Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 10, 1896, Image 8

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J!?""1 v W!PggggiSMaaauaBu
- SPANISH hnyr niU A3.
I.nURttrtl ht trim Vtnnl ant of
ltnsul.tr Vrfip,
Ttin K7nnislanl MMIwn liif! latlatirul
fit tho military formation of Frioriok
iho Groat's' ayttea; tha guerrillas of
r Spain laughad nt tha formations of reg
ular warfare In any -Bhape. They rote
In flsrht nnr! Htannmnit fc.r aafrttv. 1M.V-
.... f , ... -. . -----
intr thnlr Rm.irttiiir tern tinnblo to etrlko
--. . .
for lack of a billot. The occasional ano-
cutt:3 in luy ojiuuibii lusuiui.-i ouuit,
moreover, that tha goncrals wortf not
entirely lsuorant of Napoleon's own
system. When Joseph ontcied Madrid
the whole land was already in opon io
bolllon, caiccpt where French forces
compelled a sullen arqulcoence In
Fritqh rule. Tho long inactive, elug-''glflh-'sccclcslaotlca
Buddonly wmed to
feel tho vigor to roalst and tjae powor
to lead. They Jolnrul lac insurgents
and recalled the orthodoxy of the na-
' J.lon to inflame the passlbtrn ngalust the
persecutor of lo popo.
Irregular1 ind tindeflfiid na wore the
ofc'raotifcS'fthe upriulits', it was never
theless wtfentlally AftSpular movement.
As Napolcn hlmiftf lntor admitted, It
, was the people theiuholvos who refused
to ratify his now institutions and who
declared for Ferdinand VII, The6
)i0l furnlslind' amplo Illustration; the
, yaountaineors of Acfeurlan rose In united
hellion; tho inhabitants of Cartagena
throw open hor arsenate to tho'vdjun-.
teers of tho neighborhood; tho citizens
of Saragossa beat off their besiegers,
whjle thoso of Valencia first massacred
the French who took refuge Jn their
cltndcl and then ropula-'d, Moncoy in n
dcaporate conflict. Vtfari the Spanish
leaders .Ventured fhlo an open battlo
flcld they wordofatod; on' the other
.hand "when they kept tho' hills and
fought 'like bandits they were victo
rious t "So gUIk and general wan tho Span
isij-rjalng that the various French army
almlons shut themselves up for safe
ty in whntcver towns thoj, co;ild hold,
pretending to defy tho notJto'nal guards,
' who scomod to spring frftn tho ground
.Without, thoy worn. 1n' reality awc
itrlckcn before tho wrath of tho nrmed
oitlsons within. 4. quick burst of Span-
tsh anger, a sharf) atnb of the Spanish
poniardthe frequency of such Inci
dents began to create a panic among
tho TVench boy-noldlcrs. Tho .solzure
;di$"8Gck of a city had for years been
a traditional amusement of the grand
army, accompanied in Italy and Ger
many with little or no loss ol life, and
by the acquisition pf enormous booty.
Tho yeting conscripts, who had heard
tho jortitold talo from thejr fathers
lirafound to their. bitter disappolnt
"ment that in Spain a sack meaut much
bloodshed and llttlo, if any, booty.
Bomctjmcs tho tables were moro than
fumed. A French squadron put in at
" Cr.dlz to co-opotatc with tho forco dis
,p.tfouca by Niipoleon, under tho pre
ftnB&f.' resisting an Invasion threat
ened lfy-ihe Enslloh, but really for tho
purpose of terrorizing southora Spain.
Tho arrival of tho troops having been
v delayed Uy tho outbreak of rebellion
farther north, the townsiblk of tl.at an
.'lent, '-ny rose and ceized thu floou
The epsus of Wench coldlors. wher
. vc;-i.?uund throughout the country,
vfrd',mutllated by tho, furious Span
iards, and tho woundod received no
quarter. "Llfo of Napoleon," by Prof.
W. Maeioano In tho April Century.
V& Aftrr tho Arm.H..
Tue defeat of tho Arannn. ina,ir,i
Bnglwd with energy and hope. Our
popig became busy traders. - Flemish
rraaors unci boon ruined by war, Flem
ish refugees had Cockod into England,
aad Antwerp, the great port for now
tonu. commerce, had boon sacked nmi
Wnrrllrl. c.i .... t. j ,.... , .
of wh!
Hi UU Dutch Iia.i lien rii,nrlv.l
Beyond the ocean tov a vtwnrM r
weaitn or which Snain. united with Pm-.
... ... - ..... V.I
tugnl,' claimed the mouanolv. rhrw
'-excluding English commerce from tho
larger" half of the planet. 'Systematic
Moience that is, the combination or
trado with nrlvato warwas tim nniv
mode in' which this monopoly couid bc
attaCiieJ. Elizabeth connlvixi nt tii
oovort marltinio war both before am5
iiu inn Awunua unu ino strugxlfts be
twpon English traders nnd Spanish
monopolist were far (00 numerous nnd
jmtortttnt to admit of pqaco between
the two governments. ' Jt was this
spirit ' of commercial adventure,
whether it bo callod piracy or a heroic
fittctnpt to rcscuo tho now world from
tho inquisition and Eive It bank to h
jfree uso of tho human race, whkh wosj
mo ursi stop m the development of
thrtoe uoloaaal growths British trade,
nritlsh empire, the British uavy.
Slackwood's Magazine!
.' ' U , - .-
A lilt of llostnn Encllsli,
A corrjiappndient r.ond a rare bit of
English. It -was 'written "by a woman
ia excusing her tardlnoss in nnsworlug
r.u .inquiry that had boon addressed to
I would liavo written beforo, but I
have been sick with a dog bite in the
arm. fhe man that owns the sawmills
ilog bittfi fhe road." Boston Even
lug Transcript.
f, llart-a- lieu Iluts.
M. Barre, thp sculptor and engraver
wlfo died recently In Paris at the act
of-5. designed tho colas issued by vl.
Joleon 111.. Jn 1MT2. ! best bwu
aro thoso of Pius IX.. Napoleon III
pml members of the Bonaparte fam.iy
Orie; of his lateat busts was that 0
!rue. Jano Hadlsg. The old sculpta
vas a great racontair.
jneplmnta una IVoiurn AUUr.
A,herd of forty-flvo elephants in the
Barnum monagerle was throik-n into
Bucb terror by tU appenranre If a r
that dojlo ihaias had to be put 01
ahem 10 kep them from break.n
awav fo. VCj blamp v.-onen for Mjei
T)i fttinttvn'it Colli Toilet Srrvlt-t.
Tfce khadlv of Bgvpt ponsofigog .ho
only comitlMc goM toilet servlco In tho
world. It was mado In London, and
coiiilitB of twenty-eight places, each
hearing the Ithoillvt'a monogram In
diamonds, which IB surrounded' by n fil
let In Imitation of that of Che grand
Turk. In tho docoration of thoso contly
articles juure man o.uu
n .... .. ..j-.i
articles more than 3,000 diamonds and
1,UU illlllUH WCIU USUU.
oach pieco ,B 18 carttt
Tho body of
United hito I'nbllo DchU
The public debt of tjio United Statea
stood at Its highest point July 1, 1SCC,
whan it aggregated $J8.773,23G,173.69. It
was at Its lov;est flgtlo slnco that time
July 1, 1801, when it was $1,540,961,095.
CI, showing a decrease in twonty-five
years of ?1,227,?74,178.08.
Unltcit Stntc nnrennn.
The tola! revenue of the United States
governmpnt for 1805 was ?319,3J)0,07S,
It was u'omowhat less In 1S94 nnd in
provloun "years more. Tho amount de
pends on tho percentage of the customs
tarlfi and other tnxtea levied.
Doray of Itn-lin Nobllltr.
Some startling statistics of the de
cay of tho Russian nobility nro given
in tho list of mortgaged estates fur
nished by tho British consul at St.
Petersburg. At present rdoro than
100,000 estates, or 41 per cent ot tho
entire nrca owned by ubles, aro bur
dened by mortgages, nnd tho amount
of money advanced "on thorn has
reached $G32.DOO,000, of which $SSO,000,
000 remains unpaid. The Nobility Land
bank, created by tho government to
mako loans to stranded landlords, has
advanced nearly its cntiro capital of
5250,000,000, and received but llttlo ia
Mrxlco'11 Army nml Navy,
Tho regular army of Mexico com-,
prison 27,000 men of all arms, including
a police of about 2,000 jnon arid a gen
darmerie of 250. Thfa navy consists of
two small unarraored" vessels and tjireo
gunboat3. T)io annual expenditure on
account of rirmy and navy is from $12,
500,000 to $15,000,000.
Triplets 24 Years OIl.
A set of triplets 21 years old ard liv
ing In tho town of Inez, Ky where they
wcro born. They aro finely built ;mcn
and remarkably alike in appoaranco
In every respect Two are married.
Parties having lnud to dispose
of in Box Butte Co.', wilj tint! it
to fjioir tidvnntngo to &oml me
price n'nd de.-criptioii.
K. McLeod,
3201 Cuss St.,
. Nob.
Now Oogds,
Now Cluthiii, ,
Now Huts,
Now Ties.
Now Everything
I ivill Imy our county warrants
II. R. Ghi:kj.
Now dry poods nnd shoos, right
up to dale, just received at Wildys
JjopK at thuse live cents prints at
.... ' . - .
i'ADSl PADb! Call and get
your sweat pads o IT. R. Green.
Brown backs at 155 eta each.
'20 lbs dried apples - for $1,00 at
AVildy's received a new line of
clothing. ). ;
'.""Wlldy 1ms received lils first larir
- invoice of RpruiR fcooils and t'lotlilnjj.
', .Now lino of caypetu'at liorn-
Atjk your grocer for Ankora
.., s , . ..
CO"00 lllul y0t " 8llvur bPoon freo
1 8. lbs. of broken Java eoffotyil
DunlRp chceso Is tho bosl on
tho market. Try it.
A now lot of bhoea just rccoi ved bj
W. K. Hcrncnll.
liKrORT or tiik CosDinox
1 .nf Tint
t. ... 1
nt bPiniiutford iu the btMeot NeWac
nt tlio cl ot Imnhiew Juno JW, 1
Lonnoaml (HwounU 4,8)0.03
f)wiUii!tB.wcu,l nul unsecurou.. . M0.ua
iunilture.fttid mturew Mit.t)
Other real ostnte .... 7iQ,rnj
Ouririit fllifliBS ni(t tttk0 lid. ..... 339.HK
t'heOks jumI iittter nrtilx ileitis (l.2o
I)i e f rom SntfotiHVliruIif Wl.K
taw. 1.886.5S
Clil.il atoek imiilin.,..
UtuMvUUd'urgtU I .,.
Domnuil TtrUfiraU of ili;xit.. ,... . .luui
Tims ovittftt-fttfu of ilejvokit Ill 00
7oAL .,...' l(M'i:t.lO
(jtat" ut ifitlfftutbn, tunty of Uax Unite, h:
1, ('. A. Hurie. jrtIiliH of tttu al)or
Hm.l bHuV,iMuninlr hweat ttiUtkoatHivc
stat 'uiui h tniu to lite bvm ut tujr kno inUtu
awniali. (-.A.IIUItLX'V. PiwWen
tjuEcrilil and tnoru to Uf uro 1119 .tlim dth
U) gt July 1W0. I. K. TAjjy.
Ihbai.1 ' Nowry Paji'l
At o metitif ol Uw UmiU yt tmiiwoi tlu
tUWv of iiriuiiMilbra NbrorU. ln-!4 Jump l.
IHJB, J 1.0 (Uot ubltf timovM f uiiumy nMSMtr
to l rtu u iief ray tor ail iiwMy.!nt z
itcatwau' Ninl likwre for tli-kuVHbj; Am-h
1(r, wan rtitra.ril iqr mill iKMnl n f Uowm
" " vlinrk . .
' ", " i)Hrmer of tiwt
" tuiir--r
WO 11 11 1)
l 'UllUlIi. tAll,H.S
Total aua
i(i loiaj tPvrnuen 01 iut rnuiK io uioyaa'
enUilM tJ " ttW l'uU(U in May i, ui an (ol-
Tusbh rolWti-1 on Uio l al-Ie p.'oixvty of
I nU-il J .lie Ir '-'.Hi
Sainiii 1 ri w L ,r,
Attict: t'l airrrno tiuitlof l'. itl5.
V . M. I uf. i..atT ' i.t.
Hon. J. W. Wban, Jn., ltoUUr.
Jinx. F. M. llitooMU. I(reelTr.
I'artlfxi.liRVinptintlcM tnthlo column nro rt
mm IJ to rmil thp nin carefully and np6rt to
tliU oltioa. for rorreotion any orrorn tlmttuay
wtlft. lii will prervnt pofslblo dlay in
liiskltiir iir'oot.
U. H. Land Olllcc. Allinm-o. Neb.,Juno IS, 18l.
Kotloe in litrflliy bItbd tlint
of LaltoVicw, Iowa, linn filed iiotico of Intcntton
to mnko filial iiroot twfora Uio HetrUter or lt
cetrtfr nt litnorfliw in Allianoo, Nob., oh tho VI li
lay of July ii'M, on tlmbor-culturo nppllcatioii
No. 677, for tho i 4 11 a H. A n S s 0 U a-c JIj, t
S7 n, r tii W.
Ho tinmcft n itnHriet John P. Hazard,
("harlot A. l'ostnr, (lidcon A. Dlokdnoon. of
Lnwu, Nil., Bamuel H. IV right, of Clinton, Nob.
Also, Notlco In hiireby given Uint th follow
urn immwl Mittk'r Ims lllcxl notloo ot IiIm IhUmi
timi to mako tinnl proof in nupport ot his claim
nt nmo titnp and plauo, viz:
of Lawn, Nli..one of tho hclrp of Mntliias 1'09
variJetindwl, vpho uindo II, 15. tS for tho b H.
woH, tpiiTu, THtri w.
Ho liniutn tin) following wltncsecn to tirovo
Ilia continuouH rcsjdenco upon nntl ctilthntion
of sniii laud, viz: Alliert ( ronpa, John V. itiu
nrd. Oidoon A. Dlckeneon, of lAvrn, Neb., Sam
uel H. WrlKht, ot Canton, Neb. Alao
tlotlco Is hereby glrcn tlmt
of I,nwn, Neb., Iibh rded notice of intention to
iimko linai proot Bt ain(i timo ami ptncu on
tlmlKTciiKuronpiitication m. .W, for tho nH
ij w.Hb o h i- w !4 & n -w U 8 o U, tea i, fp 25 n,
rir Kl w.
life uamei an wltnowen: John J. Lutsch,
Henry Wiiiten, John P. Hazard, John Lort
sclierull ot Law 11, Nob.
.J. W. Weh, Jr., psktr.
U 8. Ind Olllcc, Allianeo, ob., JnnoU, ia).
Notico In hereby Rlen that WILLIAM L.
CLAl'P, of Fairfiolil, Iown, hn filed notirxnt
intnntlon to make llual iroof beforn L. A. Dor
rliiKton, U. 8. V. O. Com'r at Iiih oIUco in (had
ron, Nub., on thellth day of July, 1B90, on tim
ber cultnru application No. HID, tor t ho H t N K
A N H S L U of eeotlon No. !)3, in township
S-'Jn, rnnK0 4Uw.
Ho name na witnesnefi: Loyd Hervcn Pow
ell, I harU'R W. Minnrd, Thomas C Hhyan, of
Henilntfford, Nob., Chnrlcs W. Dnrnan, of
Hough, Neb. J. W. Wehn, Jn., lUtstor.
liana OlHeo nt AUianro, Neb., May ."SO. 19W.
Notice is hereby Riven Unit tho followini;
nnmed nattier ha filed notlco of IiIb intention to
mako final proot in hupjioH of bin oliim an-I
that fiaid proot wiU he niado be) nro 1. S. Illeker,
tountyJudse, at Chadrou, Neb., on July 11,
lfcutl, vu:
of EsUinr, Neb., vlio made ILK. No. 1237, ror
tho 8 H U W Ji & W J4 URU, fceo 'M, tp Ul n, r
18 w.
Ho names the following witnesneBto prove bin
eontimioas resldenco upon ami cultivation of
raid land, viz: Albion H. Iiiokur. Jatni H.
Kinw, Commodore WIIHr, Hobort Fleming, till
of l'.Mther. Neb. - -Also
nfKnther Neb., who mado If. K. No. 3178 for
tho w H 11 w H o U 11 w U A. b w U u o H o.
1T, tp :w n, rg 4S w.
Henametillio followiiiB wltnefsea to provo
hl continuoiiR residence upon and cultiation
of raid land, viz: ChnrliHA. Nicholx, Isuinh
HnllBteail, (jenr(jo Wolper, ot Hnthor, Neb.,
Alonzo M. Clark, of Clmdruu, N"li.
J. W. Weun, jn.. HcKistor.
Land Office nt Alliance, Neb , Juno SO, 16M
Notice in lieu-by Kien that the followluu
named pettier hai filed notieu of IiIh intention
to make final proof in support of his ciMtn ami
thnt raid proof will Ixi nmile before the llexlirtet'
or'Hecoier nt Allisncl, Neb., ou August 10,
1880, vizi
who mado II. E. 3200 for tho nw U 000 7,- tp 2J,
ta 47.
iienamee thp following witnesBCH to prove
hlNroutluuouHrCitidcucoupon nnd cultivation
of Hiiid iuiiil, viz: t:. 11. 1'hipps, C. L. Wnldrou,
V. II. Ooddatd, Erick Hoaurhtrom, all of Dnn
lap, Neb. J. f. WEnN, tu., It-Bister.
U. P. Land Oince, Alllanne, Nob., Jnno 30, 1603.
Notice is hereby kU en that, in purmmuoo of
instruction from tho Commissioner of tho (Jeu
eral Lund OiHcn, under authority vetted in him
by bcotlon SI5S, U. ti. HombciI atatutew, as
nmsnded by tlionet of ronsrefia approvrd Feb
ruary 26, lbU.1. wo will proceed to oiler at 11 iblio
sale on tho Sth day of AUust, next, at thin of
fice tho foliowilu? tract of Intnl. rn.lM.
bouth half of the nurlliweot innrter of uectiorJ
twelve, tl2), toruUi twenty-fire, (a5)r north
uirewjum,iw), svn 01 me sixtti prluciral
wr'dian, 1;. N.'l-rnt-l.a
Any ami all prrsonK claiming adversely to the
utoo-d06eri!ie(i Jnndg arc advined to file their
i'liiimn in this office on or beforo tho day alovo
drwiRimtoil fortliecommonownnnt of said pale,
otherwise their right will be forfeited.
v i , J. W. WiniN. Jn.. Iletistor.
F. M Hkoome, ltecelver.
U.b. I-ind Olhm, Alliance, Neb., June 10, 1SP6
Tho I'liiitCftant will procure publication of
tin nntlmto bo mada in nomo newxpaperot
prneral circulation in liox llutto county, No
brnxku, for nt liiiRt thirty dajK prior to the day
of hearing.
('omplaint having bion entoreil at tliin offieo
by Dm id Colvln apalmjt John K. Olajton for
latiuro to comply with luw as to tlmlior-culturo
entry No. tt, dated November 10, im-8, upon the
' M'2i.tp27n.r60,in llox Hutte county.
Nebrihk.1, with a view to the cancellation ot
mid entry, coutestnnt nlleinB that Jolin E.
I laton hns not cullintoil nor plitnU'd tn-os or
trw kwiIr or earned to l cultivateil or plautetl
to trees novtreo needs any part of said tract
since July, lbOI. ami that the part cultliated
prior to Only lb)t is covered witli weeds and
(trass nd there are no trwi crowing on Faid
laud, rho fnitl parties aro lieroby ttummnniii to
lipiuar ot this office on theSltli day of Jul),l,l!,
at in u clucn a. m., Ui respond ana furnish les
lUriouy coiicwrnimr aid ailrsod failure. r
!'. M. Iiiuiomb, Hecoiver.
To John II. D. Iluddtmejor, non-resident
owenar, ami to occupants and pirvoiix iu who-m
naueaso.etl fortheyiar lblli, ib'jl, and ltiU),
undtonll whomuit may oeneern:
Von ami ceoU of jou aro horeby notified that
on tho fih, crw ot November ItM, A. L.Onusby,
purchaMdat public tax cule from the trtasurer
ot linx Itutto county, Nebraekn, for the delin
qoent taxes for the jear lrt-3, tuo iwln'stnte do
wiriUit U)loy. situate in-box Hutto county,
ktntn of Nobratkn, viz;
Tho EouthMst quarter of senlion, I, towuenip
ST. north of range 18, west of the sixth principal
Tax si la thenamo of John H. D. Iluddcmosvr
fill the years 1MB, Ir04, and lH)i5. On tho loth
day ot November lhftV aul A. L. Ormbby, pmd
tlie laMf on said laud lor the yr lMl.aa suli
soiiuiuit tax, nnd wiid A. It. Ortnsliy, on the Mb,
day ot July IMrtJpaid thetaxiw ou said land for
Ihr jiar Idtfiiis ttibsi(iucnt tax.
The ilny of redemptiou of Raid Uact of land
from Miid tax sale i. ill expire ou the 0th, day ot
ftovembor.U. 1W.
(Seimwll A. L. Ormsty.
Firlt imbUcatiou July 10th, WtiO,
To Amoriran Investment Company, lof
EmmeUburiT, Palo Alto County, lima, F. K
Allen, lUceiver of the Ameriisn lnvuatmant
Coaipuny. no.t-resident owners', and toocuu
tnnts and imrsotis in wbos names nsKessi-d
.or the jmrs l-l, IMit, and lbfe, and to all
to whom it may conown:
Voumi each otyMiare liorby notifmlthat
on tkb, of Notember, Jtt, A. L. Ormuy,
purehaseil at public Ux sale from Ut trtobutvr
of Box Itutw i-oonty. Nebruika, for the ilnlin.
H-vnt taxes for theyitir ls,the renl-sslnt ilo.
eribl below, situuto lit iiox Hutto oouuty,
Htienf Nebraska, viz:
Tit southwest nuartir of roetion 15, town
fihhi 'U, uorth of ranee IX wet of the sixth
priticlpal mfiidiati;
lxed iu Uieunmaof JohnD. Workman, for
the ymr ISWt, and iu 'the name of PeUr It.
Worktuau, forth jnar l-l:aud iM5 U.i tho
,:tli. day ot Novamuer 1SW, A. It. Orm'.'j,
p ii tin uumon said Isn't for the jr 1SUI as
ubioquenttax. ,ttdtUi Ml, diiy of Jul) lw
lakl A. ii. Ormshy. jmid liie Ijmw on said land
for tb )ar It.', as kuLtjui ut tax.
Tin time oi ledemptioa of wild tract of lnnu
frcui aaid tux m1 will txpirs wi tte iUi. ilsj o
Npietnber, A, 1). IbVH.
(ljnd A. L. Ormbby.
Flrat publieaviou July lUi. U98.
Taken up by tb-t n n lwautntt.1 ou suction l-28
H tMuiji'imt'w n.'iut rjout ftfj t, luio u
alKiut in in l,j'Ai- i . to mac U b.-aiiai ou
tlt slMlklc: tatea p May 10, ltori. Own-resji
.!e ame by iroin p;ox?ity an 1 i nx
si a -fci. at. I 81.
OLD PAPEllH-iond. ii. at
Fiif. Hehald o'M
iM's f ir?l.
1 o my Customers:
JHnAAh!,.!,', ry-
Our rnrtiilfitJlnta nvn nnii, t.
i i" .: X" "" " "B'" " niu jioiu, trying to ot onr CU3-
tomors dissatisfied and domoralizud by circulating till kinds of wild-cat
atones .and nice y gotten up printed matter, with the idea o malting
them feel that thoy have made, u mistake in not placing their order for
"llio other fellow's machine."
Now, we address this open letter to you to say that past exper
ience, if romomhered teaches us that it is a common practice with
most of them to send out handsopie printed matter, mako a game of
smooth talk .and many fair promises, in ordorto have you bolievo thoir
machino is thn only ono to buy. If they find you have bought on
EoSiK " m pi Sv V'!f V0U kuow to bo th0 beat, "THE
JUcOUItMICK MACHINLilir, thoy got after you, ottering lower
prices, stones of imaginary brilliant successes,, etc., calculated to make
you feel that you hnvo bought too early.
Tho fac.ts in tho caso arc that you can buy a McCormick Binder
oi Mower just as cheap m January as you can in Juno or any other
month. McCormick machines aro sold at ono prico nt all times, thev
being all mado ahko and of the same material, are necessarily worth
tho Nirao money, henco the company must ask nil people the same
price. Iho price of a McCormick machine has no more to do with
that of any other binder or mower than it has with tho price of bicy
cles. Pleaso bear this point m mind. -
McCormick makes his own machines; tho other companies
mnko theirs. J. hoy do not compare notes as to the cost of tho differ
nnt machines, nnd only do so in relation to tho SELLING PHICE
and guago their price by thoir ability to get orders that wo would
surely got if thoy would put the same price, on their goods as wo do on
ours. If their machine cost them as much money as tho McCormick
does to build, they would surely ask tho samo prico, as thero is no
company on earth tlmt can build machines any cheaper or hotter than
lho McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. build thoirs.
If you havo not bought a McCormick, you should place your
order at once with your nearest agent for onb of the McCormick mach
ines the best harvester and binder that McCormick over built, and a
machine of which wo aro all justly proud.
Reports from tho southern harvest fields aro most flattering and
encouraging, showing that tho competition only did business whore
we were SHORT OF MACHINES and couldn't till orders . Thfe Zt
vinces us and should convince you, that tho McCormick machino soils
on its merits nnd not on price, which is guuged by productions of oth
er iminuincturers, and as history usually repeats itself as tho harvest
moves north, it might bo well for you to place your order at once, as
wo-will very likely havo to-fttco a shortage in Nebraska and elsewhere.
J t might strike you when you need your machine tho -worst, "First
como must bu first served," If you havo already placed your order,
you should feel happy over it and pay no attention to any talk dven
you by a competitor with lho idea of making you dissatisfied vith
your purchase. Wishing you every success, wo romain
Yours truly,
, W. K.
General -:-
J ti .
'$ his
SSL 13-
Tho People's' Independent elec
tors of Box Butte county are here
hy invited to send delegates from
the savoral precincts to meet iu
convention iu tho court house at
Hemingford on Saturday, July 11,
at 11 o'clock a. ni., for tho pur
pose of electing six delegates to
tho stato convention to bo field nt
Grand Island July 15, 1806, and to
transact such other business as
may como beforo it.
Tho several precincts aro enti
tled to representation as follows,
based on the vote for Samuel Max
well for Supreme Judge, giving
each precinct ono delegato at large
and ono for each ten votes or
maior fraction thereof.
Box Butto
Snake Creek
3 Runningwater 4
(5 Dorsoy 7
7 Lawn 4
3 Lake (J
2 Wright G
It is recommended that caucuses
bo held in the sovornl precincts' on
Thursday, July 0th, at such time
and place as shall be announced by
the committeeman.
Claiik Olds, Chnirman.
W J. Buitton, Seo'y.
Tho undersigned will take cattle
to Imril for tho seusou of 1800, at
Fosket's ranch. Terms, SI, for sea-
on, from. May 1st to Out. 15tli.
E. D. Pa-En.
C. J. Wildy wants some chick
ens. Caveat, nnd Trade-Marks obta'n-dnnd all Pat-1
rant buntacor!jctra ur moderate Ftes.
5 Our ornet io opposite. U, 8. PATtNTOrricc
aud we cas ura patent ia le& tuuo tlua loose
?rmate (ram Wnihin 'ton.
5 Sscd modi.!, drainjr or pKeto., rlth dc$crip-
tltpa. we navue, it piitnijjjia cr not, iree oi
JelutBC. Our fee it duo tilt patent i secured.
PAMPHLET, '" w juimn (un, "iiu
5ct oi Mina in tha U. S. aad foreign countries
writ tree. Aoareu,
a craoiftff s. anr :
iju M es aw w vy co 'tj'pj;
opp. patent orncc. vmohincton. d. c.
5 rKvil!Tf?.frarihr ?
A. -'?., J,
i... ui.i i. .. .. i. ,
, Agent,
Space Belongs to
I will sell trimmed goods .atone
foarth oil from marked price in or
ddr to make room for now goods.
Now is tho time to get a hat cheap
at tho millinery store ono door
north cf Wildy's.
iliss L. Adams.
of the Northwest.
Will be sent postpaid to any
addrogs six dnyo a wook for
ono year for ........
The Chronicle la tho moat
oonaplcuouo nowopnporauo
ooaa of tho day, tho dally cir
culation oxcoodlns 70,000
copies and thp Sunday circu
lation oxceodlns 100,000 oop
loa. It la a flrat-class nowa
paporof 12 and 16 paces (Sun
day 40 to 4a pesos) and
Is a stanch supporter of
sound domocratlo principles.
Dally (except Sunday) 1 yoar. . , $4.00
Dally and Sunday, 1 year 6.00
Dally, 6 months (oampalgn edition). . . . 2.00
DjII and Sunday, 6 months 3.00
Da.ly, 2 months 1.00
Dally and Sunday, 2 months 1.40
Dally, 1 month GO
Dally and Sunday, 1 month 75
Sunday, 1 year 2.00
Saturday, 1 year i.qq
Samplo copies freo on appli
cation. Address
104-165 Washington 8t,
Ohloaoo. 111.
ii i i i r . i i i - r -ii L t
Vfahlnjrloti VTIll Itemnln ilt tlie Apex
of Arnnrlciii Mutilinoil. i-
"Theso nrtlclos hnvo failed In their
objor.t If thoy do not tend to Inculato
in the minds of American youth tho
Importance of will-power and right ap
piratlons to tho comploto development
of tho individual," writes Gonernl A.
W. Grcely, concluding, in Ladles' Homo
Journal, his sorlos of papers on "Tha
Personal Sido of Washington." "What
aro tho snllont changes wrought by
these forces In tho evolution of tho man
George Washington? For money hid
indomitable will sacrificed to tho exi
gencies cf hnrah labor and uncon
genial surroundings tho pleasures of
homo llfo. Later, his noble aspirations
valued gold only as a means ot serv
ing hla country, of alleviating suffering,
and of extending charity. Ttislng Iu
na aristocratic community to the apex
of its social system ho then eagerly of
fered his nssured standing and ac
quired fortuno in order to insure civic
and religious liberty to all grades of
society. Brutality and cruelty marked
tho contests of his earlier day: In his
mature years he was one of the most
humnno warriors of any age. Tha
brooding curse of slavery imposed up
on him trafllc in human lives: later be
rose above tho race prejudices of hla
tlybo, and by his individual action fore
stalled by six'tx years that Inevitable
goal of Individual freedom, which fu
turity deferred tor America to another
century. His irreligious surroundings
and youthful Tiablts were such as havo
sapped tho hotter character of thou
sands. Yet he came ti) recognize that
his own evolutionary processes were uo
safo guides to humnnlty. but that tha
oaly sure road la that pointed out by re
ligious faith and assimilated action,
through the by-paths of sobrletj', In
dustry, charity and right living. Tho
time may como when experts can nUt'&
tlon the superiority of Washington
a general, or the entire wl60om of his
policy as President But. fortunately
for his fame, thero is only one standard
by which tho whole world measure
an individual, nnd it 13 certain that so
long an equity, honesty and charity are
deemed the highest attributes of human
nature, so long will the man George
"Washington remain at tho apex of
American manhood."
rotliord nnd Ilia liliirt Couf.
When Sir John r.IIllals was a student
at tho Royal Academy ho rejolcd in
the friendship of a fellow student by
tho name of Pothcrd. Potherd, among
other eccentricities, affected a long
blue cloak with a catskln collar, which
he wore on al occasions. Millals was
still struggling with his charcoal whfn
"Boy Blue" left the acudemy and set
up as a full-fledged artist, and the
friends thus'becamo eeparatcd. Mlllaia
had achieved fa mo and -painted noma
world-renowned pieturaa-buforo he met
his old friend again. . Walking down
the streets of Camden Town ono day.
Sir John saw a figure In a long blue
cloak, trudging along before him. "Sure
ly," said MlHais, "I know that cloak;
it must bo Potherd." Quickening hH
step, he called out: "Hallo! Potherd.
how are you?" "And who may you
bo?" said "Bo BJue." "I am Millals;
don't you remember mc?" "Not llttlo
Johnny Millals, surely?" said the shab
by Potherd, surveying the well
groomed Sir John. "Judging by your
appearance, Mlllaia, I should Bay you
had given tlje arts the go-by. What
do you do for a living?" "Paint.;'
groaned Sir John, thinking what a very
local thing fame is, after all.
Two l$oj for )n Ttioth,
The head master of a Leicester board
school was starting out tho other morn
ing to go to his occupation when he saw
two tiny toddlers coming toward him.
Ono of them stopped him and said:
"Please, sir, Bill and Jack can't go to
school this morning, because they're
going to have a tooth out." Falling to
see why both should go to havo ono
tooth out the master said: "But what's
Bill (tho older of the two) going for?"
"Please, air, Bill's going to have hla
tooth out." "Then what's Jack (tbu
little one) going for?" "Pleaso, sir, Vs
goln' to 'ear 'lin 'oiler," was the iepij.
I'ots ami riant In Harmony.
Tho deceiated stone pots eo largely
in use in drawing-rooraB for growing
plants need to be selected with cara.
They should not only be adapted . In
coloring to t'hc plants they aro to hold,
but thero should be a harmony In tha
Jars themselves, as no matter how
beautiful each Individual one may bo
if there is incongruity in tho coloring
the whole effect will bo unploasmg.
Even an uneducated eye would detec't
the inharmonious effect without being
able to discover tho cause. Ladles'
Homo Journal.
Fomethlne to lie Ao!iml,
Don't find fault; that jb, in th? flaw
picking, grumbling way. It nqt only
make3 you look and seem and feel dis
agreeablo at tho time, but it perma
nently mars your beauty. About tho
mouth thero is certain to cornea cluster
pf lines to tell tho world at large of
tho peevishness of its owner. It makes
tho eyes smaller, because they contract
at the time, aad tho lips grow ex
tremely sensitive from continual biting.
Women's Vest Gutting lllircer.
It is stated as a positive fact by
those who should know that women'd
foet aro becoming a little larger eaoh
year, owing to outdoor exorcise. Thp
average size is three polntB larger thaa
ten years agQ.
Torpedo limit liy nail.
A torpedo boat was successfully
.transferred by rail from St. Petersburg
to Sebastopol a little wullo ago, and a
number of others will now be sent 1
t in
the same way to the Black eea fleet,
t .