Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 26, 1896, Image 1
milt. 1 VOL, 2. HEMINGrEORD, BOX BUTTE COtMY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, lftOO. NO- 18 dpi (JZ Hf I tfi 1t liil 1111 0 1 1U vmpHMmMn4i K. - itv" ' d .IS" tf . Mi Ul V'jv The Herald. .OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. l"ubHhed every Friday and entered at tho post-oiKco In IlemtnKforil, Nebraaka, n second class mall matter. The JlEnAl.D ia devoted to tke interests of Hemlngford and llox Hutto county. THOS. J. O'kEEPE, Publisher. sunscniiTiort hates: ONEYKAU S1W) SIX MONI'UB i 75 COUNTY Ol'MCEUS. F. M. Phelph Clerk. A. MvMiLLKn Treasurer. "iTah. H. H. Hkwett '...Judpn. .'K. P. Sweeney Sheriff. ,H. I'. Oilman Attorney. Mihh A. K. Nkki.and Superintendent. -Ckas.Hrann v Surveyor, Dn. W.K. Millku Coroner. )n. L. V. JIuwman l'hjslclan. Jaich lUnnv . ...Commissioner M ;l)it.t. Jab. Holmmiake.... roramlpsloner -nd Diet. O. W. DUNCAN Commissioner 3rd Diat. f wiw rpin wwwwii Now Short Lino to Holenn, Bulto Spokane, Senttle and Taeoma. OK X. &c "W. O. TIimlo Card, EAHT DOWND. Wo. 42. pasRnncer arrlvcs'ot 4 " 46frelclit " " 48 frolt'lit nrrlvos nt west BOUND. No, 41 passenser arrives nt " 4frlcht 47 frrleht arrives nt Ail trains carry pasaenKers. V. M. CbrELANU, Auonr 1:16 a.m. 6:00 p. in. o:10u. m, 4:13 a. m. H:M p. m. 3:35 p. m MAID DIKECTOUY. JIeminofobd postollice. On wook days door operant 7 a, m., general delivery opens at 8 a. m. and close? at 8 p. m. Open: Sundays 0 to 10 a.rii. ' IlEMlKaFORD and Box Butte stage daily except ' Banduy. , ' JlF.aiNoronD and DcNLAr stago, Monday ' Wednesday and Friday. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Praver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eases of children . Dunlap cheese is the best on tho market. Try it. A new lot of shoes ju$t received by W. K. llcrncall. Wildy's received a new line of clothing. "Wildy has received lifs first larjrn Invoice of spring goods and clothing. New line of carpets at Hern call's. Ask your grocer for Ankora coffee and got a silver spoon free Wildy. 8 lbs. of broken Java coffee at Wildy's for $1. Kaffir corn for sale at Wildys Best C3real for this country. 20 pounds of large California prunes at Wildy's for SI." Easter glasswaro novelties at Wjldy's. 20 lbs clried apples for 81,00 at .Wildy's. Wanted To buy a second hand wugon and harness. In quire at this office. OLD PAPERS Sets a dozen, at The Herald office. 4 I will buy your county warrants H. R. GittEN. C. J. Wildy wants some chick ens. New dry goods and shoes, right up to date, just received at -Wildys Look at those five cents prints at Wildy. TNJat (rrAc " Now Clothing, New Hats, Now Ties, No w Every t hing J at WILDY'S EST1UY HOTICE. Taken up by tho undersigned on section l-23 48, two grey mares, weight ubotit ft) to 1U0O, ai;s about ltl or 12 yearn, one mare is branded E on leu mourner, lauen up Aiay in, icw. i Jwner ran Lave same by proTtntt property and paving M. trim. charses. PADS! PADS! Call aud got your, sweat pads of H. It. Green. Bro .11 backs at 135 cts each, County Commissioners' Proceedings. Hkmingfoud, Neb.,t7uno Is", 1800. Regular meeting of Board of County Commissioners. Members Erosout, James Hollinrnko, chnirnmn, Geo. W. Duncan and Juines arry. Bond of Carl Weitz, road ovorseor district No. 22 was oiuninotl and approved. It coininc: to tho notice of tho board that sorao confusion exists in the records as to whether a public road was opened commencing at the southeast corner section 12-20-r0 and extending wesb to county lino, or one commencing at tho northeast corner sectiqlifi2-20-50 and extending west to tho county line, thoy investigated'' tho records uijd found that in January 1889, (Commissioner's RocorU page 4u) a consent petition by JL. A. lJaul and others was presontefc praying for a road commencing at southeast corner 12-20-50 and wah granted and ordered opened. Thoy also found tho original potition and also report of survey of tho road, both showing south cast corner 12-20-50. Thov thoroforo instruct the cleric to chango such parts of tho records as to show otherwise, to show that road No. 18 begins at southeast corner section 12-20-50 and oxtonding west to county lino. In regard to road beginning at tho northeast corner section 12-20-50 and extending west to county line, thoy lind that a petitibn was filed hi January 1889 (Commissioners' Record page 48) by Or villo Kidwell and others praying for opening of that road and ttijat same was referred to a sppcial commissioner to view and ropdrt. but that no report of record was over made nor any further action taken, hence it is considered and determined by the board that tliis road was never opened. A. S. Enycart presented claim for refund of taxes to tho amount of 15.51 on personal property for the year 1898, paid in 1894., It appears to the board that the same personal property had boon as sessed in the state of Missouri before being brought to Box Butta county, and that tho tuxes for tho year 1898 on said property werp paid by him in Missouri, and also had paid taxes for tho year 189?t. "represented by tax receipt No. 191 on said property m 'BoxButte" county, wherefore it appears that tho identical property had been taxed twice for the same year, it. is therefore ordered by tljo board that tho county treasurer refund the said taxes of Slu.51 to said 2v. S. JSnyeart. The board then took up the consideration of claims against Box Butte county and having first obtained a certificate from the county treasurer showing amounts of delinquent porsonal'.taxcs agajnst each of tho several claimants, allowed the following olaims and .ordered warrants drawn on the generaj fund for s,'uch amounts as remain after deducting such delinquent taxes. Am't Alw'd 3010 A.E.Noeland, sorv'cs Co. Supt. 253 00 tiuii. J.J.. i- . iuuiiic, .naaigucu KJ W. W. Norton, board, 3012 W.W. Norton) supplies for poor, 3013 field's Pharmacy '" " " 3014 C J Johnson.ass'ing Dorsoy prct, 8015 F Martin, serves as dep shoriff, 3010 jj W Bowman, ' Co. physician, 3017 C A Newberry, hardware, 3019 E P Sweonoy, serves as sheriff, 8020 JosForgt, conveying paupers, 3021 W D Rumor, supplies for poor, 8022 M H Goodonough, special juror ' Thorlton case ...'. 302? Gillespio Bros, supplies for poor, 3024 II A Cunningham, supplies " farm, 2 25 302G H Zobol, care of paupers, 102 50 3027 T J O'Keofe, printing, 75 39 3028 C J Wildy, supplies for court house, 9 25 At G p. m. board adjourned to meet Juno 10, 1890. F. M. Phelps, Clerk. James Hollinrake, Chairman- June 10, 1890. . Board mot as per adjournment. Present, James Hollinrake, chairman, G. W. Duncan ami James Barry. Complaint was made by Henry Kramer that he had paid taxes twice for the year 1891 on northwest quarter 1-27-52; upon investi gation and finding the facts as stated, tho board orders tho .treas urer to rofund 7 82 of tho taxes so paid. Tlje board then, after obtaining a certificate from tho treasurer showing amount of delinquent personal taxes against each of the severarclaimants, allowed the following claims and ordered war rants drawn on tho general fund for such amounts as may remain after deducting said delinquent taxes. Claini. 2993 J J PInnansky,ass'g Lawn prcc.S78 40 Kun'gwater 54 SnakoCr'k 49 Wright, 04 40 Lake, 1'43 Boyd, 55 50 2d ward pro Liberty, Box Butte, Nonpareil, lpt ward pre 47 25 253 GO 4 10 25 2 25 97 17 50 25 00 32 05 5 14 95 4 2113 Tjixes. War'nt '- 253 GO 4 , 10 25 2 25 ,2 25 97 97 15 batftlisal'dlfi, . 50 25 JSLJOL" 50 23 50 balclisal'd'50 10 25 82 65 r, ; 14 95 4 2113 '2 25 162 50 75 39 9 25 8 28' 90 24 37 14 95 30 45 2113 162 20 75 39 180 OOOA WTi .InliucMi A.1 If tW.l.QW., 2995 L 11 Kennedy, 47 20 63 50 65 10 2999 Mosos Wright, 3000 Joa H Davis, 3002 T M Lawler, 3005 Iddb Joder, 3007 Henry Sweezey, 800S W B Heath, 3009 Volnoy Curtis, 3018 C A Newberry 29G9 I F Marshall, boarding pauper 2981 State Journal Co., stationery, 49 94 49 94 2982 E P Sweeney, services afesheriff 29S3 Omaha Printing Co., stationery, 1 2984 Clark Olds, repairing court h's, 1 75 2985 WK'Miller, euro D Kroesing.ius. 12 298G Mil for & Wildy, coal, 8 20 2987 Ole Gilbert, judge of election '95, 3 2988 State Journal Co. stationery, 9 43 29S9 Omaha Ptg. Co., books, 20 2990 IT Gill, rep wagon for poor frm 3 25 2991 H A Cunningham, supls " " 7 20 2992 J T lfinkerton, boardg J Brantner 8 lUiY 50 1 Allowed. Tpxos. 78 40 " 54 49 64 40 "Wnrn't 78 40 54 49 04 40 115 bal disal'd 115 55 50 67 bal disal'd 47 2Q 63 50 60 bal disal'd 47 15 bal disal'd 55 50 67 47 20 63 50 60 47 15 49 94 5 20 disal'd, icl in claim 3019 1 175 12 8 20 3 9 43 20 8 25 20 1 7: 7 3 . 105 50" 1 . 13 90 8 7 80 7 80 15 02 3 25 7 20 3 12 8 20 3 9 43 20 8 25 105 50 13 90 8 7 80 15 02 3 25 2997 B F Gilman, co atty, 1st qr 3001 H N Earnest, ropairing jail 3003 State Journal Co., stationery 18 90 8004 Omaha ptg. co. " 8 300G G Zuhi. Bervc in case Josso Lidy 7 80 8029 A Uhrie, supplies for court h's 7 80 7 80 7 80 8030 Win Roth, overseer dist 17 15 02 8031 G W Duncsin, supplies poor frm, 8 35 Claim No. 3025, amount 20.00, was received from school district No. G for tuition of non-resident pupils, and was allowed and war rant ordered drawn on county school fund, levy 189G. Potition was presented by Win. Drofko and thirty othors asking that roads bo opened for public travel commencing on tho town ship lino between townships 25 and 20 at tho northeast corner of section 6-25-47, thence south a distancp of three miles to the north east corner of section 19-25-47, also from the southwest quarter of section 7-25-47, thenco cast threo miles to tho southwest quarter section 0, township 25, rango 47. Tho Board after consideration funds thajb tho public good re quires the opening of such roads and as authorized by section 40, chapter 78, compiled sir tutus of Nebraska, for year 1803, thoy horeby declrro tho samo to bo opened for public travel. Tho clerk is instructed to notify tho road overseer to romovo all ob structions, open tho samo and cause them to bo worked as pub lic roads. Tho "Bincoln Land company; presents tax receipt No. 922 11.78, taxea for year 1895 paid under protosl on lot 16, block 9 Allianco, also affidavit of asses sor showing that it was assessed at $225, under tho misapprehen sion that it had cortain lmprovo monts, whereas it was and is a vacant and unimproved lot, and stated also that it should have been assessed at $75. The Lincoln Land company asks that tho tax on tho differ ence between the two values amounting to $7.87 bo rofundod. After duo consideration tho board denies such rofund on tho ground that complaint of this nature Should liavo boon made before Board of Equalization at its ses sion in 1895, and for that reason not now in tho powor of tho board of county commissioners to make such reund. At 0 p. in. board adjourned to meet at 8 a. m. Juno 17. James Hollinrake, Chrmn. F. M. Phelps, Clerk. June 17. Board met as per adjournment. Members present, James Hollin rake. chairman, Geo. W. Duncan and James Barry. The following claims wore al lowed and warrants ordered drawn on goneral fund. 3082 A.Sherwood, dray ago, $0 35 8038 GWDuncan.srv as com 43 00 8034 Jas. Barry, " 51 00 8035 Jas. Hollinrake " 2& GO John Loith presented a recoipt lor si. uo, taxes for lbuo, paid under protest on northwest quar ter of northwest quarter 7-24-50 and asked that the same be re funded on "tljo grounds that it was government land and not taxable; on investigation tho board finds the facts as stated and orders tho treasurer to re fund said amount of taxes. Geo. W. Duncan presented re ceipts for taxes paid under pro test on northeast qr sec. 9-21-48 as follows: Year '93 S1G.90, year '94 $18.95, year '95 8 11.90, and asked tliat each of these amounts bo refunded because said tract was government land and not as sessable. Tho board after investigation found the facts as stated and or dered the treasurer to rofund all of said taxes amounting to S47.75. On motion tho clerk was in structed to advertise for bids on ono car egg hard coal and one car Canyon City nut coal, for de livered on board cars at Heming ford. Such bids to bo in on or before the next adjourned meot ing of tho board, to-wit, on July 30, 1890. On motion board adjourned to meet at 8 a. m. July 30, 189G. James Hollinkakk, Chairman. F. M. Phelps, Clerk. Bids will bo received at tho county clerk's oftico in Homing ford, Nebraska, for furnishing the County of Box Butto a car load of coal, bids to specify prico free on board cars at Homing ford, and prico on hard coal (egg size), and Canyon City nut coal, and to bo filed with the clerk be fore tho meeting of July 80, 189(3. Bids on hard and soft coal to bo separate. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. 2w F. M. Pjiklps, County Clerk. At a mooting of the Itoard of trufteea of the Tillage of Homlneford. Nebraska, held Juno 1H, lhUJ. Tho probable amount of money necessary to ba ralwtl to Uef ray for all pnrponon the ex pense of Kald illuKO for the oiisuin nocal tear, va futimatad by eaiii board an follows: For salary of village attorney MOO " " clerk WOo " " " oreroeerof etreetn.. WOO " " " trouumr WW " prlntinc WOO " stationery 1000 " Incidental expenaea 7000 Total $4Va) Tim fnt.nl rarfniiM of ttiH villavo for the year endinit the fird Tuiduy in May 1UK), are an fol- lowii: Taxes rollectol on the taxable property of said village J2I0.W. DaUd June 18. l0fl. Samuel Hwitzer, Attest: Chairman Hoard of Trunleei- W. M. loduuci, VilUh'u (lurk. Calvin J. Wildy Always Leads and Never Follows ! WE SELL YOU GOODS. WE SAVE YOL7 i WE MAKE YOU GOODS. ) MONEY y HAPPY. ) Como and soo us and got tho best, tho latest, and tho cheapest. Pry goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boo to and Shoes, Glassware, QuoeiiKware, and Provisions. We aro always pleased to have friouds call whether to buy or other wise, and especially invito strangors, transients, and city v.ditoM to call and if wo have no timo to show you goods nor qurtto you prices, wo will ho plcasod to have you admiro our floral windows decorated with tropica! and foreign plantB, all in full bloom (hut please don't steal slips) so whenever at tho county seat always do your trading with your old roliablo firm. Yours anxious to ploaso, C. J, WILDY ft KS I his Space Belongs to 3E3C. S3. GKE3:Ei:E2:fcT. HARDWARE ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER- Hardware and Saddlery The Oldest Establishment in the Coitnttt Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. .V.Vk. . VAM, , Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. Fred KM Brewing Company CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market PATE0MZE HOME INDUSTRY, Oflioo 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Neb. H. H, PI Proprietor of ERCu Livery and Feed Stables. We have first-class stook and double and single rigs, which wo furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boaitlor are unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. BS5 Stable Corner Box Bulto Avenue and Sheridan Street. 3E3!f aanLirigrfoid., - 2rTe"bra.s3s:a, .r