Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 05, 1896, Image 8

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Uiftliii.p from f m.
wernotrey tfydo nof vnttfisnUcmiliirtnofr
"them to cat what tliry do not Ukt. Tliu into
l place. orslIvrlnsnchnnKo money- Hlsindis-
prnsnhlo fur tliat purpo and. ununited fo.any
other, hurt &n,tlr silver tonitnod Orator In tN
lind cannot chance 1lils f jot. Thfc If, 13 SO nud.
K jroldplcrtAWvre toOfrmnll ainrwcru unpop
ular n change hiunt, und the Kuvonimont
ktopped tho coinnBo of them.
, On tho otntr band, rllver Is nM a dttt pay
ing iuoncy.fn miy erjn Jdrrablo amount, nor
tho rnaneyr cnmaiirree, fcrtho naeon tbnt ife
,ls too lralkynd toolienvy. When n innn eniH
i ,owr 45 y $J0 of It. ho tinloTds on the firsfc
uanic no contra to, nnu inn on ok umooua ob
tho treasury Thn iho circulation of It I lim
ited to Ju.t what, tbo people will two. Wlion
, tho pcoplfi Ket nou8h nf n thltiff, tborkuow
' II, anil yra cannot nrc,tu with thorn about it.
They bra'crulllbltr on Iboorles, but InUmsely
practice!? ft bullpen.
"Tho Qrnit Crime of lMd."
Wo tutto heard n crrat deal nhiiitt demount!'
utlon'b'f idlvor. Lot us bop tho extent of "Iho.
. Ktvat fcrtno of IffTU." In lifid. In order lo-pMr
.i'jtajt'jUiBaiibfkWItiry coin frcjn going abroad,
TOs silver half dollar was reduced In veluh
from X'A to Its grain, nnd Iho quarters,' dimes
nbd 6 cmt pieces wero rodnced In tho mmo
proportion. Thcuo coins Vuro .tlton mado a
local tender for only 43 in mudurit, mid tho
ciinngn of theni lor prtvata account -was flop
, ped, but tho fovornnU'Ut purchriVod tho silver
bullion Jind coined thf-iu nf tbcyvcru needed,
, 6d, no crtmo wi Committed lit- J87J1 oRalnst
"Mho halves, "iiaffrrrf, dimes ami half dime).
' n.i.-t -..t. .. ......i....i,,..., ......r n,t..... Mill.
iiiut:rrni' mi vyoiomiuu'uuuuriuijiaru i in
ro mado legal ten
ellVer dollar of IftW'
C wills was left out of the col nam net and tho
,-jf rade dollar of 420 crania was t.ubNlltutcd for
It. Thlii won done at Iho rciuut of tho Taclfio
nlopc, to enable cu dollar to oompcto tvlth.
iho JUestcui UOnr or auoqt that weipht, la
China and Jr.pan. Tho standard dollar was-
not n legal' tender from Feb, 12. ISiX toVoU
IS, IS78( nt which tlmo Ha rceotnago waa provld-
d for, nnd It was reliurtutcd as n legal tender
for all dubts, In whatever amount. Hut t&OOO,-
. OKI of .this "daddy dollar" was coined prior to
' XSKVfjut of n total coinage of ll,O0Ot'X,00O.
Mjferaoii stopped tho colnago of It iut&03 mut
'Tor CM years not ouo of them was oolncd, nnd
tho daddies never complained. Tyity did not
havo acnuo enough to ou thut) Jufterun ltd
'. sold out to Lombard strjotl jfheso dollars
woro not in fact lognl lendoff jirlor to 1ST0,
' liocnusd tho peonlodld Tiutteii'derlh m inpdy
i'ltnt i)f dobts nor lit tilirchosu of (jooda; Thoy
bAl' not been In circulation sluco Andrew
vjuckson was president,' uud, hardly any mlddlo
aged man bad ever wen onojbf them. Tho poo
' plo had demonellzed tbum by uieltlng them
''down or by Bending Ihefn ubroad for that
kjiitrposo, and to this boIhI day thr.ylmvo never
niC-cn dunionutleod in any other way.
Tho act of 1&73 tlmply rccognlswl what tho
peoplo had dono and for flvo yeat-s continued
' tho policy that tlii peoplo had been pumulng
, or nearly half '& century, Tho legal tender
faculty .of .this dollar wat restored to It 17
"years ago. -Tho government has 1350,000,000
of ii on Uacd now, and has stood ready at all
timosJfuVulMh it to anybody who wanted It.
"Tbf fi tho biography of tho dcmonutlzatton
1 taoixro that hus been uvolvod froid aiAouatuln
' of denunciation. Tho poor IJftlo thing never
. llvtd but flvo brftf j ears and luis boon us dead
ft'ajV door nail for 17 yt its'. VThllolt lived It
"5 tJs so harmless tho pejplo paid no Attention
; j J it Shakespeare aays, "Tho evil that men
ir.i !iA. f.nM iuM t n.. i i ..... i
tho caso of this modsc. Tho evil that It did
sbt do llvt-if) nf tdr it in tho ahapo of grasping
inlij,ownew, two ply editors and unuorupu
loux'jioUtiyam. ., A- Tlirlilnsr on Assaatlnatlou.
,jbnro told thnMlj? standard dollar is not
primary mony. It If not a promise to pay,
h Is a legal tender for all debts, nnd it does
.Mot-havo to "bo rt-docmed In anything on tho
Jf-wflj?Pf Iho earth. If any man can git on bet
,,r dcflnltien of primary monoy than this, I
This government la tho fast friend of silver
'"'jtnonoy and of tho peoplo who uso It, rather
Jihan of tho American and EngUiih corpora
tloiis who mlno sllrer aud would coin It at n
fi iWotio i.-alnatioc Prtrr to IKU this govern
want coluoj . U.lXX.puC o silver; elnco then,
riOCio;ot5tfL I'd 2; ycafeu'jtder a gold stand-
"'.r'OiMrly'rour; times a- mucli silver was
euiuid as In 81. years un-fi rvVi w called dou-
bli) Btandard. A certain bind lady always
"chloroformed her child vrlinf tbn whltmcd It.
Vsilss Silver was ussoMrfnated In 1S7U, nt a tlmo
t whrfl'thero won almost nono of br In vlrcula-
Mill.,,' I
' on,1
'UotA-'pnd elnco that fateful jlay sho has thrived
onwBlnatioh and has grown froirra living
Melon to Iki tlio (at woman in tha circual
contemplating hor brilliant post mortem
career I am constrained, with tho apostle, to
esulalm: "un, auath, whero is thy stlngf Oh,
gruve, whero is thy vlctoryt"
'r After 187U this Country prospered as no oth
er nvcr did for-10 years, and we aro asked to
believe) thdt j& took ibis wldo nwako nation 10
j9ti!ro.Tb'!filM out that it was ruined by thu
. legislation of 181U Tho ueiroos In somo sec
J t!ons;bullovo In n hoodoo-charm, whleh Is
harmless for a, year and then suddenly dovel
'opo jnsanlty, fits. eto. Tho crtmo of 1S7J1
V yseiita to havo worked In n hoodoo way. ,
.vt-A ' Tbo Ecrr Areqine'ut.
Tho 1 0 to I jiooplo tell us that tliocolnage of ell
vor will create unllraltnd demand ff it Thoy
Recline to glvo us tho howncas or tho wherefore-
,nfs uf;iii urn uorn ueinanu. yxii Willi cniiu
llko fajUv they expect It to rlso in all its bean-
, ty aBttiu fabled Venus roso from tho froth of
Jtho ss. ,They say tho demand will come:
' so thT3fVulith Day Adveptlsta tell us tho end
'will come, und if their iilcnlc comes oil first,
vtlioy will not need sllvur : tbo demand w 111 bo
"Vor fft nnd unlimited watvt- " Thoy contend,
flf r-this, government taken tUt tho silver that
Tcomiiit 10 tolbllvcr wlft bo worth par all
tiasv tho world, nnd thov lfsn nu i.tro nrmi.
-ment to jirovo It. They ny, if u merchant
'E&vvxUmis that ho will pay KJ cents pr dozen
for egs, so long ns ho lua thq ability to tako
ull tbi't come, rggs will bo worth 28 cents In
'jMl Ant emiptry. Cut Mippcsi tho inarchont
S84 ut takethcml Supoan wijtui A farmer
ilr'oi. up to bis Moro tho iinrchrt:it;ifld unto
Mh. "My friewl, you havo misunderstood
iVrV- X m not bujlng eggs. I am slniply count-
tb3 wVk certltjliis that they uro gxl nnd
handing them back to you," What would eggs
bon Imi worthy .Tho samo old 10 or IS cents
aver dotvu. A,
W VnAer unlimited colnago tho government
yracrid not buy sliver or guarantee tho valuo
ftf'Tba eolni. It would stamp It "without ro-
Cobro " Silver would como from overy coun-
' try in Mia world and tho govt rninont would
Vbo a foot to undertake to guarantee tho value
of the t.ului by trying to pr.iscrvo tho parity
botwtvn tho metaU. If a iKrdar drove a lot
, of cuw ponies through tbo mint ami they v.-erd
'branded "1100 Iwrso" nud delivered to tha
owner nt tbo other end of tbo building. It
''Would not improve thu hroed of thu ponies
, Juqr brfiata a wild demand
for them at tho
Our 'government lias lost J3O000,0CiO trylug
t to create demand for fllver, ft.- tho win und
.'eparuto use, bihoof and twnutH of thu silver
; .Jlmlna owner, by buying It wnrn it did net
- - want t and had uo now! of it,1 nnd the silver
mining "villain still pursues" if Unclo San
boa this silvor ou land now. It would load a
wo borso wagon train ITUmllus long. jiuttlnR
mUW r unds on each wagon und lattlng them
oouupy un foet each in Hue, and I am moon
uougiiio ant to mo him gi t even with tho
tm tvfjrp wo Hurt a new deal foruiiybody's
Iwiieflt. i t
Can't Slon tho llood of Silver.
If thu unlimited roinsgo of diver by our
goverumint could brinjr it to par, the iinmo
dwto effeut iould bo to str.rt every mine and
Hulll'in the world runiilnguf It uuuot cupaa
itj., n large portion ot tho iiiiployd capi
tal of tho World would heolt ibis flkld, uud tjio
bowel of tbo mountain ut the eurth would bo
toni luHilidtr to gt-t the WmUt of the double
price. In lt31 t;M,U00.U)J of sllvit was rointd
and vild i.t about 03 cents ix-r ofucti. It tho
firleo-wu rals. d to lis eut im r iunu. the
jO if t price, what would the hi-rvet bef Tbu
tild rdlu ot Uiroo villsulvo tbo problem. If a
railway engine will run fU uiilen an hour on
Co iwuads of sWam ptunare, hn,v flit would
it run on Ig) puuuds of pn n.inl Tuw blaittcd
thing would nu.'e to iuj,i wiro la aubtlv. and
jvalt tor Us eliudow to c utch up. trustor btew
, urt mid bis crowd tUI us tie tv ouu be mi flocl
of stiver Ij oalrs Hi jc there v, us u man of
Aincuiua topocament htj tl at Hi was
.lytuiiutiiK in the Up tudut a l.l.-h iu untalu
ttc&ne Vlcli'tsca
mtuimfm wwjwMimjr JiwabBLUMM.XggtitVty
II . Ill I llllll ! lilM""1 i.iO.mM I. i
eiirV(fiMWw1Jrwi lloWnVhlfl tilet.IIe hall- '
eil JfAah,nd lid lilx taltrttln tbt atJf
but Noah JJiva Wiinn ornors irom noovw ami
wfOTeA to tki hint aboard. AqjfioaU anilist
owny ho fhoolc hit lbstnt tho ohv niUu and ox
claimed. "Go to tho derll with your old dni
out? it Isn't colU tobd'mucb, of n iibo)cr
Tha fifth propesltib'n b that 10 to 1 colna
will Jnerrnto tlm ptlet'a of property. If this
giivcniuiflnt jboild. open its mint to eolhajfo
of tbo world allrer nt 19 lo 1, w vrouhl go at
once to cllVOJ niotiomotalllm. Thlo l tho
yoleo of nil hUtory mphnBlycil by tlio present
atatu of Orery feo eolnac country on tho
earth. Vt'ft. can nontoro hav6b1rnitnllUm In
ootttal Uijtf and unlimited nUvyr colnift.'o than
wo can bnvu a. imunre. round object, or dry,
wot wetither. Tfhereln Would tbo ppoplo bo
benefited If Uloy get donblo prices In half val-
uo inonoy? If farmrra' product urougnv
bwiellts nnd advantages would bo enaul, ox
fcnt that buvcra would nlwnys deduct cinouBli-
j to safely cover tho fluctuations of silver, and
rthjs nmwiut would bo n dead lo foproducr3
nun n Jinan mm kj uprcuiniorn. kiiuw uuj
whoBoVLneurdoa fof 1100, but ho took pay
In puvvnt t'& opleco, so ho was not material
ly bunt-Hied by tbo lnfln.tjxt prlcen.
Cheap tfoney Uurta Labor,
Tlio lnflatlonfata nilmlt that their rhcino Is
against thu intorest of all thoao who Hvo upon
fixed BalarlLi Xlila includes every ouo whoso
nelrvlccs am pahl for by tho year, month, weelc
or day, froln president of li railway system to
bodcarrler and those who draw pensions
from tho government. History tcnehoa that
wages havo never participated in boom prices
created by debauching tho money of n coun-
jtry,, T,hey ha'o remained about tho aama
wucucr pai'i in gooa or uau money, inu
wngn earner Is n trnl tor to himself nndJi'ls
family when bo lets his prejudice lead him "to
tho Inllatlou camp Mid agrees to-tnko his fixed
ravin n depreciated money. If this 10 to 1
.movement should succeed, ho would II nd that
h,o had Joit all thovantago ground for which
ho and hU brethren had struck nnd struggled
for a hundred yours. Tho modicum of pros- I
purity la lnanufncturlnt,' Interests In Mexico
Is bnuod on Tho degradation of their labor. Wo
do not Want prosperity nt Such a price, and wo
nro getting it rapidly without swindling our
labor'. Vhon tho laborer prospers, bo bicomea
a consumer end hit prosperity reaetw upon
and bennllU all other interests. In Mexico
thoy havo many refined and wealthy people,
but their laborer Is it peon. Ho gets from 10 to
CO con la per day In n'lomy worth half Its faco
valuo. Hu lives In u mlHorabln mud hut, eats
tho poorest food that will keep his body allvo,
wears tho meatiest cloth that will hldo It and
Is even denied tho prlvllego of a gentlemanly
jag and has to get drunlt on cactus juice. In
every sliver ordoublo standard country In
tbo world tho samo degrade tion of labor is ap-.
parent, j
Wo nro told that silver la tho poor man's I
riJoney. This appeals to his projndlco mid Is
.rhnllv linlmn. Wncrou npn Tint until In tllrnr I
'at tho end of Mich. Jdar. but they are raid by
tho year, month jop weelc, in currency or gJia,
rlil- 4(ati min, htV1 nlli'ntt 4nTtYn1tf ilvi tiiHj aI
with Just cnough-fcflilvor to nlnlto tho corrtct
cunnge. inoKmuuj. money in ir.-uiiii 11 im
material so it goos, but when' it is hoarded,
laid by for n rainy day, then its -staying qual
ity becomes Interesting. Tho rich man hoards
by Inventing In property or by doposlthiK In a
bank, nud tho hank lins thn option of trying
him In silver, whllo a largo per cent of thu
Door men patronize tho hocklegand thu bosom
of tho earth, nnd they always hldo cold fur
two reasons they havo moro conlldcuco in its
stability and being less bulky It Is cusler to
hide. So thepo poor men nro on n gold basis
aud tho rich mou uro on n silver basis, if tho
bunks elect to put them there.
Prejudice is tho curso of this country. It Is
tho only reef lu tho path of our ship of Rtnto,
tho only menaco to ournxporlmcntof self gov
ernment. Tho prejudice of tho uniformed
make them tho proy of professional agitators,
calamity howlers nnd politicians who uro un
hungered forolUce.
Our xcollcnt Financial Showing.
Tho nrgnmimt la mado that wo owo so much
foreign debt that tho interest is confiscating
us. The ablest financiers on this continent
who havo mado tho subject a study plaeo our
foreign debt ot J2,000.C0O,0CO, which ns they es
timate at a 4Jirnte. of Interest amounts to an
ariuuul uteres uecouut of tOO,000,000. Our
globa trotters aro Bpendlng annually fl',000,
000 abroad. Moat ot them nro ignorant of tho
beauty ncd grnndwur of tholr oWf eountrj-,
Thoy ought to glvo up this foortsh fad and,
...i4i,.l .-1111.,.. n.ini.i ,i.J
wlilcli lar ijurpuswea nnytlung tnoy bco nnrnad
.(i,u ,w. .u...iw..n b.....,, v-t. ""-
xnis country lor n low years. 11 wo nro actu
ally Insolvent nud cannot pny wo uught to
mako a general nssigtimacis for tho benoflt ot
alt our creditors. This is tho way an honest
man does when lie f,H in business. Uo doe
not hldo out his prpperty. und offer CO omits on
tbo dollar. Instead of being Insolvent wo
aro liettor ablo to pay thrci any peoplo on tho
faco of tho earth. Our national dobt is in
iround numbers J015.PG2,OtO, It has been re
duced tocno-thlrd 1U form- rnmount. In 1SCS.
it was 2,815,W)7,000. Tho doht of Groat Uritaiu
and Ireland (tho creditor nr.tlon) is J US0.71D.
000; tho debt of Franco li Jft.HO.O'JO.aX): Kus
la. W, 401,000.000; Austria-Hungary. $2,SiW,()U0,
XWtltuly, PJ,ie!l,UW,000: Germany, 5I.C.V3.UO,-
X)0: Spain (with onu-fourth of our podula-
tlpnhj 11,231,000,000.
Thoib -capita, dobt
ofFrwnco is 1110 : of
Great Britain and Ireland, JSTJ Italy, f,Q;
Bpalu, 73; nuatvlu, XX, whllo our por caplt,!
debt is S14. Uuelo Sam, blt.ii bU old soul, id
thu only good houHekuepor lu tbo whole lot!
Our bank deposits amount to tt,0U0,lW,0G0,
whllo those of all Kuropo only amouut to
fO,6u0,O0O,OW. Dy our last census our por
capita ot wealth, as nbown by tho ussostmeut '
rolls, was $J4I, and tho peoplo hava never been !
bad abodt nssed3lng their property too high
Tho war veterans cannot bo for repudiation
on ncoount of our alleged inability to pay. It '
is a fundamental principle of law nnd raorali
that a man mu.it bo just boforo hu Is generous j
nnd thst gifts miulo by an insolvent are void '
as to oredltors. Our goverumont U giving them I
ubout JH0,lW0,wj annually, it wo Ouu atrortl
to bo liberal, wo ought to strain u point and
bo honest too. It our government can glvo it
llko a prlnco, it ought to ay llko u geutlu
luau. Who Are tho Debtors?
A largi part of tho debts inured against t
are In fuet not intenwt bearing debts. Tbvy
conhlstof railroad, lcaj abV.ito and other cor
poration debtH whero iiofuula. woro made, and
mortgages on tho property havo been fore
closed, Up property sold und tho debts prac
ticality estlnguUbed.
Tho onlj-debtrt that tho pooplo nt largo aro
r C rtoSfbo ?S
...., ." SVS ifr.,iDynu ,'?'f.?i'
statu debti
sus, umouutMl to Jia.WiiUfi. Iho county
debts aciouutod to SlU.OliOiS: school district ,
debts, iri,Tul,DAS, whllo the debts of cities and '
towns amounted to $i2l,453,0Q9, making u total ,
of $1,13.210, US. Vou will olervo that about,
three-full rthi of this totjll llebt is owed bv-tho'
, cities and towns. With thl borrowed monoy
thoy b.ivo built gas. uleotrlo ill'bt and water
1 wovks plsntH, paved their htrets. etc. Not.
tho 10 to 1 city in an nsks his country brother,
who uses coal oil in bis l.ouio Uud darkness
outsldo, who draws bis water front a well and
bathes lu tho ureck, who splits tho inud in Wet
Wvather nnd kicks up tho dubt in dry. to help
him repudiate tho dobt incurred by htm tu
getting abend of the countryman us to th&so)
comforts und conveyances of life. As to all
our private dumobiio dobts, it U IiUinatorlid
to Urn government whether tho redheaded
men o o thu black headed ones, or tho black
bonded ones owo the redheaded mien. Ouo
1 holds tho dkbt and the otlior holds tho prop
erty It purebnsod, und they cancel ocli other.
I lojustlce of Scaling Hebts.
Tho Juggestlun is sometimes made tlint, by
the Luhancuraent of gold, debts ba'o Uwa tii-t
. ereasod when meesurud lu prowrty. and
therefore tho ought to ba scaled, i have dis-'
sussed tlw gold onliuncuuiuiit theory, but do-1
tr to add: That praetloolly ttM our ilvUU
were contrwitoJ stneo tho uoia stauuara w a-
adopted, und taat standard luitrtid Into nud
luAinu n mart nf unrv uontluut. lliul if Cold I
has ndv&ntsul i, would bu ju.t tadislutnot tu'
jsiy by nay otfasr stundard tv it would bs it it,
lioxl not advjneoU. Jl n ukui ooairacin wr.
vmt .. ... . -,. ,--.. --..
LOOO biuhai of oorn.it U no unswr tp ma
i lu,tM u, iv thfit ourn hoartMmsnoH thoi
tontrtuit vroM inoilu. IL'tdOK. all OUT oollgte
tloos bavo paul from luuiU to band, moit of
lauui uiunj ttuiws mid the present hoi Jura luuV
Hi moro tvi do with the ro or fall of gold
than llirdldilh tbVf7 of falTof ifeallde.
The underlrlmt. f ruotlfylnir element of this
IS to 1 movement Is Aoefalism. It id tlio en mo
old effort to env Aomitthlnf; for noihlatr. Tho
Coxcylt-ca wanted gru for nothlntr. 'ITjo ln
plo tax crnulcs wunt land for nothings Tho
l'opnllstn want Rorot'nroent monopoly of trti
rortatlonnnd privato monopoly of tho walling
fmilnofM for nothing. Tho If! to 1 pcopla want
tO per cent of debts fof nothing. Tho Bellamy
ltea.want everything for nothing. And I
might augcest that tboWw woman wants oar
blf ureal od garments for nothing, bet that la
not pertinent to tbo AJect under discussion
and 1 will not do eo.
Tho movement mean's repudiation. All elo
la theory, pretense cui drenrnK. It la an effort
to ian a loft handed, bankrupt bill, not for
tho bencin oi tbo untortunato debtor who
,-cannot pay, but for tho rich as well, who ca'nt
pay, oul want 10 ieo-( xneir creunors. ina
poor man lHnotln debt; honevtrbftdachr.nco
to get In debt. Tho corporations, speculators
and plungers generally constitute tho debtor
class. Every wago earner belongs to tho cred
itor class. No ono would be benefited by 10 to
1 coinage except tho dobtor class. Even tbs
mlno owner would not, for tho temporary
stimulus given to silver would ineroaso its
production until tho price would fall bolow
what it is now, On tho other hand, all would
suffer. It a bill for f reo colnago of silver at
10 to 1 woro to pass olther houso of congress,
nnd It was ascertained that It would pus tbo
other houso nnd that tho president wonld sign
it, the panic that would ensuo wonld bo to
that of 1S9J what a tornado is to a zephyr.
Creditor-!, to nvcld being paid in debased mon
ey, would crowd and crush for payment as tha
peoplo do for exit In n theater on an alarm of
fire. Credit and confidence, tho twin'dlvlnl
ties of prbsperity, would depart from us.
AU business would Vo paralyzod, lalior unem
ployed, and despair would hang her black
pall in n million of hornet, only to bo lifted
when reason recumed her nwoy. It took
Franco 60 years to entirely roeovcr from the
John Jjiw fiasco. .
Ilotv England Is Ku'i'nlnc TJs.
Tho domagogucs, in order Jo undermine Ilia
mora) senso of tho peoplo add mako repudia
tion palatable, rail about England's wealth nnd
falsely assert that sha is trying to dktato our
nionotary vystem and to ornsh us. England Is
rich, but If she is trying to ruin us fho has a
peculiar way of manifesting her hostility. For
tho year ending Juno U), ltW, tho took!4J,
000,000 of our exports, ubout buvon times aJ
much ns all tho free silver countries -in thu
world. Wo took 1107,000,000 of hor exports, und
she paid us tho dlfferenco In gold or its equiv
alent. 131J. you over hear a butcher or n baker
Or u man with cotton to cell complaining that
his customcru had too much money to spend!
Instead of trying to drive us to n gold stand
ard, it would bo Immensely to her Inter to
have hor commercial tivnl abandon tho stand
ard of commcrcoand tako aback ficatwitb jbn
half civilized, nonrommcrcinl nations. The
ridiculous fctnry of Ernest Boyd was exploded
VCnrS O20. and, thOUgh thO VaSS W'OS bhattfiml,
fccent of that Ho hangs round tho country
still. Tho silver tongued orators still tell the
peoplo thcra was n conspiracy to demunetlzo
silver, nlthuugli no man lias over bem nb ta
call tho nnnlu of a slnglo conspirator. In 1873
tho motive for demonetizing bilvcr was 011 tha
wrong slda. Thu silver dollar wns then worth
nearly U cents moro than tho gold dollar. Who
at that tlmo cou'd foreseo tho fall of GlK'crr
Our statosmen und flnnnciers nro uj shruwcl ad
nny on earth, und they got no glimpso or t,bn
coming event. Only to these 1 unnumublo con
spiraturs woh tbo rovelutlon vouchsafed, li
seems thoy had nlUtloratmon lalo nil to them
oolvoa and worked the world on tho heavenly
tip I
Several congressmen, in tho presence of an
irato constituency, havo btaUd they did nut.
know tho standard dollar wns being domoiio
tlztd when they voted fur tho act of lfcTJ. It
was read several times In their prihcntu.
Thero Is no way to mako pooplo understaud
things. 1 hey might havo been deaf. Ono all
sulllcient reason why thoy did not so under
titoud is ff.int it was not being dono. 'Ibis dol
lar was lKit demonetized, but on tlio contrary
has beun money, and good money, every day
slnco 1703.
England lias loaned us money at a lower rate
of interest taan anybody else, would. This is
tho very luid and front or all tier cneutiin
front of all her clieutllng.
Hudfho violent 10 to 1 people want to punch
linr IimiI for ilolnf? this. Thero Is an old ndairt
which runs this way, "If you want ta lose u
friend, liul him money."
Wnnf llapudlattou, Not Free Coinage,
To prove that it is repudiation of debt end
3t7tolnag'i tho 10 to 1 man la after, pro-
puso to litm.lrco nnu unlimnoa coinage
K ou "ZL ,,fftr tt
Ihero la nothing tbo matter withbllver ex
i. 11
mo fact mat it is
debarred from tho mints.
then f roo and unlimited coinage, -without tho
legal tender provision, would net It all right
mid bring It to par. Gold would not suffer by
Mich n test. Yaur proposition would nauseate
him, why? IitiCMUse it la not colnago no is
ntter, but repudiation by means of legul ten
der law.
They propbso two plans for forcing a debased
sliver standard on tbo country. First, not al
low contracts for payment In gold. Bcond, if
this does not work, then reduce thu gold hi a
cold dollar. With retoienco to tho first i.lan.
maintaining thu valuo of money by legal en-
ncuuont and ixjuauies nus uecn tried in mom
countries unci has rroven on ieuomlnlous fall
uro In overy iuHtnuco. Kuglnnu tiled it off and
on for neurly 600 yearn. Franco tried it tor
riuturics. Tho north tried It with greenbacks
nnd tho south tried it with Confederate mon
oy. Whllo It was n death penalty in Franco to
refnsn tho aiMguats, they fell lu valuo until it
took J CO, 000 (if them to buy ?1 in specie. Eggs
must have Veen worth iSOUupleco
tssi gnats.
What a pity our intlatiou
lrienda could not
havo llveit thero anu tnoni
j A govornment eon rob ono part ofit? peo;
for thu hcneiU of thu other nart ail to exist
I dobts, but thero its -power ends, ltf cannot i
mako Its people trado with each ouier. except
uiHiti terms satisfactory to both parties to thu
us Katlsiactory to botn parties to tliu
contract. If tho money oSored to tho sutler
does not suit turn no uoes not cell, u onereu
to a laborer, ho would need rust. It offered tu
unough foriomo consumption, until ho found
u liuui mhu uevier iiiuuvjr, nnu nu ib ,,iuiki un
nil along tho line. Tho propoal to tako away
thoriphtof contract shows that duajierutlou
has usurped thu soat of roason. We hold all
that v u do hold by virtuo of contract, right.
It is tho bulwark of our liberty. It wus for
this, ubovn-Mll things, that Mui,ua Charto was
written. When wo burrender this bupremo
right, we go back to bnrbarUm and boeomo
mifterabloVuppcts to overy luob that may sulzo
thu helm of stuto.
A Sew Counterfeit Device.
Tbo olhur method suggested to bring about
parity ot tbo metals is to reduce tho gold in
u gold dolhir. Our government Jias hithorto
maulteuUtl blind, unreasoning prejudlcu
against tluit kind ot statesmanship. Inueed it
has had Its deputy marshals busy for 100 years
huntlutr mUgulucd patriots who woro trylug
to taka this iionr out to wealth. It this wort or
H bill over passes congress, I suggest as a rider
! nmSSSS
government for f..Iso iinpriwnmont. All gov;
iriiinnntu havo bonoreu their uioncers. (Hid
4huso men wero but tho forerunners tho John
tbo Haptlsts of this new religion ot debauch
incut of our money.
" A mpubllo retita entlroly upon tho morals ot
.its people. Tho ktory ot YusUtuuon and his
liuteliLt, told by loving lips tu innocent child
hood, has iftide millleus ot truthful men nud
Women. Vilnit would bo thy (fleet in this
country upon unburn generations of n story
like this: At tho cIomi of tho nineteenth ecu
dury tho lieoido of tho United btates Iwcamo
wi corrupt they repuilmteU one-hujt or tuotr
debts by paying thorn in money worth only
IJli Ul IL luva ,U1U13.
An Amertoan in a foreign land looks with a
swelliug heart uijou Old U lory, as lttiroud
ly flaunts tho broezu, tbo syniborof liberty
nnu honor. Pi.hj this act of repuoiatlou and
hu would look ujion It with thamo. For hi-thUKiiu-
purposes wu might us weU pull it
down und run uu a dish lag. I
Hut, Mr President and gentlemen, allow mo
in conclusion tusuy that our country is in no
dunger of iipuuiutt'Ui. Thu 10 to 1 colnugo
clamor l but one of tbuuianifostatlunsuf hard
tlnitis, brought on by tho lato panic. On low
lauds lu thu night time a deadly luuuuuu uc
cuinulteti, J.ut when tho bright sun climbs
overdue lnlllojw anoTfiliuots hu purif) ing ravs
into iho bottom, tho mlasn.u is dUpelltd, tha
4ituioMphero Is b cutwied and mai o wholesome,'
and i.iin gu lor th to their ilully u oca tious
.with iMburuuco ot InAlth. In tpito of all thu
(Wins ih.it huVti atilitod us, pi mo of dema-i
I'ogiMii m thu stuum r.ud in IcgtslatUu brflU,
th& eouniry Is raploly advancing. Our rue
torieu uro taxed to ihuir utmost Ith ordwrs,
uud tho vsgus uf tlwir oiukJoj cs hVe bueu
everywburo vol iatrily ralMxlj l'ricw that
liuvu btH'n dopreoktfd by tbo paiifo iro itupruv-
.., OUt.,ti.. .kt.i.LAi,f.i,t hI(i .,11 liana llntw ifl
k--,'-v ..::. it. . i .... : ".... ,.-.
IU RilllKtCl UMHWIWIM. IIU i'!"! ""
- vr"H.7"";. "u Z'lirTZZ.PT&.l,'
"?..""! '"". .'frir.,". '""".'T.'?.,:"'
w ill mily Iki ru.ouilrwU i j a troubled dronui.
Tim Aweriean n-opU aro i.onast and pafrlotiis.1
I pun thU rotK wu uuuu iar Jiutu, unit uu ma
nes ana auenot of truth wv jturs fur tho su- ,
I ' '
rjatiiuatwftEga3EiMgMttMUM-aaw8wuajj:'MaiiMiiiM at
&'ST&mi'tr'i'r4l Jfcl'0k
For the Next THIRTY MYS I Offer
at the Lowest Possible Prices Regardless
of cost. W. K. HERNCALL.
Theopublican county conven
tion ' will bo held at Alliance,
I Monday, Juno 22. Messrs. Mont
gomery and Knight of Alliance
attended the central committee
meeting at this place Monday.
Tho cilzon9-)f Ilomingford are
making prcrtt proparatiUir for dec
oration day alul an invitation was
rocoived at his office to attend.
Press of business pievento our
accepting tho kind invitation, but
tho event will bo quo long to bo
VGnioriibored as the citizens of
liemingford aro thoroughly hos
pitable. Tho various commitoos
unsure its success and tho address
of Hon. W. 11. Akers w ill bo a
rare treat Edgomont Express.
Rain's Common.
Chadton Journal:" This scotioninortileast 0 Homiugfoid, tho last
of tho state, like other
parts, has
buon blessed with
numerous and
and bountiful rams. Tho
is thoroughly soaked and tlio pros
pectB for a b ig crop were never
better than now. A Journal sub
scriber who lives in another state
complains that this paper does not
chronicle any wet weathar. "In ex
planation wo will say that it has
boon so common a thing here this
spring that it has escaped notice
hi these columns. Wero we to
mention every rain storm that
comes tho paper 'would bo reduced
to a'mere weather report. ;
Secretary Carlisle lost no time
in paying the rjugar .bounties in
at'cot'dauca with a decision of the
.iupreme c:mrt, handcil down hist
week. The sugar makers who
will .-hare in tho 5,000,000 ap
propriated by Congress will yet
ubout 85 por cent of their claim,
and it is expected that tho money
will all be paid before tho tirst 01
July. j
Box Bu.tU 3u.llitorx.
Charlie Wilson spent. a few days
nt home last wee k.i
C. L. Snedekor went to 'Mars
uid to work Monday.
Ju.ia Blair returned from Syra
cuse Saturday. ""'
Mr. Jim Graham had tho mis
fortune to break his arm last
veolc. ;
Mr. Kroesincr will cive a dance
- -t, -
June loth 111 hOUOl Or JllS UaUnfllt
or Lizzie. -,
A public dance will bo held
Hardscrabblo schoolhouso Friday
Mr, Frederick and Miss Trinkle
will bo married next wook at tho
residence of Mr. Bowers. Invita-
tious aro
out for tho wedding
Eriek Rasmuon has his wimi-
,. , . . n-,n
llllll lipuuu ill wunuuj; uniui.
Miss Edna Johnson, finished a
three months' term of school west
t.t jNonpariel last Friday.
Mrs. W. T.v Johnson returned
from hor visit at Plattsm'outh aud
, . . . ,i i,,i ,.,l.
otlior points CUBt last WOOK
Tho young "gentry" of Berca
and vicinity contemplate starting
it Cornet baud bomotiuiG this sum
mer. Borea keeps right up with
iho procosbion.
Mibs Lilly Johnson was brought
homo from hor school near Lake
side iok with ftver a couplo of
weeks ago aud has' "boon, 'laying at
i,o nnint. nf doath over sineo but
at present is somewhat better so
i here is hope of her reco7ery.
Tnlrnn tin bv tllO Ulldorsigod,
..-- --..- u r
' hvm, hlsn r shofttS. "eiS:fH SOOUb
"". """".'
-, rn ii,c nnnli
lUW.iua. juvh
Bated MyU7. H'-o.
lale of C
stock of CLOTH5NG
should mako a point of "attending
tho National Convention, to bo
hold at St. Louis, Tuesday; June
Tho oxponse is not great if
you take tha Burlington.
On tho 13th., 14th. and ISth of
June, you can purchaso a round I
Uip ticket to St. Louis at THE
Think isn't it worth
few '
dollars a few days time to see
tho next President nominated?
Full information on application
to any agent of tho B. & M. R. II.
R. or by addressing J. Francis,
Gen'l. Pass'r. Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Nob.
Strayed from my place six miles
of March, ono iron grey bald-iac.cd
mare, weight about 1100. A lib
eral reward will ba paid for recov
ery of same. A. Feldsr.
Having purchased of J. M.
Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXON
KING" anil his French coach
stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand
them during tho reason nt my
farm, six miles west and two north
of Ueiningford. Terms, $5 to in
sure. These stallions nro too well
known to need further description.
A. S. Exyiurt.
O. 8. Land OIHco, Alliance, Neb., May 13, lfc.
Complaint having boen entProd at Oils olllco
by Edward T. Oregg against Kami KIos, fori
abnndoulng his homestead rntry No. 2175. datnl
Juno 1H, 16), upon the i ?. li k , tp Z1 u, rg
'61 w, In Hox liutto county, Nebraska, with.!
view lutiiecanoouaiiou ot ssiu entry; uie saiu. .
I artles are hereby summoned to .piiear at this I
oliica on the 22ml day of Jum- lfcWi, at 10 o'o ook
a. in., to rosiK)';il ami tnrnisii testimony con-ce.-itnrr
ta.!(l allegHl abanttonmriit.
Contestant will proeuro publlLatinn of this
notice to on mane in some inwpaier puniuiirn
in aroat tho land in Hox Dntte count, Mob., tor
thirty dais prior to dnto or lieariui.'.
J. W. Weiix, J, KcjtUUr.
The county board of commis
sioners of Box Butto county will
meot as a Board of Equalization
on Junk 9th 1890 at tho cleric's
office in ;tho court houso in Hem
ingfordNobraska, for tho pur
pose of ecpialrzing tho assessment
of taxes for 1890 as required by
1 BY;, thO Session tO hold not leSS
' Jf
., : ,1 Hi. .,..
tnan tnree. nor more man xniriy
days. Complaints concerning
taid assessment will be heard at
at this session.
By order of tho County Board.
F. M. Phelps,
County Clerk.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office roorag ami, residence in
'Pravdrblock, up stairs.
Special attention given to dis
eases of children .
Hew Spring and
' Summer Millinery.
ITats of various kinds, Tim
mings of laces,' Ribbons, Flow
ers, etc., of latest style, and
prices to suit tho times.
Thanking you for past favors,
will try to morit a continuance
of samo. Misb L. Ada'.is.
Watchmaker '
v,, Jeweler,
' ALLIANCE, ,". .... NEB.
(B. &M. Watch Examiner,)
Charges reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed. Orders left at the
Uebaw) oiQee'Will receive prompt
attention. '
Final- ProofNotices
Hox. J. W. Wsiw, Jr., lleglster.
Hox. V. M. IIuoome. Hecclver.
Partlfs having notices in this column rr
qnested to read the samn carefully and report
this olhco for correction any errors that nisy
exist. Uhls wiU prevent possible delar in
making proof.
XS.H. Land Oflicp, AUlnnce, Jeb .Tnri'ja, 1D8.
rt.Nph'f." 5? .horei,J: .K'von t,,at WILLIAM L.
CLAIU', of 1'alrfiold, Iowa, ban filed notion ot
Interrlion to makllnalbproof beforn L.A. IJor
nrtgton, U 8. C. O. Cora'r at bis otllca in Chad
ron, Neb . on tlio 11th dfty of July. If9inn tim
ber culture amdlratUm Ao. 619, for t ho B H N 1C
U A N M 8 KH of section No. !lJ, In township
33 n, rango 40 w.
H( UnnifM Alt wUnnadpR Trfirtl T7nrnn I..-
Si1' Rl,ark,,,". Minard, Thumt V lUiyan, of
ii, iuiii,,i,iu, 4iu. iiA4i - ut jsurKRU, '11.
Hough, Neb. J , W Wvii.v, Jk., IL-Kioter.
U.S. Land Office, Alliance, N1., Ma7 21, 1PM.
Notlcois hereby given ,tht MAT1UAH HOL
EKUG, ot Clearmont, Wyo.. has filrvl notice of
intention to mako final proof bnforo lteglstr
lteeeiver, at Alliance, Neb., on Juno 2U, ISUt), on
Umber culture application "o. 61M, for tho 8 Xf
U spc. S3, tp 2d n, rif 48 w.
Ho -names as wltnosFm; John Ihirnstrad,
Peter G. Anderson, of Uumlngtord, Neb., Chris
Alodln, Peter Hodrlor, of DunUp, Neb.
J. W. Weiik. Jr.. Heglstor.
Laud Ollice at AUIauco, Nob., May 30, 189ft.
IJnticnls hereby glvpiv thit tha following
named settler has riled notice of his Intention to
make final proof n support ot his claim anil
that said proo,t w'll ho mado IWoro K. S. dicker.
County Judge, at Chadrou, Neb,, on Julyll,
of Eitlipr, Nab., who mad It. K. No. 4217, ror
tho 8 V, a W'i & W ! 8 K vet Ul. tp :u n, r,r
8 w.
Ho names the following witnesses to provo h!
continuous riiuVuco upon and cnlthation nt
said land, viz: Albion II. Iticker, James n
Klm, C'ommodoro WUIIb, llobert I'leumw, all
of Kstlior. Nob Also
of Esther Neb., who made II. K. No 31T0 for
.the w yt n w U b o U u w & s w '4 n e U sec.
15, tpSOn, reiv w.
llonamcatho follnwtnif witnnsnes to prora
Jils rontinunii rMdenee upon and c iltiratioa
of said land, vir: ClmrleA N eliols, Inalali
Hallstcad, (leo go Wb , of Etiticr, Nsii.,
Alonio AI. Clnrtt, o ' Clmil, t. Nob.
J. W. Wkiik, JR.. Itcgistfr.
Land Ollico at Alliance. Neb.. May 20, l0!!""
Notice is hereby gUen that the followlnx
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In nupport of his claim, an 4
that said proof will be mado beforo ltesistnr r
lleceiver at Alliance, Noh., on June U0, IblM, vis :
ot Maryland, Neb., who made II. E. No. 1SK fj
thn NE it see. 2, ti) U0 n. r 81 w
Up iixmes tlio following wltnvswn to prov
bis eominuonr rei-id'uioe iii-Kiu aud culthntlon
oCaId land, iz: John bullrnberKer, Edward
T. Uregg.WilliauilMhirton.of MiJand,Nsb.,
Morrihon Powchurd, of.llelmout,'NeUv Also,
Notice: is hereby glverl Uiat
' of Calloway. Neb., has filed notlco of Intention.
to make linal proof before ltglbtor or
to m.iKo imai proot neiore iigibior or ucoeivsr
at camo timet nd place, en timber culture appli
cation No. ;I19 for thu N E U oec. 21, tp 2o n, rg
4U w.
Ho nnmes as witnesses: OpoJro W. Siark,
Jsmes Pinkorton, jr,-. Win. Michaels, V. 1".
Walker, all of ilcmingrnrd. Ileb.
J. W. Wkun, jr., Ilelstr.
U. H. Land Ollioo. Allianc-
Heb . May 0. 1605.
Notice Is hotettv clvon that ENOl It ('. I1AU-
PISU.of PonraCity, Ok'ahoma, has filed no
tice of Intention to maKo tinal proof brfors
lteuiMer or lteeelver at his office in Alliancs,
Neb,, on the If.th day of .Turn lhM, ou tlmbr
cultnro application no. 510, for tho s w ! oc 54,
tp 119 n. rg 60 w.
Ha liameo as wjtnesse: John YI Pierc, of
H'tniiigford. heb., J. C. Wood, Peter Spracklun,
of Marsland, 2,'eb., Johu 1). Johns, of iieminc
ford, Ktb. J. W. Wltuw, Jn.. Hegltf r.
Land OUion at Alllanco, Nob., April 27, ISO.
MotiuoiB herehy gWen that the following-
to mako final proof insupiortof his claim, and
i .!. Ll.l I......P .will lu. ...IIiIm luftfll.M lfl,llrt.
"""".i"' " ": ....- :-..:."
luc u. s.r. c. i;ommiionsrac ayopnngs ,
on Jn.Mt), 1KN1, vis:
of Hay Springs, Neb., who mads H. B. Ne
2441 1 o? the E !4 i E , N W U. NEUAKB'i
H W U see. 11 tp '1 n xk 47 w.
Ho names the following wltnesnei, to prpr
his continuous rnlilenco upon and culthatioa
of. said land, vizi William Albrifjh, Hauj
Kemp, James Clement,, Ellis Garter, all of
Hay Springs, Noli. Al
nf ItT Sorinas. Nob., who madf II E No. J.fiS,
o. 7M.
n, tp so
for tho W h N W UiVW'iolTH bcc.
n. tu 17 w.
Ho names tho following Witnesses to proisi
his continuous i -sldenraniKm and cultlTatlon J ,1
of. said land, viz: llrig.ii if Wright, IUhV
Kemp, Jamfs ('leminons, Ellis Uarner, Ull
of Hay Springs, Neb.
J. W. Weh, Jr., ItogUtyV.
State of Nebraska. Hox Hutte Counts, e:
Ily virtue ot a dwtross warrant neJietl by thr
Treasurer pfllAs Hutto coiinty.bmmaniHmr
me tho Sheriff of raid county to collect from
Ellen rkhlumpt by illstiws aujl salo of goexls
and chattels of tha said Klljrfi tfclilurapt w thin
wild county, tho sum of J?iVe dijllats ami lhreo
cents with intercut thceon at the rateof linit
coiit nr auuum fropu the first of February lbfti;
anu also oy iruioi "' .." ..-....-....
iiiBme,lbSlieffof saiilcounty. to collect by
dlstuws and Jilo ot the goods and chattels ot
tl o said El fnn Kehlijmpf within said county.
the,nm of Elhty-M en cnts with intere-t
thiVooii at the rato of Uu ir cent per annum
froln tho first day of rebmarj , WW; tUeulil.
RtrAmnts lin personal taxes of tho .aid hltefi
Hclilumpf. assessed against her for the yearn
lfyJandimtt r.pectlely 1 Imve levied upon
and caused to be appraised, tho cluUHU hcireiu
ajjer descrill. aivl will w-11 the same lit Jiublio
aiiction to tho hUhest bidder for cmh in hand,
S&USiy SlIU IUI71 BUM il V,IB,t v,.l.., "Ml,
. ml r.snaltie-i allowed by law for the coUftv-
1... u tfit dUtriMaa Tr&rrmitfl. lhO IirOH-
rty levied upon aud to bo sold, is as follows.
,o-wit: . ,, , ..
Ono nnn mare, six years oiu, iwi mir -uii,
Ouo grry mare, eight years old, ana sucking
One dark iron grey colt with white strip in
.One bay horse colt.whito star in forehead, one
year oiu, . . ,. ... , ..
Onsblaekonp-yoar-old mare colt with whits
I striufnfoiehead. . ... ...
The salo of eaid ohstteli., to satisfy sftta tx
illl bo tow! at tha
linironioi rnyo; " "rn.
i Ihi, villiuil uf
l. Ilr.v l.i, J
AiMllictit day of Junw
lA.lVM!tV',itlhohonrot Uirufi o'cloek iu th
I !... V .!. aba 4tl ltin'IWR11
. . ...,.. -.
,, AWinisa, ou wu
4 .. - .r' . . , .1 ... u.l.An .nrl wlli.ll llll
af Urhoodot sid day. where and whou due at-'
Urulauco will oe niveu b Ui undwsluucU.
Dated Jque 3. 1. v p 8WKBNET.
fjhsriif ot sani county.
. ! I I .
Taken up by the u wh , '"?"
iR4.in mars, -aofl'ht iMjlttWIln ,(r..
initio aerl rears, one inaw i wariasa . on
left abouldf
--;--.,;-, o ii. .,...;
hate scnie
by proviwf iJNJiwttjr and par'UJ
j fksryt .