itiW tf "v But w J , r.' .-... ... a r . a- . . .r-i "- -rf ' " i - ..... . .. ..- . . .J - tl t l M (l jM lfclfc-4 J fc.t i HEMINCtFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBIllSKA, FRIDAY, 31 AY 29. IMG. VOL. 8. NO- 14 v A 4-' "?r si F The Herald. tOFFICiAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. FnMUhrd cvprr Friday and pnteml nt tho "SlaM mall matter. Jhre hiULn la djwotcj to tho lntirceU of llpmlngford and Hor llutw o o u nty. THOS. J. O'KEHFB, Publlhcr. 8UB0BiPrioa raits: 1 HW MX MONttlB - 5 COUNTY 0FKICE1W. F.M. Pulps ,'. ..........Clerk. A.M.Mlixrn , Treasurer. Jah. U. H. Hewett dud?' E.1. Hwramtr, ..Bherlff. St. E. UitMAK . ..Attorney. Miss A. E. NEEkAND Superintendent. V'nAfl.UiiANK Surveyor. Dn.W.K. M1U.M1 (o0?r Dr. Ij.W. IIowman...... .. . . .. Musician. JamxsBaiikt ..ComtntHsionerletUiht. Jab. Holmnbakk.... Comminiilonor anil Ujat. O. W. Duncan... . Commissioner .irdDist, Now Short Lipo to Holena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Taconia C3t. I. As "VT. O. Tina Osurci. EAST BOUND. No, it. raRsnncer arrl us at , ' " in f relent " u freight nrrlvuB nt WE8T BOUND. ,No,4l pnsftcnRur arrives nt 1:1 B a.m. COO p. m. 10:10 ii. m, 4:15 . m. ll:Kj p. m. 43iraipni rrnltrlit I All trnlnhcurrv nts&euanra W. Si. Cqjpelasd, Atron MAIL DIHECZTOKY. .HiuiMorono postoflice. Oii week days door I opens af 7 a. m., Renernl delivery opens at 8 a. m. and Cloees at 8 p. in. Upen Sundays 0 to 10 a. m.s IIsMlNnroRP and Hox ntrrTE itaue dally eicept tiunday. .IIkminofobd and DcNLAr stage, Monday Wednetiday and Friday. Educational Department. Office days of Co. Supt. are Monday and Saturday of each week. Teacher's examination, the third Saturday of each month. The next examination for pro fessional life certificates will he 'held by tho state board of examin ers June 9 and 10, 1896, at Craw ford, Nebraska. School in district No. 26 taught by Chas.' Lockwood was Jbund in godd running order, 'having a bright class of pupils ... and patient persevering toacher. Miss 'Edna Johnson whov is at the helm of the school in Dist. "No. 51 is doing good work and has very bright pleasant children to labor with. A neater little fcchool room can not be found in the county The Burbank school is pro gressing rapidly and thoroughly under the guidance of the ef iicient teacher T. G. Burke. Perfect harmony exists; teacher and pupils work for tho same end; there willjoe a lasting mark 'loft ori tho mind and character of those pupils for good. Mr. A. C. Davis closed a very , successful term of school in Dist. No. 45 last Friday. There 'was an enrollment of 10, an average daily attendance of seven. Ethel Sned'ekor, Ethel and Myrtle Facemiro were present every !day and not one caso of tardiness during the entire term. Report of school taught in Dist. No. 23, for the montli end ing May 22, 1890. "No." of days taught, 10. Average daily attepdanco, 9. No. daily recitations, 18. No, of visitors, 4. ' Those perfect in attendance were James Murphy, Charles Murphy Bessie Whaley, Zilpha Konnody and Elbridge Wolls. T. G. Burke, Teacher. Taken up by tho undersiged, threo black shoats, weight about 100 lbs. each. II. N. EARNEST. DaedMay27, 189&.- Sheriff Sweeney has rented tho McCorklo residence. Over sovdn hundred people wero killed in tho cyclone St. Louis Wednesday. Mrs. O. A. Miller went to Crawford Monday. 'Mother" Shindler of tho Fanners Homo visited Alliance Tuesday. H. Ju. Bushnell has sixty acres plrmtodto -potatoes.- Johu-liisler. did all the "dropping.''' John.Lally was up from Alli ance Tuesday. John Armstrong rode tho "goat" Tuesday evening and is now a full Hedged Modorn Wood man. Tho camp is growing quite rapidly. Revs. Thoen and Wunderlich moved into their own rosidonco this week. G.? L. E. Klingboil, of Hill City, ' S. D., representing the MutuUl Reservo Fund Lifp Asso ciation, was in Hemingford Wednesday. The .republican county central committee is called to meet at Hemingford, Monday, Jxino 1st. This office has received the premium list for tho state fair to be held in Qmaha August 27th to Sept. 5th. The premium list is ak good one and no doubt the fair5' "this fall will equal any held in tho state for years. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Phil Tierney and Milb Mamie Hollinrake, on Tues day, June 2, 1896. ' A recep tion will bo given in the evening at' tho home of tho bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hollin rake. C. A. Burlew has leased tho H. R. Green residonco and moved his family into the same yesterday. Mrs. Paradis and sister, Mrs. Hathaway, of Alliance, spent Sunday with Hemingford "friends. Will O'Mara of Box Butto was in toVn Friday. Ho and M. D. Atkin are buying up afew horses which they expect to take to North Dakota to soil. Mrs. B. F. Gil man was visit ing Mrs. Clark Olde last Friday and while out in the yard was attacked by a yicious dog and bitten quite severely. IB. L. Fcnnor, of Duulap, was thrown from a pitching horae Wednesday, breaking his collar bone. On the Diamond. Tho base ball game at Alliance Saturday resulted in favor of the Allianco boys. Score 15 to 7. In tho gamo at Fort Robinson Sunday between tho colored nine and Alliance, the score stoqd 17 to 10, favor of the Fort. Alliance will play tho Hem ingford nine at this place tolnor row. ALL QOOD REPUBLICANS Bhould mako a point of attending the National Convention, to bo hold at St. Louis, Tuesday, Juno lGth. Tho expense is not groat if you tiike tho Burlington. On tho 13th., 14lh. and 15th of Juno, you can purchase a round trip ticket to St. Louis at THE ONE WAY RATE. Think,- isn't it worth a few dollars a few days time to boo tho next President nominated? Full information on application to any Agont of tho B. & M. R. R. R. or by addressing J. Francis, Gon'I. Pass'r. Agent, Burlington Routo, Omaha, Nob. Decoration Day Exercises. Comrade: Yourself and wife are cor, dially invited to attend Decori tiou dny exorcises at Hemingford on Saturday, May 30, 1896, as guests of the people of Heming ford. All others tiro invited to brins? their baskets and enjoy a picnJc dinner with us. Hot coffee wj 1 bo served free. i 'PROGRAM. - IOjwM- - 1. Assemble at the Congrega tional church. 2. Music by tho Homingford Cornet band. 3. Vocal Music. 4. Prayor by Rev. Kendall. 5. Address by Hon. W.R. Akors. 12 M. 6. Dinner in tho church and so cial for tho Soldiers and their wives. 2 p. M. 7. Procession will fqrm at tho church under Marshal Sweeney and repair to tho cemetery. ' 2:80 P. M. 8. Appropriate services and decorationvof graves. J T Pinkerton, 1 T? TT "RlnrinlieiWl Smith P Tuttlo', L Committee. E P Sweeney, A M Miller, Box Butto Bull tin., Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sheldon started this week for North Dakota where they will visit a couple of weoks. C. L. Snedeker went to Pine Ridge Wednesday but not "alone" Russell Fleet was thrown from his pony last week and at last reports was in a serious condi tion. Little Major A.tldn has heon seriously sick tho past week, but is improving. During one of the storms re cently, lightning struck near tho house' of Mr. Gilbert, stunning Mr. Gilbortand Henry Mathos for a few moments. Mr. Geo. Toothili has left for a short stay in eastern Nebraska. John McCarty went up to S.. Dakota to work this sum mer. Protracted meetings wero clos ed until next Tuesday evening. Quite a few people from Box Butto will attend tho Memorial services at Hemingford Saturday- Box Butte Co. Sabbath School Convention, Hemingford, Neb., May 23, '96. Tho Box Butto County Sabbath School Convention was called to ordor at 10:30 a. m., by Pros. Kendall. Oflkors present, President and Secretary. Asst. Sec'y being ab sent, Sufeio 11. Frazior was ap pointed ass't soc'y pro tern. Treas urer absent, Devotional exorcised led by Rov. W. J. Golden was first on the pro gram. By common consent Mr. En yeart's paper was dofwrrcd to af tornoon, lie being absent. Tho association thou listonod to a very interesting talk on "Tho truo function of tho Sunday School," by Rov. Goldon. Discussion opened by A. Shor wood. Adjourned till 1:30. Aftoruoon 'session. Mooting called to order by Pros. Kendall. Papor, "What are tho dutios of tho family to tho Sabbath school?" A. S. Enycart. Discussion opened by Rov. Win. Shamhaugli. Business. Motion carried that those pres ent from various schools act as delegates where nono wero elected Roports woro given and accept ed from tho following schools. United Presbyterian, Alliance. MethodiBt Episcopal, u Congregational, Homingford. MethodiBt Episcopal, " Clayton school, Liberty precinct. Collins Chapel, Dorsoy " Pleasant Plain, " " Plain Viow, Snake Crock. Election of officers resulted -as follows: President, Rev. "W. J Goldonf Vico-Presidont, Rev. "RoY. Wrnom. Yicu-prosidonts for each of tho following prcoiucts: Dorsoy, Mrs. Enyearr. Box Butte. Mr. Blair. Nonpariel. Oscar Rouso. Liborly, C. A. Lockwood. Wright, Mrs. Christy. Lake, W. T. Tiainor. Lawn, Mrs. Jennie BroBhar. Snake .Crook, G. W. Regan. Boyd, Miss Lulu Mann. Running Water, Mrs. Fosket. Subio R. Erazior was olected See.," and Maud E. Dawes was re elected Troas Motion carried that our next meeting bo held in Allianco, timo to bo tixed by ox- cutivc committee. Motion carried that Rev. Shambaugh bo our next delegate to 'tho state convention, having power to scud proxy. Rusinoss closed. Rev. Shambaugh gavo a talk on "How can wo gain best results from our Quarterly Temporauco lessons?" Discussion opened by Rov. Wornom. Association adjourned. Susie R. Fhazier, Sec. Postmaster L. M. Kennedy and bou of Burbank, are in town to day. Mr. Kennedy is also assess or atidioft ub the assessed valua tion of Snake Crook precinct, which is as follows: Horses, 252; valuation, $1,286. Cattle, 1,232; " 3,820. Sheep, 2,252; " 1,131. School district No. 23, G,332. " " " 54, 7,4G5. J' ' " 57, 5,570. Total, real and personal, S24,744. Eye Openers, I Dunlap cheess is tho best on tho market. Try it. A now lot of shoes just received by W. K. Ilcrncall. '"Wildy's .received a new lino of clothing. '"Wildy lias received Ills first large Invoice of spring goods and clothing. Now lino of carpets at Corn eal I's. Ask your grocer for Ankora coffee and got a silver spoon free Wildy. 8 lbs. of broken Java coffee at .Wildy 's for 81. Kaffir corn for sale at Wildys Best caroal for this country. I will buy your county warrants. H. R. Green. 20 pounds of largo California prunes at Wildy's for SI. Eabter glasswaro novelties at Wildy's.. 20 lbs .dried apples for $1.00 at Wildy's. PADS1 PADS! Call and got your sweat pads of H. R. Grcon . Brown backs at 35 cts each. OLD PAPERS Sets a dozeu, at The Heuald office. O. J. Wildy wants sorao chick ens. New dry goods nnd shoos, right up to date, just received at Wildys Look at those five cents prints at Wildy.s. nJr Mnrl 1 Now Clothing, Now Hats, New Ties, V at WILDY'S Now Everything J Wanted To buy a sccqnd hand wagon and harness. In .quirc at this olfico. Calvin J. Wildy Always Leads and Never Follows ! i WE SELL YOU GOODS. WE SAVE YOU MONEY WE MAKE YOU HAPPY. Come and see us and got tho best, tho latest, and tho cheapest. Dry goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Glasswaro, Quecnswni'o, and Provisions. Wo are always pleased to have frionds call whether to buy or other wise, aud especially invite strangers, transients, and city vuitors to call and if Wo have no timo to show you goods nor quoto you prices, wo will be pleased to have you admiro our windows decorated with tropical and foreign plants, nil in full bloom (hut please don't Bteal slips) bo whonovor at tho county Seat always do your trading with your old roliablo firm. Yours anxious to please, JMgn & K I his Space Belongs to ST. E3. HARDWARE ANTON PIONEER- Hardware and .Tiik Oldest JEsTAULiBnMENT in the County, Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, otc. . Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. JF. n. Dellwood, M. D. ' W. S. Bellwood, m. d, Physicians and Surgeons. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SSF-Roaras 3-4-5-6, Opera Block. Frefl Krug Brewing Company CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High 'Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, Office 1007 Jackson Stxeot, Omaha, Nob :C. J. WILDY GKESZEIEniT, UHRIG Saddlery.