Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 07, 1896, Image 3

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A Crowded Kxcunlon Trnln Ilun
tha Heading KxproKn Tlio
Into by
Flows Clear Tlirouch tho Excurilon
Trnln nnil Victim nro Strewn In Every
A Ilorrllila Collision.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug 1. A
railroad accident, horrible in its de
tails and sickening In its results,
occurred last evening just outsido of
this cltv. aud ns a result about 100
'persons are cither killed or injured.
Tho Reading railroad express, which
left Philadelphia at 5:10 o'clock for
Atlantic City, crashed iuto a Pennsyl
vania railroad excursion train at tha
second signal tower, about four miles
out from here. Tho Pennsylvania
train was returning tollridgcton with"
a party of excursionists from that
ulaco, Mlllvillo and neighboring
towns. It was loaded with passen
gers, and a rough estimate of tho
klllod aud injured at alato hour, pi aces
the number at 100. It is hoped that
this is an exaggeration, but the num
ber is undoubtedly moro than fifty.
At tho second signal tower the
tracltB of the two roads diagonally
cross. Tho Heading train was given
tho Elgnal, but it either failed to
work or the speed of tho express was
too groat to bo checked in time. It
caught tho excursion train broadside
and ploughed through, Htorally
cleaving it in twain. Tho cnglno of
the Reading train was shattered to
pieces. Every car was jammed to Its
fullest capacity.
As soon as the news reached Atlantic
City, the utmost consternation pre
vailed, but the autnoritics were equal
to the emergency. Relief trains wcro
dispatched to the scene, loaded with
cots and bearing staffs of surgeons.
As quickly as tho bodies were re
covered they wero carried iuto tho
local hospitals und undertakers' shops.
A general lira alarm was sounded and
tho department promptly responded
and aided in tho heart rending work
of digging for the victims. Fear grow
into despair and horror as tho vigor
ous work of the relief gangs revealed
tho awful extent of the disaster.
Tho first Reading relief train boro
into this city twenty-seven mangled
corpses, men, women and children.
Tho next tialn, not an hour later,
carried tHteeu of the maimed and
wounded, and two of these died snon
after rerching tho city. As train
after train plyed to the scone of tho
wreck and came back with its ghastly
load, the sanitarium which does duty
as tho city hospital quickly found
Its capacity overtaxed. Meanwhile,
others of the dead and injured wero
being carried to the private hospital
at Ocean and Pacilic avenues.
Tho excursion train was mado up of
fifteen cars, tho foremost of which
was a baggage car. This and tho
next two coaches caught tho full
force of the crush, and wero utterly
demolished. What remained of tho
third car was tumbled into a ditch at
the roadside.
Superintendent I. N. Sweigard of
the Philadelphia & Reading Company
placos the number doad at thirty
sovon and tho injured at about the
samo number. Ilu sent a telegram to
Philadelphia which said: "Thero
wero thirty-s?von persons killed, as
follows: Twelve women, twenty-ono
men, two boys and two girls. About
tho samo number injured.'1
Mrs. Edward Farr, wife of tho
Reading engineer who was killed,
when informed of her husband's
tragic ond, throw up her hands with
a frantic shriek and fell dead at the
feet of her Informant.
William Thurlow, telegraph oper
ator in tho tower house, was arrested
and held, pending an inquiry.
It is said that the Reading signal
was displayed, and that tho whistle
of tho train was sounded. Tho Read
ing has tho right of way at the cross
ing. Tho excursion train boro fivo tribes
tho Order of Red Men, tho Brlrteton,
the Niagara, tho Ahwantonah and
the Cohunsick, with their wives and
rho Ex-Congressman Aronsod by a Qos
alper'a TulU of Hoodllng.
Wichita, Kan., Aug 1. Yesterday
afternoon County Attorney John
Davis aud a party of friends wero com
ing Into Wichita on a train when
Davis said: "1 sco Jerry Simpson is
accused df receiving boodle for favor
ing tho nomination of Watson at St.
Simpson sat a scat in front of tho
party, but his hair was cut and ho
wore a new straw hat, and they did
not recognize- him. lie jumppd to his
feet and confronting tho speaker, de
manded to know who made such an
Davis said that the Globo-Demoerat
did so directly and tho Wichita Ilea
con indirectly aud retorted that ho
wouldn't "put it past him."
"If you wero outsido of this car you
never would say that," was Jerry's
Juot answer.
Attorney l'lke'a Ilevengo.
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug 1. Attorney
"Vinton Piko yesterday brought suit
for 8' ''.OOO damages ugalnst Dr. Rar
ton Pitts, The buit grows out of tho
assault mado by the doctor on Mr.
Pike In his office on July 17. Fivo at
torneys appear in petition as counsel
for the plaintiff. The case will be on
the docket for the September term of
court The criminal cases against tho
doctor, for which ho is now under
bond, will come up ut the Novomber
term of the criminal court.
Treacher Jtobltod of 81,600.
Topeka, Kan., Aug 1. Tho Rev.
John Constantino, an Armenian
preacher who is raising funds in this
country for his people, was held up
by two colored men and a woman in
Smoky Row, a tough quarter of this
city, at a late hour last night, and
robbed of 81, C00 In gold. Constantino
had been to a missionary meeting and
was on his way to his boarding house
when the robbery was committed. Ho
became greatly excited and forgot his
English, and tho robbers had time to
got out of tho country before he could
mako tho police understand his predicament.
Bays tho Government Would Not no
Ilnek of Hllror Under Free Colnnce.
Litti.k Roar, Ark., Aug 1. A state
ment was widely published by tho
press a fow do.vs ago that President
U. L. Qrocn of tho Connecticut Llfo
lusuranco Company of Hartford, had
issued a circular lotter to policy hold
ers notifying them that in tho
ovent that tho government adopted
tho froo coinage of silver tho com
pany would be compelled to pay all
claims in depreciated silver coin. Mr.
F. W. Alsop of this city Ront a clip
ping of this statement to Secretary of
tho Treasury Carlisle, with a request
for an expression on the subject, llo
has recolvod a reply from Mr. Car
llslo, which Is, in part, as follows:
"In case free coluago of sll vor should
bo established in this country, I pro
Bumo lnsuranco companies and all
other institutions would continue to
mako thoir paymonts by checks and
drafts on bnuks as herotofore; but in
my opinion tho whole volumo of our
curroncy would sink at onco to tho
silver basis, and thoso chocks and
drafts would bo paid In silver dollars
or their equivalent, instead of gold or
Its equivalent, aa is now tho caso.
"I presumo no ono supposes for
a moment that it would bo tho
duty of tho governmont to attempt
to koop tho standard silver dollar,
coined freo for private individuals
and corporations equal in value
to n gold dollar; or, in other
words, that it would bo tho duty
of tho government to attempt, under
a system of free coinao, to main
tain tho parity of the two metals. Tho
dollars would bo coined on privato
account and delivered to privato indi
viduals and corporations as their own
property, the government having no
interest whatever in them, and being,
therpforo, under no obligation to sus
tain them by guaranteeing thoir
"Under our existing system, all bII
vor dollars aro coined on account of
the government and aro issued by tho
government in payment of its expend
itures and other obligations, and it
would be an act of bad faith, thoro
fore, to permit them to donreciato.
Very truly, John O. Carlisle."
Two Hundred l'oriioin Itendered Home
less by a Torrent of Water.
Stuehknvillk, Ohio, Aug i. A
severe storm, like a cloud burst, oc
curred west of this city yesterday
afternoon about 4 o'clock aud within
a period of thirty minutes a mighty
torrent of water had spread desola
tion along both Parmar's and Fisher's
runs in the lower part of this city.
No lives wero lost, as there wero per
sons alonir tho creelts who saw tho
water coming down the valley, and
ran from house to house warning tho
people. Everybody iled, many wad
ing knee deop in water from their
liouso to the hills which line both
sides, Two hundred people aro home
less as a result of the flood. Tho
damage will aggregate all of S200.000.
Mr. Sowull Will Not Ilcalgn-
Hath, Me., Aug 1. Arthur Sowall,
Democratic nomlueo for Vice Presi
dent, was Interviewed as to tho story
that ho intended to resign in favor of
Mr. Watson, llo said: "Any man
who for a moment entertains such an
Idea is not worthy of an answer. I do
not know whether Byran will retain
a place on the Populist, ticket. Ho
will come to Rath with Mrs. Rryan di
rectly after the notitlcatlon, which
will take placo in New York. They
will mako their headquarters at my
house while in Maine."
A llurglar Shot at Umporia. Kin.
Empoma, Ran., Aug 1. A score of
burglaries have been committed here
tho last fortnight. Tuesday night
two of tho perpetrators entered tho
bedroom of Captain J. D. Morris, who
shot tho first. "Oh, God, Jack, I'm
shot," said tho burglar to his com
panion, and they retreated, Captain
Morris shooting at them as they went.
Yesterday morning their course was
traced sevoral blocks by blood and
then lost.
Topeka to Hitvo Another Dally.
Topeka, Kun., Aug 1. It is not
unlikoly that To pole a will have an
other afternoon Republican paper.
The State Journal is not supporting
tho National Republican ticket, and a
delegation of local Republicans,
headed by Oscar Swayze, aro circulat
ing a petition to Arthur Capper, editor
ot the Mail and Breeze, an orthodox
Republican woekly, to get out a daily,
tho signers pledging their support
yueen tirtnriit my Kutire.
London, July 31. Tho rumor that
Queen Victoria intends to retire in
favor of tho Princo of Wales Is cur
rent again to-day und it is added that
court circles are troubled about the
queen's houlth. The queen has de
cided, it is said, to spend her time
hereafter at Ralmoral or Osborne and
to give the Prince and Princess of
Wales tho use of Buckingham palace
and Windsor castle.
Fired cm l'roin Ainuuih.
Littlk Rock, Ark., July 31. Luoas
Johnson and his wife, colored, wbfto
on tha public road near Augusta,
Ark., woro fired upon from atubuSh,
the woman being instantly killed and
the man fatully wounded. Another
negro, with whom Johnson had had
trouble, has been arrested on sus
picion. A Kansas Murderer Caught.
Four Scott, Kan., Aug 1. John
Jackson, who deliberately murdered
John Smith at Yale, Kan., about a
year ugo, was caught to-day at War
rior, Ala., aud Sheriff Deets of Craw
ford county left for that place to get
General Manager Frcy IlolU.
Topkka. Kan., Aug 1. J. J. Frey,
general manager of tho Atchison, To
peka & Santa Fe railroad system, a
life long Democrat, has bolted tho
Chicago tickot and will vote for tho
gold standard this fall. lie said to
dap: "I lwvo no hesitancy in saying
that I am not in favor of the free sil
ver idea. I don't think it would bo
best for tho country. I have been a
Democrat all my life and have always
votod tho Democratic ticket and I am
sorry I can't stay with the party this
fall. This would bo impossible, how
ever, holding tho ideas I do."
Aggregate Itocolpts Aro 81 in, RHO, 01 C,
nu Inert-nun of 8n,iR4,IStS7 ter Thoso
of tlio l'recedlng HlRgent Ycnr Lar
gest Itrnt of Inerenan AVnn In Fruit
Spirit Olro Tax In Loss.
Internal HcTcuua trrelpt.
WAbhinoton, July 31. Tho com
missioner of internal rovemio has sub
mitted to Secretary Carhtlo a prelim
inary report of tho operations of his
bureau during tho fiscal year ended
Juno 30. It shows that the rccolpts
aggregated SHO,83o,61 an incroaao of
83.8s 1,637 bvor thoso of the preceding
fiscal year. Tho cxponsos approx
imated C4.Ol4.35l ond tho percontago
of cost of collection was about S'.. 70, a
reduction of oightcen conts as com
rtred with tho preceding fiscal year.
From spirits tho rccolpts woro 880,
070,070, an lncreaso of 8807,443. Tho
largest item of lncreaso wis from
fruit spirits, tho receipts of 81,084,879
bolng 848S.80J in excess of last year's.
Retail liquor taxos wero increased
8231,100, rectifiers' taxes, S40.4S8, and
tho wholesale liquor dealers' special
taxes, 840,243. Tho only decreosos
noted woro trilling.
Tobacco brought iri a revenue of
830,711,0'J0 or 81.OC0.72l moro than In
tho proceeding year. Thoro was a
general lncreaso in all tho items under
this head, tho largest being in cigar
ettes under threo pounds per 1,000 of
which tho rccolpts wero 82,021,105 or
8357,493 moro than in tho prcccodlng
year. Chewing and smoking tobacco
brought in 815,250,023, 8323,340 moro
than in tho prececdlngyear; cigars and
cheroots over three pounds per 1,000
812,713,207, an increase of 8221,800,
snuff, 876a,01o, an increase of 810.5,027.
From fermented liquors there was
derived taxes aggregating 833,781,235,
or S2.U3.0l7 moro than during tho
preceding year. .Ale, beers aud sim
ilar liquors brought In 833,185,141, an
lncreaso of 82,004,820.
There was a falling off of 8180.778
in tho taxes realized from oleomarga
rine, the rovenuo from which amount
ed to Si, 210,43;. Tho decrease was
general in all tho items under this
head, tho largest Hem being 8l!2,8l7
In the direct tux on oleomargarine,
while retail dealers' taxes shrunk
857,215 und wholesale dealers' taxes
820.C20. )
Tho miscellaneous receipts do
creased S182.000 during the year, tho
largest Item bolng Sl'-i'.fHS in the rc
colpts from playing cards, which wero
only 5'.'ou,BU3.
During tho past year 07,039,010 gal
lons of spirits distilled from other
materials than" fruit were withdrawn
for consumption, a decrease of 7.143,
179 gallons as compared with tho pre
ceding yoar. Cigarettes to tho num
ber of 4,012,301,010 wero drawn out,
7M,p37,8f)0 moro than wo consumed
during tho preceding year. Tlio num
ber of oijrars and cheroots withdrawn
were 4,'j37,7o5,043, nn increase of 73,
783,633. Chewing and smoking to
bacco was taken out to tho amount of
251.007,137 pounds, an increase of
5,397,490 pounds.
Illinois returned more internal rev
enue taxes than any other state, tho
total collections there being 831,073,
133. New York camo next with 8-1,-02o.4;0,
Kentucky third with SH.'JO.V
110, Ohio and Pennsylvania closo
together with SU,94;,724 and 311,145,
543 respectively. Indiana had 87,0J3,
164. Missonrl 80,059,015, Marvland
85,0GS,5U:. and Wisconsin 85,122,077.
None of tho remaining states reached
tho fi million mn-V
The Populist Vice I'ronldontlal Nominee
Declare Illimelf In Hit I'npor.
Atlanta, Ua., July 31. Tho Hon.
Thomas E. Watson is out in a strong
editorial in his papor stating his
grounds for accepting tho nomination
for vice president from the Populist
national convention. Ho refors to
Mr. Sowall as an individual ol stand
ing and a free silver Democrat, but
adopts tho argumeut elaborated on at
St. Louis, that the nomination of a
Populist for second placo was neces
sary to prescrvo the autonomy of tho
Populist organization, especially in
the bo nth.
Tho editorial is accepted not only
as a letter of acceptance, but also an
official ultimatum that propositions
for withdrawal will not be considered
by Mr. Watson or tho Populists, and
that the easo now rests with Mr.
It virtually demands tho withdrawal
of the Democratic candidate for Vice
President. Throughout tho editorial
insinun 'ons aro made, und where it
seems to analyze the situation it de
velops tho fact that Mr. Watson is
making a strong demand for his imme
diate recognition as ltryan's ruuuiug
Heventeen'Yunr-Old Mlmoiirl Girl Itun
Away With Hnlrlireed.
WAHHEXsnuua, Mo., July 31. Kittle
Sykes, tho 17-year-old daughter of
James Sykes, a prominent farmer liv
ing north of Warrcnsburg, eloped last
night with Wiso Ward, a half-breed
Chickasaw Indian. Some weeks ugo
a family named Ward, consisting of
husband audwifo, daughter and three
sons, arrived in Warronsburg and
camped just north of town. Tho old
lady is a full-blood Chickasaw, und
claimed to bu a fortune toller and
Indian doctor. Sho plied her trade
successfully, but the rest of the fami
ly wero worthless. Wise Ward, one
of the young men, made love to Kittle
Sykes, with such buccess, that he
finally induced her to leave u good
home and go with him.
l'reparlng for Kama l'opullati.
Aiulenk, Kan., July 31. A largo
warehouse has been remodeled as a
wigwam for tho Populist Stato con
vention next week. It will neat 2,000
people. Sleeping arrangements have
been made for 1,800 and churches will
feed the crowds. A largo number of
delegates are expected to come in
wagons and camp out in groves near
the town. T. M. Patterson of Colo
rado will bo the principal orator of
tho occasion. The Freo Silver party
is arranging for a demonstration tho
Light before tho convention in the in
terest of Ed Little's candidacy for
1'opull-U Mending the Ulot Act tn ttie
ItntMi.vniiAM, Ala.,. July 3i. General
James II. Weaver of Iowa was In con
ference much of yostorday with tho
Populist leaders with reference to the
State ek-clloti to bo held next Mon
day. It was agreed that if a fair elec
tion is hud, the Populist-Republican
fusion State ticket will win, and It
was decided to glvo tho Democratic
managers to understand that unless
uu absolutely fulr election Is had tho
Populists In this State will not support
llryuu In November, but will fuse with
tho Republicans aud cast thoir
ballots for MclCinlcy in order to
rebuko, ns thoy say, dishonest elec
tion mothods. General Weavor tola
graphed National Chairman Jones of
tho Democratic committee to come hero
at onco and usu his efforts to sco fair
play for the Goodwin tickot, In order
to hold tho Alabama Populists in lino
for llryan. Populist leaders con
fidently expect that Senator Jones
will come. They assert that whllo
tho succoss of silver is greatly to ho
desired, honest elections must first bu
had. In tho evont that tho Populists
aro satisfied with tho result Monday,
thoy will then demand tho removal
from tho state Democratic elector
ticket of tho several gold stundurd
electors ns tho further prico of Popu
list support of that ticket Mean
while General Weaver says ho will
also direct his efforts to directing tho
election of sliver men, in order to in
sure tho choice of a silver senator.
Some very interesting developments
aro looked for during tho next fow
days, and tho outcomo is bound to
have an important bearing upon tho
Populists in tho stato toward tho
llryuu ticket.
State Central Cominltteo Declare
tho Itcpnbllcaii Nominee.
DENVKn, Col., July 31. Uy a voto of
43 to 3S tho Republican state cen
tral comraittco adopted tho following
"Resolved, That it Is the sense of
this meeting that this cominltteo shall
tako such stops as aro necessary to
placo boforo the pooplo of tho state of
Colorado for thoir suffrages in No
vember a straight Republican ticket,
headed by Republican electors who
will east their votes, if opportunity
offers, for Mckinley and Hobart."
The meeting of tho cominltteo was
tn many respects tho most exciting
that body has evc held.
Tho committee at a night session
decided to hold tho statu convention
ut Colorado Springs on September 30.
After tho meeting of the committee,
tho llryan fuctlou circulated a peti
tion for u call tor another mooting.
They claim that a majority of tho ac
tual members of tho stato central
committee aro witlt thorn and that tho
meeting was packed, alleging that of
tho atl delegates represented 1(1 wcro
by proxy in tho hands of Denver and
Colorado Springs politicians. Tlio
llryan mon further allego that it is
the plan of tho MoKinluy men to
nominate Senator Woleott for gov
Thirty Leavenworth 1'rUonerj Attempt
to Kacnpo and Thruo Aro Shot.
LnAVEAWOKTH, Kan., July 30.
Whllo a gang of thirty prisoners from
the United States ppnltcntlary at Fort
Leavenworth wore being worked on
tl.o prison farm last evening, a mutiny
broke out among them. At a signal
from Georgo East.au Indian Territory
desperado, tho men broko for a corn
field. The guards commencod firing
with shotguns, and all tho prisoners
but threo surrendered. Eastwasshot
six times before he nave up. Ho was
fatally wounded. Sam Mills and S.
Dovo "were also badly, but not fatally,
wounded before thoy wero run down.
When tho bloody prisoners were run
into the pen yard, where 200 convicts
wero breaking rock, thero was an
ugly demonstration and a second at
tempt at mutiny. Tho guards woro
about to fire Into the convicts, when
Wormian French appeared, and, by
coolness und firmuoss, quieted every
thing down. The wounded men wero
placed in the Fort Leavenworth hos
St. Joicph'H
Pnsgpi Away
St. Joseph,
Well-Known Financier
-III for Several 'Weeks.
Mo., July 31. Colonel
Calyin Fletcher Durnes, president of
the National Hank of St. Joseph, and
ono of the leading financiers of the
stato, died at his suburban homo, Ayr
Lawn, at 4:10 yesterday afternoon
after an illness of threo weeks. He
was stricken with dysentery at that
tune, and a fow day's ago was able to
be about, but a relapse occurred which
terminated fatally.
Co'onel Uurnes loaves a wife and
ono daughter. Prior to tho death of
his brother, D. D. Humes, ho and
James N. Humes foruieu a compact
whereby all proporty was to be held
in common aud till children of tho
brothers wore to bo provided for
equally. At present the Humes es
tate, as it is known, Is worth
A Striker Jlut Han?.
San Fha.mcisco, July 3:. S. D. Wor
den, the railroad striker charged with
wrecking tho railway brldgo near Sac
ramento two years ago and thereby
causing the death of Englneor Clark
and threo United States soldiers, must
hang. Tho supreme court yesterday
handed down a decision in which it
affirmed the judgment of tho superior
court, where Worden was convicted of
murder in the first degree and sen
tenced to hang.
Gorman Will Advli Ione l'rlvutely.
Washington, July 2'.. Senator Oor
man has agreed to glvo to Senator
Jones the benefit ot his counsel and
advice. Ho docs not, however, it is
understood, desire any ofllclal con
nection with thecommlttoe, but it tho
headquarters ure located hero ho will
bo constantly in close touch with tho
work as It progresses.
flllUutturt Acn IVarnod.
Wabhinoton, July 31. Tho Presi
dent has issued a proclamation dated
July 27 again commanding cltisons to
observe neutrality towards Cuba.
How Kurroful Tanner Operate TliW
Department of the Farm A Few
Hint tn the Cure of Lira Stock
and Poultry.
RAUD can nlwnvfl
( find defondors, pro
7 yided it is a fraud
that makes nionoy
for Its manipula
tors and has a
financial standing
in tho world. So
far as dairy fratidB
arc con cernod,
Domo of tho great
dally papers aro al
wnyn ready to defend thorn, going to
great lengths in thoir misstatements.
Horo Is a snmplo, Utltoit from a Chicago
paper of roccnt dato:
"Tho recently onnctcd fllled-chccBO
bill hns practically killed that indtiBtry
In Illinois. Yesterday Thomas Q. Eng
lish, a donutv. reported to Collector
W. J. Mlzo of tho lntornnl-rovonuo of
fice tho result of his months'a exam
ination and Investigation of tlio busi
ness, and fully confirms Tho Record h
statement regarding tho effect of tlio
legislation roferred to. Ho was un
ablo to find a single ono of tho 130
manufacturers In the district who In
tended to manufacture under tho law.
All agreed that its terms woro prohibi
tory. Tho fllled-chccBO industry nlong
the Fox river nnd tho adjacent dairy
sections of tho state had grown to
largo proportions. Last ycar'B busi
ness aggregated $1,000,000. 'It is prob
nhle,' Bald Mr. English in his report,
'that somo few of tho manufacturers
may continue for tho export trade. Tho
business in tho United Stutcs is prac
tically killed, according to tho opin
ions of tho manufacturers.' Filled
cheese is said not to bo a deleterious
article. It Is mado principally from
tho curds of skimmed and unskimmed
milk. Tho greater proportion is mado
of unskimmed milk, and tho artlclo Is
Improved by tho addition of mixing
with butter, making the chceso about
half milk and half cream. Tno mw
enumerates butter as an artlclo of fill
ing and shuts out futuro mixing, plac
ing n prohibitory tax upon both manu
facturer and dealor. Last year tho fac
tories mado 14,000,000 pounds of filled
cheese, ot which amount 3,000,000
pounds wcro exported."
From reading tho above it Is evident
that tho reporter that wroto it 1b sim
ply densely Ignorant ot the subject lie
presumes to handle. Ho makes filled
cheese n bettor article than full cream,
for a full-cream cheese, Wisconsin
standard, contains only 30 per cent of
butter fat, nnd this filled cheeso is
made to contain DO per cent. No
writer on an agricultural paper would
havo tho cftontery to go boforo th
public with statements disproved be
forehand by Irrefutable proofs. Re
peated analyses by the governmont ex
periment stations demonstrate the faot
that the profit In filled cheeso lies sole
ly in substituting hog fats and neutral
3ll3 of a cheap grade for tho moro valu
able butter-fat. Bolow aro two ana
lyses published by tlio Michigan ex
periment station under dato of May 29
189G, and Edit out in llulletln 0 ot the
Dairy and Food commission report of
Sample No. 90, filled checfle.
Water 35.4S
Solids not fat 35.39
Uuttcr fat 1.73
Other fats 27.40
Sample 495, filled cheese.
Water 38.03
Bolids, not fat 31.4:3
Butter fat l.b'l
Other fats 28.CT.
The writer In tho extract quoted sayu
that "the greater proportion Is made
of unskimmed milk." in other word,
tho cheese Is really double full cream
cheese. Perhaps tho guileless youth
will explain how tho manufacturer of
this fancy product can afford to put
13 cents worth of butter-fat Into every
pound of cheese aud sell tho complete
article at less than C cents a pound
Cooked Food for Poultry.
I am well aware of the fact that cook
ing food for poultry Is considered a
wnsto ot time. The experiment sta
tions, too, do not seem to encourage us
In that direction. They say that there
.8 as much digestiblo matter In un
cooked food as In cooked food, nnd
therefore seem to Intimate that it will
not pay to cook It. I was for awhile In
clined to tako that view of the matter,
but In the course of tlmo I was driven
to cooking in self defense. I will nd
mlt that the birds do not get any moro
from the same food or any quicker, but
I will not admit that It does not pay to
cook It. My great reason for following
this course Is to preserve the health of
my fowls. I used to lose a great many
birds from Indigestion. Every winter,
and especially every spring, some ot
them would get sick with simple Indi
gestion. I could save some of them and
somo of them I could not save. Most
that got Blck ultimately died. Now I
do not have any getting sick from this
cause. I reasoned that tho indigestion
was caused by too long a feeding of
grain, and thus an overtaxing of the
digestive organs. So for their morning
fcod I havo been giving them soft food.
Tho way that I cook it is this, which
the readers of tho Farmers' Review
will acknowledge to bo tho best method
In the world. I put say half a peck ot
oat meal In a four-gallon stone Jar I
havo; then I put on a kettle ot water
and heat It till It Is boiling all over. I
do this at night for the next morning's
feed. After tho water is heated I pour
It into tho meal, filling it up only so as
! to mako it a thick pudding when it is
cooked. I cover up the jar and let it
I stand over nlcht.
In the mornng the
meal j8 c00ied as nicely
d CQuld bc Tbo Uet
ns any pud-
dine could be. Tho hens and chlcKs
nro very fond of it, nnd tho lumps they
will run oft with Just as they would
with bo many worms. When I began,
cooking I had much troublo for I
thought I had to put it on tho flro nnd
stir it. nnd you know how it will stick
down. Dut all of thnt is obviated now.
I thlnV that it pnys richly.
When fowls run wild or havo the run
ot tho farm this course is not neces
sary, for tho reason that the birds havo
a greater variety ot food, Buch ns
worms, bugs and clover leaves. Thn
they got it ground up In tho glzard
and tho tax is not so great. Dut my
fowls nro shut up all tho tlmo nnd havo
to bo, nnd tho way I havo stated proves
very satisfactory. Mary Ann.
Feeding the cow.
Tho Individuality ot tho cow muat
bo studied. Ono cow Is inclined to
milk production, G,000 to 8,000 pounds
of milk. Another produces 400 pounds
of butter; another In a producer of
beef. To bo successful, wo must know
what tendency tho cow hns, and act
accordingly, Thoeo who want to mako
butter should keep only tho butter cow;
thoso who sell milk should not keep
butter or beof cowb, otc. Don't feed
too much corn for milk". Wheat bran
or middlings aro tho safest and the
best foods for tho cows. I would mako
either of them a principal food for cows
up to bIx yenrs at least. Thero aro no
better foods. Pea meal is excellent.
Every ton of milk Bold takes oft about
$3 worth of fertility from tho fnrm.
Tho butter-maker sells but llttlo fer
tility. Ono or two pounds of Unseed
meal a day is a good ration. Qood
brewers grains aro excellent feed.
Dut ensilage Is hotter than all. Tho
timothy hny of commerce Is a mighty
poor food, especially when Into cut It
Is a poor mllk-produccr. Clover Is
much better nnd ono of tho best bal
anced of foods. For "clover olck" boIIb
apply wood ashes or murlato qf pot
ash and ground bono. II. F. Cooko.
A Hen's Jteoord.
It is a grand hen that will lay 180
eggs a year, says tho Poultry Koepor.
Hens have dono so, but llko horses with
records, thoy leavo all others bohlnd.
Wo havo known four hens nil ot a
small flock to lay C04 eggs In a year,
or 151 each, but wo havo never found.
100 hens to nvorago over 100 eggs per
hen per year. Tho reason is that in &
large flock somo hens lay none at all,
from various causes, whllo otherB lay
more. Ono with largo flocks, after al
lowing for Blck hens, bvor-fat hens,
lousy hens nnd fccblo hens, will bo for
tunate If ho gets nlno dozen of eggs
from each hen in tho flock. True, somo
of tho hens may lay twolve dozon eggs
in a yoar, but "ono swallow docs not
mako a summer."
Hens llko variety; unless Btarved to
it, thoy will roject all food not suit
able, and thoy aro usually tho better
Judges of what they want and need.
Indiana Farmer.
Keep grit, cracked oyBtcr shells and
green food constantly before tho hena.
Two or threo timeB a week let them
have some meat scraps. Ono cent a
pound Is not too much to pay for green
bone as a lot of meat clings to tho
bono. Farm Poultry.
Milk is ono of tho best foods that can
bo supplied to young poultry, and they
can be given all they can eat or drink
of It. Thero is no danger of their tak
ing too much. Inter Stato Poultry
man. Sheep Shearing In England.
We havo no longer Bheep-Bhoarlng
festivals as in times of yore. At tho
commencement of the century tho
sheep-shearings of Francis, Duko ot
Bedford, and tho great Coke, afterwards
Earl of Leicester, woro Important rural,
gatherings, which wero attended by ag
riculturists from all parts ot tho king
dom. Moreover, at this period, and.
up to the middle of tho present century,
the sheep-shearing day on farms in
general was a red-letter one. Neighbor
ing farmers visited ono another on
theso occasions, and their sons did most
of the work of the clipping. Regular
feasts wero provided and thero was
much merry-making. All this has
long since changed. Dands of itin
erant laborers, well versed in tho art of
shearing, go from farm to farm, and
contract for tho clipping at a fixed
rate per score or per hundred, and when
this Is not dono the shepherd and or
dinary laborers of tho farm have to
perform the work. All kindB ot feast
ing in connection with sheep-shcarlng
havo vory much gone out of fashion.
The custom still lingers in- populous
districts, but slnco agricultural depres
sion camo all but tho well-to-do havo
avoided anything llko a festival. Mark
Lane Express.
Our l'oultry.
For eggs alone, tho Leghorn is un
surpassed. For eggs and table quali
ties, tho American class Is ahead, and
is likely to stay there. This Includes
Wyandottes, P. Rocks, Black Javas and
American Domlnlques. The annual
production of poultry in tho United
States is between ICOO.000,000 and $700,
000,000. Wo buy of other nations ?12,
000,000 worth of eggs. There is no good
reason why these Imports may not stop
and supply tho demand at home. It
eggs can be Imported and still be fit to
use, they certainly can be shipped from
tho west to New York and Boston with
a profit to the shipper and producer.
No farm, county or state Is producing
to a full extent in poultry, and there
is no good reason why we may not
mako the supply equal to the demand
and keep our money at home. Se
lected. The Calves. Dutch nnd Danish
dairymen keep their own calves and
feed them until largo enough for mar
ket. They get no new milk, but thlB
Is partly made up by adding corn meal
to the skim milk as a heating and fat
producing substance. It at least makes
veal which brings a good price and
calves at six and nine months return a,
fair profit. Ex.