Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, May 15, 1896, Image 5

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J'T "V
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Behind the mask the smiling faco
Ir often full ol woe,
And ftorrow treads a restless pace.
Where wealth and beauty go.
Behind the mask who knows the caro
That grim and silent resU, ',
And all the burden each may beat
Within the secret breast?
Behind the mask who knows tbo tears
That from the heart arUe,
And in the weary flight of years
How many pass with sighs?
Behind the mask who kuows the, strain:
That each life may endure,
And all the grief and countless pain.
That wealth can never curc7
Behind tho mask we never know
How many troubles hide,
And with the world and fashion's show
Botno spectre walkn beside.
Behind the mask some future day,
When nil shall be made plain,
Our burdens then will pass away,
And count for each his gain.
Good Housekeeping.
Tho 10:50 trnin from White Peak
Was lato that snowy February night
It never was what ono would call a
painfull' prompt train; but to-night
it was fully 50 minutes behind its
usual time, and the telegraph opera
tor hod nearly fallen asleep behind
tho pane of ground glass over which
the word "Tickets" was inscribed in
a holf circle, and toward which a
most innrtistically foreshortened
hnnd was depicted as extending a
gilt finger for the cnlightment of tho
general public'
Not that the Big Pino telegraph
was ordinnrly open at so late an
bourns this. Seven o'clook was the
usual period of closing. Nor had
Eunice Barlow any official right to
the tall wooden stool 'behind the
semi-circulnrgilt lettered legend re
ferring to "Tickets." In n manner
sho hud had greatness thrust upon
her. Old Mr. Pcttyclove, who repre
sented tho majesty of the railway
company in the particular spot, had
gone homo in tho enrly dusk with a
ragintr facial neuralgia, and in com
mon humanity Eunicocouldnothavo
refused temporarily to a9sumo his
position with its duties.
"It will be only another hour of
work," sho told herself, cheerfully, as
sho put un additional log of frost
fringed wood into the little air-tight
stove. "When tho 10:50 had passed
I can shut up tho plnceand go home.
There are only two night freights,
nnd the conductors on both of them
hnvo keys to tho freight Iioubo,"
Suddenly the silence was broken by
tho tiniest sound, like the throbbing
of some smnll silver heart. Eunice
jumped up, instinctively, obedient to
the call of her autocrat, the telegraph.
"A message!" she thought. "And
at this time of tho night. Well,
wonders will never cease."
A message it was; to Peter Pctty
clove, station agent at Big Pino
Defalcation in Home bank. Detain piwen
gerori tinin No. 21. Smnll, dark, euring
fur-trimmed coat. Keep in uttody until
further notice.
H. V. CAn-rcu.
Chief of Police nt White Peak.
Almost beforo she hod deciphered
these words, Eunice Barlow tele
graphed back "All right," and once
more the smnllsilver heart left olfits
tumultuous throbbings. And not un
til then did tho telegraph opprator
realize what a very peculiarposition,
nnd officially authorized, in right of
her substitution, to arrest a bunk
defalcator on tho spot!
Even while sho pondered on this un
expected stnto of things there was a
curious thrill and tremble of tholloor
benms under her feet; a shrill steam
whistle rising abovo tho sustained
roar of the tempest. The 10:50, offi
cially known ns No 21. was swinging
around the curve.
In an instant Eunice Barlow wns
but in the deep snov of tho rude
bourd platform with the lighted lan
tern in her hnnd. The conductor of
the train was not at all surprised to
see her there. He knew that Peter
Pettyclovo was old and feeble, and n
spirited young female telegraph oper
ator is rather at her full value in tho
Big Pino section. Sho tried to signal
to him that she wanted to speak to
him, but tho blinding snow drove its
shroud-like sheets between them. Ho
smiled and nodded to her in that ag
gravating way thntmen have when
they are particularly obtuse, shouted
some incomprehensible comment on
tho weather, helped to loosen tho
brakes, und was an eight of a mile up
tho track before Eunice's lantern
light fell on a single black figure, its
lint pulled over its eyes, its form
closely buttoned up in a fur-trimmed
"Is this tho station?" said n low,
well-modulated voice, which gave
Miss Barlow the idea thuttbounhnp
py gentleman of justice was a gentle
man born nnd bred. "Where nrotho
porters? Upon my word" (looking
around after n bewildered fashion,
"I'm ufraid they've forgotten to nut
off my luggngo. isn't thero a lire
somewhere hereabouts?"
Eunice Barlow looked solemnly at
him ns she opened the door into the
bright, cheerfully lighted little sta
tion. Yes, tho telegraphed descrip
tion had been correct. Ho was small
and dark, nnd. poor fellow, ho looked
as if ho was halt frozen to death. But
now aroso tho perplexing question,
how was she to "detain him?"
"You nre mistaken, sir," she said,
in nnswer to his questions. "There
are no porters here. There is no
hotel nearer than the Pine Barrens,
four miles awuy. Tn.o..ugont is de
tained at home by sickness, and I am
the telegraph operator, on duty in
his absence."
"Can you tell mo," pleaded tho sol
itary passenger, "where I can got a
night's lodging nnd something to
eat? It is' six hours since we left the
supper station, nndlnmjuBtrccover
ing from a Biege of malarial fever.
Surely there must bo somo ono
around here who could act as my
"There is no ono here but me,"
said Miss Bnrlow, locking tho cash
drawer and prepnring to extinguish
the ono reflector lump that glowed
abovo tho now nrrivnl's hend. But
if you choose to go homo with mo I
dnro say my mother will givo you
some supper nnd a bed. Our houso
is the nenrest to this place. And to
morrow" with a somewhat signifi
cant pauBe "you can begin a now
"I am awfully obliged to you, "said
the gentleman, jumping up with alac
rity. "But how mnny careers per
week do these westerners count upon?
I'vo no objection, for my part, to
tho old ono continued."
Miss Burlow's face remained inexo
rably grave. Sho considered it no
part of her duty to countennnco flip
pancy like thic. Sho locked tho sta
tion and hung the key on its hooked
nnil close within tho latticed case
ment outside, where winds could not
hu.l it away nor storms disturb it,
before ehe snid, quietly, "This way,
please. Tho lantern will light you
sufficiently if you are a little careful;
otheswise you will find the way rath
er steep and nnrrow down the hill.
You arc perhaps unaware that a tel
egram describing your personnl ap
pearance has just como in from tho
White Peak office?"
"A telegraml By Jove, the whole
thing is out, then?"
"Yes," responded the telegraph op
erator, "the whole thing is out. Your
coniecturo is quite correct."
"Does I beg your pardon, but this
is a matter of importance to me
does any one know it besides 3'our
self?" "No,"
"I may depend on you?" with im
ploring emplinsis.
"Yes. you may depend on mo."
"Thnnks, awfully!' declared tho
stranger, with fervor. "You 6ee, it
makes it very unpleasant to have
those things talked about."
"So I should imagine."
A tirief silence ensued. Eunice was
wondering how her strnngo compan
ion could speak so coolly of "tlicso
"Wus he utterly dead to all shame?"
she thought. The strange compan
ion, in tho meantime, was secretly
marveling nt the enso and lightness
with which this extraordinary girl
stepped out through the snowdrift.
"A perfect Amnion," he said to
himself, "and a pretty one, too. Why
doesn't she keep talking? I like tho
timbre of her voice, it's a regular
"It seems to me," observed the
young man, nftcranother interval of
silence, during which the crunching
of their feet in tho snow and the per
sistent howling of the wind was all
that broke the spell "that they put a
great deal of responsibility on young
women in this part, ol tho'world."
"A good deal of it is forced upon
them, nnd n good deal the3' assume
themselves," said Eunice Barlow,
composedly. "I am willing to admit
that I havo taken a heavy respon
sibility on myself to-night. Under
stand," added Miss Bnrlow, "that if
I take you homo to-night and shelter
you, I must havo your promises "
"The new career question again!
I'm blessed if I know what all this
means," gasped the solitary passen
ger. "Equivocation is entirely useless,"
said, Eunice, severely. "You know per
fectly well whntlmenn. Ihavegiven
you a chance for freedom; for what is
still better, fame and character. See
to it that this chance does not pass
"Mad!" muttered tho stranger to
himself; "very mad! Entirely a hope
less case. I should say. I wonder if
there really wub a telegram, or if that
is merely part of hpr brain disorder?
I wonder if I'd better keep on with
her, nobody knows whither, or cut
and run for it, snow storm and nil?"
"You have basely absconded with
your employers' money," snid Eunice,
with the freezing sternness of idealized
justice, "in other words, you ore a
bonk defalcator."
"Oh, come, now; won't you givo a
fellow a chance?" uttered her com
panion. "As the school' books say,
'Strike, but hear.' I've nobody's
monoy but my own, and none too
much of that. I don'tknow anything
about vour banks nor their defal
cators. I'vo been only two weeiCS it:
your country and I think it is
tho snowiest climate going. My
name is Ernest TinBnllon, and I was
to havo been met at the station by
Col. Copley of tho 400th cavalry."
Eunice Barlow gave a little shriek
of amazement. "Sir Ernest Tinsnl
lon!" she cried. "The Englishman
who was coming out here to hunt
buffalo and follow up tho line of tho
Pino river? But you have alighted
at tho wrong station, you should
have stopped at tho Pino Barracks,
seven miles from here."
"I henrd the conductor bawl out
something about pino of one sort or
another," snid tho youug Briton. "I
was dead asleep, nnd did not stop to
discriminate, and I scrambled off.
So I've mado n mistnko, hovo I? But
all tho Bume, it's awfully good of you
to offer to conduct mo to a plnco of
christian shelter."
"And I have mado n mistake, too,"
said Eunice with a gaBp. "Just be
foro your train came in there woh a
message to Big Pino station
a message to detain a bank rob
ber who "wis Baid to be on tho
train. l was all alone", but' 1 could
havo locked him into tho tickot of
fice perfectly snfo. Wo western girls
are prepared for any cmergoucy"
(with eomo prido). "But 1 was
sorry for you, you looked so young
and innocent; and I determined to
give you ono moro chance."
"For a new coreor," interrupted
tho stranger, with nguet ol lnugntor.
"Tho key to tho puzzlo! 1 bco it all
now. "Don't you know I was bo
ginning so think you must bo a luna
tic. And how disagreenbly near I
camo to being locked up. after all!
and the bank fellow, whoever he is,
seems to have got off 6cott fiee.
Benlly, now, if ever a man had a
genuine guardian angel, you nro tho
ono," ho added, ns Eunice led tho
wny into a pretty little sitting room,
all aglow with red carpet and cur
tiuiiB. where a fire of logs burned on
tho open honrth and a cozy meal wub
spread on tho table.
Sir Ernest Tinsallon slept in tho
spare chamber that night, woscollcd
by starlight, and breakfast nt 0
o'clock the next morning with tho
telegraph operator and her mother.
nnd aftcrwardB accompanied her to
tho Big Pino station, plunging
through white innBBes of bhow drifts
und sliding, schoolboy fashion,
across tho mirror-like surface of frozen
brooks. Mr. Pettyclovo was thoro
with his faco tied up in a spotted silk
handkerchief. Thero were nlsoBover
al tolcgraniB awaiting tho hand of
the operator. Ono wns from tho
chief police at White Park, stating
ruther lato, perhaps that the bank
defaulter lmd at tho 11th
hour, and on tho very step, so to
speak, of tho trnin, surrendered him
self to the local authorities. There
waB another from Col. Copley, of the
400th cuvulry, inquiring if anything
had been hoard at Big Pino station1
of tho missing English baronet, who
was overJue "at the barracks.
"Only think," suid Miss Barlow,
with a little shiver, "if I hod locked
you up in the tickot offlco what
would Col. Copley have said?'
"That, under the circumstances,
you hod done no more than your
country expected of you," returned
Sir Ernest. "But, I Bay, all this
'thing wu3 awfully plucky of you, Miss
Barlow. I don't know of un English
girl that would have had thocouroge
to go through with it."
Eunice smiled a littlo. "Ilero is
your truio,.Sir Ernest," she said.
"But I haven't thanked you halt
rnough." Ho stood holding both
her hands, his fresh English faco ull
pogerness. "It is quite unnecessary
to sa3' n.V more, observed Miss
Bnrlow, quietly. "Thero is tho tele
graph. 1 urn wanted nt my post of
duty now. Good-bye, Sir Ernest. I
wish you a very pleasant journey."
Sir Ernest Tinsallon went on his
way into the blue, glittering cold of
thut peerless winter morning, with
tho pine trees looking like Druids clad
in ermino robes, and the plains all
Bheeted in level pearls, and Eunice Bur
low never saw him more. No, he did
not come back to woo und wed her,
ns tho hero of an orthodox love
tule should have dooo. Ho could
not, heing nlreudy engaged to
another young wilmon in England.
But ho sent a superb hamper of gamo
to Miss Barlow, in caro of the tele
graph operator at Big Pino station;
nnd at mnny an English dinner table
afterward ho told tho story of his
midnight adventure in tho wild west.
"Tho prettiest girl you over saw,
by Jove!" reiterated, in thatenrnest
way of his, "and the pluckiest! Joan
of Are wns nothing to hor. I dream
ed of her for a week afterwards, witli
her swinging lantern and those great
gruy eyes of hers, and tho pretty
littlo speches about 'turning over a
new leaf that sho mado to me. Yes,
1 did; nnd I'm not nshnmed to own
it, oven before Lady Tinsallon here.
Eh Kute?"
And tbo English bride lnughed-hu-moredly,
und observed that "to heur
Sir Ernest talk, tho American girls
must be full-fledged heroines.
"Sho was; I can vouch for that,"
said Sir Ernest. Harper's Bazur.
Spookos and The Picket
For the past Bix weeks public inter
est has been centered on an old house,
two miles south of Mount Colin, Tex
as, which is sold to bo haunted.
About n week ago, it appears from a
dispatch in the St. Louis Globe-Dem
ocrnt, a crowd of peoplo went nt
night to boo his ghostship and met
with quito a laughable adventure.
Ono young man named Bub I)., who
professed no belief In Bpookes, went
ahead of tho crowd, and, after climb
ing up on the top of the house, sat
down, expecting tho advancing crowd
to tnke him for tho ghost. He did
not have long to wait. The crowd
came up and their words sent n thrill
of terror through their bogus ghost,
for a voice was heard saying:
"Why, there's two of 'or: to-night."
Bud looked around, and, sure
enough, therosat by his side n s'unon
puro ghost. It was dressed in long,
flowing robes, not unlike a shroud
for tho dead, nnd its eyes gleamed
liko two coals of firo. To soy that
tho ghost personator was scared
would bo expressingitmildly, for with
ayell that would havo been sufficient
to wuko the dead Bud sprang off the
house, nnd, as ho afterward expressed
it, "hit the ground u-running." The
crowd, thoroughly alarmed nt tho
"ghost's" action, mudo tracks for
Mount Calm, while tho "ghost" beg
ged his friends to wait for him, but
thofnsterhorautho harder tho crowd
ran, nnd wns nt least 200 yards
ahead when it reached Mount Calm.
There wero twenty-two peoplo in the
Terre Haute Kxprvsx: First Trump Bill
rthat would you do H you bud a thousand dol
Second Tramp I'd give you de cold shake.
A Terrible Audience.
Having had a long rest from act
ing, I returned to Mclbourno to play
a Bhort engagement with my formor
pnrtner nt tho Hnymnrkot, and thon
sailed for Von Diomnn's Land, now
called Tasmania. This lovely islnnd
hnil formerly been a convict station,
whero lifo sentenced prisoners fronv
England hud been sent. Thorc was
nt tho time I speak of, and is now, a
most roflned society in Tasmania,
though among tho lower classes
thoro wob a strong flavor of tho con
vict element. I acted "Tho Ticket-ol-Leavo
Man" for tho first time In
Hobnrt Town, nnd thoro wns much
excitement in tho city when tho play
wns announced. -At least ono hun
dred tickot-of-lenvo men were In tho
pit on tho first night of its produc
tion. Beforo thocurtain rose, I look
ed through it at this terrible audi
ence; tho faces in tho pit wero a study.
Men with low foreheads and small,
peering, ferret-looking eyes, some
with flat noses, and square, cruol
juwB, and sinister expressions, leer
ing, low, nnd cunning'; nil wenringa
sullen, dogged look.ns though they
would tear the benches lrom tho pit
nnd gut tho theater of its Bcenery
if ono ol their kind was held up to
public scorn upon tho stage. This
bIiowb tho power of tlio driimn. An
author might writo an article abus
ing them, orau artist pniut a picture
showing up tho hideous deformity of
thoir features nil this they could
bear and even laugh at: but put ono
of their ilk upon tho stage in human
form, surrounded by thoBympnthetic
story of a piny, and they would no
more submit to nn ill-usago of him
than they would to a personal ut
tack upon themselves.
Tho first act of tho piny progressed
with but littlo excitement. These
men seemed to enjov tho humorous
nnd pathetic side of tho story with
great relish; but when I ciuno upon
tho stage in theseeond act, roveallng
tht emaciated features of a returned
convict, with sunken eyes nnd a
closely shaved head, thero wus a
painful stillness in the house. Tho
whole pitseemed to lenn forward and
strain theireagereyesupon thescenej
and ub Bob Br'erly revealed to his
sweetheart tho "secrets of the prison
house," there wero littlo murmurs ol
recognition and shakings of the hend,
us though they fully recognized tho
locnl allusions thnt they so well re
membered; deep-dawn sighs for
tho sufferings that Bob had
gone through, and littlo smoth
jred laughs at somo of tho old,
well-remembered inconveniences of
prison life; but then, Bob was n hero,
and their sympathies were caught by
tho nobleness of his chnracter and
his innocence of crime, ns though
?ach ono of these villains recognized
how persecuted he nnd Bobhnd been.
As tho piny progressed, their en
thusiasm incrensed. AVhenover Bob
was hounded by a detective, or ill
trented by tho old Jew, they would
howl their indignation at tho actors;
and when hu emtio out unscathed at
tho end of the play a monument of
perfect innocence, they cheered to tho
very echo. Thia performance ren
dered mo extremely popular with
3omo of the old "lags" of Hobnrt
Town; nnd I wns often nreosted on
tho street by theso worthies and told
some touching tale of their early per
secutions. In fact they quito looked
on mo as nn old "pal." These courte
sies were very flattering, but tho
inconvenience that 1 was caused by
being poked in tho ribs and winked
nt now und then, as much us to say,
"All right, old boy, we know, you' vo
been there," rendered my favoritism
among these fellows rnther irksome.
Joseph Jefferson, in The Century.
Couldn't Blow It Out.
Ono of tho young men from Colum
bia, Mo., here attending tho intercol-
legiate oratorical contest, remnined
over in the city lost night, says the
Kansas City Times. He stopped nt
theCentropolis Hotel, retiring about
10. Atmidnight tho hnll-mnn noted
a peculiar odor, as if from burning
cloth. Together with th night clork
nndn police officer he made an exam
ination, and finally located it in the
room of tlio young collegian. After
fivo minutes of hnmmering on tho
young fellow's door he was brought
to his feet. Ho made his appearance
to tho searchers in a half-dozed sort
of a way, wanted to know what was
tho matter.
As soon ns the night clerk entered
tho room he saw the cause of tho
trouble. The young man had wrap
ped a thin towel around the incande
scent electric light globe, and ic had
become scorched.
"What on enrth," exclaimed tho
night clerk, "do you mean by this?"
"The light hurt my eyes ami I
wanted to hide it," explained the
young fellow.
"Why didn't you put it out then,"
"Well," he said, in nn npologetic
fashion, "I blew and on tho thing till
I thought I'd go to pieces, nnd then
I guvo it Up."
Forgot His Sweethearts' Name.
Bother n singular thing occurred
at tho county clerk's ofHco a day or
so ago. A young fellow ctme in nnd
got a license to marry a young dnm
sel und departed after going through
tho necessary preliminaries. Ho had
been gone about on hour or so when
ho returned in great haste and con
fusion und snid ho had made n mis
tnko in tho nnmo and was thinking
of another girl at tho time he gotthe
license. Their first names were tho
same, but their last names were un
like as they could be. The numo wob
corrected ond the absent minded
swain departed. Des Moines Leader.
A Gratoful Loglolator.
From the Now York Stnr.
It is related of ono of tho mostrug
god of tho rural Empire Stato sena
tors that ho wns in New York City on
Saturday with his wife, shopping,
no did not like tho business, nnd ho
stood outsldo on tho sidowolk whilo
his Bpouso lolBUroly turned over ull
sorts of wares in ono of tho biggest
dry-good stores. As ubuqI sho lin
gored, and he grow more and more
impatient and angry. He walked
up nnd down in front of tho store,
nnd began to swear to himself.
Presently a Btnlwart policeman laid
his hand on his shoulder. "Seo here,
my man," said the officer, "you'd
better move on. "I'vo got my eyo
on you."
"What for?" asked tho Senator.
"Don't bandy nny questions,"
Bald tho oflicer. "You nro a suspi
cious character; that'senough."
"I?" cried tho senator, hi nmnze-
ment, "1? Why, 1 am sonntor ,
of County, nnd hero aro my cre
dentials," and ho pulled out a bunch
of lottors and pusses with his nnmo
on , them. "And my wlfo is in thero
shopping, nnd I nm waiting forher."
Tho oflicer saw nt onca that ho
was wrong, and was furthor convinc
ed when tho senator's wilo came out
and addressed him by nnmo.
"1 seo that I was mistaken," Bnid
tho officer, in npology, "and I hope
you will excuse me. I did not know
you, or of courso I would not havo
applied such an epithet to you."
"You think I am not a suspicious
"Certainly not."
"I'm glnd of it," said thoBomrtor,
with a burst of gratitude. "Thnt's
tho first tribute to my honesty that
I'vo got since I entorod tho Lcgisln
turo, Bix ysara ago."
Tho Doctor and tho Beauty.
on Fifth avenuo, New York, prides
himself, says a Boston Herald corres
pondent, upon the favor with which
ho Ih regarded by woman. In this
respect ho Is decidedly unndmirahlo,
but his skill ns n physician enables
him to rank high in his profession
despite his conceit. Tho other day
he received a summons to call on a
young woman famed for her boauty.
Sho was n new patient for him, and,
ns ho arranged his cravat with nxtra
irecisionbeforoentoring his carriage,
10 fanciod himself on tho brink of an
unusual conquest. Benching tho
house, ho was shown into tho recep
tion room, where, a moment later,
ho was joined by tho beautiful girl
whom ho hud been called to attend.
"Ahl" exclaimed he, rising to greet
her, "you aro not, thon, ill enough to
bo in bed."
"Oh! I am not ill at all," cried tho
"Some other momber of tlio family?"
asked tho doctor, rather disappoint
ed. "Well," said tho young girl, "wo
call him ono of tho family. You see,
it is my littlo fox terrier, 'Dixie.' lie
has u boncin his throat, nnd 1 thought
you might bo able to remove it.1'
With freezing dignity tho doctor
got out of the liouso ns quickly as ho
"Hehnd expressed a desiro to meet
me," said the beauty, speaking of the
matter afterward to a friend, "ontl
he did bo in n very insulting way. I
was told of it, and I decided to givo
him nn opportunity to form my ac
quaintance." How the Typewriter was In
vented. In connection with a friend, Sam
uel W. Soule, a printer nnd inventor,
0. L. Sholes wob engaged in Milwau
kee during tho winter of 1800 nnd
18G7 in devcloqing a machine for
printing tho numbers of pnges on
tho leaves of blank books, after tho
books wero bound, and for printing
tho serial numbers on bank notes.
Carlos Gliddun, a friend of Sholes
with un inventive fancy, took great
interest in the paging machine and
naked why a similar contrivance
could not lie mado that would writo
letters nnd words instead of figures
and numbers. The three men work
ed together upon this idea, but Sholes
evolved tho mnin pnrt of tho ma
chine. Ho suggested pivotedtypes
Bet in a circle. Tho principal con
tribution of .Mr. Gliddou was his sug
gestion thnt such a mnchino ought
to be made. In September, 18(57. a
machine wa3 finished and letters
written with it. Tho invention wns
far from being a perfect writing ma
chine, but ono of tho letters, sent to
James Dinsmore, of Meadville, Pn
so interested him that ho offered to
pay all the expenses up to date for a
one-fourth interest. His offer was
accepted. Soule and Glidden subse
quently dropped out, leaving Sholes
and Dinsmore solo proprietors.
Knnsus City Stnr.
Economy of Heat and Fuel.
Trom the New York Commerclnl Adrtrtixer.
Recognizing the fact that scarcely
moro thun 15 per cent, of the theo
retical power of cool used under or
dinary boilers is recoyered in tho
steam engine, nud that quite 85 goes
to waste in the shapo of smoko and
gas and escaping heat, a big mnnu
incturing firm nro training thoir firo
mnn to use fuel In tho most advan
tageous way, spreading a thin layer
when it is needed, and avoiding chok
ing and smothering, by which fires
faro cooled rather than intensified,
and fuel grievously wasted. The
firm havo arranged to reward the
man who saves tho most fuel, and
supply tho place of those who shovel
Haro, tho Hihwaymar.
Hnro wns the Dick Turpln of tax
dny nnd nn nssocinto of Murrcll and
Mnson.tho Mississippi bandits. The
principal interest attached to his ca
reer was hla connection with thenltrg
edplot to kidnap President Madison
nnd deliver him over to Admiral
Cockburn, tho commnndcr of tho
British fleet. When in August, 1814,
tho British, under Gen. Boss, enteral
Wnshlngton nnd burned tho cnpitol
nnd most of tho public buildings, it
wob evident that they must havo
been guided by men who knew tho
country well.
Hare wan a Boldicr in the American
army, ami had been released from
jail to enlist in tho service. In tho
sumo compnny wns nn Irishman
named Farrcn, who was n British
deserter. He sounded Hnro ns to
tho possibility of seizing the president
anil taking him down tho Potomac
to tho English fleet.
Two other men were to bo secured
nnd the project carried out. Fnrrrn
wanted money, and to get it under
took to rob a man on tlio road near
Washington, bat his intended victim
wna n powerful, resolute fellow, nnd
shot Fnrren, who died the following
day. Hehad always claimed to Hnro
that he had been offered n thousand
pounds for securing the president,
and that Gen. Bosh was in tbo
Hearing of Fnrren'a mishap, Hnro
got apprehotiBive that the Irishman
had betrayed him, bo he stole his
captnin's horse nnd escaped to Balti
more. After a reckless career in com
pany with bis young brother Louis
und a well known criminal nnmrd
Alexander, ho stopped tho mnil ut
Havro do Grace mm got $111,700 in
specie ond notes. Tho entire pnrty
wero enptured in Hunt's clothing
storo in Bnltlmoro tho next day.
Alexander nnd Haro wcrohnngnl,
and tho brother was given a ton year
sentence. Philadelphia. Times.
i i
Guarded by Their Subjects,
Ono often sees on tho streets op
Athens a pleasant looking couple
walking arm in nrm. Thoy nro not
past middlo age. nnd havo tho nlrot
peoplo whoso debts nro paid, who?c
consciences are clear and whoso di- -geBtions
nro always good. Thoy tiro
dressed inordinarycitizen'sgnrb. 1b
Bidctho collar of his coat is tho trade
mark ofa famous London tailor, nnd
the bill for her quiet but stylish walk
ing gown bears tho imprint of n Paris
Thoy olvvnysBeem to bo sightseeing,
gazing into shop windows, looking
into new buildings, observing- tho
throngs of passers by, or, wlien nil
clso fails, admiring tho blue Bkios mid
bright sunshine of tho City of tho Vi
olet Crown. No regnlln glitter oh
them. They make their wu.v through
tho crowd, jostling nnd bping jostled
with unfailing good humor. Some
times thoy may Ik? seen standing oh
tho curb or on somo houso step, wait
ing to see a procession puss by or
watching nn illumination or other
public pageant.
Again, the gentlemnn muy lo seen
ridingon horseback nlonoornttendtMl
by a comrade, but in civilian dress;
orthehidymnylwsoen on the prome
nade, escorting or boing escortrtl by
n lingo Danish dog. But one notices
thnta great mnny peoplo and nil "tho
officers nnd soldiers solute them with
precise courtesy, and from this rir
cumstnnco the conclusion is at Inst
reached that they must bo people of
considerable importance. Thoyntv,
in fact, tho king nnd queen of Greece.
Chicago Herald.
Not a Biped.
Tho burning of tho Whlttier school
building, nt Fortress Monroe, nsbort
time since, recalls to mind nn atuns"
ing incident which occurred thero
about the close of tho war, snystue
Now York Tribune. At that time
thero was a mania nmong colond
people for education, nnd the school
was mado up of nil soxes und ages.
At tho ond of a year an exhibition
was given to show whntprogresshud
been made, to which a number of
prominent people wero invited. The
teacher said that il unv person in tho
audience wished to nsk tho students
any questions they could do so. A.
strapping big fellow who wore only
a shirt, trousers, nnd apnir ofgovern
ment shoes, wns cnlled on to rend.
He got along very well until he reach
ed the word "biped." Here a gentle
mnn in the nudionco interrupted, when
the following dialogue occurred:
"My man, what is tho meaning of
the word biped?"
"A biped is a beast."
"Why is a beust a biped?'
"Because it has four feet."'
"Are you a biped?"
"No, sir." a
"Why?" '
"Becouso I hasn't got four feet."
"What nro vou thon?"
"I'se a cupe'd." '
Tlio shout of laughter which greet
ed this almost broko up the exhibi
tion. ! I
An Irreverent Subject;
That wtis a queor oxperionco which
Queen Victoria underwent recently
ns she wus being driven from tie
railway station to Windsor castle.
An olderly female broko through the
police cordon nnd rushed after', tho
roynl carriage shrieking out that
she "must 6peak to tbo old woman."
The unfortunate stranger wus ar
rested nnd locked up on a clinrgo ol
intoxication, but her majesty'snerres
received a shock from which they did
not recover for at least twenty-four