Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 03, 1896, Image 2

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TIIOS. J. O'KEKFFK, I'nblUher.
1Iahvi:st hands arc in demand in
Johnson county.
Tub Hcatrlco chntitauqua this year
was liberally attended.
The locality about Curtis got four
inches of rain in ono week.
Kbv. McOiikoou will hold a scries of
meetings lasting ten days at Klgln.
Congressman Mercer arrived in
Omaha from Washington last week.
This Courier, heretofore published at
Indinnoln. has been removed to Mc-
Thkhk were ono hundred grnduatcs,
girls and boys, from tho Omaha hlgli
Fort Omaha is to be abandoned July
1st and tho new Fort Crook used in
b tend,
IIoMr.n 11. Hatch, tv well known rail
way man, died last week at Grand
Thk mosquito crop in Nebraska this
year is large, nttrlbutablo to excessive
(iitAND Island mid vicinity was visit
ed by, hail storm, which did consider
able damage
Thk district court of Cass county has
been postponed and tho jurors excused
-until August 24.
I'xiki'Aiiations nro belug made for an
unusually elaborate Fourth of July
-celebration in Mead.
A vicious dog belonging to Henry
2?olttnun. Uentrlao. attacked Thomas
Armstrong, badly lacerating his face.
A ncmiikk of timber cuttors wero be
fore tho federal court at Omaha last
week and received sontences of SlOand
Twkia'k young ladiesof Nelson hitvo
organized a band and havo secured
enough money to purchase their instru
ments. South Omaha disposes of its unre
deemed dogs byclectrlcity. Tho appli
ance for tho purposo docs its work
quickly and well.
ltny homo mado goods und build up
home industries, is n good policy. Far
rell's Fire Kxtinguisher, mado by Far
rell & ca, Omaha.
Thk county jull nt North Flatto Is
pretty well deserted now, thero being
only ono prisoner, with a prospect of
him being released soon.
Thk high water of tho Missouri river
overflowed tho low land near lllyburg
und men wero out In their corn fields
with spears catching fish.
Thk Tlldukranzand Turnvereln so
cieties of Plattsmouth havo been con
solidated and will hereafter bo known
us the Vlaltsmouth Turnvereln.
Thk Tekamah liurtonlan has been
pnrchasod by tho populists and will bo
conducted In the interest of that part,
Tho poper has hcrotoforo boon rcpu
H. Hkniuciison', all. fc M. carpenter,
fell from the roof of the It. & M. eat
ing house ut lied Cloud, n distance of
ubout seventy-flvo feet, ills left arm
was broken.
It is roported that lightning rod
swindlers. are operating in the north
part of Madison county. One farmer
wnsdono up for S150 and another for
half that amount.
Wiiilr Elmer Alyea, of Meadow
Grove was riding a iiorso at a rapid
gait the animal stumbled and all wont
down in a heap. Alyea was picked up
unconscious and his recovery is doubt
ful. May McCusick, of Omaha, a woman
of tho town, committed suicide the
other -day. For somu timo the woman
hnd been despondent, having been de
serted by a man for whom she had a
strong attachment.
Paktiks from Omaha havo beemm
Stromsburg.endcnvorlng to secure tho
right of way for a telephone lino from
Yorlc to David City, tho line to pass
through Henedlct. Stromsburg, Osceola,
Shelby und Illsing City.
Thk 3-yeur-old child of Ilev. C. W.
Savidge of Omaha choked to death last
Suudayiby a.eollur button which lodged
in the windpipe. Tho father was away
uieurly morning service in his church
when the uevident occurred.
Tin; new creamery at Malcoin com
mienced work.last week. About 10.000
pounds of mill: was received the first
day, and. every thing istrunnlng nicely.
An expert says thut it is. one of tho
best. equipped. creameries in the state,
A map dog camo into Harvard from
thertvettt last week and. created no lit
tle excitement. He bit both of Al Lnn
ham horses, ttwo or three dogs and
was finally killed on the farm of George
Head, just outside the corporation,
DimiMCT .count at Kil Cloud ad
journed lust week after the judge had
admitted tunrge Drnkt to bail. Drake
was committed on. a charge of statuto
ry criminal. Uhsault, ami released on a
bond for S-',uu(i He broke jail, but
was finally returned to the.couniy jail.
Judco iieall xuloased him. on jail of
W. E. U a .nun af Scotia thud a .horse
too many in his ipasture on Saturday
morning. There was alo a bridle. that
.didn' belcoig to him on tne -gate. The
tramps thai Av.erc deposing in ihe-sltado
of a pile of ties, in the Union Pacific
yards didnU Jookatsttliough alley mid
overexerted liusel.ves walking, aver
irom Urccly.
A 1.1TO.K boy ai W, J. Cusebolt .of
Fleshier thought Iks -saw a mouse
aaiong the slats of a bedstead dying on
the floor. The boy started tojnvcsti
irate and uncovered .a tuvo-foQt rattle
bnulie, which nearly scared him to
deitb. Fortunately xle bnake s head
had got fast under a side rail .and it
Wttfc dispatched at onoe.
A hum, belonging to 1L O. Dora of
South Woux City chased a man in (the
north part of lown Sunday with the
evident iu tent ton of playing ball with
him. The fellow got over the fence J
time to avoid a collision and had bis
iun a short time after when tJie .sporty
.animal was lassoed und dehorned.
Ix u row owr a woman at Lincoln.
y. W. Hullard, a tinner, was shot by
AJfred Stockeoborger. The principals
in the affair hare been inmate of the
insane asylum. Uullard cauirht two
bullets, one in (he arm and the other
in the fleshy purt of tlu' back, just un
der the shoulder, but neither its con
sidered (hjntferoas.
Jvnon IUmskv opened district court
nt I'lnttsmouth to sentence John
Hrown, charged with robbing a utore
nt Alvo. May W, for which ho was ar
rested a couplo of weeks ago at Au
burn. Hrown pleaded guilty, stating,
in extenuation of his crime, that ho
was unable to work, boing a sufferer
from nervous prostration. Ho was
sentenced to three and a half years in
tho penitentiary.
It is seldom that farmers lcavo Folk
county for greener pastures and a hot
ter country but that they come back
satisfied lo stay. Gcorgo Ward sold
out last spring and wentdown near Sey
mour, llo camo back tho other day
wllh ills stock and says that part of
Missouri is no place for farming or
stock, cither. He will summer his
stock in Nebraska where they can got
something to eat and get fat.
A iiailiioad accident occurred near
Hastings. Passenger train No. 4 was
wrecked just after entering the ynrds,
ts a result of n heavy wind storm that
passed over tho city a llttlo while be
fore. An empty stock car that hud
been standing on tho stock ynrds
switch was blown onto tho main line
and the passenger train collided with
it just west of the round house. The
engineer and fireman favcd themselves
by jumping.
A man was arrested at Beatrice in
the act of disposing of some harness to
a second-hand denier. It was discov
ered that he had aeainp west of that
city and upon investigation . wagon
containing eight sets of doublo harness
was found, lie had with him a boy,
who gave his name at llcrt Morgan, 17
years old, and Ids homo as Grand Is
land. Police nro holding tho harness
to see if owners thereof cannot bo
A nkw pocket leaflet has been issued
and is being distributed by the statu
board of agriculture. In addition to
information -about county collective ex
hibits for which twelve premiums
nmonnting to 83.337 will be uwnrded,
the bulletin advertises tho Feast of
Olympin, under the direction of tho
Knights of Ak-Sar-Hcn, tho biennial
musical festival of the Northwestern
Scandinavian Singers association, and
other attractions during state fair
It ismow believed at Valparaiso that
Franlc Tobin, a paroled convict, is the
man who assaulted and shot Mrs.
Hinkle last week. Mrs. Hinkle, wiio
is still. alive, identified Tobin us hor as
sailant. It appears that Tobin was
very much smitten with Mrs. Ilinklo
when bIio wuh Miss Addio Edwards,
but his. attentions were not appreciat
ed. One. day when ho called and got
gay 'her .brother sent a couplo of loads
of buckshot at him, but ho was not in
jured so far as has been learned.
Anotiiku claimant for tho roward of
51,000 offered by tho ltock Island for
tho arrest and conviction of tho party
or parties guilty of causing tho Halt
crcelc wrecic near Lincoln in August,
1804, has come, into court. Tills is
Lewis Ryan, one of tho witnesses, who
testified to seeing a negro man near
the trc.stlo on the night before the
wreck. Uynn claims that his informa
tion led ito tho arrest and conviction of
0. W. Davis, tho colored man. There
are two other claimants and tho wholo
matter will havo to be settled in tho
A sri'dAi. session of tho district
court of Dodgo county convened lust
week, .iudgc Marshall presiding, for
the purpose of trying the enso of Caro
lina Stoecks against tho Elkhorn com
Eany. This is tho second one of tho
iro 'number of ciees which were
commenced lust fall by citizens of
Dodge whose property was destroyed
by tho big fire there in September last
to recover damages against tho com
pany. The first caso on tho list was
tried last January and resulted in a
verdict for tho defendant. An appeal
to the supreme court was taken.
of Polk county, mot with a painfuf ac
cident the other day that will lay him
aside for somu time. One of his neigh
bor's boar plgH went down to Clark's
pen and while thero ran across his
boar and of course they hud to havo a
pitched battle. Clark thought that
his boar .was getting a little tho worst
of itandmndertook to separate them,
when ono of the hogs turned and snap
ped Mr. Clark in the right leg, tearing
out the llesli and mustlo to the none
and it was necessary to take quite a
number of stitches to close up the
A tkami' applied to L. P. Main of
Kenwood for breakfast the other
morning und ho looked so forlorn and
hollow that the lawyer decided to fill
him up. lie told the wanderer to hoe
up tho potatoes in tho garden, however,
bo that there should bo no question as
to his appetite. Tho tramp, cither
through ignorance or malice afore
tlioui'lit duir up all the potatoes and
neatly piled the vines. The tramp got
his breakfast on tho strength of his
good Intentions, but the next timo Col.
Main employs one of his genus he will
put him to breuking stone, or tome
such familiar occupation.
liovKit.NOH Hoi.comii has received the
letter, made publlu through the press,
referring to Tennessee's generous do
nation of a. block of marble intended
to be used immukine a statue of Abra
ham Lincoln. This was tho purpose
for-which it was donated to the state
of Nebraska by the statu of Tennessee
through Governor Turney. It comes
us a itestimony of respect which tho
people of lemiessee have for tho mem
ory -af the martyred president. The
presentation of the marble to Governor
Turney at Knosvllle seems to have
been celebrated with all sincerity and
the letter received by Governor Hoi
comb notifying him of the shipment of
the block is kind and generous. Tho
stone will oe thankfully received by
-state authorities and there is talk of
ttskng the next legislature to muko an
appropriation for the .employment of a.
FdioM figures in the Mate auditor's
.attic .un interesting showing is made
as to fthc dew ease in the assessed vulu
atlcnu of the ctatr. Sixteen counties
have uiade reports on the 1600 assess
ment valuation. In these the Reduc
tion as. ixim pared with lb(l." is 81, 185. 000.
in four of these counties there is an in
crease of 1)3,000, waking a net de
crease in the feixteeu of SLOOS.OOO. At
tho same ratio of decrease the wholo
stale will fall off SC.&OO.OOU The total
valuation of taxable property in 1693
was SK'L 000,000: in 1B0L 5183.OOO.O0O.
Estimated valuation for 1800 is ?104.
The rullroad assessment tJ.it
L. r.A .. t 1CMT
yc&r was tho tame as in 189.i,
Tho Tcllcr-Dubnls-Mnutle'Cannon-Cnrtcr
Combine Likely to llo Strengthened
by Ihiillunl Mlvoi Ken urn
Colorado, Utnli und Other
Mates, nnil Ho A bio to
lllock tho Tariff.
Coxconn, N. II., ,Tuno 29. -United
States Senator Gall inger said yester
day: '-l fear for Republican control of
the Senate. The full senato now
numbers ninety members, and we shall
ncftd foity-slx for a majority, though,
inasmuch as tho existing vacancy in
Kentucky will continue until 1800, we
can gut along during the next con
gress with forty-five. Wo havo now
forty-four senators who are nominally
Republicans, but of these, five- Sen
ators Teller, Dubois, Carter, Mantlo
and Cannon refused to act witli us in
the passage of tho Dlngley emergency
tanil'lust winter.aud Isuppose we must
now add to thorn Senator Pottigrcw of
South Dakota, because ho left tho St.
Louis convention with other secedcrs.
This reduces us to thirty-eight
straightout Hepublicansjwho are for
protection as against protection yoked
with free silver, ii'id wo shall need
seven mora to enable us to pass tho
revenue bill, which the country de
mands. Some of our pains arc already
made, us in Maryland and Ohio, and
wo shall elect in Now York, Illinois
and Wisconsin. This will give us
Torty-lhreo, or two snort of a major
ity. Among our danger spots wo
must include North Carolina Sena
tor Priteh.it-d's scat is likely to be lost,
because ho was first chosen by a fusion
movement, which prooublv will bo
hard to cfTcct again. In Uta'- also,
thero is dangor of losing oonator
Hrown, who refused to act with the
stiver men in deadlocking the Dlngley
bill, and who now has been confronted
with an issue in his fight for re-election,
which will cither defeat or cause
lilin to coalesce with Senator Cunnon
in a policy of opposition. In Colorado
Senator Wolcott Is iu similar danger,
as he hns been subject to venomous
criticism because he would not go ;o
far as Senator Teller in his devotion
to tho white metal. Add to this tho
not altogether remote chance of los
ing a Republican Senator in North
Dakota and California, and the claims
of the Democrats that we cannot elect
in either Kansas 'or Illinois, and tho
outlook is not rosy. I must admit
thut 1 cannot now satisfactorily out
line the metliod by which we shall be
ablfc to hold tho Senate for a protec
tive tariff without u free silver rider."
Two Noted Culiuo VpkIi Itun Donn
by n IleveiiUH Cutter.
Kky Wkst, Fin.. June JJ'J. The fili
bustering steamers Three Friends and
i Citv at IMelfraouu were brddulit hero
last night by prlzo crews of tho United
States revenue cutter Winona, Tho
City of Richmond left here Wednes
day night with a large qnai tity of
arms and supplies for the Cubans and
the Three Friends slipped out of Jack
sonville ten days ugo with supplies
for the rebels.
No ono is allowed to board either of
the vessels, but it is supposed that tho
Three Friends landed tho supplies
tulcen from Jacksonville and was try
ing to got those on the City of Rich
mond when both were overhauled by
the Winona. The captures created
great excitement here, a great crowd
gathering on tiio wharf and Cubans
and Americans alike expressing deep
What will bo done with the two
seized vessels is not yet known, but it
is believed that both will be confis
cated by the United States govern
ment. Followers of St. John.
Ottawa, Kan., June 20. A mass
convention of Prohibitionists was held
in tills city yester''y. About lftO del
egates were nr -ent, representing
nearly every portion of the .-4 ate.
llotli the chairman. G. G. Wharton,
nud W A. Curl, secretary of the state
Prohibition party, hnd tendered their
resignations to the national commit
tee immediately after the Pittsburg
convention. t " esterday's conference
was for the purpose of organising on
Hie St. John basis. Accordingly the
new National party was organized. J.
W. forest, of Thayer, was elected
chairiii'tn of the Mate central com
mittee, and .E. Morrison, of Lmporia,
For Alienated Affections.
Koht Scorr, Kan., June 29. II. C.
Rearing of Kansas City, attorney for
Mrs. Kate Davids of that city, has
.filed suit in tiie United States circuit
court hero ugainst Mrs. liella Sippleof
Sedan, Kan., for S1.OC0 damages for
aUenutlng the affections of J. G.
Lewis, .husband of the plaintiff. Per
60 uid service lias li 11 secured on the
fuir.uud vwealthy defendant by Deouty
United States Marshal Will Ncely,
who has just inarie his return. The
case wh eli proml to be u ve-y sen
sational one, will mo up at the
Nortuuber term of the United States
OontlaUn Ministry Will Iteslgn.
Ottawa. Ontario, June 'ill. The
l'upper ministry ha decided to finish
up certain routine in utters, and then
for the ministers to i-nder their res
ignations to the governor general.
The Conservatives thus submit to the
inevitable with tho best possible
Cerll Ithotle Is Out.
LoNnov. June it) It is ojlicially an
nounced that the resignations of Cecil
Rhodes. Alfred Hell mil Dr. Rutlier-
I ford Harris us dire is of the British
South African compnny have been oc-
, Mnlnil
I ceptcd.
Kepre.mitntlven of the Itcni-Rnntratlon
Committee ltny in tho System.
St. Louts Ma, Juno ,''. Uy order
of tho United Status court, tho St.
Louis and San Francisco railway was
sold, at noon, to-day, under the fore
closure of an old mortgage, of which
tho Mercantile Trust company of New
Yorlt was trustee. There was only
ono bidder a comimitco of bond
holders representing tho reorganiza
tion committee who bought in tho
road for Sl,25i,000 in cash.
After the salo shall have been con
firmed by tho court and tho proper
convoycnccs made, new papers of in
corporation will be filed at Jefferson
City, probably on Monday or Tuesday.
Tho name of tho new road will be the
St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad
company. Tho capital stock will bo
placed at 8.10,000,000 in 600,000 shares
of 8100 each.
Tho Pennsylvania Ex-Congrrttmnn Fa
vors the Colornilnan for Leader.
ViCTOit, Colo., Juno SO. -In answer
to nn Inquiry by the Dally Record of
this city ex-Congressman Joseph C.
Sibley of Pennsylvania wired tho fol
lowing: "Fhankmn, Pa., Juno 2d. To the
Daily Record, Victor, Colo.: I am a
candidate for no otllcinl' place. 1 be
lieve all reform forccs.if united, would
bo irreslstable and would assure a
grntid triumph in November next
Divisions mean defeat. The rank and
file of all political parties aro mado up
of men good and true. On Teller I
believe theso forces could bo united
and all my efforts arc to that end.
Distilleries to Cloie.
LouiRVii.T.E, Ky., Juno 29. A meet
ing of tho Kentucky Distillers' Asso
ciation was held to-day to hear tho
reports of committees appointed to
solicit signatures agreeing to suspend
operations for eighteen months from
July 1. All but six distillers in the
State havo signed. Theso havo held
out because of contracts. It is pro
posed to overcome this by apportion
ing VIM per cent of the capacity of
tho State, or ft, 500,000 gallons, and
this mav bo kept down to 3,000,000
or 4.000J000 gallons. It is assured
that thero will be a suspension, with
allotments only whero contracts can
not be abrogated. The warehouses
are filled with whiskey which is now
almost a drug on the market owing
to overproduction.
Arizona llonils (!o Ilegslncr.
Phoenix, Ariz., June m Arizona
territorial bonds, even nt half price,
are in poor demand. Tho salo nego
tiated several months ago has fallen
through. The London capitalists, af
ter depositing a forfeit of $10,000,
declined to tnxo tlio bonds. A com
promise has been effected, whereby
the territory will be reimbursed foV
al) expenses, and the balance of tho
forfeit money returned to the London
parties. Another sale is being nego
tiated. KuiMtis City "Journal."
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 29. The
announcement was mado to-day that
Mr. William A. Hunker, for several
years business manager of the Kansas
City "Journal," would retire from tho
active management ol that paper on
Monday next, owing to ill-health.
Mr. Hunker retains an interest in tho
property. Mr. Hal Gaylord, who has
been assistant business manager of
the paper, and who has bought the
greater portion of Air. Hunkers in
terest in the "Journal," will assume
its management.
Comedian John W. Kelly Dead.
Nkw Yoiik, Juna 29. John W.
Kelly, variety actor and song writer,
died at his mother's home in this city
yesterday afternoon with acute gas
tritis. He was known as tne "Rolling
Mill Man," and was popular on the
vaudeville stag4;. He was born in this
city and was 42 years old. He made
his first professional appearance in
Two Girls Drowned.
Marine, 111., Juno 20. One of the
most violent rainstorms for years
struck Mils piano yesterday after
noon. Small streams were in a very
few minutes changed into raging
torrents. Misses Rosa and Mario
Hudle-nan, while uempting to drive
across a small branch, missed the
bridge and were drowned.
Oklahoma Houses Wrecked by Wind.
Peuuy Ok., June 29. A heavy wind
last night destroyed the homes of
Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Dillon on the
Grant county line last night Joe
Stout's house was blown down, but
his family were in a cave and escaped
injury. Many outhouses were blown
away, w cat scattered and consider
able stuurf killed.
Floods In Wnslilncton.
Si'OKANK, Wash., Juno 20. Tho
Pond d'Orellle River has readied an
unprecedented height, and is still ris
ing. Tlio Calispel Valley, for a dis
tance of twenty miles, Is under water.
Crops arc utterly ruined, and most of
the settlers will be left in a destitute
Urlde, Groom and Fustor All Over 70.
Wellington, Kan., June 28. W. J.
Gardner, a former soldier, 7.1 years
old and Mrs. Martha J. Baker, a wid
ow of 72, were married here Thursday
evening by the Rev. William Long,
aged 80. Most of the guests were
well advanced in years.
Mother an I Child Struck Dead.
Pkiihv. Ok, Juno IQ. Near Lawson
last evening, the house of John Lane,
a farmer was struck by lightning and
entirely demolished and Mrs. Lane
and her two small children were
killed. Mr. Lane was in town at the
time. t
Actor Gentry Convicted.
Philadelphia. Ph., June 29. The
jury in the case of James H. Gentry,
the actor, who on February 27, 1805,
murdered Actres Madgo Yo-k, eame
iu at 11:05 o'clock to-day witli n ver
dict of guilty of murder in the first
The fioTernor Jtenomlnateil n tho Idol
nd Leader of Democracy Tho Nomi
nation Forced Upon lllm Against IIli
l'roteit Every Vote Cant for llln
Amidst a Furore of Enthnnlaim.
The Illinois Democracy.
Peoiha, 111., Juno 25. John P.
Altgeld is the nominee of tho Demo
cratic party for governor of Illinois.
He wus unanimously placed at tho
head of the ticket. He had uo oppo
nent, and a few moments boforo the
houor was thrust upon him, declared
ho did not want it He said so at tlio
conclusion of one of tho most im
pressive speeches ever made before a
Democratic convention. He said ho
was physically unable to lend the
fight, and his financial affairs were in
bad shape and needed his attention.
No sooner had lie mentioned his do
sire to retire from public life than
thero came an Impassioned shout of
disapproval, not only from tho dele
gates, but frcrn thousands of pcoplo
who were crowded in the hall. It
was n strange convention, and will
not soon be forgotten. It was In ses
sion only a little over five hours.
Nearly all tho candidates were nomi
nated by acclamation. There was no
strife. Theio were no nccrimonious
speeches save those directed against
tho enemy.
The convention came out strongly
for free silver, und so instructed its
dclegutes-at-liirge to the National
convention. The platform was almost
diametrically opposite in all its parts
to that of tho Republican party, and
the 1,0(10 delegates voted unanimously
for its udoption.
The following delegatcs-at-largo to
the convention at Chicago were then
reported: John 1'. Altgeld and Sam
uel P. McConncll, Chicago; W. II.
lienrichsen, Jacksonville, and George
W. Filliian of Jasper county.
No instructions wero given for Pres
ident. Governor Altseld's Address.
While waiting for tho committee on
resolutions to report Governor Alt
geld stepped upon the platform, and
for several rcinutcs there was the
most enthusiastic uproar that had
yet been witnessed. He was called
for, when ho stepped forward und
said, in part:
"Four years ago our people met
under brighter skies. Wo swept the
country bv such a majority that fidel
ity to Democratic principles would
have insured supremacy for a quarter
of a century, llut before the inaug
ural festivities had ceased at Wash
ington the head of the administration
sought strange gods and espoused
alien principles. Tho interests of
money were placed above those of hu
manity. Organized greed was fed
with golden spoons, while tho cry of
the husbandman was unheeded and
the sweat of the toilor brought him
no bread.
"The Republicans had inherited tho
principles of Hamilton, according to
which the government should be a
convenience for the rich. Our Presi
dent tried to crowd them out and to
place. his owu feet on this ground. As
the months rolled by. every principle
that is vital to republican institution
was violated and every precept of Jef
ferson, every doctrine fundamental to
Democracy, was trampled' into Hie
earth. Since then defeat has followed
dishonor until we have lost even what
wo formerly had.
"All might have been well if tho
administration had respected repub
lican institutions, and not used its
great powers to increase the burdens
of our people for the benefit of for
eign and Eastern shylocks.
"Hut the spirit of Democracy is im
mortal. "To-day the Democratic hosts are
again mustering on the plain. Un
fortunately, we have pursued a course
which lias led men to question our
Democracy, and to doubt our profes
sions. We have allowed ourselves to
be influenced by men who have not a
drop of Democratic blood in their
"The first thing necessary for us to
do ic to stand for something definite,
stand fur those principles upon which
the hope of humanity depends. If we
do tills, and once show the people that
we are in earnest, no power in this
land can prevent our shaping the
policy and guiding the destinies of the
Mark Hiinna's Trust.
"Last week there was held in St.
Louis a convention which will be
known in history as 'Mark H anna's
trust.1 Railroad attorneys, corpora
tion agents, lobbyists and tho.10 men
who have made million out of the
government, und are looking for an
other harvest by governmental aid,
were not only in control, but filled
every pluce from chairman to page.
It was the most brazen effort on the
part of organized greed ihat was ever
witnessed in this country. If the
Democratic party will bo true to its
missiou, If it will not weaken itself
1th compromises, or destroy its
strength by adopting a neutral course,
then tho ticket placed in nomination
at St. Louis will be deail long before
tlio frosts of November come. If the
Democratic party will declare for an
American policy, if It will boldly de
clare that we must be true to our
selves, und look after American in
terests first, we will sweep tins
He was followed by Champ Clark of
Mlsiouri, who sounded the praises of
Mr. Uland as a presidential candidate.
General Gustavns W, Smith Dead.
New Yoiik, June 27 Gustavus W,
Smith, who was a major general In
the Southern army during the civil
war, is dead. He was born in Keu
tucky in 1821, and graduated from
West Point in 1842. Ho served with
Scott in Mexico and was street com
missioner of New York
do Wood was mayor.
when Fernan-
Thurston to lie f-pukesnian.
Ci.EVKi.ANnOhio, June 2f A call
for the Republican national conven
tion notification committee to meet in
tliis cily next Monday has been Issued.
On Tuesday the committee will go to
Cunton and officially notify Mr. Mc
Kinley of his nomination. Tho speech
will b'e delivered bv Senator Thurs
ton, the chairman.
They Bound the Campaign Keynote lor
SAnATOOA, N. Y., Juno 2o Tho
Democratic State convention met here
yesterday and adopted n platform,
which Is an appeal to Democrats in
other stales to sustain tho pledge con
tained in the Sherman law, which was.
passed by a Democratic Congress and
approved by a Democralio President.
This pledge was that "tho efforts of
tho government should bo steadily
directed to tho establishment of such
a safe system of bimotallsm ns will
maintain at all time tlio equal nowur
of every dollar coined or issued by tho-'
United States iu tho markets or in.
payment of debts."
The platform represents tho wishes,
of Senator Hill and ex-Secretary of '
the Navy William C. Whitney.
David H. Hill, Edward ' Murphy,
Roswcll P. Flower and Frederick 1L
Coudcrt wero elected delogatcs at.
To hliout for lllaiul.
Topkka, Kan., Juno 27. The Kan-
sas Democratic Flambeau club of this
city hold a rousing meeting last night
and decided by a unanimous voto to.
attend the Democratic national con
vention at Chicago aud furnish ji pyro
technic display there in tho Kland
demonstration on tho evening of
July 0.
Quay to Assist llanna.
Canton, Ohio, Juno 27. Ex-Governor
McKluley and Mark A.Hannadeny
tliat any selections have ben mudo
for tho nntlonal executive committee
except that Senator Quay has been
offered the chairmanship. Thero will,!
also bo nn advisory committee, of
which II. II. Kohlsaat of Chicago will
probably be a member as will al&o-
Cornelius W. liliss of New York.
Deb Moinkb, June 12. J. S. Lord, of "
Des Moines, -has been granted a copy
right for a publication entitled, "X
Rays Practically Illustrated." A. W. -McFnrland,
of West Bend, la., has -been
granted a Canada patent for his.
egg and packing separator. A. Gran
burg und J. Ullrich, of Des Moines,
have a patent allowed for a zinc moo-
ument. J. K. Purinton, of Des Moines,
hns a patent nllowed for pans for -cooking
and baking that aro covered
partially witli asbestos. Hritish,
French aud German patents have been
secured by ,us for the Duplex type
writer, manufactured by tho Duplex
Typewriter Co., of Des Moines. A. S.
Dennis, of Des Moines, has a patent
allowed for a typographical adding
machine having digit bearlug keys (10)
adapted to bo operated liko
a typewriter for printing and add
ing a series of numbers uulimitcd ns -to
the quantity of tho component
digits. Valuable information about
obtaining, valuing and selling patents -Bent
free to any address. Printed
copies of the drawings and specifica
tions of nny United States patent sent .
upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice
is not confined to Iowa. Inventors iti
other states can have our services up
on the same terms as the Hawkcyes.
Thomas G. and J. Ralph Oimo,
Solicitors of Patents.
An Fntliuslastlo Crowd.
Much enthusiasm has doveloped at
Lincoln and vicinity over the Nebraska
Silver Train which it is proposed shall
leave Lincoln Sunday, July 5th, at t-.OO
u. m., v'm the Fremont, Elkhorn JL
Missouri Valley It. R. to Missouri Val
ley, thence C. te N.-W. running through,
to Chicago by daylight
Hon. V. J. Hryan has signified his
intention of going with this train.
The nationnl delegates, alternates and .
all prominent men of the party havo
also arranged to join this train. We
are authorized to extend a cordial and.
special invitation to all Democrats and
believers in bimotallsm, and It is speci
ally and earnestly desired that the
Nebrasku Silver Train shall excel that
ot any other state in tho number of
earnest and enthusiastic bimetalists it.
shall carry into Chicago.
The railroad fare has been reduced 1
to hnlf rates from all points, and tho
incidental expenses will not be large.
Everyone should make it a point to get
up us large a delegation as possible
from their vicinity, and we will assnre
you that all will be accorded a hearty
Delegates and their friends from,
points on tho F., K. & M. V. R. R.
wishing to join this train from Lincoln,
should apply to the nearest agent of"
the above road for particulars as to tho -best
way to make connection with tho
train. Arrangements for special ser
vice will bo made for largo sized par
tics from branch line points.
The official headquarters will bo at.
the Clifton House, Chicago.
C. S. Jones, Lincoln.
A. T. Bi.AnuiimN, Atkinson.
Lee Hehdman, Omahx
Quotations From New York, Chlc-igo, St.
I. mill, Otuulia und kUeivheru. N
Hultcr Creamery supurutor
Hutter 1 air to good country
Kni;slrosli -..,-
I'oiiltry Live hens.pcr tt
prlric Chickens
Lemons- Choice, Mcuslnus. ..
oranpi's. IVrbon
11 uy I'plund. rer ton
llojjs l.lpht AIlxou
Hops Heavy Weights
Hcef fcteers
Ml 6&
. .1 !WI
. 3 Ml
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22 00
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G 3 25
w r to
lit a .is
Go a 15
& a u
44 a 5
Milker and xprliixcrs
Stockcrs and l'ccdeis
Western -
Wheat-No. 2. fcprlng
Corn I'orliu
Uals 1'er hu..,.
Cuttle- liolce leeo
HiK Aveintca
Mieep I.umut.
nkw yoitic,
Wheat No. ?, red winter
Corn No. 2,
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? 10
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Cuttle Nuilu ,h pplusKtear.
KANAa U'l '.
Wheat Na 2 hard
Corn No. S
Uuu N."-2
Caul - Mocl or mid fcudurit
Mieep- l.umbs ......
rht'eji Muttons . ..:
a i 23
ft: a ax.
:n'iTo ai
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