"W--L- vWfiMMr "St"TeST'r TBI '"' - J 1B.-iW "" CTm'i i"?7Ta3rxiU BSjJTO. rcv ll'IH" IETY If JOHANNESBURG. Jin American Tfotnan OItci an Inter fin tins l'lcturd.of It. An American wotnniT who hnfi lived tor a year In Joliannenbtlr'g recontly ro , i timed to Now York city and surprised Iior friends by the olorlna Bho totd of lift! 4n tho South African tojurn. So ciety thcro, according to her jtccountB, t was more formal thnn uue would find in Now Yok, 'Paris or Lopdopf , and tho dinners arid othor entertainments xvore conducted" with tho grcatost cere mony. Tho American's explanation of this was that Johannesburg eociety was mado up ,of such unusual cldmenta that Us members believed safety was to bo found only In thd greatest" dignity and formality, livon to lot down the bars for a moment might bring disastrous results, bo Johannesburg took its Boclal pleasures with every restraint of tho most formol soelaty. The American woman said that all Irtntilrlea and em- barmaslng questions Were ignored, and , the Inhabitants, realising that they 'wore in n far-off country and dependent on ono anoChor for society of any kind, mado tho best of the situation. Tho cost jot living thoro was very high, But there" was a Brent deal of monoy 19 be jjpent and tho lavlshness of the enter taining was said to bo qulto on a par with Its seyo.o punctllllousnefes. Tho beat residences of tho tdwiiVe In tho suburbs, which aro laid out with tho atrcets running at right anglos, aftor tho ashlon of American cities. Fow of them boast of nldownlks nud tho dust atoms in the town aro the least toler nblo featured or its life to strangers. Clothing, which Is luvnrlnbly imported from England, Is tho only thing that Is reasonable, And It scIIb at pr(Ites llttlo (n advance of tho3o In England. RontB , As well as tho wages of servants nrc from four to .five tlnus whatthoy aro in England, Tho native beet in poor, as jho cattlo are driven up from tjto Orange Free Stnto td be slaughtered', 'and very fixponelvo. English servants aro thoro In plenty, rs tho natives aro not gon- erally competont. but tho lmportod do mestics arc said to be very much af tfocted by tho lifo. of tho town. Vege table aro raro and poor, and a fortuno Js Pftld to awaft Iho man who undor CAkos gardening' in Johannesburg. Now York Sun. PROTECTION J?OR FOREIGNERS, , "jCfl'roilriVnt IlartUon I'alnt Oat Some Needed IcMlntla'n. In an article on "Tho Enforcement of the Law," General Harrison In Ladles' Home Journal, directs attention to tho need of legislation to insure protection to citizens of othor countries living In th6 United Elates; " Thoro is, however, a dluss of nersons In tho ''States to whom tho direct protection of the United States is duo. though no proper legislation has as yet' been passed to make It offocilvc. I refer to ;tho .-vfltlxcns of foreign" countries who, 'tinr treaties' we havo with ouch coun ties, aro domiciled In tho Btates, and to whom such treaties guarantee the 'protection of tho law. As yet congress frm not legislated to glvo the United States courts Jurisdiction at prosecu tlonc for offonaoa against such ner- tone, In derogition of their treaty J rights. The killing of eomo Italian wibjecjs In New Orleans, In March. 1891, and the demand of tlio Italian government for tho punbhmont of the cOtfAtdurs, and for an indemnity, brought this atraugo and unsatisfac tory condition tit things very strongly v'o the attention of our government. t ho UnUcd States had mado a treaty with Italy giving certain rights to tho ubjecte of that kingdom living In this country. Yet when the domand wna .mado that tho offenders should bo tried and punished wu could only say tho "United States la powerless: we havo 'Jeft that to tho" stnto authorities nnd C&n only suggest that proceedings bo taken by them. Thld was manifestly 'unsatisfactory. Tho United 'States jdiodo tho trenty, Italy could not make a tpsAty wlth Louisiana, nor demand and Indemnity ol her. Like tn 'plflentB havo' frequently occurred and will ocour again, and congress should fia legislate as to give the Unltod States courts appropriate powers to protoct those who are hero in the 'peace of ttie "United States.' " i- How thp Uoy AVotild Buy It. Max O'RelJ tells thli story in the S0W30 of a paper on "Peculiar Chil dren," A boy, reading from a play that Jras being translated at sight In class. Came neross tho phrase, "Calraezvous. mionsleur." lie naturally translated ills by "Calm yourself, sir."- 1 Bald to 2ilm: "Now. don't you think this Is a little stiff? Couldn't you glvo. mo somo hlug a llttlo more colloquial? For In stance, what would you say yourself in a like case?" Tho boy reilected a "Xew seconds and aald: "Keep your hair on, old man." , How to Tell 11 Diamond. It is well known to Jewelers that aluminium will mark a glass or "paste" diamond, but not jbo true gem provided tjie surfaco Is wpt. This fact tas nowtbeen .applied in the production nf a mechanical tester, which consists f a small disk of aluminium, rapidly 'revolved by an electric motor. The 'stono to bo tested 1b wetted nnd held gainst' the edge of tho disk by means 'of a spring clamp. i , 1- AJlIt of harcaim. A young peopleVreligious society in Hot Springs is taking caro of u tirl .who has been tick some time. It tkp J-eliglbus toclcues will continue to work like tnls, they wil become as ood iu ;tlme as the lodges. Arkansaw Thomajs Cat - My God shall supply all your noed ac cording to his riches In lory 'eft Christ Jesus. R 'rw 7 vr 3ST Washington Celter. (From our rptrojsr rorirapoiidpnt.) AVnahlngti-July 20, 18QG. Wnshiiifou' has practically boon octUed wpou us tho proper location for democratic hoadqunVtors dur ing tho coming compaigii'. Senator Jones, of At'lc, Chairnmu of the J)cinocrutio National Committee, 'ijsado it careful study of tho ad- fnntngoa offered' by Notv "York, 'Chicago and Washington respect ively, and has mado up 'his mind, largely owing to tho ope'n hostility of tho nowspapers in both Now York and Chicago, that "Washing ton u tho best place. While tho chbicn of Senator Jones is regard ed ns having settled this hoad quartors business, ho in so anxious that everything dono by tho Na tional Commitloo shall bo harmon ious, that no official annottnec mont of tho location of Head quarters is liUoly to bo mado un til tho Committee which will shortly meet in Now York, pasbes upon it. Tho railroodB of tho country are considerably exorcised 6ver tho ortfor recontly issued by the post irfastor general to tho effect that'all mail must bo stamped hereafter. Tho railroads seem disposed to stand togothor, continue tho pres ent pructices and test tho authority of tho government in Ibis mattor by an appeal to the United States supromo court. Many democrats aro much pleased at tho talk of tho probab ility that Senator Gorman will havo a hand in managing Bryan and Sownll's campaign, either as Chairman of tho Executive com mittee or as General advisor. Al though Chairman Jones has full authority to select tho mombfers of tho Executive committee, which Will assist him in conducting tho campaign, it is not probablo that tho membership of that committee will be announced untjl Chairman Jones Bubmitj his choice to tho full National committee. Senator Gorman has few, if any, equals and no buporiors as a political manager. True, ho isn't a silver man; but neither is he ,a boltor. Ho is going to support tho ticket because it is tho democratic ticket, and if ho can bo porsunded to ac cept tho Chairmanship of tho Ex- octive Committee it will be fortun- uto in more thnn ono respect for tho party. Ho has tho prestige of having buccossfully managed a National Campaign and tho very fact that ho was helping to manngo this one would horvo to bring out many democratic voles 'Which would not otherwise bo cast. 'Senator Jones is going to his Arkansas homo for a short rest before beginning tho continuous work of tho campaign. Ho will go by tho way of St. Louis, so as to bo thoro when tho populiBt con vention meets this week. He ex pects that tho populiBt will ondorso Bryan and Sewall and he wants to be on hand when they do in order to confer with the populist leaders about iho'campaign. lie also ex pects to' confer with tho boiling silver republicans, who havo already announced their intention to support tho democratic ticket. Speaker Rood's opinion of Quay and Mauley as McKinloy cam paign managers would make in teresting reading. Several weeks before tjie St. Louis convention liiet, Mr.'Keed had reason tq bo lcivo that Quay and Manley had betrayed him to Hnnnti and what has happonod since muBt havo convinced him of that fact. Both of these Ex-Reed men aro now members of Hanna's executive committee, and Quay is much more than merely a member of that Committee. It Iuib leaked out that Quay will, from tho Now York headquarters, boss tho en tire campaign in the Eastor states; also, that he will havo exclusivo chargo of a scheme by which ho hopes to carry several Southern states. This last scheme is said to depend largely upon tho sup port of bolting gold democrats in those states for success, as it in cludes a combination of that ele ment with tho negro voters, npcm both Congressional and electoral tickets. It was intonded that this scheme sjiould bo kept durk. n-iiin' lit.. . .. 1 'M "i t i. Final-Proof- NotYces t&l L ttos. J. Vf, Weiis, Jn., Itoafster. . Jf on. F. M. DitooMK, ItccMvor. 'l'lrtlps liftvitiR notices In JkUcolnmu aro m oritl to rwul tho same caU'fully and report to thin oIUch for correction any errors that may ottU Thlft will prevent possible deluy in making proof. Land QlHce at Alliance, Neb,, Jnly H. 18W. Notice. I hereby (Iron Unit tho followinff named settler has tiled liutlcoot his intention to rnako final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will Unnadn before ltCfcii-tcr or lleculTer HtAlltauco, Nob., on August -"J, 18'J(S, tUi JKNNlUC llOliiNSON, neeEvaw, of llox llutto. Neb., who- made H. K. No. 3.VS0, for tho so sflcl4, tpay n.itfiM w. She names tho lollnwlntr witnesses to provo her continuous rcsUlvnoo upon and cultivation of said laud, vizi Jlnglt is. Jones, of hemlnK ford, Neb., Jessie Harris, of Mainland, Neb., Ucortco L. Taylor, of Jlenungford, llcb., Henry Hhimck, o! Lawn, Nob. J. W. WKntf.Jn.. ltelstir. Lnnd Onlco at AHlanco, Neb., Jnly SJ, 18U0. Notieo Is ho ely e'von t.iat tho ioIIowiub named settler has tilod notice o( his lntontion to makp final proot In sitpport o' hlb claim, and toatsaiil proocwlll he iimrttf bc.oio Ucrfisixr and llecolvut' m. Alliance, Nub., on August 'JUtli, lbW.Tlr 1IJAWZ THANK, of 1 Amu, Neb., who mado il Ii No. fbiv for ii0 e WewH&wKso.'i 8eoi4,tp2o, rjol. Ho natiKH the following witnesses to prove his continuous i-cslilenco upon Bml cultivation of said land, vizi 1'iauk Caiia, ilen. Winten, Al Iwit iwriipa. of liawn, Nob., 1'ranK Ktajicok, of Alliance, Woo. Also, THAN!: ZILA, of Lawn, Neb., who wnido UK No. OSJforUio n 0 54 soo 13, vp 20, re is. Ho Humus tho following wltnosses to provo Ills continuous U'sidonce npnn ond cu'.tnutiou of ald lnd, vli: If nk evjlia, Henry Win en, A.lbo.Kroui'ftot t.an, Nob., t euklCrailcek, ot A'lianco, Nab. J. W. Wcuw, il ltujlsior. U. 8. Land OHIco, Allianco. Neb., Juno 16, WDO. Notieu is lurehy glvu that WILLIAM M. WADE, of LakoVlow, Iowa, has filed notice of intention to make linal proof boforo tho llegister or 1J eelver at hlsoffico in Allianco, Neb., on the 2Mh dayof JulylbtW, on tlmber-cultn o appllcatim No. T, for the o H n o hi & n i b 0 U. seo IO, tp 27 n, ralw. Ho names as witnesses: John P. Hazard, Charles A. l'osvar, Gideon A. Dickenson, oJ ""i neiiii oamuoi a. yriia, ot uanion, Woo. Also, Notieo is Imroby slven that tho follow ing named hottlor has riled notieo of his inten tion to make final proof iu support of hit claim at saino time and placo, iz: CHAMPS A. rOSVAH, of Lawn, Neb., ono of the heirs of Mathlas Pps- .. . J ' -.iyiiii.uv.i.ji, i,u lut LIIU OUT sou 8, tp27n, rg52w Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous rosldonce upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Albert Oronpa", John V. Haz ard, (lideon A. Dickenson, of Lawn, neb., Sam uol H. Wright, of Canton, Neb. Also Notieo is hereby given that LYl UllOUS 11UUVLS, Hewinnnsvlllo, 111., has filed uotico of Intention to tnaKu hnnl proot at t-aino timo and placo on timber culture application No Mi, for tho n 'i s w H, s o H t. w a ic n w U o sec 4, tp 35 n, rg Kt w. Ho unmes as witnesses: John .T. Lutsch, Henry Winten, John 1. Hazard, John Lort echer, all of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Wrox, Jr., llegistor. Ijitid Office at Alliance, ob., Juno 30, ItOrt, Notice is hereby ghen that the following named sottler has hied notice of his intention to mako final proof in support ot his Ualm and thpt said prtKit will bo mado boforo tho iieglslor or. Itoceher at Alliance, Nob., on AugUBt It), lbJil, viz: LUQliNL A. I'ATTEUSON, who mado II. 13. .1200 for the nw M seo 7, tp 20. Tf 47. Honamostho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Midland, viz: e. 11. 1'lupps, (.'. L. Valilrou, V. H.tJoddard.ftnckSodoMtrom, all of Dun lap, Neb. J. W. Weun, jb., KeglBter. 8ALK OF PUBLIC LAND. U. 8. Land OIHco, Alliance, Neb., Juno SO, 1690. Iotico is heroby given that, in pursuance of instruction from the Commissioner ot tho Gen eral Land Othce, under authority estel in him by section M4S3, U. 8. Itevised Statutes, as umendwl by tho act of congress approved Feb- ruBijr tu. iM. h wui proccea to oiter at public sale on tho bth tlay of August, next, at this of- l iraiuiiuwius unci Ql ISDU, lO-V.li;- nfillth liftlf it tttiimirf It. ac- ... Am ., ..t twelve, (U), tow;iflup twenty-fiie, (25), north ot rango fifty.(5ui, west of tho sixth principal meridian, in Neb -aska. npy aau a persons ciamilnsj aaverly to tho above-describod lauds aro adr bed to tlo their pininii in Mils tifflMi tin ..- lnn .l. .1... i designated for tho commsneement of said sale, uiucmiro luuir riKins win do lonciieu. v ,t t. J. W. Weun. Jn.. Hegister. 1 . M. nnooifE, llecoiver. People's Independent County Convontfon. The People's Independent elec tors of Box Butto county aro here by requested to elect and send del egates from their resneetive ro- cmcts, to meet in convention in tho city of Allianco, on Wednesday July 29, 189G, at 10 o'clock a. m., ior mo purpose or selecting livo delegates to tho state convention to bo held at Hastings, August 5, 1896. Also to select delegates to the congressional, sonalonal and representative conventions; also to uominato a candidate for coun ty attorney and to transact such Other business as may properly cijmo before tho convention. Tho basis of representation will be the same as tho lust convention, ir'tvutrr Nonpareil Box Butto Alliance Liberty Snake Creole 3 Runniugwatcr 4 G Dorbey 7 7 Lawn 4 3 Lake (j 2 Wright G Boyd 5 It is rccommentlnd Hint nn nrnT. ios bo allowed but that the dole gates present cast tho full vote of tho precinct. It is recommended that primaries for tho election of delegates to this convention bo held on Saturdry, July 25lh, at such time and placo as the com mitteeman shall decide. The precincts composing tho 2nd commissioner district will send delegates to tho district convention on July 29th, after county con vention. Claiik Olds, Committeeman. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat' entuuuncss conducted lor Modcnatc Fcts. oob orncc is Oppositi; U, b. patcntofficc and vecaatecure patent m la time than tWc remote from Waihfnirtoa. C A A.l-I Jt T 1 Lm. . t.l- J . tion. We advise, if lutenubls or not. Irm n( chaise. Our fee net due till patent is secured. A PAUPHLtT," How to Obtain l'atents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreisa countries seat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. k urr. patent orrici. washinotok, D. C. vVyyvviwvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvM'vvv0 I ll'''''''''' SfcJKJRrg i Mi imi f i i W T. mi t Ttw"!!MM:-''y'TOivii.'iMa.--' r .f-i. . ymj&&itmwAWmJH.4GiVSfi. .- ' '' ':, Closing . c a i t I have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. HERNCALL. K., $&w? Cil' ms' "Yo, the members of tho eight annual session of tho BosButte Countyt'Tcacher's Instituto, in ap preciation of tho many favors ex tended tp us in various wayp by the citizens of Alliance, tlo there fore resolve th(it our sincere and hoarly thanks bo tendered: 1. To the citizens of Allianco for tho kindly vrolcorao to thoir city ttnd courteous treatment during our stay and especially to Mrs. Mclutyre for tho reception Tues day ovening. 2. To tho Trustees of the M. E and U. P". churches for tho uso of their respective buildiugs for lec tures. 3. To the Young People's Union for tho social given on Friday evening July 10th. 4. To Bev. J. .Golden for his excelent sermon on Sunday, as it was a raro treat to the majority of those present. Cj.i.'o Bev. A. E. Bicker. Profes sors G. W. A. Luckey and J. M. Bennett for thoughtful interesting and instructive lectures. G. To Mrs. E. P. Tucker, Prof. J. N. Bennett and W. B. Siders their untiring efforts in our behalf. 7. To our pains-taking county superintendent for providing us such able and efficient instructors, through -whom we havo gained much knowledge and iuspirafion for our work tho coming year. 8. To the Board of Education for tho uso of tho school building and apparatus. 9. To Bridges Musical Union for music furnished. 10 To the local newspapers for the interest manifested nnd court esy shown Lastly but not leastly to Mr. P. H. Zoblc for his urgent invitation to tlje ball game between the "Clod hoppeis" and tho "Scrubs" which our in-oxorablo Co. Supt. would not lot us accept but which was nevertheless appreciated, And further be it res&lved, that a copy of these resolutions bo fur nished to each of tho county papers for publication. ( A. Muirhead, Ch'm. Pom.-JMrs.-E. E.Ford; ( Ina I. Marshall, Sec'y. All friends of poli ical prohi bition and roform are invited to meet in Crawford, Nebraska, Aug. 5th at 2 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of dLcusing the pseeent situation and issues, and organizing the wostorn counties of the state for aggressive work f or the cause of true reform. A. E. Rickeu, Chadron, A. Sherwood, Hcmingford. Tlio undersigned will take cattlo I to herd for the seamen of lS'JO, lit Fosket's ranch. Tonus, $1, for eta bon, fiom May 1st to Oct. 16th. : E, D. Pipbk. New Goods, Now Clothing, New Hats, Now Ties. at WILDY'S New Everything J n- r-rmtutm Oat .Sale!.. I ,f7. 3K1? r'tjflp't DISCOUNT SALE. I will sell trimmed goods at one fourth oil from marked price iiror dor to mako room for new goods. Now is tho time to get a hat cheap at tho millinery store ono door north of Wildy's. Miss L. Adams. - irtte 4ec of ?!. A Gorman forester, who Is considered as authority, says that tho oldest trees In Germany oro known to havo lived nearly COO ycare. Tho sliver fir has flourished for upward of 400 years, and tho evergreen oak has been known to live 410 years, wbllo other varieties of oak are from 315 to 320 years old. The larch has stood tho Btorms and shines of 275 yenrs, the red beech 245, the ash 170, tho birch 200, the aspen 220, the mountain maple 22B, tho elm 130 and tho red alder 145. THE OMAHA WORLD- HERALD Edited by x-ConcroBBmnn W. J. BRYAN Is the greatat newspaper west of the Missoxiri Jiioer. It advocates FREE SILVER at the present ratio of sixteen to one. Its news service is the best to bo' obtained. Daily, ?6 00 per year; 50 cents per month, Weekly, $1 00 par year. Subscriptions for th WORLD- HERALD received at this office THE rr CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE GPEAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will be sent postpaid to any addraaa alx daya a week for ono year for FOUR DOLLARS. The Chronicle la the moat ooneptouovia newapapor auo oeaa of the day, the dally cir culation oxoeadlns 70,000 ooploa and the Sunday olrou latlon xocedlna 100,000 oop lea. It la a flrot-olasa newa papor of ia and 10 pages (Sun day 40 to 48 pogoo) and la a atanoh supporter of sound demooratlo prinolplos. TERMS. tally (except Sunday) 1 year $4,00 Dally and Sunday. I year 6.00 Dally, 6 monlh (campaign odltlan) .... 2.00 Dally nd Sunday, 6 months 3.00 Dally, 2 months i.oo Dally and Sunday, 2 months 1.40 Dally, 1 month 50 Dally and Sunday, 1 month 76 Suniay.1 yew , 2.00 Saturday, 1 yaar 1.00 8amplo ooploa froo on appli cation. Address THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 104-160 Washington St., Ohlooko. III. VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT. Orcanlrln nnd Curry I nu Oat n More ment f ha liettrrment uf Xottih. ohh Ollmer Speed writes upon how to organize ond conduct a Village Im provement Society In Ladles' Home Journal. He prefaces his paper with the ntssertlon that the "futuro prosper ity of tho country vlllago depends, In a great measure, upon Its suitability for the summer residence ot thoso who pre fer, at that season, to leave tho hot nnd crowded cities," and argues further thai 'a Vlllago Improvement Society should he a pure democracy, and within its membership It should embrace every man and wqraan of good repute In the neighborhood, and besides thlB there should bo established an auxiliary league of children. This leaguo should be asked, and urged, and instructed to assist the main society. Stfch societies nro usually supported by fees and dues. This Is very well In n village where the majority of tho people are qulto pros-, perouB and usually havo a store of ready money at their disposal. J3ut even In such places I prefer tho matho"$" of supporting the society by 4dfreW voluntary subscription of mjn labor and material. Labor is Just a1 good as money, and Is given much mom freely by all save tfioso who are rich." After canvassing the mnCter Mr. Speed suggests a public meeting, to be . addressed by, some" ono familiar with, the details of the work, preceding pre liminary organization, and the adoption of a constitution. Permanent ofllcerV and committees should be named at tho first meeting, and precoding the second ono the first labor day should bo ob served. "On that day till tho men and tenms in tho village should congregate to work under the direction of the exec utive committee, and tho ladles of tho society should provide a picnic lunch eon for tho workers tliat day. In some untidy villages tho whole of tho first labor day might be given to cleaning up; in others the sidowalks might be put in better order, or pieces of now side walk constructed; in nearly every y'rt lnge It would be a good thing to put the grounds nnd fences of the publlo echoojhouso In ordor. But there aro al ways very obvious needs everywhere before the advent of tho village im prover. But what Is dono thHt day should bo dono with some thorough ness, and tho noonday luncheon Is apt to Invest the day with some of the char acteristics of n festival. What (s dono will bo discussed In ovcry house oJ tho village, and tho achievements will In spire confldonco or provoke criticism." t WASHINGTON'S MARRIED LIFE. tlrs. Wellington's Mother Soaron Con tributed to the Ilarmotiy... "There Is every reason to believe that Washington's married life wasioao of Increasing happiness and satisfaction," writes General A. W. Greely, U. S. A., in Ladles' Home Journal. "Untortu ntoly his letters to his "wife wcro de stroyed by her. But there are eifflclent allusions In his general correspondence to Indicate that they grow -together with declining years, and that both liU3baad and wife showed that consid eration toward, and respect ior, each other which aro the soundest guaran tees ot marital happiness. Olnco cir cumstances did not permit? frequent visits of his wlfo to her relatives wo und Washington Inviting 'Ler mother mother to come to Mount v Vernon ns her homo. It does not appear that this introduction added to theMiarmony 6C the household, or if it did tho admis sion of other women, ro'atives of hus band and wife, did not. 'In this respect Washington, writlig latpr about his niece living at Mount Vqrnon, speaka of his love for her, but ho says: 'I will never again hate two women in my house when I am thero"'myself.' Mrs. Washington proved an vjufalllng sup port to her husband in camp or court, in peace or war, and Washington had her happiness and comfort always at heart. Hla field service was lrksomo only as entailing constant uneasiness on the part of his wife. Of the many instances of his tender solicitude for her uncertain health there is none moro touching than that connected with his fatal illness. Attacked 'suddenly and. seriously after mldnlgh' Washington's malady was at least hastened by his unwillingness that his wlfo should In cur the risk of a cold by rising during the bitter winter night to relieve bis suffering." The Illryclo Ulass. The desructiou of 1,700 bicycles in Boston by fire the other day la a great loss to the worl'X but happily one that Is soon repaired,: If 17,000,000 bicycles had been suddenly wined out they would hardly hftve been missed In this whirling nge In which we live. But the Imagination grows pale, halts, stumbles and falls dead In at attempt to picture tho utter helpfulness of society If all the blcydjea woro to be destroyed. Trade and commerce would be par alyzed, pleasure would be turned to pain, the heavens would roll together aa a scroll and chaps and old night would come again. The bicycle (a hera. and here must It remain. Now" .York Advertiser. ' The Ptrcnctli of Ire. The following estimate of th Etrcnfeth of' lee la plvn In Haswell'a "Kngtiuers' nnd Merhanle' Pocket Eork " "Kp two Irenes thick will ooar Infantry, four In'hes thick will bear caialry, lx inches thick will sustain, heavy guns, eight inches thick will bear 10,000 pounds to the square foot. Gold VTodurtlon of tho Trunivaal. The great feature in the modern Ufa of the Transvaal Is the working of gold. Tho production of last year of this met al v.ab 2.2C5.853 oz., showing an Increase ot 65l,60d'oz. as compared with ISitf. & V 'fctfi.-f'1 "Z-zzssrmngnimfinmf i'yre-i