Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 24, 1896, Image 6

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    t -", t-.t. Kwm-
T might havo ro
tnnlnod thcro a
long time, Ticket's
now hat, If Mrs.
Picket did not ro
poftt evory tlmo
hor oyos foil upon
"What In tho
world possessed
you to buy nnothcr
new hat, when you
loavo It there for vcoks without your
opoutng the box It came In?"
"But," Bald Picket, "I have not worn
It becauso you keep tolling mo that
ray old one looks all right."
"Yes, and you already havo twenty
eovon hats that you havo quit wear
ing, and you loavo them in tho closet
cov.o'rod with dust. What In tho world
do 'ou keep them for? Why don't you
throw thohi away?"
"throw them away! And yet you
know very well that you never throw
anything away. You would not throw
away a match that had been already
lighted. You'ro so fond of saying, 'It
might conio In handy.' "
"Well," Bald Mrs. Picket, "It Is truo
that I never throw away things that
might cdmo In handy, but how can old
hats over como In handy? What sonso
Is thcro In piling up old hats which aro
of no uso to anyone, when thcro are so
many poor creatures who walk tho
strcots barefooted?"
"But," said Picket, "I havo not worn
"my hats on their baro feet."
"I don't aeo anything funny In that,"
said M"rs. Picket, Icily. "You know
what rmean. You needn't pretend
that you don't undorstnml me. Why
don't you send for an old clothes man,
and Boll him your old hats?"
"Lnover think of It."
'Td like to know whnt you do think
of.V I don't think you think at all.
Buh-do as you please. Buy new hats,
wear them, don't wear them. It's
yodr own affair." Mrs. Picket con
cluded by saying', "You make mo
tlr.ed," and she retired from the room,
slamming tho door with a vlolenco
which mado tho chandelier rattle.
'Slich is married life," said tho
stupoflcd Picket gaztng after his wife.
"Whether I do a thing or don't do It,
I am certain not to plcnso my wife.
Takb that now hat for example
'What did you buy It for,' said she,
'when you never wear It?' nnd tho first
day" that I put it on to go out, alio will
bo sure to say: 'What aro you wear
ing your new hat for when tho other
ono is all right?' "
sbmo days afterward Picket said to
hlSAvlfo, "I am going out."
"Indeed!" said Mrs. Picket. "Where
aro you going?"
"I am going to see poor Marley, who
Is 111."
"And 'do you put on your now hat to
eco poor 'Marley?"
"Just what I expected you to Bay,"
replied Picket. "Yes, that la what I
am going to do. I am going to wear
my hat. Seo?"
"Well, why don't you throw your old
ouft$n tho closet with the others?"
With rising rage Picket took up his
old hat, opened the closet door, and
hurled tho venerable hat with much
vlolenco into the closet.
"There," said he. "I hopo you will
give me a rest on this hat business."
"That makes tho twenty-eighth," re
plied Mrs. Picket, with a burst of sar
donic laughter.
Picket went out. He stnrted toward
Marley's house, but he had scarcely
gone moro than a couplo of blocks
when It began to rain.
"There,"sald tho unfortunate Picket,
"just my luck! Beginning to rain. Got
a new hat on nnd no umbrella."
Ho started In to a neighboring door
way to wait until the shower should
cease, and as ho did so, a man carrying
a loug plank on his shoulder turned.
und swept tho unfortunate Picket's hat
from his head into the gutter.
Cursing like a pirate, tho luckloss
Pickot pursued his new hat, and res
cued it from the gutter, much damaged,
nnd covered with mud. A passing
good Samaritan stopped and said to
"There's a hattor a couple of doors
up tho street there; ho'll brush it off,
and touch it up with tho iron, and It
will bo all right."
"Thank you," said Pickot, and ho re
paired to tho hattor'B. When he had
his hat polished he stood upon tho
doorstop for a moment, and not wish
ing again to expose his hat to tho fury
of the elements, ho determined to Btep
into a friendly restaurant next door,
whero ho would wait until the Btorm
was over. Ho went In, seated himself
at a table, hung up his hat on one
of tho hooks over his head, ordered a
sandwich, and began to look over tho
paper. But he could not tako his
mind away from tho satirical welcome
which he knew his wlfo would ex
tond to him when ho returned with the
damaged hat. However, the Rubicon
had to bo crossed. Thu rain had
ceased. He rose, and still reflecting on
his wifo's reception, took a hat from
the hook, and was about to go, when
two waiters camo up to him, and
grabbed him by tho collar.
"Now wo'vo got him," said one.
"Yes," said tho other, "wo hnvo got
him now. This Is tho man who baa
been stealing hats."
Picket, paralyzed with astonishment,
protested. "What! I steal hats!" ho
eald. "Whnt do you mean?"
"You will have an opportunity to ex
plain this at tho pollco station," was
tho reply, and tho proprietor, who had
whistled for a policeman at tho door,
turned him over to tho hands of a
blue-contod guardian of tho peaco.
Tho unfortunato Picket was yanked
along tho street, followed by a crowd
of passers-by, who applauded his ar
rest, and a number of strcot boys, -who
signified their disapproval moro forci
bly by hurling mud at him. When tho
party reached tho pollco Btatlon tho
proprietor of tho restaurant mado his
complaint to tho sergeant there.
"That's tho man," said he. "For th
last two weeks somo scoundrel has
been coming to my restaurant, and
whenever ho goos out somebody misses
a hat. Now wo'vo got him. There ho
is. This is tho thief. We caught him
in tho very act."
"But I was Blmply mistaken in tho
hat," cried Picket. "If I were stealing
a hat, I would havo two hero, but I
haven't. This is not mine, but you
will find mino hanging on tho hook."
"Yes," said tho restaurant man, "I
know. Ordinarily you wero in tho
habit of carrying a gripsack, in which
you put tho other hat. This timo you
camo without it."
"But I am, an honest man," persisted
tho unfortunato Picket. "I am well
known. Let tho officer go to my house,
and ho will see." He gavo his name
and address, and tho sergeant, waver
ing In tho faco of his protestations,
sent an officer to accompany him to
tho address given. In about half an
hour tho offlcor returned, bearing an
enormous pile of hats,
"Hero, sergeant," said the latter,
"see what I found in the fellow's
house. His wife had gone out, and It
wnB tho servant who let mo in."
"Well," said tho sergennt, severely,
still deny that you aro a hat thief?"
gpzlng at tho gigantic pile of hats.
"I deny it. I deny it In toto," said
the unfortunato Picket. I bought
those hats. I don't wear them, but I
bought them."
"You don't wear them? What in tho
world enn you do with twenty-eight
"Well, you see, my wlfo has always
told mo to sell them to an old clothes
man. I never think of It; I am so for
getful. Why, today, I even forgot my
umbrella. I never had any head."
"You have no head? What do you
want with twenty-eight hnts then?"
But at this moment a weeping wom
an entered tho pollco Btatlon. It was
Mrs. Picket. Sho had heard from the
servant of tho plight in which her
luckless husband was placed and came
and told tho pollco sergeant who he
was, and that the hatB were really his.
But was Picket grateful to her?
Hardly. Ho wished a thousand times
that sho had not heard about his mis
adventure, and that ho had succeeded
In going through all the pains and hor
rors of a pollco court rather than she
should And him there with the twenty-eight
hats twenty-eight mute wit
nesses of her superior judgment star
ing him in the face. Ho said to him
self, montnlly: "Never shall I hear
tho last of those twenty-eight hats."
Ho never did. In fact, ho got it
morning, noon and night. He had it
with his breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Ho had It with his soup. Ho had It
with his nightcap. Ho had It with his
morning slippers. And whenever the
rain began falling, and poor Picket
would Incautiously say:
"What dreadful weather!"
"Yes," Mrs. Picket would reply, "ex
actly the same kind of a day as when
you got rid of your twenty-eight hats."
How the Government Soctireil Lot of
Snake, uiul Monkey.
From tho Buffalo Express: The sov
ereign power of the government has
won a victory In a legal con
troversy which Is ofllclally labeled
"the United States vs. seventeen boxes
of snakes and twenty-three monkeys."
It was a peculiar case, and appears to
have bepu tho outcome of tho Jealousy
of a clique of importers of snakes
and monkeys in Now York toward a
rival. The members of the clique
mado up their minds that they would
not tolerate a new dealer, who might
become a formidablo competitor in the
market. When they wero called on ab
experts to fix valuations they named
their estimates so high that tho con
signee of tho snakes and monkeys
could not afford to pay the duty as
sessed. Government officials did not
know how to tako care of the goods.
Snakes should have a bath every day,
and these did not got tho proper treat
ment. Tho monkeys, too, wero not
well cared for. Tie result Is" that
about all tho reptiles are now dead,
and tho decision of the court Is that
tho government need not make good
the largo loss of tho consignee. This
may be good law, but wherein tho Jus
tice of It consists it Is Impossible to
Huff They Flili In Holland.
Dutch fishermen make astonishing
catches by means of the following very
simple plan: They put a number of
live worms and insects in a bottle par
tially filled with water and cork it
securely. Tho bottle is dropped into
the water, the fisherman sinking hU
lines alongside. It appears that the
sight of the wriggling contents' of the
bottle so excites the appetltles of the
finny tribes that they fall easy victims
to the baited hooks.
Current Note, of tlio Modes For n
Clever Woinnn Similarity In the Prop
ertlei of New Droit Material For
Young Girl.
T takes a clever
woman to draw
forth tho admira
tion of women by
her perfect dress
ing, but a still clev
erer woman It 13
who can command
tho simplicity in
her toilet which all
men so much ad-
miro. Sho realizes
by this very acquirement that sho bo
comes an object of rldlculo among her
femlnlno friends, yet thoro aro women
cf sufficiently strong mind to do it.
Thoy will eschew all elaborate toilets
and confine themselves to dainty, sim
ple things In which they appear years
younger than they really aro. It is
always a girl's ambition to reach an
ago whero she may wear all tho finery
icstrlcted to the matron, but there
comes a tlmo when such gowning
grows irksome nnd sho has the com
mon seiiBo to see that utter sim
plicity In dress is what sho needs to
make her seem young again. By this
is not meant a childish mode, but slm-ply-mado
garments that tend to bring
out her good points. Too long a skirt
adds years to ono's appearance, just
as an ill-fitting or unbecoming waist.
There are so many lovely materials in
tho market this season that it would
cem nn easy matter to securo Just
what one wishes.
An effective model is Bhown made up
in shiny black alpaca. The skirt is
cut en Paquin, quite wldo and sharply
gored to give the desired whirl. It 13
lined throughout with rustling white
taffeta, finished at the foot by a row of
narrow frills. The round bodice Is fn
blouso effect, with a snugly fitted back
and entirely covered itli odd scrolls
of white honlton lace, surrounded by
liny Jet beads. There 1b a belt and
broad stock of crushed black taffeta
fastened at tho back with jet orna
ments. The bouffant sleeves droop to
tho elbow and have a loosely wrinkled
lower arm, spreading over the hand in
a deep point. Chicago Chronicle.
New Ire Miiterlnls.
"My dress will bo lined with green
taffeta." or "with pink silk" or "with
white." It doesn't matter what feml
nlno gathering you attend; you aro al-
ways sure to hear some girl telling of
her dress lining.
The fact of iho matter is, to bo thor
oughly up to date this year of our
Lord one must have a silken lining to
the gown. And to make tho silken
lining effective it must be placed be
hind some matorlal sheer enough io
let the glint of tho silkon sheen creep
through the weave of the dress ma
terial. Canvas, either wool or silk; etamlno,
gauzo and net aro the newest matorlals
for afternoon gowns. As a rule colors
aro selected, leaving to the lining the
task of supplying that brilliancy of
color bo essential to an 18U6 gown.
Unfortunately for the lean of purse,
these gowns aro expensive. Tho ma
terials cost heavily and no cheap sa-
0 MufzX9l m& EfcZ)
s. . Tffer .r vv, Km
teen will fill the place of the silken
lining. One may a3 well not attempt
to wear a modish gown as to try to get
ono up cheap.
A gown made by a certain well
known dressmaker of New York Is of
green canvas. Tho bktYl and Jacket are
lined throughout with pongee, tho
same matorlal being used to form ro
vers for tho Jacket, while tho pleasing
effect Is heightened by tho changcablo
green taffeta bodlco worn with tho cos
tume. A green hat, with yellow jon
quils, adds tho finishing touch.
Another costume is of biscuit-colored
canvas, lined with rose taffeta. Tho
bodlco Is tight-fitting In the back and
opens in front to reveal a vest of gold
thread embroidery. Abovo this vest a
yoko of biscuit-colored chiffon Is softly
laid, flanked each sldo by a rover of tbj
embroidery. The collar, of deep, butter-colored
lace, has a fan adornment
under each ear.
In the sleeve is shown tho mousquc
talrro model, which is slowly but surely
undermining the big sleeve. It is mado
of chiffon matching the box-plaited
uche which finishes tho bodlco at tho
bottom. Tho latest in Chicago Chronicle.
Variety In 81ionltlcr Covering.
Tho short capo of silk, taffeta or
satin is the legitimate sort of fancy this
season. It is of a brevity that allows
tho Blenderncss of the waist to be visi
ble and it widens tho shoulders in splto
of drooping sleoves. When it is mado
in black it glitters with jet and is
adorned with black gauzo plaltlngs or
ruffles and knots of satin or ribbon.
When the domain of color is entered
there is no limit to tho elaboration.
There are openwork arrangements over
bright silk linings, applications of laco,
beads and embroidery and innumerable
constructions more or less complicated,
in plaited or ruffled gauzo or chiffon.
The collars of capes match them In ex
travagance. Tho larger number of
these on fine capes aro lined with an
application of white guipure.
Lace is greatly favored at present.
White, ecru and yellow varieties are all
employed and black valenciennes Is a
new and highly desirable development
for summer gowns of nainsook and
muslin. If the goods themselves can
be dyed l fast black there is no reason
why so valuable a wash lace should
not be treated in tho same way, and
this year's fine dimity costumes prove
that it has been done satisfactorily.
This fact receives additional import-
aiico from the other fact that black and
white continues to ho very fashionable
this summer and it is by no means
confined to half-mourning wardrobes.
A sketch is given of a costume cf
black satin adorned with spangled mo
tifs in steel blue. Tho godet skirt Is
plain, save for the spangled adorn
ment. The blouse bodice is gathered
at the yoke and belt. The yoke itself
droops over the shoulders and is
trimmed with spangles and outlined
with spangled galloon. Epaulets of
galloon terminate In pampilles of Jet.
Tho crenelated collar is of. white satin.
The balloon sleeves, extending only to
the elbows, are trimmed with spanglos.
Keeping rinirer l'renli.
The process of crystallizing flowers
is simple and can bo satisfactorily ac
complished by anyone who has artistic
Bklll. Arrange some basket forms of
any desired pattern wlh pliable copper
wire and wrap them with gauze. Into
tho bottom of these tie violets, ferns,
geranium leaves In fact, any flowers
except full-blown rosesand sink them
in a solution of alum of one pound to a
gallon of water. Walt until the solu
tion has cooled, as the colors will then
be preserved In their original beauty,
and the crystallized alum will hold
them faster than when formed In a
hot solution. When you have a light
covering of crystals that completely
envelop tho articles, remove and allow
to drip for twolve hours. These bas
kets make a unique ornament and long
preserve their freshness
Madrid schools aro so bad that Ger
man residents of tho city havo united
to establish a school where their chil
dren may obtain as good as education
as in moro civilized parts of Europe
for a reasonable outlay of money.
.1,1 ,
Improved Klnttlc Stocking.
Tho ordinary elastic stocking which
is used as a praventivo in tho frequent
cases of varicoso veins, has been won
derfully improved upon by a recent in
vention termed tho "Lattice" clastic
stocking1 an4 legging, whero an open
work, Jntticc-lilco arrangement is fol
lowed with the best poRslblo ' results,
not only where the iminediato comfort
is concerned, but in tho subsequent ac
tion upon the vein. At the same time
nil tho necessary protection and sup
port is given, and ft may also bo men
tioned that tho red rubber used is a
special preparation which has been
proved to be tho softest and most com
fortable obtainable.
Trnru-MUslsitppt Inventor.
Amongst tho Trans-Mississlppl in
ventors who received patents during
past week were Joseph J. Burke, Wil
bur, Nebraska, lawn-mower knife
sharpener; Emil R. Uravor, Alliance,
Nebraska, sifting apparatus; Richard
Evans, Mitchell, South Dakota, cutter
bar for harvesting machinery; James
D. Wiltfong, Glenwood, Iowa, bedstead
brace and mattress support; Frederick
O. Weeks, Lyons, Iowa, railway time
nnd station indicator; William II. Scott,
What Cheer, Iowa, pick; and Joseph A.
llckenthnlcr, Cushlng, Iowa, shield f6r
corn cultivators.
Amongst the noticcablo inventions
are found a combination f uso block nnd
lightning arrester; a perpetual calender
for watches: a safety pin; a beefsteak
tenderer; a toy balloon; a. gear combi
nation to propel bicycles; an apparatus
to produce moon effects upon stages; a
walking toy; a pueumatlc cushion for
crutches; a racing sulky; a tack ham
mer provided with a magazine feeding
tho tacks to the hammer head; a sim
ple milk can cleaner; a tool for packing
piston rods; a sounding post for music
al instruments; and a campaign hand
kerchief. Inventors desiring' free information
rclattvo to patents can obtain tho same
in addressing Sijes & Co., United States
Patent Solicitors, Beo Building, Omaha,
How to Keep Tie.
When pies aro to bo kept over until
tho second day after baking, it is a
wlso plan to brush the under crust
with a beaten egg, then to put the tin
or dish on the ice for half an hour.
After that put in tho filling of the pie
and bake quickly. This will keep the
crust from getting soakqd.
Tratel With it Friend
Who will protect you from tho-u enemies
nausea. Intllsrstltm, malaria sin J tlio sick
ness rrortucod by rocl.lu: on tlio un. nnd
sometimes by Inland trneilu? oor tlio
rougn lcus oi m jam r:i iroaiis. much u
friend Is Ho'-tutlorB tomnch Hitlers.
Ocean mariners, yueli'snien. commercial
and theatrical admits and lourlsts tettlfy
to tho protci'ilto potency of this oirectlvo
Hafegunrd, which conquer also rhoumat Ism,
ner outness anu niiiloiisness.
Keep Him ut Home.
Mrs. Yeast: "I wish I could think of
something to keep ray husband home
at nights." Mrs". Critnsonbeak: "Get
him a bicycle." Mrs. Yeast: "That
would take him out more than ever."
Mrs. Crimsonbcak: "Oh, no, it
wouldn't. My husband got one day
before yesterday and the doctor says
ho won't be out for a mouth." Yon
kers Statesman.
A Child EnJoy
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, nnd
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when
in need of a laxative, and if the father
or mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow Us use; so that
it is the best fnmlly remedy known and
every family should have a bottle.
No Trouble to Kxpliiln.
"Little boy," said tho meditative old
gentleman who had just bought a pa
per, "why is it you always say. Horri
ble murder on the Nortlt Side,' or 'on
the South Side,' or 'on tho West Side,'
but when somebody kills himself you
never say what 'side' it happened on?"
l'Causc everybody knows its sui
cide," answered the dirty-fuced newh
boy. "Morninin' paper! All 'bout the
hor'blc murder on the North Side!"
My doctor s-altl I would die, hut Pico's
Cure for Consumption cured tue Amos
Kelner, Cherry Vulloy, Ills., Nov. LU, "J5.
One of Ills Worm iitturk.
"When a. man becomes a parent for
tho first time," said Asbury Peppers,
without the slightest excuse, "as I
baid, when a man becomes u parent tho
fact ut once becomes apparent by his
undignified actions, which I may ven
ture to say do not become a parent.
Pass the butler, please," Cincinnati
Hall' Catarrh (Jure
Is taken internally. Price, T3c.
It MnrcK 1 hem On.
A teacher giving lessons on pbyhical
force, when he hud finished, asked,
"Is'ow, boys, can any of you toll me
what force it is that mocb people
along' the streets'.'" lie wa& greatly
surprised, and the class highly amused,
at receiving from ono of the boys tlio
unexpected answer. "Please, sir, tho
police force."
How to (irniv -10c YVhriit.
Salzer's Fall Seed Catalogue tolls
you. It's worth thousands to tho
wideawake farmer. Send 1-cent stamp
for catalogue and free samples of
pruins and grasses for fall sowing.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., LaCros&e,
The patent lentlier slipper novcr lose Its
hold ou feiuiuiue funcy.
FITS stopped free nnil ivrminU v r U. n
(Its nhi r tlrt !. i or Ilr. Kline's O- at r e
Keitorer. KnaMn ailwtiWnnl tirat.o lta'
elousiun JDiuKumi.USI ArvUtt. riAa-ejpU-a.I'a
Dou't expect a lump to net right if it is
i not proj erly cleaned.
It tho i:euy Is Cutting Teetn.
Seiure i:..'CetnatoM and well-tried remedy, Mns.
ei'usLow't Sooimxo Brnfr for CUlJren Tcetldos-
It is very cry for nn un ucky man to
drift Into noslott to pay his bills.
aeii low
to loin.
deal with,
its windmill
.ono near you.
A Story of Colorado Gold.
Tho most unique and instructive
book yet published about tho gold and
other features of Cripple Creek District
hns just been Issued by 0. W. Craw
ford, publisher, Masonic Temple, Chic
ago. 111. Every page Is illustrated
with original pictures in three colors,
made for this work by Mr. E. M. Rico,
tho sketch genius of tho Rockies. lb
is a complete exposition of Crlpplo
Creek Gold, telling whero it is found,
how it is found, whero it is milled,
how it is treated, how it is paid for; all
about mines, titles, camping in the
mountains and Cripplo Park's wonder
ful Appollnarls Springs, which tho
Indians called Quleeka and of which
they said, "If you drink tho waters
always, you will livo always." in
printing and illustration It is a worknf
high art. Wo are not surprised to
learn that tho second edition is in
press, for it is a book from which tlio
oldest miner may got information abd
entertainment ns well. Price, 50c., But
If you will send fivo nnmes and id
dresses of friends and 25c., stamps) or
silver, to the publisher, it will bo snt
postage paid.
Appcndictis la getting old fashioned. Tho
farmoni aro getting it.
Itesults proro Hood's Sarsnpnrllla tho best
blood purifier, appetizer and nerve tonic la fact
I the One Truo Illood l'urlder. All druRfiUtn. fL
Hood's Pillft euro all Liver Ills. 25 cents.
Drink HIRES Roolbeer
when yotire hot; when
yoiCre thirsty ; when callers
come. At any and all times
drink HIRES Rootbccr.
M&1 onlr by Tht ChtrtM K. film Co.. rhllfclclphli.
A Sic pcka; mtVet & fiUoos. SoUeYfrywbcre.
The Greatest Hedical Discovery
of the Arc.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy tlut cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred lertificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them: the same with the Liver
or Bowels. Tnis is caused by the ducts
being stopped, ana always disappears in a
week after taking it. Read the label.
If the stomach is foul or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enougli of it
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
Notre I)iiki Inttlunu.
FallCnarif In C tte. Lrttr, 8 ', law, Clttl, JW
chUU nl Hfflrlrtl fc.cUtrlv Throfh Vrtpkrtttrj
and nmrt til Court Ko.im I r to all students who
havo eoinplttflj lhettutlle irquliml fur it)mtilaii Into
the Junior or Srnlor Year, of any of hv Collegiate
Couie. A UmitoJ numbvr of Candidate tor the
K cJenlantU-al rtnte wilt be rcelt-U at special ntei,
M. dirtiB Htl, or!ioyu dor 13 yent is unique In
(.ompivtcne f tt rqutpmcnU Th lOJlli Term Mill
Upell fcptntitr 6th, lbO LiUlotu'ft M Ut f on ftppll
ntlonto IHtY 1UT. 1. auitttlSSKV, C.S.I,, rretldrat,
yoinv Dint, ll).
NI.,IONKtII, no.
Tho coune of lntrurtton lti till academy, conducted
bj tlio Kellefnus of tlio Sacred lleurt, embraced the
wholi' ranne of xubJecU ncccniry Io constitute a aolid
and utlni-il education. rroprMy or deportment, n.r.
sonal nealni and tho principle i of morality are ob
ject or uncraslni; uttrntlon. hxtetnlve ground !
ford tho ptiplln evtry facility for u'ftil btlliy eiep.
ct0 their health Is an nbjut of conmant nullcitude,
and In alckncio they are attended with malernal caie.
fall toimoncm Tuoiday, Sept 1. Terms for scrnlon
of S .month, payable in advance, 111, till Include
tuition, twiaid Manning rouriuN In Fiench Merman
or Lntln.iM, of llbiar and phvnlclaii'a feo, Kor fur
ther particular address. THE U I'KItlOII.
Academy Sacred Heart. St. Joseph, Mo,
Examination and.Advlce o ti I ntcntabl'lty of In
vention, bend for'lnvontol' (lutde.tr How toQtta
Patent." O'l'AUUKU. it HON. Wa.b.nifton, V. C.
want men iv rywluro to SKLL
(Tints Tnrrc millions to-t-
01 Aim intCOtd proren
"abwlutelybest "Supcrhoiitflts,
nowytcm STAltKllltOTllfllS,
Louisiana. Mo., Kockt-oitT, lu.
niTCiiTe Mraii experience. Rcndnketchforad.
IMlLIIIO. m, t, Ih.uh'.im.i pnn.t xuminerU.S.
1'at.OIUt.uj IK-U.UO a. Weat er, ilvUUI llldg ,VV sU.l.C
X5S'3MJ: Thompson's Eye YateN
n&Hfltf m"d WHISKY "' ""i. '"l
eJfrSUllI IIIIK. Dr. 11.31. nixnm, ATLIMA, CX.
I WHf flfc i
ELbfc LAIlb.
oujh Syrup,
t tlmo. Sold
V. N. U., OMAHA 30-1800
When writinn to advertisers, kindly
mention this paper.
the farmer sells Is low. Who
iDiumi' we nave reDeaieair reiusea
and. therefore, defeated windmill combi
ana oze. since -eg. reaucca ine cost oi
wind newer to one-sixth what it was.
' Wn helievn in low nrices. hl?h pradfta
AXBrrxVldrf nrA I,,0m calM hfn fin Lnnwc h
best pump or prices until he knows
tours, wu make toon nana ana long
I Dower stroko Dumps, wttn best seam-
CHlCln, ets Dris 'uk c) Under, lower than
'" iron ones a 3Mz lb men ai ix. leu
dealer, lluynoneotuer. Aermotorcricesana
are m wn vs dcsi. i nroucn crauiuac. ana
we are price makers, and are satast to
the world has civen us more than nail
business. Wo have ao branch nouses
Writ for Usatlfully Ulattntsd dnalu.
y .V