if i I w . HL J Holler Skating In Popular. At tlio recent cycle show In Paris, as well ns at Stanley show, In London, iv now kind of roller skates for street and rood use were exhibited, which is pot tlnjr very popular in both countries, lhey have the shape of ordinary skntcs, out in the place of steel runners there are two runners provided, which nre covered with rubber tires. For practi cal use on ordinary roadb they are. ex cellent, and their weight is about threo pounds apiece. A pood roller skater can move surprisingly fast upon these skates, and, by placing one foot across the rear of the other he can stop nlmost instantaneonsly. The- London and l'arls streets arc already alivo with skaters using tho new roller skates, which arc becoming more popular every day. Sir Edward Thornton was Hritish ambassador to Russia at the time of the coronation of Alexander 111., hav ing formally represented his govern ment nt Washington for years. Ills daughter, Miss Alary Grace Thornton, contributes to The Century for May her journal describing "Tho Crowning of a Czar." Tho Illustrations of tho article are from the ofllcial record which was Issued by the Russian government Miss Thornton says that the most imposing momont of the entire coronation was when the Czar alone stood in tho vast cathedral at Moscow, and all tho rest within tho edifice and all without as far as the oyo could see, knelt and of fered up prayers for him. The ceremo nies attending the coronation of Nicho las II. next month will bo almost identical with those described. Xnvitltles in btlicr. Spoons showing openwork silver bowls are preferred to dishes for serv ing bon bons. They have amplo capac ity and nre made with long, heavy han dles, elaborately carved. liread forks make the last addition to the table equipment They aro of an tique shape with pierced tines and heavy chased handles. Wreaths of tiny silver flowers from tho handles of cmbroidorj' scissors es pecially designed forgifts. The sheaths showing similar decoration, contribute to tho effect as well as to the safety. Openwork shades over silk linings are seen in conjunction with candle sticks of heavy carved silver. Wo will forfeit S1,(K!0 if any of our pub lished testimonial aro proven to be not genuine. Tub Pjso Co., Warren, I'n. Side Comb and I'nUo Hair. I have just made a discovery which is calculuted to till with joy the heart of every woman who wishes to enjoy the advantages and undoubtedly they are many of hair which is softly waved ut tho sides without the attendant trouble of Indnclnp nature to have its straightness transformed into tho de sired undulations. This good thing takes the form of a tortoisshell comb to which is attached a strand of softly waved hair, long enough to be drawn round the sido of the head, and to give all the loose -fullness which is so ranch to be desired. The Oldest ltrltlsh Tree. The oldest tree in this country is tho yew tree at llrndbum, In Kent, which is said to bo 3,0f)0 years old; whllo at Fortingal, in Perthshire, Is one nearly as old. At Ankerwyko House, near Staines, is a yew tree, which was fam ous at the date of the signing of Magna Charta. 121.1, and later was tho trystiug placo of Henry VIII and AnnloUoleyn. Tho threu yews at Fountains Abbey nro ut least 1,200 years old, and beneath them the founders of tho abbey toit in 1132. There arc no fnmous oaks that rival any yew in nge, 2,000 years being tho greatest age attained. Damoroy's oak, in Devonshire, which was blown down in 1703, had this distinction. Cowthropo Oak, near Wethcrby, York shire, is said to bo 1,C00 years old. London Stur. TIGER. AND THE LADY. Nothing speaks with a louder voice than a godly lifo. Some people (trend enough time crying over spilt milk to Luy a whole cow. Iowa farms for sale on crop payments, 10 per cent cash, balance 4 crop yearly, until paid for. J. MULHALL, Wau'.egitn, 111. The reason it is called a stas: party is because the men in it generally stagger home. It tho Uuby Is Cutting Xeetrj. Bo ura and uso that old and well-tried remedy, lies. (Vimlow's SooTiiii.0 Srnl'r (or Children Teething. If you would te a happy man, learn to bo a contented one. rVT8 -All Klmelonelf re i by Pr.KIIneVi CJre.1t Avrvn Kestorcr. So Kltsattt-rinu nrMtlit) ' ute. Jlarvelmisoure. Treat lMjunIS2tral bottle (iff t, t II cuci. bead to Dr. Kllnt-.KJl Area fat., Will., l'u. " Itnttfr Minn Urdu cm I Gold Is bodily comfort. This unspcakablo boon is domed to many unfortunates for whoso ailments llostetter' Momnch Hitters In u promptly holpful remedy. Tho dyspeptic the rlioutniit l-, tlio nervous persons troubled with biliousness or chills and fever, should loso no time In nvnllhiK thcmclvct of this comijrchrnxlvrt and cental medicine. It pro motes appoiite una nigiiuy siumuor. A Kciv Uso for X Uny. It will not bo very long until tho X rays will be in common use by physi cians and surgeons in locating frac tures, dislocations, etc. Whero thero is much swelling It is almost impossi ble to tell the extent of tho fracturo and especially If it be a slight one When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to ren der It promptly, but one should remem ber to use even the most perfect reme dies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is tho Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company. Practical Tent. Mr. Hobbs Dear, this paper says sowing is to a woman what whistling is to a man. "Is that so? Well, here, take little Dick's trousers and whistle a couple of patches on them while I go to tho mat inee." Chicago Record. Coe'a Cough. Ilnlsam t j t ho oldest and best. It will break up a Cold quick er ilad anjthlticelie. It Is always reliable. Try It. An Appreclntltc Spirit. A senator's wife, who is an accom plished musician, gave a dinner party recently. Among tho guests was a certain" member of the Kentucky dele gation In congress. When awaiting an nouncement of dinner, at tho urgent request of some of tho guests, tho hostess played and sang. She had just limshcd a polonutbo by unopin, wiucu was greeted by a burst of applause, and as she arose from tho piano, in the si lence which followed the sweet strains, her husband turned to the gentleman from tho Uluegrass stato with: "Would you like a sonata bofore din ner, colonel?" 'Well, I don't mind," promptly replied the Kentucky statesman, bracing up quickly. "I had two on my way here, but I reckon I can stand another." New York Tribune. The wound mado by a knife may heal, but that mado by an unkind word may not. No woman should lean back when she laughs. Half Faro Excursions via the Wabash, The short line to St Louis, and quick route East or South, April 21 st and May Gtb. Excursions to all points South nt one faro for tho round trip with $2.00 added. JUNE ICth, National Republican Convention at St Louis. JULY ?A, National Educational Association at Uuffalo. JULY Uth, Christian Endeavor Convention at Washington. JULY 2ud, National People and Silver Convention at St. Louis. For rates, time tables and further infor mation, call at tho Wabash ticket oBlce, 1415 Farnam St, Paxton Hotel block, or wrltO UEO. JN. V.XAYTO.V. N. W. Pass. Agt, Omaha, Neb. An evil intention perverts actions and makes them sins. the Lest A Good Iteason. I don't see why you sent me to bed for being just imprudent," sobbed Wil bur. "It is very easily explained," said his father. "You aro imprudent because you got out of bed on tho wrong sido this morning. I want you to go to bed for an hour, and then seo if you can't get out on tho right side." Harper's Hound Table. Three striking contribution to tho May Atlantic aro the opening number of a series of letters from Dante Gab riel Rossettl to WlllUm Allingham, ably edited by George liirkbeck Hill, with a delightful autobiographical shetch of Allingham; Kendrlc Charles liabcock's discussion of Tho Scandin avian Contingent, being the third pa fier in tho series on raCo characteristics n American life; and an anonymous paper on Mr. Olney's fitness for tho Presidency. Half Fare to Virginia and Carolina. On May 5 homeseekcrs excursion tickets will bo sold from all points in tho West and Northwest over tho "Big Four Route" and Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. to Virginia andNorth Carolina at one fare for the round-trip. Settlers looking for a homo in the South can do no better than in Virginia. Thero they have cheap farm lands, no bliz zards, no cyclones, mild wiuters, never failing crops, cheap transportation and the best markets. Send for free de criptivo pamphlet, excursion rates and time folders. U. L. Truitt, N. W. P. A., 234 Clark St, Chicago, HL Billiard table, second-hand, for solo cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akix, Sll S. Uth St, Omaha, Neb. ....M......I HHimmni inn imiiimi mtii i m Loss of opportunity is life's greatest loss. Think of suffering with i U AIOHPii flIA 5 JO 15 I II IlEiUBEffifeilSigfft Years Years Years l nuun uio unjiunuuuy nun m u uumu ui oujaluu kjil., it cures. j ll H M M I I II I) 1 1 1 1 M M I H H I ( II I M I M 1 1 IM M I I 1 1 M M t I M 1 1 II 1 1 M M M I t tJM W3l Ml A three hero. Jlabyiiisy recover MILL bouvpnlr Kook Mntfretoan.ronemeatlonin?tbiiipaper, fbuVwmot thrive." AFiAIJAKTIXK CO, Grand ItapIdH, Mich, f tr tw 4V r Cs9 sjW - pr sp SBitM s 3kr9illBllBtZlWa ALABASTINE., IT WON'T RUB OFF. 4 unitary. KAI.SOMIXR IS 1 ,KUim OF' A.M NCAI.KH. f A I ADA OTI MF lB a Pure permanent and artistic A IVnll Paper In I'nsan CTEHrOICAllY, JCOTH, is a pure, permanent and artistic wall-coHtlnp. ready for the brush dv mixing in coia water. For Hale by Pnint Dealers Everywhere. ttt!hfft(ntitrfn ' Breakfast Cocoa f Made, by "Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass., is "a perfect type of the highest order of excel- 4 ! than one cent a cup. l . . 2 4L t, Jfr & T was Just thirteen minutes ptiBt 12 o'clock nt night when tho fast train going to Paris drew tip nt tho frontlor. Tho carriages wcro of tho corridor pnt tcrn, which Euro peans vainly imng- lno Is the American plan. A narrow pas sago ran nlong one side of tho cnrrlngo and opening out from this wore n num ber of compartments, each scnting oight persons. Tho Lndy nnd tho Tiger had been on tho train slnco it started In tho afternoon nt 5 o'clock on tho pre vious day, and so had had a cholco of places. I snt In ono comer by tho win dow nnd tho Lndy sat In tho corner op posite. As tho irnln went on toward Franco tho empty places gradually filled up, nnd now tho carriage was so full that one or two wretched persons wore pacing up nnd down the corrHor or trying to get plnces on llttlo hinged sents nttnehed to tho sido of tho pas sage, with a latent spring snmowhere which mado the Ud flip up against tho wall when tho sitter rose to his feet. I remember this habit of the little hinged shelf, because on ono occasion when I rose to stretch myself I snt down ex pecting the seat to be still there, which It wasn't. I woke up suddenly on reaching the floor, and then examined tho mechanism of tho contrlvnnco with Interest nnd perhaps Just a shade of an noyance Tho French nre reputed to be n polite nation, nnd, although I knew we would cross tho border sometlmo after mid night, nnd that wo should meet th- in ovltablo custom house, I thought the ex amination of baggage would be somo what superficial, nnd thnt maybe a cus toms officer woud come through tho train and look at the smaller pieces of luggage with out disturbing us to any great extent Such, however, was far from being the case. We were told rather gruffly that wo must leave the train, nnd thnt everyone must tnke with him his hand baggage. I staggered ot somnolently under tho load, and the Lady wns compelled to como also with a couple of shdwlstraps, because there was more of our luggage than I could carry at one time. We were kept on the platform shivering with cold for n while, then two big doors were opened and we trooped In, placing our impedimenta on a low bench, behind which stood tho uniformed French cus toms official. When tho cxnmlnntion was done and tho baggage chalked we had to wait at the other end of the long, cold room until other doors wero opened, and then were allowed to get out once more to the platform nnd into tho train. When I staggered on board nnd passed along tho narrow corridor to our compartment, I thought at first that I had mnde a mistake, because nn oldish man sat In the corner In which the Lady intended to Journey to Pnrls. A second look, however, satisfied me that this wns the compartment we had occupied, and I said to tho man, quite politely, for I thought the taking of another's sent hnd been accidental: "I beg your pardon, but this seat be longs to the Lady." Tho man Bhruggcd his shoulders and said thnt he deeply regretted tho cir cumstance, but the plnce belonged to him until we reached Paris iu the morning. "Oh," I cried, hotly, "this won't do, you know. This placo Is taken and huB been tnken slnco tho train started. You will have to get a placo somewhere else." "If you wished to retain your sent," eald the man calmly, "you should have put some baggage upon It. Thero was nothing hero when I entered. I have the placo and Intend to keep It." "THE DEVIL YOU DO," I CRIED. "But," I Insisted, "we couldn't lenvo any baggage upon It becauso wo wero compelled to tako It to tho custom house." Again the man shrugged his shoul ders. "That has nothing to do with me,," he said. "The plnce was empty when I took It. nnd I Intend to keep it." Then the Tiger came uppermost "The devil you do," I cried. The Lady behind me touched me on the shoulder and begged that I wouldn't use violent language. "I shall not use language at all," said the Tiger, "but this man has to get nut or I'll throw him out" "Ob, will you?" said the Frenchman. "You bet your boots I will," I sold, throwing down my luggage. "Will you got out quietly or will you go after there has been a fuss?" "I shall not get out at all," said tho man. "Now fo- the Inst tlmo," I cried, throwing up tho window, "will you give up this seat to the Lady, whose place It Is?" "I told you." ho answered, "that tho place was not taken and I took It. I re fuse to glvo 11 up." "Oh, very woll," I said, "then you will go to Paris without your luggage," say ing which I seized the valise, which was in the rack over his head, and flung It out of the window. Next followed some shawlstraps, then some sticks and rugs, nftor thnt n smnller bundle. J What tho man would have dono I do not know, but nt this Juncture tho Ladj In tervened. "Seo here," bIio Bnld, "yon go right out on tho platform nnd bring thoso things in ngnln." "I'll do nothing of tho sort," I cried, mnd straight through. "If tho man sits hero two minutes longer I'll chuck him out after them." "Well." Bald tho Lndy, with decision In her voice, "If you don't bring thoso things In I shall bring them in myself." What Is n Tigor to do? Tho Lndy went out of tho carrlngo onto tho pint- form nnd I snw sho lntondcd to pick up tho ninn's trnps nnd bring them in, nnd ho was qulto willing to hnvo her do bo. I couldn't allow thnt, go I followed her, picked up tho nrtlcles nnd brought thorn mcokly Into tho cnrrlngc. Tho lndy stood wntchlng mo through tho window until I plnccd them nently In tho rack ngnln. "Now," said tho Frenchman, lennlng across to me, "you npologlzo to mo, If you plcnso." "Whnt I did." I nnswered, "I did bo cnusc tho Lady commanded mo to do It. I did It very rcluctnntly.nnd as for apol ogy, you can go to merry ." I don't know thnt there Is nny need to set down the rest of tho Rcntenco hero. Tho mnn Icnned complnccntly bnck In IiIb seat with a provoklngly triumphant smile on his fnco which mado the help less Tlcer crit his teoth In anger. I looked out of tho window to tell tho Lady to come Into tho carrlngo again, for tho tmln wnB timed to start in n fow minutes, but I saw her wnlklng toward n gendarme, whom sho accostod with a winning smllo. Tho gorgeous official placed his heels together n military fashion nnd rniscd his hnt to tho Lady, then ho bent his head very deferen tially whllo sho nppenred to bo whisper ing to him in a volco so low thnt It wns Impossible for me to henr what wns said. Suddenly tho official straight ened himself up with a look of amaze ment on his face, nnd cried: "No! Nol No mnn could possibly act like that. Surely, madam, you must bo mistaken." "Great heavens!" I thought, nghast, "surely the Lndy Is not giving the Tiger away by complaining to the gendarmo of his conduct. I hnvo humiliated my self before tho Frenchman whllo ho Ipered at me nnd Bat there In triumph." The gendarme quickly nppronched tho steps of tho cnrrlnge, stood beside them while he politely waved the Lady on board, then followed her to tho door of our compartment, and sho pointed out to him tho Frenchman who sat In tho corner. The gendnrmo came sternly forward. "It Is not possible, sir," ho snld, "that you hnvo taken tho place of this Lndy and refuse to glvo it up?" "The placo was unoccupied," said tho mnn, uneasily. "Of course It was unoccupied," said tho cendarmo Indignantly. "All pas sengers aro compelled to go Into tho custom-house; you know that as well ns I do. You are certain It 1b your placo?" he said, turning to the Lady, and' speaking as politely ns ho hnd spoken gruffly to tho other. "Oh. quite," said the Lndy, nnd sev eral of tho passengers, who had not said a word during my struggle, at once assured the gcudarmo that tho Lndy had occupied that place for Borao hundreds of miles. "Como, sir," said tho gendarmo, "como out of that nt once." "But." said the man. protestlngly, "thero uro not other places on the train. Tho trnln is full." "I hnvo nothing to do with that," replied the gendnrme; "thnt 1b for tho officials of the rallwny; they will find you a place;' thoy are compelled to do so." The man hesitated for a moment, nnd the gendarme put his hand on his shoulder. "Como," he said, "I don't wnnt to uso force." The man arose reluctantly from his corner, taking hlB belongings With him. Then tho gendarme, with nn air and manner that I have never seen equaled, bowed and waved his hand toward tho vacant scat The Lady smiled, and re turning his bow sank Into the plnce. Tho gendarme then, bringing his heels together with a click, bowed to us all and left tho compartment. The Lady bent over me nnd snld In n whlspor: "Follow thnt gendarmo nt once nnd glvo hlra at least 5 franca, nnd glvo It to him so nicely that he won't think I know anything about it." I caught up to the ofllcial upon tho steps of the carrlngo and pressed tho money upon him. Ho refused it llnger ingly and reluctantly, and when I in sisted he accepted it with a deprecntory nlr, saying that he was a poor man, hut It was tho delight of us nil to oblige tho Lady, in which sentiment I cordlnlly agreed with him. And thus tho in ternational episode ended. Ills View About llrcm, Tho Into Prebendary Roger's humor wns very unconventional. At a dinner where ho happened to bo sitting next to tho bishop of London, responding to tho toast ot his health, Mr. Rogers said that soma of his friends still regretted that he had not attained higher prefer ment In tho church. They wanted him to bo mado a bishop. "Hut," ho added, "1 feel that I have got quito enough happiness out of my Ufa without hav ing this Jlummcry about my logs." And ho lifted up Dr. Temple's apron. San Francisco Argonaut HALL'S CATAItltll CUUI3 Is ft IIIqikI nnd Is taken Internally, una nets directly upon tho ttlood nnd mucoui surfaces or tlio RVHtem. Send toy testimonials, free. Sold by llrnpKlsts, 75c P. J. L'MKNKV & CO.. I'roprs , Toledo O. Oood husbands nro seldom troubled with bad mothers-In-laws. It would spoil nlno men out ot ten to let them hnvo their own way for a mouth. n Tl. llnrlnl II.,ll.tHA Is the Model Medicine. The only medal awarded to snrsapnrilla nt the World's Pair, 1893, nt Chicago, wns awarded to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ' Wrltofnrwliatjrouwsni IO THIS MlvUUKM 1H. VESTWEST CO., Mining 1 Exchange, Denver, Oolo. LINDSEY0MAKARUBBERS1 1 wy i rWB YU n,y Ket f 0tUet B ffljP25 ' Rood tobaccos 3 I ozs. I t8IS?5 ior ,o ccnts' I You get of Battle Ax" , 7 -B K!A7C same quality, " """"" I C?3 ULdefor 10 cents. H HvBRflH v 1jb(ss"B1' vHIbbw Ulsnpparance of American lllrds. A leading. American ornithologist says that somo of our most desirable birds aio threatened with extermina tion. The common quail and ruffled grouse nre becoming very scarce. Wrens nnd blueblrdB aro driven from their old haunts by sparrows. Terns are slaughtered by thousands for mil linery business, nnd Florida is similar ly despoiled ot Its herons, ibis, pelicans and smaller birds. The wild pigeon has disappeared. Fashion at present Is tho greatest enemy of bird life, but col lectors of eggn are alBO responsible for great destruction. CnWoruU Fruit. California shipped out of the state 48,871 carloads of fruit, nuts, wine, brandy and vegetables In 1895, an ln crease.ovcr 1894 of 5,430 carloads. Ot fruit nlone the shipments were 37.1C0 carloads. In 1890 the shipments of fruit were only 1C.195 carloads. If all the orchards in California now in bear ing were to put out a full crop this year, the exports of fruit should, It is estimated, reach 50,000 carloads. I I R I I I I I 1 I I I I e PLUG You get over 2 ounces more of "Battle Ax" for 10 cents than any other tobacco of the same grade. These two ounces really cost you nothing, and the 5 cent piece is nearly as large as you get of other high grades for tO cents. . i -------i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I Sloclcl No. 1. Model No. to jrJftZr f y. to rar'. JVBT I rfiisiTn 7 "vSfewV-axi Jtijgr xv ujT;5--i;.r-'r3r'ii. ,v Pedals of Yotf 9-V- miMiriniin i In This Puzzle You Bee the Crank, Hub and Sprocket of the Strictly High Grade Model No. 10. Model No. 11. Narrow PJ A f f I I Price, Tread IXAV TvLC SIOO.OO Tho only Machine made without Leverage and Friction nnd with Sprocket and Chain ran. ning between bearing!, which are in tho hubs of the cranks, 3Jf inches apart. If youintend to ride a wheel, RIDE TH2 BEST. The discount makes THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST. TOI R THP PI 1771 IT Mark an "R" or "D" on the forehead of each ., . -V IL- , -A.-I-. candidate to Indicate the political party to which no belongs. Cut out puzzle and return to us with your name, address, model of wheel, una height of frame desired. The more correct and prompt the return of yoursolutlonthocreator discount xta -will ullow you. We want a few Racyclcs in your locality ot once as aavertlae-ments. Name City. State. Model...... Height of Frame, MI OT I m Middletown, Ohio. Tnga ffwa. ju i