Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 17, 1896, Image 8
I IM V ! ' - rftrri'Ts n;s rmscufcrr. Aftwf Cuinf? Mint Up for ITlvo nwjr st ent Heeusne VaroototU ntiil I KjIIihI. The ftuntlr of Jacob Drandl. a grocer t Jo&son end Madison strceta. ha bcoa in a state ot ratnd batw, of Ktrango sounds, tlko the wail pf n catamount, wMch hava bemi issuing . frora tliolr cellar for tbe tost two or thrco dayu, says the Courier-Journal. Tho- finally was consld-rhbljr incon- ' Tcnlodced. no weir as Intimidated. Tbe ' cneo wan- laid before n police ofilccr. ' rhoillfitenctt attentively to- the sounds that camo from within tho cellar. Thoy came' from a part of tlie collar wbloli ' could only be reached throuh a nar- row opening In tbe Bldownll:: the man who went after him took his life In ' hlo- htrndn. Omcor Prathor considered it hia duty on a duly oworn officer to fcerp the public poace to no In after the disturber: o-. nrmnd with a naicnoi. lip began to crop his way through tho narrow, dark oprnlntr. He had been Korte but a few ccconda when a wild reran is camo out of the pavement. Fol lowing thin ww a yell of pnlr from the ofilecr. The crowd ntrnctod to the (renne wn thrown Into rpnsmn. Some vrtro for nondlns for r reoeulns; party, but nil appeared to be moro dlspoFed $fo Gtand by and listen. Than n yell of 'triumph from Ihn dark roccsson rens- Fitrcd the croup nnd two or three tried , bravely to crowd Into the op-mlnt; ''.Following thin appeared the form of a ' Mack cat, spitting and clawing, but ' clutched firmly In a blfedlnK hand ho- ' longing to Offlecr Prathrr, vho?e smut- ' ty und ccratchcd face wns not lone In ' 'Bhowlng ott of tho darkneua. Tho blcck cat wan tho property of Mr. Draudt It had beenMn the collar for five days without food or water nnd was furloui i When the ofllcor dropped tho cat to th,e giound It flew at him flcrroly and bur led Its deep claws In his uniform over '.his breast lie struck tho crazed ani mal ono blow with tho hatchet and put 4'flut what wns loft of Its nine lives. AMBAS3ADOP.S IN LONDON. Extraordinary rrl1lge Titty Havo AcAlnit I-iw unit Cutom. The foreign ambaEsadora accredited to tho court ot QU James are, as In fact the law looks upon thorn, little ' Kings, fading privileged beyond any VEUbJect In tho realm, sayu Cassell's Journal. The law of nations has do elded that tho ambassador, like the roy j,,fil sovereign, is abovo tho lav;, a state ment which Implies that ho may do Just ac ho likes. It Ib certain that ho may commit murdcr'nnd not bo 11a bio to arrest by tho myrmidons of New 1'Scotland Yard; ho may be guilty of nrebbery with violence, and no Judgo can threaten him with imprisonmcut or "tho cat;" he may forge, rob banks nnd r ven cerlously nBsault the prime mlnis- teryand yet go quietly homo to dinnor without tho least fear of being servod Sylth a polico-court summons on tho following morning. Ho can do moro Cthan this ho may actually endeavor to dcthropo tho quesn, us did Mondoza, thc Spanlnh ambassador, in Elizabeth's ron, or plot to take her life, as did j'Aubcsplno, tho French ambassador. Iiti 1GS-J, and yet not suffer the penal ities of the law, for, though tho arm of ,',the law can tako hold of most wrong 'doers, the ambassador is an exception. It may be asked what can bo done to an ambassador who, far instance, com ,nlts murder or treason? Hns tho state no remedy? All that tho state can do iti such cnoe3 is to oppose force to yforco, expel tho offending minister from jjhe country and make a rcprcsontn rtlon to tho ambassador's sovereign, re foresting him to punish him for his bo Jiavior. In the event of tho sovereign 'jgnorlng tho request this would prob ably bo a cause of war between tho 'two nations. f Dill n 3IIS!Ucit VToril Camn War? An ingenious explanation of the ac tion of Dr, Jameson la given by tho London correspondent of the Dirmlng- ham Gazette. According to this Jame ,oon with bis men, were waiting for feomo word from Johannesburg. It came in a telegram worded thus: Revolution carried, In compliance with your dosiro." That' wa3 tho telegram received. Tho telegram actually Bent ,l"rom the Johannesburg commltteo was. ."Resolution catricd in compliance with sour desire." That "v" instead of "s" made all tjia difference. Jameson made ;s'his plunge into the onemy's country, .expecting to And tho ibotllera in arms waiting for hia coming. Instead he tfound only great masses of arreted Boers barring hia way, The Boors wero fully prepared and expected ht3 coming. This ralces tho curious suggestion, had hey anything to do with altering the 'telegram? Wa3 it a trap for the Bng 11b1i raiders to draw them on" In order to .Justify tho quaint vulgarism of Kruger 'that when the tortolso put out Its head ithey would cut it off. ' . IHr Poultry Hunch Some hopeful speculators who havo been counting unhatched chickens aro ebout to otart a poultry ranch near San Franclbco which is to be tho largest tiklM,it , .jn the world. It la to reach Its full ' nearest drug store for It. and oxpress a capacity in three jears. when It la to regret that you ore HI The natlvo lut on tho market annually two mil-; Venezuelan regards tea a a moat un Hon eggb and ninety thousand chickens ' pleasant beverage, and to bo used only or broiling. The plant will include medicinally. It is not kopt In any of the two 'ncubators. with a capacity of 2.000 botolu and when it is especially ordered A-sao wcu, nuu uu tau 01 nouses anu Ins, which will be contained In a for- y-acre ranch. There will be nine hun dred hens laying for tho incubators Hnd ien thousand laying for tho market, A CJnexr Collrglatr Qaetlon. Odds agalntt horses wero set forth, dsd bftdlat nked bQv they could win torUJx. a..unt Hj tn c-v&;, a: a. pi-obl-MA iwror.' u :. 'Ji.lvi,r rtltMJ'f,rr f-c iM-l', - " ' -! v J03V prOiTfH. 1 V. wV r'Z t -. ti ' .-WAvaaimrAj .crjwnwgviwv IVlOOnc'C CltnCScfeOr HAT. , I Tt ncTrtiiMtil Tlirnmalr tho ttty ttil Until Rtuis In. Assistant Dispensary Fuyrtclanrtfow rib'B trousers ore no Jongor an Imho Tbrr havo been utter y overtopped, ex Anguished, rendsred do trap and sdi ' considered In tho light of n ffpaI' by r. R. L. Moore s hat. Dr - Mooro was aforetime vncolno physician to tho hoaUh department until lie r.' abetter Job feeding pills to the men at th Povcrnmcnt works. Hvory time Un comeo to town ho calls In tosco his old MdB at tho city hall. They have not covorcd from a recent vlnit. He wt""c l'B' new dude hat und It mad- HH heard all over tho building. The nol8 o Ncwcomb troii3cra was r duced Ion conllo murmur, even as the undn of a percussion cap might overwhelmed by tho dlscharce of a "--ium-jJuuuur. Thcro has never been anythlnc 111 e that hat nccn hereabouts. It Is shaped like a dorby, something, the crown be Ing constructed of a wire frame, cov erod with cloth. Tho cloth part Is what caused all tho troublo It was it a large-check pattern red, blaclt and gray. Boya followed the hat around town In unrestrained admiration, hor3 eH took fright nnd oven a bleyrt bucked at itl Dr. Jordan Is an old friend of Dr. Moore's nnd for hia owr good bo took It on hlmsolf to talk e rloualy to him. The pwner of the iiat was amenablo to reason and he told Jordan he could do whnt he p'oased with tho hat. Dr. Jordan oaw where It could bo mndo roally useful, as well an ornamentl, to say nothing of Its preservation as a curio. He stripped off tho cloth and had it mounted for . use as a checker board. TWO TEMPTING RECIPES. 1 Cnnfi-rtlnti of Ili;i mill n Cclebritert Uul for MhUIiie Clioioldf. Tako dry flgn. The choicest thln oklnncd ones aro not necessary for thlB purpose Va3h and cut them care fully to be sure no Imperfections, are loft. Pour boiling water on them and let them simmer until the sklnu aie qulto tender. Then remove the figs and add sugar sufficient to mnkc a rich syrup of tho water in which thoy wrro boiled, and Jcmon or grape Juice to glvo color and acidity, Pour this on the figs and set them away to cool. When William M. Evarts occupied a seat In the United States senate und a fine house, with his family, in Wash ington, tho chocolate of their afternoon recoptlons becamo famous. Tho rec.po for it was as follows: One quart milk, one cake chocolate, essence of vanilla, firato the chocolate vpry lino, mix with a tcaspoonful of hot water and rub smooth. Allow the milk to conio to a boll, put in tho chocolate and boll about five minutes, or until of desired thick ness. After romovmg It from the fire -reason with the esFcnce,of vanilla ac cording to taste. Boll In a farina ket tle The chocolato should then bo poured Into dainty cups while still in the kitchen and served quickly steam ing hot. Fill tho cups two-thirds full with tho delicious brown mixture and add th'ick, beaten cream. This uddltion consti tutes tho making of tho famous Vlonnn chocolato Introduced at tho centennial. If only -ono square of chocolato 13 re quired, draw a lino across tho two Fquarea at tho on' dividing them in half. With a sharp knlfo shave off tho chocolato until you come to the lino, which saves wasto of time and material. No ClilniMio In Lonlvlllo. 1 There aro no Chinese In Lcadvllle The atmorphoro la too rare for thorn, and in oihc: days when a CelcEilal would Etray inllo tho camp something or some ono coon told him to stray out again, and ho quickly obeyed the still, small voice. Some year3 Blncc a resl dent of tho camp brought In a Ghinoso cook. Within an hear tho cook and his employer were t. sited upon by a commltteo of public-spirited citizens full of information tvi to railroad time tables and tho hour for the departure of the next train. Tao employer was cureless as to train ilmo, and to an nounced, "Very well," replied tho committee; "wo will leave tbr- time-tablo with you and will be at the station to see your friend of?, to tpced tho parting gueht, bo to cpealt. If ho Is not there on tlmo It will probably be necessary to hang him, and if you should get tangled up lu tho rope you will have no one to blame but yourself." And then the committeemen went placidly away to thoir rcspoctivo gold and silver propo sitions. At 3p. m. the Chinaman and the afternoon train departod from the camp In each othor'3 company. That was qulto a goqd while ago, but never a Chinaman has sluco been seen hero Louisvillo Courier-Journal. Vhero Tra U Not FopaUr. If you call for tea at a restaurant In Caracas, tho nronrlntnr will unj i. . tho quality is simply abominable for all the world liko a doio of senna. Osr Opxnii 1IU Iletrt. Tho csar of Russia has set aside $100,000 to bo distributed among the charitable institutions in Moscow lu ooaor of his coronation. His majesty Ib taking great interest In tho prepare-to.- fir the ceremony. Among other ii irra, -' 'i!rAiv,u& jii Kroilln la to be 'v'-U ."t lviUVi4'Ci l'rl)aTfn?oflticm1thlIiiBcolt.mn aw-iy- trjiitrd to itad th tamo rRrrtuH? and report to tJiln, urti" for ritrtvrUoo ay irrprn thntnwr wtlof Thin will pwoi, powiNie una? in ruakiB prout. r m niHr" it AlManw. Nb.. April IS, IP. 1iiIm i liiwhv iriTKii tint the foHoIai- ruinMl intMr Iib fil notice of M lntniln to ninkflna! proof mMtppttrt of 111 cb" nwl tint naJd vtoof v.111 boraad- IWurf th' K 4Ut ami liwoutir t Alllntfo, NVl., on Uayl'U, ,vll! POPHIA ItKtU, 1 of nx Unit-. Nob . Mini noil II K No.tWI fur Uic 8HNW 4HH W U ' P n, r i w. Up Jinm Uu fullofniu; ilnii'ii Ui pror hi rontimitniK tPHiilrncp upon mill o'lltunHon ot MlillMjil.lir- W.A ( mr,:i.T ('uiililnif'uim, Hlraon Holliuijor. Jhoihi Mn b. all irf Box , ri.i 1 V tOirtu Tn ltt..lalmi ' linme. . J. W. Wijjin. Ja., itPKiiiter. IauiI OfRoi nt Mliancfl, l-ifb.. April (5. 1 0. Noli'O i lixrdiy kitpii tht tlie (oUmrtn tionicd ltUr Imii C.IihI imllro yt litn IntMlUoii to nukf final pf txit in tUIori 01 m oiniramu tlmt Bh. poot v,M ln innJ' rtnt V (tr or , lto.hwat Alllntuo NU .ouftlayM, 1JJ! vUl ) JOHN BULLUNMRIt'iBK. of Matiflmul, Nc' . who mndo M 1. U uw !h IntBl n. ftl t W. is wot for the HiuiMmi Uio folloJPiuii wllncinti tn prom hif mtitiliuo iroUlUMipon unil r . tlvartioo ,f i ,1 n,l i)t' Inm, Dicknv. H .f . S ootl.on. J.P.ai,8.arti..urfi.i.iioiMr,i.nd. of imnlnffford. l , who wade ; tlmbni ; cultiiro nppHrat'oil no 2.VI on Urn 1 Ui day o' Doapmbsr KKxu.XiiTX ruiRbliniimycinimlotliplnndntUirfaniPtireo ami p'jico on lH'i tiay of my lvn, liy two ot tjia ,, . a... If... m 11.1, .t..H ll.rtr It I-ord, W illiara T. Proplor. Urore W. 8oa, all of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Y SIN. JH , ItwiaiPf. f Ijind OtHn- at Alliance. Noli.. March J3. lfW. Notlr' in hereliy K'voa that HtL.VNDl'l'.U KUKON WOI.DLN, of IImpu. SVIi , l.o llli d no Mroof Intention to trake linal iiroof l?forf UpsiMPror Homivpr at his olliro in Alliance, fib rult fib., on tlm .'itli day of April. 8'W. nn tinilT Lilttirc rippllratiou No. 317, for the N W W h-c. I 2.S. tn.9 n.tiiMw. It" nani-M ft witnera"a! Iticliaril C, Rhtiltr, Willl'iardbliuHz MilcnUhlmnk, lK-ury Shimulc, all of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Wwi.v, Jr. , lfsmUr. Tjinil OUicoTudTiaae. Nob.. Marcli 10,1'07, Notieo is hereby kuch tliat thn followini? imiiKil pettier han filed notieo of his intention to make hnal proof in support of Ida claim, and that paid proof will In' mnilo be f orn Het;iter or Itoceltcr at Alliance, Neb., on April .W, IfclW, vix: ISAM' O. GUtFlTril. ot Ida, Nrb., v.ho mado H li no 3407 for the 8 H H W 'i A H ",i b l: alio. 3-1, tp iio n, n: 4 w. 1I names Iho followiiif; witnesta to prora Ihh I'DntliiuoiiH rclil")ip" npiin and cultivation otraid laud, viz: lMwaril W.Tyroo. Uenjaraln H. l'railer, r.rnet Schumakor, Bertha tkl in man or, all ot Ida, Neb. J. W. Wcny, Jn., Itrgister. NOTK'i: IN BUItVlCE BY l'DULICATION P. J llalloran will take, notice that on ths ilnl day of April 1h09. Jas. 11. 1!. Iin,ett, o-jiin-ty JuiUljf liox llnlto county, Nebraska, irmiol an ordtif of attachment for the aunt of t-S-t.l'i, iu an action penJln.t Uutorn him, wherein C. J. Wiliiyixplnlnttir,anilJ.I. Hollaren dffenJant. that proptrty of tlie defendant consieUEX of money in the aim of $.U.VJ, has bwn attaihed vuiiler mid urtUir &U en inn was coutmuixl to tlin 11th day ot May 9-J, at 10 o'clocL. a.m. HtimuiKfoid, Nep., ptil 10, 1VG. O. J. WILDY. JSTotioei., . . Pharmacy, V. J. Ikon, manager, or permit toiiriiitKiMa. Tliln ii. to certify that Bran' Pharmacy W .1. Heiin, manager, of tho tillage, of Hfimnuford, Nehrarlia, has lilrd a petition on April 11. 1-TO. hh lt'niilr'.sl liy tl ii Matr.tet ot tlio Mat'j of No- aKa, and lnrintH of the board ol (rrstrs of tlie villaxaof IIemlni;foril, fora pirtnlt to sell .iimirH tor medloinal, mix'lianii'a, and rliemlial pnrpm',B for tlm eomtwr miinioinat 0ar in ' iilhliiiu Hituatd on hit i Mas); 19 In taiil Til lage. W. M IopFNCr, Clerk of tho Hoard of Truto38. Tlie :: Herald Official uonnty Paper . ancl-priiils nil tho nows. ro aro prepared to givo i clubbing rat,'.-, on r.ny papi'r you desire. Sub h tribe now. CareaU. and Trade-Marls obtained and all Pat.f an. FiMcln nn,1 i,r,,. . Joon office is Opposite U. 8. PATENTOmct land wecantccure Patent in leu tinio than thou Jremote from Washington. 1 $ Send model, drawinj or photo., with deserlp- lion, ttc aurue, n paicnuus or not, ires on cnarcc uurieenotauo till patent is tecurcd. A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of tame in the U. S. aad foreign couatnesi sent tree. Address, OuAxSiOW&CO. OPP. PATCMT OFFICC, WA3HINQT0N. D. C. rirrmrvvfi ISMSi t f 71iiiftiL Imii liTiMiflffiiBfttf "- "VMTffmi Closing Fcr the Next THIRTY DAYS I Offer my eniiro stock oi CLOTHING. at the Lowest Possible Prices Rco-ardless of cost. f wuaw,.iujgw wj.jaJgAU-guvj,u4' CaSvio J. Always, Leads q.nd WE SELL YOU GOODS. WE SAVE YOU-MONEY WE MAKE lOUHAPP. Com, und sco us and git the liot, tlie !ultt, nnd thu olio'njiodt. Dry good, Giiicoriw., Olotbing, IJonts nnd Slioos. Gluwurn, QuciiW(tre. mid, Proviiong. )Vo nrp ii'wnys pleased to lmve frieiuU call vhuthor to bav or othor- wi?o, mid ebpfciully invito strangers, trniisii-iila, and itv visittirs to Wlll ami if ye lmvo no tiim-to show WO Will l;u pleased to JlllVO you adtllil'O OUr flor.tl WIlldoWH decorated " llu Fitl. tropical and foreign plants, all sifni yiips; so wnouover at tno county s.j.it always do your trading with your old roliablo firm. Yours anxious to pleaca, ES4Z?ssnu 3: & ti!) w I his Space is Reserved s:. i. TO -PIONP.P.P fi2Sb, Hard ware and THE OLDKST ESTABLT-.H3IENT IN THE COUNTY . . . Charter Oak Cook Stoves, fl.l All 11 1 Tl A LfAllni I I fl 17 I.I A A r 1 Tl A I'TAtT . 1 uciiuiuG auuau uan ncauug oiuvca Paints, Oils, GIlss, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Bart Wire -the Best on Earth. I j imnu. m- H0 H. PIERCE, ...,,. Proprietor of Lifer j am Feed Stables We have first-class .tock nnd double and biu-jtIp rigs. hifli v urnjtili nl ronsoimble rates. Our fncil.tie. for ncaomii)iKl,iti'i; h .fud are unexcelled in 1 ho city. Give us a citl'. BtfiT'Stnblo Corner liox Butte Aveiiuu :ind Sh.iridnti -St rent. j3I eming'f ox6l. HH Sale of W. K Wildy. Never Follows! you g.iod, nor quotu you prices, in full blooru (but please don't v l C. J WILDY. FOF :es- gkeisieilt. I wnv.vo.'vonak - nTeToxaslte; ,- UHRIG Clothing RNCALL. HEEDED THE ATONE V. TTlJJ-,tiu ItenttielcIA! CharRetl thff tec turer S3 for Dluncr A. crest many droll chariict -s aad bright, shrewd men aro met with among hotel proprietors wherever you go. saya the New York World. "The Fnt ( Contribritor" wna lecturing onco in' th'd Bfato. of Kentucky and. had occa sion id tako dinnor at a nix-bit botel. Aftdr'thc meal Mr. Orlawoldnteppcd up to tb counter, took out n bale of bank notes, which he had received for hia lecture the evening before, and dal,ed what might he the damage. "Thrco dollars," snld tho b.uo-grass gentleman, who had buttoned his col lar with a tenpenny nail while he look ed at "Grin" with a pained expression. "Yes, but a man ought to bo able to board here a week for $3. Tho whola house didn't cost more than $40 or 54.. What's your idea in charging me $3 for a wad of hominy and a piece of parched pork?" "Well, sir." said tho urbane land- !"d' Mf f p"1 thKe flro f a a' tance of twenty feet, by emptying hia salivary surplus on it. "I need th money." The frankness and open, candid manner of the man won Mr. Grlswold and ho asked him If he thought $8 would be enough. Tho landlord said hf could get along with that Then Oria- wold opened his valise and took out a large brunette bottle of liniment marked "For external use." Ho passed It over to th- landlord and told him hm would find this stuff worked r.o well on the Inside as It did on tho outside. In a -few moments the liniment of tho "Pat Contributor" and the lineaments ot tho landlord had merged into each other, and a friendly feeling sprang up be tween the two men which time, has never effaced. n WARDROBE OF A BALLET GIRL. Ui Coit Ii Brazil, but Whim tlin Drerltr of It la Coni tdered ft U Staap. A ballet girl's outfit at tho MotropoiP tan opera house coots an oven $11, uayu' the New York World. Of this $8 gow for a pair of silk tights, 2 for n pair of ballet slippers, and $1 for enough tarlatan to make a practice skirt. At rehearsals she may wear any old bodlc that suits her, and such costumes as are required for a performance are fur nished by tho management The ballet slippers may be had of either of two local manufacturers or may be Imported. A fairly Rood psjr will last about three montha. Tho soles will hold out that Ions, but the upper? are covered and recovered a number of times. The covering is always of white or pink satin. By the tlm tm soles are worn out the slippers hav been coered probably six or seven times. I These slippers can be bought In Lon don for about 50 cents a pair. Most English girls who come here to daaca bring a supply with them. One en terprlulng miss now dancing has her Vv slippora sent to her by mail, wrapped f p in a bundle of newspapers. The tights found by tho girls ar pink or flesh-color. If the opeiaa call foi any othor color tho management furnishes them. The practice sklrto are used only at the dally rehcasals. In construction they are simple. A piece of from twelve tQ fifteen yards sf tarlatan Is mado Into two skirts, on over the other. They are simply gath ered In a yoke and scalloped at the edge. There is nothing Bhowy about them. They are meant for hard work nnd aro very business-like looking af fairs. A practice skirt will laBt about four montha. "Cost Grandeur of the Eait. A comparison between the annuat revenues of the Byzantine empire In the beginning of the thirteenth century and tho present revenues of the emplra of the Ottoman Turks brings before the mind's eye a picture of the lost grand eur and wealth of provinces over which now broods the silence of desolation. At tho period mentioned ibe dominions of the Grcok emperors at Constanti nople had been impoverished by the In vasion of the Frank Crusaders, and the chief part of Asia Minor, with Its flouf iBhing cities, had been wrested from the Byzantine monarchs by conquering Isham; yet the annual Income of the successors of Constantinople amounted to $650,000,000. The revenues of the Sul tan's empire havo shrunk to $90,000,000 per' rear. Such is the blight which Turkish mlBrule has brought upon soma of tho fairest regions of the earth. Philadelphia Record, Facts Aleut th i President. AH but one of the presidents Bu. chanan married. All but one Cleve landwere married before they wero elected president. Cleveland was tho only president married In the whits house. Two presidents Tyler and Fillmore married twice. Five Wash ington, Jefferson, Madlsqn, Jackson snd Fillmore (the Becond marriage) wedded widows. Another curious presi dential coincidence Is found in tbe fact that two presldento Jackson and J. Q. Adams wore born in the year 1767 and two Grant and Hayes in 1822. Jack son succeeded Adams and Hajcs fol lowed Grnnt. It Did $o TTork. A rich farmer In Michigan iBdcwn on the national ndmiuistratloni and bo has let a largu flock of bis sheep perish from exposure and want of food to , prw it. He was arrested br agents of th Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and pleaded In his own tie fenso "tho Democratic administration kaa bo deprecated the value of wool und enecp that tt la cheaper to let tlie animals die than to provide tor tuera.'' The court would not listen ib tue.r&UtieM alCe of tV.b cHfw n'ud fined ! V i ! A 1 3 '& IJ It ' &T 137HH.J SA i