Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 03, 1896, Image 1

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-1 frrrtv &yh5V
VOL. 2.
NO- 19
The Herald.
Publlidipd every Friday and entered at tho
nost-Hica iu Hnninitford, Nebraska, as wvoml
ola mall matter. Tns HehAM) i devoted to
tko intcreata of Ilcmingford and llox Uutlo
THOS. J. O'KnnrE, publisher.
suuscntPTios iutes:
one Ykn ?i;o
K.M. I'UEI.rs j... .Clerk.
A. M.MIM.EU Treasurer.
.Tab. II. H. Hewett .IihIkh.
E. 1 HwEEScr Sheriff.
II. F. Oilman Attorney.
Mihs A. E.Neeiand Superintendent.
Chah. Ilr.AMN , Hiirveyiir,
Dlt. W.K. Miller Coroner.
J)K. L.W. HowMAN. l'lijsU'iau.
.TANnH HAiinY Commissioner lut iliht.
Jab. IIollinhake Commiftuonnr 2nd Hist.
O. W. Duncan Commissioner Hrd Diet.
Now Short Liuo to Helena, Butto
Spokane, Seattle and Tucoina'.
a. X- & W. O. Time Card.
kast hound.
No. 12, nassnncor arrlvos tit 1:1G a. m,
" 0 frolclit ' " G:0o p. m.
" 48 freight urrlvoB ut 0:iOu. m,
No, 41 pntsetiKer arrives ut . 4:15 a. m.
" 45 frolclit u " ll:Ki p. m.
" 4T freight arrives nt 3:35 i. in
All trains onrry passencors.
W. M. Coi'f.LAND, Airrnr
IlEMiNOronn postotlico. On mk days door
opens at 7 a. nv, general delivery openB at 8 a.
m. and closet at 8 p.m. Upon Hunda)n 0 to
IU a. ni.
IlEHixarottD and Box Butte ataRodaily except
Hti inlay. i
IlEMisoronD and Dunlap Bta(fe, Monday
. WedneHday ami Friday.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office rooms ami residenco in
Prnver block, up stairs.
Special attention given to dis
eases of children . 'r
(B. & M. "Watch Examiner.)
Charges reasonable; satisfaction
Guaranteed. Orders left at tho
Herald office will receive prompt
' Attorneys - at - Lai,
Bids will bo received tit the
county clerk's office in Homing
ford, Nebraska, for furnishing
tho County of Box Butto si car
load of coal, bids to specify price
free on board cars at Heming
grd, and price on hard coal (egg
sp'.e), and Canyon City nut coal,
and to bo filed with the cleric be
fore the meeting of July 30, 1890.
Bids on hard and soft coal to be
separate. The commissioners
reserve tho right to reject any
and all bids.
2w F. M. Phelps,
County Clerk.
Strayed from my place six miles
northeast of Hemiu;ford, the last
of March, one iron groy bald-faced
niaro, weight about 1100. A lib
end reward will bo paid for recov
ery of same. A. Eklder.
Having purchased of J. M.
Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON
ICING" and his French coach
stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand
them during tho season at my
farm, six miles west and two north
of nomingford. Terms, So to in
sure These stallions are too well
known to need further description.
' A. S. Enyiurt.
I. E. Tush visited Crawford
1 Tuesday.
Miss Brophy returned to her
homo at Chudron Saturday.
W. K. Hurncall was doing busi
ness at Lawn Wednesday.
Rev. Kendall and family arc
y.isitiug in Chudron this week.
P. H. Renswold, tho broom
maker, was in'town Saturday.
Tho teachers instituto com
mences at Allianco next Monday.
Miss Lalla Council returned to
her homo in Croston, Iowa, last
Miss Pearl Miller, of Alliance,
visited Miss Jessie Sweeney this
Editor Paradis and wife, of Al
lianco, visited Uomingford
friends Sunday.
Mrs. Tush has boon ill for
several days. Dr. Miller is the
attending physician.
E. S. Wildy drove to Allianco
Saturday. He was accompanied
by Miss Goorgia Miller.
Mrs. M. L. Miller and little
son, of Alliance, i are visiting Co.
Tresuror Miller and family.
Mrs. Lucy Keefo and son Wil
lie, of Alliance, visited in Hem
iugford a few days last week.
Misses Nellio Goodenough and
Lulu Blair went to Hot Springs
Monday to attend summer school.
P. H. Zoblo was in town last
week. Mr. Zoblo is giving good
satisfaction as Supt. of the poor
At tho school election Tues
day, D. K. Spacht and Anton
Uhrig were- ro-elected yithout
Born, on Tuesday June 30.
18DG,' to Mr. and' Mrs. Spacht, a
boy. All doing well, the Judge
not excepted.
C. A. Burlaw closed his storo
at Lead, S.- D., and moved the
stock to this place. Ho has
leased the1 "Regulator" building.
S. P. Tuttlo and L. R. Corbin
drove to North Platto Monday 'to
attend the congressional conven
tion. A. M. Miller and E. P. Swee
ney attended tho republican state
convention at Lincoln Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. R.'M. Hampton,
of Allianco, were the guests of
Mr. andiMrs.JB. F. Gilman Sun
day. Tho lecturo'given'by Rev. T.
P. Haley last Thursday evening
was instructive and interesting
to all. ' There was a fair-sized
Thos. O'Kcefo left last night
for Chicago to uttendjthe Nation
al Democratic convention, f. E.
Tashwill look after The Herald
during his absence.
Mrs. Tuttlo roturned to her
homo in Broken Bow Sunday
night. Her daughter, Mrs.
Bean is improving from her re
cent illness.
W. H. Roister, of Bos Butte,
drove his team of 2-year-old
mules to town Friday. They
are dandies, tipping tho beam at
1,950 lb.
C. J. Wildy enlarged his store
this weak and now occupies
nearly tho wholo of tho Wildy
Shirk block. His lai'ge business
demands more room.
Lora Rustin closed a success
ful term of school in tho Ham
mond district Tuesday. Tho
closiug literary exorcises were
interesting. Ico oroam and cake
was served to tho pupils and
their parents and a very plGaaant
time wap had by all.
L. L. Max Hold, of Callaway,
Neb., formerly of this pluco,
came up Monday to make- final
pi-oof on his timber claim and
visit friends.
D. F. Miller, Postmaster Lock
wood and G. E. Zimmorman, of
Canton, woro doing business at
the county seat Tuesday. They
report. crops looking well in that
Misses Ella and Addio nood of
Box Butto woro Uomingford
visitors Wednesday. Miss Ella
roturned from Montana last
week, whore sho has been teach
ing school for tho past throe
Charlos Waisncr, a son of G.
W. Woisuer, was thrown from u
load of wood yesterday afternoon
iiiul both bones of tho leg below
tho knee broken. Tho family have
recently come hero from Heming
ford, Neb. Drs. Terry and Smith
reduced tho fracture. Keystone
On lust Saturday afternoon
Dr. II. H. Bellwood was called
to attend Mrs. Thomas Rubot
tom, about fifteen miles west of
town, who had just been bitten
by a rattle snake. Mrs. R. was
out helping the herd boy with
the cattle when tho boy espied" a
rattle snake. Ho took a strap
from tho saddle proceoded to
wallop the Jife put of tho reptile,
after which, believing it to bo
dead, ho and Mrs. Rubottom
went to take -the rattles off, when
it made a lunge and plunged its
fangs into the unfortunate
woman's thumb. Quick as she
could, sho bound her wrist
tightly with strips of cloth to
prevent the poisoned blood from
circulating and sent for tho
doctor. It was four hours bofore
Dr. Bellwood got there and
found the hand badly mvooIch,
and yet ho tells us that ho ex
pects to save her. Allianco
Children's meeting. There will
be a children's meeting at the tab
ernacle Saturday at 3 p. m. Ev
erybody invited.
Tho Missionary society of tho
Congregational church will hold
its regular monthly dinner at Miss
Susie Frazior's nextWedncsday at
eleven o'clock.
The Sunday school session as
usual next Sunda V at ten o'clock
at tho Congregational church. The
rest of tho day tho people will unito
in tho gospel tent uiettings under
the head of Suite Evangelist Davis.
Gospel meetings. Tho meetings
conducted by state evangelist Jas.
H. Davis in tho tabernacle at
Homiugford will close Sunday Ju
ly 5. Thero will bo an all-day
mooting, beginning at 11 a. in, at
tho closo of tho Sunday schools.
Everybody come and bring your
Goopol celebration. There will
bo an all day iuesting Saturday
July -1th a, tho tabernacle. A pat
rivtic addiess in the morning, read
ing of the Declaration of Indepon
donco, appropriate music, etc.
Preaching at night. Couio with
your dinner baskets and spend a
pleasant day.
There will bo a gospel meeting
4th of July at our soddic 0 miles
east and 2 miles north of Homing
ford. Several ministers are ox
peoted there to address the people.
All are invited to como and bring
your baskets well tilled with good
things to eat and feast with us, soul
and body. J. T. Wornom.
PADS I PADS! Call and got
your Bwoat pads of II. It. Groan.
Brown backs at (J5 cts each.
Box Si, tte Bulletin,
Charlio Wilson wont to Lako
sido Saturday.
Miss Elsie Darling of Allianco
is visiting Ruthio Taylor.
An ico cream social Thursday
evening in tho chapel.
Mr. Jucobson camo up from
Pullman to look after interests in
this vicinity.
Miss Lulu Bloir will oloso a
spring term of school in district
No. 8, Juno 25th.
fW. Flowers will have a building
"bee" soon, followed by a dance
and feast in the evening.
Mrs. Frank Snedokor is expected
to arrixo in Box Butto from York
Saturday to visit relrtives.
Miss Parkins closed a successful
term of school last Friday. Quito
u number of visitors woro present
and all woro welKplcased with tho
Thero will bo"tf 4.th of July pic
nic at Hardscrubblo schoolhouso.
An excellent program is being
proparcd, and tho coramittco on
amusementsaro'iiot sleeping.
f ' "
Dunlap cheese is tho best on
the market. Try it.
A new lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Hcrncill.
"Wildy's received a new lino of
"Wildy has received his first largo
invoice of spring goods and clothing.
Now line of carpets at Hern
call's. Ask your grocer for Ankora
coffeo and get a Bilver spoon free
8 lbs. of broken Java coffeo at
fy'ildy's forl.
Kaffir corn for sale at Wildys
Best carcal for this country.
20 pounds of largo California
prunes at Wildy's for $1.
Eaatei glas3ivaro novelties ut
20 lbs dried apples foi; S1.00 at
I will sell trimmed goods at ono-
fourth off from marked price inor
der to make room for now goods.
Now is the time to get a hat cheap
nt the millinery store ono door
north of Wildy's.
Miss L. Adams.
Wanted To buy n second
hand wagon and harness. In
quire at this office.
OLD PAPERS Sets a dozen, at
The Herald offico.
I will buy your county warrants
H. R. GltEEN.
C. J. Wildy wants some chick
ens. Now dry goods and shoes, right
up to date, just received at Wildys
Look at these five cents prints at
New Goods,
Now Clothing,
Now Huts,
New Ties,
Now Everything J
At ft meetlnK of the board of truftons of tho
illiifco of llemintjford. Nebraska, hold June 1H.
I8SW: ; Tho proliablo amount of money neceunary
to Iwralwxl to defray for all purposes Uio m
peneao of nald village for tho emming lineal
j car, was estimated by ald Iward an follow:
For salary of villald attorney MOO
. " dork .VJOO
" oventoer of streets.. 40 00
" " treasurer loco
" prlntim,' j
" stationery WTO
" Incidental uxieuBe.. 'OW
Total I25O0O
1 lit, MJim IIIIUJIUID ... ..... ....... - - ...-,--.
endlntc the hrtit 'iuebday in May 1690, uru at. fol-
TaxoH collected on tho taxable property of
bald village ?2iu.ve.
Dated J une IB. 1WX5.
Hamuel Bwitier,
AtUht: Chairman Hoard of Trust.
V. M. Iodenco, Village Clurk.
Talcenupby the underalcnKl on aection 16-'JJ
4S, two Kiiy marea, weight about WW to ltwo. aco
alout 10 or 12 yim, ono mar Is branded E on
left shouldur: Uiksn up May 10, 1MW. Owner can
hao auiu by proving proprty and paving
charm. . riBA.
Tho undorslguud will take cUttlc
to liortl for tho season of 1890, at
FosKot's ranch. Tonus, SI, for sea
son, from May 1st to Oel, IGtli.
' p. d. ru'Eit.
Calvin J. Wildy
New Prices! New Everything!
Always Leads and Never Follows !
his Space Belongs to
:E3!. S3-
.The Oldest Establishment in tub County.
Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves,
Paints, Oils, Glass, etc .
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb
Wire the Best on Earth.
A High Grade Laer Beer,
Purest in the Market
Oflico 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob.
Proprietor of
Livery Feed Stables.
Wo have first-class stock and double mid single rigs, ivhioh no
furnish at rcasonablo rates. Our facilities for accommodating boardci
aro unexcelled in tho city. Givo us a call.
K" Stable Cornor Box Butto Avonuo and Sheridan Street.
' " p
- ZLTeToxstslsst
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