ltoai& v F i'JA .Ju HEMINGPOIID, BOX BUTTE COUNTY. 'NEBRASKA, EHIDAY, MAY 22. U). NO. IB VOL. 2. Skj, h 4 FK" V L -V ' fl u n "rj The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Publlohml nvcry Friday nail onteiwl at the tOht-oBlco in HoiniiiKfotd. Noliranka, lis occontl rliw mail matlr. TUB llnuu in devoted I to toe intoresta ol lleinlncford and Uox Uatto couutj, THOS. J. O'KnCFE. Publisher. bubichipuos nxTrs: KTt VKMt .. St BO 75 blX MONTHS COUNT P. M. rnrxps A. M. MXI.UH IlEWETT. K. P. HWMNET Jl. r. OlMtH .. Mien A. K.'Nkxland "HAt. HRttlff DB. W,K. MlLLElt .. l)n. h W. boWMAN. . jA9tSV.UAnRr vfAB. IfOLLlMBAKl! M. W. Duncan .. omccns. ..Clerk. Treimnror. Indus. HhPriff. Attorney. Superintendent. Surveyor, ,. .. Coromr. . . . . l'hjsician. Commissioner lnt Dibt. Coramisionor 2nd Dist. CoramiHsloner 3rd Dist, Kw Short Lino to Holenu, Butto Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. O-. X. Se "W. O. Tim Card. FAST BOUND. No. a, passnnjrer arrives ut 1:1(5 a. rn. ' 48irelnnt " " OOop.m. " i8 freijlvt ntrlvuH at 10:10 a. m, WEST BOUND. No. ii ptisBcnjrerurrlves nt Ws a. m. " 45 frlBht " ll:S. P. n. " 47 frnlght arrives itt 3:J3 p. in All trains carry passonEors. W. al. CopiXAND, Agent MAIL DIHECTORY. HEMtsoroRD pofctoflice. On wook days door openu at 7 a. in., general delivery opens at 8 a. m. end clotes at B p. m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 tr. in. IUMiKoroKD asd Box DoTTE sUgedoily except Sunday. IlyMisaroBD and DusLAr stage, Monday Wednesday and Friday. Educational Department. Office days of Co. Supt are Monday and Saturday of each week. Teacher's examination, the third Saturday of each month, Tho next examination for pro- fopaSwird life certificates s ill ho held by the state board of examin ers Juno 9 and 10, 1896, at Craw ford, Nebraska. Toachora may put indolent or restlesk pupils to copying selections from readers or histories. Requiro any copying to be done neatly and 'correctly and allow no other to ' pass even if it requires much time, as it is well spent, as few other exercises will do as much for pupils in the acquisition of good English and tho'study habit. The end sought in school work extends throughout life. Tho Bchool is only a means to an end. 'The end sought in tho study of grammar is not grammatical facts, J but tho correct and ready use of words. All need language; few ueod grammar. The end sought in arithmetic is not answers, but mental deciplino in rigid and exact reasoning. Very little of pure arithmetic nnswors all the needs of ninety nine in one hundred. Tho end bought in the study of geography is not a memory crammed with dead geographical facte, but an imagination filled ' with living pictures or me eartu a nuuucc. , NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Tho county - board of commis sioners of Box Butte county will meet as a Board of Equalization on June 9th 1890 at tho clerk's office in the court houso in Hem ingford, Nebraska, for tho pur pose of equalizing tho assessment Kit taxes tor la'Jb as required by law, tho session to hold not less than three, nor more than thirty days. Complaints concerning bttid assessment will bo hoard at at this session. I By order of tho County Board. P. M. Phblps, County Clerk. Mrs. J. C. Parkins has tho best garden in town. Amos Pearson favored us with a bunch of lino rhoubarb Monday John Armstrong nnd family wero on tho sick list for sovoral days. Mi, and Mrs. Henry Broich and son "Willie 'drove, to Ohadron Monday. John Kaufman called yester day and subscribed for this fam ily journal. - Tho High school B. L. G. C. will give a concert at Marsland this ovoning. Street Commissioner Pinker ton is doing somo good work on our streets this week. Rov. Bros, of Lincoln, occu pied tho pulpit in tho Congrega tional church Sunday. I. E. Tash is building a now fence and otherwise improving his residence property. This section was visited with an excellent rain Sunday night. Crop prospects are fine. Geo. Scharff, Bert Reynolds and Jos. AWaisner wont west this week for a few days recreation. Mr. Burlow and family. Jos. and Mary Herncall, and I. E. Tash wero Alliance visitors "Wed nesday. Miss Ada Brown, of Chadron, attended the Cong'l Association. She was entertained by Miss Neeland. John Owens, sheriff of "Weston county, "Wyo., passed through Hemingford Monday on his way to Goring. Tho ladies of tho M. E. church af Marsland, gave a social last Monday" evening, the proceeds netting 820.50. V. Cladok, tho cheese manufac turer, sent us a fine "rounder' this week. Dunlap cheese is tho best on the market. Rev. J. W. Kendall went out to Box Butto Wednesday to as sist with the meetings which aro being heldnt that place. Miss Lulu Mann of Alliance and Mrs. Riley of Lakeside were the guests of Mrs. Gilman Tuesday and "Wednesday. Judge Howett issued a mar riage license Saturday to Ber nard Reynolds and Miss Mary A. Hill, both Of this county. Tho Fred Krug Brewing Com pany have an ad in this issue. This is an old reliable firm and their goods aro the purest and best. Miss Susie Frazier, the cfficion.t teacher in tho high school, treat ed her pupils to an outing on the river Saturday. A pleotsant time is reported.' Elaborate perparations aro be ing made for tho observanco of Decoration day, Saturday, May 30. Visitors are expected from Alliance Crawford and Edge mont. Messrs. Martin McPheo and Ed Grogg of Marsland were in town Monday. They accompan ied John Sullonberger to Alli anco and acted as his witnesses in making final proof. Mrs. D. H. Griswold of Harri son, Nob., and Mrs. H. A. Cun ningham, of Alliance, drove up from the latter place on Friday afternoon, and visited at tho home of Rev. Kendall. Through a typographical over sight tho name of Jamos "Waisnor was omitted from tho H. S. G. C. notice last week. James is a valued member of tho club and tho list was not complete without his name. John Sullonberger, our Mars land friend, stopped in town Monday on his way homo froni Allianco where ho mado proof on his homoatead. Ho mado this office a welcome call and rcquost nd us to send him The Herald. Tho Hemingford and Allianco base ball teams will cross bats on tho lattor's grounds tomorrow and will play at this place on Decoration day. Tho boys con template haying adaucom-the. evening for tho entertainment of tho visitors, A mission is being held at tho Catholic church in Allianc all this week. Rov. Father Lagao, of the order of Jesuits ami pastor of tho Holy Family church, Omaha, has chargo of tho ser vices, assisted by Father Haley tho pastor. Several from this City are attending. Mr. F. M. Hawkins late of Bradshaw, Neb., accompanied by his two grown sons and their families arrived in town yester day and will locate on tho Doll Turfter farm live miles west of here. Thoro wero seven teams and wagons in tho party, all loaded with housohold goods, farming utonsils etc., and they have como to stay. Rainl Rainl Rainl In our issue of March 20th, in an article entitled, "The dry years aro past" etc., wo explain ed to our readers from a scientific standpoint why this was so, and now at tho expiration of two months with two are threo good rains during each week of that period, our farmer friends are admitting that so far wo .wero. right, and wo havo no doubt but that our prediction will be com pletoly vindicated. Never at any timo during our ten years residence in this county lias grass and grain rank and luxuriant had such a growth at this season of tho year and many farmers aro regretting that they did not sow a larger acreage to grain. This .Jack will, however, be atoned for by sowing the idle acres to millet and kaffir corn which will produce an abundanco of feed. The farmer who is holding on to his Box Butto land and increasing his flocks, is sure ly laying tho foundation for a comfortable fortune in his old age. Decoration Day Exercises. Comrade: Yoursolf and wifo are cor dially invited to attend Decora tion day exercises at Hemingford on Saturday, May 30, 1S9G, as guests of the people of Heming ford. All others aro invited to brinj their baskets and enjoy a picnic dinner with us. Hot coffee will bo served free.' PROQIIAM. 10 A. M. 1. Assemble at tho Congrega tional church. 2. Music by tho Hemingford Cornet band. 3. Vocal Music. 4. Prayer by Rev. Kendall. 5, -Address by Hon. "W.R. Akors. 12 M. 6. Dinner in the church and so cial for the Soldiers and their wives. 2 P. M. 7, Procession will form at the church under Marsiiai Sweeney and repair to the cemetery. 2:30 P. M. 8. -Appropriate services decoration of graves. and J T Pinkorton, RHBlanchard, I , Smith P Tuttle, Committee. f E P Sweeney, AM Miller, ' Northwestern Association of Congregational Churches. Tho Congregational Association of Northwestern Nebraska, assem bled in Hemingford, on Tuesday, May 19th. Thu association Was opened by Biuging. The Scripturo lesson (Acts 1-18 & 2:37 to end) was road by Rev. J. W. Kendall, after which ho otfered prayer. O. E. flSnbiimv nf Flvnnnis. nreached tho .W....W., rf , J association sermon, basing his subject on Zechanah 4:0, "Not by Alight, nor by power, but by my spirit saith tho Lord." On "Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., Rov. A. E. llickor, of Chadron, conducted tho dovotional exorcises. Tho association was then called called to ordor by Prof. J. N. Ben nett and tho credentials of tho del egates from tho churchos ropre Boutod Were then presontqd. Crawford Rev. J. Joffnes and wifo; Dr. Harlwell. Clutdron Rov. A.E. Ricker and wife, Prof. J. N. Bennett and MiBs Ada Browne tlnv Snrinr'R Fjair Butte Miss Dovoiro and" MR E. F. Woodruff. N Reno Rev. J. B. Brown, W. G. Wilson, Roy Strong. Hemingford Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. Hyannis Rov. O. E. Ticknor. Miss Maun and Miss Riley, of Allianco, Rev. W. J. Paske, of Norfolk, wore also present. Tho business of the Association was then takon up. Rov. A. E. lticker was elected moderator and Prof. J. N. Bennett scribe for the oilsuing year. Tho next placn of meeting was appointed at Chadron. Jilhp reports of tho churches at 9:30 was niost instructive aiid iii tereslhibr Crawford church being out of 'debt and flourishing. Chad ron church had increased its mem bership and was pushing to tho front.' Flag Butto had been start ed again by Bcv. Rickor and look ed promising. Ileniixlgford held fits own, was out of debt, had call ed a new pastor, and had the best choir in the N. W. Hyannis were all present, all spoke, all encourag ed, ail d all summed, up in one. Reno had increased in membership 125 per cent, had organized a C. E. society of twenty-six active and oight associate members and was making progress all along tho line. Communion servico was then conducted by Rev. A, E. Ricker, assisted by Rov. J. Joffries, which was vory impressive. Rev. Jeffries' paper on "Christ's Idea of tho Church" was to the point and caused much discussion. At 2 p. in. tho devotional service commenced the afternoon's pro gram and then the Ladies' Mis sionary Society took tho floor. With womanly modesty and cour agoMrs. John Jeffries took hold of-tho work and mado it success ful. Mrs. Woodrufl'8 paper on "Work among tho young people in tho country" was attentively listened to, as was tho discussion which followed. Tho Homo Mis sionary talk uy kov. raBuo wa- thouohtful and earnest, and in the ovnnincr the ai)or of Rev. Ricker sliowod much careful preparation, "' r i . . iranressiuc upon his audience the privilego Chadron Academy offer ed to the youth of the Northwost, and the opportunities for parents to givo their children a christian education. All voted tho Association a suc cess and tho delegates returned to their respective neius wun renew- i 1 f..nnli cm ed vigor aud fresh enthusiasm. m w a. Thomas, of Mars land, was in the city Wednesday. WantedTo buy a second hand wagon and harness. ' In quire at this oflico. Calvin J. Always Leads and f WE SELL YOU GOODS. W WE SAVE YOU MON1 ( AVE MAKE YOU HAI Come and sco us and got the best, tho latest, and the cheapest. Dry goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boot nnd Shoes, Glassware, Queonswcrro, and Provision!. We aro always pleased to havo friends call whethoi: to buy or othar wiso, and especially invito strangers, transients, and city vuitors,to call and if wo havo no timo to show you goods nor quote you price, wo will bo pleased to have you admira our floral windows decorated with tropical and foroigu plants, all in full bloom (but please don't steal slips) so whouovor at tho county seat always do " your trading xrith your old reliable firm. Yours unxious to pleaso; .. Sn -C. J. WILs'DY his Space is Reserved H:. HARDWARE v " - fm,Hf - ' , ISjSiSF ANTON .. , PIONEER - - Hardware and Saddlery. Tint OLDKST EsTABManMIjKT IK T1IK OOUSTT Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, J01L&, Glass, etc.. Special Agent" for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire'-the Best on Earth. JI. II. RELLWOOP, M. D. gELLWOOD & PeLLWOOD.' Physicians and Surgeons. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. JSSTRooniB 3-4-5-G," Opera Block. Fred Kroi CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Purest in PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTR Office 1007 Jackson Wildy Never Follows ! )DS. ) KEY L'PY. ) V-,' n FOB' SB. GKEBEEEEN?; J '!? n it"Mlt UHRIO 9 .MNmak Tfi S. Bkllwood, il.'D. At Lager Beer, the Market. Strcot, Omaha, Neb. Brewing Company i V . ,i I ' ) Ji