SILY.EE IN MEXICO. FREE COINAGE IS BUILD1NQ UP THAT REPUBLIC. lid n aril It, Light Contlnnci ltd Tour of Impaction Flndi Thnt (lie Premium on Gold Ii MulnB"tar Vree Coinage H re. Copyrighted, 189G, by Chicago Press Burenu.) Chihuahua, July 11, 1S90 (Second lottor.)-Chlhuahiia Is n city of 30,000 Inhabitants living chiefly in one-story adobn houses plastered In front and built In long rows. Tho face of the houses nro built on tho line of tho nar row street, which havo narrow stono sidewalks. This stylo of house haB tho advantage of being cool in summer, wnrm in winter, and Is practically indciructlblo by Arc. Not a spear of gras or a tree surrounds them; they aro grown in tho patios, or lnsldo open courts. As in every well regulated Mexican city, tholr plaza Is tho center of town and tho center of attraction. At prcrcftt the plaza Is being improved and when completed will bo much more attractive than tho average Facing It on one side Is tho old cnthodral, which was erected nt n great expenditure of labor nnd money during tho years from 1717 to 1789. The facado is elaborately ornamented. I climbed tho clghty-slx winding stone steps in the tower, where hang severnl bells which aro rung by pulling a rope tied to tholr clappers, instead of revolving, as with us. Ono of tho bells wns pierced by a cannon ball when tho Fronch bombarded tho cltyaln 1866, making a rent In Its side twojvo inches In diameter. The city of Chihuahua was founded as Tarau rnara jn 1G39, fully ono and ono-hnlf miles from whoro the city now Is. Tho location is supposed to havo been changed because of tho frequent floods to which it was subjected. I find this fact mentioned in nono of my guide books, but I visited tho ruins of tho old city, Itov. Eaton, In chargo of tho local Methodist Mission, a very fine gentle man, by tho way, arranged for mo an Ii)trvleiv with Unvornor Aliunmiln. I learned tho governor has served four yenrs and was re-elected for four ycarsvon Sunday, the Gth Inst. lie is a gentleman of large statuo and com manding presoncc, and while ho im pressed me as a foreigner it was only when speaking I could think of him as Moxlcnn. I asked for tho financial condition of tho Btato and his pcoplo now, as compared with five and ten years ago: Ho modestly replied "To do that I must necessarily speak of ny own administration, which Is hotter Bald by others." Assuring him I bc liovod ho would not exceed tho truth ho Bald: "Our state Ib in a very prosperous condition. Fivo years ago it was In debt J350.000, of which $150,000 wns bonded nnd passed due and $200,000 floating indebtedness. The bonded in debtedness, both principal and interest, has boon paid nnd $100,000 of the float ing indebtedness nnd nil accumulated interest, so that now wo owe only be tween $50,000 and $60,000 all together. In tho meantime many permanent nnd costly improvements havo been mado or uro in the course of construction. For instance, tho school of arts or Man ual training school Is now complete and Is receiving its machinery and furniture. Thero our boys will bo taught nil tho useful trades at the ox ponso of tho state. A school has been eroded and Is now in successful oper ation for our girls, In which they nro being taught domestic work, teleg raphy, stenography, typewriting, book keeping, etc. Agriculture unci Stock Kiililnc "Our largest industries are agricul ture and stock raising. Our farmers, stockmen nnd merchants nro prosper ous and contented. New industries arc boing established and appear to bo thriving. There have been no failures worthy of notlco for many years. Our commerce amounts to $15,000,000 an nually. Wo welcome manufacturers In new lines, nnd when of reasonable mag nitude exempt them from taxes for Ave or ten years, according to the impor tance of tho industry, Tho present de mand for labor is in excess of the sup ply. Tho city was to have put in a system of sowers laBt spring. As wo were about to begin operations tho officials wcro waited upon by citizens, who stated that there was such a scarcity of labor that if wo went on with tho sewers "tho buildings contemplated could not bo erected. Upon investigat ing tho subject the statement was found to be true, and it was decided to postpono tho sewer building until fall. The Introduction of tho now supply of water necessitates tho construction of sewerage at the earliest practical day. I hope another year will see them In use. Talk iTlth a'lier. It was my privilego to intervlow a number of prominent citizens, ono of whom was Mr, Henrequl Creel, presl ent of Minora bank, a manufacturer, mine owner and ttho most influential financier of North'ern Mexico. I learn 'his father was an American from Phila dolphla and his mother a Mcxlcau, that he was educated In Mexico, a self man and a lnutl-mlllionalre. Tho bank' of which ho is president has ie- ceutly absorbed one bank and is about to absorb another. I said to Mr. Crool that I was desirous of ascertain ing what were the conditions of Mexi co commercially and financially, nnd especially in comparison with tho con ditions existing fivo, ten and twenty years ago, my object being to delor mine whether tho low prico of silver had been as detrimental to Mexico as to the United States. He said: " I bellove tho low price of silver (tho high price of products) Is of benefit to Mexico, because the value of silver lias not changed in its relation to labor and commodities. Gold bing at a high premium, nil foreign goods nro co oxponslvo wo nre now manufacturing horo. Formerly we ex ported most of our sliver to sottlo for those purchaao8. Wo nro now export ing cattle, coffco, hides and othor prod ucts, and by manufacturing to supply our wnntB and keeping our silver nt homo wo hnvo grown rich, our sllvor mining Is as profitable as over because wo havo freo colnngo, which makes every dollar worth 100 cents. The min or takes a dollar's worth of sliver from his mlno and with it ho pays for the samo help and buys the commodities as formerly. Question "What would bo tho ef fect upon Mexican Industries if tho United States wero to rcmonctizo sil ver?" Answor "That would bo a good thing for tho United States, but a bad thing for Mexico. Tho immediate ef fect of a law of that kind would bo that tho prlco of silver would rise nnd its purchasing power increase to thnt of gold; as your country has more silver than gold (for you nre soiling silver and buying gold) you would at once be come prosperous. Not so with us. Wo are a consuming or a purchnslng peo ple, although we mlno sliver largely. As tho purchasing power of allvcr re mained tho samo at homo and In creased abroad, wo would naturally be gin to buy abroad nt n less prico than we can produco for nt homo. So you 8co our growth and development would bo checked and yours Increased." Prospermia. Mexico. "As to the financial condition of Mex ico, it was never better. Tho rovenucs of tho federal government arc in ox ccss of tho expenses for tho first time In her history. Formerly the govern ment wns Indebted to the banks and especially tho bank of Mexico In largo amounts. Two years ago tho indebt edness of tho federal government to the bankers was $12,000,000. Today sho has $6,000,000 to her credit. Fifteen yenrs ago promissory notes of the gov ernment sold at a discount of 4 per cent per month. To-day, tho Mexican government can borrow more money than sho wnnts at 4 per cent per an num." In answer to tho question as to what did he attribute tho Improved credit of tho government he said: In the first place, we continued to keep our mints open to freo coinage, which gnvo us the needed supply of money for tho transaction of business. Then silver retained Its purchasing power nt homo but lost one-half with you. This acted as n powerful stimu lant to exports, because the gold re ceived was worth double to us the amount of tho sale, at tho same time it has proved as great a protector against imports by acting as an increased tariff. Then tho general government has for years been on a peace footing, nnd tho government consolidated and strengthened, so that the monoy and Industry formerly employed in lnternnl war can now bo employed in tho fos- terlng of commercial enterprises and establishing new industries. A strong central government affording full pro tection to our people and capital has encouraged capital to como In, and fully $300,000,000 of foreign gold has sought Investment hero, which lnrgo amount has been employed In tho es tablishment of Industries or In con structing the rnllroad system wo have, which Is being Increased by the build ing of feeders and which will be tho railroads of tho future." I asked him from what source did tho government derive its rovenuo chiefly, to which ho replied: Free Coinage 11 tit Id Ins; Up Industrie. "Formerly the tariff taxes represent ed fully 75 per cent of tho Incomo of the central government. Today wo re ceive but 40 per cent, of our revenue from thnt source. On the other hand, tho internal revenues havo Increased greatly, which further demonstrates tho Increased wealth and progress of tho republic. Again, the freight eom Ing into Mexico Is decreasing on all tho railroads, while the local trafllc Is Increasing, which furnishes additional evidence of tho rapid development of our resources and tho benefit to us of tho low price of silver out of Moxlco." Question "Then I assume that Mex ico Is not desirous that the United States Iteitore lllmetallUm? Answer "Certainly not. That would bo tho worst thing that could happen Moxlco, if you should open your mints to freo coinage at 16 to 1. If, however, you resume coinage at, say 24 to liv ing a promium to gold of say 60 per cent, wo could go along very well, but to open your mints at 10 to 1 would be disastrous to Mexico." "But," I said, "Mr. Creel, if the Unit ed States resumed the coinage of silver at tho ratio of 16 to 1, would not that nearly doublo the value of tho product of yovr sliver mines and prove of great value to Mexico?" He replied: "No, most decidedly no. Silver going to par would not prove of much benefit to our sliver mine owners, as it would have no greater purchasing power with us than now. In thnt ensa It would prove of benefit to our foreign stockholders, but not to our people. But If it did boneflt our miners wo would prefer to protect our stock growers and farmers, our largest producers. Our In ternal commerco Is growing so fnst wo hopo soon to consume all the silver we mlno in it; then It matters not to us what prlco others put upon it." I left Mr. Creel, feeling I had learned i much for my readers to study over if they wished to grasp thjs question, which seems to have two sides to it. A Manufacturer Tulles. The next morning when passing down the street I was attracted by tho sign, "Julius Meyer, Clothing Manu facturer." Thinking this factory might prove of interest I went in, and pre sented my card, saying I was from tho States, and If agreeable I would like to Inspect his factory, I was very cour teously received, and shown through tho factory by him. I was greatly sur- I prised to find it fitted up in the most modern stylo. From an Otto gasoline engine, to a patent cutting table, and a cutter who knew mo as a. manufacturer In tho States. Upon return to tho of fice I told Mr. Myers my mission, and asked him to favor mo with a short in tervlow, which ho kindly granted. Ho said: "I established this business about four years ago, since which time it has grown rapidly. I am now employing eighty hands. I havo lived thirteen years in Moxlco and llko it very well. During that tlmo thero lias been n stcudy Improvement in business, corre sponding to the advance in tho premi um on gold. If tho premium on gold would ndvanco, business would become proportionately more profitable. If tho premium grew less, It would havo tho effect to check our prosperity. The pre mium on gold Is not tho solo causo of our prosperity, but Is a prominent fac tor. Our railroads havo helped us much; bo has tho Increased stability of our government. My business is also moro prosperous because of our tariff, which affords a liberal protection. On tho material necessary for making a dozen pnlr of overnlls tho tariff Is about $1.00, whllo on the overalls it is $12.00 Mexican monoy, or, say $6.00 in gold. Tho protection afforded by the high ox chango Is also of great benefit, and Is equal to the cost of tho article In tho United States, say $7.50 per dozen pair." Question: business if remonctlze "How would it nffcct.yom tho United States should sliver and bring gold to par?" Answor: "I should then expect pret ty lively competition from that country which might cause mo to closo my fac tory. I am convinced I cannot manu facture as cheap aB you do." In answer to several questions, Mr. Meyer said: "I pay my women 75 cents per day on the average. Ton yes fivo ye.irs ago theso women had no op portunity to secure work other than In tho field, or doing some menial em ployment. That Is whnt tho United States did for Mexico when it de monetized silver nnd repealed tho Sherman law; it may havo been hard on tho States, but it wa3 of great bene fit to us. It should bo known that 75 cents per day means far moro to these pcoplo of economic habits than to your people, who llvo much more expen sively. I sell all goods, for cash. Col lections are good and failure aro prac tically unknown. My losses aro so small from failures I do not estimate thnt item in expenses or profits. Our merchants and mnnufneturers nro mak ing money and nre easy financially, n3 was proven when they subscribed $250,000 with which to erect a brewery In tho city, that will shut out all for eign beer, except possibly somo fancy brand. Ten years ago wo had not a browory In tho republic. Now we havo five In operation nnd ono n-bullding. Yes, If the United States consults our Interest they will go along as they aro now on a gold basis." I shall continue theso Interviews In my next nnd show the effect theso con ditions havo had on tho labor market. FINE HEIRS TO A THRONE. Karly Kxplnlt of the Two Koits of tho Archduke Karl Ludwlg. The two young Austrian princes who, by tho death of their father, Archduke Charles Louis, are brought into the lino of immediate succession, bear a popu lar 111 reputo which would havo been excessive ovenln the Munich or Stutt gart of a generation ago, says tho Saturday Itevlcw. Both are reputed to bo unablo to read and write cor rectly nny ono of tho languages In which nn Austrian ruler is supposed to be proficient. After tho suicide of Archduke Rudolph, in 18S9, an effort was made to train the mind of tho elder of theso cousins, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Ho was sent on a tour around tho world and tho pretense was carried to tho length of Issuing a record of observations which ho was said to havo written. AH that ho really derived from the journey was a malady from which ho Is now slowly dying. Ho Is the prince who scandalized Vienna in his youth by halting a peas ant funeral procession which he met whllo riding, and compelling the mourners to hold the bier whllo he leaped his horso backward and forward over the colIln. His uncle, tho emperor, thrashed him with n stick for this ex ploit, nlthough ho was at the time a grown man, and an officer in tho army. His brother, Otto, is the hero of another oxploit, involving a public insult of tho grossest kind to his own wife, for which thb Austrlans wero delighted to learn that ho also felt the emperor's cano. In explanation, though not in defense, of their vicious worthlessness, it is ic mombcred that theso young mon In herit not only tho worst qualities of tho degenerate Hapsburg blood, but are grandsons of that -criminal lunatic whom Englishmen still remember the Neapolitan "Bomba." In 10SO. The teacher in tho primary grado had drawn tho picture of a man on tho blackboard and stood beside it with a ruler In her hand. "This is a rough sketch of a man as we know him, children," she said, "hut he was not always thus. You will be surprised to learn that our ancestors aimed to stand upright and that an erect carriage was sought oven as late as fifty or sixty years ago." There was a murmur of astonishment from the children that rather augerod the teacher. "I assure you It is absolutely tiue," she said. "Theso beautiful curves In the backs of the high-bred people and the extromoly long nock nnd arms were practically unknown sixty years ago. We havo made wonderul progress since then." Chicago Post. IN WOMAN'S CORNER. INTERESTING REAOINQ FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. Some of tho Pnihlonnbln Drenict Been In Town An old Fashioned Conn for Up to Date Mnlda Notes of the Model. HE fash lonablo world has paused for a moment in its mad rush. Many of its inmates havo flown to their sum mer quarters for a quiet Bpell. A few aro still In town, ana may bo Been at tho last ntghta of tho theaters, where wo can easily gain somo hints of mod ified modes. Each day and each week brings something a little different, in splto of tho fact that tho early spring gave the general outlines for the year. Several typical gowns aro worth men tioning. A simple, pearl-grey crepon had no trimming whatever except somo bands of coarse whlto lace insertion in serted lengthwise in tho loose bodlco. The insertion was fastened to the cre pon beneath silver paillette trimming, and whlto satin peeped from beneath It. A white satin ribbon collar and a silver belt finished tho costume. Another moro elaborate costume was worn by a sweet-looking blonde, with a black hat that eat on the Bldo of her head llko a bird ready for flight. Dlack India silk, sprayed with white, was tho material used. The Swiss peasant's yoke was of white, and over It the ma terial crossed In surplice fashion. To further this effect, what seemed to be the ends of a fichu fell over tho skirt from each side of the waist. The bell sleeves emitted clouda of whlto lace, almost concealing tho hands. A bertha of green velvet wns worn over a soft puffed bodlco of cream chiffon, with sleeves that wero shirred to the arm above the elbow, and wero fulled Into extravagant flounces on tho lower arm. An Old Innliloned Govrn. Fun is always to be had In an "Answers to Correspondents" column. A NEW IDEA Nono, however, furnishes quite the amusement afforded by English peri odicals when, in response to queries, they advise reader? to take numerous dresses with them for wear in New York, as that city is quite up-to-date in fashions. They fail to concludo by saying that it might bo well to delay purchasing these garments until reach ing New York, slnco the American taste in dress far exceeds that of tho Englishwoman. This applies mainly to summer dress, for In it the American girl secures a sprightly touch entirely lacking in the ee.ero lines of English garments. Take a dress to be worn at a New port hop. The material is old-fashioned dotted muslin, made over a yel low silk slip. The round bodlco la very full, cut low and round about the neck, and is almost concealed by a fall of wide lace. Big yellow bows at the shoulders conceal the commencemont of ribbon straps to hold tho sleeve pufTs. Ribbon la again Introduced Jn the skirt trim- mingf It encircles the waist, falls j diagonally from tho center of both I front and back and joins hnlf way d?wn tho loft elde, where It Is loosely looped. From thenco one end hangs, another wends its way to tho bottom of tho skirt, to bo fastened under a hugo bow. Another bow is placed at tho waist oxactly in tho center of tho back. And the maid is black of hair and black-oyed. Tho Latest. TUItlng Toilet. Whlto entero moro or less Into all ele gant costumes. It Is almost unneces sary to speak again of tho vogue thnt laco is enjoying. There 1b hardly a gown for woman, girl or child that has not laco somowhero about it, either as application, collarette, pelerine, collar, jabot, cravat or trimming. Whlto satin bella are also a fcaturo of the season. They aro somotlmes wide, sometimes narrow and aro draped or crossed as tho figuro of the wearer dictates. They accompany not only wlhte gowns, but those of grny, green, blue, roso and mauve. For draped and wrinkled belts a very soft silk or satin is required, that will make round folds Instead of sharp ones. These white girdles aro nlso worn with bodices of gauze or moussellno de sole, which nro Innum erable. Those more conspicuous aro of inauve, green, straw or have mousse line, made over a fitted lining of white satin. Plaid and flowered gauzes are used In the same way. Decidedly brilliant colors nro not so much worn as they have been. Somo IN MILLINERY. good effcctB In red are seen, and there are also some charming bluo costumei in which white and Btraw color art mingled, but tho preference is for more delicate tones of ovnsive green, pinkish lilac, effaced yellows and delicate blues. Black and whlto In chine ef fects, stripes, plaid lines, checks, dots and figures is having a success, ns are mixtures of black and white laco on both hats nnd gowns. It Is nlwayB safe to chooso black and whito articles of apparel, for they will go well with any color and havo a certain reservo and distinction that color lacks. Tho sketch illustrates a visiting cos tume. The godet skirt of black taf feta Is covered with a second skirt of black moussellno do sole, embroidered with large roses. Tho fitted bodice of black taffeta is covered and draped with embroidered mousseline. The belt of black satin is tied nt the side and the collar is also of black satin. Black satin ribbons aro arranged ob liquely upon tho bodice, terminating in coques. Tho sleeves of black taf fota are covered and draped with black embroidered moussellno and havo black satin bracelets and frills of white lace. Household Hints. Mice lovo pumpkin seeds, and will be attracted to a trap baited with thom when they will pass by a piece of meat. A thin coating mado of three parts lard, melted with one part rosin, and' applied to stoves and grates, will pre-, ". rJTSS' ?? .T!': . vicw,u ua jitwn uia, uua but uuu uuv I Is not soured may ho made sweet by stirring into it one teaspoonful of car bonate of magnesia to each quart ot milk. The best way to remove eand and grit from small fruit, when washing Is necessary, is to lay the fruit loosely in a clean basket, and dip the basket into fresh, clean water. Jill ' ' I lJ I v Trying to Suit Hint. "Joslar," said the young1 man's fath er, '"do yo remembur what ho said the other day 'bout not bvlnir able to do whut 1 asked ycr to round tho fnrm sonco ye pot educated, 'causo ye want ed su'thin' deep tor uccypy ycr 'ten tlon?" "Yes. father " "Wal, I've- got the very thing fur yc. Olo man Tunldns is dlggiu' a subcol lar." Washington Star. That Terrlblo ht'ourge. Malnrlal dlhoaso Is invariably mipplo nienlpd by disturbance of tho liver; the bowoli, tho i stomach and tho nurvc To the removal of. both tho causu nnd Its effects, llostottor's Stomach Hitters U fully ade quate. It "fills tho bllP'Hs no other romedy does, performing Its work thoroughly. Ita Ingredients nro puro and wholesome, and it admirably serves to build up a system broken by HI health and shorn of strength. I'onstlpatlon. liver and kidney complaint aim nervousness aro conquorcd by it. Lack of Ilpnllmn. Mr. Wlckwiro "What ridiculous, im possible things theso fashion plates arc." Mrs. Wickwiro "I know thoy used to be, but most of them aro engraved from photographs nowadays." Mr. Wlckwiro "This ono can't bo. Horo nro two women going in opposite directions, both with brand new gowns on, nnd neither looking back nt tho othor." Indianapolis Journal Hall's Catarrh Cnro Is taken internally. Price, 75c. Somehow, wo always distrust tho bill of faro at a bonrdlng house that calls its boarders "guests." Trans-MlssUslppI Inventions. Omaha, Nebraska, July 31, 1800. Amongst tho inventors who received patents last week wero William S. Wit ten, South Omaha, Nebraska, feed holding bin; Gaylord C Woostor, Hulo, Nebraska, scale beam; Jchlcl P. Wyukoop, Muscatlno Iowa, rubber cap for axle nuts; Gcorgo P. Kistncr, Low Moor, Iowa, disk cultivator; Edward A. Illnrlchs, Davenport, Iowa, doll. Amongst the curious inventions wcro found an interchangeable toy and box; a combination bloomer nnd bicyclo shirt; a non-puncturing pneumatic tiro provided with n steel shield; a bicyclo adapted to bo used on ice; a duplex bi cycle tiro comprising superposed flex ible tires; a devico for raising nnd low ering bicycle tops; and nn attachment for bicycles comprising a folding rod that can be expanded and is provided with a mirror adapted to bo used on Indies' bicycles so that they can ar range their bangs while in transit Freo information relative to patents may bo obtained in addressing Sues & Co., United States Patent Solicitors, Bco Building, Omaha, Nebr. Bo n fool while you aro young; it Is hot ter to causo grief to parents than to children. It tho llahy Is Cutting- Tee'tn. Be sure and usa that old and well-tried remedy, Mat. Wimlow'h Sooth lxo Sinur for Children Teething. You enn't niako nn old man boliovo that he can llvo on lovo. History is what character tins written. ronq Muscles, steady nerves, good appetite, refreshing sleep come with blood made pure by Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 8L Hood's Pills aro the best after-dinner pills. EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Notre Hume, Indiana, fill tsarse In Cl,lr, Lttttri, Selraet, Law. CIH, Xr eltaalral awl Eltttrlfal rnflsFfrlaf. Tbsreaa;h Preparatory and (MarrrUI ( oini i. K,Bt l'r to U students who haveromuletel the Mudle leqnlredfvradmiiilon Into tin JunloT or Srnlor Year, of anjr of the Cellezlate Coure. A limited number uf CandMatei lor tbo F-tdeilaitlcal state will be ivcolred nt special rates. SI. Uosrs's Hall, or boys ul der I J rears. Is tmlqne In ennip rtenee t,f Ua equipment The 103th Treat wtll open Splb,r M. 1VJH CiUlon'i sent free on appll rallon t trllY RU. A. BUHKIVJItY, C H. ., PrttlilMt, SUTIIi IMbE, I Ml. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART HT. .lONF.l'M. JIO. The course of lnstrncllon In this academy, rondnctec. tr the Heltglous of the Sacred Heart, eiuhraces th whole range of subjects necossaiy to constitute a solltl and refilled education, rroprlety of deportment, per sonal neatness and the prlucllosof morulity aro ob jects of umeaslni; attention Kxtcnslrr eiound af ford the pupils every facility for useful bodily eier-cl-e their h-alth la an olJiH.t nf constant solicitude, and lit slclrnc they are attended with maternal cat. Vnll teim opens Tuesday, Sept 1. Terms fur sea'lon of J mouths, pa) able In advance, tils, this Include tuttlnu, board, washing, courses In French, Merman or Latin, uo of lllirary and phrstrlan's fee For fur ther pal tlculars address. TIIK MUl'KItlult. Academy Sacred Heart. St Joseph, Mo. WEST I Tho best fruit tsocllon In tho West. No drouths A futluro of croiM nevtr known. Mild cllmale. i'roduclhouoll. Abundance of food pure water. Kor Maps ntid Circulnrs Hiving full descrip tion of the Kith Mineral Fruit und Agricultu ral Lands In South Wo,.t Mlesmirl, write to .HtHN M. l'lliDV, Manager of tho Mtsourl Land nnd LIo Mock Company, Neosho, New ton Co., Missouri. WC I'AY CASH WF.EKLY and v.ant men enrywhere to HKLI. STARK TREES rrpTotVu "absolutely best "Superb outfits, new system. BTAKKWIOTHRKS, Louisiana, Mo., ltocirokT, lix. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination and.Adrlce. as ti I'atciiUblllty of In vention. Bend for'Imcntora' (luldo, i r How to Oct a l'ttteut." O'FAUltKJJ. A. bON, Washington, D. C. QPHfini QIIPDIICQ Write for catalog obllUUL OUrrl IlO, Sme frclflit chrc. Ouaiia School Siti-lt Co. ntTCUTO. lOjeats experience. Send sketch forad. iHlLlllO. m.i' (L.lic.tii,litnirin.rX!uninerU.S. lULOlUce) Deimo a Weaver, lUClill llldj;.,Wush.L.0. TptHM "4 V , orttJ"? tKrB;. WHISKY "'" """' Dmi "' Dr. II. H. 17001 l.V, ATLANTA, UA. ThorapSCn'sEya Water. - LIHBSEY OMAHA RUBBERS! W. N. U., OMAHA-32 1800 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention thid unper. south Btiioanoroi rad&uuni I (siTiS3 wwueT m$. ""bT ni fttt vuuu djtuii. iasww vwv. wv y-j 7r