Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 03, 1896, Image 8

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    " '
twwa wrw-n-uMiwwrftre
Uiimtml Thine Horn by . North I'noifla
From tho Ssattlo Post-Intolllgsnoer;
Tho keeper of Iho govommont light
house, which WBS (MUbllshotl a fow
years ngfejon Destruction island, doubt
Joss lend, "a lonely life, but ho has Bomo
oxpcrloncos which a lovor pf tho roraan
tto nnd tho nd venturous- might woll
covot. Tho Island ltsolf is jiht .wlth-
1 out n cortnin wolrtl fascination. 'Thlrty
fivo inllaa voutli of Cnpo Flattery it
nrlsos abruptly ffm tho faco of tho
ocean. It has n picturesque, though
wild and ruggod bonuty, nnd na It
stands faolng tho northorn blasts that
hfivo Rent moro than ono etout ship to
1 tho bottom, it calls up the namo of Islft
do Dolores,- which tho early Spanish
nnvlgator, Qoadra, gavo it to conimom
orato hta tnWortunoa, and tho lattor
namo of Destruction Island, given to it
In 17S7 by Captain Berkley on account
of tho ead fato of eoveral of his crow
who were murdered on its savage coast.
On wild flttd stormy nights, when Iho
wind Is Svhlrllng tho sea Into fpjain
Against tho beetling edges of tho Island,
tho scene passes tho merely beautiful
and becomes majestic nnd sublime.'
On such nights the. keeper has visi
tors that do not como to tho door of
,tho ordinary landlubber. Flocks of
wild fowl,. attracted by tho bright ljght,
fly blindly toward It, and, with- tho
'.force of tho wind added t that of their
own stout wings, thoy . are driven
Against tho lens with n momentum
that sometimes shatters tHtj thick glass,
Lut oftcner resultB In instnnt doath to
' tho birds. Somotlmcs thcro is a posl
tivo volley of blrdn against the faco of
tho light, and na many as a dozen huvo
been known to striko it Simultaneously.
After a stormy night ty is not uncom
mon for tho keeper to pick up at tho
base of tho tower as many ns twenty
flvo dead birds. Many of theso aro of
tho choicest kinds, and tho keeper's
j table soldom lacks a supply such as an
eplcuro might cravo.
f During tho day tho keeper is fro-
' quejitly greeted by tho thrilling sight
.of a whale' hunt by Indians in tho neigh
boring Abaters, a chnso as hazardous
,nnd exciting ns nny on mountain or
plain. Each canoo goes out with a crow
of six oarsmen, ono spoarsman in tho
tern. To tho end of tho spear an nlr-
tlght sealskin, Inflated llko a bladder,
.is attached by a lino fifty feet long. A
t 'dozen 'of these boats go out together
whon a whnlo is sighted. Stealthily
a slnglo boat moves out from tho llttlo
flcot and approaches tho big game, tho
-''oarsmen Btolcal and calm, tho spears-
,mnn erect, rigid and statuesque It is
fl momont of grave peril. -
A splashing oar, a nuddon move, a
wnvoring hand or hot heat at tho helm,
ttnd bont and crow would go down bo
.aeath a slnglo stroko Jrom tho great
monster now so near. At precisely tho
Vlght Instant tho spcarsman hurls his
spear with unerring aim, and tho bat
tle begins. And then ono standing on
J tho Island cliff sees tho llttlo boat dart
nway and tho whnlo fiercely churning
Iho water.
Tho other boats como up rapidly.
Woakened by loss of blocd, retarded by
,ihe air-tight skins that Moat on tho
Water, and worn out by turning hither
'fond thjtjaer jn whimsical pursuit of his.
.many foes, tho whale slowly gives over
the unequal contest and is towed at
JaBt, Jlke a great hulk of a merchant
man, to Noah bay, whoro tho Indiana
gather for a groat feast.
How the Eurth oic Time.
Tho explanation of Lord Kelvin's
estimate that tho "sot-back" of tho
,earth In Its dally rotation round Its axis
'amounts to twenty-two seconds per con
.tury, U reported to be that such retar
''datlon' is owing to tho friction caused
'by tho tide, tho lntter acting as a
"'brake, and such action is calculated, ac
cording to tho same authority, to bo
.equal in weight to some -100,000 tons
Applied on the equator. Other causes,
"be cays, have also to bo takon into ac
count, as, for examplo, tho Increase In
iho size of tho earth, duo to the fallllng
ion It of meteorlo dust, which, if dopos
ited at tho rato of one foot in 4.000
years, would produce tho obsorvod ro
tardatlon by itself. Further, such a
phenomenon as tho annual growth nnd
'-netting of snow and ico at tho poles,
'Jby abstracting water from tho other
parts of tho ocean, Introduces Irregular
ities' Into tho problem, tho abstraction
vtcceleratlng tho earth's motion and the
l pelting, by restoring tho water, rctard
' Jug it. Boston Journal of 'Commerce,
Tho Only Dr k Store.
An authority on such matters says
ihat tliere Is only one drug storo in this
country, nnd that one Is located on
'Fifth avenue, New York. No patent
.medicines or proprietary artlclos aro
in stock, for it Is a prescription plant
iiuro apd simple, and Is patronized by
the lending physicians. All tludr ana
lyzing & done thero, and ten clerks are
kept busy filling prescriptions. Tho
"jnan who runs thlsgenulne drug storo
pets abdut $25,000 a year. Somo other
drug Btoras here, however, make more
fthan that out of the salo of liquors
1 Will rieae Smokert.
Professor Hajak of Vienna has de
clared that smokers are less liable to
dlphthorla and other throat dts?ase3
''than nonstaokcrs In the ratio r oj.m to
twanty-el'gjit. Tho learned Dr. S'hlff
jilso gives "us to understand that smok
ing Is always positively foi bidden In
bacteriological laboratories, because rlt
Js known to hinder the development of
iho bacta la.
Flower Vitrmln..
The statistics of Bower farming tell
us that the British Indies and Europe
ponsjimo annually, at the vgry lowest
estimate. 150,000 gallons of -perfumed
jjplrlts, under various name , .
I -n i
t.tiM" a
Tho People's Independent eloo
tora of Box Butlo county are here
l)V invited to send delegates from
the wvowl prooincls to racot m
convention in tho court limine, nt
Ileminjiford on Saturday, July 11,
nt 11 o'clock n. m.., for tho pur
pose of olocting six dolontos to
tlnJ slato convonti(jn to bo held nt
Grand Island July lv, 180G, nnd to
transact such other business kb
may como before it.
1'ho Boveral precincts aro enti
tled to ropreBeutation ns follows,
btibod on thovoto forSainuol Mx
vvoll for Supremo Judge, giving
unch precinct ono dclognto nt largo
nnd ono for oaoli ten votos or
mujor frnclion hereof.
Nononroil . & EunnincWntcr
Box Butto
Snnkc Creek
if in TmYiiTiAi win1 ilinf innmiona
bo hold in tho oovornl pvuoincts on
Thursday, July Oth, at' buoIi timo
and plnco as siudl be announced by
tho coinmittow.ilan.
Claek Olds, Chairman.
AV J. BitiTToN, Soc'y.
The People's Indobenden Elec
tors of Dorsoy precinct aro hereby
requested to meet at tho court
house July Oth, ut 2 p. m., for tho
purpose of electing six delegates
to tho county convention and
trniiBnct such other business as
may properly come boforo it.
. Claiuc Olds, Committeeman.
Udltcd by Ex-Conirromnn
Js the greatest newspaper west
of the Missouri Hiver.
It advocato3 FREE SILVER
at tho present ratio of si-toon
to ono.
ta nowa seryice i the bost to
be obtained.
i --
Daily, $8. 00 per yoar; 50 conts
por month. Wookly, SI. 00 par
Subscriptions for tha
received at this office
H W J '" - RfA
t Ka -i A l; H J XBX lufk A :
cnt bnvmo-is conducted for Modckatc tecs.
Jovn Ornccts. Ofpotrre U, 3. PA-reriTCrnceJ
J ami we ci . secure t ;tnt I'l ks timo than Uoie ,
jiciuotclrt,in V,'fli,nqtcn. ,,
f tt4 iottcl. diawiu. or rhoto vri'.h des'-tlri- J
ttl'ic. Wo nijii-j, 1. 'le!iiajlc or nU, fue &f J
Mtiurze. Ourfe'tvtusti iittt-ntiastcrI.
A PAM-Mtc, "How t 0")t i n lV.T.ts,'' with
,, cost of tame In t o U. S. aal fjrci-ncountrio
scut !iev. Ao Jre ., J.
"iwrowcr, vffiHiNQTrNt o C.
VV-kV vfc-----
vm "Xte W W WVfc"
of the Northwest.
Will lie aont postpaid to any
addrosa alx days a wook for
ono year for
The Chronlcto la tho mo3t
conaplouous nowopapor buo
ooas of the day, tho dally cir
culation oxccecJIng 75,000
ooploa and tho Sunday circu
lation oxoeodlnar 100,000 oop
loa., It la a first-claas nows
paperof 12 and IBpagos (Sun
day 40 to 43 pagoa) and
la a stanch supporter of
sound domocratlo prlnclploa.
. .' TERPJ3S.
BUi (exccpl Sunday) 1 year $4.00
Daily and Sunday, 1 year. 6.00
Dally, 6 monthi (campaign edition).... 2.09
Dilly and Sunday, 6 months 3.00
Da'ly, 2 rnonlhJ , i.oo
Dally and Sunday, 2 months 1.40
Dally, 1 monlh so
i Dally and Sunday. 1 monlh 7B
f Sundav.1 year , 2.00
sajurday, i year.v i.QO
Samplo copies froo'on appll
catlpn. Addroaa
j. 164-16 Washington St.,
w Chlopgo. Hi,
: - f
Fiual- Proof--fJotices
How. J. V. Www. Jii.. Itojd'Ur.
llox. 1?. M. JIhoomk, lUMir.
l'nrtlp. linvlnffnotleminthlaoolnmn nro ro
iubtil to rend tin- anio tturfnUy and report to
UiU oilifle (or PorreotHin auy errorn Oint taajr
nxitU TltiH will lirownt toBiblb delay In
nmklliR proof.
U. 8. IamX Ollleo. Alli(in. Nob., June lfl, loa.
fiotieo in hereby k1vii tlmt
of LnlciiVlow, Iown, lins filed notice ol Intention
in nmkfl filial proot Utforo llih lUtlntr or llo
olror nt lilffotflco In Alllnnue, Neb., ou Urn unh
iUy of July 1W, on tlmlmr-cultaru application
No. 977, for tlio o U n o U A n H i o H-mo JJ'i, tp
2Tn,r5l w.
llrt milium as witnifWMi: John J. llnmrd.
Charlm A. 1'iwTar, Uidrun A. Dlckennou, of
Lawn, Noh. Hnmuel li. Wilfeht, of Onion, Neb.
Also, NoHco is hxrehy kWen that ( t!m follow
ing, named hettlor has filed uotiro of liis inten
tion tu maVA final proof In xupportrtif liiw claim
at namo time and plato, viz:
CllAltlii:S A. I'OSVAIt,
of Lann, Neb., ono of the heir of Mathlas Pos
Tar Uitawil, who nmiloll. E. 47S for tho bdH
w h. tp at u, r VI w
Ho names thn followlns wltnesnes to proto
IJh conliniiousreelrti'neo upou ami rnltiTatlon
ol Raiil land, vi: Albert I'ruupa. John 1'. llaz
Ard, Gideon A. Dickenson, of Lawn, .ncIi., Bam
uol il. Wriht, of ("anton, Nob. AIbo
Notico is horoby Riven that
of Lawn, Neb., has filed notico o invention to
iialte final proof at tamo timo nn'ti plnco on
tlmlxr cultaro application wo MM, forftlio n Vt
wi,o!nw!iiintUo'4 oo 4, tp 35 n,
rs 5u w.
Ho namos as witnoses: John .T. Lntsch,
Henry Yintoiii Joint 1'. Hazard, John Lort
foIkt, all ot Lawn, hob.
J. V. Wnux, Jr., Itegister.
U H. Land OIHcp, AUinuco, Nob., .Tnnoll, WM.
Notico is horeby tjivon that WUjLIAM L.
riiAl'l, of 1'airfield. Iowa, has filed notico of
inteiftion to niaka linal proof before li. A. Dor
riiiKlnn. O B. (. C I'om'r at Ihh oillco In C'liail
ron, Neb., on tho 11th day of July, lK)6,-on tim
Ixt ouitiiro appliration No. OH), for t ho B H N 11
H A N M B 13 Ki ot section No. i)J, in township
S.I n, rani?o 4U w. '
Ho namo as witnenseg! Loyd Hervon Pow
ell. Charles V. Minard, Thomas t' Hhyan, of
Heminford, Nob , Charles W. Dorian, of
Houli, Nob. J. W. Wghn, J a., lteistor.
fitind Oilice at Alliance, Neb., MayliO. WM.
tint Ico Is lioreliy given Unit tho following
named Rettler lias tiled notice of his intention to
mako final proof in support Of Ills claim and
thnl said proof will bo mado bforo . B. Itickcr,
County Judtfe, at Child ion, Neb., on. July 11,
lboo, viz:
ot Esther, Neb., who mmlfl It. K. No. 417, ror
tho B W B W 4 & y, B 11 !i beo t, t( U2 n, re
4H w. t
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his
continuous rotidenco upon and cultivation of
Faid land, viz: Albion II. Maker. James 11.
Kline, Commodore Willis, Hobert Flemtnj,', all
of Ksthor. Neb AIbo
liUNUY L. FIBHljn,
ofKsther Neb., who mado II. l'lj No 3176 for
tho w it n w M s o U u w U & s w J o li sec.
l.tpm,rff IHw.
Ho nuules tlio following witnesses ti) provo
bin continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot raid laud, viz: Charles A. Nichols, leuiah
Mallsteiul, tjeoro Wciper, of llether, Neb.,
Alouto M. Clark, of Chadron, Nob.
' J. V. Weiin.ju., llecistflr.
IjiiiiI OlTice at Allianco. Neb , Juno 30, 1804
Ndtico is hereby Klirnthat tho following
ntmeil Rattler liasfileil notico of his intention
j make Una! moot in support of bin oinim and
that w.-ild protf will ho mado bofuro tho ltefiinti r
or Heelver at Allianco, Neb., on August It),
1800, viz:
wl o mado II. K. V100 for tiio nw U eoo 7, tp 29,
Tl" .
lie names tho followhiB vrltnesRca to proVo
i tlio roiinwiiiff witnesses to prove
ius residence upon and cultivaticu
3, vir: C. llJl'htpps, (!. L Wahiron,
wrd, Uriek Sodurstrom, all of Drfn-
ii'i com in
offoiid and
V.H. (iudiiril.
lap, Nob. ' J. W. Wjeiw, Jn., llegister,
8 u: op runiiic land
U. B. Land Oifica, Allianco, Neb., Juno 20, 1SP0.
o'ico Is hi reby ivon that. In pursuance of
inetr letion fr.iiu the Commissioner of tho Oen
'i si Laud OR co. under authority Tested In him
W swtion 2ls."i, U S. Hovisi'd Statutes, as
uminded by thouet of congress npproTed rob
ri f.ry V0, lbJ.1. vo will procetxl to oiler at publio
fa.ion tlio stli day ot AiiKnst, next, nt this of
Uue, tha followiui; tract of land, to-ivit:-
Bouth half oft ho nut fittest quarter of section
twelve, (13), tounshlp twonty-Uve, (25), north
of ranicoflfty.tSO), wect ot tlio sixth principal
meridian, in Nebr&hka
Any and all persons claiming adversely to the
nbme-described lauds aro adwned to tilo their
elainis in this office on orbeforotho day above
designated for the commencement of said ale,
QierU)n tUwziahtiwtl' lo fprfeitwl.
J. VV. Wehn. J it., ilegistur.
F M nnoojiE,lteceivi.
TJ. 8. Land Olliee, Alliance, Neb., Juno 10. 18W5
Tho contestant will procure publication of
this notico to lie mado in porno newspaper of
Krinrat circulation In llox lhitto comity, Ne
braska, for at least thirty days prior to tlio day
of hearing.
Complaint havine lioen'pntored at this oiiico
byDmid Colvin a-iainat John E. Cla ton for
failurn to comply with low&s to timber-culture
entry No. KJJ, dated November In, 1N-H. upon tho
n w 4 seo 27, tp 27 n. r SO, in nox Uutto county,
Nebraska, with a view to tho cancellation of
said entry, contestant aliening that John E.
Clajton had not cultiated nor planted trees or
tree soeda cr caused tu lo cultivated or planted
to treosnor treo goods any part of said tract
Binco July, la) I, and that the part cultivated
prior to July IbUi is covered with weeds 'iind
crass and there aro no trees crowinc ou i-aid
laud. Thonid parties nrolicroby summone1 to
appear at this otlico on thol'Hli day of Jnly.lb'.M,
at lOo'clocira. in., to respond aud furnish tes
timony concerning said alleucd fnllui.
!'. M. HltooME, 11 culver.
i to dtstrlbnta
t .M., . . . . , . .ii4.i. ...7 our advertise'
ininwin .irt paymcutloranlRU trraaa Acinoi
X lilcTde. wnlcu wo send tnem on approval, rio
t r,ui uouoiinui uio uicyuo urn.cii aititprwos
I satisfactory.
! Young Ladies "$?$
It Ivitb or nft la slddIt tber must bo well rpcom-
imeiKUJ. Wrlto f or paitloulars.
4 1 1
rF v ;
Procuring Und PitfntJ, riling Arguments,
and Conducting Contests, on Modsrile
Terms. Send for circular to
Srrrr iittler tUonlil hit Copp't SettUli Calil
12. jjti ;trtfe only & emu (jwlge ti&mt).
To My Customers:
pur compotitoiB are again in tho field, trying to get our cus
tomer's dissntished nnd demoralized by circulating nil kinds of wild-cut
stories and nicely gotten up priuted mutter, with tho idea of making
them fool thnt they linvo mado n miBtnko in not plncin their qrdor for
"Tho other fellow's machine."
Now, we address this upon letter to you to say that past oxpor
ience, if remembered' tenches us that it is n common practice with
most of them to solid out handsome printed matter, moke a. game of
smooth talk and mauy fair promises, in order'to hnvoyou boliovo thoir
Binchino is tlm only bno to buy. If they find you have boujrht on
yoni own judgment and bought what you know to bo tho best, THE
McCORMICK MACHINERY, they got after you, offering lower
prices, stories of imaginary brilliant successes, etc., calculated to make
you feel that you hayo bought too early.
The facts in tlio caso arc that you can buy n McCormick Bindor
or Mower just as cheap in January hb you can in Juno or any other
month. McCormick machines nro sold at ono price at all times, they
being nil mado alike and of tho same material, aro necessarily worth
tho same money, henco tho company must ask all people tho same
price. The price of a McCormick machine hn no moro to do with
that of nny other binder or mower than it has with tho price of bicy
cles. Please bear this point in mind.
McCormick makes his own machines; tho other companies
mako theirs. Thoy do not compare notes as to the cost of tho differ
ent machines, and only do so in rolntion to tho SELLING PRICE
and gungo their price by thoir ability to get orders that wo would
Burely got if Uioy would put tho siime price ou their goods as wo do on
ours. If their machine cost them as much monev as the McCormick
does to build, they would surely ask tho same price, as thero is no
compqny on earth that can build machines any clieapor or better than
The McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. build theirs.
If you have not bought a McCormick, you should placo your
order at onco with your nearest ncent for ono of the McCormick mach
ines tho best harvester and binder that McCormick over built, and a
machino of which wo are all justly proud.
Reports from the southern harvest fields are most flattering and
encouraging, showing that tho competition only did business where
wo woro SHORT OF MACHINES and couldn't -till orders. This con
vinces ub and should convince you, that tho McCormick machine sells
on its morits and not on price, which is guaged by productions of oth
er manufacturers, and as history usually repeats itself as tho harvest
moves north, it might bo well for you to place your order at once, as
wo will very likely have to faco a shortage in Nebraska and elsewhere.
It might strike you when you need your machine tho worst, "First
como must be first served," If you have already placed your order,
you should fool happy over it and pay no attention to any talk given
you by a competitor with tho idea of making you dissatisfied with
your purchase. Wishing ypu every success, wo remain
Yours trul',
W. K. HERNCALL, Agent,
General :
County Treasurer's
May 21.
June 8
" 8.
" H.
Jan 15.
Amount collected to dato....
Collected to JnnoH, 1MM
" on warrants
Bale of county property
Am't transfd from bridge fd,
2,tl7I 00
108 N)
73 07
2 40
.TO'i 115
410 01
uo. roan .
" " " poor farm
Juuo 8. Advertising foes collected. ,
" l'art Int. on county deposits
Jan 8 By balance
JuucS. amount taxes collected.
30T. cr,
200 22
605 B7
- Juno 8
102 21
By balance
to am't collected to Jun 8,
Jan. 8.
102 2!
Jan 8
Juno 8
By balance
am't collo'tvd to Juno 8
410 01
51 12
Jan 8
By halanco. ., .... 71027
. ..ut,.n,l M 1i
amount collokted..
12 50
poll Ui, cash
773 b'J
Juno 8 To amount collected.
C09 50
Jan 8 Tobalanco
J uuoB am't taxes collected.
2 UI
118 "2
Jan 8 Tobalanco 8001 Jan 17 By am't dist'd to school dlsta
JiiueH Interest on county deposits..., Nm
17 tate apportionment 1,013 40
1,218 55
Jan 8 Tobalanco
jun 17 ftlntARrioortlimmout ...
3,400 20
- - - .-..-.-T j : '. ....
June8 ' taxes colUcted o,hio
" error dist 40. chu' to wrong d 3 13
V.708 70
Jan 8 Tobalanco...-.
Juno 8 taxes collected..
jau 8 To Imlanco
" taxos collecUxl.
Jan 8
Juno 8
To balanco.
H3 37
4J5 &'J
ir3 25
SOi) 05
l,2H003''Juno 8
222 20
taxcu collected.
1,5J w
Jan 8 To balance 349
Juuoa taxi-B collected 13000
140 :'J
Jan 8 Tobalanco....,! 218 13 June 8
JnnoH taxoa collected 1023
237 41
Jan 8 Tobalanco.. 5040
JunoS To amount collected 2.500 OS
-j,mk) 08
Juno 8 To amount collected '
112 00
JnnoS To amount collected -ggSiS.5. $ZU
Juno 8. Unpaid county warrants to date, ?1,'J34. 18.
State of Nebraska, 1 ss
Box Butte County, J
I, A. M. Millor, County Troasuror, do solemnly swear that
4ii r.v.ro'ic n trim nd fion'oct ronort of mouovs received and paid
out and balances on hand from
nhisive. as tlio same appears on
Subscribed in my prosonco and sworn to boforo mo this
av Of June 180U. JAS. H. H. HewKTT,
a oi uuiiu iqjw. pnnnL Jmlrrn
16th day
Semi-annual Report.
Jan. 8.
Amount overdrawn 228 .T)
Warrants paid fl.lll 0
llecclved on taxes 711 07
War'nts A taxes p'd, order comrs l(ii 11
Advertising fees paid out.
20 70
expenses ot stamps, etc.
( 'ommisston charged
Tax refunded
23 Kl
1.11 77
it as
Mar. 2.
Juno 8.
Jai. 15.
Juno b.
To a'rat transfd to co Ben'l f 'd
oomoiiBrtionf charged
.TO'i M
200 22
tr05 87
By am't distributed to road dlsts, 51 12
." to co ' fund, 51 12
llalqr.ee .'
' 102 24
Jan 15 By transfor to co sen'I fund..
Juno b commission charged. ..,.
i " balance
410 01
51 12
Juno 8 To am't Vald road overseer
Ualaaco 73201
711 bO
. Juno 8 By road overseers recpts, ia!d,
" credits to road diets, tush pd,
" balance.....
687 00
12 50
100 50
Jan 15
Juuo 8
Am'ttianef'd to Co. gen'l fund
Balvnco ,.......
86 oa
2 00
83 72
1,041 40
Jfiuo a commissions
balance...- 118 75
1.21M 55
Juno 8 By am't paid dist. sch'l treas'r 6,257 01
" balanco ,... aVOTO
,70a 70
Juno 8
By Interest coupons raid,
balanco , ...
KB 00
750 20
June 8 By city orders paid
" balanco
237 65
; 602 U0
Water bond tax.
Balance 1,51188
June 8 By am't paid villago treas'r
1,511 t8
94 02
4i 77
By Balanco,', 237 41
Juno 8 Bybalanco
May 21 By am't paid state treasurer
J""" balaece
50 40
2,500 08
May 21 By am't paid etato treasurer.,
uuo b balance .
112 00
January 8, 1800 to Juno 8, 1S015 in
tho books of this oftice.
County Judge.
tilt Eicape from t'Mptar Whon Ue
Was a I'opal Zouave.
Vhothcr Surratt waa In tho city on
that day will probably novcr bo posi
tively known. During his trial ho at
tempted to prove that ha was In El
mlra, N. Y., doing epeclal service for
tho Confederacy, and tho proof which
he furnished was sufilclent to convlnco
eight of tho twelve Jurors that he waB
not present and took no part In tho
plot. Surratt claims to havo first
learned of the murder on tho morning
following tho assassination from tlio
newspapers while In Elnilra, and on
tho next morning, while en route to
Now York city, of his tuspected com
plicity In the plot. Ho lied lmmedato
ly to Canada, whero ho remained con
cealed by Catholic priests for neafly
Ave months. Leaving Canada, he went
to England, thence to Paris, and thence
to Rome, whero, under the name of
Watson, he enlisted in the Zouaves of
tho Pope.
While in the Papal zouaves ho wa3
recognized by a Canadian ncqualnt
"ance, who betrayeu him. On tho day
following his arrest, while under tho
guard of six men, ho leaped blindly
from a rocky precipice over 100 feet In
depth, and, allghtl.ig by chanco on a
projecting rock thirty feet below, clam
bered quickly down the abyss, escaped,
reached Naplg3 In the course of a week,
and sailed to Alexandria on the same
vessel which carried the instructions
to the consul there that led to his cap
ture. He was finally brought back to
the United States and tried at Wash
ington by a civil court. Tho trial ex
tended over a period of two months
and moro than 200 citizens appeared on
the stand. The Jury disagreed, as above
stated, and the government did not
prosecute the case further. "Four Lin
coln Conspiracies," by Victor Louis
Mason, In the Century.
Thoy Attacked n Wnterlne Train
Foncht Its Driver.
J. A. Dalton, of Barton, returned
lately from his tomato farm near Whlta
Haven and tells a thrilling story of a
battle with alligators, says the Florida
Times-Union. Dalton's partner, J. B.
Lovoring, drove a wagon, to which two
horsas were attached, Into Lake Wln
terEOt to fill Gome barrels with water.
While Loverlng wan at work the horses
began to scream In mortal agony and ho
realized that they were bolng attacked
by alllglators.r The horses plunged vio
lently, but sqon fell down, their legs
having been broken. When the horses
fell tho 'gatorii roso and began to tear
the bodies of the animals. Loverlng
had ft Winchester and began firing at
the 'gators, hoping to drive them away.
Tho shots, however, increased the anger
of the saurians, and they made a rush
for the wagon and overturned It. Lov
erlng, holding the rifle, fell into tho
water near a big 'gator, which immedi
ately made for the man. As the 'gator
camo Loverlng thrust tho rifle into his
mouth and fired, the bullet inflicting a
mortal wound. In its death agony tho
Baurlan swung its tall and knocked Lov
erlng obt of the water and onto the
beach, twenty faet away. At this punc
ture Dalton arrived and draea Lover
lng away. Assistance was procured
and thohorsea and wagon pulled out.
Tho horses wore dead, having been hor
ribly mangled by tho 'gators. It is
thought Loverlng drovo his team into a
den of 'gators, Judging from the num
ber that waa seen.
Slonopolltlc Ilerr Ilnroni.
English brewers are unanimously op
posed to the protective principle and to
anything that looks towards its restora
tion. It Is pointed out by a Nineteenth
Century contributor that theso Bame
brewers aro among the greatest monop
olists and the best protectod classes to
bo found in any country.
In the first ploce, they havo obtained
a complete monopoly of the public
houses, Jfor they havo bought up all the
places that are legalized for tho selling
of beer,-' wholecalo and retail. Tho
farmer la at their mercy, for they buy
his barley in the cheapest market and
sell the product of it In the dearest.
Not only that, they swamp him with
barloy from foreign countries and with
sugar for manufacturing beer, produced
by nogroe3, who work for 1 shilling a
day. New York World.
A Cood Thine.
Lord Wolscley, tho British commander-in-chief,
in a public address
recontly, said that he could not help
thinking it wa3 a good thing for tho
school childron of tho United States to
be brought up in the conviction that
they belonged to the greatest nation in
the world, and must be ready to fight
for It, and he added that he would llko
to see every child in an English school
taught t6 admire and lovo hl3 country
and tho constitution under which ha
lived, so that ho would bo preparod to
maintain that constitution against all
Ileavenly Shopping.
Mrs. Blossom "I dreamed last night
I wob in Heaven."
Mr. Blossom "What was it like?"
Mrs. Blcpsom "An Immense dry
goods store, and I didn't havo to do
anything but shop. And, ob. Joe, you
should have-seen tho bargain counter I
Why, they had goods marked at 93
cents that would have cost a dollar
here." San Francisco Call.
Treasure Galore.
Of all tho sovereigns of the world,
- the Buah of Persia is said to possess the
targest treasure in Jewels and gold or-
naments, it being valued it $60,000,000.
The chief object of value is the gold
. crown of Persian rulers, in the form of
a pot of flowers, which is surmounted
by an uncut ruby the sire of a ben's egg.