Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 31, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO- 23
(WJiJviii'Jiii'M j m jp JiJ"
16 TO i.IS
I have a full line
of Groceries, Dry
Goods, Shoes, No
tions, etc., New
andlFresh Larg
est stock in the
Produce taken at its
highest market value
and 50 cent silver dol
lars j received at their
face. C. A. BURLEW.
School district No. 2G, Dawes
county, will receive bids up to
AugUBt 10, 1896, for building a
frame school house, size 18x21.
Specifications furnished by officers
of the district.
All parties desiring to mako
final proof can haye their papers
made out at The Herald office,
free of charge, and promptly
transmitted to the land office.
Taken Up,
Taken up by tho undersigned
one gray mare, weight about
800 lbs, age about four years.
A. Tschacheu.
Parties having land to dispose
of in Box Butte Co., will find it
to their advantage to send me
price and description.
R. MoLeod,
3201 Cass St., Omaha, Nob.
I will soil trimnied-goods at one
fourth off from marked price in or
der to make room for now goods.
Now is the time to get a hat cheap
at tho milliner' store one door
north of Wildy's.
Miss L. Adams.
Attorneys - at - Law,
k Physician and Surgeon,
Office rooms and residence in
Braver block, up stairs.
'"'Special attention givon to dis
eases of children .
New Short Line to Helena, Butte
Spokane, Seattle and Taconia.
C3-. X. Sa "W. O. Time Card.
Ho. 42. pnHsnncor arrlvos tit l:10n. m.
" i freight " " B:0cjn.ni.
" tsfrolglit nrrlvos nt jO:iOu.ju,
No, 11 paspencerartlvns tit 4:15 a. ra.
' 4A frulKht " H:! i.
" 41 Irnlclit arrjves nt 3:35 p. m
All trair.ii curry passonKPrn.
W. M. Copkland. AgMI
HcMiNOromi postofliro. On weok ilayn door
opens at 7 a. m., ucneral delivery opens at H a.
m. and eloign nt 8 p. nt. Opuu Bumlays 0 to
10 a. uj.
IIkmisotord anc Box Unrre atiBeiUllyexoppt
HEMiNOono and Dcnlap stage, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
All friends of political prohi
bition and reform are invited to
meet' in Crawford, Nebraska,.
Aug. 5th at 2 o'clock p. m. for
tho purpose of discussing tho
psesent situation and issues, and
organizing tho western counties
of the stato for aggressive work
for ho cause of true reform.
' A. E. Rickkh, Chadron,
A. Shcnvdod, Humingford.
Tho board of county commis
sioners aro in session.
Mrs. L. B. Fenner roturned
from Goring Saturday.
Rev. Wundorlich and Miss
Wohlors drove down to Alliance
Mrs. O. A. Burlow and Miss
Mary O'Keofo visited Alliance
V. Cladek brought uo a fine
cheese Tuesday, for which ho
has our thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith, of
Alliance, visited Homingford
friends yesterday.
John Logan has gono to Clear
mont, Wyo., having secured em
ployment there.
Sup't Zobel, of the poor farm,
had business before tho commis
sioners yesterday.
Prof, Worden has opened his
art studio in tho building oppo
site the Metropolitan hotel.
Postmaster Lockwood was in
town yesterday and made appli
cation to prove up on his homo-
Prank Shimek returned from
VanTassol's ranch in "Wyoming,
whore ho put up a largo wind
mill. Alex Muirhoad departed for
Lyons, this week where he has
secured a position in tho village
A. J. Engstrom's bridge gang
was in town a few days this
week. They wont west Wednes
day night.
There will bo services at the
Catholic church next Sunday,
August 2. Father Muenich will
H. R. Green was confined to
his room for several days this
week but is getting nround all
right again, we aro glad to say.
G. M. Sullivan, W. G. Simon
son, Ernest Meints, J. S. Par
adis and G. "W.JSrb were among
theA.lliauceites in town yester
day. B. E. Johnson and Miss Mabel
Fryott drove to Chadron Mon
day. Miss Fryett has been
visiting in this county for the
past two weeks.
Eddie Johnson came down
from Keystone; S. D., Tuesday
and left this morning for Norfolk
on business and may decide to
locate there. Ho reports times
rathor quiet in tho southern hills.
The M. E. Sunday school had
planned for a picnic on tho river
Thursday but owing to tho rain
it'was postponed. Several of the
"boys and girls" who whore not
afraid of rain wont anyhow and
report a pleasant (?) time'.
The Populists held their con
vention at Alliance "Wednesday.
"W. M. Iodenco was nominated
for county attorney and James
Hollinrako was re-nominatdd for
commissioner of the 2nd district.
Delegates were elected to attend
the stato, congrssional, repre
sentative and senatorial conven
tions. In tho ball game at Chadron
Friday tho Homiugford-Alliance
team won by a score of 21 to-11.
Tho second game was won by
Chadron, score 10 to 7. The
gamo at Fort Robinson was won
by tho soldiers, score 12 to 7.
Manager Goodenough speaks
highly of tho treatment accorded
them at both Chadron and tho
Tho rain yesterday was a good
old-fashioned soaker and remind
ed us of old times. Corn and
potatoes aro looking fine and
those late rains will be tho mak
ing of thorn. There was con.
siderablo electricity "with tho
storm and some damaj dono by
lightning. Wo are informed
that Mrs. McCandless had d
valuablo cow killed and James
McKinnoyof Snako creok had
about forty tons of hay burned.
Republicans of Norfolk Como Out
for tho Whito Motal and Organ
ize a Bryan club in which liev.
Dr. Jennings, formerly of this
County, Takes an Aotivo Parjt.
Freo Silver clubs aro being or
ganized all over tho Stato.
Norfolk, Neb., July 28. A
Bryan club, 200 strong, was organ
ized hero last night on very short
notice. Judge H. D. Kolly was
made temporary chairman and 0.
W. Crum,8ecrotary. Both of these
gentlemen aro old-lino republicans
and enthusiastic silver men. Tho
following oilicors wore elected:
Hon. G. A. Luikhart, president;
Dr. A. D. Tashjcan, I. M. Hull,
II. D. Kelly, W. T. Shively and
C. D. Jenkins vice prcaidonta; O.
W. Grain, secretary, and J. O.
Still, treasurer.
Rousing speeches were mado by
Rev. J. W. Jennings of Fullorton,
William F. Porter of Merrick
county and W. E. Reed of Mad
ison. Both Rev. Jennings and W. E.
Reed prefneed their romarks with
tho statement that Ihey had voted
for Blame and also for Harrison,
but that when tho ropubhean
party had turned down bimetal
lism at St. Louis they could not,
as honest men, follow.
Tho club membership inclndes
quite a number of former republi
cans, among whom are W. O. Tol
liver and Sotu Kethledgo, dry
goods merchants; H. D. K,olly, at
torney, and C. W. Crum, real es
tate agent. Tho club membership
is rapidly increasing, as tho free
silver seutiment continucs-tO'grxw..
E. C. House, the genial repre
sentative of tho old reliable New
York Life Insurance company,
has been in town this week and
written several policies. Mr.
House is a life long republican
but is talking "tooth and toenail"
for Win. J. Bryan. Nino out of
ten of the travelling men aro
doing so..
Hon. A. L. Sharrock, Mayor of
Edgemont, who is an old-lino re
publican, has declared himself
for the white motal and Bryan.
According to tho Edgemont
Advocate, the meaning of 10 to 1
in that city is that there aro 10
silver men to one gold bug.
Tho ladies of the M. E. church
will give a campaign sociable at
tho court house Friday evening,
Aug. 7th. Mrs. A. M. Miller
was chosen chairman of the pro
hibition camp, Mrs. Sweeney of
tho republican, Mrs. Switzer of
the democratic and Mrs. Nichols
of the populist. If we hold an
error to loose it is our gain. To
study opposing arguments either
confirms our belief or makes
clear our error. Ideas not put to
this test do not riso to the dig
nity of opinions, they aro mere
prejudices. Come, see yourself
as other see you. Each party
will have at least one strong
pointr brevity, being limited to
20 minutes in which to convince
all that it is tho party of parties.
Ice. cream and cako 10 cents per
Mrs. M. M. Blanchard,
Berea Sara-plngo.
Hurrah for Billy Bryan 1
Rev. Coolidgo is expected to
preach hero next Sunday.
Rev. Wornoni preache'd at Mr.
Garret t's" place hist Sunday to a
well filled house.
Boroa will now bo able to fur
nish bands to tho different politi
cal parties on short notice during
tho campaigu to the highest bid
' der for cash in silver.
A man from Goring camo up
with a load of oats last Monday
and while ho stopped horo to rost
liis team got away from him and
ho had to hire a man and team to
tako him to Uomingford.
Tho gold bugs may bo able to
fool part of tho pooplo all tho time,
nud all tho people part of tho time
but thoy can't fool all tho people
all tho timo, which will bo mani
fest next November.
Legal Notices.
ToC. Vt Hllvon. Truntoo, Amorlcnn Investment
Compnuy, ot lCihmotubnrtt, Palo Alto (.'onnty,
Iowa, F. K. Alien, llocelvor of thn American
luvostmont Company, of KmmoUburK, Iowa,
non-ri'sldont owucrn, and to occapantB ami
and pnrsonn in wheso naincn imaonstHl for the
years IHOJ, 1NU and lb5, and to all whom it
may concern:
You and each or yon are .hereby notified that
on tho Mil dnyot NoTember, lbVI, A. 1 Ormnby
pnrchaHod.at public tax naio from tho trcanurur
of litis llutto county, Nebraska, for tho tlolln
(jnent tnxra for tho year 1S.U. tho real ontata do
ticribnd Ixilow, Mtunto in iiox llutto county,
Stato ot NeUrspUa, tJz:
Tho north half of tho north west quarter neo
tion B, and thn north half of tho northeast quar
ter of flection 6, township u8, north ot range M),
weKtottliunlxili principal meridian, taxed iu
thonamnlif ('. F. llllren, trustoo, for tho yearn
1MKI, 1MI4 and 1805, and the northwest quarter
of section 18. township 27, north of rango r2,
west of tho sixth principal meridian, taxed in
thn nnmn of ('. F. 1111 ven. trustee, tor tho years
IhOI and ItW, and taxed in tho name or O F.
litiron for the year lblW. On tho lUth day ot
Norember, 1DUT), A. 1j. Ormsby paid tho tax on
earh of aboTP described tracts of land for tho
ycarlBAI as subsequent tax, and on thn Hth day
.f .1i.lv IhtHl aatil A. li. tlrmiillp Tifttil till, tftTiia
oneacli of the nboro described tracts ot land
for tho year IbtKi, an BUtwoquent tax.
Thn tune of redemption of each ot said tracts
ot land from said tax sale will oxpiro on the 5th
day ot NoTcmbor, A. D. 18W.
iHlpned) A. h. OHMSBY.
First publication July 17, 1850.
To Annio E. Klkin, non-resident owner, and to
occupant and persouB in whose names assess
ed for tho years 18'.C1, moi, antl lbTO, and to all
wliom it may concern:
Yon and earn of yon are hereby notified that
on the 5th day of November lr'01, A. Jj. Ornmby
purchased at public tax sale from tho treasurer
of llox llutto county. Nobraska. for the tlolln
quent taxpH for tho year lfiU, tho real estate de
scribed below, situate iu llox llutto county,
Nebraska, viz:
Tho southwegt quarter ot section 13, township
SB. north of ranuoM), west ot the sixth princi
pal meridian. Taxed In the name of Annio E.
KIMn for tho years lfclO, 1MM, and lrifi. Aftor
ward for a valuablo eonsideration cId A. h.
Ormsby duly sold and delivered said county
treasurer's cerllucatoot taxsalo, toaother with
tho arcompanyiiiK tax reci-ipt. U Edward II.
(iriswold, whole now tho legal owner and hoi
dur theri of.
On the Cth day ot April 1803, said Edward H.
QrUwold paid tho taxes on said land tor tho
yo&rlbl,a BUtouont tax, ami on uiosoinuay
tt December 1!. Mkld Edward It. Griswnld
paid tho taxes on said land for the year ltJIM as
enbnequent tax
The timo of redemption of said tract of land
from raid tax salo, will oxpiro on tho lith day ot
November, A. 11. Ih'.M.
First publication July 17, 1HO0.
To Herbert N. Carpentnr, non-resident owner,
and to occupants, and to persons in whoso
namts assessed for Die years lB'.U. 1&W, and
1K.1 fitul Ui jtll wlirnn it nv poncerm
You and each of you aro hereby notified that
on tlie oili Uay ot novemiwr, lbvi, a. u. urmsoy
purclmetd at public tax salo from the treasurer
of Hox Untto county. Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes for tho year laftl, tho real estate de
scribed iioiow, siiuau) in uox iiuiiu counvy,
Stato of Nebraska, viz:
Thn troitt. hfttf iif tho northwest nuartor boo-
tion 38, antl tho south half ot the northeast
quarter section w, iownnip-i, nonn or rauKu
fj, west of tho sixth principal meridian.
Taxml in tho namo of Uultort N Caroenter
for the years 1893, 1MU, and KV5. On tho lBth
day of Novemlxir lsa.V said A. ti. Ormsby paid
tho taxCB on saitl land for the year 18SH. as sub
sequent tax. and on tho Kth tlay of July lbUi.
said A. L. Ormsby paid tho taxes on said land
fur the year imij, as subsequent rax
Tho time ot redemption ot said tract ot lantl
from raid tax salo will expire on tho Sth day ot
November. A. V. 1MU.
(BiK-ned) A. L. OllMBnY.
First publication July 17, IsOtl.
To American Invostmont Company, Jot
EmmetstmrK, 1'alo Alto County, Iowa, F. E
Allen, Heceiver of the Ameriran Inreetment
Company, non-resident ownors', and to occu
iiantB and persons in whoso names assesseil
tor tho years UIM, 1K)4, and inifi, ;and to all
to whom it may concern;
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on tlie Stliot wovemDer, im, a. u. urrasny,
purchased at public tax sale from tho treasurer
,f Rut ltiitiiiintv. Nobraska. for tho delin
quent taxes for tho year 1S93, the real-estate de
scribed below, situate iu llox Itutto county,
BtateotrveiiranKa, viz:
The southwest quarter of section IS, town
ship 21, north of ranee 62, west of the sixth
principal meridian; ....,
Taxed in the nameof John D. Workman, for
tho year 1KIJ, and in 'the name of I'eter H.
Workman, for the year 1891; and iMO On the
ltith, day of Novninbor 1WO, A. L. Ormsby,
paiti tho taxes on said land for tho year 1B91 as
subsequent tax. and tho hth, day ot Jrjly lrt
said A. 1.. Ormsby. iaid tho t&xea on said land
for tho year 1S, as subsequent tax.
Tho time of redemption of said tract ot land
from said tax sale will explro on the Sth, day ot
November, A. 11. lbtti.
(siRnevll A. L. Ormsby.
First publication July 10th, 1W.
To John II. D. Unddemejer, non- resident
owencr.and to occupants ami ixrsoub In whone
nane assessed for tho years 1MU, ltKl, and lbllj,
and to all whomo it may concern:
You and each ot you are hereby notified that
on the Sth. day of Novemlier 1MU, A. ti, Ormsby,
purchased at puljlio tax salo from tho treasurer
of Iiox llutte county. Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes tor tne year isuj, iiio nu-uswiu uo
soribed lwlnw, situate in-Box Iiutte county,
The eonthtst quarter ot section, l, township
27, north ot range W, west ot tho sixth principal
Taxed In thenanv or John H. D. noddemeyer
for the years lUJ. iMM, and lKfi. On the lBth
.tu .. Kir.ititu. 1bu uaIiI A. I.. tlrmuhv. iitliil
tle taxes on said lanii for tlie year lBVI.as sub
eouent tax, aud said A. I Ormsby, on tliobth.
day of July ll)iaid tho taxes on said laud for
tne year itSHiassuosequeui i. ... ,
f rum said tax salo will oxpiro on tho uth, day ot
November A. 1). 1H. . ,
iBenml) A. I.. Ormsby.
Fir it publication Jnly 10th, 18'.W,
New Goods,
Now Clothing,
New Hats,
Now Tics,
Now Everything
Now line of carpets at Horn-
call's, "
Calvin J. Wildy
New Prices! New Everything!
Always Leads and Never Follows !
his Space Belongs to
3:r OB.
ardware and Saddlery.
The Oldest jisTAuusmviENT in this County,
Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves,
Paints, Oils, Glass, etc..
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Bart
Wire the Best on Earth.
Fred Krug Brewing Company
A High Grade Lager Beer,
Purest in the Market
Office 1007 Juckson Street, Omaha, Neb.
.Proprietor of.
Livery m Feed Stables.
iMin , . ... ..-
"Vo have first-class stocli and double and single rigs, wliich we
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder
aro unexcelled iu the city. Givo us a call.
fi Stable Coruor Bos. Butte Avonuo and Sheridan Street.