Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 10, 1896, Image 2

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TnOS. jr. DMCEBFTE, rnbllther.
TtMRt.v rnlns still continue in all
portions of tlio state.
Tjik fruit and berry crop In Ne
braska this year is all right.
.lunate Ramskv of 1'lattsmouth has
been seriously HI, but is recovering;
Tho Tablo Kock Chautauqua Is
now holding, having commenced July
Senator Toller of Colorado passed
through Omaha last week on route to
Miss. John A. Maiuilk a pioneer of
of Miclby, has gono to rest ut a ripe
old age.
Keepers of (rambling houses at
Koutli Omaha vlll be required to close
up on and uf tcr July 8th.
Crops in Nuckolls county wcro
never In a more prosperous condition
than at this time.
Nkiihahk.v roailroads made tho cus
tomary Fourth of July rates and the
uomo was freely taken advuntago of.
TwkLvk young ladles of Nelson have
organised n band and have teemed
enough money to purchase their Instru
ments. Fillmore county's teachers' insti
tute did a very crcdituhlo work under
able instructors. Tho attendance was
Part of tho Second regiment that
for somo timo has been stationed at
Fort Omaha have gone to Fort Har
rison. O.v the 8th of July the gambling
houses of South Omaha aro to go outof
business that is if they obey orders'Of
the mayor.
OUn.i. D11.LO.V of Omaha ipersisted in
keeping his saloon open until after
midnight audit cost aim nnevcn hun
dred dollars.
Saunders ootraty is the ihomc of a
crack gun club that proposes to test
its bklU with that of a -similar club
from Fremont.
A housing mooting isoonto beheld
in South Omaha lu tho interest' of the
Trans-MissUfclppi convention. Keep
the ball rolling.
William Kreggomau, living 'south
of Laurel, had a 10-year-old son in
stantly killed by .being caught .under a
falling hay Blacker.
lluy home made poods and build up
homo industries, is a goodipolley. Far
rell's Fire Extinguisher, made by Far
rell fc co., Omaha.
Walter Stuart, a 17-year-old iboy of
Omaha, had his car-chewed off Sunday
night while on ills -way to church. Tho
assault was by .three boys, of the same
Ilavelock has .a iftrst olass base ball
team. The boys go around "with chips
on their shoulders, and whoovcr ac
cepts the challenge usually gotssnowed
In a difficulty noar lionUclman two
brothers namod Moore .quarreled, dur
ing which ono shot the other fatally.
Tho fraens was Sho outcome of an old
difficulty -of long standing.
Thk Strnyton jublloo -singers that
cntcrtalnod a 810,000 house at the
Chicago auditorium .recently,. are going
to bo at the 'Crete Chautauqua for a
day or two.
Sknatou Tkllku, 'Colorado's big sll
ver defender, was in Oni.thn the other
day, receiving qulto .an ovation from
his friends during his brlof lny of an
hour or two.
Sknatou Tki.m:h was givon an ova
tion at Kearney as ho passed through
that city. Tho senator's stay was
brief, and in consequence a speech was
not forthcoming.
Tjik State Sunday School convention
will bo held in Omaha July 28. 20 and
30. It is xpocted to bo .largely at
tended by Sunday School workers from
all over tho state.
Thk house -of Mr. Meaner at Fre
mont was badly damaged by .tire. The
conflagration resulted from ,a lamp
that had been left burning in tho
house during the absence of the ocuu
pants. A young Omaha girl named -Schuster,
followed tho Second infantry when
the regiment took its departure from
Fort Omaha. She was intercepted at
"Sioux City and ordered back to her
While Mike Foster of North Platte
was engaged in breaking a bronco he
had tho misfortune to get his finger in
the infuriated animal's mouth, and as
result he is carrying a broken linger in
a sling.
Thk Crete Chautauqua opened July
3d with u good attendance, which is
expected to be largely increased. Tho
demand for buildings and cottages on
the assembly grounds this year in un
precedented. In a runaway accident at Table Kock
G. R. Martin nnd his wlfowcro thrown
out of a wugon and quite badly hurt.
Mrs. Martin is seriously injured, and
at tln'B writing it is not known what
tho outcome will be.
Thk money which Johnson county
lost in the collapse of tho bank of Rui
sell & Holmes, in Tecumseh in 1603,
has been restored. F.x-County Treas
urer Hush's bondsmen have paid the
amount, 80,630, into the treasury. Tho
bondsmen aro G K. Chamberlain, C.
M. Chamberlain, J. S. Dew, J. F, Rob
.crts und C II. Malstead.
Omaha Typographical Union No. 100
Jias appointed W. A. Itunkles, W. C.
lloyer. F. A. Kennedy, Al Small and
Lew W. Itaber as a committee to secure
the .convention of the International
Typographical Union' for Omaha in
lbsTtf. This is only one of the many
big .gatherings that the Nebraska
metropolis is laying for in 1608.
The American churches of Stroms
burg have inaugurated u new system
of holding summer services. Every
Sunday evening regular preaching ser
vices are held in the park. The park
is in the exact center of tho business
portion of 'the town and tho attendance
is large.
The eity authorities of Tecumseh
are just completing the work of chang
ing nearly all the wiring in the busl
ness houses of town and moving the
electric light poles twelve feet futher
out 'into tho fctreets. Tho wiring is
changed as a matter of protection and
to guard Bcainst a heavv insurant
tinXS&noratnsxccWiBOcn flying north
ward at Lincoln tko other day, with
tho wind. They "wens not numerous
tsnough to -cairsa a scare, but wcro
watched with much Interest. It is sup
nosed thatthev woro hatclrcd in west-
crn Kansannnd wcro simply Hying to
regions 'with mora plentiful vegeta
tion. Gknrhai. Manager Dickinson and
othertofllcinls of tho Union I'nclfic re
turned last week by special train from
a trip of Inspection of tho system. Mr
Dickinson found everything in satis
factory condition and tho road in flno
shape. Thcro Is o. general tendency
toward better times throughout tho
west. Uurflcld beach was ordered
Anticipating ono of the biggest
crops Nebraska has produced, tho llur
llngton shops at Havolock, Nebraska,
are putting tho equipment of tho H. &
M. Ky. in tho best possible condition.
In less that sixty days the operating
department "will bo taxed to its utmost
capacity. Tho force at tho shops will
bo greatly Increased; all of "which
means prosperity to Ilavelock.
Tm: safo of Gunthcr & Nccdham,
general merchants at St, Edwards, was
blown opon by burglars last 'weok.
The report of tho explosion was heard
by several parties, but no attention
was paid to it Thcro was about SCO
in tho -safe, which they obtained by
prying tho money box open. Tho safe
door Is badly damaged und has a holo
drillod in tho knob where the powder
was dnserteil There is no oluo to tho
Tho building bolonging to tho de
funct Commercial bank nt Weeping
Wator was sold for tho benefit of de
positors nnd was bought by an Omaha
iman for S2.GS0. So far tho depositors
novo received dividends to tho amount
of SO per cent, and this sale will make
It 60 per cent. Prospects are nattering
that tho totul assets will niako it possl
bio to pay out almost dollar for dollar
inn few months.
Tho murblo donnted by tho state
of Tennesseo to Nebraska for a statuo
of Abraham Lincoln arrived last week.
This is tho first installment, and com
prises two blocks, 14x12x4 feet in sizo
and woltrhinc thirty tons. John Currv.
tho stone cutter who fashioned a pias
ter cast oi uincoin, and who wants to
chisel tho hundsomo Tenncsso marblo
blocks, says that another installment
of tho pedestal, weltrhtnir 150 tons, is to
.follow these two blocks.
When Swnnson & Sickman, Aurora
grocers, reached their store tho other
morning thoy found that somo nartv or
.parties hud cut tho lower panels out of
the rear door and also out of a door in
a partlcian near the rear end of tho
store, and thus gained on entrance to
tho safo and money drawer, from
which thoy obtained about S30. Tho
safo had been blown open by means of
a fuso, a portion of which was found
on tho iloor. Nothing was taken or
disturbed except the money.
A I'ECUMAii fish about eight inches
in length was caught at Cut-Oft lake
last woek. In general appearance tho
specimen resembles a cattish. It has
tho same ugly, protruding mouth and
antonnae, or foelers. as tho cat, but in
addition is equipped with four perfect
ly formed legs, which end in cluws re
sembling a human hand: A dorsal fin
extends almost tho entire length of tho
body and tho back is covered with a
dark brown, mottled skin. Tho lower
portion is covered with small scales.
Tho annual exhibition of the John
son County Agricultural and Mechan
ical association will bo hold September
8 to 11, inclusive. Tho management is
now at work arranging a program of
special features that will bo attractive
enough to make tho fair a grand draw
ing card. In addition to the customa
ry races thero will bo numerous other
.attractions offered. September 0 will
bo old settlers' day, und tho meeting
of tho county's pioneers will be held In
a largo log cabin, which is to bo erect
ed on tho ground. Somo prominent
speaker will address the gathering.
Thomas Mackky has been found
guilty in tho federal court at Omaha of
having criminal intercourse with a girl
under sixteen years of age. Mackoy is
a white man and tho complaining wit
ness, Martha Mackey, is his stepdaugh
ter and a half-breed Indian. The
parties all live ut tho Sautco' agency
and the illicit relations have continued
for several years, or since tho girl wus
about twelve years old. Tho testimo
ny, which was of a revolting character,
shows that tho girl's mother, the wife
of Mackey, had knowledge of what
was going on und consented to it
Tim farmers near Ilavelock uro agi
tating tho question of building a
creamery. Two meetings have been
held. Jt seems probable they will offer
a small bonus and a building site in
ilavelock as an Inducement to any
company thnt will establish u good
plant there. The country has been
canvassed and milk can be had from
At least 500 cows. The oldest Bottlers
about Ilavelock say that the present
.crop prospects aro better than they
have been for twenty years. Oats are
heading out nicely and bid fair to
yield from fifty to seventy-five bushels
per acre. vCorn will bo waist high by
July 4th. Tho ground is in excellent
condition. Jn tho year 1601 Nebraska
had practically two crops, but 1800 bids
fair to-ejscel 1W)1.
Two women and a man were
drowned In the Missouri east of Teka
mah the other day. Two young men
and two young women were pleasure
riding in a boat, near what Is known
as the Ludwkdc saw mill. Tho river Is
very high, and the boat getting caught
in un eddy, struck a snug, which tipped
it so that it partially filled with water.
Ono of the girls grabbed oue of tho
men around tho neck in her fright.
Tho young man wa an excellent
swimmer, and, evidently thinking the
boat was going to sink and that ho
could swim ashore with the girl, jump
ed overboard with her. In jumping
they overturned the boat, throwing
.their companions into the water and
all were drowned. The first couple
were never seen after they sank.
Farmers report that the crops In
the neighborhood of Norfolk are excep
tionally good this year, especially in
the northern part of the county.
Small grain and corn never looked bet
ter and beets are Al. The heavy rains
lately put the beets back a little, but
this hot weather is bringing them up
again. r
Little Edith Iloyd of Columbus is
only 3 years old and had, tho other
day, a marvelous escape from death.
A window in an unuer storv tmr wv
and she fell out head foremost to the '
Krounu, a distance of eleven feet. She
was dazed for a little while and com-
plained of a slight pain in the bark,
j but there was nothing serious. j
Chairman ninrlchien Favor a On Day
Convention Tho Oohl Men Not F.K
.peotcd to Cut Much of a FlRtifa
In the Proceedings other
l.nto riosplp of Presi
dent Makers.
Jhicaoo, July 4. Thero is talk
among tho freo silver leaders of call
ing a caucus beforo the convent! n for
tho purpose of fixing a slate. Should
this bo done, Governor Altgeld's Idea
of a "one day" convention may bo
carried intooiTect,
W. II. Hinriohsen, chairman of tho
'Illinois State central committee and
dolcgato-at-large, says that thero is a
strong sentiment among tho free
silver delegates now In tho city favor
ing such a caucus. "Hut oven If thero
should bo no caucus," he continued,
"I have an idea that the work of the
convention can bo wound up In a
single day. As I figure It out, tho
stiver candidates for tho nomina
tion for President will be llland,
Holes, Ulackburn, Matthews and Mc
Lean. Of these I rather inclino to the
belief that Holes nnd llland will g&
tho bulk of tho votes, and that
whoever has tho greatest number of
votes on tho first ballot will bo nomi
nated on tho second. As to ,he gold
men. I don't think wo have anything
to feur from them. As soon as they
get hero and circulate among tho
delegates they will have political
sagacity enough to soe that they aro
in a hopeless minority, and that to
mak: a fight would be butting their
heads ugainst a brick wall with an
Idea of battering It down. Tho ma
jority of the Democrats aro for freo
silver, and it litis always been the
policy of tho Democrats to allow tho
majority to rule."
liinrichscn thinks that C. S. Thomas,
national committeeman from Colorado
und chairman of tho delegation from
that State, stands a good show of
being elected temporary chairman.
"It is quite possible," ho continued,
"that the temporary organization will
be made permanent. This could be
done for tho purpose of expediting
Hut AYlll Vote for Teller If Ills Name
Is Prciented.
Denvkk, Colo., July 4. Five of the
Colorado delegates to the Democratic
national convention favor tho nomi
nation of Bland and, as tho unit rule
will bo observed, ho will probably re
ceive tho eight votes of Colorado on
the firit ballot. Should Teller's name
bo presented, Colorado votes will go
to him, but the Colorado delegation
will present no candidate.
Last week it wa planned to Bond a
largo and influential delegation ot
Colorado citizens, without regard to
party affiliations, to work for the
nomination of Senator Teller, but tho
plan has been abandoned, as the Sen
ator himself did not approve of it.
While no organised body will go from
hero in his behalf, Sonator Teller will
have u large number of frienda at
I'vtrlton M"i on Their Way.
PriLADKt.PHiA. July 4. The Pensyl
vania delegates from this city and the
oastern counties of the State, with a
numliT if friends, left on a special
train for Chicago. The locomotive
and cars wcro decorated with flags
and bunting, and on the side of one
of the crs was a p!oce of canvas bear
ing this motto: "Pa son and Sound
Money," AH of tho delegation wear
badges surmounted by a gold crossbar
bearing the word "Pennsylvania,"
with pictures of Pattlson on white
celluloid suspended.
Sngar Planter ns Itepubllcani.
New Oii.KANS.July h. The National
Republican party, as the sugar plant
ers style themselves, met in secret
session ysterday and decided to drop
the national, claiming to bo the regu
lar state organization. They will ig.
nore the negro and old-time leaders,
hold a state convention on July 30
and make un acth campaig Inde
pendent of the machine, hoMag to
force recognition from McKinley and
his munagers.
More Arms for the Itebels.
Havana, July . An important
filibustering expedition has landed on
the coast of tho province of Pinar del
Rio. According to secret advices re
celved here, large quantities of arms,
ammunition and other muuitions of
war were safely landed and aro now
in the h ancle of the rebels.
Odils in Favor of McKinley.
New York, July 4.J. s. Ilache fe
Co., stock and bond brokein, are offer-
tnir in the stock exchunt sln rwwi in
Sl.OOO that McKinley will be tho next i
National Committeemen Do Not I.lko the
Uenmntt of Silver I.rmler.
CmcAoo, July 4. It has been deter
mined ns far us it nn be in advance of
tho mooting of tho national commit
tco that somo man not identified with
the nllycr movement, although ho may
have leanings tovird silver, will bo
selected for chairman. It is apparent
from tho talk of tho members of the
committee who nre hero that they do
not like tho torn-- which tho silver
men laid down for tho sub-cominitteo
and they feol that tho national com
mlttco should not bo dictated ta In
this mator. Hon T Cable, member of
tho nat'onal committee for Illinois,
who was not at tho meeting of tho
sub-commltteo when the delegation of
Oliver lenders appeared, says ho is op
posed to having the Democr.itie na
tional committee swerve from its
usual custom in Its selection of a tem
porary chairman, nnd if the conven
tion d( s not liko tho committee's
selection, It will havo tho right to
vote In another man. It seems to bo
the opinion that tho committee will bo
going fnr outside 'is custom to submit
to a faciion of tho party tho selection
of a presiding officer.
The Author of n Fntso TollMcnl Inter
view May Suffer.
Atchison, Knn . July 4. An alleged
interview with r.. Senator John J.
Ingalls, in which ho was made to pre
dict tho defeat of McKinley, which
has been publish -il in many newspa
pers, is pronounced by him a forgory
from beginning to end.
To tho best of Mr. Ingall's informa
tlon tho article originally appuared in
the "Silver Knight National Watch
man" of Washington, D. C., under a
St. Louis-dote, June 25.
Mr. Ingalls is very Indignant, and
xo-day telegraphed to tno district
attorney at Washington to bring crim
inal proceedings against tho author.
Herbert My lie. Made a JikIrc.
Washington, July 4. Members of
the administration, especially the
heads of departments, seem to be
reconciled to tho fact that no matter
how tho election goes this fall they
will havo no influence after March 4,
1897. Probably no member of the
cabincnt will be left as badly off as
Secretary Herbert, if not taken care
of in some other government appoint
ment. It is said that Cleveland may
appoint him to n judicial position
within tho next few months.
Bradley Johnton Ulttor.
New Vohk, July 4. A dispatch to
tho World from Havana, says: "Gen
eral Hradley T. Johnson, commenting
to-day on tho news of the death of
Harriet Ueeeher Stowe, safd. "I am
glad of lu Although thero was somo
truth in what she wrote, thero was
much that was fnlse. For Instance,
while it is true tnat there wero iso
lated cases of ill treatment of slaves,
it is not true that such treatment was
general throughout the South."
Teller, and Not Dland, tVanteri.
Wichita, Kan., July 4.- Tho Kansas
Commoner, tho leading Populist paper
of Southern Kansas, declares edito
rially to-day that the Populisls will
eupporfc Teller for President if ho bo
made the Democratio nominee, but
that 50 per cent of tho Populists
would not support Hland even If ho
should be indorsed by the Pipullst
oonvcntlon at St. Louis".
Tolsoned by Wood Alcohol.
JEFrcnsoN City, Mo., July 4. Two
convicts in tho panitertiary drank a
quantity of wood alcohol yesterday,
and Ibh' night bo' died from the ef
fects. The dead men are Lewis Ken
nade, sentenced from St. Louis in 189
to twenty years for murder, and Ever
ett Horn, sentenced from St. Francois
county in 180i to seven years for
Colonel J. C. McRlbben Dead.
Washington, July . Colonel Jo
seph C McKibben died at his country
home on the Potomac Wednesday
night. He was born at CI. ambers
burg, Pa., in 1834, was a congressman
from California beforo the civil war
and served with distinction during
that struggle. no was Broderlck's
second in the duel with Judge Terry.
Fntlon in tho Seventh Kansas.
Wichita, Kan., July 4. Leading
PopullstK and Democrats of this place
are confident that the action of tho
Democratic congressional committee
of tho Seventh di,Mict at Hutchinson
yesterday, in deriding' to hold tho
congressional convention at Larned
August 8, the same place and time as
the Populist congressional conven
tion, foreshadows fu-.lon.
Itltos for Mrs. Stowe.
nAltTFonn, Conn., July 4. With nil
the beauty of the full Episcopal ritual
the funeral services over the body of
the late Mra Harriett Heecher Stowo
were solemnized at her late home yes
terday afternoon. In accordance with
the expressed wish of Mrs. Stowe,
everything In connection with the
funeral was devoid of ostentation.
M. E. Denton a Candidate.
Neosho, Ma, July :, M. E. Denton
of this place announced today that
be will be a candidate for the Demo
cratic congressional nomination from
the Fifteenth district before the con
ventiop to be held at Lamar August 20.
I)rf Mutot Elope.
Sedama, Mo . July 4. Miss Maud
Stevens, te t.'0-vear-old daughter of
ex-Mayor E. W. Stevens, eloped from
home yesterday afternoon, and was
married at Warrensburp at 6 o'clock
last evening to Prof. Ansel Williams,
a teacher in the Deaf and Dumb school
at Fulton, Mo. Hoth the bride and
groom are deaf and dumb, and they
becamo lovers while Miss Maud was
receiving instructions ut the hand of
Prof. Williams at Fulton. A year ago
tho couple were desirous of marrying,
bnt Mayor Stevens objected, and it
was supposed the little lovo affair had
died awav.
Proceedings of the Stato Convention at
Lincoln A Sharp Contest for tho
Gubernatorial Vlnce McCotl Nomi
nated on tho Fifth IJallot The Ke
nialuder of tho Ticket What the
Platform Sets Forth.
Republican Stato Convention.
ppvernor JOHN It. MACCOLTj
Lieutenant Governor. . .. OHKAN1JO TKKFT
becretary of Mate JOEL A. PIPHIt
Aurlltor PETBKO. HKIHiUNl)
Iroasurer... OHAItLES E.OAJJEY
superintendent of l'ublle Instruction ,
Attorney General
ComnjUsloner or Public Lands and
lluildiiiBs HENRY O. RUSSELL
Judges of the Supremo Court:
Regent State University
' ;-; W. Q. WUITMURE
Prcsldcntal Elcctors-at-Largo:
t.. .. . J. E.HOUTZ
First nistrict A. J. UURNAM
Second District A. C. FOSTER
Third District SOL DRAl'ER
Fourth District G. A. DEKUY
I'iftli 1) strict J. L M'PllEKLY
fcixth District M. L. FRlEcE
Lincoln, Neb., July S. Tho repub
lican stato convention was held hero
today. Chairman Mallalicu of tho
stato central committee called tho con
vention to order. Prayer was offered
by Rev. Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln,
after which Secretary Tim Sedgwick
read tho call. Dr. George W. Collins
of Pawnee Citytwas introduced as tem
porary chairman.
H. M. Wells of Crete, George A. Hick
ox of Dodge county and John G. Kuhns
of Douglas county wero mado tempo
rary secretaries.
On motion of George II. Thummel of
Grand Island tho temporary organiza
tion was mado permanent Charles
Miller of Fillmore moved tho appoint
ment of a committee of seven, to whom
all resolutions should bo referred. It
A motion to adjourn until 1:30 p. m.
Tho convention reconvened at 1:45.
First In order was tho seating of tho
Peobles delegation from Thurston
C A. Atkinson of Lancaster moved
that tho convention proceed to ballot
on candidates in the order of the call,
no nomination speeches to bo made.
Tho roll was called on governor,
Adams county lending off with 18 votes
for Adams. Tho call proceeded with
out applause until Huffalo's 19 votes
wcro registered for MacColl.
On tho fifth ballot MacColl was nomi
nated, tho result being: MacColl 004,
Meiklejohn 310Jf, Filley 1, Moore 5,
Hayward 110. Necessary to a choice
520. Tho nomination wns made unani
mous. Mr. MacColl being loudly called
for, said:
"Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tho
Convention: I never in my llfo realized
tho poverty of our language to express
sentiment as I do nt this moment. I
nm not a speech maker, but I belicvo I
am an honest citizen of Nebraska and
a republican whoso republicanism has
never been affected by political defeats.
If you want a candidate who can
pranco upon tho grand stand, I think
you havo made a mistake. Hut If you
want a governor who will attend to tho
duties of his office, you have, I think,
chosen wisely. Gentlemen, I can only
thank you in the simple words, 'I
thank you,' "
Orlando Teft was nominated lor
lieutenant governor, tho vote being
For secretary of state J. A. Piper
was nominated.
For auditor Peter a Hedlund was
The balance of tho ticket was chosen
as shown at tho head of tho column.
Tho republicans of Nebraska in con
vention represented affirm their faith
in the principles enunciated In tho
platform adopted by tho nntidnol con
vention at St. Louis; tho platform of a
party not ashamed of its record and
compelled to abandon no article of its
ancient faith.
Chief among theso standard princi
ples is a protective tariff, that cares
for every American interest and secures
the highest good for American labor; a
reciprocity that, while seeking out tho
world's markets for our surplus pro
ducts, will never yield up a single day's
wage that belongs to the American
workman; a sound dollar, as bound as
the government, und as untarnished as
its flag; a dollar that is good not only
at home, but good wherever trade
goes as good in tho hands of a farmer
or a workman as in the hands of a
capitalist, a manufacturer or a corpora
tion. A foreign policy that respects the
American flag and causes it to be hon
ored abroad; thut embodies the sym
pathy of the American people in tho
(struggle of their oppressed neighbors
for liberty and self-government nnd
that jealously resents nny and all encroachments-
of tho military powers of
the old world upon the territory of any
American republic.
A domestic policy that accords fair
treatment and generous recognition to
the veterans of the union array, that
gives them preference, wherever prac
ticable, in public employment; that
suffers no union soldier, his widow or
orphan, to be deprived of a pension,
regularly granted, without due notice
and an investigation as thorough and
impartial as that upon the faith of
which tho pension was originally con
ferred. That provides a revenue sufficient
for current expenses and tho mainten
ance of tho public credit; that allows
no excuse for increasing the national
debt in times of peuce, and that re
stores our merchant marine.
The republicans of Nebraska most
heartily endorse tho nomination of
their first choice, William McKinley of
Ohio for president and Garrett A. Ho
bart of New Jersey for vice president,
and pledge them their enthusiastic and
undivided support.
They favor state legislation, with
proper restrictions, for the snfety and
protection of the people, under which
mutual insurance companies may bo
organized. The valued policy act
should not be repealed or modified in
any way that will destroy the equity
of its provisions.
The educational funds of the stato
should be Invested to the last possible j
uuiiur iu mc securities tpeciueu iu me
constitution, preference being given to
state and county bonds.
They Aro Setting All Chicago to Talk
ing Abnnt Their Candidate.
Chicago, July C. Tho movements of
tho Hland men in securing now head
quarters In tho Auditorium and tho
Palmer house and the Sherman houso
and In pushing his boom In other ways
has set nil Chicago to talking, and,,
despito tho Illinois setback of yester
day, all of tho Mlssourians aro moro
confident than over. They consider
tho securing of tho reading room,,
which fronts tho lake, in tho Audi
torium, tho best hit they havo made
They aro also declaring that Altgeldl
said to A. a Trude' last night: "It.
seems to mo Bland Is tho coming -man."
Tho Bland campaign is prolific 1.
novelties. A costly badge, designed
by Georgo W. Allen, is to be worn by
every pledged and Instructed Bland
delegate A cheniograph of Mr. Bland,
handsomely gotten up under a now
process patented in St. Louis, Is to bo
presented to every delegate to tho
convention as fast as the delegations
arrive. These cheraographs are put .
up in a protected form for mailing.
They will make souvenirs which every
delegate will want to keep. Nicholas.
M. Bell has charge of the chemoTaph
bureau. Largo pictures of Bland aro
to bo posted all over the city, and ot.
night "Honest Dick" will flash out in,
olcctrlc lights. A street demonstra
tion is planned for Monday night.
Thcro will be 5,000 uniformed Blandu
men in line, and tho Kansas City and.
Topeka flambeau clubs will mako
pcoplo nervous.
A Kansas Mob Hastens Trial, Conviction...
nnd Sentence
Wichita, Kan., July 2. Tho quick
est administration of justico on record
was performed in Sumner county yes
terday to satisfy a niob. Charles Doty -of
Oxford township was arrested Mon
day for criminal intimacy with his -13-year-old
step-daughter. Ho had-,
his preliminary trial in the evening.
Yesterday morning ho was tried in tho
district court and sentenced to twenty-one
years in tho penitentiary. In
tho afternoon tho shorlff took him iu -tho
penitentiary, and from tho tirn
ho left his farm until the timo ho is in.
tho penitentiary will bo less thanj
forty-eight hours. When ho passed
through Oxford en route to tho prison
100 farmers wero there to meet thei
traln, but when they heard that his
sentence was twenty-one years thex
offered no violence.
Kanss City-, Kan., July S. Tho--Republican
appellate court conven
tion of the Eastern division Northern
department of Kansas, which assem
bled In Kansas City, Kan., yesterday,.
Is In a deadlock. After ninety-threat-ballots
were taken and it was found
impossible to make a nomination, an-
adjournment was taken at H) o'clock
last night until 0 this morning. It is
a triangular figttt between A. Wells
of Seneca, J. G. Slonccker of Topeka ..
and W. C. Spangler of Lawrence, and '
from tho first ballot to the last neither -candidate
gained over ten votes.
This morning 136 ballots had beenj
taken without material change.
Iowa Patent Office Report.
Patents have been allowed to Iowar.
inventors, but not yet issued, as- fol
lows: To L. I. Bunker, of Webster City, for
a support specially adapted for his
sheet metal radiator for heating build
ings. A series of radiator loops mado
of steel plato aro readily clamped to
gether to produco a radiator and tho
supports readily clamped to the outsido
loops to retain tho radiator in proper
To G. W. French, assignor of an un
divided half to Dr. J. R. Ryan, both or
Colfax, for an automatic corn planter
and marker that has been successfully
used In doing the work for which it is
designed, viz: Plant two rows simul
taneously as tho carriage is advanced,
and as required to produce check rows.
To A. W. Hollingsworth, of West.
Liberty, for a canopy for vehicles thnt
is provided with a series of automatic
rollers and curtains and means for ad
justing and holding tho curtains at.
various angles to serve as sunshades
when desired and also provided with,
means for fastening them in closed,
positions to afford protection from rain,
when necessary.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent .
free to any address.
Printed copies of tho drawings and .
specifications of any U. S. Patent sent
upon receipt of 35 cents.
Our practice is not confined to Iowa.
Inventors in other states can have our
services upon the same terms as Hawk
eyes. Thomas G. ,fc J. Ralph Ohwio,
Solicitors of. I'n tents.
Des Moines, Iowa, June 24, 18'Jtl
Quotations From New York, Chtcuo, St..
LouU, Omuhii and hliouhoro.
Huttcr Creamery Feporator . 10
Mutter I' air to good country. 10
k-CgH lTea V
I'oultry I.lvo hens.pertt 0
Sprint; Chickens 14
Lemons (Jholce Messlnus 3 ftu
Orunges lVr box 2 fO
lluy Upland, per ton 4 0j
Hoh Light Mixed it 1)
Uogb Heavy Weights....- 2 UJ
Heef-fcteers. , a 0)
Hulls 1 SO
Milkers and springers ti 00
i-tHEh , 2 M)
LOWH . 1-
Heifers 1 25
blockers and Feeders.., 3 00
Western),., i 4J
.... t
4 to
m a
dr. ceo
n. :i is
T4 3CO
4 21
40 3 23
kt 270
44 3 40
3 40
3 50
Wheat No. 2. spring 55 51),
Corn Per uu 2a.'iW i7
Oats-1'or bu IS 60 13J4
orx o m
Lard 3 92
Cuttle liolco Heovcs 3 4J
HoKk Averages 3 00
fcheep l.umbs 3 00
4 CO
t 4 6
3 10
Wheat No. 2, red winter. CO OH
Corn No. 2, Xiliia 34
uuis-No.2, 21 tie siu
l'ork 9 7.1 ((13 20
Lard 4 20 (0-5 00
Wheat No. 2 red, cash 52
Corn I'er bu , ?4
Outb l'er bu .. 15
Hoes Mixed packlnc 2 00
Cattle Native sblpplngstecra 3 33
Wheat No. 2 hard 47
Corn No. 2...... 21
Oatb No. 2 15
Caul Mockers and feeders. . 2 GO
llocb Mixed. 3 00
feheep Lambs 8 ftO
Snecp-Muttouf ... 2 25
3 2V
47H ,
3 75
3 10
fc SCO