Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 07, 1896, Image 2

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TH03. J. O'KKBFFK, Publisher.
Dcshlcr is Is need of ft bunk.
A hnrvest bnrbecuo tvIU'ue held at
Falls City on August 4.
Tho telephone, has been extended
from York to HcncdlcL
Tho Dawes county fair has boon fixed
for September 10, 11 nnd 12.
Tho Stato Sunday School convention
was held in Omaha last week.
Omaha is cutting down its police
force on account of hard times.
Holt county teachers' institute con
vened with un attendance of ISO.
Mrs. Scars of Lincoln was thrown
from a curriugo and severely injured.
Wheat near Crab Orchard is yielding
from twenty to thirty bushels per acre.
Tho livery stable at Ulckman burned.
Horses nnd conveyances were all saved.
The democratic congressional con
vention will bo hold in McCook Au
gust 13.
Exhibits at tho Stato fair from out
side tho stato arc promised this year in
great varioty.
North I'latto expects to entertain
55,000 visitors at tho irrigation fair
next September.
Tho railroad cut in grain rates is
having tho effect of moving corn in
great quantities.
Tho now Christian church nt Chad
ron was dedicated last Sunday. It has
a seating capacity of 800.
Tho Frontier county agricultural so
ciety will hold its sixth annual fair at
Stockvlllc, September 27 to 30 inclusive.
This year's Knox county teachers' in
fitituto is credited with being tho best
over hold, both in interest nnd attend
ance. Tho young son of J. K. Griffith, liv
ing two miles southwest of Syracuse,
wbb thrown from a horso and tho ani
mal stepped upon his body. Ills in
juries nra qulto serious.
Tho It. & M. rofusos to join in tho
union depot project at Omaha on tho
Farnam street site. Tho outlook for
a suitable railroad station in the me
tropolis is not favorable.
George Anderson, living near Wavor
ly, had thrco good horses and a valua
bio colt killed by tho cars.. Tho gato
to tho pastnro was found open and tho
animals dead at tho crossing.
A syndicnto of Ohio capitalists has
purchased 125,000 ucrcsof land in Lin
coln and Keith counties. The ranch
will bo colonized and irrigated and an
itnmenso cattle feeding plant estab
lished. Tho committco appointed to work in
tho interests of tho success of tho G. A.
It. rounlon at North Uond nro doing
hard work to maho a success of tho
meeting. It Is anticipated there will
bo a largo attendance.
Claude Hoover, of Omaha, murderer
of his brother-in-law, Sam Dultois,
somo months ago, will have to dio on
tho gallows unless tho governor inter
feres. Tho supremo -court found no
error in tho trial procoediugs.
Tho preliminary hearing of Andrew
Hulquist of Axtell for shooting Nels
Morryman July 10 occured beforo
Jtidgo King at Mindon. Tho defend
ant was bound over to appear at tho
next term of tho district court. '
A sovero wind nnd rain storm pass
ed over portions of Plorco county doing
much damage to rlpo grain. In somo
places farmers will not bo able to cut
tho damaged oats. Corn fiiclds in
aorao parts aro laid flat to tho ground,
but will probably recover.
July 25, Ilrosius Delobar was drug
ged, robbed, and his horso and buggy
stolen in Lincoln precinct, Johnson
county, Nebraska. The horso is bay,
10 years old, will weigh 1,000 pounds
and has a white star in forehead. Tho
thhtiiea tramp about 35 years old.
The North Bend Argus says that
aamplcs of sugar boots are being
brought in that indicates an immense
crop. There was a yeanago some talk
of securing a chemist to test tho beets
as they caino from tho held thlsseuson,
and if tho beet growers.are of thesamo
opinion now.it is about .tlrao they wero
making .a movo to securo tho services
of a .competent chemist.
Quito a number of Grand Island peo
ple have Teccntly paid 50 cents for a
tablespoonful of fine salt. It was put
up in envelopes which wero labeled,
'Improved Moth Exterminator," and
sracllcd .considerably after the sub
stance they wero purported to contain.
The odor left the envelope about three
days after being left in a piano and
the fake was thus discovered.
Quito a ad accident happened near
Holstein. Young Munson, tho 9-year-old
adopted son of II. C. Minnlx, while
riding one of tho head horses on tho
harvester "was thrown to the ground,
and beforo the horses could be con
trolled the harvester passed over tho
coy's body. He was horribly cut up
and it is ulmost certain that one arm
and one leg will have io be amputated.
Little Abby Roberts, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Roberts of Mindon,
met with a serious accident. A self
cocking revolver had been kept on the
shelf of the pantry. Mary, an older
sister taw it, picked it up und pulled
the trigger, causing an explosion; the
ball striking Abby on the right cheek
and coming out of the left yc. She
will live but looses the sightof one eye.
Omaha is making a grand huUle to
ward securing itock in the Trans-Mississippi
exposition. One firm took 510,
000 worth. Threo hundred thousand
dollars worth is wanted, and it is
thought the amount will boon be ob
tained. Ono hundred thousand dollars has
been subscribed for the Omaha exposi
tion in 1S9S. Two hundred thousand
more is required.
The board pf managers of the Gage
County Agricultural society met and
decided to hold a corn carnival during
the fair. A committee was appointed
to arrange a premium list for the same.
Hurt Burkley, confined in tho jail at !
Fremont for attempted burglary, died
from dollrlum tremens.
Tho editor of tho l'onca Gazotto says:
Tho peoplo of l'onca often mourn that
thoy aro not on tho main lino of somo
railroad, but thero is no great loss
without somo small grain. Ponca
knows nothing of the tramp nuisance
which is now troubling all towns on
tho main lines of travel. Oakland,
NoU, reports 300 tramps in ono week,
nnd thoy all have to bo fed by some
body. Rebecca Uaker of Plattsmouth, 18
years of age, took a dose of medicine
for tho purposo of inducing perpetual
sleep. Sho wroto a noto stating that
sho had taken her own life because she
did not want to llvo longer, and gave
it to a friend with instructions not to
hand it to Mrs. Holloway beforo C
o'clock. Sho took tho poison, but wns
saved by a physician. It was a matter
of disappointment in love.
A Salem dispatch says: About 100
tents already dot tho Chautauqua
grounds and another 100 go up tomor
row. Kov. Sam P. Jones will arrive
tomorrow afternoon and with Superin
tendent Small and tho Apollo quartet
a splendid intellectual feast will mark
tho oponing days of the assembly. The
grounds aro In SDlcndld condition and
everything now points to tho most
successful assembly over hold In Sulein.
Ono of tho most violent hall etonns
over experienced in Nebraska vlsjtcd
Edgar and immediato vicinity. Hail
stones fell with such force as to shat
ter window panes, sash nnd shutters.
In one or two Instances shingles were
splintered nnd house roofs partially de
molished. Trees were baro of leaves
and branches, and growing crops for a
limited district wero literally pounded
into tho ground With hardly an ex
ception every west sldo window in the
town wns shattered.
A fol'ow who will go off to a dance
and leavo his wifo and children .at homo
hungry and nltnost naked ought not bo
allowed to llvo in a civilized cummnni-
t', says tho Arlington Times, 'tins
outrageous act was attempted (recently
nt Arlington, but tho fellow was po
litely taken out of tho wagon by one of
our "citizens and given to understand
that ho had to 6tay at homo and give
tho money ho was to havo squandered
at tho danco to his wife for tho support
of her and her children.
Jay E. White, mannger of tho Lin
coln Flro Insurance company, was in
Beatrice last week and heard tho
grievances of tho local board, and suc
ceeded In bringing about a settlement
that was entirely satisfactory to all
concerned without resorting to public
trial. G. L. Piatt withdrew his resig
nation from tho local board and that
both sides relented, All tho local
agents speaks in tho highest terms of
Mr. White for tho impartial manner In
which ho handled tho ease.
Secretary Furnas is enthusiastic over
tho prospects of tho coming stato fair.
He believes It will eclipso that of last
vear. Ho made a visit to the stato fair
grounds in company with Members
Vnnco and Dunham. Ono of tho ob
jects of tho trip was to urrango for the
enlargement of tho secretary's quar
ters, which wero cramped last year.
Tho other purpose was to look over tho
grounds and buildings. It Is Intended
there shnll bo no lack of water and
transportation facilities will bo nil
As Capt W. H. Bock, Indian agent
on tho Omaha and Winnebago reserva
tion, accompanied by his wifo and
daughter, Mrs. Wales of Fort McPhcr
son, Go., and Mr. Hillls, secretary to
the superintendent of Indian schools,
wero driving down a hill from his resi
dence to tho agency tho neckyoko
broke nnd tho horses started to run,
overturning tho carriage, throwing Mr.
Hillls about twenty feet and injuring
him slightly. Captain Beck and wifo
woro thrown under tho carriage and
injured moro or less seriously.
Thero was a good attendance and
much interest in tho meeting of tho
Stato Horticultural society at York. A
paper on the most promising varieties
of natlvo plums was read by 11. A.
Terry of Crescent City, la. Tho var
ious kinds of plums that can be most
successful grown were discussed and
some good hints as to their culture
civen. A comprehensive paper on
"Cross Breeding and Fertilizing Amer
ican, European and Japanese Plums"
was read by Theodore Wllliamsof Ben
son. Williams has had experience with
1,500 varieties of plums and his talk
was of value. Tho display of plums
which he had proves his ability to in
telligently discuss such a subject.
Tho reduction of grain rates by tho
western roads has given King Corn a
boom and ho is now the most popular
son of Ceres. The rates having been
reduced to Mississippi river points and
Chicago makes a corresponding reduc
tion in the rates to all tho western
grain centers and the eastern men are
buying heavy of corn. Tho demand
for wheat, oats and other small gain is
naturally larger than it was before tho
reduction, but corn seems to bo most
in demand. Twlco as many freight
trains as havo been run will soon be
moving at this gait. The price in Ne
braska has gone up several cents as a
result of the sudden call und tho far
mers are shipping heavily throughout
tho state.
Citizens of Johnson county ure mak
ing arrangements to receive a party of
land seekers und land agents who will
visit Tecumseh soon. A special train
over tue it. it .m, win innu me party,
most of whom are from Iowa, Illinois
and Indiana, in that city. The band
will escort them to the court house
yard where a reception will be held
and the resources of the county exhib
ited in a fitting manner.
A Miss Eauderof Wymore died sud
denly the other evening and was bnried
the next day. The report is current
that the ca&e require investigation
and Coroner Miller has decided to look
into tho matter.
Misfortunes don't always come sing
ly. W. L. Branniu. of Richardson
county, has had it proven to him in
the last three months. His house and
barn wero blown away and nearly ull
of his stock killed. His wifo was in
jured so that sho died and lie was seii
ously injured himself. Ju6t as soon
as he got able to work one of his
horses laid down and aled.
A New National Ticket Wilt Uo Tut In
tlio Flclil About September 1 New
York Lender Untying Them
selves Chiefly With Discus
Ions an to Candidates
Other Political New.
CincAao, 111., Aug. 3. Tho gold
standard Democratic leaders havo de
cided definitely upon a. now conven
tion to bo held in Chicago about Sept.
1, to put a now national ticket in tho
Hold. This announcement was mudo
authoritatively to-day. Tho arrange
ments looking to tho consummation of
tho plan aro already well under wiy.
Tho Now York leaders particularly
regarded matters as Settled beyond a
poradventuro as far as tho location
and date of tho ccnventlon are con
cerned, nnd being Inclined to busy
themselves now chlelly with discussion
ns to tho question of candidates.
Populist National Headquarter.
Washington, Aug. 3. Tho tempor
ary and probably tho permanent head
quarters of tho Populist national com
mittco will bo located at 1420 Now
York avenue, tho houdquarters of
Senator Stowart and his silver paper.
Ex-Secrotary Turner of tho national
committee Is temporarily in chnrgo of
tho headquarters and will remain un
til tho arrival of Senator Butler,
chairman, and Secretory Edgerton
next week, when they will nssumo
charge. Tho transfer of property and
of accounts will bo made b' ex-Chairman
Taubencck aud ex-Secretary
Republican Campaign Hooks.
Washington, Aug. 3. Tho Repub
lican Congressional committee an
nounced yesterday that tho campaign
text book would be ready for distribu
tion Monday. Among tho callers at
tho headquarters yesterday woro Sen
ator Prltchard of North Carolina, who
stopped on his way homo fiom a meet
ing of tho national committee in New
York; General Wilson of Dolawaro
nnd Congressman Collin of Marvland.
Tho latter said that the silver "senti
ment in the country districts was
falr'y strong, but that it had devel
oped no strength in tho cities.
Raising Populist Fuud.
. lorr.KA, Kan., Aug. 3. The lCo
members of the Populist national
commttoe havo undertaken to raise
5100 each, or Slf,000 in all by small
contributions from their friends,. In
old of the campaign fund. Mr. Brei
denthal, ono of the threo Kansas
members, Is nlrcnri' -eceiving returns
from his iettors, In tums of SI aud $2.
Ho expects to raise SlCO or 8200 and
thinks all of his colleagues through
out tho country will do ns well.
A Spokane Lawyer unit Democratic
Lender Killed by a Sporting Man.
Siokank, Wash., Aug. 3. L. H.
Platter, attorney and Democratic pol
itician, mado remarks in court yester
day which Henry Selfert, a restaurant
proprietor nnd bporting man, con
strued ns a rellection on his character.
When court udjourned, the two men
met In tho corridor. Selfert claims ho
offered his hand to Platter as a
brother Elk and said: "Come on,
Lew, and I will show you thatyouaro
all wrung."
It Is said by some, though denied by
others, that Platter rejected the prof
fered hand und struck Selfert with
his cane. Selfert ilieti drew a revol
ver and shot Platter through tho
heart. Scifert then walked into the
sheriff's office and gave himself up.
To Give IllmtcU Up After Many Years.
Clinton, Ma, Aug. 3. At Wheat
land, Hickory county, twenty-two
years ago, C D. Shannon and a man
named Noffsinger killed Constable
George Dixon and Ace Ellett. Noff
singer was confident of acquittal and
stood t-'al, the verdict justifying his
confidence, but Shannon fied ..tul has
been at large ever since. Yesterday
ho passed through here upou his way
to the scene of thokilling, to give him
self up.
To Honor lUigene Flclil.
Sedalia, Mo., Aug. 3. J. West
Goodv'n, thavetoriu newspaper man
of this city, has issued a call for a
meeting in the olllee of the Jefferson
City Tribune next Wednesday morn
ing nt 9 o'clock, of all persons inter
ested in the effort to erect a monu
ment to the late Eugene Field. A
large attendance is sincerely hoped
War In Paenger Hates.
Kansas Citv, Mp. Aug. 3 A war In
Dassenger rates from Chicago to the
West is imminent, and it is thought
probable that the rate to Kansas City
from Chicago will drop .to 85 next
week. The threatened demoralization
is due to the action of the Western
roads in cutting tariffs for tue fire
chief's convention which opens at Salt
Lake City on August 0.
A New Minister to Guatemala.
Washington, Aug. 3. The Presi
dent has appointed MacUrane Coxe of
New York as envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to Guate
mala and Honduras, vice Pierce M. B.
Young.who died in New York recently
while on leave of absence.
A Fatal Mishap Causes a Death.
Shawnek, Okla. Aug. 3.- David
Kelly wus fatally injured by u falling
shaft while putting up a cotton gin,
and wus carried to hU home. When
his cousin, Mrs. Will Kelly, snw him
she fell dead Kelly's wifo is not ex
pected to live.
Old Soldier Urged to Stand Up for the
Oolcl Standard.
Canto, Ohio, Aug. 3. Farmers,
worklngmcn and old soldier of Guern
sey county arrlvod here yesterday
nfter a tr'p through Hooded lowlands
nearly nil of tho way from Cambridge.
After ox-Congressman J. 0. Taylor
and Ilov. W. M. MeFarland of Cum
brldgo had spoken, Mr. MoKlnloy re
plied at somo length, saying:
"When tho war closed there woro
two great debts restlmr upon this gov
ernment. One was tho debt due to tho
men who had loaned the government
money with which to carry on Us mil
itary operations. Tho other debt, wns
duo to tho mon who had willingly
offored their lives for the preservation
of the American union. The old sol
diors waited on their pensions until
this great debt of tho government was
well out of tho way. They waited
patiently until tho government of tho
United States had reduced nearly two
thirds of that great money debt,
Thoy wanted every dollar of the debt
paid in tho best coin known to tho
commercial world. And every dollar
of that debt up to this hour has been
paid in gold or Its equivalent tho
best recognized money of the world
and every dollar of that debt, my
comrades, yet to be paid will bo paid
in mo tine unquestioned coin.
"Most of that debt Is out of tho way.
Tho great debt of this government
now is to tho surviving soldiers of the
republic, Thoro aro 070.000 pension
ers on tho honored ponslon roll of this
government to-day and tho govern
ment pays out of its public treasury in
peusioPsovorSHO.OOO.OOO every year to
tho so' tiers and sailors, their widows
and their orphan?. Every dollar of
that debt must bo paid in the best
currency and coin of the world. (Groat
cheering and cries of "Tho Republi
can party will see to that.") Thero
is nobody moro interested in main
taining n sound and stable currency
than the old soldiers of the republic
(cries of "you aro right, major"), their
widows and their orphans.
"Your oid commander, General
Grant (applause), whoso memory is
choris .-d by nil of you, performed
two great and conspicuous ucts whllo
President of the United States; one
the voto of tho inilation bill that
would havo cast us upon the sea of a
depreciated currency, and tho other
was tho Bigning of tho act for tho re
sumption of tho specie payments, that
placed every dollar of our money upon
tho sound foundation of financial
honor und unquestioned national
honesty; nnd tho old soldiers this
year, ns In all of the years of tho past,
follo'ving their old commander, will
stand by the financial honor of the
government and will no moro permit
our nation's integrity to be questioned
than they would permit that ilag
(pointing to au American flag) to bo
Sonto of tho Hraplnyes or tho Santa Fo
Get Illund Dollars.
TormCA, Kun., Aug. 3. Cashier
Copeland of the treasurer's depar
ment of the Santa Fe railway com
pany yesterday gave, to somo of tho
employes of the general offices a
lesson in freo silver, by paying salaries
in that coin.
The first man to present his check
was a high salaried employe, who re
ceives S-dO a month. He signed tho
usual receipt, when tho cashier pushed
out of the little wlqdow twenty 310
packages. It was a big load, but tho
man managed to carry it away. Tho
next man thought lie was in no hurry
to receive his puy and t-aid he would
wait until the treasurer should get a
supply of paper money. Others wero
not so particular and took the silver.
Soon the story got noised about the
building that the company had got on
a silver basis and clerks presented
themselves armed with waste baskets.
So the jolco run along until it was ap
parent that should silver payments be
continued tho entire day would bo
consumed, when the cashier returned
to paper payments.
Ll Hung Chung's English Visit.
London, Aug. 3. The prepuratlons
for the reception of Li Hung Chang
continue. The queen is said to be
J especially Interested in tho coming of
the Chinese nmuassauor extraordinary,
who has been mado so much of In
Russia, Germany and Franco. Ho is
booked to lnnd in England Monday,
lie will be escorted to Lord Lonsdale's
mansion on Carlton Houso terrnco,
which has been secured by the govern
ment for him during the month which
he is expected to spend in London.
An elaborate scries of entertainments
and royal events has been urranged in
his honor.
llluclc Dlphth"la lu Kansas.
Toi'EKA, Kan., Aug. 3. Tho stato
board of health has gone to Russell
county in rcspo- o to a telegraphic
request to Treasurer of Stato Ather
ton to take stops to eradicate the
black diphtheria, which has become
epidemic there. Some weeks ago it
appealed there, causing six deaths,
but local authorities stamped it out,
it was believed, effectually. Now
after u lapse of nearly two months it
has reappeared. Thursday night two
deaths occurred.
Thtlr Long How Almost Over.
London, Aug. 3. Tho rowboat Fox,
containing the two Swedish sailors,
Frank llurbo and George Samuclson,
who started from New York Juno 0,
with Mid intention of rowing to
Havre, France, arrived ut the Scilly
Islands to-dny. Both were in good
Columbus Uuggr Company Fall.
Kansas Citv, Ma, Aug. Z. Tho
Columbus Buggy company of Colum
bus, Ohio, which has a branch houso at
810, 812 and ol4 Walnut street, this
city, failed this morning. The failure
here was a b'g surprise. The trouble
is in Columbus
Ohio Gold Democrats Confer.
CoLl'unus, Ohio, Aug. 3. About fif
teen gold Democrats from various
parts of Oklo are in executive session
i at the Nell house as to the course to
pursue on a national ticket
Ills Position llrlofly hat Unmlstaknbly
Get Forth -Ho Declares for Sound
Money Thinks the Gold Democrats
Ought to Voto for Itltn Instead of Tut
ting Up n Ticket of Their Own Ills
Political Views.
The Prohibition Candidate
BAi.Tuioitn, Md., July 3i. Joshua
Levering of this city was last evening
officially notified of his nomination
for tho Presidency of tho United
States by tho Prohibition party. Prior
to tho notification, tho Maryland Pro
hibitionists hold their stato conven
tion and nominated electors in the
various Maryland districts. Thoy also
pat ailed tho streets of the city with
banners and music, tho lino of march
terminating at tho Lyceum theator,
where tho notification meeting was
O. W. Stewart of Illinois, as chair
man of tho committco on notification,
delivered tho address informing Lev
ering of his nomination, The latter
read from manuscript his letter of ac
ceptance, which Is, in part, as follows:
"Such an honor is worthy tho am
bition of any citizen of this great na
tion, but to iny mind it is to bo doubly
appreciated when tendered by tho
only political party which has had tho
courage to stand openly for tho pro
tection of tho home, the womanhood
nnd tho children of our country
against tho terrible ravages and de
struction of tho legalized liquor traffic.
Tho Prohibition party, conscious of
tho integrity of its motives and pur
poses, nnd firm in its belief that tho
question of a moral character should
take precedence over those purely
economical, has stood firm for a score
or moro of years agaiust all attacits
of ridicule, misrepresentation and
abuso mado against it; increasing its
numbers nnd gaining the esteem and
confidence of those who are not yet
wllllnf to be enrolled under the ban
ner of 'Protection to tho Home.'
"During all tho years it has steadily
pursued its way in educating the peo
plo to tho constantly increasing en
croachment ot tho liquor traffic,
knowing how it is undermining our
political and social life and interfer
ing with tho freo expression of tho
will of the people it the ballot box,
controlling to a largo extent tho legis
lative bodies of the country, adding
heavily to the burdens of the already
overburdened taxpayers, and, above
all, bringing suffering, sorrow, pov
erty and death to many of our fellow
"Tho platform adopted by tho con
vention meets my hearty approval,
and, though based on tho bingle issue,
is, in reality, sufficiently broad to
allow all to stand on it who are op
posed to the saloon and its consequent
evils, regardless of their views on any
public questions of the day.
'I do not underestimate the fact
that there are other questions of
grave importance over which the pub
lic mind is seriously agitated, and
whicli ure being pressed for speedy
settlement. Thero is the question of
a stable and nt the same time elastic
currency, equal to tho demands of
business for every section of tho coun
try, aud yet every dollar of which
should be of equal value and the whole
based on a standard equal to the best
Interest In tho world. Tho United
States cannot afford, without dishonor,
to have money bearing its stamp in
ferior to that of any other country on
thu globe.
"Again, a proper adjustment of tho
tariff so that labor can huvo its lust
protection without at tho sume time
giving undue protection to tho minu
facturing interest nt the cxpeuso of
tho great consuming portion of our
people, is of profound importance and
demands early solution."
Prior to the notification meeting,
Mr. Levering, In an Interview, said:
"I do not see any necessity for tho
sound money Democrats who do not
wish to voto for Mclvinley to nominate
a third ticket. Let them vote the
Prohibition ticket. We shall have
electoral tickets in every state and
those Democrats and others Who can
not conscientiously vote for either
Bryan or Melvlnley can voto for our
ticket. My views on the money ques
tion and on tho tariff question aro also
In accorJ with tho views of these peo
ple In general and are decidedly
Grrone's Assistance to Crotan Itebels Ob
jected to l he Powers May Act.
Constantinople, July 30. As a re
sult of a cabinet council, the Turkish
government made a formal complaint
to the government of Greece regard
ing the alleged shipment of arms and
ammunition from Greece to the island
of Crete, for the use of tho insurgents
there, and relative to tho appearance
of armed bands in Macedonia, point
ing out tho danger therefrom to the
peaco of Europe and adding that
Greece would be held responsible
for it
Tho Turkish trovernment nUo an
nounced that it had been decided to
grant limited concessions to the Cre
tans and that they would bo allowed
The powers. It is stated, have de
cided to send a collective noto to
Greece declaring that the government
of tho latter country must suppress the
matters complained of by the Turkish
government, otherwise the sultan of
Turkey will be left to restore order lu
Crete. It U rumored hero that the Tur
klsh government intends to dispatch
a force of Albanians against the Greek
filibusters, which will undoubtedly
add considerably to the gravity of the
Hallway Mall Clerk Mast Keep Out of
Active Politics.
Washington. July 30. Postmaster
General Wilson has issued an order
to all railway mail clerks directing
them not to take any active interest
in the political campaign, 6uch as
wculd bo Involved in their attending
political conventions as delegates,
making political speeches or assisting
in the management of political cam
paigns The postmaster general's circular
expressly slates that he does not de
sire to control their opinions in politi
co I matters.
Mr. Hanna Declare Thejr aro the Mufti
Nkw Yonir, July 30. Frederick 8.
Gibbs, national Republican commit
teeman from this stnte, was ono of
tho few favored guests at a meeting
of tho Eastern managers with Na
tional Chairman Hanna to-day.
Whother Mr. Ilatinn looked upon Mr.
Glbbs as a porsonal repro&cntatlvo of
Mr. Piatt or not, tho fact Is patent
that Mr. Glbbs does represent that
faction of tho Republican party in
New York. Mr. Hnnna said: "Mr.
Piatt was not invited to the meoting
sltnply becauso ho Is not a member of
tho committco Mr. Gibbs, the New
York state national committeeman,
was invited by mo to attend so that,
ho may bo kept In touch with thot
plans that may bo formulated. Mr.
Glbbs is Now York's nutionnl commit
teeman, nnd Is responslblo in a large
measure, by virtue of his position, for
tho result in this state. I feel confi
dent thnt tho Republican party la
New York stato will work harmoni
ously for Mr. McKlnlev's election "
John Wanamnker of Philadelphia,
ex-Presidont Harrison aud Mr. Hanna.
met nt tho Fifth Avenuo hotel last,
night Mr. Hanna declined to go in
to details as to thoquestionsdiscussed
by tho trio, but said: "Mr. Harrison,
will give us all tho asslstanco wo may
rcquiroof him."
Tho most Important question to bo
discussed will boas to tho lines upon
which tho campaign will bo con
ducted. Frank S. Wltherbeo and a
delegation representing tho American
Protective Leaguo will arguo In favor
of making tho fight upon tho tariff
lines, whllo Melvlllo E. Ingalls nnd
others of tho financial and corpora
tion world will nsk that thu financial
question bo kept uppermost. It is en
tirely probable that Mr. Ilanna's ad
vice to tho committco will bo for
working on both these platforms as
closely bound to each other. Mr.
Hanna said to-dny: "Tho financial
and tariff questions cannot, in my
judgment, bo divorced. Our financial
depression or prosperity Is duo in tho
greatest measure to our tariff condi
tions. Mr. MeKlnley shares this view
with me."
In carrying out this view Mr. Hnnna
will suggest that tho Tariff league
prosecuto the fight vigorously on its
own lines, and thnt those Interested
in tho financial question do similar
work, tho national committee giving
assistance. It is planned that an im
mense amount of literature will be
Mr. Quay was in consultation with.
Mr. Hanna for about an hour, but
neither would say hat tho especial,
subject of their consultation wus.
The nominee for vice president,
Garrett A. Hobart, arrived subse
quently and was closeted with Mr.
Hanna for some time. At the con
clusion of tho interview Mr. Hobart.
Buid: "I havo told Mr. Hanna that 1.
intond staying in New Jersey during
the campaign, frequently coming over
to New York headquarters. I had
plenty of expenenco in campaign
work as a national committeeman and
Mr. Hanna thinks I can assist in New
York headquarters."
Des Moines, July 22. Patent
havo been allowed but not is
sued as follows: To W. A. Way of
Iowa Falls for an attachment for vap
or burning stoves nud advantageously
using tho products of combustion of a
single burner to simultaneously coolc
in two distinct vessels at the sums
timo. To J. Koegel, of Des Moines,
for a hand implement specially
adapted for thinning rows of plants
nnd cutting out weeds ns required to
rotain plants at uniform spaces apart.
To J. S. Hogan, of Mcnlo, for nn ad
justable, clevis for wheel plows and
mechanism for operating it by a person
riding on tho plow, in such a manner
as to thereby govern tho width of the
furrow as tho plow is advanced.
Valuable information about ob
taining, valuing and selling pat
ents sent f bco to any address. Printed
copies of tho drawings and specifica
tions of any United States patent sent
upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice
is not confined to Iowa. Inventors in
other states can have our services up
on the same terms as the Hawkeyes.
Thomas Q. and J. Rali-ii Omvio,
Solicitors of Patcnti.
Quotations From New York, Chicago, St.
l.ouW, Omaha und hlsewlioro.
Huttcr Creamery separator..
Huttcr l'alr to good country.
Eggs r'resh
Poultry Llvo lions, por lb
Snrlni: Chickens
10 T6
11 &
8 &
10 w
Lemons Cholco Messlnas 4 0)
llonoy lancy White 12
l'otatoes New 2
Oranges Per box 4 25
lluv Uuland. uer ton 5 03
Potatoes New 25
Apple -Per bbl 2 00
Hois-LlchtMlxod 2 75 f 2
24 H.
llocs lleuvy Weights 2 TO
Hoof fctoers 2 2.1
Hulls 175
Milkers, andoprlngcrs 22 CO
biagf 2 CO
Calves. i to
C'owh 1 .Ml
Heifers 2 21
Mockers and Feeders 2 K)
Westerns 2 25
Sheep-Native Weltors 2 00
bheuji Mixed Natlvo 2 75
Wheat-No. 2. Spring. 57
Corn Per bu 21
Oats l'or bu IS
l'ork- 6 0
Lard 3 92
Cattle Cliolco Steers 3 25
Choice talves 3 11
llopb Averages 2 K5
bheep Lambs 3 00
Western Shoop Averages.... 2 b5
Wheat No. 2. rod winter 63
& 2
GO 3
& 2
(ft 3
40 3
Hi, i
a e
Ui 3
in 4
Corn No. 2, 30
Oaih No.2.
l'ork 7 75
Lurd 4 10
a 4
lilC Fire at New LewlSTllle, Ark.
Nr.w Lewisville, Ark., July Co. A.
disastrous tire swept away the mill,
lumber planer, dwelling and savca
railroad cars of thn Sunny South Lum
ber company last night, destroying
1,000.000 feet ot lumber. The loss i
850,000; heavily insured.
Vermont Populist Conrentloa.
Montpeueu, Vu, July 80. The
Populltt state convention was held
here yesterday. Joseph Battle of
Middleburr wus nominated for gov
ernor and a full state ticket named.
The action of the St. Louis oonvea
tlon was indorsed.