I. n ran K r V 1 h ClinoRn tlm Ilcnt Lnniliu Southwestern Missouri lands arc tho most fertile ia the country. The soil is produetlvo and n good crop always assured. An nbutuluiice of tho best of pood, pure water. Special, inducements nrc being offered lust now for thoso desiring to secure hinds in this part of tho west. For particulars, regarding the rich mineral, fiuit tind agricultural lands of southwest Missouri write to J. M. Purdy, manager of Missouri Land and Llvo Stock Co., Neosho, Missouri. Seo advertisement in another column of this paper. To Mrnln .lell.r. An ingenious woman says a good strainer for jelly may bo mado by us ing a wooden chair without rails on tho inside. Turn it upside down on tho table, take a perfectly clean cloth, tie tho four corners on the legs of the chair, sotting a crock or pan under neath to receive the jelly. The cloth should bo dipped in boiling water bo foro using. Jellies may be strained a third timo if necessary. Pittsburg Dispatch. Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. Language. "No," Bho warmly rejoined, "I will not admit that the spheres of man and woman are essentially distinct Cer tainly not It is true that woman can not at present nail down a carpet, but you don't imagine, therefore, that she could not. were she nrorjcrlv educated. tj, lnttain to a sufllcient command of Ian-F- iruairn" T)ntrn!t Trtlnino. We will forfeit $1,020 if any of our pub lished testimonial nro proven to be not genuine. Tub Piso Co., Warren, Pa. When E. J. Qlavo died on the Congo last year, after having crossed Africa in tho interest of Tho Century, it was announced that his notes, journals and photographs had been saved. From theso u group of separate papers has been mado up, and tho first one will appear in tho August Century. This tells of tho ndventures of Mr. Glavo for nearly a year while ho was with tho British troops, who were chasing tho Arab slave traders. Hour to Ormv 40c Wlient. Salzer's Fall Seed Catalogue tolls you. It's worth thousands to tho wideawake farmer. Scnd4-cent stamp for catalogue and free samples of grains and grasses for fall sowing. John A. Salzcr Seed Co., LaCrosse, Wis. McCluro's Magazine for August is to bo a mid-summer fiction number, with stories by Octave Thanet, Stephen Crane, Clinton Koss, E. W. Thomson and Annio Eliot. Stephen Crane's story will exhibit the hero of his suc cessful novel, "The lied Iiadgo of Courage," grown and old man, but still capabto of a flno act of bravery; Clinton Ross' will deal with Perry's historical fight and victory on Lako Erie; and Annie Eliot's will depict a sprightly love episode in a Yule and Harvard boat race. A GIIKAT INIJINTUY The Stark Bro's Kureerlos. this city and Itockport, 111., is a veritable, hcolilvo. Tlio propagating plnnts of the "Two I'lkos" cnlaiued. "Old Mko's" salesmen work from Now York Westward. 1 ho oltlco force Is hurrying out ft U) new stylo canvassing outlits, photos of fruits, trues, orchards, packing, fruit painted from nature, otc. b'oeral departments give all their time to securing sidesmen. Mark Hro's have room for energetic solicitors. With such progress, and millions of fruit trees, dull times unknown. Louisiana, Missouri, i'ress. Fifteen years ago the Atlantic Month ly gave Mrs. Stowe a breakfast on her seventieth birthday at which a nota ble company wus gathered. At her death it pays a tribute to her in some ways quite as significant The leading article in the number for Augusb is Reminiscences of Mrs. Stowo by Mrs. Jumes T. Fields, who was her intimate friend during tho whole period of her fame. I'emonul. ANY ONE who has been benefited by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, will receive information of much value and interest bv writing to "Pink Pills." P. O. Uox'lM)2, Philadelphia, Pa. Ill I nciitlim. "I live in a town," said tho bewhisk- ered man, who was tilted back in tho hotel chair smoking a. rank cigar, "wiiere a father, two sons and an t unci?, till memners of the samn family, ' ran for unlet at tue lust election." 'Pardon me." ventured u bystander, "i ut what part of Ohio tire you from." .New Yurie bundtiy VorliL Gladness Comes With a better understanding of tho transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness arc not duo to any actuul dis ease, but simply to u constipated condi tion of thu system, which the pleasnnt family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly remove. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are duo to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It 1b therefore all important, in order to get its bene llcial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by ull reputnblo druggists. If in tho enjoyment of good health, and the system 'is regular, luxotives or other remedies arc then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may bo commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, nnd with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely Used and gives most general satisfaction. I THE WIDOW'S BONDS. HAT is tho amount loft?" "You mitBt not bo disappointed if tho sum is much less than you havo nl wayB had reason to believe." "I shall not bo disappointed, no matter how tho es tate turns out. I wish to know tho truo stato of affairs, that I may shape my future by tho ro- 8l!ltS." "When all tho dobts aro paid thcro will ho a little over $2,000." Perhaps Mrs. PcrklnB had been pro pared for a shock. She was not ex pecting such a shock and covered her faco with her hands for a few mo monts. Sho was strong, however, and when sho raised her eyes it wan to look tho attorney full in tho faco and say: "I had hoped It would bo moro than that, but I shall do tho best. Tho furniture will realize, or should real ize, ?2,000 more." "Tho furniture is covered by a chat tel mortgage, I am sorry to inform you." Again there was silence. Mrs. Per kins smoothed the wrinkles out of her black dress and pulled a little nt tho Jet pin at her throat. "I shall leave tho place by tomorrow noon. If there is anything to be gained out of' tho property that is left after tho mort gages aro paid, I shall bo very glad. But you?" Mrs. Perkins turned to her attorney, who had been a warm friend of her deceased husband, "who 1b to pay your bjll?" "Of pnllt-cA wa Inwvftra nltvftva Innlf out for No. 1. I have not withhold an exorbitant fee. and if you so desire wo will go over the accouuts together." "I assure you that you aro very kind, and also that I have perfect confidenco In you, so that we will not take up tho timo in looktng over the accounts. If you will return tomorrow noon I shall turn over tho keyB to you, and you may have charge of the affairs, while I look out for something which I can do to make a living." The attorney proffered his services if he could bo of any assistance. The next day, however, sho had gone be fore he reached the homo of his old friend, which had been weighted down with mortgages until there was noth ing left. Tho wife did not know how things were going, and had no inti mation of it until the death of her hus band, when - bills began to pour in. After tho funeral she called Bascomb, who was about her husband's age and who had been a college chum of his. Sho did not know it, but tho lawyer fought the claims from every quarter until he had saved the widow tho littlo legacy, and this was without charging, any fee. No ono knew where Mrs. Perkins had gone. A single servant was in charge of tho house and let Mr. Bas comb in. The next day tho auctioneer hung out his red flag and a day later all the comfortable furnishings and paintings and works of art were carted away. One day In November, when tho leaves were scurrying over tho dusty road, a dark-eyed woman stepped from a north-bound train to the depot platform in a neat little Kansas town. Brighton had a squaro in the center and around it the stores woro arranged. Mrs. Perkins walked up tho main street until she came to the office of a lawyer who dabbled in real es tate along with his legal practice. There were many houses and lots to sell, and the purchaser could take her choice at her own figure. That after noon and evening were spent in look about the town, and also a part of the next day. The next evening the deal was closed for a houso toward the edge of the town, and that night a load of furniture was moved In. A week later a kindergarten was inaugurated in this place and Mrs. Perkins had the means of livelihood. A year passed and tho winter was well on again when Mrs. Perkins received the first bit of mail that had come to the office for her. It was a letter in a yellow envel ope. It had remained in the postofflce for several days, and probably would WHYDID YOU RUN AWAY? have remained there longer had not the postmaster's little girl attended the kindergarten. Mrs. Perkins was nervous when she broke the seal, as who would not havo been who had not received a letter for a year and was not expecting one. The communica tion was short, and read: "Dear Mrs. Perkins: You will par don me for writing when you learn that for a year I have been looking for you. When I returned to your house you had gone none knew whither. I did not put detectives on your tracks, for you left none. I stumbled upon your hiding place by purest accident, which I will explain at some future time. I wish to know if you will allow me to visit you during the Christmas week. I expect to bo In the vicinity of Dalton, as I have business at the county seat. I have aiuch to tell you that you will be glad to hear. Yours, "BASCOMB." That night Mrs. Perkins -bought tho first stamp and mailed the first lettv at the posto&lce. It was to the effuct that sho would "be very much delighted with a visit from the lawyer, as lony. as be was coming eo near .her littlo re- M treat. Another letter came in a few days in reply to hers, sotting n timo at which Mr. Bascomb would bo at her house. "Why did you run away?" said tho attorney, who was not bo old, after all, when ho sat thcro in tho light of the shaded lamp In a cozy parlor In tho Kansas town on tills night boforo Christinas, "Why should I havo stayed?" wna the answer. "Thcro was nothing left for mo. My money wns gone, my so cial position was gone; I had no right to ask for further recognition from tho social clrclo in which I had moved. There wns nothing left for mo to do but to bury myself somowhero and find something that I could do. I can teach a kindergarten and I am doing it, mak ing a good living. Tho past I havo practically forgotten and I like this life of nctlvitr far hottor than tho for mer one of idtauesH. Tho only thing I brought with mo la n bundlo of worth less bonds that wero bought for mo with my own money and to which my late husband's creditors had no right." "Bonds, did you say?" The attorney hecamo moro interested than before "Perhaps they may bo of some value. Would you mind showing them to me?" Mrs. Perkins brought out a writing-desk and from it took a bun dle neatly tied with blue ribbon. Tho attorney examined the printing. "If I am not very much mistaken It Is this very same security that has gone up 100 per cent above par in tho last six months. When I return to the city I shall find out for you and wrjtc." A light snow had fallen during the day and the previous night, tho first snow of tho season. That evening Mr. Bascomb drove around to tho widow's residence, and a few minutes later the two wero whirling over tho prairies with the great white flakes striking and sticking against tho robe and tho wraps. Tho widow's chcekB glowed under tho veil. Again camo tho glimpse of boulevards crowded with gay turnouts and tho Jlnglo of many bells. For a moment sho eat. in si lence. "How do you liko it7" asked Bas comb. "It reminds mo of " "Of tho city?" "Yea," laughing. "I can cnslly imag ine mysolf on the boulevards. Would you believe me, I was thinking of that same thing when you spoke?" "You can go back." "I like this better. What Is tho 'city to me now7" "It can be more than it over was. You could have your horses and coach man." "Are tho bonds to valuable as that?" "I was not thinking of tho bonds." "What then, pray?" "Of my own horses and carriage and coachman." Mrs. Perkins felt her cheek burn hotter, her breath came quicker and her heart beatfaster. Again tho picture of affluence contrasted with the scenos she had recently left In the little school-room. She mado no objection when tho lawyer drew her to him, ex cept to say, in a voice that trembled: "Why do you tempt me?" "Because I want you to yield. 1 have loved you for well, since your 'coming out.' You wero then in the first bloom of youth and I hesitated too long. Perhaps you will listen to me now. Perhaps you will consent to bo my wife?" "I am poor. I can bring you noth ing unless it Is the bonds." "I want you, just as you are. I have money enough to go around." "I will go with you." So they were engaged and, as the lawyer was prompt to act, on New Year's day there was a quiet wed ding in the village and two days later the furniture was sold and the lawyer and his bride left for the city. The bonds were worthless, yet the law yer was glad. Ho did not marry for money. The Dancing Men. The dancing man is a luxury at fash ionable summer resorts which is be coming more and more rare every sea Bon, and the landlord who can adver tise the required quantity of this de sired article has a financial success as sured in advance. Dancing 1b such a lot of useless exertion to the modern young man taxed to the utmost with all sorts and conditions of athletics. To bo sure he can sit up until morn ing drinking whisky and soda, devour no end of champagne suppers and play ball, tennis and ride, row and run un til it is a wonder that he lives at all, but dancing well, that is too laborious for his physical being, and altogether too frivolous for his superior ideas of amusement rrofrmlou Etcurt Doty. The fact that many riding school professors are called upon every day to accompany young women who are without beaux and want an escort so badly that they are willing to pay $1.G0 an hour for one, suggests that herein lies a golden opportunity to turn an honest dollar to the young men who go into society to "entertain" for ?5 per evening and supper thrown In, or who do the agreeable to the young ladies at tho summer hotels for their board, washing and cigarette money. Thero is a field for the "professional bicycle escort." Exchange. Given Food Through Ilia N'ottrlW. Otis Hurley, the young man of Day ton, Ohio, who was committed tn the ntyltim and subsequently discharged ( cured, and recommitted to Jail to an jswer a charge of bicycle stealing, is I again fasting and refuses to eat Hur 'ley pursued that course formerly and i was saved from death by" starvation by forcibly injecting food into his stom ach through his nostrils. He is men tally weak and has an irresistlblo mania for stealing bicycles. THE FISH WERE FRESH. Hut tho l'nrclmtcr Wns a Clrciit Dent l'rchr. Up In tho 11th ward a. thrifty Ger man makes a good living peddling llvo carp, says tho Philadelphia Inquirer. Tho fish are hauled about tho streets In a small tank set upon wheels, tho wholo outfit being propelled by tho energy generated from tho German's muscles. If thero 1b ono thing moro than another tho peddler prides him self on, It Is that his wares, being alive, nro necessarily fresh. Yostcrday morning tho carp mer chant was stopped by n woman who, It tho well-filled hnskets which hung from her fat nrms wore any indication, wns on her way homo from market. Tho woman loaned over the cart and sized up tho swimming fish carefully. "Aro they fresh?" she finally asked, The look of disgust that sproad over the German's countenanco would havo fitted well upon the features of a sound money democrat who Is being told that n freo coinage candidate Is sure to bo nominated at tho Chicago convention. But ho choked down his Indignation. "Yah; dey ish fresh!" he replied. Then he reached down Into tho tank and pulled out a sample, which ho held up for tho woman to see. Sho gazed upon it for n moment, her noso high in tho air. Sho wasn't satisfied, however, nnd tho next moment shoved one of her own fair hands Into tho tank and grnbbed a carp by tho gills. She yanked It up In tho nlr nrter tho man ner of ono who doesn't proposo to bo fooled in so important a matter ttB buying a fish, and hold It out at arm's length for Inspection. At least, sho started to hold It out. Unfortunately sho had picked up the biggest fish In the cart. It was a carp that didn't caro much about women, anyway, and par ticularly a woman who considered her self well enough acquainted to run her fingers through his breathing ap paratus. Ho at once begnn to go through a contortion act of tho most Intricate and vigorous description, his mouth wide open nnd his tall marking out three-foot circles at the rato of forty a minute. The suddenness with which the fish Btarted In on this pro gram waB too much for tho woman. In her hurry to let go of the carp sho forgot about her baskets and their contents. As her arms flew up tho baskets flow down. In tho 11th ward tho sidewalks are as hard as, if not harder than, In any of the other wards, and eggs havo very little show In a contest with them. There were eggs In one of the baskets two dozen of them. Unless the rain has washed them away, thoso eggs are down on tho 11th ward sidewalk yet. They wouldn't havo been of very much UBe to tho woman after they struck tho walk, ex cept ns scrambled eggs. In the other basket there wero strawberries and a steak and a roll of butter. All of these were saved from the general wreck, however, with the exception of tho steak. An enterprising llth-ward dog feasted upon that. Tho woman didn't stay to buy nny flsh. Perhaps she had loBt her appetite for carp. Anyway, she gathered up tho remnants of her marketing and sailed majestically down tho street. The flsh peddler gazed after her a moment. Then ho chuckled to himself: "Yah; dose carp ish fresh but not so fresh as dot vom ans, py chimminy!" A I.ong-Tntleil Snake. From the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette: The town of Denver, Ind., a few miles north of Peru, has contained a greatly agitated set of citizens dur ing tho last few days, owing to the re port concerning a monster snake in the woods near town, which is mado by Eri Gustin, a reputable citizen. Mr. Gus tin says that he and his wife, and an other lady, were coming home one evening In a buggy, and just about duBk passed through the woods a little to the cast of town, when their horses became frightened. They looked past the animals Into the shadows of the trees ahead and saw a monster snake. Mr. Gustin says: 'It lay on a twelve foot log, extending its body the entire length of the log, with its head ele vated about two feet, shooting its forked tongue out at us. Its tail reached from the log six feet or moro to tho fence, and from that through the rails as far back as I could see into the field at the side of the woods. llalloon Came In 1'arl. The newest sport in Paris is the bal loon game, which is played in thsl fashion: A number of toy balloons aro entered for the competition, and in each of them Is placed an envelope, containing a postal card, which is ad dressed to the judge of the contest. The little balloons are then set free, nnd after more or less timo come to earth again, in different parts of the country. Those who find them see the envelopes and notice thereon a re qust that the time when each balloon was found and also the place, be writ ten on the postal card, which Is then to be dropped In the postofflce. At the end of a week the various postal cards are compared and the prize is awarded to that balloon which travels the greatest distance in the shortest time. Not a costly sport this, and one which Is likely to give a great Impetus to a new Industry, tho manufacture of racing balloons. Chicago Chronicle. What More Dellnlto? Society Editor "Mr. Willis tolls me that his family will spond the sum mer In the mountains and his wife says they will go to the seashore. Had I better defer mentioning the matter un til I got more definite information?" Managing Editor "I don't Eee what more definite Information you want. She told you they were going to tho ccashore, didn't 8hc?"-rC!ncinnatl Enquirer. llnr MaJMty ApprnTrn. Quocn Victoria has bestowed her grnelous countenance on women's clubs, nnd they nro Increasing in num bers. Tho Green Park Club is ono of tho best of thoso organizations in Lon don, and is nt the same time ono of thu most aristocratic. To this club the queen has sent her portrnlt, with her autograph. The Ladles' International Club Is one of tho newest clubs in tho English metropolis. Its homo is in Bond street Its avowed desiro Is to entertain friends from all parts of England nnd from foreign countries ns well, particularly tho United StaCcs. New ork club women have, therefore, a warm personal Interest In tho new London International. A Veil nt MUt ltlslns at morning or ovonlng from somo lowlands, often curries In Its folds tho scedi of malaria. Whoro mulnrlnl furor pruvall no one It safe. umIchh protected by some ulllcleut modlclnul snfuguard. Hoi tetter's Momarli Hitters Is both u protection and a remedy. No person who inliatilu, or su Jouriis In a miasmatic region or country, should emit to procure this fortifying agent, which Is iiIro Uio llnost known remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, kluney trouble and rheumatism. If tho hens aro well card for whlio molt ing thoy will lay lioforo winter. The dust bath Is absolutely necessary for fowls. It the ltnhy Is Cutting Teotn. Bouro and nre that oM and vrrll-trled remedy, Mitt lVluvr' EooTMIMO Brncr fur Children TcotLlnff- A diet of fruit and milk, It is said, will reduce llcsh nt tho rato of llvo pounds a week. f Y V V Y Y Y V Y Y V V V V V V , r. v Judgment I ! Em V wfc 'fl'F H Pfe flK tBair PLUG The umpire now decides that "BATTLE AX" is not only decidedly bigger in size than any other 5 cent piece quality is the fine the flavor delicious know iust how try it you t F vVf'99VVP9t'VVV9 The Quality Prices Pay $100 you have a Columbia the result of 19 years' experience J Pay less you have experiment, at your 5 expense doubtfulness More Columbias Catalogue of Truth, free at Columbia agencies by mail for two 2ent stamps. Pope Mfg Co Hartford, Conn M44?444444M44A4444444'44444444i6444 In Future Warfare. ,jj "Firo low!" Tho general was experienced (n war fare, and his troops trusted him. "It will bo a hard fight," but wc,wjll win if you do as I say. Firo low nnd puncture tholr tires." New York Sun day World. Ilnrrnia n'li Camphor Icotvllli ntrrrrln. CurrnChnmwtl llnnui and fact?, Tendi-rur Horn Vert, CUIblatii.,nii'i.Ac CO. Clark Co., Kovr Haven, . Wo all havo our ttudorstudios, nnd wa nil hato thorn. Poor PilgarlicJ 4 there i3 no need for you $ to contemplate a wig when you can enjoy the,,! pleasure of sitting again w under your own "tliatcn." You can begin to get your hair back as soon as you begin to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. S33883S2S33SSgS ,..i of tobaccor but the ever sawt and u will never ol.I it is until of Experience I 3 the result of competing each successive year. yj 1 1 ) ' ) ' k2, : :0