Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 31, 1896, Image 6

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    r. -u.SZZr
Bor Bareenttnl rnnin Oimte ThM
bVpurtment of th Fnrtn A lrew
Illntt a to the Care or tl Stock
Mid Pool try.
n 11
N an address to
Kansas farmers A.
E. Jones said: Tho
farmer that Is iso
lated from markets
and Is obliged to
baiter his butter
at tho storo for 8
and 10 cents ft
pound will never
get wealthy, anu
tho best thing ho
can do is to Join with his neighbors and
try;to induce some ono to put in a
creamery. Tho cow worth from ?B0 to
76and given ?30 worth of feed in a
year, if Judiciously handled, near a
godd market, will make a profit for her
owner. Sho should produce 6,000
pounds, of 4 to 4 per cent mjlk,
which, sold to a creamery at tho avor
ngq prlco of 80 centa a hundred, would
roturn ?48 to ?54 a year. Besides there
would bo tho skim-milk, tho calf and
tho manure. Twenty dollars to ?25
Is considered a good profit on a cow
aftc,r paying for feed and labor, saying
nothing nbdut the by-products. Tho
cow that produces 300 pounds of but
tor a year will do so at a coBt of 10
cents a pound, If she Is well managed.
The average cost, however, is about
12 cents a pound, based on the price of
foods from year to year. Tho cow that
produces only 200 pounds a year would
do bo at a cost of 15 cents a pound, and
tho UE0 pounds a year cow at a cost of
20 cents, taking it for granted thnt
tho food is tho samo In either caso.
Tha pleasant feature about dairy
ing la the profit. If the prollt is not
found, there Is no pleasuro In tho work.
This lis a general law, but it applle3
with 'a special force to dairying, bo
cause profitablo dairying la a line art,
and stjecess is won by strict attention
to business. Tho man who looks upon
a cow as a necessary evil, can nover
bo a decided success as a dairyman,
any more than a slovenly farmer can
mako a succoss at farming. Tho price
received for butter depends chlelly
upon tho tnsto of tho consumer. The
Intelligent butter-maker studies the
tastes of thoso peoplo who are willing
to pny well for what suits them.tand
then ho learns how to mako that kind
of butter. It Is the only way he can
get their monoy. It is not tho expenso
of manufacture thnt fixes tho prrce.
Tho consumer cares not that tho but
ter perhaps coBt untold labor on tho
part of somo ono who churned and
prepared it for markot. If Inferior, It
sells jfor an Inferior prlco, regardless
of the' cost of production, and if It Is
superior, It sells at top prices, though
mado Nvlth easo and llttlo expense.
And Jio beauty remains that the cost
of producing tho best butter need not
bo greater than that of producing
goods of a poorer quality, in fact the
bad 4rticlo is generally made at the
greater cost. Ignorance Is expensive
I think It will mako every ono who
owns pows a better dairyman to Bit
downand compare the prices of dairy
goods with those of other farm pro
ducts.' If your cheap grains can bo
converted Into 20 and 25 cent butter
and lJ cent checso or $1 to $1.15 per
hundred for milk, It will pay better
than soiling the raw material and rob
bing jtlio farm of all tho fertilizing
Mateiiial that much of the land is al
ready in need of.
tl Selecting Chcnic.
Tho department of agriculture has
Issued a very valuable circular on
MHowto Select Good Cheese." In speak
ing of the composition of "filled
chccscV' It says: Instead of tho natural
fat "Of milk, or cicam, which la extract-
td for buttcrmaklng, there Is substitut
ed 'what is known as "neutral lard,"
mailp from the leaf fat of tho hog. This
article, plalmcd to bo exceptionally
purfrand good of its kind, Is used at tho
ratof two or three pounds to every
100 'pounds of skim milk, Tho cheese
resulting carrleb about 30 per cent, of
(lard) fat, which Is rather less than the
average of (butter) fat In good whole
mllft cheese. The casein and other
components of tho two are practically
the' same In kind and proportion. From
jthls statement of composition one can
Judyo for himself whether this filled,
or lard cheese Is a legitimate article of
food, whether It Is "wholesome," and
whether he desires to use It In tho diet
of bimself and family. It Is mado of
comjaratUely cheap materials, costing
from one-half to two-thirds as much as
goocf, full-cream, factory cheese, and
Its market price, wholesale or retail
should correspond. At Its best, this is
a cheap, infeiior article of cheese; It
Is almost devoid of flavor, oily or
greasy when wnrm, and never attains
tho jlry, crumbly consistency of a well-
nriaA phonon Ti fa onlil tvlinn nnlv n
cured cheese. It is sold when only a
uionjLh or two from the press, In imita
tion of mild, immature cheese. It is
claimed that It does not keep well, es
pecially if subjected to a temperature
above 6Q degrees. There Is much of
value In the way of advlco and suggest
tion in this little pamphlet, which ma
bo jcjbtalned free, by addressing thb
chief of the dairy division, department
of agriculture, Washington.
Poultry Yard Point en.
Watch tho young chicks. It any of
them appear sleepy or drowsy, look
for vermin. Use Insect powder on the
mother hen, and put it on in the even
ing after the hen goes In the coop with
the brood. The Ideal floor for a poultry
house Is a cement one. Keep two to
three inches of clean, dry sand on it,
and replenish as conditions may make
necessary. Every man or woman who
Is making a epccialty of ono breed in
dividually considers theirs the best
breed. Special attention to any breed
Trin pmcrullr bring out its merit. Fur
nishing tho poultry with a good dUBt
Ing bed of fine, clean earth road dust
In oxcollcnt under cover, is ono of tho
best modtumB to keep away vermin
postB. When you boo tho hens eagerly
trying to scratch a hole In tho
ground to dust in, It's a rollectlon on
your method of caring for your flock.
Under such conditions do not blame
tho hens if they seem to think there is
no placo on earth so enjoyable as tho
onion beds or melon hills In the gar
den. Llmo In tho poultry yard Bhould
bo considered an Indispensable accce
sory. Its use in tho summer time will
keep away doleterlouB odors, and is a
means of keeping down Insect pests. It
is cheap. Scatter It freely and frequent
ly. A practical poultry woman recont
ly said: "I always tako a peep Into tho
chicken houses tho Inst thing before re
tiring, to ace that all is right. Dy doing
this I am enabled to discover If any
of tho flock is ailing, and if I find they
aro I attend to them at onco. Early
attention In tho caso of sick fowls I
find is nbout tho only way to euro thorn.
A delay of oven a day or two will often
cause diseases to become too firmly
established to effect a speedy cure.
Fowls that aro Blck a long tlmo are
novoi worlh much afterward." Exchange.
ronltrr llounei nnd Lice.
A writer in Poultry Keeper says: I
am led to believe that tho llfo of tho
chlckon raiser is from henceforth and
forever to bo ono continual source of
extiemo happiness, as between Carbo
loneum, Dead Easy, Leo, Lake, and
Lambert, we hnve solved the question
of lice. Paint your housca with tho first
four, or either of them, and dust tho
lost ovor the houso and hens. Tho
plaguo of poultrydom is forever gono
nnd wo can sloop easy and dream of
the money to bo made. Llco aro exter
minated and the ono thing that has
noducod tho profits of poultry has de
parted forever. I like Campbell and
love to read his articles, but how about
those lousy hens, and particularly the
roosters that tho llco wore eating up.
I think there must havo been a llttlo
carelessness somewhere. These reme
dies are good, but good, fine, clean,
dry dust has dono tho buslne&s bo-
fore, nud so It will do right along If tho
birds are supplied with it as they ought
to be. The first poultry house I over
built was mado of rough hemlock
boards, cost mo eight dollars, and was
tho most expensive houso I over owned.
I, like many othor3, thought corn, and
a shed that did not leak, would shell
out the eggs, but one thing It did sholl
out waa lice. That houso was tho most
costly In money, for it cost a whole sea
son's work, thirty-two dollars for
chickens and about all tho young ones X
raised. Tho lice ato them all up. It I
could havo aold thoso mites at ono cent
a thousand I think I could havo bought
the state of Now York. I am sure I
could have bought Now Jersey. My
houses now are constructed with ns
much care as my dwelling. They are
lathed, plastered and hard finished. Do
not Bay I am too nice, for no hen house
ovor made can bo so nlco that llco will
not got thero with all the feet they
havo if thero Is not tho strictest care.
I fed lice on chlckon meat for ono year
and think It the most foolish waste of
money in all my life. Lice don't trou
ble me much now, for I keep on tho
watch for them, and success In now
beginners Is made difficult by llco.
Whatever you build, build as near vcr-mtn-proof
as possible, mako your
houses as warm as you can, tako
time to exterminate tho llco, feed
enough, but nvold fatness, give plenty
of clean, pure water, and tho poultry
business will pay more monoy on capi
tal Invested than anything elso I know
of. tho roosts require the most care,
and let mo tell you how I do: I have
two sets of roostiug poles six feet long,
n water tight box 6x0 feot long, 12
Inches wide and 3 inches deep; tho
roosts are placed on wires, and evory
day they aro taken down and dipped
In the boz containing enough kerosene
emulsion to cover them. I let them
lay In the box fifteen minutes, take
thorn out and let them dry for putting
up next morning. If thero aro any liv
ing llco on them after that I will pay
you a cent apleco for them.
Continue to Italia Href Cattlo.
By studying tho market reportB of
tho press wo get but little Information
as to tho retail markot prices. Tako a
dollar and go to tho butcher stalls and
beo what you can get for It. Looking at
your steak after you have bought It, it
will look small, and, weighing IV, you
have about four pounds or less of meat,
and that's all, except that you are
pietty ture you havo nearly a pound of
bone. In cities of from 10,000 to 20,000
Inhabitants tho butchers have to buy
their stock of meat, generally only tho
hind quarters or the beef, from th?
great slaughtering and packing com
panies. Havo to? Exactly so, because,
If you sell dresaed beef of your own
billing thn rnmnanlea will send VOU
word that If you continue to do so they
... i., ,..... ...1..
wm set up an opposition buup, uuu-
sell you and break you up. They have
the power to do bo, and will do It re
morselessly, for they have no con
science aB regards business, as they
call it. Now, what la to bo dono?
Shall the farmer quit raising beef cat
tle? By no manner of means. Keep on
raising stock, and hold them till you
can obtain their real value. This may.
not be quite up to your Idea, but it la
tho best you can do until the farmers
can bring to bear such pressure upon
their representatives In congress as
will make it a felony, entailing flno and
imprisonment, when auch threats as
abovo stated can be proven against an
Individual or a company. Journal
of Agriculture.
To set the color and prevent delicate
colored cambrics and dimities from
fading when washed, dissolve 5 cents'
worth of sugar of lead In a pail of cold
water and soak "& ; garment In It Two
hours; then rinse and wash.
nownrovra Glrrn Three Day' Grace and
Then Dentrojrecl.
Every morning vanloada of cartlno
outcasts stand outside tho dogs' home
in tho Battnrsca, Park road; and now
and again a vnnload of calcined bono
nnd ash goes out, says St. James Ga
zette. Thero la an interval of flvo days
between tho stages. The law requires
three. Thrco days after a dog has been
in tho hands of the police the orlglnnl
right of ownorshlp In it cenEcs, nnd It
may bo sold or lncinorated ns conven
ience dictates. The proccsd Is very sim
plo and It goes on In London year in
and year out, whether there is a muz
zling order in forco or not. Every
morning a covered van drawe up heforo
each of tho police stations in tho met
ropolis. On each side aro two rows of
rings, nnd at the end is a galvanized
iron receptacle. Tho dangerous dog, If
thoro bo one, Is brought out of tho sta
tion nnd put in tho iron box; tho harm
less wastrelB aro led from the police
yard and tethered one by ono to tho
rings. With tho floor-spaco of tho van
thua covered with animals, tho horsc'B
head is turned toward BatterBea. Juat
now thoro nro not enough of these
special vans, and tho pollco havo had
to requisition vehicles from tho green
grocer or other local tradesmen. Ar
rived at tho dogs' homo, tho vans wait
their turn to pass Into tho yard, their
occupants filling tho air With cries and
swelling tho greater chorus within tho
walls of tho homo. Ab ono van comes
out empty another goes In full. Tho
dogo are taken out, their place of origin
and description and any marks of Iden
tification on the collar entered In a
book, nnd then In groups of tens and
twenties aro taken Into tho kennels.
Thero they pass their days of respite,
waiting for owners that come not, nnd
spending the hours In incessant bark
ing and in pitiful nnd friendly appeals
to visitors. When tho days of grace
nrf past they are led. to tho lethal
chamber. Just now the homo Is having
two clearances a dny and is getting a
second furnace built for tho Incinera
tion of tho carcasses. Since tho 1st of
January nearly 12,000 dogs havo passed
through the gates tho vast majority of
them to paes out again In tho form of
calcined bono and aBh, and of these
12,000 nearly half have come In since
tho issuo of tho muzzling order. As the '
homo has accommodation for about
2,000 dogs only ftnd Is hard put to it
to find kennel room, notwithstanding
tho additional space It has utilized un
der tho railway arch, the rate of de
struction can bo Imagined. Tho process
of dostroylng tho dogs is absolutely
painless. The lethal chamber Is tho
invention of Dr. Benjamin Ward Rich
ardson, and the writer of this saw It In
use recently. It Is constructed so as to
dlsposo of 100 animals of the terrier
claea at a time. Tho animals are put
Into a cage divided Into two tiers, with
light Iron bars at tho sides. Mean
while tho chamber is filled with nar
cotic vapor. When the load Is made up
the doors of tho cage are Bhut, the slid
ing door of tho chamber is raised and
the cage Is run quickly on the tram
rails into the chamber. The death is
by anaesthesia, and such a death ia
death by sleep. The dogs aro overcome
with drowsiness, the moment they
breathe the noxious fumes; in a alnglo
mlnuto they are In a deep sleep; In
throe minutes they are dead. Close by
the lethal chamber Is the crematorium
a large oven kept at an Intense heat
by n brick furnace. When tho cage is
drawn out the carcanees of the animals
are cast into it. Thero Is a momentary
smell as the hair of their bodies ignites,
but that Is all. When tho process is
completed thero Is nothing but an in
odorous ash and incinerated bone.
Hurled Alle Fifteen Days.
In an earthquake near Naples aome
tlmo ago a young man wns burled in a
cellar by tho building in which he waa
tumbling In ruins. At least fifteen
days elapsed before he was reached,
when ho was found to be still allvo, and
Bubscquently recovered and is living
today (or was a short tlmo ago). An
other lnstanco Is related where a num
ber of workmen were descending a pit,
and a short distance before they
reached tho bottom an accident hap
pened to tho hoisting apparatus. As a
result they wore burled by the debris.
Fourteen days elapsed before they
were reached, when they were found
unconscious, but still living, and on
being brought to the top and cared for
all recovered. Tho secret of the long
continuance of life In this caso is sup
posed to bo that they were early ren
dered unconscious and remained In
this condition the greater part of tho
time that they were burled.
The Itlrjrcle Inventor.
Nothing can stop the bicyclo Invent
or. His applications are received at
tho rate of a hundred dally at Wash
ington, and already outnumber the to
tal of waBhlng machines, churns and
automatic couplers for railroad cars.
Ho seems to bo filled with the Idea that
a bicycle to be operated by hand In
stead of foot power is the real, origi
nal, long felt want. - Such a machine
might be operated by the legless won
der of the dime museums, but what
any ono elso would want with it is not
clear. Many of the Inventions aro,
however, of merit, and they relate to
details in the intricate portions of the
machine. There are somo new things
in the line of package carriers, and in
the smooth paved cities a year hence at
least 90 per cent of the light delivery
of dry goods, millinery, hats, shoos,
flowers, confectionery, groceries, pro
visions, etc., will bo through the me
dium of vehicles operated by boys and
young men. New York Journal.
In and Out.
Blfkin Every ono that rides in a
Fifth avenue stago pitches Into them
SUfk.n-.Yes, and out of them.-Harlem
' Uie'
Some Kotos of the Modea Bailor lint
Fanhlonablo ns Kver Mohair Oowna
Reception Gown for llrhlea Hint (or
the HoDiehold.
AILOIl hata aro
worn ns much as
ever this summer.
Thoso perennial
favorites are most
1 y v o r y simply
trimmed, a ribbon
band being often
considered suffi
cient. Tho more
elaborate ones have
a bow and several
quills In addition. Alpine hats for out
ing wear are also seen, and somo close
shapes resembling tho old fashioned
English walking hat. Parasols are, on
tho whole, less trimmed than In former
yenrs. Although many are lavishly
adorned with lace, ruffles, pufflnga and
flowers, the mnjorlty aro without trim
mings and aro of changeable, flowered
checkered or striped silk.
There has been a return to hata and
bonnets of drawn tulle and moussollne
do sole. Theso arc very delicate and
light and are a pretty accompaniment
to dainty summer gowns. Roses are
seen In great abundance, and dahlles
and hydrangeas aro also In evidence.
Tho dahlia Is a flower easily copied In
muslin, ellk or velvet It 1b naturally
so regular, solid and sUfT but when
tho fabric employed happens to be
peacock blue In color, as Is now some
times the case, the eye refuses to be
satisfied with the limitation. More or
less tall trimming is still worn.
llrtilo'a Reception llrmn.
It Is not often that a full reception
toilotto Is restful to tho eye In summer,
yet one, made for a bride's second re
ception day, was very captivating.
The skirt was yellow velvet of thin,
flno quality. It hung perfectly plain
without pucker, flounce or trick of
seam. At tho sides It wa3 relieved with
widening panels of gold thread 'm
broldery. The work was evidently
done stitch by stitch upon the yellow
velvot, not put on In panel form. Down
the back tho panels were very wide.
The bodice, in white velvet, was cut
surplice, with folded fronts ending un
der a girdle of dull gold. Large yellow
topaz buttons trimmed the spotless vel
vot surplice. Tho wing sleeves were
of white satin. They were simply
trimmed with a pattern In gold thread
embroidery, and a suspicion of the
same embroidery edged the bodice at
the neck. Below this edging ran an
other row of the gem buttons, set upon
a gamp of white satin. The girdle was
of lustrous topaz set upon wlre3 t pure
Tho necklet, a dog collar of many
otrands', was of topaz with abundant
gold' settings.
The sleeves were butterfly-ehape,
with double wing. Below them hung
deep ruffles of round point lace, White
gloves were worn.
Material and Make or fiownv
Among the varieties of Unea lately
put out by tho manufacturers are Bome
. If i
... 3lli'il tlWm v.
HHlffllw v fa All 1
it Ph vl
Showing flno silk BtrlpCB running 1
lengthwise In straw, blue, pink and I
similar bright colors. Others are '
sprinkled with flowers worked In allk
or flax. Costumes of either plain or
fancy linen often have a wide belt of
glace or flowered taffeta. Barege is
worn largely, and thero is a wide
oholco of styles. Among tho prettiest
ones are thoso having n warp design
of printed flowers. These are made
over a colored silk lining, with a girdle
of the same sort of taffeta. Thero are
nleo somo very attractive plaids In rich
colors. Crepe do chine Is to bo in great
favor this year. A number of gowns
havo been seen entirely composed of
this fabric. Black, gray and beige al
pacas are well liked for useful summer
toilets. They often havo rovers of
white piquo and a belt of Bilk or
Young girls and young women wear
decollete bodices over a gulmpo or
chemisette of embroidery, lace, linen
and similar fabrics. This decolletago
assumes a great varletyof form. Tho
opening may be square round or of n
fanciful form or may give a fichu ef
fect. The sleeve Is no longer made
with two balloons. The entire fullness
Is confined to the upper part of the
arm, near the shoulder, and sometimes
there Is no fullness at all, or the sleeve
is wrinkled close to the arm. In these
latter cases a ide effect at the top Is
obtained by bows, epaulets or plaltlngs
falling from the shoulder.
The sketch sIiowb a costume of pearl
gray mohair. The tabller of the godet
skirt Is framed by two long straps,
terminating in points at the foot,
where they are fastened by paste but
tons. Tho close bodice has a short,
rippled basque and Is cut away in front
to form two straps over a vest of white
silk. The revers of the vest aro em
broidered with pompadour flowers.
Paste buttons fasten tho straps at the
shoulders and are placed at the corners
of the basque and vest. Tho cravat Is
of white embroidered tulle. Tho hat
worn with this gown Is of yellow
braided straw, and Is trimmed with
pompadour ribbon having a white
ground, parma violets and a drapery
of white tulle.
Hints for the llnusehol '.
Warm bread and cake should be cut
with a knife the blade of which has
been heated by standing It in boiling
If clothespins are boiled a few min
utes and quickly dried overy few weeks
it will cleanse them and mako them
more durable.
If a tablcspoonful of vinegar Is added
to the water in which tough nieata or
fowls are boiled It will tend to make
them tender.
A paste made of melted India rub
ber mixed with shellac varnish is tho
best thing to use for fastening leather
trimmings on wood.
If a strip of webbing two Inchea
wide is sewed tightly on the under eldo
of a rug, close to tho edge, It will pre
vent the edges from curling.
Before commencing to seed raisins
after the stems aro removed cover tho
fruit with very hot water and tot It
stand for a few momenta. Drain the
water off and tho seeds may then be 10
moved quite easily.
MpT nil
II M ill! V'
Nebrnalca find Iowa Inventor.,
Amongst tho inventors who received
Ktent " ?u ,er0 4tho fo1 nS
J P S'
tlnguishcr; Barton W. Kyle, Arlington,
Nebraska, rotary plow; Zltnrl IX Uary
South Omaha, Nebraskn, seal; James
E. Lee. Centervllle. Iowa, mining
machine; Georgo A. Lock-wood, Churl
ton, Iowa, stem-winding nnd setting
watch; Charles U. Mather, Ottumwn,
Iowa, water-gage; George Roth, St
Sebald, Iowa, wire gate.
Georgia C Martin, a young high
school student and tho Bon of Postmas
ter Martin of Omaha, Nebraska, 1ms
just been nllowcd a patent for a grid
dle greaser, that Is noticeable becauso
of its uniqueness, simplicity and utility.
Mr. Martin is probablly ono of the
youngest Inventors of Nebraska who
has ever received a patent.
Amongst the noticeable inventions is
a flexible curtain; an apparatus for
raising sunken vessels; a novel life pre
server; a pneumatic track Bander; an
elastic, pneumatic steel bicyclo tire; a
divided garment which can bo changed
into a skirt or bloomers; an aerial
bicyclo; an apparatus for drying coffee;
a folding crank for bicycles; tv motor
velocipede; a mechanism for automatic
ally closing leaks in marine vessels; un
automatic cow milker; and a new and
improved water pillow.
Parties desiring free information re
lative to patents may obtnin tho samo
in addressing Sues & Co., United States
Patent Solicitors, Beo Building, Omaha,
Nebraska ,
Iowa farms for salo on crop pay
ments. 10 per cent cash, balance M
crop yearly until paid for. J. MUL
II ALL, Waukegan, I1L
Belted Ills Reputation.
"Hear about Barrlck? Fell off his
wheel last night on his head and was
unconscious for more than two hours."
"You don't sayl Well, well. I never
thought it would affect him that way.
I have so often heard him spoken of as
such a hard headed business man."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
FITS utoppMi free and pcrnmnontlv cured. No
fits ufirr first il.ij'xin'io.' Dr. Kllnu'fcOreat 2crvo
Restorer. Frew 6J IrKl bottlo anil tnulKe.
Send to Or. Ku.u, 831 Arch SU, 1'hiUdelpbIa, Pa.
Milk can bo civen in plnro of water until
tho low s are six woeks old.
MedlclnaHalue. more skill, care, expense, moro
wonderful cures and more curative power In
Than In any other. Be suro to get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness, Indigestion.
your skirt edges with
It keeps Ihom dry nnd whole and ir
never fades.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
SavpUs thcur.rg labels crd M3t;rals n-a led fret,
" Hor e Dre'smakmjj Made Easy, a nrv 72 pa?B
book by Miss EmmaM. Hcoper.ofthe Ladies Homo
Journal giving valuable points, muled for 25c
S. tl. & Al. Co., P. O. Box 690, N. V. City.
Aotrr Damp, Itiilluiiu
FlMrf tn Ciate Itlr S rarr Lw, Mil', V,
cbalrtl aim Herlrlral tailnrt-r tr HierwutfH IVv-r t if
and tnwnttrtl I (our lltrit I re to all t'i til u
ha ruinplttci thntmlie4oiitinilfur'a mi i n tt
the Junior or 8-i iur oa,, of atiy of ih otic Ik u
Cuui-mk. A limltel nmnb r ot V n .1 into o t m
FAcIrUt1ni rtato wiliLr r rolvuu a ri M r f
Si lrd lfT ortxsyau der i3 mm I n fn
ionii Urnen f ts rqulpm nt Til MSli Tm 1 1
ojkii frfrtt-ibrr hlh, IhUd tl u htnt rr to ) I
(fit Ion to IMtV ItM, 1, J10KUI-U., C ?. i.t trUraU
HI..JO.HIUMI. 31 ,
Tho rourre of litfttnic I ntuthUa o-le iy cnnliu 1
l) the he lirlttua of the Sa rul ilrutl v n'trn la iJi,
vholt-rnniro of nul.JicU iiciounryloox Itn nt I I
nd rrtlriMt eduction, rropiltty of ik orim n ir.
onal tiHKnra ami tho ilmi;ile of in iulit a t.c
JecUof unccanliitf attention J icn.lro Kint-n j r
ford thriuiplU eny fail tty lor i.b llli t ill i - -
cUei thtlr hialth In an otjttt of rtn .nt n liclf ,uf
and In icLm m thor art- attondecl with e i ft
Xll tcim ojjciu Ttcilajr S pt 1 Tirim lu . ii
ofS iiuntl, iayah!n In ailtanre. fll till Imluivt
1 1. It Ion bum J vahlni; icil w In K en '1 I! i nil
01 Latin u o of llt.rarv unci 1 il ui tl i to ui
tfcci utrtlcular. a it reaa Til K r. II 11 It I '.
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