consideration said A. L$. Ormsby duly sold and delivered said connty treasurer's certificate of tax ealo, together with the accompanying tax receipt, to Edward if. Griswold, who is now tho legil owner and hol der thereof, . . ... On the Cth dav of AdtII 1KB. said Edward H. Qrlswold paid-the taxes on said tand for the year 1891, as suhsnuent tax, and on the SOth day of December lt95, said Edward II. Griswold paid the taxes on said land for the year 1895 as. subsequent tax. ... The time ot redemption of said tract of land from said tax sale, will expire on the Sth day of- November, A. D. 18M. iBicned) EDWAIID H. GRISWOLD. First publication July 17, 1800. NOTICE TO KEDEEM. To Johu W- DBuddemeyer, non-resident owoner, and to occupants and persons in whose nane assessed for tho years 1891, 1891, and 18ft, and to all wborae it may concern: Yon and each of you aro hereby notified that on tho fith, day of November 1894, A. L, Ormsby, purchased at pjblin tax sale from the treasurer of Box Butto county. Nobraska, for the delin quent taxes for tho year lt-VS. tho real-estate de scribed Mow, Bituato in-Box Butte county, state of Nebraska, viz: . . , , .,. . .1 . .. . n ...u.. (ah . 4vmn alii rk 27. north of ramjo W, wost of the sixth prinoipal rn'-ridian; . , , Taxed in tho namo ot John n. D. Buddemeyer for the years 189J, IM4, and lt-05. On the 10th day of November 1895, said A. L. Ormsby, paid the taxes on said land for the year 1891, as sub sequent tax, and said A. I Ormsny, on the 8th. day ot July 1SW paid tho taxes on eaid land for tin year 1893 as subsequent tax. The day of redemption of said Uact of land from said tax saiu will expire on the Sth, day of Unr.mlxr A. TV 1WM1. (Beunedl A. I. Ormsby. FIrit publication InlvtOth HW fMlTrZ-. JBBBtnt I I SM SBBBl BBBBI BBBBBBl BK II BBBB BBBBBBBV 1 'I H3 BbH BrnM bbbI KPJ 11 BBBBbH BBBBBBBbV H BBBbBB M BBBBBBBmk BBBBBml BBBBBmtV .. ' ! Caveat, imd Trade-Marka obtained and all Pat; eat batinos conducted for MootRATC Fees. lowROrncetBOi-poeiTU.s.PATxjrTOrricj land we can secure patent m let time tnan txtokc ireroota from Va.hrn?to. j.j' i Bend rnocel, drawing or ynuiu., wuu .r tion. Wo advU, if patentable or not, tree ol ctarce. Our fee not due till ptent is secured. rtot otaame in the U. S. and foreign countries Jwat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO fapr. Patent Orncc, Wabhinoton. D. I