I;! . .! in $ It i y m 5 ! ; -4 ?U!? lon INSOMNIA. SmMC Rule TTIiJch Ur T.mmI to H Good HttCUtV- lie. 1. Rise in,tapJ,tln:a in tho morning. 2. Tata madjf.ia5.tc excrclso (without fatigue) and tx if tidejt In tho opon hlr afl possible during t Up day. 8. Avoid heavy racaroj , rich dishes, strong ten, or coteo and nlcohollc drink. especially toward: night, 4. Eat only plain.. wcH-cooked food; n iinatr proportion of meni, .with abund- ' nce o'f vegetables, Trull" dtpo or stewod), whato meal bread, etc, and drink "Water or lciuonadd (mado from fresh fruit) at dinner. ' ,-' 5. Q4 to rest In good tltAe,, for over tired nerves and eyes nru n frequent cause of sleeplessness. ? 6. HaYo no light In 'Xh$ bedroom, which uhpuld be na quiet" and dark aa 1 possible. 7. Tha bedroom must bo well venti lated. This can easllybd done by open-1 ing uio top aaan 01 mo wiuuow an mcu or more, go 03 to allow the escape of impiinTalr, whllo tsk nlr enters bo tweon the- two Rlaastea at tho center of ' tho widow. A llgliftcurtaln over the window Ill prevent' all draught to tho alccper. ' 8. The clothing Ehould bo entirely! woolen; no heavy cotton ovcrlld, but an eiderdown oullt must .bo uaed, And tho warmth must bn fUffldent, bu't'oril no account excessive,- cwtouujt rujjuii.- lng tho amount of bljinkcta according to tho temperature. 0. No heavy meal rhdst bo taken within two hourp of retiring, but a cup of warmfallk, boup or light farlnaceoua food (with milk) should ba drunk tho last thing before going to slctjp. 10. Whoji sleeplessness js clihmle a thorough toweling (flrEt with ,h wot ' nwi rbnn SaUh n rlrv one. Uslni tCOlJ or cold water) will tot tho action pkUi'o' akin and the circulation rightand do relievo tlifc overcharged bloojl vessels of tho bralp. A soft hot water bottle to tho feet will sometimes have tho aamo effect 1 tho foot must not, on any uccount, bo allowed to1 remain cold. 11. All exciting Bubjocts Bhould be avoided as much aa possible. 12. Keep a clear conscience and don't worry, even though "nature'B sweet rc- ' Etorer, balmy sleep," should refuse at llrat to he wooed, for It takea time, as woiraa.nhtlence, not only to eradicate a.mlBcfilevodfl'mtblt, but to form a good one. Chicago Chronicle Tha American flirt. ' Shall I dare to express ray whole Idea? Tho aevere education that the American girl receives agrees espcclal- ly with, those who afterward choose ,cllb&ay; Tho singly woman in tno United States 1b Infinitely superior to her European alstar;' free from tbo fct- '. tors that often ranko the French old maid so pitiable) nnd ridiculous, she docs not, llke-'tijc latter, expect to gain liberty by marriage on the contrary, by marriage he would lose that per fect lndepaiutence which allows her to cultivate Kv-roel'f raoro nnd more, to rise ato u hif&ci fiphero than t)iat of tho raHyand even of the ordinary Boclal 'iarVJlo; by concccrating hersolf to works of universal Interest. Her Intercourse with men, fr'oed from tho childishness . of Mrtatjijp., boars a stamp 0 t, quietness and freedom which allows ,' real and neriouo j'nllmaclcs that no criticism ' could -'UBsall. One cces no blttorness, no regrets. Her lot Is too beautiful, her lfe too full, In splto. of tho natural oitiaracuons renouncea nay, iiermtpa ani acount of that- tcnu'nciatlon. Let there be, however, no misunderstand ing. If it secmc iridJspcnEablo to mo r that the wonlnn who, for some good reason or other, .'does, not marry, should find samo Sphere,' for her activity, I 'uovorely'blamo tiio nympathotlc Bcorn of marrlago tVat cornea to many young Americana who are ambitious to do eomethlng5,' to distinguish theraselvt& 'in a career and to cacapo from the common ways. With theso pretended Vocations there is often mixed a child ish vanity, a morbid Idea of creating ' a aenBallon, of Blngllng ojio'b aelf out, nd obotacles are most ukcuI In prov- tEB tbolr real value. Tho Forum. ' l i 01"rt llonro In thfi Unttrit Ktnti. "6r., CarVer,; of St. Augustltif , Fla., Is aald to llvcln the oldest house In the tlnltcd States. The house was built In XuG2, nnd was occupied by. Spanish monks befo'rp St, Augustine was found d. In the house Df. Cnn-er has aur 'roundod himself with a collection of nttqultites connected with the history of Florida and tho Spanish, who onco ruled it, that 13 of Itself a veritable mu "aeuin. Dr. Cfirvcr'B collection of curi osities contains relics connected with tho first Spanish settlers that date buck into Moorish history one thousand years ago. And, by Way of proving that thero Is nothing new under tho aun tho fam ous ntckel-ln-tho-ulot macaine has a 'progenitor In Dr. Carver's; collection. It is a slot machine uced In the foro part of this century to deliver packages of tobbaco by dropping an old-fashlcned pig copper qent in tho Blot. ' W'hera Kins Are Rorlftil, All tho members of the royal family of England who hivo died during the cenjury are burled at "Windsor, with tho exception of six, the Duke of Sussex ind his sister, the Princess Sophia, were 'hurled Id Kendal Grocn cemetery, in accordance with thoir explicit orders -Tho duke and duchc3B of Cambridge ero Interred at Kow. "Princess 'Alex ander of "Vale-3 was burledvat Sandring- ham. The1 remains of the Grand Oucbess Alfce of Hesso arp in tha vault of her husband's family, near parrcstadt. flat Slnney noon. ' It is stated thut tho copper used In coining pennies at tho Philadelphia jailnt coats ,17 cents a pound undur a contract made in 1890, while the prcs feat price is less than 10 centa - pound. gfg 4&it& Auqcfcxie RHf3s6 fc-Btber or "Uttlw Votcn, Wrote, that ITotnru JfcwU n Itllalotu letters written nt latcrvala during tho last few years of Ixm.'.s M. Atcott'a Ufa to nvo "Ilttlo girl friends edited by Edward W. Bok, are pr.ntod.'for the Prst time. In- Ladles' Home Journal. Tho nuthor Of "Llttlo Women" In thcao letters chats with dcl!g!Hful freedom about her work, her cares, her early struggles nnd-Inflnvrea. and of her religious faith, Itf yr tl g to one df Lir "Ilttlo girla'' wh4 bad Just lost a jlstcr one of the five correspondents of earlier yearn Mlaa' Alf-ott says with characteristic charmi and loving can dor: ." I thj&ft you need not worry about any uapic for your faith,, but simply try to.'uo and do good, to love vlrtuo In others, nnd study tho llvas at those who are truly worthy of .Itnfta' tlon. Women need n religion of tlielr own, for they nro called upon to lead a quiet, self-sacrificing life wltli.pb.cul lar trla8, neods and Joys, and1 ft seems to my-that a very simple ynb fs'llUed to ifa' whose hearts are naiidlly mor(' allvo than heads, and whose, hands' arc tied In many wn;s. Health of boly helps health of soul; cheerful views of all things keep up tho courago and hraco tho ncrvos. AVork for the mind LmiiRt bo had, or dally duty becomes drudgery, and the power to enjoy high er things Is lost Chauge of scene is sometlmos salvation for girls or wom en, who outgrow tho place thej arc born tn, and It is their duty to go away, even if It Is to harder work, fqr hun gry minds prey oa themselves, nnd bodies suffer for escape from n too. pale or narrow life. I have felt this and ofton gono away from Concord to teach which I ncv'fcr liked, because there war no food for1 my mind In that small con servative tc-Vq, especially since Mr Emerson died. Food, flro and shelter are not all that women need, and the noble discontent that risks for more should not be condemned, but helped If possible. At twenty-one 1 took my little 'earnings ($20) nnd a few clothes and wont to seek my fortune, though I might havo sat still and been sup ported by rich friends. All those hard years were teaching me what 1 after ward put Into the books, nnd so 1 made my fortune out of my BRqmlng mlsfor tune. I 6peak of myself becauso what ono has lived one really knows and so can speak honestly." Itcvcrnnro for Ilia llllilr. Thera la a sin prcvalpnt In our house holds of which we take little note, which, In fact, we encourago either by an Indifference to It, or by an active partlcfpatloh in Its fplly and wicked ness: tbe use of the Word of God for the purpose of mnk.ng ri'ctUlo3, conundrums, puzzling questions, anagrams, etc., etc., out of it If wo really believe In the DIvino origin of the, iilblo can it be right to give It to children that they may crinntruo Its words Into odd con necuona, anu mare sport ana laugntcr 1 and mental Icgcrtlemn.n from Its pages? I nections, and make Sport and laughter Is It likely thoy will reverence on other occasions what has .previously been food for their amusement?' It Is not and we. need not be j3tontsIicd If the boya and girls who have becn'riprmlttcd to turWthe leaves of, their. Bibles for pastime and entertainment, turn them In-after years to And. pretext for their Infidelity. Amolio E. Barr In Ladies' Hpmo Journal. Krlltrlou l.lhrrtj-. Tho groat triumphant principle ot our American Christianity Is that It is .an Independent, self-supporting, self governing church In a free country, ox tstlng Independently of the church, but at tho same tlmo in perfect harmony and friendly relationship with It Uy our American principle persecution Is mado ltnpos3lblo, because man has re Hglous liberty In tho fullest sense, In thought, speech and action so long as ho dcfeB not Interfere with public peace nnd order. America recogulzcB relig ion aa purely voluntary. Sho accords the enmo freedom to religious liberty that she does to civil liberty, without regard Jo creed, sect or party. Rev. S, N. .Usaher. ' Kirnx IIU Ku.pnrur. German policemen appreciate this leaci majesty busmesp n.bout as thor oughly as unybody, X)no of them ar it? ted an Englishman the other da, foij publicly declaring tho Emperor wau several kludB of a blank biankcd tool "That's all right." protcstod John Bull, "It wasn't your' Emperor, but the Em peror of China, I was talking about!' "That won't go." replied the policeman, "there's only ono Emperor who Is whn,t you saldl" And ho had tho Brit isher lined $1.15 tor describing the Em peror In a way that a fool, though a wayfaring man, might understand. 4' Vnnt Otin Morn Dlvorrr. Married. In 1801 divorced twentyv-fra latof, remarried after seven years' arp ara.ton, Jacob Uoio, ot Sioux City, Iowa, wants another divorce from his wife Bridget. Ho says I1I3 second ex pcrlcnco wao worse than his first, that his wife hf finally deserted him. nnd that he will trouble tho courts no moie " W commodate him Just once o. J ' ltenily tit (In. A printer bo years of ago died the other day In 'Franklin, Ind. Havlne worked at .tne case for over sovontv years, hla.frlsuda have the comfort ot knowing that ho was prepared to die." A WaiMneion Nrsra ptIiiIt. There la a nogro In Washington who malfl8 it spoclBlty of stealing hats, atjd he has hec0 very tspert at the busl- ucca. Too way to make a succsbb of-ooy calling fa' to attend to nothing else -7TT- te"M.m34tf Closing Out Sale of Dlothing ! For the Next THIRTY DAYS I my entire stock oi CLOTHING at the Lowest Possible Prices Eegardless pi pst. vy. K, HERNQALL. -Eye Openers. A now lot of shoes just received by Wric. Hemcall. Wildy's received a now line of clothing. Wlldy has received his first laru invoice of spiuiK goods und clttthlnj. Now lino of carpota nt jloru eiuTd. Ask your grocer for Ankoru coffee and got u silver spoou free Wikly. 8 lbs. of broken Java coffee nt Wildy's for $1. 20 pounds of lnrgu California prunes' at Wildy's for 1. Enstel glasswnro novelties at '' Wildy's. Herncall wants somo dresseil hojjB. :' . ' 20 lbs dried apples for S1.00 nt Wildy's. $ - PADS! PADS! Cull nnd get your sweat pads of H. It. Green . Brown backs at 85 cts each. Phoks of nil kinds, styles nnd prices. Can lit any 'foot and pocket book. WJC. 1IE11NOA.LL. The undersigned will tnko cuttle to herd for tile, season of 1890, at Foskot's ranch. Terms, $1, for sea son, from May 1st to Oct 15tli. E. D. Pikeh. Tartan Imvinu notices in thin column nro ro miOBtiil to n-ail llio nnmu carefully nnd report to UiIb ii1H for corrwtiou any errors that may exist. TIiIh will prevent possible delay in makiux proof. I.andOl!.oe. at Alliance Neb., April 27, 189C. rJotlcniH lutrnby iven that tliu followlng lianied settler ban filed notion of bio Intention to maico fin.il proof in tmpport of bin claim, and that paid proof will be mado before lloU-rt LmraH U. S. CI ('. )ommi(jionrat Hay Spriest, ou Juuotf, IWH1, viz: iiitmns h. wiuoht, of Ha1 HprlnKM. Neb., who tnado II. E. No. Vil for tlio i4. N K!i,N W H. N 13 ! & A 13 ii N W iijitlB. 11 tlrtii n Tg 7 w. Holiamerf the follow inn vrltnnHCK to proro bin continiHMiH ro.ldeiut' upon and cultivation of, Mild land, tIz: William Albriuh, Hani Keniii, tjanif,, riimous, I'.itiH uaruer, au or day BprlviKS, Nub. Alo WII.MAM II. ALT1UIOI1T, of Jlay HprlnKB, Nel., who mart II 13 Ho. HTM, for the WSiSWIji W !i H V U bco. , lp BO n, Xi( 47 w. H namra the foliowfntr WitneniteH to proro bin contimuma reeideiieo upon and cnltiwitlun of, faid land, viz: llrk,-H II Wriiht, llaii Kemp. James rleinmenn, Ellis Uarner. all of .Hay Sprint', Nob. J. W. Wznw, Jr., Ito-Uter Land Ollico at Alllanco. Nob.. April IS. 1600. Notice Ih hereby nlven tliut tho followinK nametl Bottler has filed noticoof Ida intention to make llnal proof m Kiipport of Ida claim and tlist H.-ild proof will 1 mado liefore the HeulHter and llecniver at Alliauro, Nob., ouMaySuth, 1BVM, viz: SOPHIA HEESU, of Hox Pntto. Nob., who mado II K Nc. 2931 for tho 8 Vi U W U ft B Vi NF U (tec 5, tp 2a n. r 17 w. bhe uamen the followlm? witnesnes-lo prove hr continuous Teldenie upon and cultivation oleaid land.vix: W.A. Clark. .. T Cunnintrham Kiinon llollinKer, Jamt8 McC'alte. all of box Ilutte, Neb. J. W. Wbun, Jn., HclBter. Land Ollice at Alliance, Neb.. April. 1MK1. ffotico i lreby uiven that tho following nmod rettler lijH tiled notice of hi intention to n)kelinalproot in support of his 'ulalraand tht taiu proof will he mado before ltet-'ikter or ltutl-her at All ance. Neb , on May IS, WM, viz: JOHN SUliLENHEUCiEIt, ot Mar-iiand, Neb., who made it E :V0 for tbo t) K !i hoo 2, (p'.lln.rutlw, . lit lis men tli followiwr witneRse to proo Ida continuouHresidenco upon owl cultivation of haiiUcnU, vU: J amen IJickey. 8. J.'Wootton, 11. T. U resif, Martin MePhca, all ot Marsland, Neb. ,' Albo JOHN M. TItOUT, Wl&nllffiS iivi, for ,-is. tp -si, m wi, hereby nive . uHmV ?Hy eliiS,1 uAho SSd itT. Ja,iui? fofA'uS'K TtMr!" j-oru, v i.'imm i, i-rotior, neor-ti w. rwo, rnoi l-"u, Nv&. J. W. Win.., u., ItPt.mttr. U H. Uml ouu, AUwuce, Nub.. .irll i, isjo . ''STOliWyi"?'".'. y:liHr: noandouluc lua lioiufsu-aU entry No. ai.s.dat d iu!,U? ffiJSl!r,;f?:i:i!,?irr,r! Vibw iu ihecaiixuiiatlonoi auleutryi li sx Irue art) h-roy huiumoneil to uiu ar at til utlict'ou tlio IJt.i liy o .May liM at W chl a. m., to roHpuud umt lumiau uitauj col, ' cerium falil ailiu-id aliaiuluLim nt. lu The llomiaioni buaui. m u w.ortoda;owii..jin i'liuliraltOii o lii.e uutuie oa til l mad d7 mmmymmmmmmmmm. ,?. I ' ' "1 I "V Trr-i Ik. ,! Wf tiJWWS , j-- C. J. Wildy wants some chick pns. " Kaffir corn for sale at Wildys Best C2real for this country. Now dry floods and shoes, right up to dnte, just received ut Wildys. I want all the drcssnd poultry In the county. W. K. Hekn'CALl. NOTICE IN BUnVICK I1Y PUMjICATION '. J Ilallornn will tako notim tl'at on Uib 23rd tiny of HrclilHl, Jan. It It He-wlt, coun I; iJuiUoof llifx llutto county, Nol)raiKa, iuel hn .order of R'twliiiieiit for tin Bum of i-'.U.I.I, in nn action pcmlihi beforft liim, wherein 0. J Willi? iHplaiiitifTnd J. 1. Hollareu 6rendnut. th.t pnijjertj- of Ot defendant roiifiiBtim of numej' in tin- Hnmjf $:it.72, liait Ikoii attacdeil ilnder naid order. ..Said rau was continued to llmlltlidny of May 1W. at 10 o'clock a.m. liMiiingford, Neb., March ). 1800. V. J. WILDY. - In Uio matter ot the appliratipn of Hoan's x'narmacy. y.o. uwn, manager, ior jxriuu todruf&fotft. Thin fi to certify that rifaii'f Pliarmary, W.J. Ulan, RinnaKor, of the village of HemliiKford, Nebraska, ban filed a ietltion on April 11, I'M, bh required by tho KtatuP-s ot the Slato of Ne braska, nnd the rules of Hie Ixiard of l.niUes of tlio villaneof HpminKford, for a-prmit to nel! liqnors for medicinal, tiipclinnieal and chemical pnrpoHps for tlio coming municipal year in liniuilny eituatiHl on lot 2 iilonk is In xaul vil- laco. W. M. Ioden'1". dirk of tho Hoard of Trnnteon. TUTtLE' & T?AS3I f Attorneys - at Law, HFMINGFOS0. NEBRASKA, The it: Herald p Official UDDty Paper and prints all the nowa. We are prepared to give clubbing rates on any paper you desire. Sub- scrib'o.nbw. .. iHE OMAHA 4- oin ui7Dftin uuy - UDllHUU Edited by Ex-Concrreasiuoa W. xJ. BjYAN 1a the greatest nacspoper ceat of the Missouri Jiioer. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixtoea 10 pno ltg news service Is the) basis o up'obtained. , DaUy, 5o 0U per year; uucenis ..,.,l, Wnnlrltf. 1.00 liar I 1,1 111U11VAV ,,."", i I'-- -T- " , your. Subscriptions for th WORLD-HERALD received at this office KAJWs-m MVg lillSftlU S Carta's, and Trade-Mar k obtained and all Fat- reotbuunetsconuucieaior MootnATC fees. 5ounOrrtciaOworriU,S. PTtNTOrrict ?4nd wocunnccure patent ia leu time tnaa tuo trmfitn mm WatHrntton. I Send model, drawing or ptoto., with dterip-' (Uon. tv advut, l patentaoie or not, ireo 01 (cbarce. Our fee not due tilt patent ! trcurad. I m BuBu,rv " How to Obtain latent!." vlth icett o? lamgm the U. S. aad foreifia countriei J (tent tree, aootc, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. patcnt ornct. WASHtNa-roN, D. C. VVrlrVV1rVVVVVVVVVVn,l -T& vsbst hi. r- - - ' Fvf L4:'-': -" TO CORRECT A NDAR. Dclitme Burrtretttol Mi orroct Our Inaorur.it I.o-o r. Tfte present year Is. f a leap year, says Lor.do' cording to the Gre? r the Julian rule of ij be the last leap ycr ' until tho year ltl 4 ruje, however, tho -g:i a i mnt on the Julian and he average the lent"- y.ear much more w true year. Is not perttv. "ear 13 dropped at tic i ell known .o. anil ac correcting T. It will i yri, ot 'gfirUl i l-upuve !'.rilngon .' crilon lar i. nt of the By fa leap r' tbreo oon turles qut of four, ro il a' -uy year d visible by 100 wi'hoi' r- 1 In not a leap year unless it If .srioby : l.r.p vctr 100: ttjus. 10 0 will no; !000 will pr.d 21 fi v,;it not. A mmrrmmmitmm'im more, nucurnfc rtiio would is1 to drop r You fhay see her tripping demurely leaii'yenr at the erd of '''i v,efw.iv- -dong-jny day during'Iunct hour la ths period of 12S year; and. I: accordance neighborhood -of Cedar Btreet .and with this, a Frcnuh itRttrnomer, M Broadway. Auric, points out that It would be prcf-1 Thh3 is what I saw: fcrable to retain 1900 as n lenp year and I a Jackknlfea cake oviolet-scented drop one In lfl?'. .hl h is a multiph toap.h hag ot klsseoXeandy ones), a box (fifteen tln'tBt n ." ?'nt 1- Vcrl-g to' 0f jamphor pills, a box of (face) pov frequently with f i ISahed calendn er, '& safety revolver (unloaded), a rules Is mu.clv to hr duprecatedi he ug package .of lovo letters, a. .bottle of gests. Ifcereforr. to n':i 'e by the Greg plck'les, a, pair of goloshes, a"llttlo porce oxl3n rule un"l the yfnr 32')fl and drop jnjn teapot, a package of tea, a bos of a fenp yor.r in ;l"M y?r avft every 8u pepsin tablets,, .bottle otollves, a Jar ccedlcg multiple of 3200 (61 -0. OCoO 0f Jam, a box f charcoal tablets, a copy etc,), which would be leap yean of "Carmen' with a newspaper criti ac.cordlng to Greg-ran rule. Strictly cam 0 a well-known actrtsa'.klss ,a a speaking, every Interval of 12S r.arp book-marker, a Fronch tramiiiaV, a dlc stould contain 31 blssertlle leap years tionary, a halj-crlmper", an old shoe, a Instead of tho 32 which It would by the ar 0f cold cream, a box of scented writ--Julio.i rule, making every fou th vein -jjg paper, a pair of ek'rttea, a pair of a leap year. Now, 25 times 12S amounts otockjngs. an opera bonnet, a bottle c.t to 3.200. which number of years should tonic, a hundred other things and ti therefore contain 25 fewer leap years bottio of whisky. than they would by the Julian rule; l,e i 775 instead of 800. The Gregorian rule puta 97 leari years Ip 400 years (three fewer than the Juljan). and therelore 776 In 3,200 years, which Is one too many. The suggeatlon. then,, appears to be a good ono. but It obviously will not be poslsble for this generation (or many future generations) to decide up on Us adoption' For tho present we will condole with thoso who shall bt born on the 29th of February noxt on their having no birthday for ilght years, as there will be no other 29th of February until 1904, except In Ilussia. which still adheres to the Julian calen dar. Fntnlltt-! from l.lghtnlnc. Dan.ago by lightning Is unmistakably Increasing, according to the director of tho statistical offlco of Berlin. Various causes are assigned, such ae tho cm ploymcnV of electricity In various .In dustries, the continual change of form of the earth's surface by deforestation, drainage, etc.. and the Inlpuritie in troduced Into tho atmosphere by tbo m,imlni'roniiiiinntton of coal Prores or Von' Bezold some time ago show.J .,. rnr navnrln thft Area due tO Ilgfit nlng Increased from a yearly avoiane of thirty-two in 1833 to 1813 to one hun dred and tblrty-two In 1830 to 18S2 while the number of persons struck 1 lightning and thoo. K.llai io.' u one hundred and ibtity-fo.n and at tv.thrpt- rpsnectivclv In 11 -J to hundred ana .ig..tj -.. dred jrid slxti-one In I An estlng fact noted Is that persons, g eraly struck percelvo;nelther llgutn; nor thunder, but lec'ive the imp, . of beli,g enveloped, by fire- i u Opinion. ; A corr-jpotioui v ''e . Standard kuji o. ta -ai.. . ' soluul rtv .- c ' peopit und t:. .,vw uad his i.ii.t - . ' ' ' 'i his pet u. i;UJ3!.it.y.i.$t MldajB wbeu ,lfcv 4 v',t5.l his favorite vrX&i $-0r "I41 his court .i . " inu s. I harem L 1. .M.V. L,.d." PAF-tAStt OOWRtESu am Endlcotftf Ultfoyrt'rltCHt, ChttU at Wnen. . , When Alia? Endicott married Mr. Jo poph Chamberlain aha carried with hei to' her English homo many chests of household linen, says Dcmorott Maga xjti. These wero far more precious in hei cyce than her boxes of Paris gowns, and well they might be, for. beslaes tht beautiful products ot modern looms em brolderod with intricate monograms by skillful French fingers, eha bad treas ures creamy In tlnttnd soft with age, heirlooms from tho days df her Salem anteators, when spinning, though a needful art, was the occupation of femi nine leisure, the employment -of the rich and tho poor, In th Intervals of more Important business and In" the long nights of winter. The distaff waa ' then, llkothc cmbroldorlng-of soft cush ions, table centers and dollies, of our day, a remedy against idleness. A fresh charming fashion is5 tho gift of a quaint chest of drawers, called a "trous seau chest," from the mother to her en gaged daughter soon after the ring hau been given by her fiance. It serves ilii earliest duty as the repository of tho congratulatory offerings , from girt friends the teaclolhs and chocolate napkins which havo run jto earth the overworked "engagement teacup." Tho chests, made of black old, Dutch oak, are most suggestive of th Hollander', love ot table linen, and are: supposed to Inspire most enthusiasm in making the collection. And no table linen can bo 'better of Its kind than tits old, heavy, Dutch linen, with odd figures worked in a shade of white that 3hows only In cer tain llghtB. This Is still manufactured, but It Is difficult to find la this country, as Importers seem to prefer the ex tremely fine, silky French or Irish pro ductlons. THE PRETTY STENOGRAPHER. A Partial LUt of tho Article Kept la tier Iek. Should tho X rays be thrown upon the desfc of tho average pretty stenog rapher it would reveal a. condition of things quite In keeping wth tho small boys'8 Jocket, only for variety nnd uniqueness know that tho deok woiild .far outrival tho pockcSt, says tho New- York World. ; I didn't havo X rays, but. I got a gllmpso, nevertheless, lnsl'de of one ot theso dakB tho other day.' Tho owner Is young and fair and daintily formed. with big, saucy, blue-gray eyes that' i00k coquettlshly over tho rim of a pair 0f extremely becoming ; ,yeglasss. The Evolution of Revelation. Mr. D. H. Perry, In writing the story of Waterloo for CaascH'a "Battles ot the N'lneteenth Ceutury gives an in teresting series of quotations from the Monlteur, announcing the escape ot Napoleon from his first exile in Elba, and his advance on Paris. Tho evolur tlon of phrases Is amusing from "can nibal" to "usurper," from "usurper" to "his Imperial majesty:" -Tho cannibal has left his den. The Corslcan wolf has landed In tho Bay of San J.uan. The tiger kaa arrived at Gay. Tho wretch opent tho. night at Gre noblo. ; .' . Tho tyrant haa arrived at Lyons. The usurper has ben seen within fifty mlleB of Paris. Buonaparte Is advancing with great rapidity, but he will, hot set his toot inaldo the walls of Paris. To-morrow Napoleon will bo at our. gates! ' Tho emperor hao nrrlved at Foun-, talneblcau. : v His imperial Majesty Napoleon en-. tered Paris yesterday, sururounded by -- "-J" "UOJOCUJ, Mn and Tba'lr Hat. "Well, well," remarked a leading, hatter tho other day? "everybody has' smiled at the vanity of women as the? take long and fond glances at their re flections In the"stora''.' windows, but woman Is not a marker tor the ordinary man. The uglier a man is the longer' It takes him to suit hljbsolf with a hat and the oftener does bo look Into tkt glass whllo .buying one. I have an un usually unprepossessing customer, who would exhaust the patience of Job. He came Into tho storo the day after the spring styles arrived and consumed it.v. hburs and ten minutes in getting a hn that pleased him. Tho next day ho rr turnod the hat and had one made to order. The moo is eo ugly that nothls could improve bis took but ft sllr"r Philadelphia U?cord. - ' tltlU-lotu Ivnoranoa, I have no patience with the Chrl, tlan ignoramus. A man haa nons ense for being lguorant of the lf.j If ho can lead he carknow tho p.hli. and not be humbugged by eve?tv tf of silly doctrine that may be piit. It ia a shame that trtry dorlrii dor the aun haa its followers, s&it. .. because of the Ignorance of Its uU i .iW -5ev. Paul Whitehead. y. j A t S 31 V-X mk r. , . ii 'li'i'w i-