Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 17, 1896, Image 1

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.VOL, 2.
The Herald.
JnbHshed ovory Friday and entered at tho
post-otHce in Heuinnlortl. Nebraska, ns second
class mail tnattor. 'Ihb Herald is devoted to
tho Interests of Hemingford and Uox Ilutto
THOS. J. O'KEEPn, Publisher.
BUBScmryiosi hatks:
r.M. Pmctrn w.. .Clerk.
A. M. Milieu -, Treasurer.
JAR.II.H. IlEWETT... 'J&lffi
E.l Sweeney ..ShA-iff.
ft. F. Oilman .. .Attorney.
Uibb A. K. Nkelamd Superintendent.
Puar.Uiiakn Huneyor,
j. W.K.Miller .Coroner.
D, L. W. IJowmak - ....Physician.
jAMKnARRt ., .Commissioner 1st Dibt.
Jab- Hollinrake.... Commissioner and Dist.
O. W. DoxoAif Commissioner drd Dist.
Now Short Lino .to Helena, Bntto
Spokano, Seattle and Taconia.
O. I. So "W. O. Tina Card.
Ho. 4J, pnBfincor atri6s til
1:16 a.m.
0:0i) p. in.
io:iO a. m,
(6 It
" 13 freight nrrlvon ut
No, 41 pnwRenKer nrrlvea tit
' 45 rrulubt "
" 47 Indent nrrlvofl tit
4:13 a.
U:5 p.
3:33 p.
All trains carry pasneiiKorB.
W. M. C'OfELAND. Agent
Heminoford postoHlce. On week days door
opens at 7 a. m-, Roneral delivery opens at 8 a.
m. and closes at 8 p. m. Upen Sundays 0 to
10 a. m. -HiMiNOKonn
and Box Dotte staRodally except
Heminoford and Duxlap staRO, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
Physician and Surgeon,
OJEce rooms and residence in
Braver block, up stairs.
Special attention given to dis
eases of children .
(13. &M. "Watch Examiner.)
Charges reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed! Orders left at the
HejVald office will roceJYo prompt
Attorneys - at - Law,
At .. mivtlnent the hoard of trtlftees of the
Tillage of lleiniuKford. Nebraska, held June 18.
18PH. The prolulo amount of money necessary
to I rained to defray for all purposes Uioi-x-Donscs
of said village for the ensuing fiscal
ear. was csunwui y bu uuwu n iimuwi.;
'orealaryof viUase attorney. 6000
" ' " clerk .rQUO
" " overseer ot streets.. (UK)
" treasurer looo
" printin VMOU
" stationery.. K'OO
" Incidental expenses 000
Total Jl'iOOO
Tho total revennes of the villas for tho year
ending the; first Tuebday In May lbOO, arc aH f olT
'Taxos collected on the taxable property of
said Mage 240,M2.
Dated June 18. 18W.
Bamnrl Swltter,
Attest: Chairman Hoard of Trustees.
W. M. lodenee. Villain Clerk.
Strayed from py place six miles
northeast of Hemiujjford, tho last
of March, one iron groy bald-faced
mare, weight about 1100. A lib
eral reward will be paid for recov-
ory of same. A. J? elder.
Having purchased of J. M.
Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON
KING" and his French coach
stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand
them during the season at ray
farm, six miles west and two north
of Heminzford. Terms, 85 to in
Hiire. These stallions aro too well
known to need further description.
A. S. Enykakt.
OLD PAPERS Sets a dozen, at
THE.HnJULU often.
N. E. Gardner, jr., of Nordon,
Neb., is visiting friends and
relatives in this vicinity.
I. E. Tash and son Charley
visited Alliance Tuesday oven
ing. Ira Reed was taken suddenly
ill with hemorrage of the nose
Saturday night and for a time
was in a critical condition. We
are glad to say that he is improv
ing' rapidly.
Editor Paradis was up from
Alliance Saturday.
The Dunlap and Hemingford
base ball teams crossed bats at
this place last Saturday. Tho
score stood 7 to 8 in favor of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pinkerton
are spending a month at Hot
Springs enjoying a much needed
Tbe case of Potmesil vs G. C.
Alexander was hoard before
Justice Olds Monday and defend
ant was declared "not guilty"
Mrs. Bessie Bartlett and sister,
Miss Alma Fenner, of Dunlap
were in the city Saturday.
Rev. Richer, of Chadron, oc
cupied the pulpit in the Congre
gational church last Sunday
while Rev. Coolidgo preached to
Rev. Rickets congregation at
Izetta Bcmd, Rosa Parkin,
Alex Muirhead, Mrs. E. E. Ford,
Fred Neeland, Nellie Good
enough, Leora Rustin, and
Mabel Curtis aro attending tho
teachers institute at Alliance.
There are sixty names enrolled
and good work being done.
There will be a "financial do
bate" at the Box Butto hurch
Tuesday July 21st, at 7:30 p. m.
W. G. Simonson, republican gold
bug to open for 15 minutes and
G. M. Sullivan, populist to ans
wer for one hour; Simonson to
close for 50 minutes. Box Butte
precinct Com. of republicans
and populists parties to ireside.
Full report of the democratic
convention on inside page.
,Tpbn S Hughes, the oldest
settler of Box Butto county,
came down Monday and xiaid his
1895 taxes amounting to 03.00
and did not kick either.
A. H. McLaughlin, proprietor
of the Riverside ranch on the
Runningwater, and niqce, Miss
Myrtle Noel, were Hemingford
visitors Sunday.
J. W. Earnest and Louie Lar
son, Sioux county cattle men,
were in town Saturday night.
They were wanting to buy young
Smith P. Tuttle and L. R.
Corbin attended tho soldiers re
union at Bordeaux this week.
Commissioners Hollinrako and
Barry and Atty. Iodenco left
hero Tuesday evening to attend
tho populist convention at Grand
Islapd to which hey arp dole
gates. Tho Children's Mission band
of the Congregational church
will meet with Miss Viola Trout
next Tuesday af tornoon $ half
past two.
"We aro in receipt of a copy of
resolutions passed by tho teach
ers at tho county institute, but
thoy were received too lato for
publication this week.
Tho populists declared for
Bryan at the Grand Island con
vention Wednesday.
The ball gamo at Allianco yes
terday between tho Allianco and
Fort Robinson toams, resulted
in favor of tho For score 12 to
4. Another gamo vll be playod
Olnoy Kendall returned to his
homo at Rushvillo Tuosday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fill in
jto depart
extended cd last night
for a,
visit in Iowa.
Ed Wildy, accompanied by
Miss Georgia Miller, drove down
to Alliauco yesterday. ' j
Box Butte BaU9t,ln,
C. L. Snodeker returned from
Edgemont Saturday.
Quito a few families from this
vicinity attonded tho soldiers
reunion at Bordeaux.
Mrs. F. M. Snedokor and
children, of York, aro visiting
relatives in this neighborhood.
M. D. Allan, Wm. O'Mara and
J. Hurloin left for South Dakota
whore they iutond to soil their
Brea Soraping.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E.
Rasmusson a girh All parties
doing nicoly.
Nellie Lovested from near
Lakeside was visiting with Eda
Mastrud last week.
Rev. L. Coolidge, of Homing
ford was preaching to a well fill
ed house at this place last Sun
day. ThoBeroa S. S. people cele
brated tho Nation's holiday in tho
shape of an old fashioned picnic
last Saturday.
Ludwig Mastrud and Jonas
Ivorson received their instru
ments last Tuesday, preparatory
to fill the air with noise. Our
evenings of poaco and quiqt will
henceforth be something of the
Sneakthioves entered Mr. C.
Rtismusson's premises some
time ago and stole a quantity of
butter and oats, .also u valuable
shotgun and some other trinkots.
Mr.Rasmussen now has a gat
ling gun loaded for boars, and if
he ever gets a drop on thoso fol
Joavs it certain y will bo the last
of them.
20 pounds of largo California
prunes at Wildy's for SI.
New dry goods and shoes, right
up to date, just received tit Wildys
Look ab those live cents prints at
PADS! PADS! Call and got
your sweat padB of H, It. Green.
Brown backs at 35 cts each.
20 lbs dried apples for S1.0Q at
"Wildy's received a new line of
Wildy lias received his first Jarjifl
invoice of spring goods and clothing.
New lino of carpets at Horn
cull's, punlap cheese is the bqst on
the market. Try it.
A new lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Herncall.
The undersigned will taljo cattle
to herd for tho season of 1890, ut
Foshct's ranch. Terms, $1, for sea
son, from May 1st to Oct. 15th.
E. D. Piper.
Now Goods,
Now Clothing,
New Hats,
Now Ties,
Now Everything,
Parties having laud to dispose
of in Box Butto Co., will find it
to their advantage to fcend me
price and description.
R. McLeod,
8204 Cass, St., Omaha,
I will soil tviraTjed goods atono
fourth off from uiiirked price in or
dor to make room for now goods,
Now is tho timo to got ti hat cheap
at the millinery fatoro one door
north of Wildy's.
'' f Miss L. Adams.
Legal Notices.
To ('. F. nilvt'ii. Trustee, American Investment
OotnpAtiy. of KmmcitsburR, l'alo Alto County,
Iowa, F. II. Allen, Roceitcr of the American
Investment Company, of KinmetsburK. Iowa,
non-resident owners, and to occupants ami
and persons in whose aaraes assessed for the
years 1MU, 1KU and 1SW, and to all whom (t
may concern:
Yon and each of you are hereby notified that
on thoAth day of November, 1M.H, A. Ii. Ormsbv
purchased at public tax sale from tho treasurer
of llox lluttn county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent ,axc for the year MAI, the real ostato de
scribed hlow, slumtu In llox Hutu county,
Htaio of ffnnruska, vie:
The north halt of tho north west quarter sec
tion 5, and tho north halt of tho northeast quar
ter of section 0, township UH, north of range AU,
west of tho sixth principal meridian, taxed in
thnnamnot ('. K. llliven, trusteo, for tho years
1SI, 18UI and MV.1, and tho northwest qtmrtor
ofuction 1H. township 27, north of range KJ,
west of tho sixth principal meridian, taxed in
tho namo of 0. F. llliven, trustoa, for tho years
lb3 and 1W4, and taxed in tho namo of C F.
JUiU-nforthoioar IBM. On tho lUth day of
Noemlcr, Mitt, A. L. Ormsby paid tho tax on
lauh of abovo described trauts of land for tho
jinr 18JI as subsequent tax, ami on tho Hth tlay
of July MW0, said A. L. Ormsby paid the taxes
on each of the abovo described tracts of land
for tho year lbl)5, as subsequent tax.
Tho tune of redemption of each of said tracts
of land front said tax sale will expire pit tho 3th
day of Ninembor, A. D. 1SW1.
tWinicd) A.L.OHMHRY.
First publication July 17, 1896.
To Annln E. Elkln, non-resident owner, and to
occupant and persons in whoso names assess
ed for tho years lfl Ki, IstU, and MU.1, and to all
whom it may concern:
You and each of )ou Aro hereby notified that
on tho 5tli day of Noiember 1H.), A. L. Ormsby
purchased at public tax salo from tho treasurer
of llox llutte county. Nebraska, for tho delin
quint taxes for tho year letfl, tit e real fcstata de
scribed below, situate in llox liutto county,
Nebraska, viz:
Tho southwest quarter of section 13, township
28, north of ratiKoM, west of tho sixth prlnef
nal meridian. Taxed in the tiarao of Annie U.
Klklp for the years MU3, 1801. and lri. After
vard for a valuable consideration said A. L.
Ormsby dnly sold and delivered said County
treasurer's certificate of tax sale, Ugothor with
the accompanying tax receipt, to hdward II.
Urlswold, who is now tho legal owner and hol
der thereof, '
On the Otli day qf April 1803, said Edward H.
Qriswoldpald thotoxpi on said land for the
yearl8'Ji,as subeeubnt tax. and on tho 30ih day
of December lrtt., said Kdward 11. Griswolu
paid tho taxes on said land for tho your lt)95 as
subsequent tax
Thettmoof redemption of said tract of land
from said tax sale, will expire on Uie &th day of
November, A. D. 1WM. . .
tBicnwl) KDWARD H. ORlHWOLn.
First publication July 17, MM.
To HorbortN. Carpenter, non-resident owner,
and to occupants, and to persons in whoso
names assosscd for tho years 1MCJ. Mtil, and
tW, and to all whom it may concern:
You and each of you aro hereby notified that
on tho 6th day of November, Ihfll, A. L. Ormsby
purchased at public tax salo from tho treasurer
of llox Ilutto county, Nebraska, for tho delin
quent taxes for tho year 1SU3, tho real estate de
scribed below, situate in llox Ilutto county,
State of Nebraska, viz:
Tho west hatt of the northwest quartor sta
tion as, and the south half of tho northeast
quarter section 29, towushlp'Jt, north of Tausu
t) west of tho sixth principal m.'ridlan.
Taxed-iil tho name of Hubert N . Carpenter
for tho years ltfU, 1W4, and IfeM. On tho lGth
day of November 1N.", said A. L. Ormsby paid
trtfl taxes on said land fuftho year 1S84, as sub
sequent tax, and on tho Hth day of July 1BSW.
said A. Ij. (jrmsby paid tho taxes on said land
for tho year Ik'JJ, as subsequent tax '
Tho time of redemption of said tract of land
from said tax sale will oxplro on tho ulh day of
November. A. D. 18VW. ...
(SUnod) A. L. ORMSBY.
First publicaoiun July 1Y, lo'Jtj.
To American Investment Company, 'of
Emmctsbars, l'alo Alto County, Iowa, F. E
Allen. Receiver of tho American Investment
Company, non-resident owners', and to occu
pants and persons in whose names assussod
for the yearB 11-03, MUt, and IMC, aud to all
to whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on tho 5th of November, WW, A. L. Ormsby,
purchased at public tax salo from tho treasurer
of Box Ilutto county. Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes for tho year 1KM, tho nl-estato de
scribed lwlow, sltuato in llox liutto county,
Btate of Nebraska, viz:
Tho southwest quarter of section 15, town
ship St, uorth of rango K, west of tho sixth
princliwl meridian; ...,,
Taxed intheimmoof JohnD. Workman, fpr
the year Wii, and in 'tho namo of 1'eter R.
Workman, for tho year 1891; and lK On tho
ltlth, day of Novnmber ltfliS, A. L. Ormsby,
paid tho toxeson said land for tho ear lbVI as
subsequent tax. and the hth, day of July 1WH
said A, L. Ormsby. paid tho taxes on said laud
for tho jear 1S'.'5, as subsequent tax.
Tho time of redemption of said tract of land
from said tux salo will explroou the Mb, day of
November; A. D. 1M5. .
(sinned) A. L. Ormsby.
First publication July 10th, lbt.
To Johu II. D. Uuddemeyer, non-resident
owener, and to occupants and tersonU in whoso
naneasseHV4d for tho years 1S0I, lfe'Jl, and lfcttt,
and to all whomo it may concern:
Yon and each of you are hereby notified that
on tho Mh, day of November 1MH, A. L, Ormsby,
purchased at public tax salo from the treasurer
of llox Rutte county. NobrasUa, for the delin
quent taxes for tho year lMO. the real-estato do
scribed lielow, situate in-Box Ilutto county,
state of Nebraska, viz:
The southeast quarter of section, I, township
27, north of rauo &2, west of the sixth principal
meridian; .,,., -r, i ,
Taxed in the namo of John II. D. lluddemojer
fur the yearn 1MB, IS04, and lUfi. On tho lUth
day of Novointsir MW. riliilA. L. Ormsby, paid
the taxes on said land for the year 1SW, as sub
sequent tux, and said A. I Ormsby, on the Mb.
day of July l&M paid the taxes on wild land for
h..Yfa 1ML an ftuhttfYinent tax.
Tho day of redemption of said Mart of land
from said tax salo will expire on tho 6th, day of
November A. D. WW.
(S-Hinud) A. I.. Ormsby.
Fir.lt publication July 10th, 1H3,
U. 8. Laud OihVo Alliance. Neb., Juuo 10, 1&W1
Tho contesUut will procure publication of
this notice to le made in somo newspaper of
ueneral circulation in Hpx Ilutto county, Ne
braska, for at hast thirtjj das prior to the day
t'omplalnt having been entered at this oflico
byDaid t'olvin against John E. Clayton for
failure to comply with law as to timlwr-culture
entry No. W8. dated November 11), 1vh, upou the
n w i see T tp 27 n. re 50, in llox Hut to county.
Nebraska, with a view to tho cancellation of
salU entry, conusiani ainwinw uni jihiu e
(Haton has not cultlvaUid nor plunti trees or
tree swds or caused to Isj cultivated or plunted
t trees nor treo sexl any part of said tract
since July. IW'I. ana tnai uie pari cuuuaieu
prior to July Ib'M is covered with, weeds and
' rass and thero aro no trees erowmK on said
icd. The said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ofheo on the'.'Uh day of Jnly.lttM.
at 10 o'clock a. ro., to rosjiond and furnish tes
Umony conccruiuK said allesed falluro.
F. M. Hboome, Receiver.
U 8. Land OUlce, Alliance. NeU. Junj!!. lwifl.
TLAl'l', of Fairfield, Iowa, has filed notion of
invention lo maKunuai jirooi oeion, u. n. iny
.Tni.i.,,. It H (' (' 1'nm'r ut hiH oiHiv in ha.l-
ron. Nob, ou tho 11th day of July, INM. u tuu-
bor culture application No. 019, for t l.e 8 S N K
H & n o w fi oi seciion ro. , iu lununiui.
iJ n, raui 49 w.
Uunamejas witnesses: Lod Horven l'ow
ell, Charlos W. Mitiard, Thomas iC Rhan, of
Hemitisfnnl. Neb., ('harlca V. DnrKau. of
Hough, Nb. J . Y. Wntty, J a., Register
JULY 17. 1896.
Calvin J. Wildy
New Prices! . New Everything!
Always Leads and Never Follows !
his Space Belongs to
HC- S3.
Hardware and
Charter Oak Cook Stoyes,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves,
Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb
Wire the Best on Earth.
Frefl Krai
A High Grade Lager Beer,
Purest in the Market
Oflico 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob.
H. H. PI
, Proprietor of
Livery amd Feed Stables.
Wo have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we
furnish at roaaonable rates. Our
avlll in illft aitv
El'O UlWXCOHWl lO 0lj
ntxcollefl i" the city. Lnve n
Bj" Stable Comer Hox Butta
NO- 21
facilities for accommodating uoaruor
a cH.
Aveune and Shoridan Street.
- Teloraslsa,,
'vsf 1