" Q tf ) r"ft$ltJ Ikfttlk VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1896. NO. 22 I - i f The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Published every Friday and entered tit tho poBt-ollicn In Ilemlnpford, Nebraska, ns second class mall mntter. The Herald is devoted to tlm Intercstn ot Ilerulncford and Box Butte county. TIIOS. J. O'KBEPE, Publisher. BUBsciiiPTiON hates: ONE YEATl flW BIX MONi'HB W COUNTY OFFICERS. F. M. Pttxi.rs i .....C'Jerk. a. m. Mtt.i.vn . Treasurer. Jar. H. II. Hewett l'."11??- E. P. Kweknkv Hhrrltl. 11. K. Oilman Attorney. Miss A. E. Neeland .Superintendent. CUAR.liHANiC Surveyor, Dn.W.K. MtLt.cn .Cor.oP0r I)n. L.W. Bowman ....... Fhsician. Jameh Bamit CommUnloner 1st IJist. Jas. Holmnbake.... Commissioner 2nd liiat. G. W. DusCAN Commissioner 3rd DIbL JSow Short Lino to Holeua, Butto Spokane, Seattle unci Tacoma. CK I. & "W. O. Time Card, KABT BOUND. No. 11. pftBsnncer arrives at 1:10 a. rn, " tefrolclit " " 6:0o p.m. " 18 rtolKht nrrlvus at .0:10 u. in. WEST BOUND. No,4l"hnsRenBer arrives at 4:1s a.m. " Mfrulcht " ll:S5 p. ni. 7 frulRht arrlvos at 3:35 p. ni All tralnu curry pasRonRors. W. Si. CorELAND, Agonr MAIL DIRECTORY. lIzMitiaronD postotllce. On week days door opens at 7 a. m., general delivery opens at b a. ni. Slid closes at 8 p.m. Open Sundajs 0 to 10 a.m. IlEMiNOFonD AND Box Butte etagodally except Sunday. HKMlNfironD AND Dunlap Btage, Monday Wednesday and Friday. L. W. BQWHAN Pny&jcian and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB, Office rooms and residence in Praver block, up stairs. ' Special attention given to dis eases of children. F. E. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker -AND- Jeweler, ALLIAVGE, NEU. (B. & M. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Orders left at the Herald office will recoive prompt attenljqi). -';-'' r TTJTTLE & TASH Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. Ata meeting o( the boanl of trnfteos of tlio Tillage ot Hemingford. Nebraska, held June It),' 1R9I5. Tho probable amount of money necessary to be raised to defray for all purposos the ex penses of taid vl lingo for tho eiiHiiing fisca M'ar, was estimated by said board as follows: For calary of illagoattornoy 50 00 " " " clerk fiutti " " ' overser of streets.. 40UO " " " treasurer 10 00 " printing 3M " stationery WOO " Incidental expenses iQw Total $230 00 Tho total revenues of tho village for the ear ending the first Tuesday in May 1806, are as fol lows: Taxes collected on the taxable property of aid village &240.U2. Dated June IB. 1806. , , Samuel Switzer, Attest: Chairman Board of Trustees. W. M. Iodence, Village Clerk. ESTRAY. Strayed from my' placo six miles nortlieast of Hemingford, tho last of March, one iron grey bald-faced mare, weight about 1100. A lib eral rowara will bo paid for recov ery of same. A. Felder. li. u Having purchased of J. M. Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON KING" and his French coach stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand them duriug tho season at my farm, six miles west and two north of Hemiufrford. Tonus, $5 to in sure These stallioiiB are too wdll known to need further description. A. S. Enykaut. OLD PAPERS 5cls a dozen, at The Herald office. H. R. Groon was seriously ill yestorday. Mr. John Sullenberger, of Marsland, was in tho city yester day. Mr. E. O. Sheldon has tho finest young colt wo have seen his year. Miss Susie-Frazier will teach tho school at Lone Tree tho com ing year. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thoon, July 17, 1896, a boy, weight eleven pounds. D. Vincent and wife of Run ningwater, were the guests of Rev. J. W. Kendall Tuesday. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parkins, July 21, 1896, a girl, usual woight. All parties doing nicely. " B,ox Butte county has been visited with splendid rains tho past week which will greatly benefit corn and potatoes. Mrs. Bertha Bowman and Miss Woods of Hay Springs, aro visit ing tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Volney Curtis, this week. Gold bug headquarters at Tash & Tutilo's. Silver camp at Billy Bean's drug store. "Viows" ex changed at either placo, free of chargo. Prof. Worden has closed his art studio at Crawford and is taking a much needed vacation. He is visiting in Hemingfdrd at present. ;.: v' - Up to time of going to press no one has been nominated at tho St. Louis convention. Tho timo seems to be consumed hi Twrw KUTlrns. . . v "V -"Mrs.'3arlow gave a, picnic-,io her Sunday school class at her' pleasant homo Tuesday after noon. Tho little folks had an enjoyable time. Several old line republicans in this vicinity liave become "Tel lorized" and say thoy have sever ed connections with McKinley who l-epresonts Wallstreot & Co., of New York. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gilman, Misses Neejand and Frazicr, and C. J. Wildy were passengers on 41 this morning for a week's out ing at Hot Springs, Custer and other points in the Hills. Clarence Curtis, one of our first settlers, arrived in town yesterday from Iowa, having come most of tho way on his wheel. He will visit relatives and friends for several days. There will be a temperance meeting at the Methodist church next Sunday evening to which every one is invited. The ex orcises will consist of tcinper anco songs, recitations, readings and etc. Rev. T. P. Haley, of Alliance, is in town to day. He ws ac companied by Rev. E. S. Mue nich, lately of Jefferson, Wis., who will be Father Haley's as sistant and have chargo of this parish. Dr. Blanchard will start for Goring Monday whore ho will do some dontal work. Mr. Blanch ard is a number one dentist and The Hehald takes pleasure in recomonding him to tho people of Goring. The Hemingford and Alliance ball teams "doubled up" and wont to Chadron yestorday where they thoy will play two games and then play tho colored boys at Fort Robinson. Those who went, were G. M. and Harvo Goodonough, Luke Phillips. Jim Pinkerton, Hemingford; E. Pres ton, Will Grogan, E. Brown, M. O'Connor, H. Miller, Alliance. G. J. Scharff returned frdm his western trip this weok. He has been as far out as tho Yellofv stono park and saw Mossors Lib' by, Huot and Jpnos' at Bozemntfc He says times are very dull there and will be until after olection. '. Wedding Bells. ' -' Chas. M. Lotsileich and Miss Izetta Bond wore united in mar liago Tuesday jjuly 21, at resi dence of A. S. Enyeart, Roy. J. W. Kendall officiating. Mr. aiid Mrs. Lotspoich will mako their home at Ellsworth. Byron L. Weed and Mrs. Kato Green wero married at Lead City, S. D., Sunday, July 19th and will mako their future home in that city. Norman G. Leishman and Miss Nellie Long were married July 21st. Judge Howett tied the nuptial knot. The Herald extends congrat ulations to these three happy couple. LAWN GLEANINGS. Everyone is putting up hay. A nico rain visited this section Monday which will be of value to late potatoes and gardens. A law 6uit is on the docket for next Saturday, Naglo vs Oleson, before J ustico JohntiOn. A bright littlo bnby girl made her appearance at the homo of J, H. Johnston recently. Mother and child doing nicely. Our post office took a notion to keep up with the prevailing ideij to make a change, and Will bo found a milo and . a quarter south Vt' the-dia site. ' ' Those attanding tho Institute fromXawn were Mrs, E. 13. Ford, Dora Rohder nnd Tearl Broshar. Tho3r report a Yery successful session special mention being made of the excellent opportunitfds olFercd tho teachers in Mrs. E F Tuckor's work. Our efficient Co. Sup't surely deserves the thanks of the teachers for her efforts in their behalf. Box Svitto Bulletin. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Nye, a fine baby gid. Miss Mabel Fryott is visiting Box Butte friends this week. Our old soldiers reporc a fine time at tho reunion last week. T-on dollars and sixty cents was realized at tho ice cream social. Mrs. Johnson loft for Rapid City, S. D., to visit her daughter Mrs. Garvoy. The Simonson-Sullivan joint debate was well attended Tues day evoning. Hallio and Leora Fryett came down from Chadron to attend the races at Alliance and aro now visiting friends at Bayard. NOTICE. School district No! 26, Dawes county, will rccoivo bids up to August 10, 1896, for building a frame school houso, size 18x24. Specifications furnished by officers of the district. All parties, desiring to mako final proof can hayo their papers mado out at The Herald office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office. Taken Up, Taken up by tho undersigned one gray maro, woight about 800 lbs, ago about four years. A. Tsciiacher. NOTICE. Parties having laud to dispose of in Box Butte Co., will find it to their advantage to send me price and description. R. McLeod, 3204 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. Legal Notices. NOTICE TO 11EDEEM. To 0. F. nilven, Trnsbv, American Investment (fompany. of EraractshurR, Palo Alto County, Iowa, F. E. Allen, llocoiver of the American Investment Company, of Emmotnburg, Iowa, non-resident owners, and to occupants and and persons in whose names aBtesBed for the years 1W, IWI and 1KO, and to all whom It may concorm You and each of you nro hereby notified that on tho 6th day of November, 1KUI, A. li. Ormsby pnrchaecd at public tax sals from the treasurer ot Box Hutto county, Nebraska, for tho delin quent taxes for tho year 1K1C1. the real eatato de scribed Mow, nltuatu in Box Butto county, State of Nebraska, vit: Tho north half of tho north west quarter sec tion R, and the north half of tho northeast quar ter of section 6, township S, north ot range tVO, wi'stof tho sixth principal meridian, taxed In thonamnot ('. F. Bllven.trusleo, for the years 1MKI, 1C1U and 1MI3, anil the northwest quiutor of soction 18. township 27, north ot rango (M, west of tho sith orlnoiual meridian, taxed in the name of C. F. Bllvon, trustea, for tho) ears Mfl and lbU4, and taxed in tho namo of O F. Bllven for tho year ItsUa. On tho Kith day ot November, 1W, A. L. Ormsby paid tho tax on each of Above described tracts of land for tho year 18(11 as subsequent lax, nnd on tho 8th day of July 1MW, said A. I Ormaby paid tho taxes on each of the abovo described tracts ot laud for tho year Ih9.", as subsequent tax. The timo of redemption of each of nald tracts ot land from said tax salu will uxplro on tho Mb day ot November, A. D. 1U9U. iSlirned) A. L. OltMSBY. First publication July 17, 1800. NOTICE TO BEDEKM. To Annlo E. Elkln, non-resident owner, and to occupants and persons in whose names assess ed for tho years 1KU, IBtfl, and lBOTi, and to all whom It may concern: You and each of jou aro hereby notified that on the 3th day of November 1HI1, A. ii. Ormsby purchased at public tax salo from Uio treasurer ot Box Butto county. Nebraska, for the delin quent taxes for the year 181U, the real ostato de scribed below, situate In Box Butte county, Nebraska, vlt: Tho southwest quarter ot section 13, township 28, north ot range Ml, west of tho sixth prlnei tial meridian. Taxed in the name of Annie E. lilkin for the years 1K93, lW.lt. and ltD3. After Vard for a aluablo consideration Bald A. Ii. Ormsby duly sold and delivered said' county treasurer's certificate of tax sale, together with tUo accompanying tax receipt, to Edward 11. Urlswold, who is now tho legal owner and hol der thereof, Da tho nth day of April 1810, said Edward H. Qrlawold paid the taxos on said land for tho yearlwt.as subseuent tax, and on tho 30th day of December lb3, said Edward II. Urlswold paid the taxes on Bald land for tho your 181)3 as subsequent tax. Tho timo ot redemption ot said tract of land from Bald tax rale, will expire on tho Mh day of November, A. D. 16510. (Signed) KDWAKD H. OHIBWOLn. First publication July 17, 18CX). NOTICE TO REDEEM. To HorbertN. Carpentor, non-resldont owner, nnd to occupants, and to persons In whoso names assessed for tho years lHiCl. 1H94, and 1805, nnd to all whom It may ooncern: You and each of you are hereby notified that pn the oth day of November, 1MH, A. U. Ormsby purchased at public tax sale from the treasurer ut Box Butte county, Kobraska, for tho delin quent taxes for the year 1K03, tho real ostato de scribed below, sltuato in Box Butte county, Htate of Nebraska, viz: Tlin trout Imlf nf tho northwest nnartor soo- ,ion2B, and the south half of tho northeast quarter section 29, township SI, north of rango h, west, ot mo Hixtn principal moruuan. Taxed in the namo of Hubert N. Carpenter for tho vears IBM. 1MH1. and lHai. On the 16th day of November 1S85. said A. L. Ormsby paid Uio taxes on said land for tho year 1804, as sub sequent tax. ami on uio Bin uay ot Juiy jovt. said A. It. Ormsby paid the taxed on said land for the tear ltttft. as aubsoauont tax The time of redemption of said tract of land irom said tax sale will expire on uio sin uay oi November. A.J). 1MW. (Hlgncdl A. li. UUMStltX. First publication. July 17, ,1800. NOriCE TO REDEEM, To American Investment Company, tot Kmmrtfllmrir. Palo Alto County. Iowa. F. E Allen, Receiver ot tho American Investment I ompany, non-resiuent owners, anu to occu pants and persons In whoso names assossed for the years lblU, lbitl, and 1K&, ,and to all to whom it mar concern: You and each of j on aro hereby notified that on the Mh ot November, 18U4, A. Ij. Ormsby, purchased at public tax sale from tho treasurer ot Box Butte county. Nebraska, for the delin quent taxes for tho year 1803. tho real-estate do scribed bolow, sltuato iu Box llutte county, Htate ut Nebraska, viz: The southwest quarter of section 15, town ship 24, north of rango hi, west ot the sixth principal meridian; Taxed in tho name of John D. Workman, for tho year 1893, and In 'the name of Peter R. Workman, for the year 1891: and 1805. On the 10th, day of Novnmber 1805, A. I Ormsby, paid the taxes on said land for tho year 1804 as subsequent tax. and the Hh, day of July 1800 said A. Ij. Ormsby. paiii the taxes on salu land for the year 1BV5, as subsequent tax. Tho timo ot redemption of said tract ot land from said tax sale will expire on the 5th, day ot November, A. D. 1600. . . (signed) A. U. Ormsby. First pnbllcatlon July 10th, 1890. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To John H. D. Bnddemeyer, non-mldent owener, and to occuiiants and persons in whose nane assessed for the years 1891, 1691, and 1805, and to all whome It may concern: Yon and each ot you are hereby notified that on the 5th, day of November 1801, A. L. Ormsby, purchased at public tax salo from tho treasurer of Box Rutte county, Nebraska, for the delin quent taxes for tho year lf03. tho real-estate do scribed below, situate in-Box Butto county, state ot Nebraska, viz: Tho southeast quarter ot section, , township 37, north of range li, Went ot the sixth principal meridian; , , , Taxed In the name ot John H. D. Rnddemeyer forthe years 1803, 1801, and 1805. On the lttth day ot November 1695. said A. L. Ormsby, paid tho taxes on said laud for the year 1891, as sub sequent tax, and said A. It. Ormsby, on the 8th. day of July 1800 paid the taxes on said land for the year 1895 as subsequent tax. Tho day ot redemption of said Uact of land from said tax sale will expire on the 6th, day ot November A. D. 1800. w n (Segued) A. I- Ormsby. F Irlt pnbUeation July 10th, 1800, TJ. U. Land Office Alliance, Neb., Jnne 10, lbWl The contestant will procure publication of this notice to be made in some nowspapor ot general circulation in Box Butte county, Ne braska, for at least thirty days prior to tho day of hearing. , Complaint having been entered at this office by David Colvin axainst John E. Clayton for fullnm tu nnmtilv with law as to timber-cult nro entry No. 838. dated Noemlwr 10, 1888, npon the n w H soo ZI, to ZI n. rg no, in iiox iimie county. Nebraska, with view to tho cancellation f u.Mxntrv rnntstant nlleslm; that John E. Clayton has not cultivated nor planted trees or tree seeds or caused to In cultivated or planted to trees nor tree needs any part of said tract since July. 1804. and that the part cultivated prior to July 1804 is covered with weeds and ffrim ami there aro no treos crowing on said laud. The said iwirtlea are hereby summoned to appear at this otnceou tho 24th day of July,1690, at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish tes timony concerning said allege tauure, F. M. liuooME, Receiver. U. H. Land Otlico, Alliance. Nob., Juno 3, 1890, Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM L. CLAPP, of Fairfield. Iowa, has filed notice of intention to mako final proof before L. A. Dor rlugton. U. B. U. C I'om'r at his offlco in Chad ron, Neb., on the 11th day of July, 1800, on tim ber culturo application No. 019. for t ho B Ji N E x N Vi B E U ot soction No. 33, in township aun.rargotaw. He name as witnesses: Loyd Herven Pow ell, Charlt s W. Minard, Thomas C Rhyan, of Hemingford, Neb., Charles' W. Dorgan, of hough, Nu. , V. Wehn, J a., UoUtcr. alvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS! New Prices! . New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! his Space Belongs to ZE3Z. jEL HARDWARE ANTON PIONEER- Hardware and .The Oldest KsTABtmnMENT in the County". Charter Oak Cook Stoves, - Genuine Ronnd Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth Fred Krug Brewing CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Mrket PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Offico 1007 Jackson Streot, Omtdia, Neb. H. H. PI Proprietor of Livery and Feed Stalles. "Wo have first-class stock nnd double and single rigs, which we' furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder aro unexcelled in tho city. Givo us a call. AST Stable Corner Box Butte Aveuuo and Sheridan Street. "w -. ClisKjCrrii rr iIIn . UHRIG, M KVAMYttW ny Comp ERCE