Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 17, 1896, Image 7

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Too Much Woodwork The Ijtte War
Between China nnd Japan Illustrated
the Uielestneii of Wood Flnlih
Alvrayi on Fire When in Action.
mombercd that In
tho battles with the
Japanese tho Chin
ese ships wero on
flro almost continu
ously from tho ef
fect of bursting
shells. The men
wero called from
tho guns to cxtln
glsh tho flames,
thus diminishing tho efflclcncy of
the battery and causing demorali
zation generally. This fact has
It will bo remembered that In tho
battles with the Japanese tho Chinese
ships wero on flro almost continuously
from tho effect of bursting shells. The
men were called from tho guns to ex
tinguish tho flames, thus diminishing
tho efficiency of tho battery and causing
demoralization generally. This fact has
led to tho movement to reduce the wood
work in men-of-war to a minimum. It
Is a matter of vital importance. All
ships In our navy need a thorough over
hauling In this respect. Before war
comes thoy should all bo sent to tho navy
yards and tho woodwork should bo re
moved. A process of treating wood
chemically to make It fireproof has been
successfully tried in this country, and
thlp wood will bo used In ships now
building. But oven this wood will fur
nish splinters, and ought not to be used
In part3 of tho ship whero men arc ex
posed. In all such places the bulkheads
should bo of light corrugated iron, as In
tho Texas, covered with asbestos and
painted. This would prevent splinters
ub well ns Are.
Many of tho pretty mahogany sky
lights, ornamental brass hatch cano
pies and pieces of bright work that now
add to tho beauty of our men-of-war
must be sent aBhoro In time of war.
Tho preparations In the engineer de
partment Bhould bo as .thorough as on
deck. Ships designed for great speed
must bo ready to make this speed in
case It is needed In battle, and the ma
chinery must not bo exposed to shot or
Bhell or to the debris falling from above.
Tho battle hatches In tho protective
deck over the boiler and engines
should therefore be closed down, all
fires should bo started, tho blowers put
In operation, and it should bo deter
mined whether the ventilation is such
that the men can live and perform tho
duties that would fall to them during an
It is safe to say that few ships In the
"new navy" of tho United States havo
ever been subjected to a full-speed trial
under battle conditions. It would seem
that tho "Inspection report" Bhould In
clude such a test It is one of tho most
Important of all practical requirements
In a man-of-war.
A squadron routine is incomplete In
the most vital of all points If it does not
provide for maneuvering occasionally
under the conditions that would prob
ably obtain in battle. It should be as
certained whether or not the armored
conning towers are to be used, and the
stations of the captain, tho executive
and the navigator Bhould be definitely
decided upon.
A great deal of arbitrariness, a com
mendable thoroughness and zeal, are
displayed In many of tho comparatively
trivial matters In naval routine. It
would be well If tho same arbitrariness
tho same thoroughness and zeal were
always shown In the vitally Important
matters that affect the efficiency of a
ship for battle. And this rule applies
not only to the material, but to tho per
sonnel of a man-of-war1 to its compo
sition, organization and disposition for
battle. It is In this latter respect more
than In all other points combined that
there Is crying need for reform in the
"new navy..
A close Inspection of the personnel
of our ships, when all are at their sta
tions for battle, will uncover many
glaring and absurd defects. Individ
uals will bo found at important posts
who are totally unfit for tho work, and
whose failure In action would cripple
tho battery. There are too few men at
many Important stations, while at other
points men are uselessly employed.
There aro men and officers whoso train
ing and habitual duty in time of peace
render them quite unavailable for gen
eral duties in battle, and who could be
replaced by others whose training
would contribute greatly to fighting
efficiency. Conservatism and a singular
and inexplicable tendency, developed
during a period of naval impotency, to
promote the personal comfort of cer
tain individuals who, in the nature of
things, can contribute little to ship effi
ciency, have resulted in an astonishing
neglect regarding the men and methods
that arc absolutely essential to the
fighting strength of our fleets.
It Congress, now engaged in consid
ering tho subject of naval reorganiza
tion, will adopt a policy regarding the
personnel that' takes Intelligent account
of tho conditions existing afloat when
our ships are "cleared for action," the
navy will be properly prepared for war.
But, if weighed In the balance, it will bo
found that somo of the measures now
being urged lu Congress will have the
inevitable effect to diminish rather
than increase the fighting efficiency of
our ships. The emergency 1b a serious
one. There is need of care and patriot
ism In considering the subject. The
gun, and the man behind it, will always
win at sea. Here is the only true basis
f "naval reorganization."
It Is never too late to bo mended.
A riioiphoretoent Lake That It I.umln
oui at Night.
Having In remembrance tho old
Sampson Stamp of Key West, tho dis
coverer of tho sea gardens at Nassau,
wo took a pilot and sailboat tho follow
lng morning and Balled Bomo four miles
up tho channel, says Forest and Stream.
There we embarked in a rowboat
with a glass bottom, mado by Insert-
lng therein plates of thick glass,
through which tho bottom of tho sea ,
Bpread out before ub like dry land. A i
strange feeling crept over mo and In
imagination I fancied myself wun juies
Verno on tho voyngo of "Twenty Thou
sand Leagues Under tho Sea." Wo
could see all tho little fishes, minnows
ono Inch long and larger kinds ono
foot, two feet and three feet in length,
some white nnd black and blue, bcsldo
many nngelfish, all yellow liko a cauary,
with bright blue fins and tall, Bwam by
beneath us. Liko tho rlpo wheat fleldB
In summer swny to tho breeze bo thero
in the submarine currents waved great
bunches of fan-leaf coral, purplo, yel
low and white. Tho wnter wob clear
as air, and, pointing to somo especially
beautiful specimens of rock and fans,
our little darky dovo over, and, liko
th'o fish, wo could see him swimming
down until at last, clutching tho growth
with two hands and feet firmly braced
against the coral, ho gave a tug and
away he came to tho top, fan in hand.
Indeed, God hath wrought marvelous
things In this world of His, but nothing
of greater bewitching fancy than tho
uea gardens of Nassau.
When night came nnd beforo tho
moon was up a drive of two miles back
on New Providcnco Island brought us
to a most interesting work of nature.
A lake some 1,000 feet long and 300 feet
wide lay quiet and black as any other
sheet of water at night might do. But
once in a rowboat and shoved off from
Bhoro what a mighty change was
wrought! Two small out-swlmmers,
the hue of the surrounding darkness,
accompanied our boat of fire, for such
It seemed. Liko two human torches
our darkies swam by our sido as In a
cloud of phosphorescent fire. At tho
slightest disturbance tho wholo Bur
rounding water lit up like molten sil
ver. Each boy'B toes and fingers were
ns though the sun shone on them, and
fish darted through tho quiet water
like Bky-rocketB, leaving a glittering
trail behind. The light was so vivid
I could see tho tlmo by my watch, and
when a wave was sent upward with tho
oar tho falling drops were like blue
tinted pearls. The movements of our
boat mado enough light to plainly show
tho bottom, for the water Is front tho
ocean and as clear as all that which
nature makes to flow about those lovely
Bahamas. Enticed by tho water's
warmth and the hot night, ray friend
and I went In swimming, but only for
a few minutes. From this swim comes
a story hard to believe, but as true as
gospel. That night, aB was my custom
before turning In, I wont to tho bath
room, which I could easily darken, to
change bo me photo plates In my hold
ers. When about to pull the slides I
noticed tho phosphorescence, which I
had brought from the lake, shining
from my bare feet and giving bo much
whito light I had to cover them with a
towel before I dared expose the plates
to what a moment beforo had been in
tense darkness.
Prenldent Hayci and the Farmer.
President Hayes had for ono of hla
Ohio neighbors a testy old fellow who
kept a small truck farm. During Mr.
Hayes four years In the white house,
on one of his visits homo, he passed this
old man's farm and found him planting
potatoes. The president, being some
what of a farmer himself, noticed somo
eccentricity In his neighbor's Btyle of
planting, and after a little chat called
attention to It. The old man defended
his method and finally Mr. Hayes said
as he started along: "Well, I don't
think you will get the best kind of a
crop If you plant In that manner." The
farmer rested his elbows on tho fence.
"They ain't neither one of ub above
bavin' fault found with us," he Bald,
"but If you Jest go on presidentin' the
United States your way and I go on
piantln' pertaters my way I guess wo
won't be no wuss off In the end." Ex
Paper indestructible by fire, Is said
to have been invented by a Parisian.
A specimen o'f It was subjected to a
severe test forty-eight hours In a pot
ter's furnace and It came out Intact.
Tho pneumatic tent is a tent without
poles. The only supports aro canvas
encased nlr tubes, which, when In
flated, afford all the resistance that Is
required. The whole affair weighs only
a few pounds, and on account of Us
extreme portability Is likely to appeal
strongly to travelers.
Tho picturesque upper suspension
bridge at Niagara FallB will within tho
next year be replaced by a new and
moro modern structure, for which
plans are now practically completed.
It will be a steel arch bridge, 1,240 feet
long and 46 feet wide, and over 4,000,
000 pounds of steel will bo needed for it,
A French Journal describes a new
and promising substitute for gold. It
is produced by alloying ninety-four
parts of copper with six of antimony,
tho copper being first melted and the
antimony afterward added; to this a
quantity of magnesium carbonate Is
added to Increase its specific gravity.
The alloy is capable of being drawn
f w,...rht nn,l nl,lorrt Inc. o ,.
no irnlH la nnrl la en M In Inln nn .
tain as fine a polish as gold. Its cost
is one shilling a pound.
Now Chum: And how am I to know
when I'm getting near the gold? Old
Digger; Well, just keep on digging till
yer pick gets yallcr like mustard, and
you can reckon you are coming on It
Sydney Bulletin.
A Mnn'o Connie of Life CtinnRcrt by the
Trrnctntatlnn of n Card.
"This piny of 'Tho Fatal Card' wo'vo
been having here lately," said a Wash
ington merchant, "reminds mo of a
card story."
"Not ono of tho kind of cards that
Washlngtonlans nro most familiar
with, Is It?" Inquired tho reporter, try-
mg to uo rncctlous.
"Hardly. But lot mo tell you tho
tale. When I wns a youngster of 1G or
less, which Is now forty or fifty years
ngo, I hniln't ns much money as I havo
now, nor did my parents, but wo thrived
woll, nnd I got tho best education that
was to bo had at the time, owing to
the kindness of a millionaire relative
oi mmo, an oiu ennp wno uieu wncn i
wnB about 20. Wo novcr know tho
story until ho died, and then It all came
out In a letter ho wrote and loft with
his will.
"It seems that when the old man wan
about 20 ho went west with a young
man of his own age, who had been
brought with him by the samo people,
both being orphans. They wero as
brothers, or oven closer, In their affec
tions, and when they started out to scok
their fortunes they each wrote a card
and gave it to tho other. Just what tho
inscription wns I don't know, but It waB
enough to Blgnify that if ono was In
need the other would honor tho card
under nny circumstances, and after any
lapse of time, If ho were financially able
to do so.
"Well, they worked together for
awhile, and then, by business changes
and one way or another, they separ
ated. For a long tlmo they kept up a
correspondence, but as tho years went
by that dropped, for In a few years ono
was very successful, whllo tho other
man was not, and you know how things
go under those circumstances. A quar
ter of a century went by, and by that
time my relative was a millionaire
many times over, and tho nastiest,
meanest, stingiest, crustiest old cuss In
ten states. He couldn't help that, per
haps, and I don't know that he tried.
"Anyhow, ono day a ragged and
starving mnn camo Into his ofllco nnd
asked to see him alone. Ho told him
to state his business where he was.
Tho man told a long story of suffering
and want, of a sick and starving "wife
and children and the usual concomi
tants of that kind of a situation, and
then handed my relative a card. It
was yellow and worn and dirty, but it
was the same old card that he had
given hiB boyhood friend. Tho old man
gave the applicant a dime and told him
to get out and not come back thero any
moro. Ho obeyed the cruel command
and went out silently. That evening a
policeman came to tho old man's ofllco
with a note and a card. All the noto
said was: 'Give this to my boyhood
friend, . Ho will understand.'
"The noto was unsigned. Tho card
which tho policeman handed over had
a hole through It as If cut by a knife,
and there was blood about tho edges of
tho cut. The officer explained that It
had been found on the dead body of a
man In an attic room In tho slums, with
a knife driven through it and into tho
man'p heart. That was all the police
man knew. I don't know what tho
old man said, or how he felt, but I do
know that from that day forward ho
was a changed man.
"Ho gave to every worthy person
needing help; he sought out all his poor
kin and took enre of them Judiciously;
educating tho girls, giving the boyB a
start in business, and helping their
parents; he organized charities and ho
offered a reward of $1,000 for tho fam
ily of hid dead friend. Ho nover found
it, however, and I fancy tho friend
never had a family. I guess he wasn't
any good, anyway, but, whether he was
or not, the way he took himself off wa3
a blessing to the old man, and moBt em
phatically to all of hla kin." Washing
ton Star.
Fish Hatched by Hem.
China is a land of queer things. Even
their hens nre queer. When not en
gaged in hatching out a brood of their
own kind they are put to the additional
and novel task of hatching fish eggs.
Chinese cheap labor collects the spawn
of fish from the water's edge, places It
in an empty eggshell, which is then
hermetically sealed with wax, and
places it under the unsuspecting sitting
hen. After some days the eggshell Is
removed and carefully broken, and tho
spawn which has been warmed Into
life, 1b emptied into a shallow pool well
warmed by tho sun. Here the min
nows that soon develop are nursed un
til strong enough to be turned Into a
lake or stream.
Itlchet From An Accident.
The shop of a Dublin tobacconist was
destroyed by fire. While the owner
was gazing into the ruins, he noticed
that his neighbors were gathering tho
snuff from the canisters. Ho tested
the snuff, and discovered that the flro
had largely Improved Its pungency and
aroma. He secured another shop, built
himself a lot of ovens, subjected the
snuff to a heating process, gave tho
brand a particular name, and In a few
years became rich through an accident.
Cost of Living.
Maine's labor commissioner has
been gathering statistics on the cost
of living in that state. Ho figures that
the average aally cost of living Is 31
cents a day for each individual in tho
avprage family. The cost of living to
" ,"Jv.. ..'"' ."-" ''"?'," ... , .
" "bm .u.. '"" "". UCJ uuu
I 'b'"
She Wrote for George.
The first successful woman editor and
proprietor of a newspaper in thiB coun
try was, according to the Hartford
Courant, Miss Watson, who edited tho
Courant 120 years ago. She numbered
among her subscribers George Washington.
ituilRr of the Olympian (lame.
Universal peace during tho month of
tho panics wns proclaimed .by heralds
In every part of i I ell us, nnd tho slight
est breaking of the sacred truco wns
thought sacrilege, which deities nnd
men alike wero bound to punish. Tho
judges of the games, or "Hellhnodl
cntc," ranglne from nlno to twelvo In
number nt different times, wore elected
by tho Elonns. All who wished to bo
judges Wero required to show not only
that they hnd never committed a
crime, public or private, but that thoy
were stainless lu moral character.
Not unfrequently even men of dlstinc-1
tion wero excluded by tins severe test
during the golden "ngo of Hellenic
honor. "Tho Olympian Games," by
G. T. Ferris, in April bU Nicholas.
llcm'i ThUt
We offer One Hundred Dollar reward
f0r any cnse 0f catarrh that c
cannot be
cured by Hall's rutnrrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undorslRned, hnve known F.
J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and be
ltevo him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions, and financially
nble to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Tol.3o, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. Testi
monials sent free. Pi Ice. 75c per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Hall'o Family I'llls. SGc.
WnrtU OfT Clmrlty Hunters.
A well known judge has invented
rather n neat reply to the letters of
busvbodics soliciting subscriptions for
useless societies. Ho fills tho first
page on tho noto paper with these
words, written in a bold hand: Bear
sir, In reply to your letter, I havo
much pleasure In subscribing" hero
the secretary joyfully turns tho pago
to find tho conclusion of the sentenco
on the following leaf "myself, your
obedient servant, John So-and-so."
St. James Budget.
Coe'a Cough Ilnlsam
In the oldest ami beU It will break up a Cold quick,
ertt&c an thing clac Hl always reliable, 'lrylt.
Sim Told 'llipni.
M. do Strop Mary, remember, I nm
at home to none except Mr. Vcre
Broivnkins this afternoon.
Mary (half nn hour later) I'vo told
four gentlemen callers that you wero
nt home to none except Mr. Vcro
Brownkins. ma'am, and they left very
mad indeed. Judge.
I'lpo's Cure lor Consumption is our only
medicine lor coughs una colds. Mrs. C.
lieltz, 431) fctb Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8,1)3.
' An Iimtntice.
"Moral courage," said tho teacher,
"is tho courage thnt makes a boy do
what he thinks is right, regardless of
the jeers of his companions."
"Then," said Willie, "if a feller has
candy and cats it all hissolf, and ain't
afraid of the other fellers callin' him
stingy, is that moral courago?" Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
There nre Dictionaries nnd Dictionaries
I ut the uoHost Itonmn of them nil rcciiik
to lo WoUtcr. It is still ensily in tho
lend in tho prent rnco for popularity.
Wrll nnd Huppy When She Had Knixiph.
We once knew n woman, nn inmate
of a county infirmary, who attained the
ripe age of 10(1 years, who had always
been an inveterate user of tobacco,
which owing to her poverty was a lux
ury not easily obtained. To cconomizo
in its use, she first chewed the plug and
dried the quids, from which she made a
tea und drank of it freely, then tho res
idue was carefully rcdried for consump
tion in her T. D. pipe. The old lady
proudly affirmed that she had never
been ill. Cleveland Medical Gazette.
It the Unby la Cutting Tcotn.
Bciure and un that old and well-tried remedr, Una.
VVueloWb EooTHixo Einur lor Children Tcetblne-
llnril Pntc.
"This, Indies and gentlemen," said
tho dime museum orator, leading his
auditors over lo tho next platform, "is
the armless wonder, Signor lingBtock,
who was not only born without arms,
but is also deaf and dumb. Tho great
grief of his life, ladies and gentlemen,
is that he can neither say anything nor
can be saw wood." Chicngo Tribune.
HTR All I'll itomwvirrrrlii Dr.ICIIne'n flret
erve lteatorer. Nii'ILuflertliuniiiiH)'iii'.
Uarvrlou.curr. Tl-HtleniMl fitrf-l lJUIefn-i t.
litiuth bi-uatolir. Klliii,ti3lArcubt.ll'UlA.,J-.
There nre fifty-one anarchist papers pub
lished in England and America.
There nre twenty creeks in tho country
with tho name of the Titer.
Breaker Heed denies the report that he
studied for the ministry.
Nearly every cittren ot a town le'.ieves
that he '"in ado" it.
Dkb Moines, April 3. Patents havo
been allowed to Iowa inventors as
follows.: To H. Mcndcnhull and F. H.
Davis, of Audubon, for important im
provement relating to n feed trough
for animals, for which patent Jyo.
33K.915 wns issued to the said Mention
hall April 13, 1860. To J. W. Terman,
of Ntw Sharon, for a composition for
purifying nnd preserving butter, sweet
milk, etc., and destroying bacteria or
other micro-organisms therein. Hancid
butter treated therewith and sterilized
thereby is said to be ns good and sweet
as fresh butter. Valuable information
about obtaining, valuing nnd belling
patents sent free to any nd dress.
1'riuted copies of the drawings nnd
speci8entions of nny United States
patent sent upon receipt of U5 cents.
Our practice is not restricted to Iowa
and inventors in other states can havo
our services on samo terms as tho
Thomas O. and J. Ralph Oir.vio,
Solicitors of Patents.
l'rotiabljr Haa Nut Ocrurml to Illiu.
"If tho British lion," chuckled the
American eagle," "is hurrying to dis
cover the south pole so ho can wrap his
tail around it and talte possession, let
him go ahead. The revolution of tho
earth on its axis will give ills tail tho
hardest twist it has over had yet."
Chicago Tribune,
Tlir lMlfc-rlm ICutter Number.
Will be ready tho early part of April.
Everything in it will be new nnd orig
inal. It will contain articles by Cant.
Chas. King. U. S. A., ex-tJov. Ueo. V,
Pock, of Wisconsin, and other noted
writers. An entertuining number, well
illustrated, feend ten (10) cents to Geo.
II. Heaflbrd, publisher. 415 Old Colony
building, Chicugo, 111., for a copy.
A Prince All ert coat often covers a mul
titude of putches.
If you' think auvone is wle, it is tecpuse
you don't know him very well.
When Traveling,
Whether on pleasure bent, or business,
tnko on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
'Figs, ns It nctB most pleasantly and
effectually on the kidneys, liver, and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches,
and other formn of ficknesB. For sale
lu 50 cent nnd 11 bottles by all leading
drugglHtH. Manufactured by tho Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company only.
Trnda In llimannn.
Few persons nro awnro of tho extent
to which tho banana litis becomo popu
larized in tho United Mates. Accord
ing to tho statistics thero wero import
ed iu,TUO,iU7 uunclics oi bnnnnnas m
1805, of which number 1)28,330 bunches
came to Baltimore, 1,037.802 to Boston,
2,4M,01Sto Mobile, fi.OSH.UO to Now
Orleans, 4,5I9,IV72 to New York and
2,020,780 to Philadelphia. Tho Balti
more, Boston nnd Philadelphia supply
was from Jamaica. New Orleans nnd
Mobile pot their supply largely from
Central America, while" Now York got
hers from nil sources. The peoplo find
in tho banana a cheap and wholesome
nrtlclo of food, which is valuable at
seasons when few fruits aro to bo had.
Illt how tt lino II !w mil Hip ttrMlnn.
It Iftvmmiti toknnvr ilmt Himlimxirnn Hike out iho
1 0. ut, and n very leulnu relief It It. 15c, nt dmiajlil
"Oh, yes," continued the girl of tho
prehistoric period, "wo had birds
twenty feet high in those days."
"Dear mo," exclaimed tho fin do
stcclo person, "what lovely hats you
must havo hndl Well, wclll" Detroit
"I hint- Irlril I'arUrr'n Olnacr Tonic
iintl Ucllovo In II,"t a mother ml tonhl you
tuy when fumllUr with Its rcTlmlUlrtt iroortlcs.
Ilio quoen of Houmnnln fairly revels in
Half Vnro Kxcurslnns la tho Wabash,
Tho short line to St. I.ouIh, and quick routo
Host or South,
April 21st nnd May 5th. Excursions to
nil points South nt ono faro for tho round
triii wun &i.w auuen
JUNK 10th,
Nntionnl Republican Convention nt St.
JUIA" I'd,
National Educational Association at
Chrixtiau Endeavor Convention nt
JULY 22ud,
National Peoplo and Silver Convention nt
St. Louis.
For rates, time tnb'es nnd further infor
mation, cull nt tho Wnhash ticket office,
Hin l'arnaui St., Pnxton Hotel block, or
rlto Geo. N. Clayton.
N. W. Pass. ArL, Oinnlin, Nob.
A lio must bo thntched with another or it
will Boon rnin through.
Milliard table, tcrond-haml. for salo
cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akin,
Ml S. Ktb St, Omaha, Nob.
AAif AA"2-AA"AA,AA,A-i"
Pain often con
centrates ull
its Misery in
tjjwy y yiiymiyw ymyiylwiiylif'iiyiiTw'yiiyBy
1 tSaBSi
1 '.tf --liy worth other tfansas
4 ply siB -
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 f llK J: Acffw J iff a ft
W JBmT WMiL -- -1
M - ' J ' '
W HH mi JBH I mhPA m& if M:t
i Kd III vJMILk-: 1
5 ounces for JO cents You 1
L may have " money to burn' but even m
W so, you needn't throw away 2 ounces J
of good tobacco. For 5 cents you get
1 almost as much "Battle Ax" as you fi
m do of other high grades for JO cents. ' 5
I A. D. 1 780. I
$. 2c
Try Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa and
Chocolate and you will understand why
their business established in 1780 has flour
ished ever since. Look out for imitations.
Walter Baker & Co.,
An Imprudent lint Clnnhttitf Woman.
Young women who take books at tho
circulating library aro imprudent to
use their pages as blotters. They aro
doing wrong also, for it is against tho
rules. A copy of "Lord Ormond and
llss Amlnta, ' which has becii in use in
a Philadelphia library, hold in front of
a mirror rovcnled tho inscription, "I
send you my heart with a kls" All
women finish their letters with that
phrase, which cannot therefore betray
anybody; but, in this case, tho signa
ture was there.
The Ilaclt. the TlintnltorretT and tho Hoot
Wore olil-fnsMoncd Instruments of torture,
long sltu'o abandoned, but thero l a f or
uiitntor who still continues to hgonl'otho
Joints, muscle nnd nerves of many of us.
Tho rheumatism, thut Invoternto foe to
dally and iilplitly comfort, tuft) tie coitiUor
cil by the timely nnd steady uso of lloitet
tcr'sHtomnch Hitters, which llSowljc eradi
cates neuralgia, bllllmn, malarial, bowel
stomach nnd nerve complaints.
Thero nre to great crimes; murder arid
slander. v v
GASOLINE engines-
IRON AND WOOD Kcllpso ami Falrbmks Wind-
ml lit, 'ltiwen. Tunks Irrlira-
Iflillinn " Outtll, How, nuiUng,
UIIUUV (Irlmlcrsfh.'llor Wornl aw,
i IfllYir.' nvo 1'olnu, l'lre. Klttlnm,
B Willi V Ilnui Ciowlt nnd rntrbmika
Nlnndnril Heule. Prlrct
OF ALL KINDS, low Get tho te;, goud tot
I Ctalofuo.
1102 Farnnm St. Omaha. Nob.
Patents. trade-Marks.
Examination and Advice u to rateniibllltr of
invention. Head for " Inventor' UutdftOr How to Qrt
ftl'aienl" TaTBCZ 0TABSXLL. WASHIltSTOl?, S.,0.
Write for
Eicliniiffe, Denver, Oolo.
ouiiuui. UUunu Miring i. em
Weotorn School Supply Home.
mult it frtjm the
Vet Motnea, Iou
'iT.Si'ulTriompsoB's Eye Water.
Ayer's .J:
i Sarsaparilla si
i I
jS The Remedy with
a Record. f , l
! 50 Years of Cures S;
If you want to feci It con
centrate Its licallnc In
a cure.
Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.