Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 10, 1896, Image 6

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A atmtriiKl 'Iljr ttio Danithter of
British Amliaditttnr Ueirrlblnc
Coronation of tlio Lata Cxitr of Ku-
Thornton, daughter
of Sir Edward
Thornton, describes
"Tlio Crowning of
a Czar" In tho Cen
tury. MIbs Thorn
ton writes as fol
lows: Tho service
begnn with tho
Emperor's confes-
nlnn nt fnlHi. tvhlnli
"vma ep liko our own that I could fol
klaw iL easily. Tho metropolitan camo
ibrmutl to hear him mako It, and ro
sixHided at tho end, "May tho graco of
rtlie Holy Ghost abide with theo." 1
understood comparatively little of the
mat; bnt they say that tho prayers aro
"womlcrfully beautiful. From tho first
iBxwwwit to tho last tho Emperor was
"tlw central figure. If one looked away,
tit waa only to seo how ovcry ono was
watching hlm. Ills volco certainly
CnoBblcd -when ho began to rord, but
iL gained confidence as ho went on, and
bo looked (as ho always does, to my
xnlnd, with or without a crown) every
inch, an emperor. Throughout tho
whota Bcrvlco ho boro himself with
rcat dignity, and In a manner worthy
of such an occasion. After tho creed
and tho reading of tho cplstlo and the
'gospel, ho ordered tho Imperial mantlo
to bo brought, which was clasped
-around his neck with tho collar of St.
.Andrew, lifted tho magnificent crown
ftron tlio cushion on which It wob pre
sented.' and receiving the benediction
-from tho metropolitan, "in tho name
T tho Father, and vt t'10 Vn. and of
rllio Holy Ghost," placed It on his head,
aaaS. holding the scepter In his right
ftancl and tho globe In his left, seated
-fctauKlf. upon his throne, looking a
wrjr noblo presentment of a cznr of
aiH tho Itusslas. Tho Empress seemed
'to havo-caught something of his air,
Jftn: thnrday a eortaln statellnoss was
JMldot'to all her charm. She was very
pale, but I thought that I had never
seen her look moro sympathetic. She
bow left her place, and went to kneel
6cIo6 her husband on a cushion which
hail been Dlnced for hpr nt liln font iiv
rlqp Waldemar. Tho Czar lifted his
wa,?rown from his head, and placed
It an,'lnstant on horn before replacing
it. Then, taking her crown from Its
foearef, ho held It In placo whllo tho
Ibur Uanics d'honncur fastened It so
'CHroly to her head, These wero Coun
tess Adlerberg, Prlncos VlasemskI,
PWncesa Kotchouboy, and ono I did not
'ww-the oldest In rank In Russia, I
Xwllovo; and they also helped to fasten
vthd Imperial mantlo of c!oth-of-gold
-anil ermine, of great weight, As tho
Ocarina returned to her place, she
turned a faco full of emotion tohcrhus
tianil. and held out her hand, and ho
taklhj; It and stooping down, they
-biased each other. His majesty now
.-received tho sceptor and globo again,
and Emperor and Empress stood
- crowned before their thrones and wcar
fnjgfJUio imperial mantles, while tho
jnrlcsts proclaimed tho titles of tho
anlocrat of all tho. Russlas at full
length; and tho beautiful chants that
:Sollofercd wero drowned In a clanging
or bells and a noise that seemed loud
nonsh to announce tho coronation to
eholo of Russia. During tho sing
ing Iho Imperial family left their places
ftoi come and congratulate tho Emporor
-anfl JEmprcss, tho llttlo Czarevitch
"tost. Thero was much embracing and
.plenty or tears. It was after this that,
aa tie noise of tho bells and eannon
died away, the Emporor took tho book
Jtrom tlio Metropolitan and knelt to
nw. -reading tho prescribed words, ho
alone kneeling, while priests and con
gregation stood. As tho Emporor roao
ftrnnvhls knees we all knelt down, and
then followed the prayer of priests
and congregation for him, led by tho
JontEBUpolItan, the emporor alone stand
Injjiln afce crowded church. As I have
voald before., this was the most Im
preasIvo moment of all. Tho choirs
Tiow sang ngaln that beautiful, unac
companied singing of tho Greek church,
nong;h here It had an accompaniment
rot all tho Kremlin belht. After a mag
.aiiflcent To Deum tho mass began, In
which, before communicating, tho Czar
vra3 to bo anointed with tho holy
chrism (tho "seal of tho gift of tho
Ilqly Ghost") on forehead, eyelids,
Taoslrils, lips, cars, breast, and hands.
The oil for this anointing lo prepared
by tho priests with tho greatest care,
In vessels of silver; and they them
selves fast absolutely for sixteen hours
. Before a coronation, spending tho time
in prayer. After the emperor, tho em
press Is anointed at the holy doors, but
"only on the forehead. Also In tho holy
communion sho receives as an ordi
nary member of the Greek church; but
tho emperor, on tho day of his corona
tion, "In view of tho sovereignty that
xcsldos In his person," receives as tho
r priests receive, in both kinds separate
ly. Of all this I saw nothing because
of tho intervening pillar. But I did
- eo their majesties leavo their thrones,
suid e&ndown tho steps of the platform
theholy doors of tho screen closely
attended by tho colonel of the Choval
lers Gardes with his drawn sword, and
preceded and followed by endless high
dignitaries, returning in the same or
ler 'nrter the anointing and tho holy
communion. After this there was very
llttlo more of tho ceremonial In the
cathedral. At tho end of tho usual
sefVico thero were somo special prayors
and chants for the newly crownad
iPalr-Long life to the crowned of
God!" and In tho sllonce that followed
ihe nriests held up the cross for their
majesties to kiss, tho emperor replaced
the crown, which ho had laid aside at
tho beginning of tho maBS, and, carry
ing tho globo and sceptor, moved with
tho empress toward tho cathedral
A Mjstorr That Wilt l'robnblr Ncer lie
For tho last half century tho Ameri
can residents of Tucson, Arizona, havo
been trying to solvo a mystery In tho
shnpo of what appears to bo a holo
through a mountain poak In plain sight .
from tho town, says tho San Francisco
Call. In tho clear, rarefied air it looks
to ho only a Bhort dlstanco nway, whon
In reality It is nt least forty miles. Tho
carlict residents noticed tho phenome
non, and tho only difficulty that lay In
tho way of finding out just what It was
was tho fact that It was InacccBslblo
and when they camo anywhoro near tho
Bpot tho holo disappeared from sight.
In fact, It can only bo Boon from within
a few miles of Tucson, and this has lod
many people to bollovo that it Is not a
holo at all. By tho aid of a good ma
rine telescope tho mountain can bo
brought to within a fow miles, but not
near enough to toll tho exact nature of
tho rock formation. An astronomical
tolcscopo cannot ho focused on It, as
tho mountain Is too near. A first peep
through tho glass would load ono to
bollovo that thero was no mystery
about It. Tho holo nppcars as plain as
possible but aovoral days' Btudy of tho
Bpot will develop tho fact that tho
"holo" does not always look tho samo.
Many dnys when tho sky Is dark be
hind tho mountain tho holo will appear
a brilliant white llko a snowdrift
and on days when tho sky Is bluo it will
often look so dark as to ho almost In
visible. Theso facte havo lod many to
think that It is an lmmenso piece of
mica, lying with its polished servlco
toward tho sky and reflecting tho cloud
formations of another part of tho hori
zon Instead of being tho light seen
through a holo. Viewed with tho naked
oyo tho holo simply appoars a white
spot, but tho tolcscopo roveals plno
trees and other details, although very
Indistinctly. The range of mountains
In which tho strange peak can bo seen
Is known as tho Catallnas and numer
ous parties havo made tho attempt to
climb It but all havo failed on nccount
of tho steep and rugged precipices In
the vicinity. This peak Is a high ono
and can be seen from any point In tho
Journey toward It, but whoa ten miles
out of Tucson tho holo can no longer
bo seen oven with the aid of a glass.
This can bo explained on tho mica
theory, as a surfaco of that material
would not reflect a ray of light toward
a person's eyo after ho got out of Its
anglo of projection. One man In Tuc
son claims to have climbed tho peak
and looked through tho holo Into a
valloy oa tho other side. For somo
reason ho always refused to take a
party up thero and as ho could never
toll what ho saw in tho valley nor oven
direct others how, to got thero his Btory
Is not believed. And so tho mystery of
tho mountain remains unsolved and
In tho opinion of old prospectors al
ways will until somebody Invents a
flying machine.
How to (Monn Whllo Sailor Hutu.
Young women who havo been woar
Ing white sailor hats for tho last month
aro beginning to look npprehensivoly
nt tho stained and soiled brlmB. It is
possible, howover, to removo this stain,
as any ono can loam for herself. First
brush tho hat very thoroughly and
carefully to remove as much dry dust
as possible. Then add a llttlo ammonia
to somo water, and, with a brush and
somo castllo soap, scrub tho stained
brim till It Is clean. Caro should bo
taken not to break or bond tho straw,
but If this precaution Is observed the
washing will bo fouud very beneficial.
If any stains do not prove amenablo to
this treatment, apply a little lemon
Juice, -which is wonderfully efficacious
for cleaning straw. When tho last rem
nant has been applied lay the hat on a
flat surfaco so that It may dry In Its
original shape. Do not attempt to
wear it before it Is completely dry.
Tho flguro of Britannia first appeared
on tho coppor coins in tho reign of
Charles II. '
In London a publisher can havo a
book well Illustrated throughout for
from $125 to $250.
London society has developed a new
craze midnight cycling excursions In
to tho city.
Thero is ono firm in Birmingham
putting out a thousand Hint guns every
week for tho African trade.
A resident of Bulnwayo says that up
to tho present, taking the whole "dis
turbed" area, about eighty white peo
ple havo been killed.
Madagascar waa bo named by the
early explorers, from tho Malagasy, or
Malays, who inhabited it.
Payno, as far as can bo gathered,
wrote "Home, Sweet Homo" ono dreary
day in October, 1822, In Paris, far from
his own home, and In poor circum
stances. The age order of Presidents when in
augurated was as follows: W, H. Har
rison, Buchanan, Taylor, Jackson,
Adams, Monroe, Madison, Jefferson,
Qulncy, Adams, Washington, Johnson,
B. Harrison, Hayes, Van Buren, Lin
coln, Tyler, Arthur, Fillmore, Polk,
Garfield, Pierce, Cleveland, Grant
Tho beaver was numerous in somo
localities in the north of Wales In 940
and again in 1188. There are records
of them much later In Scotland. Rein
deer were abundant In Scotland, and
were hunted in Calthnoss in tho yoar
1159. Wild boars wero numerous
whon largo tracts of wood gave thtm
Tlia Ilnti Now Seen Show tho American
Girl Iras to Nature -novrnt for the
Ilrlde' Mother Lounging flown
Fashion's Decreet.
HE American girl
was never so truo
to naturo and to
her own self as in
her hats for this
season. Tho old
fashioned blossoms
which her grand
mother loved
mignonette, sweet
pea, tho old-fash
ioned garden dai
sy, heliotrope and
tho June rose adorn her hats, and aro
massed upon it in that profusion and
conglomeration which wo all know so
well in tho country garden of somo
dear old lady that tho fashionable
world has passed by.
"What prettier object can ono think
of than a sprightly American girl, with
all tho bright ways that mako her
British cousins bo envious, having on
her head a hat of green straw, traced
about tho front with green tulle and
almost covered with sprayB of mignon
ette and heliotrope; then turned up In
tho back to mako room for a mass of
tho eamo flowers, so realistic that one
can almost catch tho breath of their
perfume? And ono really does catch
that breath, for tho American girl per
fumes tho blossoms of her hat with tho
extracts from their livo sisters.
In quite different stylo is a garden
party hat, to bo worn by a brunette.
Of yellow silk mull, It Is mado over a
wlro frame. Wings of lace, and a bow
of silk mull aro used In Its adorn
ment, combined with primroses, with
out foliage, but of a deeper shade of
yellow than tho mull. It is a charming
hat, and will look particularly well
worn with a boa of the mull. Tho Lat
est. For a WoiMIns.
Tho gown for tho bride's mother
should portray dignity and bo very ele
gant. Yot It should bo very quiet in
appearanco, a mingling of sorrow be
causo her daughter Is leaving and of
Joy for tho happiness of her child.
Again wo turn to tho wedding of the
young woman wo havo in mind. For
her mothor a very handsome gown la
being designed in gray Batln, brocaded
with purple thistles. Tho skirt Is very
full, falling in many godct3 about tho
back. It is severely plain, not a singlo
ornament marring its graceful sweep.
Tho bodice is cut somewhat in Louis
fashion and is constructed of plain gray
satin. Falling in graceful godcts each
sido tho front is a largo collar, edged
with narrow steel trimming. Tho
basque skirts aro slashed and edged
with tho samo steel trimmings and
turn in front to form elongated revers.
Largo steel bnttons adorn each side, a
long steel frlngo falling from tho lower
ones. A narrow belt fastens the Jacket
about the waist. Tho brocaded satin
is introduced to form tho sleeves, and
purplo chiffon tho vest and collar. Not
the least attractive feature aUbut this
costumo Is tho tiny toquo of violets
and sliver aigrettes, fastened undor the
chin with purplo velvet ribbon. It Bits
charmingly above tho silver hair and
blooming cheeks of tho well-preservod
woman who will don It. Tho Latest.
Lounging down.
Woman is learning tho beautlos of
many old-fashioned materials, which
explains, perhaps, why dimity has such
a bold upon hor now, That most of her
i tL i! 3J n iPi' V
Bummer underwear is mado of thtyt
material does not soem sufflclont; sho
must needs havo houso gowns of It.
If not of dimity, houso gowns aro
mado of organdlo or batlsto. This
means that thoy aro vory lnoxponslvo
and no woman is debarred for econom
ical reasons from being very comforta
blo in her own room.
It takes about ton yards of material
to mako a house gown, and very suita
ble batistes and dimities may be
bought for from 10 to IS cents a yard.
jOr, if ono prefers to buy the garment
ready made, she may do so at any prlco
from 35 cents to the doiiblo numbers.
Tho favorlto colors for houso gowns
aro, first sea green, then lavender, then
yellow. Tho gowns aro mainly
trimmed with soft cream lace; indeed,
its uso is quito Indlsponsablo to tho
proper, fluffy effect of tho garment.
Bishop's sleeves, gathered above tho
wrlBt undor a small turn-over cuff, or
long, flowing sleeves, aro best adapted
to these gowns, whllo tho collars may
bo shaped merely of a fall of laco or
may bo broad sailors, opening In a de
cided V in front. Tho Latest.
Cnnrenllne tho Fireplace.
For the lamp shado nothing Is better
for tho purpose, nor moro economical,
than tho charming crinkled paper, but
how to All up in an artistic manner
tho yawning cavity left by tho vanished
fire and yet keep tho fire ready laid for
the chilly days that will inevitably ar
rivo Is alwayB a vexatious difficulty.
A lovely llttlo screen will solvo tho
difficulty to perfection. It is ono that
is quite novel In pattern, yet most
easily mado by any carpenter, of plain
deal, to bo enameled aftqrward. A lit
tle curtain serves tho purpose of hid
ing the grato, shelves form a pretty
resting place for vases holding flowers,
and tho whole arrangement is so easily
portable that it can bo moved at will
and fulfills its docorative function in
any part of the room. A still simpler
method is to hang a curtain of cre
tonno or silk on a wooden blind pole,
cut to fit the fireplace and wedgo tho
bar behind the projecting part of the
grate above the bars. This Is an easily
removable ornament also. The screen,
too, might bo less elaborate if the top
part wero simply straight Instead of
in an arabesque design.
High Collar nnil Yellow Nrctcs.
Tho long period of favor which tho
high collar has enjoyed is responsible
for tho yellow condition of most wo
men's necks. Tho fashlonablo linen
collars are also adding their disfigur
ing touches, leaving red lines and
wrinkles In their wake. To counter
act this and to keep tho neck white and
beautiful that one may not be nshamed
of Its appearanco when a decolloto
bodlco Is worn tho neck should bo
bathed each night with warm water
and soap and whllo still warm and
moist thoroughly massaged with a tea
sponful of pure ollvo oil. In tho morn
ing it should bo thoroughly washed
with cold water and rubbed gently with
a soft towel for a fow minutes. This
course whitens the skin, makes It Ann
and fills out ungainly hollows. Some
complexion specialists recommond
bleaching fluids, but they aro com
pounded of dangerous drugs in most
instances and must bo used with tho
greatest care or the skin will only be
additionally Irritated.
Tho lluir Kdltor.
"Aro thero not tlmos," said a man,
entering the offlco of a busy editor,
"when you can write bettor than at
other times?"
"Ah, I thought so. That raon who
write aro affected by their environ
ment I havo no doubt. Now, toll me,
when can you write beet?"
"When I am slont," the editor re
viled. Indianapolis Sentinel.
They Make rhtlcxophera, X'hllnnthroplitf,
rofltR, Wnr and Fear p.
"Tho scriptures say wo must all bo
born again," observed tho philosopher
as ho ladled out his tablo d'hoto soup,
relates tho New York Herald.
"That's right," I replied, "but whero
did you find It?'
"I take it on hearsay ovldence. Bat
what I want to say Is that if I am to
be born again and have anything moro
to do with it than I had the last timo
I would bo born a cook."
"A cook!" I looked into tho fathom
less eyes of ono reputed the best writer
in New York.
"Yes, sir, a cook. I have lived near
ly sixty years, traveled much studied
more produced something. I've seen
men and women struggling among
themselves for existence for a little
thing we call reputation and for
money. Thoy mako a fow friends by
tho wayside, do a little dab of good
hero and there, die and aro forgotten.
Upon tho hypothesis that we are all
placed on earth for a purpose and that
purpose Is tho happiness and better
ment of our fellow creatures, I ask
myself how best can a man live and
labor to accomplish the chief end of
existence? Is it by robbing tens of
thousands and distributing alms to the
few? Is it by healing the sick and
feeding tho poor? Is It by writing
enchanting verses or by fulminating
philosophical prose?
"My dear boy, I havo concluded that
a cook has a greater influence on man
kind for good or evil than the greatest
of the so-called learned professors. Tho
cook makes and unmakes great men,
as she or ho happens to be good or
bad. I am simply tho product of tho
cook. Whatever I have produced the
cook is largely responsible for. Bad
cookery has made great poets as well
as bad husbands and murders
through Indigestion. Byron, Shelley,
Keats, Poo Indigestion. Caesar, Han
nibal, Napoleon all tho bloody con
querors of earth Indigestion. Tho
physical system tho stomach that
boiler and englno room that furnishes
the motive power for tho mechanism
of tho brain, has for Its fireman and
engineer the cook. Cooks murder more
persons every year than ever foil In a
singlo battle; malm more in the samo
timo than wero ever wounded In tho
greatest war. Cooks make war pos
sible. "But, on the other hand, cooks have
wrought both physical beauty and
mental greatness. Thoy havo subtly
Inspired strength of character and
goodness of heart. If they have cre
ated tho cynic and tho miser they must
bo credited with tho philosopher and
the philanthropist. If they aro direct
ly responsible for bloody wars they
have also Inclined men's hearts to
peaco and good will. Even their er
rors, as I have said, have made men
great, especially in poetry and war.
"The cook may die to us unknown,
but the product of his art lies in us
rnd our work nnd in our blood and
bone and brain from generation to
Oltl Clock Wir h Can llolil It Own
with re M 1 -rn Timepiece.
J. C. McCoy of St. Louis Is in posses
sion of a remarkable clock that has an
Interesting history, says tho Boston
Advertiser. It was mado In 181C. The
aged horologe was originally tho time
piece of the old Territorial bank of
St. Louis, which was chartered in 1815
nnd -was the first bank west of tho Mis
sissippi river. At the close of that in
stitution the clock passed iato tho
possession of the Bank, of Missouri
In 1818. When that establishment col
lapsed in 1822 the clock became tho
property of tho bank's president, Col.
T. F. RIddlck. After his death In 1831
It served as a timepiece for his son-ln-law,
tho late C. T. Billon. From him
It went to his brother, F. L. Billon. It
was kept by him over thirty years, and
his death, somo months ago, led up to
a condition which has forced tho family
to think of selling it During the long
period which tho venerable clock has
spent In Missouri It has been kept con
stantly running, with llttlo if any re
pairs, except an occasional cleaning,
and records time with excellent ac
curacy. It Is what was originally
known as a "Wlllard timepiece," being
named after tho patentee and manu
facturer of that stylo of clocks in Con
necticut. Tho clock Is mado in tho
fashion of colonial timepieces, the pen
dulum swinging In a square box which
Is suspended from the dial. That por
tion of tho clock which protects tho
shaft and pendulum bears painted
scenes, one of which is a medlaova)
A Singular Accident.
While Frank Faber was making
somo repairs under a stone crusher at
Devil's Lake, Wis., a screw caught his
clothes and began to draw him upward.
He grabbed hold of a timber and held
on whllo the screw continued to wind
and did not let go until every stitch
of clothing except his boots was re
moved from his body. He was only
slightly bruised.
I'aper Tolegt-Hph I'olo.
Paper telegraph poles are the latost
development. Theso poles nre made of
maper pulp, In which borax, tallow,
etc., are mixed lit small quantities.
Tho papor polos are said to bo lighter
and stronger than those of wood, and
to bo unaffected by sun, rain, damp
ness or any of the other causes which
shorton tho life of a wooden pole.
Most sorts of dlvcvlon In men, chil
dren, and othor animals Is an Imita
tion of fighting.
The flvo o'clook tea Is tho grub thm
makes the butterfly of fashion.
Trnns-MtaxUiftppf Jnnttrmi.
Ouaha, Nebraska, July 3, 1890.
Ainonpst the Trans-"Mississippi invent
ors who received patents last week
wero the following: A. Y. 1 rccmnn,
Fullerton, Nebruska, pipe wrench; E.
R. Braver, Alliance, Nebraska, sifter
or chop grader; Hiram A. Guy, Wood
River, Nebraska, band cutter and focd
cr; L. M. Hankonsson. Muson City,
Iowa, wire holder; William Louden,
Fairfield, Iowa, singletree; Deborah
Owen, Van Wert, Iowa, skirt protector
and L. D. Smith, Waterloo, Nebraska,
combination tool.
Amongst tho curious inventions nre
found a pen wiper In the shape of a
duck, which opens and closes its mouth
In cleaning1 tho pen; a fence supported
under tension; a simplo jar seal; a new
match, the igniting composition com
prising potassium chlorate and red
phosphorus of caelum plumbatc; on
electric sign board, the letters of which
nro alternately made incandescent; a
side-delivery hay-rnko; a pyrotechnic
firing device; a gun provided with an
adjustable stock; a new plow provided
with a rotary screw share, the point of
which revolves within the earth in the
manner of a cork screw In throwing
the soil upward; a lathe for operating
tools by flexible shaft; an accelerating
cartridge; a packing ring for naip
pistons; a curved single-tree; an &u air
tight coffin fastener.
Inventors desiring free information
relative to patents can obtain tho same
in addressing Sues & Co., United States
Patent Solicitors, Beo Building, Omaha,
Why It Is Done.
"I wonder what makes so many of
these actresses have their pictures
taken with just a head and bare shoul
ders and not a bit of waist to bo seen"
asked the unsophisticated person.
"That," said tho man who knows it
all, "is done so that the picture can be
used for tho next twenty or thirty
years without any chance of being
given away by tho old style dress, seo?"
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Coe'e Cough Ilalinm
Is tho oldrat and best. It will break up a Cold qul-tt.
er tnau an tblngelsc Itlaalway reliable. Try lb
Drinks for Warm Wenther.
The drinks that quench thirst most
effectually are, according to an author
ity on tho subject, those that possess
little sugar and no Bait. Among the
flavors to bo combined with water nre
limo and lemon juice, tho juice of the
grape fruit, and phosphates of orange
and cherry. Cold tea and coffee with
a slice of lemon and no sugar are also
beverages that will satisfy thirst. Both
of tho latter should bo poured from tho
pot as soon as brewed.
Somehow no ono over hecms to regnrd a
little in fin's troubles seriously.
Will realize tho greatest amount ot good In tho
shortest timo and at tho least expense by taking
The One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. 01.
Hood's Plllsarc easy to take, easy to operate.
The Greatest fledical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy th.it cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He Ins tried it in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver
or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts
being stopped, and always disappears in a
week after taking it. Read the label.
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