1t -f- liiiimir Hewitt. flfofft 'S ' ,1 mwniym fin fhayeafullline ,of eeries, Dry Goollsf Shoes, No tions, etc., New &ndIrresh-- Larg est stock in the county. Produce taKen at its highest market value and 50 cent silver dol lars received at their lace. C. A, BURLEW. NOTICE. School district No. 26, Dawes county, will receive bids up to August 10, 1896, for building n frAniR Rnbool house, size 18x21. Specifications furnished by officers .of the district. All parties desiring Up make tp final proof can haye their papers ly made out at the juskaioj oinuu, E free of charge, and promptly transmitted to thp land office. DISCOUNT SALE. I will sell trimmed goods at one- fourth off from marked price in or dor to make room for now goods. Now is tho time to get a hat cheap at tho millinery store ono door north of Wildy's. Miss L. Adams, TUTTLE & TAS3I Morn&ys - at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. OWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Draver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dig pases of children . New Short Line to Helena, Butte Spolsanc, Seattle and Tacoma. CK X. & "W. O. Tim.3 Card No. . pnnsftntcer arrives ul 6:0o p, in. .0:10 U. m. " 18 Irelcht nrrlvos nt jo frulrrht J WEST BOUND. No, 11 pjisflenBernrrlvcsnt 4:15 a.m. " isfrolcht " li: p. m. " T IrolKht arrlVos at 3:M i. m All truiusenrrjr passoncorfl. W. M. Command, AKPnr MAIL D1HEOTOHY. HeMiNaronD postotlice. On wpek clnys door opens at 7 n. m-, general delivery opens at 8 a. m. and closes at 8 p. m. Open Sundays 11 to 10 a. m. Heminofobd and Ilox Burnt stagedally except Sunday. BcMINCiroBD AMD DtJNLAP stego, Monday Wednesday and Friday. "THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD XUUted by Kx-Comctmkimck W. J. BRYAN It the greatest ntvxpaper . of the Missouri Miner. It advocates FREE SILVER at the present ratio- of sixteen to ono. Ita flews service i tha bast to be obtained. Daily, $0.00 per year; BOcenta per month. Weekly, ft 00 par year. Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this offlc HEMINGFORD, A. Triplett, of Alliance, is in tho city today. James McLennan was nijing somo this week. A. Sherwood was a Crawford visitor Wednesday. B. F. Moore, of Marsland, was in tho city Wednesday. Boy. Wunderlich married a couple at Whitney, Monday. Bey. Bicker, of Chadron, was a visitor in the city Thursday. Co. Treasurer Miller was on the sick list tho fore part of tho week. W. Q, Caven and wife, of Lead, S. D., wore visiting Hemingford Tuesday. Gus Larson is injoying a visit from his brother and nephew, of Fremont, this week. There will bo services at tho Catholic church Sunday Aug. 9 th, at 10 o'clook sharp. Mrs. Willis Youne wont to Deadwood this week whero her husband is employed. Mrs. J. W. Frazior and sister, Miss Lena Jay, visited Heming ford friends Wednesday. Miss Anna Neeland returned from tho hills yesterday and re ports a very pleasant time. B. F. Moore and Pauline Byrne were married at tho court house Thursday by Judge HoWett. Win. Cross, W. A. Hoftd and C. M. Lotppeich, Lakesiko, are now subscribers to this family journal. Mrs. C. S. Worloy came up from Lincoln Saturday to visit friends and look after her property near Box Butte. Invitations are out for a good old fasioned quilting party at the residence of Mrs. James Hollirake tomorrow. Bev. Coolidgo and Mrs. Sher wood started for Reno Wednes day to attend the ordination of Bev. Ticknor. Mesdames M. M. Blanchard, M E. Hammond, Leo Bustin and Miss Anna Ward were Alliance visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pinkerton returned from their oiting at Hot Springs, S. D., Saturday. They report a very pleasant trip. Dr. W. I Seymour, representing The AIoo Penfold Co., opticians, of Omaha, was in tho city luesday and fitted glasses for several of our psoEile "VV. M. Coneland went to Custer, S. D., Sunday and accompanied Mrs. Copelaud and mother. Mrs. McFadden home from a months visit in that city. The directors of the Box Butto county Agricultural society are requested to meet at the court houso at 2 p. m. Saturday Aug. 15 189G. A. Sheuwood, Pros. J. C. McCorklo relumed from Omaha yesterday. Mac is ono of the life long republicans who has comooutfor silver and he says "Everything iB coming our way in eastern Nebraska." Tho Missionary society of tho Congregational church will havo its regular monthly dinner nnxt "Wednesday with Mrs. Sherwood. Tho object of tho dinner is to raise money to repair the church. Everybody welcomo. Come. "Wo are informed that A. II. 1 McLaughlin, of Marsland, was quite serously hurt by a young colt last Sunday. Ho was removed to Fort Robinson for medical treat ment. Mac has many friends in this city who regret to hear of his misfortune. Wo are in receipt of a lpttor from J. K. Neal who is now in Tennessee, in, which, he says, hini- BOX BUTTE COUNTY, self and family will start for homo this week but will visit a fow days in Virginia and also in eastern Nebrasku. Ho says it iB very wot there now and suushino is scarcer than rain in Box Butte. Regard ing tho political situation ho says "tho democrats and populist here and in North Carolina seem highly pleased with tho nomination of Bryan. Many republicans like tho financial plank in the demo cratic platform hotter than their own and declare they will voto for Bryan." Judge W.L. Green, of Kearney, will address tho people of Box Butto county on the political issue of the day at tho court houso in Hemingford, Aug. 20, at 2 p. m. at tho opera houso in Alliance 8 o'clock p. m. Everybody should hear this noted orator. Good .music in attendance. Clakk Olds, Chairman. Oo. Board Frocroodlxigs. County Clerk's office, ) JJuly 30, 1895. j" Board of county commissioners mot as per adjournment. Pres ent, James Hollmrako chairman, James Barry and G. W. Duncan. Petition was presented by En os Kerr and 35 others asking that a public road be opened be tween townships 25 and 20 and described as follows, commenc ing on the Sheridan county lino at the junction of tho northeast corner of section lr township 25, range 47 with the Sheridan county line, thence running west between township 25 and 2G a distance of six miles to tho range lino between 47 and 48. Also remonstrance against the open ing of said line was signed by William Kline and 19 others. After due consideration the board finds that the public good requires the oponing of such line and as authorized by section 46, compiled statute of Nebraska, for year 1895, thoy declare this lino to be opened for public travel. The clerk is instructed to notify the overseer to remove obstruc tion and cause it to bo worked same as other public roads. Petition was presented by G, W. Erb and 29 others asking that a public road bo opened com mencing at the southwest quar ter of scotion 0-25-17 and running duo east Bix miles to southeast corner section l-ao-if; aiso re monstrance against the same signed by C. C. Stevens and 34 others; Since neither petition, nor remonstrance shos the lo cation of tho signers, it is deem ed advisable and is ordered by tho board that the matter be laid over until the next regular meet ing in order' to give both parties time to make a complete show ing.. On motion board adjourned for dinner. Afternoon session. Full board present. Potitinn was nresented signed by Nolson Bearss and 21 others asking that a public road bo oooned commencing at southeast comer section 1-26-49 and run ning due west to southwest cor ner sec 0-26-52. Tho petition not showing location of signers and objection being made in per son to the opening of said lino, the-board decided to lay the mat ter over until the next regular meeting to giva each side oppor tunity to make complete show in " Samuel Nauglo presented tax receipt JMo. aaaa snowing lax ior 1895 on southwest quarter aa-zf-52 paid under protest, and asked that tho amount be refunded on the ground that the land at that time was not subject to taxation. Tho; board aftor investigation or dered tho treasurer to refund said taxes. On motion board adjourned till n n m.. Julv 31. 1896. James Hollinrako, Attest: Chairman. P. M. Phelps, Clerk. July 31, 1896. Board mot as per adjournment. All inoinhp.rs nresent. John O'Keofo appeared before ttyo board and, asked that ono JqUu Prokop, now a county NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1896. chargo at tho poor farm, bo turn ed over to his euro ana Mr. O'Keofo offered to caro for and clothe said Prokop return for such services as the boy may be ablo to render. Tho board bo loivhig that tho boy would bo woll cared for while in Mr. O Keefo's chargo, issued an order to P. H. Zobol lessee of tho poor farm, directing him to turn him over to Mr. O'Keofo. A. E. Tunborg having moved, from this countv loavinir person al tax of 1893 amounting to $40.40 and interest, ansottled, and tho trensuror having issued distress warrant which was ro turned by tho sheriff with $39.10 realized after paying legal ex penses, it appearing1 to the board that tho balance of said tax is uncollectible and that tho treas urer has used duo diligence in endeavoring to collect, thoy hereby authorizo him to apply said $39.10 upon the tax and strike balance from tax list. On motion board adjourned for 1 dinner. Afternoon session. All mem bers presont. Resignations woro presented and nccepteL ds follows: Foto ivoarney, overseer jx. u. zy. G. W. Parrott, " 14. Jno. E.Hunt, 27. Lewis Mackey, " "28. Resignation of L. H. Moshor, J. P,, Lako precinct, was receiv ed and laid over till next meet ing. Bids to furnish the countv with coal were opened and contract let to lowest bidder as follows: to Hemingford Milling Company to furnish one car hard coal (egg' size) f. o. b. cars" at Heminsrford at $12 per ton. Attention of board having been called to certain funds shown on treasurer's books as due the state viz: Page 19, Jan. 8, 1894, $-120, lease " 21, 8, 200, prin. " 28f" 8, 280, Int. and of which books do not show disposition, tho matter was re ferred to former treasurer Keefe who thereupon presented to board a receipt from tho state treasurer showing these funds to havo been paid to him, whore upon the board directs that cred its be entered on treasurer's books accordingly. A list of sixty names was- then1 prepared from which to draw jury for Sept. 22nd term of court and filed as required by law". The board then took up tho consideration of claims and after obtaining certificate of delinquent personal taxes aue irom tne sev eral claimants, allowed tho fol lowing claims and ordered war rants drawn on tho general fund, lew of 1890, for such balances as may remain aftor such taxes. ri imi Rt.inpr - o 2981 State Journal Co., stati'n'ry 2926Potor Kearney, road ov'rsr 3030 Simonson Bros., lumber, 3037 "V. A. Clark, ovors'r dist 1, 3038 John E.Hunt, " "27, 3039 A E Woodbury supl p f'rm 3040 P Kearney, hauling rock 3041 simonson, coal, Mi's Mouary 3042 Chas Parrish, elk elec, '95 ICiA'A .T W Plivictir " 3044 B P Oilman, srv co atty 2qr 3U45 15 1' (iiiman agt, ins court n 3046 LW Bowman srv co phys 2q 3047 Carl Weitz, ovsr dist 22 3048 Moses Johnson "11 3050 Gillespie Bros, supls p frm 3051 Bell & Acheson, " 3052 LW Emery " 3053 C Stovons.damg layg out rd 8054 W W Norton, supplios.poor 8055 P H Smith, juror, Mch '96 4056 P H Smith, supls poor-farm 0JD XT n. ZjUUUI, UYUVhUUl- 3057 J W Brosliiur ovsr dist 8 rrtr-i n TT rr .1 1 tl 3058 OARohder " " 7 3059 Jas Barry, serves co com'sir 3060 Jas Hollinrako " 3061 GW Duncan ' 3002' Lewis Mrckoy, ovsr dist 28 A. L. Muirhead presented receipt for'poll tax 58 paid, tne board upon investigation found that the treasurer had also colleoted tho amount and ordered a warrant drawn on general fund for $3 in favor of A., L. Muirhead. Claim No. 3019, school district No. 18, tuition of non-resident pupils for ?90 was allowetVfor $89 and warrant ordered drawn on county school fund, lovy of 1996. Transcript of costs was filed by Clark Olds, J. P., in case State of Nebraska vs. G. C. Alexander, amount S37.I0, for payment by county. On motion matter was laid oyer until noxt meeting. On- motion board then adjourned sine die. Attest: P.. M. Phelps,. James Hollinkake, County Clerk., Chairman. Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS I New Prices! . New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows f ANTON UHRIG, - PIONEER - Hardware and" Saddlery. The Uldest .Establishment in tub County Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Batf Wire the Best on Earth. Fred Krug Brewing Company CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer Purest in the Market PATK0MZE HOME INDUSTRY Office 1007 Jackson Claim 3 50 Al'd 3 50 13 67 Taxes .70 180-' 6 50 War'nt 3 50 12 97 4 40 46 2 50 4 50 7 4 162 50 120 56 25 2 30 14 45 6 06 14 5 50 7.55 6 95 13 07 4 40 2 80 7 96 2 50 4 40 1 80 96 50 50 6 2 4 50 4 7 4 a 7 4 4 102 50 120 56-25 2:30 14! 45 0 06 14 6'50 15 6 95 6 2 185 08 2180 15 8 10 GO 17 162 50 12U 56 25 3 30 15 45 6 06 14 5 50 30 6 95 6 2 120 7 45 6 2 0 35 2 30 -rr nft J.DQ UO 21 80 185 08 15 45 12 70 8 10 60 17 16 8 10 60 17 14 14 14 N084 MWaMCTOARk Street, Omaha, Nob. Berea Borapings. John Garrett i on tho sick list. The late rains done a lot of good, to corn' and potatoes. Mrs. A. J. Dunham, of Hemingr ford is visiting Mrs. O. A. jWS this week. r Mr. D. Eberly is our S. S.' sup erintendent, vice Mrs, S. A. Curtis resigned. Mr. Eberly is an old hand at it. Fred Shrcior has hired some parties to-take care of his crop. He is working in a smelter at Deadwood and intends to stay in definitely. Oscar Mastrud is so unfortunate as to have been taken down with. dropsy; his parents took hin down to Alliance last Saturday to con sult a doctor and although the doctor thought he could cure hiirn there is but little-hope for his re covery. He is- under. Dr. Bow man's caro. Wanted A load of on subscrip tion, at this office. OLD PAPERS octs a dozon, at Tiik Herald office. The undersigned will take cattle to herd for tho season of 1898, at Foskot's ranch. Terras, 81, for sea son, from Mtiy 1st to Oot. 15th. . E. D. Pircuu