Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 31, 1896, Image 3

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MITTEE. IVhat Is Sot Forth Itecardtag Finances,
Transportation nnil Loml A System of
Direct Iclnlntlon Fnvored Selection
of tlio 1'rrHldent by Ulrect Vote of the
I'coplo I'oruloui for the Soldiers
Frco names for Settlor.
Popntlstla Principles.
St. Louis, Mo., July 25. The plat
form ns agreed upon by tho comtnltteo
is ns follows:
'Tho PdopleV forty, assembled In national
cotm-ntton, r-nfllrms Its nlleuiftuco to tho
principles doclnro 1 by tho founder of tho re
public nnd alio to ths fundomontnt ptinsiples
of just trovornnientnsonunoUled In tho pint
form of tho party In ltOl Wo rccoitniii thnt
through the connivsneo of I ho present anil
pro:oJing administrations, tho country lins
Hashed a crisis in lti national Hfo, n pre
dicted In onr declantlon of four yean apo,
ond that prompt and patriotic action It tho
suprnmiduty of ths hour. Wo rintlze Hint
whilo wj havo political indopomlimce,
our flnanstal and Industrial lndepjndonc3
Is yot lo bo attains 1 by rnstorlns
to oar country tbo constitutional control nnd
oxorclio of tho function neoossnry to n pso
plo's goTernmonl, which functions have been
bassly surrondorod by our public sorvants to
corpornto monopolies. Tho Influence of Euro
pean mnnoy chamrors ha been mote potent In
shaping legislation thnn tho volco of the Amor
lean poaplo Executives pernor nnd pat-onngn
hvo boon usod to corrupt our bgitlnturos and
defoat tho will of tho poaplo and plutosrncy
ha theroby boon o.itlironed upon tho ruins
ofdomocraoy. To rosoro tho Rovorumont iu
tondod by tho fntliars nnd for tho wolfaro and
pros jorlty of this and futuio gsnoratlons, va
demand tho ostablishmo it of an economic dnd
financial systom which shall mato us mas
tors of our own affnirs nnd indopondont of
Euro pom control, by tho adoption of tho foh
lowing declantlon of princlplos:
'First Wo domindu national monsy, 'safo
and soun.l IssuoJ by tlui gjnornl gsvornmont
only, Withou" tho intonrcntlou of banks of
Is iuo, to bo a full lifral tender for nil dobts,
pnbll? and prlyato-a Just, OQiiltnblo nnd
oDl'Iont moans of distributing d root to tho
poclo nn I tlirmmh tho lawful dltbursimonts
of t!ja Kmnii)i5nt
' Sojond Wo demand tho fros and unro
strlctdcoH goof sllvor and gold at tho pres
ent leg il ratio of 16 to 1, .without waiting for
tho cou9ut of f iroiga nations.
"Tlilrd Wo domiud that tha volumo of cir
culating medium bo spoodlly increased to nn
nmount julllcioit tomeot tho domnnds of tho
busiaois and popul ition of this countrr nnd to
restore tho Just lovol of prists of labor and
'Fmrt'i Wo doiounjo tin s loof bonds and
tho hi c ion eo of tin publio interest bonrhur debt
mado by tlio projpnt ndmlul'tra'Ion as unncc
cssiry and without autlio-ity of law, and that
no more 1 mds bo I suod ozcspt by speclBc act
ot t ongross
"Fifth Wo do.nnnd such legislation as will
prevent tlio demonetization of tho lawful mon
ey cf tlio United States by private contrn-t.
"bixtli Wodunani that tho government In
pay moot of its oblig itloni, shall uso Its op ion
as to the kind of lawful money in which they
nro to bo paid, nnd wednounco tlio present nnd
pro odin? administrations for suirondoriiiir
this option to thoholdorso f govornmjnt obli
gations "Sov'nth Wo demand n graduated incomo
tax to tho end that agzrosrited wealth shall
boir Its just proportion of taxation, nnd wvi re
gard tho roccnt decision of tho supremo court
relative to tho incomo tax law ns a misint?r
pretntion of tho constitution nnd an invasioi
of tin rightful powors of Congross over tho
inbjoct of taxat on
D 'Elg ith Wo domind that postal taring)
banks bo established by tho givjrnmnnt for
afa doposlt of tlio pavings of tho poopla and
to facilitate oxchaugo.
"I. Transportation bolmr a means of ex.
shango and a public necessity, tho goTornroent
lliould own nnd operate tho ruilronls in tho
Int.-roU of tho peoplo unJ on a non-partisan
basis, to tlio en i tint all may bo ac ordo I ttis
sami trontment in transportation and that the
tyranny nnd political powor now oxorcisod by
tho great railroid corporations, which result
In tlio impairment, if not tho des'ruction, of
political rights nnd personal libortlos of tho
sitizins may b i destroyed Such ownornhlp is
to bo accomplished gradually. In a mannor con
sis ent with sound public policy.
"J Tin interest of tho United Statoi in tho
public highwnrs built with publio monoy and
thopro'Oidi of oxtensivo grants of land to the
I'jclfli railroads should nevor bo alienated,
mortgagd or sold but gaarded and protoitod
tortho gonual welf ira ns provided by the laws
organizing uch railroads, Tho foreclosure of
sxisting lions of tho United States on theso
roads bIiouUI nt onco follow default in tho
paymont thereof by tho dob tor companies and
at tho foroclosaro rales of said roads the gov
ernment shall purchaso the tamo If it becomes
noossary to protect its Interests tboroln, or If
'hoy cm bo purchmod at a roasonablo prlco
and tho govornmnt sh-ill operati said rail,
roads as public highwiys for the bmefit of tho
wli la po iplo an 1 not in thn Intorost of tho fow,
auderauitablo provisions for protection of life
and propo ty, giving to all transportation in
terests ciiuil privileges and equal ratot for
faros and freights
"J. Wo denounce tho pressnt Infamous
schomos for refunding thoo debts and demand
that tho laws nnw applicablo thereto fco exe
cuted and administered according to thlr true
intent and spirit
'4 Tho telegraph, like tho postofllco systom,
being n noceisity fo- tho transmission of ns'a-s.
should bo owned and opuatid by thogoibiv
mout In tbo Intirobtof the peopls
"Tho trui policy domnnds that tho national
and Stnto legislation shall bo suoh aswillultl.
mntoly onnlilo every prudnt nnd indnstri ius
citizen to sscura n homo, and tharoforo the land
should not bq.monopnlizod forspeculntlvopur
posos All hinds now lioll by railroads and
othorcorporitiots in ex-oi of their actual
nords shoul 1 by lawful mo ins bo rocl um d by
thogovernm ut and hold for actual settlgrj
only, and prlvato land monipoly as well as
illau owmriliip shoul I b i prohibl'.oi. v ,
. Wo condemn tin frauds by which the
lauJ graut I'aci'jo ral'ro-id ciimuniis havo,
through tin counlvmro of tliulntorior d -part-mont,
robbnl multltudoi of nctunl bona, fido
sett'ors of their homs and initio s of thoir
claims and wo domnn I tin legl lation by Con
gross which will enforce tho exemption i f tnin.
oral land from such grants uftr ai wall as
biforo pitont,
M Wn demin 1 thnt bona fids settlers on nl!
publl; land bo run od free homes as provided
In tho national homeatond law and that no
oxmption boiuado in thocneo of Indian roi
crrntions whon opened fo - sntttemeut, nnd thit
all lands not now pnten'eJ como uudsr thelaw.
Direct I.egUliitloD,
Ws favor a sytom of diroct lobulation
through lit) in tiativj and ofjrondum under
proper ponatitutionil safoguarJs
Geuernl Propositions.
"1. We dpinnnd tho elect on of Presldsat
Vl:o l'res dent and Uuitid titans tcuato s by
a Ulrect voto ot tin pj ipto.
"i We tender to tho rntrlotlc people of
Cuba our dospsst sympathy in their heroic
struggle for political fr olom and Indinond
enco, and wo bollovo tin tlmj ha com? wliun
tin United States, the groat republic ut the
world, should ricogaiz) that Cuba is and of
right ought to be, a froi and iudapoideat
"I Wo favor homo rulo in tho Territcrjej,
and the District o Columbia and tin oarly
admission ot tho Territ ries n h'utos
"i. All public salaros should bo raids to
corrojpoad to tho price of Ubor and IU rcil
"0. In times of great Industrial deprftu oj
idle labar should be otuylorwl oa public worLs
as far as practicable.
"t. Tin arb trarr courso of tho courts In fci
tutnlag to imp.-ltoa i ittzjus for in Jlnct coi-
tempt nnd ruling 'horn by injunction, should
bo provontnd by p opor loihlatlon
"I Wo favor ju ponslons for onrdlsablod
Union soldiers.
"A llollovlnu that th) election frnnchlsonnd
untrnmrno ed ballot nro ossentlcl to it govorn
mentof and by tliopioplo. tho I'coplo' s pnrty
condemns tho wholesnlosjstmotillsfrnnchlpo.
tnent mloptod in some ot tho Stnts ns un-Ro
publican and un-Demo-ratlc. and wo rfrclnro
It to bo tho dutr of the sovorn' Stnto louiiln
turcs to tak suoh nctlm as well ns so -tiro a
full, frco and fair ba'lot aod honprtoonnt,
"9. Whllo the forrgoinf proposlthnscotutl
tut) tho plntfortn upon which our party stands,
nnd for tho vindication of which its organiza
tion will bo maintained, wo rocogniio thnt tho
groat and p-osslng lsuo of tho pnJing cam
paljn, upon which tin present Prosltbntlnl
olootlon will turn, is tho financial qnostlori,
on 1 upon this groat and spoclilc isi e between
tho parties wo cor Holly Invito the aid and co
oporatlon of nil organlzttions nnd cltlions
agroolmi with us upon this vital quDstlon."
Tlio National Committee Organized In
Choago, July -4. An cxecutlvo con
ference of gold standard Democrats
begnn at 8 o'clock last night in tlio
Auditorium annex with the following
leading men present: From Kentucky,
W. 11. Haldotnan, Littleton Cooko, T.
W. Bullitt, K. W. Knott, A. J. Carroll
und O. M. Dnvis; from Missouri, James
0. liroadhcad, F. W. Lehman, l'ercy
T. Kent and Rolla Wells of St.
Louis and L. C. Krauthoff of Kan
sas City; from Ohio, & II. Hail
ing and L. V. Linn; from Wisconsin,
United States Senntor Vilas, Gonoral
E. S. Urnery and E. U. Esher: from
Iowa, J. M. Alartin of Marshalltown,
Judge French. Henry Vollmer, E. W.
Boynton and E. M. Sharon of Dnvon
port, and ThomiiB Bowman of Council
Bluffs; froi Indiana, ex-Congressmnn
W. V), Bynim, S. a Pltkons, J. It,
Wilson nn,d J. P. Frenzoll; from Ne
braska, Euclid Martin and Frederick
Vaughn; from Illinois, ox-Mayor John
P. Hopkins, II. S. Bobbins and a A.
General Bragg was chosen chairman
and Mr. Ewing secretary, nnd after a
brief discussion it was definitely de
cided that a convention ought to be
When tho committee on call mot
this morning John It. Wilson of In
diana. Henry Vollmer of Iowa, S. II.
Holding of Ohio, W 11. Shelby of
Michigan, G. M Davio of Kentucky,
L. C. Krauthoff of Missouri, W. F.
Vilns of Wisconsin. H. S. Bobbins of
Illinois and F. W. Vnughan of Ne
braska were present.
After an hour's discussion, u major
ity report was prepared calling for a
convention to be hold September 2.
A comtnltteo of five wus selected to
arrange for Slate conventions to bo
held for the purpose of nominating
Stale tickets. The national commit
tee is to meet at Indianapolis August
? to decide on the place for the na
tional convention.
TIIF. IlEl'ORT or tui: committee.
The committeo report as agreed
apon is as follows:
"In view of tho revolutionary ac
tions of the recent Chicago conven
tion, its repudiation of all Democratic
platforms and principles nnd its con
demnation of tho national Democratic
"Resolved, first, That it is tho senso
of this conference, composed of Demo
crats from tho states of Illinois, Ohio,
Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Mis
souri, Michigan, Texas, Iowa, Minne
sota and Nebraska, that a thoroughly
sound nnd patriotic declaration of
Democratic principles bo enunciated
and that candidates for President and
Vice Pre&idcnt in accord therewith be
"Second, that the Democrats in the
several states who are in sympathy
with this recommendation and un
alterably opposed to the declarations
und tendencies of tho Chicago platform
be roquested to selaot a member of a
national Democratic committee.
"Third, that the national committeo
thus selected meet at tho city of In
dianapolis on Friday, tho 7th day of
August, nt 2 o'cloclc p. m., 1S00, for
tho purpose of issuing a formal call
for a national Democratic convention,
to be held not later than tho second
day of September, 18'jO, nt such plucc,
and to bo constituted and convened in
such manner as said national commit
tee may determine.
Comptroller Eckels arrived early
this morning and went into tho con
ference. Mr. Eckels, when asked
what name ho favored for tho head of
the proposed ticket, said that he did
not care to express a choice, but that
he hnd met many men who favored
John M. PnlniPr
Bound Money Democrats Will Take De
cisive Action Populists May Split.
Lincoln, Neb., July 25. Tho pres
ence of Democratic National Candi
date Btyan in this city has had tho
effect ot arousing both the Republican
and sound money Democrats to ac
tion. Whether a second Democratic
U.ttlonal ticket will bo put in tho Held
ov not, there is little question but
thr.t Nebraska - sound money Demo
crats will hold a convontion ana nom
inate candidates for State offices.
That is the present sentiment und it
is growing.
ISstinauVes vary on tho number of
third party people vho will bo likely
to vote against Bryan. Some think
that not inoro than 10 per cent can bo
depended on, while others place tho
defection at about )3 per cent. It is
conceded that there will be a split in
the Populist r&iks of Nebraska inde
pendent of tho n.nion ut .St. Louis.
Colombia Slust Atone.
WAsniNarox, Jujy 25 A cablegram
has been sent to Vho United States
minister at Bogota, 37 Ith Instructions
to lay out a copy af It bo fore tho
Colombian government, demanding an
immediate reply to thft two notes in
regard to amends fo tbo outrapo
committed upon the Azuerlcim vessel
Whitford last March.
Minister McKinney vu instructed
to say that an apology and reparation
must bo forthromlnfr'nt o.ce.
Iowitn for it New Tleket.
Sioux Cm", Iowa, July S3 Tho talk
of the nomination ot a soun.l money
Democrat for tho Presidency aijs cre
ated considerable enthusiasm uuong
the gold element of the party iu this
locality. Although there seems to ho
n general inclination to uuite ou Mc
Kinley ns the surest way of defeating
Bryan, not a few of tho leaders and
rank und file of the party aro anxious
to cast their ballots for a candidate
of their own principles.
Mlddle-of-tlie-Itoad .Men Oppose II n
dorsemrnt of the Iloinocrntlo Vice
President Noinlnr A Southern Mnn
to be Nominated In IVhlrh Cnse It Is
Likely thnt Mr. llrynn Will Authorize
Ills Kama to be Withdrawn.
No Nomination Yet.
St. Louis, Mo., July 25. -Not more
than half tho dolegates to tho Popu
list convention woro in their soats at
10 o'clock this morning when Senator
Allen, the permanont chairman, ap
peared on tho platform. Four min
utes later ho called tho convontion to
order. It was drizzling outside and
thoro were not moro than 300 pcoplo
In tho galleries
Tho delegates stood with bowed
heads while tho Rev. Wllbor E. Wil
liams of tho Union Methodist church
of this city invoked tho dlvino bless
ing. Among thoso on tho platform
woro ox-Governor Wnite of Colorado,
Sonator Poller of Kansas, Gonoral
Field of Virginia, National Committee
man Branch of Georgia and Mrs. Helen
Qougarof Indiana.
Chairman Allon introduced Mrs.
Marlon Todd of Michigan, who had
been conspicuous as a Populist speaker
for several yoar.i. Sho has a strong
faco, with clear, brown oyos. Her
dark hair was streaked with gray.
Sho announced tho denth of Mrs. E.
M. Emory of Michigan, a worker in
tho reform cause, paid a glowing
tribute to her memory, nnd ottered a
resolution expressing tho regret of tho
convention at her untimely death.
Goorgo Gulther of Alabama, also paid
a tributo to Mrs. Emory's work, say
ing that tho intluencc of her book,
"bovon Financial Conspiracies," had
been largely responsible for tho
growth of Populism in his state. Tho
resolution was ununimously adopted
by ti rising vote.
A. A. Noe, an Ohio delegate, pre
sented to Chairman Allen a gavel con
taining lt3 pieces of silver nnd I of
gold. Tlio wood of the handle was
Captain G. A. Lloyd of Rochello,
N. ., and Mrs. Pennington, "tho
sweet singer of Arkansas, then en
tered tho nail drosbed in tho costumes
of "Uncle Sam" and Columbia."
Lloyd woro tho red, white and bluo
spike-tailed coat and the tail lint of
"Undo bam," while Mrs. Pennington j
wus urraycu m mc Biurs aim stripes
and woro the shield and turban of tho
American goddess. Thoy mado their
way to tho platform amid a spattering
of cheers, and faced tho dolegates
whilo Mrs. Pennington sang a Pop
ulist campaign song,
Jerry Simpson mounted a chair and
protested aguinsi frittering away any
more time of tho convention. Tho
delegates, ho said, wero present nt
great expense, and the convention
should get down to business. '
John S. Dore of California declared
tho rules of tho Omaha platform pro
hibiting federal oflicohdlders from
taking pnrt in the deliberations of a
Populist convention, should be en
forced. His protest wns evidently
aimed at Senators Butler of North
Carolina and Allon of Nebraska, tho
temporary and permanent chairman.
Ilu wus applauded by some m.iUUof-the-road
men, but no action was taken.
Tho committee to confer with a
similar committee from tho silver con
vention was then appointed, ouo from
each state.
Whllo theso selections were being
made some one in the gallery over the
speaker's stand attempted to hang out
a banner representing Bryan with one
foot on the Democratic nnd one on the
Republican platform, lie was prompt
ly suppressed. The banner had been
sent into the gallery
by the Texas
as was called
delegation. When Tex
for her monitor of tho conference
committee. Delegate Park, moved up
nnd shouted: "Texas never trcuts
with tho enemy. Texas names no
member of that committee."
The committee immediately retired
to meet tho silver committee, whilo
Congressman Howard culled upon tho
chair for a statement of tho purposes
of tho conference committee' and tho
power with which it was clothed.
Senator Allen responded that tlio ob
ject was to ascertain if the two com
binations could find common ground
tostandon. Anything it did would
be subject to the subsequent action ot
the convention. It had no plenary
The regular order was called for.
This was tho reading of the minority
report of tho committee on rules It
recommended a change in the order of
making nominations, so as to mako
the nomination of Vice President be
fore that of President. This was a
move of tho middle of the road men.
Delegate McGrathof Illinois promptly
moved to lay the minority report on
tho table. Congressman Howard nnd
Barney Gibbs of Alabama demanded
to bo iicard on the motion.
Tho plain purposo of the straight
outs was to test Sewall'a strength.
The proposition would show tho ex
tremu high water strength of tho anti
Bryan men. There was some parlia
mentary squabbling and theu Llweed
Pomeroy of Newark, N. J., chairman
of the committee on rules, took the
stage and explained at length the ma
jority nnd minority of tho committee.
Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota pro
tested against the proposition reported
from the committeo on rules to allow
the candldato to select the national
committee. "It may be," ho said,
passionately, "That when this con
vention ndjourns there will be llttlo
left of the People's party except the
national committee. Whilo I may bo
willing to support Bryan, If he is tho
choice of this convention when the
folly of the moment has passed away,
we mar want to clothe the skeleton
that is left us." Ho wanted tho nation
nl committee to select Its chairman.
Tho middle of the roaders cheered
Donnelly lustily, and an Alabama del
egate cried out that tho' convention
should select the chairman.
Judge Greene of Nebraska made a
vigorous reply to Mr. Donnolly, In
which do declared that the People's
party would emerge triumphant from
this contest if it grasped tho oppor-
tunHy to achieve n auccess in Novem. '
her for silver. To do so, ho argued,
would savo tho life of the Peonlo'a
party. Tho nnti-Ur.vnn delegates
grow obstrepor us ns ho proceeded
and a dozen points of order wero
made, among th.'in one thnt ho wns
not discussing the question nt issue.
Chairman Allen overruled thoso po'.uts
right and loft.
"Sit down," "Sit down," cried a
hundred voices.
"I'll not sit down," replied Judgo
Groeno, fiercely.
Whon Greono had completed Ills
speech Congressman Howard of Ala
bama, ono of tho straight-outs, camo
forward. As ho apoko his oyos Unshed
nnd his olicoks burned. Ho was
greatly aroused. Ho took a shot ut
Senator Allan for suggesting that
"any mnn wearing n dologato'a badgo
was influenced by tho uso of money."
He advocated taking up tho report
section by section. Ho wanted to
nominate a Vice President first. This
statement was greotod with many
cries of "no, no," and jeers, whllo his
faction of tlio convontion howled with
delight. Howard plendod for tho
nomination of Vieo Prosident llrst in
tho Interest of tho South and party
E. Gerry Brown of Massachusetts
also dofonded tho minority report.
He plendod with tho majority to con
cede this much to tho Southern status
nnd tho miuorlty of tlio convention.
Thoro woro loud cries for "Cyclono"
Davis and Jerry Simpson. Tho former
rasponded and mado u characteristic
speech, with arms waving llko tho
fans of a windmill nnd a volco that
sounded like a foghorn. Ho did not
want to impugn tho motives of any
one, but ho wanted to know If tho
men from tho "crested heights" would
givo tlio South the second place,
There woro loud crlos of "Yes, wo
will." Davis raised n storm of ap
plauso whon ho declared that tlio mon
from tho North must not ask thorn to
ndvocato or defend a redeemable
money. Tho cheers camo from tho
prairie states. Ho wont on to say that
another tiling that they must not bo
required to do was to tako tills young
"Sampson" of the People's party, and
lay It on tho altar of Democracy. Ho
announced that thoy woro willing to
accept tho "Joshua" of Nobruska If
they could be assured of a candldato
of their own for Vice President, and
the preservation of tho People's party.
Tom Patterson of Colorado followed
with a strong speech against tho
adoption of tho minority report.
Delegate Batcraan of Maine nttomptj
cd to reply to Mr. Patterson, but Jerry
ounpson got tne noor nnu crealeit en-
thusiasra among the anti-Sownll
by declaring that Kansas would cast
her ninety-two voles for a Southern
man for vlco president.
"Vou don't speak for mo," cried
Brown of the Sunllowcr state.
"Well, then," retorted Simpson,
"ono of tlio ninety-two tins gono
astray. But 1 say to the South if you
will give us tho president vio will givo
you tho vlco president."
Judge Plowman of Dakota, who
said ho represented the only state
that had two Populist United Statos
Senators, favored tho majority report,
but' said South Dakota would be for
the middle-of-the-road niun for vlco
presldont if tho delegation could bo
convipced "that it was for tho best in
terest cf tlio party." This qualifica
tions raided a storiil of jeers.
At this point tlio previous question
was ordered, but E. Gerry Brown nnd
Barney Gibbs of Texas managed to get
in two speeches under tho guise of
parliamentary inquiries. Tlu lattor
advocated the nomination of a South
ern man for Vice President and fusion
of electors.
"Will you pledge your delegation
for Bryan?" nsked Jerry Simpson.
"Hns Kansas pledged her votes for a
Southern man for Vico President?"
Gibbs parried this Interrogatory by
saying that he could not speak for tho
Ad'spute of ten minutes followed
over the parliamentary status, but the
i --- i . -
1 Utnjrln was 6tra.ghtcned
i convention toolc up the rer
out nnd the
port, section
by section. Another ten minutes wero
consumed before the contested sec
tions of the report wero reached. An
Alabnmba middle of the road delegate
moved to ehango the rules so as to re
quire two-thirds to nominate, but Ills
motion was not entertained.
The minority recommendation of
three instead of ono member of the na
tional committee from each State was
adopted, as was Senator Butler's mo
tion that the national committee se
lect its own chairman.
When the clause relating to the
Older in which prosidential und vice
presidential candidates should be
nominated was reached the floodgates
wero again opeued. "Cyclone" Davis
attempted to pour oil on tho troubled
waters by declaring that ho hnd
pledges from tlio Kansas, Nebraska
and Illinois delegations that, if the
I convention would not disturb tho reg
ular order of things, th-jso States
would voto for an "honest Populist"
for vice president. "Then, if thoy
betray us," he began.
"We won't," shouted some of tho
Illinois men, but Davis' own State
howled that she would not make any
deal. Davis was plainly in disfavor
with his own delegation.
With some dilllculty tho speech
making was cut off anil the vote was
taken by states on the adoption of tho
minority report recommending tho
nomination of Vice President The
nntl-Sowall delegates lined up in favor
of the adoption of the minority report
to vote down tho Southern revolt
against Sewell and nominate the Chi
cago ticket in its entirety. More than
this the Southerners fully expect that
the Democrats, as a token of their
gratitude to the Populists for assist
ing in the election of Bryau, will
abandon Sewall in their electoral col
lege and givo their votes to the Popu
list candidate
Tho announcement of the voto was
78s to 015 In favor of tho minority re
port, and was, of courso, the signal for
another enthusiastic anti-Bryan dem
onstration. Kansas vot ed 2 nays, 71 yeas; Mis
souri, 37 nays, 31 yeas; Nebraska, 57
nays; Iowa, 12 yeas, 18 nays; Okla
homa, 0 yeas; the Indian Territory, 2
yeas, 1 nny.
Tho report as amended was then
General J. B. Weaver, chairman of
tho committeo on resolutions, wasj
then recognized to read tho platform,
ns agreed to by the committee.
The patent leather sllpier uevcr loses iU
.v.u v. ii;uiiuiug iauu;
Q"fiinnTTi Ti A "r,Q Wfi'DTr
oMjUIN X) JJA.1 O H UltlV..
Conttdf ritlitn Talk Hut Not Mnrli Artunl
Work Accomplished Mlililln of - llie
It on (I HIcu Coimplclnus nnd HomMTlmt
Noisy Tlio Committee on Itesnlntlnns
Announced General Convention Sight
nnd Beetles.
No Nomination Vet.
St. Louis, Mo, July 24. Tho Pop
ulists began assembling for tho socond
day of thoir national convontion
shortly after 0 o'clock this morning.
Tho air In tho hall was oxtromoly op
pressive, hut tho delegates, with their
coats over their nrms, stood about,
discussing tho situation, tho advis
ability of indorsing Brynn, the planks
of tho platform and kindred topics.
Tho middle-of-the-road men wore
voclf err ting ovorywhoro, tho noise
they mado being hoord abovo tho mu
slo from the gallery.
J. J. Crandall of Camdon, N. J., was
about distributing circulars In favor
ot the ratification of tho "platform of
tho now-born Domooracy, latriy chris
tened at Chicago." "The trcuble will
soon begin," ho shouted; "wo don't
want harmony."
About 10 o'clock Senators Stewart
of Nevada, Kylo of North Dakota nnd
Allen of Nebraska took seats on tho
platform. At 10:05 Sonator Butler,
tho tomporary ohnirmau, appeared.
Simultaneously tho baud struck up
''Dixie," and tho delegates shouted.
Tho nttondnnco in thn galleries was
vory small, not moro than 500 people
being present. Five minutes later
Chairman Butler called the convontion
to order nnd tho Rov. Mr. Smith of
fored tho Invocation.
After an unheard and unnoticed an
nouncement by an Illinois delegate,
tho roport of tho committeo on cre
dentials was called for, but no ono
responded, and tho states woro called
lor mem ours ot tlio committees ou
fiermanent organization and resol
utions. Whilo announcements wero balng
made a lniddlo-of-tho-rond man at
tempted a demonstration. It was
dramatically arranged, but it oulv
served to demonstrate tho hopeless
minority of tho straight outs.
There was a ripple of upplauso and
a few shouts when tho name of Jacob
S. Coxlo was announced as a member
of tho committee on platform from
Ohio. There wero also demonstra
tions for Governor Holcomb of Ne
braska, General Weaver ot Iowa und
ex-Governor Lowelling of Kansas,
when their names wero shouted out,
Conspicuous on tho stage was a
woman who sat with tho Kentucky
delegation. Sho was dressed in white
nnd abovo Her dark tresses floated
several long white plumes. Sho
proved to bo tho bride of Delegate
Taylor, editor of tho Paducah, Ky,,
The announcements wero completed
nt 11:45 o'clock. Delegate Dixon of
Oklahoma then mounted tho stago
nnd, after adjuring the dolcgatea to
be quiet and not interrupt, Introduced
Clarerta E. Comley of Oklahoma, who
rognled tho convention with some
campaign songs.
An Alabama delegate then intro
duced 4,Misstress Pennington, tho
sweet campaign singer of Arkansas. "
Sho sang a "parody on "Yankee Doodlo
Dandy." each verse of which con
cluded: YanVoo&onUn set four gnn.
Shoot the (tnldbusi, ovory ono;
Ynnkua Doodlo Dauiiy
Delegate Crawford of Kansas moved
that the delegates of the silver con
vontion bo admitted ou exhibition of
their badges There were many cries
of "No" "No" from tho middle of the
road men, who evidently thought thoy
saw in tliisn movo to pack the galleries
with Bryan shouters, nndSergeant-at-arms
McDowell said that it was im
possible to carry out instructions.
Thereupon Jerry Simpson mounted
a chair and said it was no moro than
common courtesy to extend to other
conventions which were hero In a
common cause the samo privllogo
which they had extended to the dele
gates of tills convention. After somo
wrangling Chairman Butler, amid
howls of delight from tho straight
outs, ruled the motion out'bf order.
Mr. Wnshburne of Massachusetts
from the stage announced that he had
an important resolution to offer. It
proved to bo ono deprecating the talk
of a split in tho convention, and was
as follows:
"Whereas, We aro all Populists, and
deprecate the tallc which lias appeared
in some of the newspapers that there
is a disposition on the part of any por
tion of this convention to refuse to
abide by tho action of this convention,
"Resolved, That wo repudiate all
such utterances us a reflection upon
tho tidel ty of the members of this
convention and of tho People's party,"
Mr. Washburno said that the ques
tion of preserving tho organization of
this "grand party" was vital, and
called for a full discussion.
A storm of protests camo from the
middle of tho roaders and one of thorn
mado the point of order that before
the convention wns permanently or
ganized, no such resolution could bo
acted on. An angry Connecticut del
egate named Henry C Baldwin
jumped on a choir and indignantly
shouted: "If the papers say we aro
nsses, shall wo pass a resolution say
ing wo aro not?"
Chulrmun Butler ruled that during
tho tempornry organization a resolu
tion could bo passed expressing its
sense. Thereupon Congressman How
ard of Alabama moved to refer the
resolution to tho committeo on reso
lutions. Delegate Branch of Georgia
followed with a motion to table tho
whole subject.
Tli ore wus a good deal of confusion
as the voto was taken, viva voce, but
Chairman Butlor decided that the mo
tion was carried.
At 11:43 another motion to take a
recess until 3 o'clock was mado and
was carried.
The committeo on resolution as an
nounced is as follows: Alabama, J. M.
Whitehead; Arkansas, Isaao McCrack
en; California, J. A. Johnson; Colo
rado, J. II, Voorlioes; Connecticut,
Joshua Perkins; Delaware, J. Crosty;
Georgia, J. K. Ilines; Idaho, James
Gunn; Illiuols. John P. Steele; Indi
ana, Alonzo Burkhart; Iowa, J. 11
Weaver: Kansas. John Davis: Ken-
, ( tuuky, J. A. Parker; Louisiana, J. T.
natvell; Maino, Jam's A. Campion;
Marylnnd, Enoch Mays; Massachu
setts. Levi R. Pierce; Mtch'gnn,
R. B. Taylor; Minnesota. S M
Owens; Mississippi, I'rnnk Burk
Ut; MIssouil, J Wulhr Long;
Montana, G W. Reevi-sj Nebraska,
Governor Silas llolcoml.: Now Hamp
shire. G. S. Greonlenf; Now Jersey, L
F. Fuller; Now York, J. It. White,
North Carolina, W. It. Henry; North
Dakotn, L A. Harlnnd; Ohio, Jacob S.
Coxey; Oregon, tho Rev. J. S. Mc
llalns; Pennsylvania, T. E. Dean;
Rhodo Island, Bartholomew Valletto;
South Dakota, 11. L. Sauchcs;T'en no
nce, John P. Buchanan; Texas, J. 0.
Klrhy; Utah, II. W. Lawrence; Ver
mont. Milt E Baker; Virginia, James
G. Fluid; Washington, John lL-Rognrn;
West Virginia, tl. S. Houston; Wiscon
sin, Robert Schilling; Wyoming, Will
inm Brown; Arizona, A. l Noon; Now
Mexico, Thomas E Kdlloher; District
of Columbia, Carlo, Browne; Oklahoma,
William Garrison.
S. M. Scott, who presided over tho
Kansas caucus this morning, stated
thai ho had bbou collecting informa
tion concerning the relative ittrcnpth
of tho Bryan nnd tho middle-of-the-road
forces, and had found 822 for
Bryan nnd 304 for tho iniddlo-of-tho-road.
Other morabors ot tho- delega
tion gave their estimates, W. L, Brown
saying that Brynn had no less than
too votes in tho convention. Ho be
lieved it would run ovon higher than
that figure. He thought tho middle-of-the-road
men woro only ranking
moro noise than tho other fellows, and
that thoy woro not nearly so- numer
ous ns thoy professed to bo.
Friends of tho Nebrnskan Confident of
Hncoeis ns to 11 rst riaoe.
St. Louis, Mo., July 21'. Tho Bryan
people are now claiming that ho will
be nominated on tho first ballot by tho
Populists, but most of thorn, conoedo
that it will bo very dlfilcult to aoouro
similar action in Mr. Sewall'a behalf,
though they havo not abaudoncd thoir
efforts In this direction. They now
contemplate an adjournment ot tho
convention imrocdiatly after Mr.
Bryan's nomination, with the hops of
bringing the opposition to Mr. Sewall
to see the wisdom ot his support. la
case thoy fall on Sowall, tho plan is to
accept tho nomination of Mr. Bryan
independent of Sowall. Thoy state
that this can bo done and that tho
Populist Stato organizations can,
whero they havo a mind to do so,
adopt tho Bryan nnd Sowall tickets
regardless ot the notion of the nation
al convontion.
Senator Jones, tho Democratlo
chairman, hns been consulted upon
this plan and has given his opinion
that It Is possible Mr. Jones is,
however; still holding out for tho In
dorsement of tho cnttro ticket as tho
best and only wiso courso to bo pur
sued. He is urged to do this by Mr.
Bryan himself, who has telegraphed
that ho is disinclined to accept any
indorsement that is not also given to
his Democratic running mate.
Somo of Mr. Bryan's friends Bay,
however, that thoy will tako what
thoy can got, and that oven if Mr.
Bryan docs not formally accopt the
nomination thoy will mako lnm their
candidate, regardless of this formal
ity. Some regard this as the bost
position for him to bo placed in.
With referonco to Sowall, hla
friends, nnd thoso of Mr. Bryan, hold
that the Western states would pursue
the courso they outline of tnklng both
regardless of the convention's action
on Sewall. Thay think a Pcpnllst
candidate for Vice President would
bo voted for in the South, but thoy
roly on tho Democrats to carry the
Southern states for both Bryan and
Thn Itesolntlons Committee Member It
Urged tu Work for Electoral Division.
St. Louis, Mo., July 23. Tho Mis
souri delegation adopted tho following
resolution defining its position:
"Resolved, by tho People's party
delegation of Missouri, in con
ference assembled, that wo author
ize and direct our member of tho com
mittee on resolutions, J. Wellcr Long,
to ngreo and voto for n, supplemental
resolution, recommending that tho
several State committees of tho Peo
ple's party, in conjunction with tho
national committees of tho Democratlo
und People's party, make any reason
able, cqultablo and mutually satisfac
tory division or union of the electoral
tickets, of the several States; provided
that said J. Weller Long shall sup
port such supplemental resolution
only on condition that a majority of
the States represented on said com
mittee on rosolutions is favorable to
such proposition."
Three Names to lie Presented tor the
Permanent Chairmanship.
St. Louis, Mo., July 23. A mem
ber of tho .Populist national commit
teo sent the following to a friend at
Richmond, Vu., this afternoon:.
"There will be three reports from tho
committee on permanent organiza
tion. Allen, who stands for the Dem
ocratlo candidate, has b40 votes be
hind him; Campion, middle of tho road
man, has 483; Butlor, who stands for
compromise, has 200. It looks now as
if their would bo a row."
Anderson Sentenced to- Ifmngn
Macon, Mo., July St. The jury xa
the case of George Anderson, who
killed his wlfo May a7 last, found him
guilty of murder tn tho first degree.
A motion for a now trial was over
ruled. Anderson did not want an ap
peal and said the case turned oat as
he expected. Judgo Ellison sentenced
Anderson to bo hung August St.
.ii . -
Keller Vroni Uostoa llnahers.
Boston, Mass., July 24. President
T. B. Beal of the Second National
bank is attempting to secure Boston
relief for the United States treasury.
His intention is to raise 82,000,000,
which sum represents about one-third
of tho gold in the banks ot this city.
A 870.000 llUxe at Denver.
Denveh, Colo., July 24. Fire last
evening at 1638-49 Lawrence street re
sulted in damage to building and
goviz ecuntlng to about75,uoa