Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 26, 1896, Image 3

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An Addr-n to the 1'c-oplo of tlm Unltc-d
Stilton An Appral to tlm Country for
I'lulnrKciiiriit of Their Action lllmet
talUiu Drclnrcil tlm (treat Political
Tanncm. ami tlm Colorado Senator
Lauded an ltd Atilrnt Champion.
SlUer Ik Hip llattlc Cry
ar. Ijouis. Mo., June io. Unlteil
-S lutes Senators l'rod T Dubois of
Idaho, R. P. Pettlgrewof South Da
kota, Frank ). Cannon 01 Utah, Con
gressman Charles II. Uartmnn of
Montana and Hon E. Rich, Clarence E,
Allen, A. d. Robertson, A. C. Cleve
land, Willis Sweet, Amasa H. Camp
bell, Archie M. Stevenson, Enoch
Blrother, James M. Downing, Charles
H. Hricltcnstoiu, Thomas Kearns, C. J.
Hart, Littleton Price, Jacob J. KlHott,
O. J. Salisbury, J. U. Overton, Frank
C. lioudy, John V. Vlviau, J. Y. Rocltc
iollow, Robert W. Uoyngc, John M.
Williams and L. M. Earl, the free sil
ver delegates who walked out of tho
national convention, signed this morn
ing a declaration of independence
which set forth their principles and
recommended that nil parties and
organizations opposed to the gold
atundurd unito in supporting Senator
Teller for President. A strong effort
is being mado to got delegates from
silver states who did not withdrew
from tho convention to sign 'this
It is tlio joint belief of all who havo
been consulted from tho far West that
there will not bo a successful Repub
lican elector in the West outside of
Iowa and possibly Minnesota. They
further believe that there will not bo
a Republican elected South of tho
Potomac and the Ohio rivers. A mem
ber of tho Montana delegation butr-
gested that tho ibattle ground would
be in Illinois and Indiana, and that
Illinois., Indiana, Iowa. Minnesota,
Michigan, West Virginia, Maryland,
Delawurc, New Jersey and Connecti
cut were doubtful states and tho Re
publican party would have to carry
nil of them in order to succeed.
There have been conferences with
leading representatives of the Popu
lists uud of the Bimetallic leatruo to
induce them to work for tho indorse
ment of Teller, and have suchu strong
fus'on against the gold standard as to
imh. tho Democratic national con
ventlci also to indorse Toller as the
fusion cand.date for President, They
also conferred with ox-Governor Fran
cis of Missouri and Democratic free
bllvcr advocates, and were invited to
send representatives to tho Demo
cratic nntioual convention at Chicago
next month to confer with tho party.
The silver men say that Senator
Teller is the man in their opinion on
whom all tho anti-gold men could
unite, but thai they are willing to co
operate wherever they can consist
ently do so to defeat the gold stand
ard, and tlioy aro not scckincr to press
Senator Teller so much as they are to
secure relief from the power" of tho
gold men.
They have issued the following ad
dress: Tl.KA TO THK I'EOPl.K.
"To tho People of the United States:
Obeying tho call of duty and justified
by the common citizenship of this re
public, we address this communica
tion to the people and the forthcom
ing conventions of tho United States.
In doing so wo claim no authority or
right other than that which belongs
to every man to express personal con
victions; but wo respectfully solicit
the co-oporatlon of all who bolievo
that the time has come for a return
to the simpler uud more direct method
of naming men for national service
than has obtained in recent years.
"Political party organization is
necessary, becauso without it the indi
vidual voter is dumb, but the party is
only tho means, nutthecntL It is tho
voice and not the sense. As'tlie world
advances in this wonderful epoch of
intellectual development and physical
improvement, there Is constant re
quirement for better things. The in
dividual feels that requirement and
heeds it, or falls in life's endeavors.
Parties must also obey the same law.
It follows, therefore, that tho moment
a party shall choose to stand still or
rotrogress, it is also inctliclcnt to
nehiove tho end to which tho peoplo
aro necessarily destined. There is no
sanctity in more party name, and tho
man: or necay is set on individual
strength in a nation when tho absolute
rule of political organization coerces
men from tho truth for the sako of ex
pediency and establishes insincere
submission to partisan rule for the
sake of power.
"Recognizing tho value and the
splendid achievements of political par
ties in this country, as elsewhere, wo
ure yet constrained to believe that for
more than twenty years no one ot
them bus Leon entirely sufficient for
the needs of tho people. The groat
trend to better tilings resting In the
heart and purpose of all men, has
been stayed during tho latter part of
this generation by the failure of par
ties to express in their achievements
the highest hope and aspiration of tho
mass of the people who constitute tho
parties. And there hos been growiug
in this country swelling with each
recurrence of national election a
great mass of independent thinkers
and voters, which failing within itself
to control, has gravitated between tho
two great parties. Since 1 872 (except
ing possibly tho election of ISTu), the
pendulum has swung from side to side
with each four years. In 18?2 the Re
publican party elected the President;
in 1870 the Democracy claimed the
election; in 1880 'ho Republican party
elected; in 1884 the Democrats elected;
in 1388 the Republicans elected; in 1b02
the Democrats elected; in 189(5 (until
within a few weeks) it has been con
ceded that tho Republicans would
"What has been tho causo of this
mighty oscillation of a mass which
this year has probibly obtained con
trolling proportions? Every man can
answer to himself. If he has boon an
observer, if he has had interests that
wcro aiTcctod; if ho has felt a hope to
see greater justice done and has tccn
that hope blnstod; If ho knows that
tho gcnoral dissatisfaction has nrisott
from the fact that party promises
mado wore broken to tho pooplo by
party performances, ho knows that
soon as the election was over and suc
cessful candulatas installed they be
camo tho servitors of tho party mid
tho advocates of a narrow mid non
progressive policy within which alono
there seemed to bo an nssurauco of
selfish safety and partlsau approval.
"During nil this period wo havo
lacked a great constructive adminis
tration. No now social truth hns
been put forward In an eiTectlvo way.
While- In all tho departments of physi
cal llfo there havo been developments
and achievements of ease and comfort
to the favored of mankind. In tho still
greater and. moro Important domain
of social reform, wo havo stood still
or retrogressed. It is not that the
peoplo havo not felt tho stirrings of
determination, that this inaction has
undUrcd, but bocauso of tho rule of
tho party which has largely controlled
men In and out of office. It has be
come a Bourco of reproach to any man
that ho should daro to renounce al
legiance to organization. Men havo
bcon expoctcd to submit their views
to tho dictation of conventions, al
though it Is common knowledgo that
conventions havo bcon swayed to
views nnd declarations not tho most
approved by tho mass of tho peoplo
nor progressive for tholr welfare.
"If tho voices which have soundod
to us from overy state in this Union
aro an indication of tho real feeling,
tills venr is tho appointed time for tho
peoplo to assert themselves, through
such mediums ns may glvo best prom
ise of tho achievement of justice. Rut
whether wo aro mistaken or not con
cerning tho general sentiment in tho
United States, wo havo not mistaken
our own duty in withdrawing from
tho Republican convention, feeling
that it Is hotter to bo right and with
tho minority in apparent defeat than
to bo wrong with the majority in ap
parent triumph.
"Wo hold that In tho great work ot
social evolution in this country mon
etary reform stands as the first requis
ite. No policy, however promising of
good results, can tako its placo. Con
tinuation during tho next four years
upon tho present- financial system will
bring down upon tho American peo
ple that cloud of impending ovil, to
avcit which should bo tho first thought
of statesmen nuu tho first prayer of
patriots. Our very institutions aro
at stake. To-day, with a rapidly in
creasing population, with widely
swelling demands, tho basis of our
money is relatively contracting and
the peoplo aro passing into a servi
tude all tho moro dangerous becauso
it is not physically apparent. The
nutlon itself, as to other nations,
is losing the sturdy courage which
could make it defiant in tho faco of in
justice and internal wrong. From the
farmer and tho tradesman to tho gov
ernment there is apparent the same
shrinkage from giving offense, lest the
vengeance of some offended financial
power should descend The business
man submits some portion of his judg
ment and his will, und tho nation sub
mits some portion of its international
right, lest some mighty foreign cred
itor shall make destructive demands.
Where will all this cud if tho peoplo
shall decline to assert themselves?
Where will It end if the older parties
in their determination to maintain
themselves in power for power's bake
alono shall refuse to recognize the
right and tho hope of humanity.
"This country cannot much longer
exist f rco and independent against all
tho rest of tho world, nor can its peo
ple much longer bo frro in tho noblest
sense of tho term if tho United States,
a debtor nation, shall follow a policy
dictated by creditor nations. Wo pro
duce all of the necessaries of life.
Other nations consume our products.
In tho race for existence it is a con
stant strugglo between producer und
consumer. Our present system of
money deliberately submits to tho do
sire and tho profit of creditor nations,
leaving us in tho muss and as individ
uals, a prey to tho money-gathering
and tho deadly cheapening of the
old warld. As the debt to creditors
abroad increases on the masses of tho
nation, the price of human production
on tho farm nnd in the workshop is
decreased with appalling rapidity,
exacting moro and moro from our citi
zens to meet tho given demand uud
holding over their heads a throat of
tho day when confiscation to meet
tholr obligations will leavo them bare
and defenseless.
"Tho only remedy Is tostop falling
prices, tho deadliest curse of national
life. Prices will never ceaso falling
under the single gold standard. Iho
restoration of bimetallism by this
country will double the basis of our
money system In timo it will double
tho stock of primary monoy of tho
world will stop falling prices and
will steadily olevato thorn until they
will regain their normal relation to
tho volume of debts uud credits in
the world, liimetallism will help to
bring about tho great hope of every
social reformer, overy believer in the
advancement of the race who realizes
that the instability of prices has been
his deadly foe of our toilers and tho
servant of tho foreign interest gath
erer, liimetallism will help .to bring
about the time when a certain ex
penditure of human toil will procure
a certain finuueial result.
Who among tho great masses of our
pooplo in tho United Stutes but feels
that his lot would be better, his aspir
tion take new wings if ho could know
in the performance of Ins labor what
would be the price of his product? Is
not this purpose worth the attention
of the people as individuals, and
worth the attention of political con
ventions yet to bu held in this year
180(1? Is not tliis so great an end that
ull who believe in the possibility of 'at
taining it by the means proposed can
yjeld something of their partisanship
both in conventions and at tho polls?
It is in the hope that tho masses and
the remaining conventions will have
the courage and tho generosity to
unito for this purpose that wo have
dared to offer our views to tho peoplo
of tho United States, and because in
the past there has lacked a rallying
point for tho masses who hold as wo
do to this belief, wo venture to act,
trusting that it will be.recclved in the
same spirl of eonrllliUton, concession
ami hopo with which wo put it forth.
"Wo havo endeavored in a plain
way to sot the matter hoforo tho oyos
of our fellow citizens. Wo invoke
tho union of all utoii nnd nil parties
who bolievo that tho timo has como
for tho triumph of justice. It is nu
hour when tho peoplo may speak for
themselves ns individuals and through
conventions yet to bo held. It Is tho
right of every citizen to indicate his
"With this in view, wo offer to tho
forthcoming conventions nnd to tho
people the linmo of a man for tho
prosldoncy of tho United States whoso
llfo In public and in prlvato repre
sents those distinguished virtues
which adorned tho days nnd tho dcods
of tho earlier timo of this republic, n
return to which virtues Is requisite
for tho prosperity and contentment
of tho peoplo nnd tho pcrpotu
ity und commanding oxnmpla of
freo institutions. That tiamo is
Henry M. Teller, a man of tho people
and for tho peoplo. Ho is of no sec
tion. Ills experience and scrvico, his
devotion to tho common justice nnd
tho common causo of his follow citi
zens has beeti as wldo ns tho country.
Wo bcllovo that tho people of tho
United States havo him in their hearts
us ho has had their interests in his
purposo through all tho work of an
exalted Ufa
"It is not merely ns tho exponent of
monetary reform that wo present
this man to tho people. It Is true that
ho has waged a mighty war for tho
rcstorrtlon of tho money of tho con
stitution, nnd his namo has been iden
tified as that of no othor living mnn
with this great causo. Hut had his ser
vices beon loss demanded and less no
ticed In this direction, tho peoplo would
still havo recognized in him for other
labors a statesman of tho purest type.
His only poverty has bcon that of
purse. In all things clso in tho gon
crositios of man to mnn, In kindliness
of deeds for his follows and in tho
study and the doings of a mighty
career, ho has bcon one of tho most
opulent Amcrlcau citizens of nnv age.
All INirts of the Htuto Crlchrnto the Holt
Laudation for Teller.
Dknveii, Colo., Juno 20. Tho news
of tho notion of Senator Teller and
tho Colorado nnd Idaho delegations in
withdrawing from tho national Re
publican convention has been re
ceived throughout tho Stato with tho
greatest enthusiasm. In Denver thero
will bo n demonstration when Senator
Toller returns, which will be by
Thursday, and Senator Cannon of
Utah will 00 the feature of another
demonstration when ho passes
The mining camps aro especially
jubilant At Aspen last night tho
hills wero rcverbornting with tho
boom of improvised cannon and at
Crlpplo Creek the streets wero
thronged by enthusiastic crowds ull
night. At Pimblo tho company of tho
national guard ilred a salute of forty
live guns when the nows of tho bolt
was received, nnd in Northern and
Southern Colorado towns tho enthus
iasm wus unconllncd.
A large nud enthusiastic mooting
wus held at tho chamber of commerce
last night by people of all classes,
without regard to party, to arrange
for a public reception to Senator
Teller upon his return.
Itepuillntcs the Platform a "Damnably
Unpatriotic! nnd Un-ltepubllcan."
Dktiioit, Mich., Juno 20. Tho
Tribune, ono of the oldest dally news
papers in the West, and tho leading
Republican paper of Michigan since
tho birth of tho party, unequivocally
repudiates tho nctipn of tho Repub
lican national convention In declaring
obsolutoly for tho gold standard ns
against bimetallism. It says that
while tho party's candidate is all right,
"tho platform on tho only important
issue beforo tho country is damnably
unpatriotic and tin-Republican. No
one's Republicanism can bo impugned
if he continues to stand squarely on
tho national and stato platforms of
tho past, and if ho repudiates utterly
tho false und un-American fulmina
tion of St. Louis conspiracy," and
udvises active campaigning against,
"gold monometallism congressional
The South Dakota Senator' Ulaaffectlon
Cuiucd it Herniation.
St. Louis, Mo., Juno 20. The fact
that Senator Pcttlgrow of South
Dakota joined the silver Republicans
in their bolt of tho convention proved
the surprise of the day. He said alter
leaving tho hall that' he had formed
tlm deturminutlon to join this move
ment several wocks ugo, and as soon
as it bceamo apparent that a gold
standard plank would bu adopted.
He, however, kept his intentions so
well to himself that not even his fellow-delegates
from South Dakota
were aware ot them Hndlookodas
much surprised ns did others when
tho Senator's name ns ono of the com
mittee who signed tho protest road in
the convention was announced.
IU-Secretary Whitney Appeals to Michael
Dorun Not to Go Abroad.
Washington, Juno 20, Michael
Doran, Minnesota's member of the
Democratic national committee, who
is here, received tho following tele
gram from os-Secrctary Whitney to
day: "When will you bo in New
York? I want to :ee you. You must
not desert at this time."
The telegram had reference to Do
ran's intention to sail for Europe in a
few days for the benefit of his health.
He says that while he will not decide
certainly until after he meets Mr.
Whitney, it is likely that ho will post
pone his foreign trip und attend tho
f.lilnnrm nftri vi.n t lin In nn nfYnit tn
' stem the free silver tide.
1IIII Italdler Sent to lirlioo.
Pkiikv, Ok., June 20. United States
Marshal Colcord, of Perry left for
Columbus, Ohio, this motnlug with
tho notorious Hill Rnidlcr, a member
of the Dalton gang, who has been sent
to prison for twenty years for robbing
a Rock Island train at Dover two years
Chlcaco Convention Will Ho for 1'roo
SlUrr. Which Ilr In Not
Washington, June SO. Hon. Will
iam R. Morrison has sent the follow
ing telegram to Hon. (1. A. Kceruor
of Springfield, 111.:
"Tho Illinois Democracy evidently
favors the unconditional fruo coinage
of silver. I do not. Tho majority of
the nntioual convention will bo for
the froo coinage of silver, and should
not bo expoctcd to nominate any othor
than nu outspoken advocate of that
policy. Under these conditions, in
dorsement by tho Stato convention,
though it would bo n gront compli
ment, cannot bo insisted tin on by my
Tho New York I'.icculUo Itnfusri to
III101111 tlm Vloa l'realdoucy.
Riunkci.ifk, N. Y,, Juno 18. Oovor
nor Morton is watching tho courso of
events at St, Louis with none of
the anxiety that might bo looked
for In a candidate for presidential
nomination. As regards his accep
tance of tho vico presidential nomi
nation tho governor, when tho sub
ject was broached had nothing to say.
Democratic Convention Instructs
Delegate tor the Mluourlnn.
Litti.k Rock, Ark., Juuo 20. Tho
Democratic convention adopted reso
lutions instructing delegates to tho
nntlunal convention for ltlund for tho
Presidency. Tho following wcro se
lected dolcgates-at-largo: Senator
James K. Jones, Washington; Senator
J. II. Horry, ltentonvillo; Carroll
Armstrong, Conway; J. T. W. Tlllar,
Ltttlo Rock;
To Compel llltu to Starry Her.
St, JoHKt'ii, Mo., Juno 20. Miss
Mattdo Eades has filed suit In tho cir
cuit court asking that Henry Switzor
who, sho says, promised thrco years
ago to marry her, be compelled to do
so. Several times tho day has bean
sot, but Swltzer has had it postponed
each timo, nnd, white holding tho girl
to her promise, keeps up his courso of
Children .Mangled liy it Train.
Licxinoton, Mo., Juno 20. Tho west
bound Missouri Pacific passenger train
struck tho wagon of James Hook in
West Lexington this morning. Hook
escnped with a few bruises, but his
two cl dren .vein fatally injured and
tho horses wero killed. Tho mother
of tho children died about a mouth
Iowa I'at cut OMce Report.
Dks Moines, la., Juno 10, '00.
J. S. Lord, of Dcs Moines, has been
granted a copyright for n publication
entitled "X Rays Practically Illus
trated." A. W. McKarland of West Rond, la.,
has been granted a Canada Patent for
his egg and packing separator, for
which a U. b. l'atcnt was issued .March
17, 'oa
A. (iranburg and J. Ulrlch of Des
Moines havo a patent allowed for a
monument having nn exterior sheet
zinc surface huvlug letters, symbols
and artistic designs cut out therefrom
and covered on tho inside by a copper
plnte, n box filled with ballast in tho
center and a filling of cement between
tho box and the doublo sheet metal
wall that unites nil tho parts in a solid
J. K. Purintan of Des Moines, has a
patent allowed for pans for cooking
and baking that aro covered partially
with asbestos nnd reenforccd with
corner pieces for fastening the usbestos
and provided with handles adapted for
fastening one pan on tho top of anoth
er to encloso and cook and bako food
therein udvnntageously.
Hritish, French nnd Herman Patents
have been secured by us for the Du
plex Type Writer, manufactured by tho
Duplex Typo Writer Co., of Des Moines,
that owns tho invention nnd till tho U.
S. and foreign patents granted there
for. A. S. Dennis of Des Moines has a
patent allowed for a typographical ad
ding machine, having digit bearing
keys (10) adapted to be operated like a
type-writer for printing und adding a
scries of numbers unlimited as to tho
quantity of component digits. As a
labor saving machine for ndding col
umns of figures and making a printed
record thereof at the same timo it will
be almost Indispensable in offices whero
a large business is traesneted.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
free to any address.
Printed copies of tho drawings and
specifications of tiny U. S. Patent sent
upon receipt of 25 cents.
Our practice is not confined to Iowa.
Inventors in other states can have our
services upon the same terms ns Hawk
eyes. Thomas (5. Jk J. Rai.imi Oiiwio,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines. Iowa. May S3, 18'JO.
Quotations I rum New York, Chicago,
Lout', Omaha and 1 Uourhoro.
lliittcr Creamery xoparntor . 18
Mutter lair to Rood country. 10 w
KaifH Froh 8W
Poultry I.lvo hens.pcr B 3 4J
Sprint; Chickens 1J .
I.omnns-Cliolre Mustlnus 3 M 3
oraiiKus-1'. rbov 2.0 it 3
Huy I'iiIuihI, ,er ton iw 4$ 0
Hois Mld parking. ., 3 lu u tf
Ileitis Heavy ttalKhtti 3 0) ft 'J
Iloof-btetirb J 2J 3
Hulls 2 10 a 3
.Mllkei-H mill hprlmjer-i ii U) yJU
Muz 2 7 to 3
Calves. I 00 (it 5
t'owrt 1 fto (s 3
llulferi s -n a 3
Mookorsund I'emlcia 3 ik) 3
Westerns. .. ., y j (j 3
Wheat No. 2. spring 57 Q
Corn I'ortiu 2."te
Outs-1'er tin 17 &
ork 7 10 :
i-ard 4 10 fe 4
i-'uttle Snipping Mount 3 l vn 4
lloiM Averauo ., 3 1.1 L 3
aiieup Canity a a 3t 0
Wheat-No.?, red Trlntor.....
i-ork-- ;:
8 ii
83 'I
M'hcnt Na 3 red, cash 67
t'orn l'or bu j.1 fc
Onts Per bu .. n i
Hoe MIod packlnz 2 i 3
Cattle Native ateurt. 3 !!! (j I
Wjioat No, 2 hard 40 &
Corn No.2. Sti'M
OaU No.2 M ft
Oattl Stockersuml ftjuUer.. 2 K5 &3
Hogs-Mixed H6& $3
fciheop I.ainbi 3 21 u3
bheop Muttons , 2 CO 4
A ricturo of the Out-Door Woman
llrllllaut lllun nnd Oratine lonrri
llraliled n In Mllltnlro AnTr In
Onr Correspondents.
woman la every
where, and n
mlgh t y pleasant
picture- Mio makes
in hor natty gown,
appropriate forsuch
wonr. Of courso,
tho "cycling" girl
Is tho rnge, and for
hor tho smartest of
costumes aro dally
sot forth. One of tho trlggcst outfits
seen Ib a tailor mado suit of snuff brown
Scotch mlxturo, with a thrco-qtiartera
length, and a broad horn turned up at
tho foot and heavily ntltchcd on tho out
side, Tho accompanying bloomors arc
attached to the Bklrt at tho knees in
such a manner that no Impudent wind
can lift tho skirts over bo llttlo. This
Is a decided improvement on tho usual
bloomers and Bklrt arrangement, and
must rellovo tho rldor of much embar
rasHineiit. Over tho hips tho skirt In
fitted snugly, and has strapped seams
hold down by horn buttons.
The blouse Is In tho Norfolk effect,
with a yoke and pleats renchlng from
It to tho belt; theso pleats have
rounded tops turned over and orna
mented with buttons to simulate tiny
pockcbi. There aro leg 0' mutton
sleeves and a belt of stiffened cloth to
match tho costume, with a leather
bucklo. Tho rolling coat collar shows a
glimpse of shirt front, linen collar and
Harvard red tie.
Thero aro leggings to match, reaching
to tho kneo, fastened by buttons and
straps In tho snuggest sort of way.
Thero aro two hats to go with this suit.
Ono Is an Alpine of goods like tho
gown, all heavily stiffened and stltchod
and trimmed with n band of ribbons.
Chicago Chronicle.
(iiuviu llralilvd 11 lit Mllltulre.
The effect mllitairo Is much sought
after In tallor-mado gowns, ns It hns
boen all season in enpos and coats.
Perhaps It Is but nn excuse for tho
smart braid decoration so popular, or
it may bo because tho style Is so
usually becoming. Tho passion for
braiding has even entered tho realm
of linen gowns, and we see many of the
moro costly models enriched by quanti
ties of beautiful hand braiding and
done in a variety of colors. Black
braidings aro in vogue on gowns ot all
colors and are an exceedingly effective
A novel gown in thin navy bluo silk
sergo has the bodice beautifully en
rlohed by braidings ot black silk. The
skirt of the serge is wldo and flaring
and finished with bows ot narrow braid
at tho top of tho deep hem. It la
lined throughout by way of color, with
Persian silk In shades of violot and
Rreon. Tho bodlco was dinwn smooth
ly ovor tho bust, and cut away at tho
waist lino to display a waistcoat of
groon Porslnn silk. Tho Jaoket was
short and rippled smartly at the sides
and back. Tho cntlro front was cov
orcd with aomo of tho braid set on
diagonally, each ono finished by a
braid ornament, Tho collar of Persian
silk had at the front a stilt bow of black
inoiissclino do Bole. Leg 0' mutton
slcovo, drooping, nnd finished at tho
wrists Willi braid to match tho bodlco,
comploted tho gown, A strikingly
handsome gown of pale tan homespun
Is elaborately decorated with braidings
of hunter's greon, intersporaod with ap
pllqucd leaves of tho greon velvet. The
oxponso of thoso braided gowns Is enor
mous, but It Is fortunately a modo ot
decorating very easily followed at
homo, and a handBomo gown nlay thus
bo gotten up at a trifling cost, provided
tho gown proper ho mado by a tailor,
no thoro need ho no homo made look to
mar it.--Ex.
llrllllant lllno nnd Orange.
Ono ot tho smartest gowns ot the
season for street wear Is n part ot tho
wardrobe ot Miss Qraco Wilson, a so
ciety girl ot Now York. It is a brilliant
navy bluo serge, very light weight,
mado up ovor the most brilliant ot
Persian silk in gorgeous orange, all
blurred over dull figures In oriental
colors. Tho moderately flaring skirt
has no decoration, Bavo a heavy round
cord of" tho Persian silk at tho foot.
The bodlco has a body ot nary bluo
closed at the back in tho manner ot all
French gowns, under a mass ot rich
decorations. Odd pieces ot tho Persian
silk almost cover tho back, while at
tho top of tho neck Is a deep point ot
open patterned lace.
Persian silk Is drawn across tho
front, full from tho shoulders into a
small space at tho belt. An oddly shir
red vest ot Brussels net fits over the
front and seta up about the throat In a
stiff ruche, topped oft by a full frill ot
silk. The sleeves are in tho melon
shape not overlarge, and with tho
lower arm fitted snugly. Tho seams
are Intersected by thick cords covered
with the silk to the elbow and finished
at the hand by frills of silk and net,
set Inside the sleeve. The bodice is
also trimmed throughout with this rich
silk. Ex.
Ijidlet Society.
Robert, who is a young man ot 17,
asks If ho is too young to go in ladles'
society. Answer: A young man of 17 Is
not too young to go in ladies' society,
Tho acquaintance and society of re
fined young ladles would be the very
beat safeguard tor a young man at that
age. It would Improve his manners
better than any book ot etiquette that
he could study, since their merry, good
natured raillery at his defects would
help him early and easily to avoid
those things that would render him
awkward In company, and which ha
might not of hlrasolt discover.