r9TV fTjfr f.fN"V"y -5T "C'ff C3WtfCS3MS ; flrfte Hbrald. pICIAL JPAPER OF ? BOX BUTTE COUNTY. I'ntilUlipd flvrry Kriilnr and Mitcml M llio pooillce In llrmlrmfunl. Nr-lirsftka, it pommi- sVrm iwxlt mUof. The liun.,nll!VOt!d to j f hn Iutervt ot ItomliiRlonl nml piox ltutto J county, i t triOS. J. O'KDCPn, Publisher. ' sunsciurriox iutks: Mill YKA11..C SJM SIX MONJriIB...i "ft ya rf i -. ... inn. i.i i. ii . V ' COONTV OFFIOEas. '.M. PiiKtrn &t Ork. A, M. MitLf-n .... Tronmiror. ftjAH. H. H. Hewitt ..Indtf. jM. 1. Hwkknky Blioriff. Jm i OlIiM-si Attorney. YWihsA. K.Mij.Unu Bnjiorlntundpiit. . UnAti. UnAW burTcyor, itPn. W. K. Mli.LEtt Coroner, ,,iB. li. W. HoWKAN ,1'lijrnlclan. wanes IlAlinY Commlnslonorlut Din.. $Jab lloi.r.iNUAKr. ....rinimlioncr3ntl Hist. M, W. Du.voAK CommlnnltmorOrdDigt. fr...,,, .,,.,-. I, , .1 M ... , ?' DemocratjC Ticket, For President, ' v WM. J. BRYAN. Ppr Vico Prosidont, ARTHUR SEWALL. JTHE JHgRALD'S POSITION. . SiNCl&tiio Chicago convention. the IIeuald has rmuainod quiot, preferring to wait until al froth jtt&'JCoara had blown off,1 that wo . night hotter he enabled to judge of the quality pfniatoriul in tho , nqtual, mako-up of tho situation. There, has been a groat howl from certain quarters of tho j jM United States over what has "bejm termed "anarchy." Upon a clos.e examination wo find that .this complaint ominatos from fi.ijh sources as are under direct control of, or under obligations to thoso men whoso homes and busjijess interests are nominally ,JnyniOrica, yvhilQ their general abiding places aro across tho Water, drawn thero by relation ship purchased with American gpld at tho oxpenso of American ojicl human .liberties. "Wo cannot fail to remember that Mr. Clovo jlalid was lirst olectcd president, by reason of assaults mado by th3 people upon this same plutocracy whom Mr. Clovoiand hirnsejf denounced at tho time as ou'eoachments upon the liberties -of tno country. Upon this same Jina Jio flpmocraUa party march edta second victory, and not until tho shameful ''sell-out" on thf ariff by a democratic con g$s.f? two years ago -wore tho pjfoplo enabled to realize how pp.verless.tho party was to ac cotylish any rafona of govern ment, until fir&fc securing a re lease from dominating influences, to whom tho word Democracy is jaufpjous to start with. If it is "anarchy" for a party whoso boast it has always boon to pro tect people from tho encroaching powers of those who boliovo that ja piosideiit' shoul'd assume all powers to himself, rogarding his sjftjjal advisers as merely clerks Up agistor his will, then' -wo are willpig to confess pip: ignorance of-tho word ''anarchy." If it is 'anarchy for a party to attempt toJfreo a great government like purs from suqh partnership in (thcybiiulnng ftHsinpss as often tjmesiplacJBS our government in the position of a suppliant beg gar at UQ !cot of tho world's bankers; f ' then wo aro still 4gnorantof tho word "anarchy." iVe aro not satisfied that tho howl against free silver is so inuch from fear of repudiation of fixisting contracts, as it is .through fear that certain men whoso ptitriptism is guaged by tho quantity of gold in sight, jiavo, in losing their grasp upon jtho government. Repudiation of public debts is so clearly incon sistent with thq protection guaranteed by tho constitution, jthat wo cannot believe any man pv set of men have serious fears Ahat any president or congress that may be olocted would be so mviso or ignorant as to attempt to pass sucl laws. j, yo remember that at tho con yontion nominating Govornor Boyd, Mr. Bryan in his speech Supporting free silver, which jwas incorporated in tho platform, vas cheered to Tog echo by all of he same men wiq aro now de nouncing him as an "anarchist." h ho was a democrat then, with I. 8tXtwjraaasjMwrrtBwrrctt kl. m t i . i 1 1. re ) n i 7-.fi-rirf.i 'i . f . T J 1T "- " "" - fmHf.. 1 no chnrjro at his po.silfon, why Is ho not as goqd ft democrat now .' Tho charge that ho Is young and lilexporioncod in Blntosmahship may gfo down with a foV old fogies whoso ideas of tho world aro embodied in a lot of old musty books and form, but all practical men aro awarothat Mr. Bryan is u clenr hqaded, con scientious, and honest man. pos sessed of "ft practical mind; that ho is absolutely freo from any and all dominating influences 'whoso solo worship is money, and with thoso qualities to s,tart with, thero is no doubt but what his cabinet and official advisor will furnish all tho oxpnrienco and statesmanship required, and rather than- a government of "anarchy" wo would have a government in which tho highest enjoyment of liberties and free dom would obtain. Viowing tho facts from these standpoints, and bolioving indomocratic organiza tion and principlos, wo refuse to bo led a stray by falso crys of "anarchy," and Uio'Herald will accord to tho present domocratic ticke, tho same faithful support as it believes all democrats should accord to their party's choice in convention assembled. A snoivr timi: before the meet ing of the republican national con vention, Ilarpor'B Weekly, in an artiolo headed. "Tho Advance Agent of Bankruptcy," mado the bold statement that all tho ills of tho country could bo attributed to William McKinley while ho was in congresH. it attempted to prove by facts and figures that a3 a presi dent, the country would become hopojocsly bankrupt under Mc Kinley? ' Now that Bryan has boon nominated this snmo papor states that all good citizens must put party lines aside, and for tho hon of tlio country elect Mr. MoKinloy. This is rathor a refreshing situa tion. Some people may ho enthus ed by such proceedings, but we do not boliovo that patriotism consist alono in voting for Mi. McKinley, and indeed if tho first article in the Weekly is true, it would be pat riotism to vote against him. Politics in Wisconsin -4 V Wo reproduce tho following in teresting letter from rtho pen of John G. Mahcr, and pub lished in the last issue of tho Ohadron Signal-Recordor. MirVAUKmj, Wis., .Inly 10, '00.---At u mass convention here today, uutde up almost exclusively of silver rcpub icuns, delcgutes Avero elected fuvor thj iiomhiuUou of Ihyiui by tho bi meUllist at St. Lours on the 22nd. In conversation with ono of tho lcad ng populist of. Wisconsin, who re sldo'r here, iio says that Hryuu nnd Sewall will surly bo no in inn ted at St. Louis and that tholr election is as sured. Ilo claims that Wissonsin will t'o GO.O00 for silver; that the Germans are nearly all for the white metal; that VUks ami Hrngg: by their bolting the ticket, strengthened It, and their views were corroborated by tho editor of the Milwaukee Diily News, who is a leading detnocrnt. In Michigan tlio stiver sentiment seems much stronger and pslrly Hues aro absolutely obliterated, and the bankers and corporations are array ing themselves ou one Md; and the producers and toiling musses on the other. It is bound to come, much as it Is to be deplored. It is to be the sectional and from now on it will bu the east against the west. Neatly all the great dailies in Chicago, New York and elsewhere are against Mry :tn and liuve bolted tlio ticket. Way? Ueeausu they mo controlled by tlio moneyed men. John It. Welsh of Chicngo, absolutely controls every dally In Chicago except the Dally Ite cord and Evening News. In New York It Ik tho saim; ani tliuy are obliged to do the bi jdlug of their masters. Tho rank and file of the pc p c, however, aro opposed to sur rendering America to English money changers. What distinguished dem ocrats have bolted Ilryan? Perry Bel mont who is he? He is a banker woo lives In Loudon after making his money America. William C. Whitney Who is huf The man who has a corner on tho coal oh of the world and who has more interest In England than he has in America, as his daughter married a duke or a lord. JameH Pulitzer, of the World; the man whom the American people so roundly denounced for tho mes sage he sent ti Lord Salisbury dur ing the recent trouble between tlih country and Chill. Mr. Camogle, tho great sieel manufacturer who re sides in a custle in Scotland, built xsussm-smrv,mmmnriKSttats wHlf A-mcricim domrflMr.-ihttat who edits an English paper nnd lives in London In a mllljoh dollar man sion, says he Is commg to America to fight tho'silvcr fanatics, lunatics am! Ignoramuses. Theso arc only a few' but show mc ono and I will bet 10 to i that he is more lutorbstod in the welfare of England than America I would like the opinion of tho men who took up the musket and unsheth cd the sword in defense of their country that America rnjght bo free and Independent of any nation on the globo what they tlilnx of tho arty of Llnoln which is asking tho aid of a country that tried Its best to disrupt tills nation, hi making the laws that govern us? They surely hayo not forgotten that memorable year of 1800, when our martyred pres ident, Lincoln, asked theso tnep for for funds to carry on tho war. that the money was refused. What did Linc'dlu then? lie caused the Issu ance of money by the government and everyone took it. Of course' these men who are more attached to Eng land than to their native country prefer gold for as long as silver is demonetized gold will buy more for them. All their interests arc with England. What do they care about tho farmers, miners, producing and aboring classes of America? Are they as much interested in tlio wel fare of the people as the men who framed tho Omaha and Chicago plat form s? I have made careful enquiries amnr.g the larmcrs and laborers in the portions of Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois that I visited and unless a great ciiange comes over the people, these states will give thnlr electoral votes to Bryan. In my udgment, the nomination is tite strongest that could have been made. Nebaaskn people, regardless of party, should fuel proud that Bryan Is a resident of their state Sonic of the rankest republicans I met admire IiIb great oratorical powers. Some ol the best critics in the country who heard his speech say it was tno gral est ever deljvored. John G. Maiikk. Final -Proof Notices llo.v. J, W. Wsun, Jit., lk-cUter. Ho. F. M. Duoome, llocoUor. Purtirs litiviiiK notices in tliU column are ro n m-Btod to rtd tho name carefully and report to tills ullica for correction uuy i-rror that may exist. TIiIh will provont possible delay in makfmr proof. Land Office at Alliance, Nob., July 11. 18ft). Notice 1b hereby giun that tho following named eettler ha tiled notleo of hs intention to makuilual proof in mipport of his claim and thatxald proof will lx mado before HokIuUt ur ltocelrer tit Alliance, Neb., on August "J, 18W, viz: JE.NNIE C. ItOUINBON, nooEnns. of Uox Dutto. Neb., who mado ii. E. No. ICTO, for tho h o 4 bw H, t p 28 n, re SI w. Bho namcM the following witnecsos to prove her continuous residence upon and, cultivation of Bald laud, vli: HukU li. Jonen, of rinminir ford, Neb., JesBie Harris, of Marsland, Nob., (.joorKoLi. Taylor, of Ucralngtord, Hob., Ilcnry Bltluiek, of Lawn, Nob. J. W. WciiN-.Jrt.. KcuistT. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., July W, una. Notleo is hereby glvon that the following named Bottler has tiled notice of his intontion to malto tiual proof in support of his ciaim, and that said proof will bo made bofore lte-'iter and Uecoiver at AUianco, Neb., on August 2Uth' 1!1,t;z: FUAfiZ FltASK, of La-4n, Neb., who mado II E No. S80, for tlio s Y bw h & w H bo oo it , tp Zii, rt; Si. He names tho following witnesKcsto provo his continuous resldonco uiion and cultivation of said Jand, iz: Frank t'aha, Henry Winton, Al bert Kraupa. of Lawu, Neb., i'rank Krajiccl:, of Alliance, ilcb. Also, F1UNK 21LA, of lAwn, Neb., who mado II 14 No. 033 for tho HOliwii 15, tp ai, rs &-'. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo jun KouiiuiiuiiFi reHiuencnupon aim cultivation of said laud, viz: Frank L'aha, Henry Wlnten, AlU'rt Kraal , or Jjivvn, Neb., Frank Krajicen, of A'liunco, Meb, J. W. Weiin, ju HeKlstor. U 8. Land OHico, Alliance. Nob., JunsH, 1S00. Notice is hereby Riven that WILLIAM L. CLAl'l', of l'airtield, Iowa, hits tiled notice ot intention to make linal proof Iwforo L. A. Dor riiiKton, U. H. li. C. I'om't at his oillco in Chad rou, Neb., on tho 5tli day of bcpU ItlM, ou tnn lr uulturo application No. 1)10, for t l.o S V, N 14 '4 iV. N H B K J4 of section No. 8a, In township IK! u, ranito 1't w. Ho names ns witnesses: Lord Herven Tow ell, (.'harU's W. Mlnard, Thomas t; Ithyan, of Hemiuford, Neb., (harlea W. Dorirau, of ilougli, Neb, J. y. Wkum, Jb., llelster. Land OHico at Alliance, eb., June 30, 18'JO. Notice is hereby piven that the following named settler lias bled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim and that wid proof will be made beforo tho Register or Uiveiver at AUianco, Nob., ou August 1U, lb-yo,iz: EUGENE A. l'ATTEUSON, ho made U. E.JKOOforthe nw H soo", tp29, r47. lluname$the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous reti(leuconi)on and cultivation of stiid lund, viz: I . il. Fhipps, t L. Caldron, V. 11. Uoddard, Erick Koderstrom, all of Dun lap, Neb. J. W. Weii.v, ju., lteuister. U. H. Kind Office, Alliance, Neb,, July 28, 1890. Notics is hereby eiveu that DIXON s cuunv, has tiled notics of intention to make final pr"of b-.-fore. ltfKiter and l(ceior at Alliance, Neb, ou tho &tli day ofBept, 1M, on timlwr col uro application M. csii, for the oHae'A tV e U e mc W, tp Ti a, r M w. Uo iiams s witnesses: William Ii Ashbrook, Harry A. Ahiroo.c, ot Hell, Nob., John V. llaz ard, or Lawu, Neb., Charles Hall, of Canton, Neb. Also JOSEPH H. DICKINSON, of Canton, Neb., who mado 11. E. l.ioo for the b s w A w 'i s o 4 soo 4. tp 27 n, r 51 w. He names tho following wirtiet-seH to prov o his continuouHreslilenco upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Wilson L. Ashbrook, Harry A. Ashbrook. of Hell, Nob., John 1. naiard, of Lawn, Neb?, Charlo hall, of Canton, Nel. J. V. Wkun, Jr., Heister. LE Of PUHLIC LAND. U, . Laud Ollico, AUianco, Nub., Juno 30, 18W. Notice i ht-nOiy tieu that, in purmiam'-o ot instruction from tho Comiolt-Blonor ot tlio (jeii prat Lauil Ollico, umlor authority vamUhI in him by HPCtion Hi , U. b. IteviMil btutnliw, at nmeiKlixl by tlio act ot connrot-s anurovtil Fel ruar :t, IbtVi, vt will prootrd to oaer at public ai on uu'cuiuay oi .iriKimi, next, at tiua ol liif, tlio follow hit; tract o( land, to-wlt:- boutlt nalt ot tin" noitliwet quartor of Bection twelve, (12), township trnty-nvo, (2Si, north o(ranKutitty,!W), vfwt of the tixth iiilnolpall liRTiumii. in Nebraska Any ami all prroui) clnlmilit; aclvrraMy to the aboto-clcrtUl lauila mo adviAi-d to filo thoir t'launi. la thisofuceon or ueioretho ilay aboo I tit Hiunabtl for the commencement of mh nale, I othynvike their riKhtu will be (orfoitoi. J. W. Wbun. J b.. IWaiHter. I Y. M IIroome, lUoaiver. ' PADS! PADS! Gull and got your sweat pads of H, H. Gren. Brown backs at 85 ots each. v.v ;ttj in s.4 jrt- . . Closin: I have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken 'at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. HERNCALL. Dcclng ns n Flno Art. Those who wlBh to Btudy begging as a fine art are recommended to vlBlt tho museum of tho Mendicity ooclety of London, where they will And a curious collection of the varied dodges resorted to by the begging fraternity of that vast city. The collection includes, over 200, 000 begging letters, many of which aro models of Ingenuity, the work of pro fessors of tho art of letter writing, who supply the article to order, and a photo graph album of metropolitan beggars. The museum also contains a gallery of pictorial appeals, with suitable Inscrip tions adapted to catch the unwary. It is full of curiosities of the most Ingenious kind. Stevenson In Demand. First editions of Robert Louis Stev enson are already fetching high prlcqs. At the recent sale of Philip Gilbert ' Hamerton'a library and etchings, which brought only ?3,370, a presentation copy of "An Inland Voyage," 1878, was sold , for ?53, and tho first edition of tho ! "New Arabian Nights," two volumes, j 18S2, for ?40. P. Seymour Hadon's ' "EtudeB sur l'eau forte" sold for $150, tho highest price obtained, Hamerton'p own books and manuscripts obtaining very low bids. Luxarj In Flower. Tho luxury Implied in tho quantity of llowers ueed by ono of tho largo per fumers of Cannes Is almost beyond Im agination. Ilo uses yearly J40.000 pounds ot orange flowers, 12,000 of cas rla flowers, tho acacia from which most of tho violet perfume Is made; 140,000 pounds of rose leaves, 32,000 pounds of jaamlne, 20,000 pounds of violets, be sides rosemary, citron, thyme and c-thor odorous plants in large proportion. Decay of ItnuMn Noblntr. Some startling statistics of the do cay of the Russian nobility are given In tho list of mortgaged estates fur nished by the British consul at SL Petersburg. At present more than 100,000 estates, or 41 per cent of the entlro area owned by nobles, are bur dened by mortgages, and the amount of money advanced on them haB reached $032,500,000, of which $586,000, 000 remains unpaid. Tho Nobility Land bank, created by tho government to make loanB to stranded landlords, has advanced nearly Its entire capital of $250,000,000, and received but little in return. Mexico' Array and Navy, Tho regular, army of Mexico com prises 27,000 men of all arms, Including a police of about 2,000' men and a gen darmerie of 250. The navy consists of two small unarmored vessels and three gunboats. The annual expenditure on account of army and navy is from $12, 500,000 to $15,000,000. Triplets 4 Tenrt Old. A set ot triplets 24 years old are liv ing in the town of Inez, Ky where they were born. They are finely built men and remarkably alike In appearance In every respect Two are married. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD i Zdlted by 3tx-Contrrem.n W. J- BRYAN It tin greaUst nacspaptr vstU of the Mistouri Jiiver. It adrocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixteen to ono. Ita novrs Borrlco is the beat to be obtainod. Daily, fd 00 per year; 50 cents per month. Weekly, $1.00 per year. Subscriptions for th WORLD-HERALD received at this office 'Z-.7t zsaraanoflkwa Out . Sale I i F. B. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker AND Jeweler, ALLIANCE, NEH. (B. &AI. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable: bati-ifaetioti pimraiiteod. Order left at the Herald office will reco'vo prompt attention. Having purchased of J. M. Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON KING" and his French coach Btnllioii, QUINAULT, I wilUand them during tho reason at my farm, six miles west and two north of Hemhijfford. Terms. So to in sure. These stallions are too well known to need further description. A. S. Enveaut. OLD PAPERS CdTii dozn, at The Herald office. The uiidermlmied will take catllo to herd for the son-jun of 1806. f Fnsheti's mncli. TVriijH, $l. fm . . son, from May 1st to dpi. l.it'i K 1) L'wi'Ai THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of tho North vycat. Will bo aont postpaid to any addroao six days a weok for ono yoar for FOUR DOLLARS. Tho Ohrenlolo Is tho moat oohsplououa nowapoper auo osaa of the day, tho dally cir culation exoeodlns 70,000 ooplos and the Sunday circu lation axooedlng 100,000 oop l. It la a flrst-claa3 nowo paporof 12 and lOpagos (Sun day 40 to 48 pogoa) and la a stanch aupportor of sound domooratlo princlploa. TERSflS. Bally (exeopl Sunday) 1 yoar $-1.00 Dally and Sunday, 1 year c.00 Dally, 6 monliis (campaign edition). . . . 2.00 D ily and Sunday, 6 montht 3.00 Dt ly, 2 months j.oo Dally and Sunday, 2 months...., 1.40 uauy, i month. . 50 Dally and Sunday, 1 month 75 Sunday, 1 year 2.00 8alurday,l year , 1.00 Sample coplos froo on appli cation. Addross THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 104-160 Washington SU, Chlooaa. III. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and nil Tat-i ent business conducted (or MoocnATC Fees. oun Orncc 10 opposite U, C. PATCNTOrriccJ and wo can tc uro patent in less time tcaa thuse; remote from Woihfneton. . , , , Send model, drawing or photo., wltli descrtn-J tloo. Via advit; il patentable or not, free ol J charce. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A PAUPKirj, " " uuum ' """"' ......j cost of same in ttie u. a. ana loreigu sent free. Address, t C.A.SNOW&CO.i , patcnt orncc, Washington, d. c. tMWMVWWMWV MH I -- - - - ONE SERTOUg EFFECT, Uf the neoent llepubllcun Victory In tb Commonwenltti ot Kentucky, It waa eomowhat early In tho morning when tho Washington Star reporter drepped Into the wot-goods department ot n popular down-town hotol, where thoro Is always to bo found a eouthorn contingent--ln tho hotel, not the W. Q. department and Btandlng at tho counter thero he Baw a well-known Kcntucklan of the older school. It waa about ten dayB after the election news had bten recolved from Kentucky, and the Kcntucklan's brow was not crown ed with sunlight or laurels. On tho con trary, It waa swathed In heavy gray cloudfl. It may bo explained, hero that the reporter was not In that locality after n drink, bu,t after a man who waa after a drink. As ho stood talking to him, his attention was attracted by tho Kentucklan's talk to tho barkeeper, who had shoved a well-worn black bottlo out In frpnt of his customer. "Take It away," Bald tho Kentnck ian, gloomily, with a funereal wavo ot his hand. "What's tho matter with It?" asked tho surprised barkeeper. "It's the samo Kentucky brand you've been using for years." "I know It," ho Bald, regretfully, "but over since Kentucky went repub lican It doesn't seem to taste natural, and I've got to try something else. Supposo you glvo mo a little of that Maryland rye." "Certainly, sir," said tho barkeeper, deferentially, and turned to get it, but' slopped half way. "Excuso me, oir,'' ho ventured, "but didn't Maryland go that way, too?" Tho Kentucklan thrummed on thl counter with his knuckles nervously. "That' so, that's so," he mused; theJi he broke out fiercely: "I wonder If I've got to drink water," and walked out of tho placo Indignantly. INDIA'S FATHER DAM1EN. VTorlt Among Hie Leper That IIm Al ready Produced Good Remits. Valuable work is being done by de voted Catholic priests among the lepera of Burniah, says the London Timea. The annexation of Upper Burmah In 18S6 revealed a terrible need for succor to this unhappy class. Bishop Simon, II. C, addressed the officials on tha subject within two years after the coun try passed under British rule, but It wai not until 1891 that Father Johana Wehlngcr was able to found tha St. John's Leper asylum on a grant of slj acres near Mandalay. In Burmah lepers are not forbidden to frequent public places and are not sep arated from their families, as In India. They Uo at the gates of the -temples, In the food bazars and on the sides of tho bridges, where they expose their hid eously mutilated limbs to excite com passion and obtain alms. An asylum for theso miserable objects waa hailed with gratitude. In two days after li was opened the wards were crowded and new buildings had to be com menced. Father Wehlnger has made the Insti tution a modol for all leper asylums with a perfect system of hygiene and measures for the alleviation or evea curative treatment of the disease, sep arata ward? for the unaffected chlldrea of leprous parents and a vernacula school for their education. During last year COO lepers were on tho rolls and the demand for fresh wards grow ur gent Father Wehlnger came to tha end of his resources. All that sclf donlal and devotion could achieve ha has accomplished. He is now, wo believe. In England, seeking aid to enable him to go on with hie work. It Is a work which can most effectively be done by celibate breth ren, without the responsibility of wlfa or possible children to whom the dia aBe might be communicated. Johana Wehlnger Is the Father Damlen of India. Fat Wouldn't 11 Chested. A well-known scientist, walking long a London street, camo across an itinerant astronomer, and applying hU eye to the instrument was astonished to sec a beautiful full moon, although a the time tho moon was only in her sec-1 ond quarter. Tho instrument was not a telescope at all, but simply a tube, with a hole where the eye-piece should bo and a transparent photograph of a full moon with a light behind it at tho other end. On the sclenti. I asking the exhib itor how ho could so cheat tho public tbs man simply remarked: "It's all right, sir. I used to have a proper 'scope once, but I turned It up for this after an Irish man pitched Into mo for showing him. pnly 'arf a moon. This way pays botte and glvos rooro satisfaction. Associate! of the Shark. A small fish called tho pilot Is nearly always found with tho man-eating shark. Each shark Is accompanied by from five to seven (always an odd num ber, It Is claimed) of theso little vassals, and while his sharkshlp seems to be In cessantly looking for something where with to satisfy his voracious appetite ho never cats these little pilots, though they kep very close to him. Another frequent associate of tho shark Is tha remora, or sucker flsh. Nature has pro. vided It with a large, circular disk on tho top of Its head. By means of this "sucker" It attaches Itself to tho under surface of tho shark and Is carried by it vherever It goes. Children Hrmnld lime Single rieds. She Is a wise mother who allots to each of her children a slngta bed. From tho timo tho baby occupies the crib alono on through childhood he should have a bod to himself. Such pretty lit tle affairs of white iron and brass come for the nursery that It Is hard to resis' them, even npirt from jyglenlc conoid fratlona '-4.. WWWVVWVVWWWW : J . r. . ti, a..,fau .iMiii in i i" . , -. o-viiwijo.i .-., jflWHWry i