Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 05, 1896, Image 6
u ttoi i'inwiit'mjw m !! ! ! II WRECK AT ST, LOUIS, Missouri's Metropolis Swept bu Guclone. THE LOSS OF LIFE IS IMMENSE, Fully Five Hundred Said to Have V Perished. FIRE AIDS THE DESTRUCTION. ELECTRIC LIOHT AND . .WORKS USELESS. $ r GAS Netra CoRVMitlon IUI1 Unroofed Storm ( fhim Other I'oltiU In MUiourl Kljthtr Hcliool. Children ltrportml Kllleil nt Curiae, Ja, and Fifty nt the Vitiligo -ofUe. Death and destruction rolgn Btiiircmc In SL Louis and vicinity as a result of the most terrible storm that cvor visit ed that flection. Buildings or every 'description are in ruins, and, as a ro auIL hundreds of people are reported dead and injured, but, until order 1b re stored, it will bo impossible to make anydeflnlto statement. Reports arc In circulation that seven Btcamcrs lying nt'vharf boatH have been, Blink, with all on board. Tljl city was left In darkness, as the electric lights and trolloy wires were blown down. T)?e storm brdke out about C o'clock "Wfyftiesday afternoon after a most op pressively hot dny, and the rain began to fall. It Boon develoned Into a fierce thiuiderstorm, with the wind from the cn, A little later the wind had gained a velocity of eighty miles an hottr driving the rain before it and tearing Idose signs, cornices, chimneys, and everything In Its way, Many buildlngR of every description were de molished, and others set on tiro by lightning and crossed wires. the sticets Wore full of people going homcj ftom work, and a panic ensued as soon as the storm broke, Men were buHrtJngs, horses and carriages were ac-ntjflylng here and there, and falling w lifts, full of deadly fluid, added to thcJhorror of the scene. Suddenly the wind veered around to thfi1 vcst and completed the dontruc tionSjlt Is neserted by aomo of those who haoj traversed tho down-town part of tjfr city that there arc but fow build ings) In, St Louis that havo not 3iif-Vf? wfr races stopped his work long enough to roinnrk: "There goes tho grandstand." Then his wire rollapscd and nothing more was hoard from him. In a few seconds the same message wns re ported from Lexington, Ky., with tho additional Information that fully 150 pcoplo were dead. This Information was subsequently corroborated b tho operator of the Wabash road at Deca tur, who said that In his second mes sage received from Kast SL Louis It wns declared that the grand Btand nt tho races was down nnd that fully 150 pcoplo were burlod in tho ruins. At liaal St. Louis the " destruction seemed greatest. 11. C. Ride, Western Union manager at the relay depot, climbod across the demolished bridge and reported the National hotel, the Tromont House, the Mnrtcll House, tho DoWolf cafe, tho Hczol Milling com pany's mill, Horn's cooper shop, nnd a great many dwellings cast of there as far as Fifth street, gone nnd many peo ple killed, The Baltimore and Ohio nnd Vandatla round-houso, tho Stand ard oil works, tho East St. Louis nnd Crescent elevators, and twelve frclght hoiiEca on the levee, are demolished. Dltnilern on Witter. Tho steamer J. J. Odell of the Illi nois River packet was blown from Us wharf at tho foot of Morgan street, crashed Into tho second pier of tho Eads bridge, and sank. Her boilers blow up boforo she disappeared. She had a crew of 12, nnd three womon passen gers, besides her captain, George Town send, nn old rlvcrman, who had his home In St. Louis. Threo of her crew, Jack Morrisscy, Pat Milan, nnd a man named Moore, reached land snfoly. The two former Jumped beforo the explosion and caught driftwood. Mooro was blown overboard by tho explosion, and was cut about the head, but managed to swim ashore. Threo otherti of the crew clung to the pier and made their way up to the bridge proper. There la no way of es timating the number of lives that wore lost on tho river craft. llnlto of Hilton Kongo I.oM. Tho tug Belle of Baton Rouge, which wns nnqhored up tho river, was enrried far down the river, rolling over .ind over, nnd finally struck the raft of Mic Wiggins Ferry Company at the front of Ohoteau avenue, where It sunk. As the flrnt ovldonco of the approach ing storm began to appear every en gineer on tho river got up full steam In order to bo nble to combat the ole ments. Had It been anything but a tor nado It Is probable this would have aided the crows of tho steamers In sav ing their craft. But tho onslaught was so violent that the crows found their efforts only sufficed to aid them cllght ly In directing the course of their boats. The steamer Pittsburg of the Dia mond Joe line, the steamer City of Vlckaburg and tho Providence' of tho tho stream. At the same moment the Dolphin's ropes parted, nnd tho tug began to ship water. Tho wind blew her against tho bridge. While thU was going on tho women nnd the oihor men on the boat climbed to tho uppor decks. When tho, boat struck the bridge thoso on board had to dodgo to escape the Iron work of tho structure. Tho mate saw there was no hope If they stayed on board. Jennie Mitchell was tho first to climb on the Ironwork. She wns assisted by two of tho men, while tho mate stayed on deck to help Emma Nolan. As she swung herself to the wrocked Tpart ot tho bridge Is just east of tho big towor, near tho Illinois shore, nnd extends east for about 300 feet Tho ontlro uppor portion, traversed by street cars and carriages. Is carried away, whllo tho tracks beneath arc burled In tho debris, In some places eight feet deep. At midnight a report er penetrated tho mud and debris to the burning St. Louis refrigerator ware house. Sovoral Injured firemen had been taken from tho wreok, nnd three more were known to bo in the ruins. IUre Add to tlio Horror. Fire added much to tho storm's loss MAP OF ST. LOUIS AND EAST ST. LOUIS. '& vNmv- Venice xL jQMvAx 7 r vSWrA II l"'tpr"' l"""k''!aAW0rarssS'' Cl (r rTinlf vCNR f vSSx " i . I 12993t-iB3orviiirS39BOir!tlir mfl FQs'Jl out tho state of Missouri high tempera turo and humidities prevailed with south winds. The day would bo popu larly termed 'warm, hazy, muggy.' "Although reports are missing, owing to tho widespread destruction. It Is now ovldent tho storm nrea moved slowly east during tho day. Tho barometer commenced to fnll at 0 o'clock and by noon it had "fallen a thirteenth of an inch. About this time the sky became covered with dnrk, thickly-cumulated strata, which by G o'clock formed a mass of stratus cjoud, which commenc ed to assume a llght-grccn color In tho northeast. "This green ' color slowly advanced from the northeast, Bpread moro to the west and nqrth. At the Bamp time the temperature commenced to fall. "The normal cyclonic circulation thus brought winds of different, tempera tures nnd humidities into an upper posi tion, with tho results that a decided instability was produced in tho ntmos pherc and a violent secondary storm center wns created. The barometer continued to fall rapidly and by G p. m. it had fallen .25 of an Inch since noon. Tho wind was becoming variable, with a tendency toward a northerly direc tion until lightning and thunder had commenced, nt 4:30 p. m. "At 5:04 p. m. the storm broke forth In nil its fury; tho wind changed sud denly to northwest, with rapidly In creasing velocity, and the rain fell in torrents. The green cloud still remain ed In tho west and north, but the storm moved toward the southeast with large, angry detached masses of cumulus clouds crossing eaoh other. At 4:15 p, m. tho wind changed from the north, having the greatest velocity in the his tory of St. Louis. About 5 p. m. tho wind had reached about 62 mllc3 and later on it changed in Its direction to the Boutheast. "From 5:04 p. m. to G:01 p. m. 1.38 Inches of rain fell. When tho rain end ed at 9:05 p. m. 1.53 inches had fallen In nil. The electrical storm was of un usual volume. The sky was almost ono continuoua blaze of light and the clouds extended far into the south." SHOWING LOCATION OF THE FAIR GROUNDS AND EADS BRIDGE. "'J' v - - ; V ! ST, LOUIS CITY HOSPITAL. Til iWHasIffiS l I f--r7 3g 3cr s ; $ AVac -a x FILLED WITH INJURED VICTIMS OF THE CYCLONE. folcflln gome way from tho storm. Tfie,. wngon way ot tho Eads bridge on-4 ho East St, Louis side is a crumb ling mass of mortar and stones, and fiarts of the tower and pier No. 1 have nlfio been torn away. Thousands of j tolla.rs will not cover tho damage to tho' bridge. An outbound accomiuo-datlon- train on the Chicago and Alton Unload was wrecked by a broken rail, THjut fortunately nobody among thn pas sengers .were hurt. Tho tanks of ,lu Waters-Pierce Oil company on -Gratiot fctreet blew up, spreading Ajdsslruetion on every hand. Three stories of the Coe Manufacturing com v',Iiuuy.'s building, Ninth nnd Gratiot, Stud" nearly half of the Walnwrlght '.brewery were blown down. Tho Sum mer high school, nt Eleventh and Spruco; McDermot's xaloon. Eleventh .nnd Cbesnnt; tho cantrnl emigrant fttn ,f tion on the opposlto corner, and Jcro 'hohan's livery stable. Eleventh and . 'rVValnut, were unroofed. Tho roof of the republican convention .liall was blown off. Tho eceno In the river was appalling. pStoumboatB moored at tholr landings ,wore lorn away, turned over and sunk. ...drowning nil on board. Many people were seen clinging to floating wreck .age, and piteously appealing for help, 1 At present It is Impossible to estimate Sgl the lives lost. Tho hospitals are full of r injured, and tho morgue contains many r..' dead, while numbers of slain lie cvery iL,.wuefc among the ruins of tho demol V '.ishod buildings. Many of the dead will j$i never be identified. TJie Plant flour mills, the St. Louis ;m.irgjj ,s,nd steel works arc demolished, .'' and the immeuse Cupples block is par Wk ttaJJy destroyed. A .terrlblo feature of tho storm was tho blowing down ot Old City hospital. 'The entire north wing of the ramshack- ' lo old structure was blown awuy. Two patients were killed and a number se- Columbian Exposition Company, tho Captain Monroo of the Anchor lino, and many of tho Bmallcr craft woro pitched and tossed nbout until, the final blast rent them from their anchorage. Tho storm swept diagonally across the river and struck tho Illinois hank with increased fury. Tho loss of life In tho water on tho east side seems to have been light, as everybody was cautioned not to jump and everybody was carried safely to land. The Belle of Calhoun and the Llbble Condor, which were moored near Oho teau avpnuc.wcro almost totally broken up. The Ellen G. Smith, the harbor boat, was blown away down tho river, nnd waB wrecked near Arsenal Island. It Is thought no lives were lost on this boat. The stoamer Ed Harvester of tho Missouri Valley Transportation Com pany, was also torn from its dock and carried down tho river. beams the boat drifted away, and aank before the eyes of tho horrified crew. Slowly, with the wind blowing at a forco that caused the big structure to rock like a cradle, the threo brave men assisted the women on tne laborious climb to the roadway. Several times they were nearly blown off. They final ly reached the railroad track on tho bridge, where they lay down until the full forco of tho storm was pajs.d. Then they crawled to the Washington avcuuo station. There were rumors Thutsdny that the excursion steamer Grand Republic, belonging to tho Columbian Excursion Company, had gone to the bottom with 500 oxcurslonlsts. An officer of the com pany promptly denied this. He said tho boat left St. Louis at noon to go to Alton, wh'cre It was registered for an oxcurslon nt 8 o'clock that night. Tho storm might havo blown the bont away, but In that case only the crew would havo been Imperiled, and these men could swim to safety, She is safe. Wild Knee with Dentil. While tho storm was at its highest tho passenger train on the Chicago &. Alton railway pulled out on the brldgo from tho Missouri side. It was on its way east. Engineor Scott had only proceeded a shortv dlstnnce. when he realized tho awful danger which threat ened tho train. Tho wind struck the conches, at first causing them to careen. At that time ho was about half way across. Overhead the poles were snap ping and tumbling Into the river, while largo stones were shifting looso from their foundations and plunging into account. Down wires, wild currents of electricity, crushed buildings, all contributed to this element of destruc tion. The alarm system wub paralyzed. Approaches were blocked; a ?200,000 conflagration on the St. Louis side was supplemented by a dozen lesser fires. In East St. Louis a mill was burned, and two other considerable losses were sustained. To tho enormous total the fli'K9 nrlilril nt lnnst SS00.000. The Catholic church of St. John of Nepomuk, at tho corner of Twelfth and Soulard streets, was razed to the ground, excopt the front, which stands llko a towor, all tho side and back walls being cbittpletely destroyed. It was a very large and handsome church. Now there only remains the arches and tur rets of the front and enough of the walls to show the beautiful stylo of Its architecture. The debris lies In the street at tho side and inside the build ing, the side walls just projecting above it. There la scarcely any debris in front, leaving the front view very natural ex copt for the ghastly vacancy shown through tho windows. Dmrrlbetl ly I'ranUrnfeld. II. W. Frankenfcld, ,the St. Louis weather olflcer, was a busy man during and after the storm. In an Interview he said: "For the past week the weather in tho vicinity of St. Louis has been charac terized by low pressure, high tempera tures, excessive humidity, and prevail ing southerly winds. Tho pressure ha3 nlso been low throughout the west. At I.lnt of tho t)i-:i(l. The following is a list of the dead, according to the latest advices from tho stricken city: Michael Bradshaw, 81 South Jefferson avenue; Katie Clayphal, aged 21, and Mrs. Clayphal, 814 South Jefferson ave nue; Martin McDonald, 2745 Clark ave nue; unknown baby, 2745 Clark ave nue; Mrs. Cheney, 1413 Mississippi ave nue; John P. Pondy; Jennie Hahn, Shrewsbury Park; Charts Nee, 40G South Seventh street; William Winkle, Eighth street and Park avenue; James Dunn, city hospital; unknown child, 944 Papin street; two unknown men, Twenty-seventh and St. Vincent ave nue; unknown woman, Thirteenth and Soulard street; unknown man, Dallman and Park avenue; janitor St. Paul's church; unknown man, Eighteenth Dcnd nt Knit Et. I.oaU. Groat tllflloulty Is being encountered at East St. .Louls In the work ot identi fying tho dead, p The latest advices give the following list: David Langg and wife; Philip Stick ler; George Roose; Miles Mitchell; Mar-' tin Martel, proprietor Martel house: threo servant girls In Martel houso; James Kent; sixteen unknown dead In Vandalia freight house; twelve dead in Louisville & Nashville freight houso; seventeen dead in Big Four freight hoiiBe; five dead In Air Line freight house; twenty dead nt the east switch houso of the Eads bridge; four dead at relay depot; six members of a wharf boat crew. Charles Carroll, barber; John Kent; Mrs. Scott Hay ward; Frank Rose; Ed Kavanaugh; Jacob Kurtz, Vlncennes, Ind.; Mrs. Clendennlng; Mrs. Bruce; Mrs. Emma Sullivan; Robert Bland; John Reamer; Charle3 Maltz; William Suber; Henry Winter man; Anderson; Palmsley; Mies Conlcy; Mrs. Slide; Flagman of Air Line, name unknown; John Hayes; Mrs. William Hayes; Mrs. Pat Bean; John Valentino; City Collector David S. Sage nnd wife; Philip Strlcklcr, Jr., nnd mother; Judge Faulk, of Vandalia, III.; Mrs. M. Martell; All ot the boarders at Martell House except Judgo Hope bf Alton, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes; Will Hayos; Sixteen boarders at Trc mont House; William Mitchell; Irene Clendenen; William Sullivan and wife; Mrs. John Reed; Patrick Dean and family of six; John Bucharz; two boarders at Stacey's boarding house; Edward O'Brien; John Breen; Ida Gladdue; Mrs. Roor; Albert Volkman; Joseph Mitchell; John Sullivan; Will iam Rickey; uuknown man on Colllns vllle avenue; son of Mrs. Ira Kent. Among the missing are: Eddie Bland, supposed to be under tho wreck, of the Vandalia depot; City Clerk Jerry Kaln; Frank Bland; Frank M'Cormlck; Al bert Volkman; Earl Kcene; George Woods; Mlko Kildea; W. E. Klofer; Alvln Mute; Will Murray; Dan Kelly; George Router; W. Frellnk; W. Han ford, all employes in Vandalia depot and believed to be In its ruins. .THE S.TEAMER ODELL. 1M I Lt kajUffcir WAP ,. I ? ' SUNK IN THE RIVER AT ST. LOUIS BY THE CYCLONE. Hlvmrliero In ."Wluiirl. Baldwin, Mo., special: A hurricano accompanied by a terrific rain and hall storm, passed over St. Loul3 County about 4:30 Wednesday afternoon. For threo hours rain foil in torrents nnd hail fell to a depth of several .nehes. Great damage was done to crops throughout this section of the country. Several buildings wero blown down, but so far as can be learned no ono In this section was seriously injured. Moberly, Mo., special: Ten pcoplo were killed In a tornado which struck the villago of Labaddle. Franklin county, Wednesday, evening, and tho town of Renlck, ten miles from Mober ly, In Randolph county, was completely wiped out. Nothing definite from eith er place. A .- " EADS BRIDCE AT ST. LOUIS. Mnny Heroin Act l'erforiued. Many heroic acts were performed In the saving ot lives as a result of the atorm. When the City of Monroe had listed away from the Anchor line wharf thoro were about 40 passengers on board and a full crew, as the boat was Just making ready for the trip to New Orleans. When tho moorings finally gave way tho boat lurched over on Its aide and nearly capsized, The move ment thtew nearly all tho freight to the starboard side and sorved to hold the boat In its perilous position. Capt. Viegler made a reassuring speech to the passengers, which slightly quieted the extreme excitement. Ho said they wero all snfo. When the boat struck the Illi nois bank the captain was not to he found. The crew of tho tug Dolphin No. 2 had a marvelous escape from drowning when tho boat was blown from Its moor- I r. aTTT I Jjc3j p fcir17 - - Erik J2 Pm " ' - esse .gggawss.rjssfcfa?- , Z . ' rlouslytfnjured. How many of the tin- Ings nt he foot of Washington nvonue. fortunate ot tho city resting in the hospital walls at tho time the storm struck will dlo as a rosnlt of tho expo sure to the elemonts cunnot be conjec tured. Returns from the SL Louis races are received at the track at Lakesldn, Ind., and a few minutes after 5 o'clock the ltor sending the report of the 'iH&: On board were three men and two women, the latter Jennie Mitchell, a rook, and Emma Nolan, chambermaid. When the storm broke the men were on deck and the women below. The mato saw that tho storm was to bo a hard one, and began to ring the alarm bell. Then the steamer Dragon, which left Its moorings, was blown out Into the water. Realizing that any moment his train might bo blown Into the water or else the bridge bo blown away Scott, with raro presence of mind, put on a full head of steam In an effort to make the eaBt side shore. Tho train had scarcely proceeded 200 feet and about the Bame distance from the shore when an upper span of tho brldgo was blown away. Tons of huge granite blocks tumbled to the tracks where the train loaded with passengers had been but a moment before. At about the same Instnnt tho wind struck the train, up setting all the cars llko playthings. Luckily no one wa3 killed, but several were taken out severely Injured. The street and Geyor avenue; two unknown children. 172G South' Ninth stteet; Mal achl McDonald, 3"0, single. 2715 Clark avenue; unknown baby, 2 year3 old, picked up at Twenty-second and Mar ket streets; Robert Miller, Blair and Benton avenues; unknown, picked up at Third and Rutger; William Ottewad; John Burgess; Wallace T. C. Butler; Booker Epstein; Bornsteln; Fred ZImmors, chief engineer union depot power houso; unknown child, about 5 years old, California and Ann avenues; J. Lemcko, manager St. Louis Barbers' Supply Co.; unknown man, at A. B. Jones' broom factory; Josephine Mar tini: fifteen unknown men; one un known woman; ono unknown girl; John Ralferty; Harry Hess; Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Sado; George Woods, clerk In Van dalia office; Henry Strieker, Vandalia railway; J. E. Keene, Vandalia rail way; Dr. C. E. Neall, denilst; two chil dren of Mrs. Horace Trump, Litchfield, III.; Mrs, Rlchey; Joe Frank; Joe Mitch ell; Phil Strieker; Charles Carroll, bar ber; John Kent; Mrs. Scott Hayward; Frank Rose; Ed Kavanaugh: Jacob Kurtz, Vlncennes, Ind.; Mrs. Clenden nlng; Mrs. Bruce; Mrs. Emma Sullivan; Robert Bland; John Reamer; Charles Maltz; William Suber; Henry Winter- man; Anuerson; raimsiey; Miss Contey; Mrs. Slide; Charles Waites, 1519 Collins avenue; William Surber; Henry Wlnterman An- i dcrson; Peter Walmsby; Miss Conley; Mrs. Slide; John Htiyes; Mrs. William ' ' , Hayes; Mrs. Pat Bean; J. A. Porter, the same time it is relatively high in j Broughton, 111.; flagman of air line, tho south, causing tho warm, southerly ' nnrao unknown; John Hayes; Mrs, Wll Wlnds laden with moisture, to blow I ,,am Hnyea: unknown bov; unkuown from the gulf of Mexico. This mols- travcljng man; Mr. and Mrs. David S. turo has been held In suspense by the , s Qeo Wo0(l3( ciork tn Vandalia warm atmosphere, and the humidity ffl H Sprlcker. Vandalia line; consequently Increased from day to day : ',' vandalia line; Dr. C. E. iUU U1VUU tbilil'CI UUIU UTClUgVll it VIU i Sturgeon, Mo., special: A cyclone passed threo miles north" of Sturgeon at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. At Renlck three men were seriously In jured, and a family of colored people were carried over a mile, two chil dren being badly hurt. Friendship church, north of town, was demol ished, Mexico, Mo., special : A cyclono swept across Audrlan county Wednes day evening, doing great damage Ho crops and wrecking many buildings. Seven nconle have been killed In tho county and probably twenty-flvo badfjj Injured. In tne uenn creoK uiatric.vn school house was carried completely away, and a daughter of Joseph B. Ware, one of the pupils, was killed, nnd Lulu Eubanks and Hilda Blase, also school children, wero fatally in jured. Others along the route of the tornado in this district, whoso names cannot be learned, are more or less In jured. At the Dye school hoius, six or eight miles further southeast, not a pu pll escaped uninjured, and five children were killed, threo outright, two dying Infnr nt this nlace. The school housej --L 1.- .1 ItnUn.l nnil BAVaral t fl tho ntill.lrnn worn blown O EK'at dls- I tance away, and were not found until several hours afterward, and thon in a mutilated condition. THE EAST END OF IT WAS CARRIED AWAY. to 13 degrees above the normal each day, while the humidity ranged from 7 to 20 por cent each mean, for this season of tho year. "Wednesday morning, the weather map showed the low pressure still over lying the west with the center of de pression extending in Irregular oval from tho Texas Pan-Handle through west Kansas and Nebraska, Through- Mull, dentist; John Kent; Mrs. Scott I Hayward; Frank Rose; O. Kavanaugh; 1 Jacob Kurtz,. Vincennca. Ind.; Mrs. Clendennln; Mrs. Bruce; Mrs. Emma Sullivan; John Bramcs; twenty em ployes of tho Liggett & Myers Tobacco company at Tower Grove Park; twenty men employed In tho St. Louis Wooden Gutter and Refrigerator factory, at Sec ond street and Tark avenue. IUetity l'upll Killed. Kansas City, Mo., special: Alton train dispatcher reports eighty chil dren killed at Drake, near Roodhouse, III., by the cyclone. They wero buried In a school building. Drake, where seventy children are re ported killed. Ib a small town in Greene county, and 240 miles from Chi cago on tho Chicago, Kansas City and Denver short lino of tho Alton railroad. It Is live miles west of Roodhouse, a junction point on tho Alton road, and 115 miles southwest of Bloomington, nnd dlrectlv in tho track of the furious ... .., ... .,. .. Biorm. U 13 ujipioxiiuiivtsiy aixiy TUiK'afi northwest of St. Louis, and about IniHC way between Chicago and Kansas City. It has a Western Union telegraph sta tion, several churches and schools, and is an educational centsr lor sou(h' ist-h era ;:lmol3. A ' -r" .---jBrf--Sai Vi ..&., m. .-t km.